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Dominican Republic
GMW national coordinator: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic Participating organisations: Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana, Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC), Asociación la Nacional de Ahorros y Prestamos, Asociación La Vega Real (ALAVER), Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Banco ADEMI, Banco ADOPEM, Banco BHD León, Banco Caribe, Banco Central de la República Dominicana, Banco Popular, Banco Santa Cruz, Banco Unión, Banesco, BANFONDESA, Banreservas, Bolsa de Mercado de Valores de la Republica Dominicana, Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal (CAPGEFI), Dirección General de Contabilidad Gubernamental, Dirección General de Impuestos Internos, Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Mipymes, Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo, Ministerio de Hacienda, Proconsumidor, Prodominicana, Scotiabank, Superintendencia de Bancos, Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores, Superintendencia de Pensiones, Tesorería Nacional, Visa Total number of participating organisations: 32 Number of children and young people reached directly: 7,360 Number of adults reached directly: 5,300 Number of people reached indirectly: Not reported
To celebrate GMW 2021, Dominican Republic launched a new website for the National Strategy for Economic and Financial Education as part of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. In addition, series of lectures and talks were organised as part of the programme.
The Central Bank and CAF Development Bank led discussions with university students on their essays about “Ideas for the Future.” Banco Popular offered talks on “Saving Makes Us Well” and “Build Your Dreams in 5 Steps.” Banco BHD León organised a lecture on “Financial Personality,” Banco Santa Cruz’s held session on “Seven Financial Habits That Can Change Your Life”, Tesorería Nacional spoke about “The National Treasury Is My Task”, and Banco ADEMI planned a workshop on “Financial Education.” Other sessions included topics such as “A High-Flying Dream” and “How to Manage Your Finances in A Sustainable Way” by Asoc. Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos. In addition, Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores held a talk about “Getting To Know The Stock Market”, and Superintendencia de Bancos focused on topics such as “Taking Care Of Your Money Is Taking Care Of Your Health”, and “Put Your Pocket In Order.” Also, ‘’Export and Investment for Development’’ lecture was led by ProDominicana, while Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana planned a lecture on “Banks: What Are They, What Do They Do And What Is Their Function?” Bolsa de Valores talk was about “Contributing To The Dominican Capital Market: The Best Decision A Professional Can Make.” Banreservas organised lectures on “Child Savings” and “Preserve Young People”, Visa’s session focused on “Tools To Start And Manage Your Business With Visa”, Asoc. Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos lectures were about “How To Navigate Safely In The Networks” and “Personal Finance Management.” Ministerio de Hacienda did a lecture on “A Journey Through The Universe Of Public Finances,” whereas DGII lectures focused on “What Is This Thing Called Tax” and “Facilities And Opportunities Regarding Law No.46-20 Reintroduced By Law 07-21.” Banco Caribe storytelling was about “The Secret of the Stones.”
Similarly, other sessions took place during GMW 2021. For example, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mipymes held a presentation on “The Economic Education Tools” in coordination with the Franckfurt school and a talk on “Financial Tools For Life And Business.” Superintendencia de Pensiones discussed “System of Pensions In The Context Of The Dominican Socioeconomic Reality: Challenges And Opportunities” and launched the “SIPEN’s children’s stories - Collection Learning To Save.” Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo organised an event on the “Journey To The Digital Transformation Of The Ministry Of Economy, Planning And Development. La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos focused on “How To Plan Your Future In 5 Steps”, Banco ADOPEM on “Healthy Emotions For Young People” and “Develop Your Entrepreneurial Spirit.” CAPGEFI talked about ‘’Governmental Financial Administration” and “How Public Institutions Buy And Business Opportunities With The State.” Whereas, Dirección General de Contabilidad Gubernamental’s lectures focused on “Governmental Accounting In The Field Of Public Finances” and “Governmental Regulatory Instruments That Every Accountant Should Know.” Proconsumidor held a lecture on “Establish Financial Health”, BAFONDESA on “Activate Your Finances: Small Steps To Achieve Big Dreams” and “Savings Culture.”
Moreover, other lectures were held as part of the Global Money Week programme in the Dominican Republic. Banesco session focused on “Financial Culture with the Savings Guru”, Scotiabank’s on “Leadership And Coaching In The Financial Sector” and “Impact Of Finances On Your Personal Well-being.” Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC) held sessions on “Impact of Credit Unions on Young People” and “Saving is Fun”, while Asociación La Vega Real (ALAVER) talk focused on “Digital Reputation.”
The Central Bank organised a conference led by the CEO Corporate Excellence, Centre for Reputation Leadership.