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two executives, financial education experts from APIM-G and UNICEF, the conference focused on the importance of savings, identifying players in the financial ecosystem. All participants expressed the need to bring all actors of the financial ecosystem together to create the best conditions to promote access to credit at reduced costs for young entrepreneurs. This meeting was marked by the interventions of the Minister of Youth and Youth Employment and the Director General of FONIJ who in their respective speeches, welcomed the initiative and encouraged young people to acquire enough knowledge on financial matters in order to achieve financial well-being and financial resilience.
During GMW 2021 in Guinea, more than 13,600 Internet users were engaged through online communication channels. National television, social networks, and other platforms were used to share GMW news and updates.
Participating organisations: Crescat, Banque de la République d’Haiti, Collège Canado Haitien, Collège Aux Jours Heureux, Collège Le Normalien, Université Quisqueya, Lycée Fritz Pierre-Louis, Société d’Inclusion Financière Groupe- Bénin, Office Box Total number of participating organisations: 8 Number of children and young people reached directly: 2,200 Number of adults reached directly: 2,691 Number of people reached indirectly: 500
Throughout Global Money Week 2021, Crescat, along with its partners, reached 2,200 youth through several digital activities. A virtual visit of the money museum was organised to explore 40 years of money collection since the creation of the Central Bank in the country. Several financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to young people and adults, mostly through digital means. This included publishing money management tips on Crescat’s social media platform during Global Money Week and the entire month of March. Additional educational online sessions were planned on money creation and on the importance of savings in time of crisis.
An in-person conference took place during the GMW as well; speakers discussed different topics such as how to manage a crisis but also personal well-being issues, budget basics, the role of the central bank and how to invest while being young.