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Digital activities such as webinars mainly for high school and university students, online classes and games for younger students reached more than 6,900 children and youngsters. Approximately 1,900 adults, teachers and parents participated in the Week. Due to the media, newspaper articles and websites, the number of people involved in GMW 2021 is estimated to be 30,000.
In line with the GMW 2021 theme, “Take care of your money, take care of yourself” most events had a special focus on financial resilience, providing students and their families with advise on how to manage their finances during the crisis. The importance of saving and financial planning was the fil rouge of many activities.
Due to the pandemic, more people have started using computers, tablets and smartphones. Therefore, many partners offered digital workshops for young students to explain basic concepts of cybersecurity and raise awareness on how to protect their online transactions, especially payments. The use of gamification and challenges among students helped to explain difficult issues effectively, engaging students in stimulating activities and raising their curiosity. University students were involved in webinars on risks and protection tools for digital investors. GameStop was used in several webinars organised by universities as a case study to explain financial markets price fluctuations, the role of social media, the risk-reward relationship, and the risks related to the use of customers data.
Saving and investing decisions were at the centre focus for activities targeting university students and adults. A few webinars were devoted to explaining how financial behaviour might be affected by individual bias and how this bias can affect market functioning.
GMW 2021 was also an opportunity to illustrate financial education projects for schools. Many GMW partners proposed videos or web tutorials to be used directly by the students or teachers to learn the basic of most financial decision-making. Online financial education classes were also organised in several schools during the GMW.
GMW national coordinator: Bank of Japan Participating organisations: Central Council for Financial Services Information, Financial Services Agency of Japan, Osaka Council for Financial Services Information, Kinki Finance Bureau, Nikkei, Inc., Buntetsu Museum of Bank Notes and Coins, Japanese Bankers Association, Japan Security Dealers’ Association, Consumer Center of Osaka Prefecture, Japan Security Dealers’ Association of Osaka, Osaka Exchange, Inc., Life Insurance Association of Osaka Prefecture, Japan Institute of Life Insurance, The Osaka Private Schools Information Education Association Total number of participating organisations: 15 Number of children and young people reached directly: 241 Number of adults reached directly: 241 Number of people reached indirectly: 6,335,853
In Japan, governmental institutions, industry association, non-profit organisations, and the media collaborated to encourage the participation of youth, teachers, and adults in the Global Money Week Campain 2021. Many activities were held digitally, especially through SNS and media, and thus resulted in receiving the attention of more than 6,400,000 people through the week.
Did you know?
The financial authorities in Japan collaborated with Nikkei.inc., the largest economic newspaper company in Japan, to engage people online on the themes related to financial matters.