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GMW national coordinator: Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE) Participating organisations: Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA), EMMA, JAYE Malta Foundation, Central Bank of Malta, Malta Insurance Association Total number of participating organisations: 35 Number of children and young people reached directly: 466,211 Number of adults reached directly: 274,311 Number of people reached indirectly: 44,220
During GMW 2021, the Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE), in coordination with 34 financial education partners, proposed 267 activities and educational resources that reached 739,622 children, youth, young entrepreneurs, parents, teachers, and educational authorities, among others.
MIDE presented talks for young people addressing the importance of pension savings and the responsible use of credit, interactive digital workshops for children to develop planning skills and the use of tools to organise money.
Throughout the week, Banco de México presented a podcast aimed at children on the different roles of money, as well as consumption, savings, loans and interest concepts. It also carried out activities for teenagers emphasising how each individual participates, through his or her decisions, in a complex economic system.
Educational institutions such as the Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, the Escuela Superior de Economía of IPN, the Instituto BIVA and the Escuela de la Bolsa Mexicana organised conferences, contests and simulators to increase the awareness of youth on issues related to investment, the stock market, cryptocurrencies, the importance of insurance and a culture of foresight, and the benefits of financial planning since childhood.
From the governmental sphere, the Banco del Bienestar, the Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas, the CONDUSEF, the CONSAR, Nacional Financiera, the Instituto FONACOT and the Instituto para la Protección al Ahorro Bancario, provided resources for children and teenagers focusing on the importance of planning, the use of money and how entrepreneurial projects can be developed. Videos were produced and contests organised in order to explain in a simple and practical way about the different tools that protect people’s finances, such as insurance, virtual sessions to discover the benefits that credit offers to achieve goals, conferences to motivate savings, foster formal savings, prioritise the needs and not leave retirement savings in neglect.
The Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones Bursátiles, the Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Garantías, the Asociación Mexicana de Sociedades Financieras Populares and SOLLIV Constructing Opportunities for Solid Livelihoods gave talks for young people and teachers who wished to learn about investment instruments that can enhance their entrepreneurial projects.
From the private sector, Actinver, Banco Azteca, Santander, Bank of America, CitiBanamex and Provident organised activities and workshops for young people to discover the benefits of investment, strategies to get out of debt, plays and stand-ups so that children and teenagers could identify strategies to take care of their money and recognise the importance of repayment and the responsible use of credit. Courses on basic concepts such as saving, investing and budgeting were also organised.
Organisations specialised in financial education for children such as Inverkids, Business kids, AfortundaMente, Kidzania and Ahorra que puedes imparted workshops on social networks and educational resources aimed at providing children and their teachers with materials to address the money cycle, to create entrepreneurship projects, set SMART savings goals and reinforce the steps that will motivate them to take care of their money.