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The Netherlands
GMW national coordinator: MoneyWise Participating organisations: Dutch Ministry of Finance, Dutch Banking Association, Dutch Central Bank, Federation of Dutch Pension Funds, Dutch Association of Insurers, National Institute for Family Finance Information, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, 36 municipalities and many other partners Total number of participating organisations: 200 Number of children and young people reached directly: 500,000 Number of adults reached directly: Not reported Number of people reached indirectly: 15,000,000
During Global Money Week 2021, the Dutch Platform Money Wise along with partners reached 500,000 children and youth through several digital activities as well as their online Studio. As part of the programme, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to children and youth, mostly through digital means. These included various livestream programmes in a talk show setting, online lectures by financial experts, but also printed materials for classroom sessions. High-level educational talk shows were organised for various target audiences with the partners. Throughout the Week, until the summer, primary schools are able to request an online lecture by a financial expert. Furthermore, this year the Dutch Platform Money Wise celebrated the 10th edition of the Dutch Money Week with a special edition of Dagobert Duck for primary schools.