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North Macedonia
GMW national coordinator: FNational Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia Participating organisations: Coordinating Body on Financial Education and Financial Inclusion (National Bank, Ministry of Finance, Insurance Supervision Agency, MAPAS, Securities and Exchange Commision), Macedonian Banking Association, Commercial banks (Komercijalna banka, and TTK banka), Saving House FULM, Macedonian Credit Bureau, NGOs (Junior Achievement Macedonia, Global Shapers Skopje Hub, Romalitiko, IMOR) Total number of participating organisations: 14 Number of children and young people reached directly: 1,915 Number of adults reached directly: 270 Number of people reached indirectly: 319,475
In Morocco, GM To celebrate GMW 2021, the National Bank, the Ministry of Finance, MAPAS, Insurance Supervision Agency and Securities and Exchange Commission as part of the Coordinating Body for Financial Education and Financial Inclusion, planned many events and activities to raise awareness of financial literacy in North Macedonia. The main activities included online lectures that reached 1,915 students and 270 adults. All these five institutions taught basic financial terms and definitions in elementary, high schools and universities in more than 20 cities in the country.
The Minister of Finance gave a lecture on the budget, its functions and execution in one of the universities. 150 participants were educated on various topics in the field of financial system and budget. Moreover, some institutions published animated educational videos, organised quizzes, held live session on social media, shared educational articles, and organised debates. The Securities and Exchange Commission prepared and published on their website a wide range of educational materials and animated videos relevant to the capital market as well about the basic concepts in the field of securities, investment and financial instruments. In addition, the National Bank shared an educational video on “Security Features on Macedonian Money” which was part of the series of “With the National Bank in the World of Finances.” They also participated in a radio programme, and published an article called “NonPerforming Loans – What they mean for the banking clients?” under the activity of “Economics for All.”
The National Bank in cooperation with the Macedonian Banking Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission organised a pre-event on the European Money Quiz on a national level. The runners-up of the European Money Quiz in 2019 and 2020 shared their experience with the participants registered in the European Money Quiz for 2021. About 600 students from 72 elementary and high schools across the country participated in the European Money Quiz.
In addition, the Macedonian Credit Bureau led Facebook live sessions on their channel. The goal was to educate their followers and other individuals about financial education. Komercijalna Banka and TTK Banka, as well as the Saving House FULM led e-classrooms and quizzes. Within the workshops, children from primary schools learnt about money topics through many activities. The aim was to increase and spread awareness of the importance of financial literacy of children and youth. Students from secondary schools actively engaged with inspiring and productive discussions about smart money management, importance of taking care of personal finances, how to manage their money wisely and how they can save money and realise their plans in the future. Furthermore, the students were given different quizzes about their financial knowledge, saving habits and money management skills. Online educational training from MAPAS was held in three faculties. The trainings covered a total of 263 students and 15 professors who actively participated and showed special interest in fully funded pension insurance.
Global Shapers Skopje Hub through its project “Financial Literacy for Youth” actively engaged more than 90 students and young adults from diverse backgrounds and reached 2,800 young people through digital learning activities. The Junior Achievement Macedonia in cooperation with teachers, high schools and business volunteers, reached 162 young people through several online activities, such as two-week long JA Innovation Camp competition and training sessions with university and stock exchange representatives. All of the participating organisations were actively present on social media.