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GMW national coordinator: Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) Participating organisations: Romania National Bank, Financial Studies Institute (ISF), Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), Romanian National Radio (RRA), Profit.Ro, EM360, Romanian Association of Banks (ARB), National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies (UNSAR), Romanian Banking Institute (IBR), Promoting Performance in Education Association (APPE), Sago Finance SRL, High Edu, One Minute Economics, Finante FM, The Freepreneur, Educat si Bogat Blog, Royal School in Transylvania, school inspectorates, schools, universities and volunteers Total number of participating organisations: 325 Number of children and young people reached directly: 25,658 Number of adults reached directly: 3,612 Number of people reached indirectly: Not reported
Throughout Global Money Week 2021, Romanian authorities, institutions, associations, companies and key opinion leaders, along with their partners, joint efforts in organising local and nationwide activities to celebrating the 9th edition of the Campaign. Once again, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and its partners held GMW 2021 Launch Event at the Bucharest Stock Exchange. This online ceremony was livestreamed on social media and watched by many.
Other major events were organised by the ASF in order to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy and financial resilience. During the inaugural day of GMW 2021, the ASF and the TV producer EM360 involved key opinion leaders of Romanian economic landscape in a largely distributed social media debate related to the importance of financial education and building future financial resilience. A TV show series, touching upon the most relevant financial education themes, was developed in partnership with the Profit.ro broadcaster.
The ASF and ISF further partnered with the Romanian National Radio in an on-air financial educational programme and contest, reaching youngsters from both urban and rural areas through radio and social media. During the Academic Fin Hub organised by ASF, rectors from the top five Romanian universities met with the financial markets specialists from the Stock Exchange, the National Insurers Association and the Private Pensions Association in a debate related to the role held by early financial education in building a strong career. FinClub and ASF Student Club, two national online groups gathered youngsters interested in money matters for a meeting. Furthermore, the ASF also launched an online magazine dedicated to teachers during GMW month in March.

Given the COVID-19 situation, activities and events were organised by the National Bank of Romania exclusively online, in the form of presentations, games, educational videos, quizzes. The typical target groups were students from secondary and high schools, together with their teachers.
The Romanian Association of Banks held a financial quiz for youngsters at the ages of 13-15. Throughout this contest, organised annually by the ARB both under European Money Week and Global Money Week, over 1,630 students from over 125 schools entered the competition. This was two times more compared to the previous year. The contest implemented by the ARB via an educational partnership with the Romanian Banking Institute announced three winners.
Sago Finance and their partners organised online financial education activities during GMW 2021. The high school students who followed an interactive video content were able to connect with financial experts during live discussions. Many video courses were distributed daily in partner schools and later made accessible online. Students took part in the “MyStudentBudget” project about making their own budget and learning how to apply financial education knowledge in preparing for life at a college in a different city. At the end, the project connected participants with students from those cities to validate their data. The project also involved parents.
In the APPE project, students played an online game called “Kids – a successful business.” Professors organised competitions, such as making a money box. The initiative aimed at showing how money is perceived, acquired, spent, saved, invested, donated for charitable purposes or borrowed in today’s society, simultaneously with concentrating on building basic management skills. The project integrated children from all over Romania and from the Republic of Moldova, all guided by 182 professors. At the end, youth participated in a game that focused on questions on financial education.