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Participating organisations: National Bank of Serbia (NBS), Centre for Financial Education and Empowerment (CEFIN), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Educational Institution, Association of Serbian Banks, Casa Forte, University Singidunum, Belgrade; Local Municipility Vra ar, Belgrade; Kontroling Kognosko, Zagreb,Croatia; Kontroling Biznis Centar, Skoplje, Makedonija; Erste bank, Wiener Städtische osiguranje a.d.o., ISACA, Herbut Consulting, Uradi zaradi, Andeli Total number of participating organisations: 15 Number of children and young people reached directly: 360 Number of adults reached directly: 650 Number of people reached indirectly: 278,200
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Bank of Serbia focused on different video presentations during Global Money Week. The videos were made available online on Monday, March 22 on the NBS Visitor Centre website.
To celebrate GMW 2021, the Center for Financial Education and Empowerment (CEFIN) together with partners organised a live streamed event called “Virtuelni Money Meetup“ on March, 27th . The event reached more than 900 adults, youth and children on Facebook and YouTube. The sessions focused on financial education and entrepreneurship. Erste bank, Wiener Städtische Insurance and Herbut Consulting led lecture on “Saving and investing for the future,” ISACA and Erste held discussions on “Online payments and cybersecurity” entrepreneurs from Andeli, Uradi zaradi, CEFIN talked about youth entrepreneurship, and the #ErsteZnali online financial education platform was presented. In addition, online viewers shared their views about saving for future through Mentimeter. During the live chat everyone could ask questions and leave comments.
In Serbia, this was the second time that the “Virtuelni Money Meetup“ was organised by CEFIN after an initial launch in November 2020. This unique financial education event is about connecting financial institutions, experts and citizens.
To celebrate GMW 2021, a regional conference by Casa Forte was organised on the “Importance of financial literacy of young people” on March, 23rd. Speakers included a senior consultant at Casa Forte, professor at the University Singidunum, Chief Financial Officer at Pliva Macedonia, member of Teva Group and member of the Control Business Center in North Macedonia, General Manager at Kontroling Kognosko d.o.o, and a member of the municipality of Vracar for social and child protection. The panellists highlighted the importance of financial literacy in everyday business, in career development, in long-term life and business plans. The audience consisted of students, small and medium-sized enterprises, representatives of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, representatives of NGOs who support initiatives focusing on increasing financial literacy.