Challenge Everything with Volvo Penta SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022

Lower Total Cost of Ownership Better Value In The Long Run
Together, let’s rethink the possibilities and take your operations – and bottom line –to the next level with Volvo Penta´s industry-leading Tier 4 Final solutions.
We created solutions that deliver more power, reliability, and fuel savings. Leveraging the R&D resources and proven experiences of the Volvo Group to bring our customers to the forefront of sustainable driveline technologies.
Fuel Efficiency Reduce Your Operational Cost
Service and Support Global Dealer Network With Local Expertise
Challenge Everything
Scan the QR code to learn more.
bauma Preview Page 9 Decarbonizing the Off-Highway Industry Page 16 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 Construction & Landscaping Trends Efficiency and digitalization are required for these industries. Page 24


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Collaboration and end user needs should be at the center of plans to reduce carbon dioxide. Intelligently Moving Mobile Equipment Toward Zero-Emission Power Sources
With EVs quickly transitioning from the vehicle of the future to the vehicle for today, new trends are emerging to support manufacturer and regulatory goals.
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 3 16 24 27 9 37
MANUFACTURING & ENGINEERING 5 Considerations When Selecting Fasteners

SMART SYSTEMS How GPS and Other Tech Boost Productivity and Safety
A modular battery system with eBTM technology maximizes battery lifespan by enabling each battery to function at its optimum operating temperature..
A dependable supplier helps decrease lead times, improve operations and increase environmental and sustainability progress.
EVs have been around for more than a century, but what pushes electrification forward and challenges its adoption? Decarbonizing Off-Road Vehicles: Putting Electric Powertrains to Work
OPERATOR CAB Boosting Equipment Productivity with Access and Position Control Technology and Hardware
Latches, locks and entry door hardware designed for gloved hands improves the operator experience and assists autonomous functionality. How R-1234yf Solves EV Comfort and Range Challenges

Using GPS functionality on construction equipment to automate tasks is becoming more common, and some OEMs have made these features standard on new equipment.

COVER STORY 24 Trends in Lawn, Landscape and Construction Work How battery power, digitalization and efficiency drive these industries. 04 EDITOR’S NOTE 09 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 40 WHAT’S NEW ON OEM.COM EQUIPMENT MARKET OUTLOOK 06 Follow Market Shifts OFF-HIGHWAY HEROES 42 Euclid's Twin-Power Concept WEB EXCLUSIVES Video Network OEM Industry Update Premium Content CONTENTS VOLUME 40, NO. 5 | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 ELECTRIFICATION 12 115 Years of Electric Vehicles

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AC Business Media
Editor Lori Ditoro visited Turntide Technologies during the iVT Expo.


Matt Rushing, Vice President, Product Line, Global Crop Care, AGCO Corp.
Editor Lori lditoro@acbusinessmedia.comDitoro
Alexandra Nolde , Senior Communication & Media Specialist, Liebherr-Components AG
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In addition, we will be taking this issue with us to bauma in Munich, October 24, 2022, through October 30, 2022. The major themes of bauma this year are sustainability and digitalization. Interestingly, these are also the major drivers of the construction, landscaping and turf industries, which are featured in this issue’s cover story. Experts from Roland Berger, Vanguard and Volvo Construction Equipment talked with me about the trends and challenges in these industries. They also cover how they are trying to help original equipment manufacturers meet the growing requirements of their end users.
Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director, Diesel Technology Forum
OEMOff-Highway (USPS 752-770, ISSN 1048-3039 (print); ISSN 2158-7094 (online) is published 6 times a year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October and November/December by AC Business Media, 201 N. Main Street, 5th Fl., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Periodicals Postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: OEMOff-Highway, PO Box 3605 Northbrook, IL 600653605. Printed in the U.S.A. by 201 N. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
VP, Operations & IT Nick Raether
I have never been outside North America, so I am excited about bauma for a lot of reasons. First, getting to see Germany, where my father’s side of the family immigrated from and then settled in Central Alabama, is a life goal. However, being among the en ergy and education during the event will be another goal. Getting to talk with most of the experts and companies that make up our industry is a valuable opportunity. I learn so much when I attend trade shows and conferences. Having the opportunity to travel to bauma and learn with our industry will be tremendous.
Sales Representative Kris kflitcroft@acbusinessmedia.comFlitcroft
Luka Korzeniowski, Global Market Segment Leader, Mobile Hydraulics, MTS Sensors
Main Street,
Audience Development Manager Angela Franks
Keith T. Simons, President – Controls Products, OEM Controls, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer Ron Spink
Sr. Account Manager Bart Piccirillo, Data Axle 402-836-2768 |
Doug Meyer, Global Director of Construction Engineering, John Deere
Chris Williamson, PhD, Senior Systems Engineer Global Research & Development, Danfoss Power Solutions Company
Steven Nendick, Marketing Communications Director, Cummins Inc.
Bob Straka, General Manager, Transportation SBU, Southco, Inc.
Andrew Halonen , President, Mayflower Consulting, LLC
Which conferences and trade shows do you attend? Where do I go next? I appreciate your suggestions and hope you’ll email and enlighten me on where to travel to in the future! |
Technology Editor Charles crathmann@acbusinessmedia.comRathmann
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Craig Callewaert, PE, Chief Project Manager, Volvo Construction Equipment
he busy, fall trade show season is upon us. The OEM Off-High way team recently attended the first U.S. Industrial Vehicle Technology Expo (iVT Expo), which was such a great experience. By the time this issue is printed, we will have also attended the Battery Show and Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo, which are co-located in Novi, Michigan, and COMVEC in Indianapolis.
Giving legs to your crawler
With LPI travel drives, you’ll increase the efficiency of your tracked undercarriage. Thanks to more torque in a smaller installation space, you’ll save weight and thus give your crawler significantly more agile driving characteristics. At the same time, you’ll save fuel and emissions. Your Liebherr contact person will be more than happy to help you select a suitable travel drive – whether as an initial equipment or as an upgrade in the view of a modernisation of your electrically or hydraulically powered crawlers.
More driving efficiency for crawler undercarriages with Liebherr travel drives Components Travel drives Visit us Munich,at:24 – 30 October Find out more at

• Annual U.S. total public construction ticked up in June but was 4.4% below the year-ago level. The quarterly rate-of-change is rising, suggesting further upward momentum ahead. U.S. architectural, engineering, and related services revenue trends suggest cyclical rise for total public construction ahead.
• Nonresidential construction typically lags the macroeconomy. The strong macroeconomy of 2021 will likely translate to accelerating growth in Construction through at least 2022. Rising interest rates and a shortage of workers could dampen rise.
indicators decrease but farm machinery shipments increased in June and heavy-duty truck production in July was 6.9% higher than one year prior.

• The U.S. OECD leading indicator raw data and monthly rate-of-change both declined in July.
• U.S. private nonresidential construction to taled $125.3 billion in the second quarter, 2.8% higher than the second quarter of 2021. | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022EQUIPMENT6 MARKET OUTLOOK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJul ’22 Dec ’21 Annual % change in 3 month moving totals 4.0% 4.4% 5.0% 4.6% 5.5% 4.0% 4.3% 4.7% 0 1 2 3 4 5 JunMayAprMarFebJan’22DecNov’21 Annual % change in 12 month moving totals 2.8% 3.1% 1.4% 2.6% 3.5% 4.1% 3.8% 3.9% -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 JunMayAprMarFebJan’22DecNov’21 Annual % change in 12 month moving totals -6.0%-6.2% -6.0% -5.3% -5.9% -4.4% -5.2% -5.6% US Leading Indicator Editor’s Note: Please note that this chart has been modified on the Y-axis to show the trend more easily. US ProductionIndustrial US Private Nonresidential New Construction US Total Public New Construction 0 98.9 99.0 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 JulJunMayAprMarFebJan’22Dec’21 Actual index (2010=100) 100.3% 100.2% 99.7% 99.9% 100.1% 99.5% 99.0% 99.2% Sponsored by Eberspächer ITR Economics is an independent economic research and consulting firm with 60+ years of experience. QUESTIONS? Go to to sign up for our monthly ECONOMIC NEWSLETTER! • Industrial production in the three months through July was up 4.0% from the same period last year.
• The indicator monthly rate-of-change signals waning business cycle momentum for the U.S. industrial sector into at least early 2023. This aligns with what other U.S. leading indicators are signaling.
• A myriad of leading indicators, including the ITR Leading Indicator and the U.S. ISM Purchasing Managers Index, point to further growth-rate decline ahead for the industrial sector.
Even with deceasing fuel prices, economic indicator declines continue. Both the U.S. and European leading indicators lowered in July 2022. The U.S. decline matches what other indicators are signaling: waning business in the industrial sector. In contrast, annual U.S. farm machinery and equipment shipments moved higher in June, and U.S. heavy-duty truck production in July was 6.9% higher than one year prior.

• The Europe Industrial Production annual growth rate was at 2.4% in July and has been on a downward trajectory. Trends in the Lead ing Indicator monthly rate-of-change signal further growth-rate decline for Production into at least mid- 2023.
• Annual U.S. farm machinery and equipment shipments moved higher in June but were 0.5% lower than one year ago. Shipments are shifting to a cyclical rising trend.
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 7 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 JunMayAprMarFebJan’22DecNov’21 Annual % change in 12 month moving totals 5.2% 4.5% 3.1% 1.9% -0.3% -0.5% -1.1% 5.1% 0 5 10 15 20 JunMayAprMarFebJan’22DecNov’21 Annual % change2.8%15.6% 15.4% 13.0% 13.8% 9.1% 4.8% 3.4% 0 98.6 98.8 99.0 99.2 99.4 99.6 99.8 100.0 100.2 100.4 100.6 100.8 101.0 JulJunMayAprMarFebJan’22Dec’21 Monthly index 99.5 99.8 98.9 99.2 100.1 101.0 100.8 100.5 Editor’s Note: Please note that this chart has been modified on the Y-axis to show the trend more easily.
Europe Ag & Forestry Machinery Production
• The Europe leading indicator declined in July.
• Annual Europe agricultural and forestry ma chinery production came in 2.8% above the year-ago level in June.
• EU food consumer price inflation increased to 11.9% in June and is higher than overall EU consumer price inflation. The need to expand food production bodes well for demand for agriculture machinery. However, macroeco nomic softening could put downward pres sure on agricultural and forestry machinery production.
• The global supply chain pressure index is elevated but moving lower. As supply chain issues resolve amidst a cooling economy, equipment order fill rates should increase and facilitate growth in shipments.

US Farm ProductionMachinery
Europe IndicatorLeading
• ITR Checking Points suggest the production annual growth rate will continue to decline in at least the near term. China’s lockdowns remain a factor.

EQUIPMENT MARKET OUTLOOK | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 20228 0 5 10 15 20 25 JulJunMayAprMarFebJan’22Dec’21 Annual % change in 12 month moving totals 19.6% 22.2% 18.3% 11.1% 4.7% 5.8% 6.9% 20.1% -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 JunMayAprMarFebJan’22DecNov’21 Annual % -0.9%change-25.9%4.3% 5.1%4.6% 9.0%8.6% 3.0% US ProductionDutyHeavy-Truck DieselChina ProductionBus Sponsored by Eberspächer WHAT KEEPS US ROLLING We keep the world rolling. No flats, smoother ride, more protection. Carlisle TyrFil 140 Sheldon Road, Berea, OH 44017 | (800) 821-4147 | KEEP GOING. GO TYRFIL. Stability Experience InnovationSustainability SCAN QR CODES TO READ MORE Germany Industrial Production US Construction Machinery, New Orders North American Rotary Rig Count US Defense Industry, New Orders • Annual U.S. heavy-duty truck production in July was 6.9% higher than one year prior. • A healthy backlog of demand for new trucks will help buoy production on the back side of the business cycle.

• China large diesel bus production totaled 16.1 thousand units in the 12 months through June, a record low in the history of the dataset, available since 2005. This represents a 25.9% decline from one year prior.

OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 9
October 24, 2022 – October 30, 2022
CrossControl supports OEMs and System Suppliers in making industrial vehicles smarter, safer and more productive. We offer a platform for machine intelligence that includes a wide portfolio of hardware, software and services.

Meet us at Bauma Hall A2 Booth 407
bauma and Equip Expo 2022

Munich, Germany
Each year, Equip Expo and Hardscape North America feature equipment and discuss trends that the industry is buzzing about. For more information, visit
Equip Expo
As bauma goes, so goes the industry. This year is no different. Featured topics for 2022 will be around digita lization and sustainability. The OEM Off-Highway team is excited to be joining the world on the show floor of bauma 2022. Our readers feast upon content surrounding emission control and sustainability, electrification, hy brid operation, the Internet of Things and automation. These same topics will be the focus of this expo. Learn more at
bauma 2022
October 19, 2022 – October 21, 2022
Lexington, Kentucky
We created solutions that deliver more power, reliability, and fuel savings. Leveraging the R&D resources and proven experiences of the Volvo Group to bring our customers to the forefront of sustainable driveline technologies.
Together, let’s rethink the possibilities and take your operations – and bottom line –to the next level with Volvo Penta´s industry-leading Tier 4 Final solutions.
Fuel Efficiency Reduce Your Operational Cost
Lower Total Cost of Ownership Better Value In The Long Run
Challenge Everything
Service and Support Global Dealer Network With Local Expertise
Scan the QR code to learn more.

EVs have been around for more than a century, but what pushes electrification forward and challenges its adoption? by Greg Fehribach
115 Years of Electric Vehicles
and number of routes, it stopped running electric buses in less than threeDormantyears. for more than a centu ry, fast forward 115 years, and the industry is going “back to the future.” It is returning to electric and shifting from internal combustion engines (ICEs) to reduce fuel consumption and

emissions while optimizing efficiency andAccordingproductivity.toone

he year 2022 marks an important anniversary in vehicle electrification. On July 15, 1907, the London Electrobus Company debuted the first electric bus. It ran a regular route from Victoria Station to Liverpool Street in London. Although the com pany gradually expanded its bus fleet
OEM, by the year 2030, 25% to 30% of new industrial and commercial buses and truck sales will be battery and fuel-cell electric vehicles. In the following decade, the industry will see expo nential growth in electric vehicles
Learn More:


5-in-1 Headlight, First Class Versatility, Five Star Performance. Replace standard 90mm headlights with industry-defining 5-in-1* LED functionality. Choose the Model 93 5-in-1 LED headlight as the latest breakthrough for your next OEM project. Optimize functionality and cost savings through combining multiple lighting functions into a single LED headlight. Ideal for upfitters, vehicle fleets and individuals seeking a more stylish and versatile headlight, the Model 93 offers superior multifunction 5-in-1 performance for almost any application. *Up to 5 Functions: Front Position, DRL, Low Beam, High Beam, Turn Signal Versatile Mounting: Double & Single Pedestal and 3-Point Mounts

Electrification Challenges and Barriers
As if that’s not compelling enough, EVs are also quieter than ICE vehicles. This improves the operating experi ence and reducing noise complaints, which is particularly beneficial for con struction or landscaping equipment used in heavily populated areas.
Ideal Applications
Other commercial vehicle applications well-suited for full electrification. North American school buses, with dedicat ed routes and regular downtime, are an ideal candidate for electrification. Other applications benefit from electri fication as well, including many mining and small construction vehicles. These vehicles shut down at night, which allows for ample charging time and provides improved safety benefits versus their ICE counterparts.
• Public demand for improved sus tainability
In addition to differences in electrifi cation based on industry, location also
• Cost savings
Factors that are influencing this historic move to electrification in commercial vehicles include:
While a passenger car usually has available downtime for charging, many industrial and commercial vehicles are in an almost constant state of use. This makes lengthy charging requirements a barrier to adoption. In addition, heavy batteries reduce the amount of weight that can be hauled or carried. With current technologies, an increase in EV range means a decrease in cargo carry ing ability. However, this is changing as innovations in lighter, more-powerful batteries are expected to be available
• Increased government regulations intended to reduce greenhouse gas
much more challenging. Industrial and commercial vehicle electrification is complex and differs significantly from passenger car electrification.
While EV technology has made huge leaps during the last few years, espe cially in passenger cars, the shift to commercial vehicle electrification is

The business case for commer cial electrification is appealing and improves every day. First, the fewer number of components in electric vehicles (EVs) versus ICEs equates to significantly lower maintenance costs. Second, recent improvements in battery technology are expanding range and improving EV economics. Finally, steeply rising fuel prices make EVs more attractive economically due to their lower cost-per-mile. With these and other factors working in EVs’ favor,
the prediction is that the total cost of ownership of an EV will be lower than that of ICE by 2027 or 2028.
Whenemissionsgovernments mandate lower emissions, companies are driven to adopt new, more sustainable tech
in the future, which will alter EV hauling performance and economics.
Electrification Influencers
For now, hybrid solutions are enabling continuous duty cycles. These config urations are better suited for heavy trucks, construction and other heavy industries. Current battery technology is not advanced enough to be viable for a long-haul truck in North America and many other regions. However, hybrid solutions, including hydrogen fuel-cell technologies, will continue to help in dustries bridge the gap across all appli cations, providing decreased emissions and longer duty-cycle options.
between 2030 and 2040, with EVs becoming the dominant platform across commercial applications.
nologies. That demand also creates economies-of-scale that stimulate innovation and help to reduce the cost of advanced new technologies.
Hybrid Solutions
Compared to passenger cars, the need to move heavier loads across greater distances and for longer periods is driving the development of higher voltage architectures and, con sequently, innovations and engineer ing solutions for commercial vehicles. Commercial EV applications will continue to deliver faster charge times and higher battery capacities to close the financial and performance gaps. Another obstacle to EV adoption in the agricultural industry is the fear of the battery losing charge in a remote location, such as logging in a marshy area. In this example, the weight of the battery is not an issue. However, the worry about accessing a charger is a barrier to acceptance. Also, a current lack of standardization in farming is also an issue.
As OEMs shift to EVs, they face engi neering challenges. A considerable amount of energy is transmitted in EVs, which leads to more complex safety and shielding systems than what is required in an ICE vehicle. Safety, always at the forefront of any vehicle design, demands special at tention in EVs to make sure the user is isolated from the immense stored en ergy. Color coding is not enough. Only qualified technicians should access the high voltage componentry.
Tooperability.facilitatethe transition to EVs in the industrial and commercial sectors, OEMs may want to work with a compo nent supplier that is willing to co-engi neer with them, especially with sensing and connectivity solutions. Partnering with a team to customize solutions and optimize them to each application can be beneficial. A supporting team will work in lock step with the OEMs’ engi neering teams to design, develop and drive efficiency of the total system.
The EV Move Will Continue
During the next five years, commer cial EVs will take off because of contin uous improvements in technology and innovation. |
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 15
The shift to electrification will con tinue to accelerate. While EVs were created more than a century ago, it was not until recently that they have
vehicles continues to increase.
Heavy equipment manufacturers trust CarlisleIT. Designed to perform in the harshest environments, CarlisleIT’s high-temperature wire, sensor cables, machined contacts, and cable assemblies keep heavy equipment performing everywhere work needs to get done. Whether with time-tested components or custom solutions designed to solve your most complex interconnect challenges, CarlisleIT has you covered.

Engineering Challenges
That’s Performance with Purpose.
plays a role in the speed of EV adop tion. Wealthier nations with the infra structure to support EVs will have an advantage in terms of adoption rates. Densely populated cities, such as Los Angeles and Shanghai, are experienc ing a more rapid shift to EVs. In these cities, the benefit of cleaner vehicles is evident in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution.
become a viable substitute for ICE ve hicles. As the industry develops, EVs are at a point where customers can trust them to be predictable and de pendable. Because of improvements in performance and infrastructure, end users have less anxiety about using an EV. In addition, awareness of the environmental impacts of ICE
Because of the maturity of ICE vehi cles, many systems and components are standardized. However, the early stages of EV development mean stan dardization has yet to be achieved. EVs are still a new frontier in the indus trial and commercial sectors. A global race is in process to drive standards for the different markets and applica tions to further improve economics and
Greg Fehribach is chief technology offi cer, industrial and commercial transpor tation, TE Connectivity.
Custom interconnect solutions for the harshest environments.

Durable. Reliable. High performing.

While the forces driving the transition ing toward electric powertrains are
clear, the path to success is not always straightforward. Operators who want to expand their electric or semi-electric fleet reliably and quickly likely face challenging decisions about the most effective strategy to follow and which partners to work with.
Effective Partnerships
A good place to start is to look at the overall operation to identify specific vehicle use profiles. In doing so, op erators can determine which vehicles and machines would be the best fit to operate with an electric powertrain, hybrid solutions, fuel cells, cables or other methods. They can also talk with equipment manufacturers who have partnerships with powertrain OEMs. To identify the right concept for fossil-free operation, everyone must understand key parameters, such as charging
Sectors such as marine, mining, harbors, airports and construction sites have an opportunity to accelerate decarbonization.
he current, and probably future, price and supply volatility of fossil fuels and the damaging impact of carbon emissions on our planet are compelling companies to switch to sustainable transportation. To reduce energy consumption and emissions in every sphere of the industry is critical for the environment and company profitability.Transporting people, goods and raw materials accounts for more than 25% of the world’s total energy consump tion and almost 30% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Diesel-pow ered vehicles also emit other harm ful gases such as sulfur oxides. The technologies to reduce or eliminate these emissions are available now, and
in many cases, they can also improve productivity.Emission-free technologies have been well-established for many years. Over the past decade electric vehicles have grown in popularity in private, as well as commercial use.
Industrial players have an opportu nity to accelerate the shift to sustain able transport in sectors such as in marine, mining, airports and construc tion sites. Emission-free alternatives are available for these sectors. What the industry does will have a rapid ef fect on the environment and can make a difference!

Collaboration and end user needs should be at the center of plans to reduce carbon dioxide.
by Henrik Nilsson
opportunities, drive-cycles (including energy recuperation) and the peak torque
For example, one of Norway’s largest excavator suppliers, Nasta AS, distributes, redesigns and rebuilds construction machinery. The compa ny is collaborating with a powertrain manufacturer to rebuild internal combustion engine (ICE) construction vehicles for electric operation. They used either battery power or a direct cable connection. The conversion pro cedure included retrofitting the diesel vehicle with new powertrain compo nents using electric motors and drives to replace the combustion engine. This new powertrain included an energy storage system and charging solution in place of the fuel tank.

Read More
• The electric motor, which turns electric power into motion
Draw Wire-actuated rotary encoders for position measurement utilizing proven technology!

• A converter
• An energy source
Robust rotary encoders for safe angle and speed measurement! Up to PLd!

In a vehicle application, the traction converters and electric motors can play a significant role in capturing energy from regenerative braking and feeding it back to the battery or via catena ries to the network. In a traditional combustion engine vehicle, this energy is lost as heat. Regenerative braking systems (RBSs) are already common place in road and rail vehicles, with industrial electric vehicles gradually following suit. |
Key Components

OEMs with strong domain expertise in vehicles, subsystems and systems is a highly effective way to accelerate the electrification journey.
The main components of an electric powertrain are:
Compared to passenger vehicles, components installed and operating in working machines must sustain longer
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 17
Stroke measurement in hydraulic cylinders – no piston-rod rifle boring required!
Users of Nasta’s electric excavator eliminate about 48 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year from the environ ment and significantly reduce noise pollution. The operators have also expressed satisfaction with the excava tors’ responsiveness and performance.
Establishingdemand.partnerships with

operating lifetimes, handle more challenging drive cycles, withstand tougher environments, and manage shock loads of up to 50 grams. That’s a tough life for a motor. The driveline must be able to deliver high torque and perform effectively across a range of loads at any time. These are not new requirements for electric motors and converters. They have been doing this job for many years in industrial, rail and marine applications.
Inclinometers for non-contact measurement of vehicle orientation!

Henrik Nilsson is sales and market development manager, IEC Low Voltage Motors for ABB.
Boliden AB joined forces with an OEM to design and install a 700-meter-long catenary line to power several mining trucks at its Aitik mine.

Stakeholders need to speed up their global decarbonization efforts to improve the energy efficiency and productivity of mobile equipment. The path for achieving this is clear and available. When operating in the optimum load range, diesel engines only reach a maximum of 45% energy efficiency, as opposed to the consid erably higher 95% efficiency of an emission-free electric driveline.
SIKO Products Inc.,
One of the more interesting takeaways from ACT Expo centered around the
Image 5. Using ECE’s detailed specifications, the supplier helped the company electrify and deliver a Doosan DX165W Electric and a DX300LC.

Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT)
Potential Barriers to a Disruptive Approach to Electrifying Commercial Vehicles
Image The modular
A modular battery system with eBTM technology maximizes battery lifespan by enabling each battery to function at its optimum operating temperature. by Taylor Hansen
to proliferate globally. The social and political pressure to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and diesel particulate matter has never is the European Com mission’s Stage 5 criteria, its Fit for 55 package or the latest edict from the California Air Resource Board, fos sil-fuel-powered vehicles are destined to become rare. The move toward zero-emission on- and off-highway
vehicles (ZEVs) is moving forward with
Important questions about the factors below should be asked and
industry’s potential disruptors. Many among the disruptors’ teams do not come from the industry. They are less familiar with its culture, traditions and methods of doing business. Some may say change is a good thing. However, considering the value and robustness of the existing industry ecosystem might be worthwhile, as well as exam ining how it will be harnessed to assure a more consistent, orderly and fluid transition to ZEVs.
batteries’ anyconfigureeasymakesenergy-densecompact,formatthebatterypacksforengineerstoforuseonvirtuallyvehicleplatform.
and interest in this technology. It was obvious that there were few, if any, ma jor players in the commercial vehicle and heavy equipment industries who were not present. There were also a plethora of new, potential ZEV entrants to these industries.
Intelligently Moving Mobile Equipment Toward ZERO-EMISSION Power Sources

To successfully address the rapid and widespread transi tion to ZEVs, the industry may primarily rely on major origi nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers for the solutions. With the political and ecological wind at their backs, these orga nizations are aware of the implications of not respond ing with appropriate speed, skill and effectiveness.
service networks, and the relationships up and down the value chain. In essence, they understand and are part of the culture. They are better positioned than anyone else in the field to deliver what the market demands.
From the Inside Looking out
The responses to these relevant questions drive most commercial vehicle and heavy-equipment purchases. Getting new technologies operational, appropriately certified, into production at scale and then to deliver a product that functions in the real world as advertised is a tall order for any organiza tion, particularly one new to an industry.
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These OEMs have brand loyalty, research and devel opment assets, manufactur ing capabilities, dealer and

One 120-year-old industry supplier had been produc ing ingself-regulatinginandwithestablisheddeliveredintoandagealternativeit2000s,equipment.heavycommercialfuel-operatedengine-independent,heatersforvehiclesandon-andoff-highwayIntheearlythesupplierknewthatwouldhavetoadapttoanfuelfuture.In2015,itsfirsthigh-voltheater(HVH)forhybridelectricvehicleswentseriesproduction.IttoOEMsthroughsupplychannels,thesupplier’sservicesupportinfrastructureposition.Thisillustratedamarkettendtowardequilibrium.
The HVH was not the end of the electrification story. The same industry insights that led to the HVH inspired them to look more deeply at the issue of vehicle electrification. What they discovered was a
The supplier also recently collaborated with Zeus Electric Chassis, Inc., to develop the Zeus Power Platform, a ground-up, severeduty, eMobility solution.
• Residual values
• Warranties
Major players in the onand off-highway equipment industry have the benefit of an existing and ongoing revenue stream. They can and will fund tomorrow’s techno logical advancements with today’s equipment sales.

An Example of Equilibrium in a Changing Industry
A Pragmatic Move Toward Electrification
problem and a poten tial solutions(BEV)electricmostlemnity.opportuTheprobwasthatbatteryvehiclebatterywere focused on high-volume targets, like the automotive and light-duty truck industry. With the ability to amortize the purpose-built battery develop ment costs over millions of units, the math made sense. However, for manufacturers of lower-volume equip ment, particularly in the construction, mining, agriculture and other off-high way sectors, this method did not work. The supplier realized that it had an opportunity to preemptively solve the electrification problem with a modular battery system.
the system’s vehicle interface gateway (VIG). The VIB and the VIG can both serve as the system’s self-contained master battery management system (BMS) and power distribution unit.
Image 2. The commercial vehicle modular system was engineered to fit within the frame rails of most mediumduty vehicles and heavy-duty equipment and to provide either 400-volt or 800-volt service.
The system’s electric battery thermal management (eBTM) technology maximizes battery lifespan by enabling each to function at its optimum oper ating temperature. Using the system, electrified equipment can operate in environments ranging from -22°F (-30°C) to 122°F (50°C).

The wasbatterymodularsystemengineered to fit within the frame rails of most medium-duty vehicles and heavy-duty equip ment. It would also provide either 400-volt or 800-volt service. The system was designed for scalability and broad configuration flexibility. In addition, modular battery packs can be added to match the unique duty cycles and power requirements of the equipment theyEachserve.battery pack has 35 kWh of energy and up to 10 packs can be used. This allows for a combined 350 kWh using what the system’s vehicle interface box (VIB). Up to 18 packs can be used for a combined 630 kWh using
A SolutionPlayPlug-and-Modular
The plug-and-play system reduces development time and cost for the vehicle manufacturer. The system’s compact, energy-dense format makes the battery packs easy for engineers to configure for use on most vehicle platform, and battery modules can be positioned outside the frame rails if necessary. The sturdy system is tested for impact resistance up to 100 kilone

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Practical Applications
Taylor Hansen is president & CEO, customized solutions – Americas region, for Webasto Group.
Zeus Electric Chassis, Inc., to develop the Zeus Power Platform, a ground-up, severe-duty, eMobility solution. Zeus’ BEV cab and chassis platform enables fleets to use their existing OEM body partners, sys tem integrators and up-fitters for Class 4, 5 and 6 applications. These include:
Meeting the Electric Moment
• Bucket trucks
• Cranes
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Using the modular batteries, the Zeus system architecture allows
Image 4. Up to 18 packs can be used for a combined 630 kWh using the system’s VIG.
wtons and has an IP67/IP6K9K rating for water tightness.
hydraulics and onboard tools—such as winches, air compressors, booms and weld ers—to be powered directly from the main batteries. With the Zeus Power Platform, a fleet gains the benefits of converting to an electric vehicle, while retaining all the truck-mounted equip ment functionality that their personnel are familiar with and rely on.
• Dump trucks
• Service bodies
supplierThe also collaboratedrecentlywith
Many bright minds have turned their attention to keeping pace with the rapid growth and adoption of ZEVs. As a result, many valid solutions will emerge. However, no organizations are better prepared to meet the challenge than those already in the industry. |
Following successes in BEV ground support, municipal vehicle and public transportation applications in Europe, the supplier recently partnered with Dutch startup Electric Construction Equipment (ECE), an official importer and distributor of Doosan construction machinery.UsingECE’s detailed specifications, the supplier helped the company electrify and deliver a Doosan DX165W electric excavator and a DX300LC excavator. The excavators are each equipped with four standard battery systems in a separate and swappable box with a capacity of 140 kWh. The battery packs form a self-contained, climate-controlled system providing a total of 800 volts.

For the electrification of construction equipment or mobile machinery, think Curtis, the electrification division of Kohler Co. With over 60 years of electric vehicle expertise and a global record of innovation and product excellence, we are ready to partner with you in every stage of electrification with hybrid diesel-electric and fully electric solutions. Curtis will support your engineering team at every step in the product development, from initial prototype design through to production release. Our inverters/motor speed controllers and electric control systems set the standard for electric power at 48V and beyond. Highly reliable Curtis components are available in a range of models suitable for every type of application. Our sophisticated electric drive systems are packed with cutting edge features and functions that make vehicle design simple. We will work with you as needed, whether it is to assist with the design and development of electric traction systems, On-Engine Generator Control or to assist with the design of the complete control system for all mobile application types, including complex electro-hydraulic control systems. Curtis has partnered with leading manufacturers of batteries and electric motors to help OEMs design new electric powered dumpers, mini excavators and wheeled loaders. All benefit from proven Curtis 48V technology and the robust, reliable and sustained performance that was previously assumed to be confined to diesel engines.
Electrification Solutions for Construction Equipment and Mobile Machinery

See for yourself. We are ready to help you.
Curtis Instruments

“While landscapers and turf managers have had electric options ... for years, ful ly electric, battery-powered construction equipment like compact wheel loaders and excavators are new,” said Lars Ar nold, electromobility product manager, Volvo Construction Equipment.
Battery power, digitalization and efficiency drive these industries.
OEM Off-Highway recently spoke to Sara Webb, editor, Green Industry Pros, about lawn and landscape, commonly called the “green industry,” trends.
Image 1. An operator takes advantage of digital technology on a construction site.

he construction and lawn and landscape industries have been disruptions.experiencingTheneedfor energy efficiency, noise reduction and operator safety are drivers of ongoing innovation. Reduced emissions in these sectors is paramount.
• Battery-powered equipment—It is becoming more mainstream with longer runtimes. Prices are coming down, so it’s worth the upfront investment with high fuel prices.
Trends in Lawn, Landscape and Construction Work
• Smart irrigation controllers that help save on water—These are popular in the West and in municipalities— while most OEMs’ equipment does not directly affect water use, land scapers’ goals may influence them.
Green Industry Insight
some landscapers are taking a fresh look at robotic equipment and software to streamline and automate tedious processes they already had in place. It will be interesting to see how manufac turers answer the calls for new efficient products, particularly at this year’s Equip Expo in Louisville, Kentucky.” Webb said other trends include:
One popular buzzword in the green industries and construction is electri fication, and with good reason. Both industries are in a transformation in power sources. The electrification of passenger and smaller mobile com mercial vehicles is occurring rapidly.
According to Nick Moore, director of sales—electrification, at Briggs & Stratton, green industry professionals realize how important battery-pow ered equipment is.
“Most green industry profession als I speak to are looking for ways to up their efficiency—labor efficiency, equipment efficiency, energy efficiency, water efficiency,” Webb said. “You name it; they’re striving for it. To that aim,
by Lori Ditoro
4 ConstructionDisruptive Trends
• Automation, robotics and artifi cial intelligence—The use of digital tools to complement traditional processes will increase.
• Changing to active/intelligent buildings—Intelligent technologies (sensors, for example) will be required in new constructions.
• A shift to off-site manufactur ing—Project speed will increase with prefabricated or modular
Contributed by Wilfried Aulbur, senior partner, and Giovanni Schelfi, principal, Roland Berger
Increased efficiency includes de creased maintenance intervals, better
End-users demand for quieter, lower emission equipment. OEMS must meet these needs. Arnold discussed a case study in which Volvo provided quieter operation and lower emissions.
“Digitization is expected to grow sig nificantly, driven by evolving technol ogies and successfulofefficiency.planning,providessaid.informationadvancements—forindustry/segment-specificexample,buildingmodeling(BIM),”Aulbur“Ontheconstructionsite,IoTtransparency,helpsoptimizeminimizeriskandimproveBeingclearonthepurposeIoTapplicationsiscriticalfortheuseofIoT.”
According to Moore. “The battery features an exchangeable design, allowing customers to easily remove and replace the battery with minimal downtime. The Swappable Battery also enables [scalable] power, so you can use [multiple battery packs] to meet larger power needs.”
“We are closely working with OEMs, ... to help them be successful in a world with changing demands,” Moore said. “Wherever the industry takes us, we’ll be there to support OEMs and their customers in navigating these changes.”|
Vanguard also helped custom ers with electrification. “Earlier this year, Scag Power Equipment (Scag) introduced its EVZ electric zero turn riding mower (see Image 2), which is powered by the Vanguard 5 kWh com mercial lithium-ion battery pack,” said Moore. “The EVZ is the first fully-elec tric unit in Scag’s lawn mower lineup. We were excited to work alongside Scag to bring a new battery-powered option to the turf market.”

“When it comes to the benefits of battery power, the output of zero emissions is a huge regulatory driver for OEMs and end users,” Moore said. “However, battery-powered equipment can also offer a better user experience because of its quieter operation and minimal required maintenance. Anoth er big driver is mitigating the cost of fuel. For professional cutters who must fuel up an entire trailer full of equip ment every day, battery power can really benefit the bottom line of their business given current gas prices.”
To add to the efficiency of using battery power, Vanguard developed a swappable battery, borrowing from smaller batteries used in power tools and small outdoor power products.
Component suppliers are eager to help OEMs meet their customers’ needs.
The construction industry will face dis ruption in the upcoming decades that will be driven by 4 highly disruptive trends:
time management, and automating redundant or tedious tasks
Often, digital enhancements, including Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, go hand in hand with efficiency. Other benefits include transparency and
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 25 Read More
• BIM and digital twin—These initiatives will increase cooperation and transparency
Supporting OEMs on the Journey
According to Moore, “Another big trend we’ve seen is that many man ufacturers, including Vanguard, are turning ... to developing and designing engine (or power-source) features that help enhance productivity and reduce maintenance requirements.
Image 2. The Scag zero turn riding mower powered by the Vanguard 5 kWh commercial lithium-ion battery pack
“With labor shortages and a pent-up demand of lawn and landscape work, the industry is being asked to do more with less. Professionals are relying on their equipment ... to deliver a powerful performance and maximize productivity.”Decreasedwait time to get started is also an increase in efficiency. “Electric machines provide instant torque, so there is no delay like you might feel on a diesel machine,” said Arnold. “In ad dition, the maintenance is much easier (and less expensive) because you don’t have an internal combustion engine to take care of.”
“One of the first U.S. projects our ECR25 electric compact excavator and L25 electric compact wheel loader were used on was building a trail at a national wildlife refuge,” Arnold said. “The quiet operation was less of a disturbance to the animals living in the area, and the lack of emissions was safer for the environment.”
minimized risk, according to Wilfried Aulbur, senior partner, Roland Berger.
Onboard weighing is a popular feature for many operators and is recommended to OEMs.
by MatthewJennyMcLean,Olsen
the machine to “know” where it is.
How GPS and Other Tech Boost Productivity and Safety

machines will know how far to dig no matter where they are located on that site.Some GPS software allows operators to create layers, as well. Suppose you’re putting in a water line that involves multiple material layers with specific requirements for each. Let’s say you want 6 inches of sand as your base, 3.5 feet of gravel, 2 feet of fill soil and then 1 foot of topsoil. Having a screen show exactly where you
Machine control is now widely used on excavators and dozers, but systems that support GPS can take things to another level for digging accuracy and more complicated shapes. Typically, in ertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors are mounted to certain parts of a ma chine and can tell the operator where the bucket tooth is and therefore, how close they are to a target depth or grade. Upgrades can include satellite antennas and smart receivers, which make up GPS functionality and allow
A jobsite map
How GPS Can Help
For example, on an excavator, the operator can use an in-cab interface (like a tablet) to draw the shape he or she wants to dig. Let’s say it’s a basement. Then he or she can put the bucket on the ground where one cor ner of the basement will be, move the bucket to a second spot and that tells the machine to “draw” a wall between the two. Depth and slope can be factored in, as well. Thanks to sensors and satellite receivers, the machine will remember where every point is as it Upgradingmoves.to3D software like Trimble or Topcon takes GPS support one step further. These programs can import a computer-aid ed-design (CAD) file for an entire jobsite, such as the roads, water and sewer lines for a housing subdi vision. All GPS-equipped
sing GPS functionality on construction equipment to automate tasks is becoming more common, and some OEMs have made these features stan dard on new equipment. Though many owners and operators are getting more comfortable with—and even depen dent upon—technology to help them be more productive, some may still need a little help making sense of it all.

An operator responds to coaching VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT

Another safety-boosting feature supported by sensors and electro-hy draulic technology is swing control, also known as swing fencing. An operator can create what is basically an invisible “wall” so they cannot swing into traffic, other machines or people. The machine will remember where the wall is and stop itself from breaking it. Similarly, height or depth limits can be set to avoid hitting objects or clipping utilities, for example. Object detection is beginning to find its way into the market, as well, which will do exactly what it says and alert operators when something is in the way.
a given site can see where the others are, helping operators avoid traffic and safety concerns and improving jobsite (and fuel) efficiency. For mapping to take hold in the industry, better jobsite connectivity will be needed so data can more easily be shared between machines in real time.

OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 27

Automation Goes a Step Further

this could help reduce the potential for fines while improving safety and managing site traffic.
Perhaps one of the most exciting GPS-related features still growing in functionality and adoption is jobsite mapping. With this, all machines on
The PowerView family of best-in-class displays features a full range of options to fit your application. Designed for rugged equipment of all shapes and sizes, PowerView glass-front and tactile-button displays are the perfect fit for any industrial vehicle application, providing exceptionally clear images and high-precision touch sensor performance for finger and glove touches. Superior performance, viewability, and resilience come standard to deliver increased productivity and reliability on your machine.

Many compactors and pavers also have assistive technologies that allow operators to see how many passes they’ve made, the temperature of the material, its density and other important data that can improve their productivity.Advancements are happening quickly in the realm of automation. Some OEMs have semi-autonomous machines on the market, and some are working on fully autonomous versions. The automated features on today’s ma
are will make that work much easier and faster, preventing rework and min imizing the danger of having a person in the trench measuring depths.
Some articulated trucks and wheel loaders come with a speed limiter option that automatically regulates maximum speed. If you’re in a region that sets speed limits on worksites,

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Automating certain tasks can improve efficiency even more. To give another excavator example, many systems will “cut grade” on the final pass. But with automation technology, the oper ator will control only the arm while the computer will control the boom and bucket to ensure the last pass is smooth and at the right depth.
Smart Electrification
With the current labor shortage, some owners or fleet managers view these coaching tools as great recruiting and training tools. Less-experienced operators can learn directly from the machine and become more confident.

Another favorite feature is the work mode or response mode. Excavators of
Features that can shorten loader cycle times include boom kickout and return-to-dig. Boom kickout makes
Parker enables its partners in the off-road machinery industry access to unsurpassed people, technology and expertise that work together to develop electrification solutions with maximized system efficiency in work and traction applications for a quieter, cleaner tomorrow.
Matthew McLean is product manager –GPE products and Jenny Olsen is product specialist – machine control, both for Volvo Construction Equipment, North America.
Additional Interface Features
Assistive technology (not GPS-related) can also help the operator make re al-time adjustments to boost efficiency. Coaching tools can identify and alert operators of trends in idling, brak ing, accelerating, fuel consumption, improper work modes and more. The operator can choose to adjust their be havior accordingly or ignore the alerts, so keep in mind that a machine is never more efficient than its operator.
Read More
Maximizing Machine Efficiency Integrating Electric and Hydraulics Connecting Off-Road Machinery
the boom stop at a predetermined point while lifting, which is especially helpful when loading a truck at the same height for an extended period. Return-to-dig stops the boom while lowering, helping the operator return the bucket to the same position every time so it’s ready to dig again. When these functions aren’t done properly, you’ll see the machine bucking or even getting stuck, which disrupts the cycle and wears down the tires and machine.
One of the most popular automated tools is on-board weighing. Not every worksite can have a scale handy, and even if they did, it could slow things down. If a machine can weigh its load on its own, operators can skip adding or dumping material and reweighing, saving lots of time and fuel. Over loading can also increase wear on a machine and lead to overweight fines.
ten have work modes like fine, general and heavy, and wheel loaders may have response modes like soft, active and normal. These can adjust things like engine rpms, hydraulic lever sensitivity and fuel consumption. Some operators think working in the highest mode possible is the way to go, but that isn’t always the case and it isn’t the best use of your machine or fuel. Running 200 to 300 rpms lower can equate to a 10% re duction in fuel use on many machines. Less rework means better productivity and higher profits, so don’t let a fear of the unknown keep you away. |
chines do a nice job setting the stage for these larger-scale developments.
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safe, able to combine comfort and high BKTperformance.iswithyou, even

A range of positioning hinges with built-in technology allows displays to be moved with one hand yet avoid shaking from engine or equipment
by Bob Straka
This is changing the cab into a mobile office, where an operator may be responsible for a wider range of project duties, like managing sched ules and other supervisory activities. It is also evolving the layout and systems being installed in the cab, like comput ers for planning and scheduling and other digital devices. This increases the number of screens that need to be securely mounted but easily adjusted to accommodate different tasks.
The use of positioning technology with intuitive touch point characteris tics can be useful in these applications. Hinges can offer integrated, con stant-torque-enabled, single-handed ad justment of connected monitors. Leading device suppliers offer hinges engineered for the higher levels of vibration found in the rougher operating environments of off-highwayConstant-torqueapplications.hinges use engi neered friction to provide a specific resistance against motion. They enable positioning of a cab operator screen at any angle for thousands of operating cycles, without any degradation of torque—even under high vibration conditions. Even with this resistance against motion, repositioning is easy.
An equipment operator can move a screen to a better angle with one hand while safely driving the vehicle or oper ating the equipment.
“Autonomous” operation in many off-highway applications is growing: more and more equipment can be pro grammed to automate functions that include digging a trench or spraying a field with herbicides. This requires an operator inside the cab to oversee its operations and perform other tasks while keeping an eye on the equip ment as the job is completed.
An EAS platform makes it easy for equipment manufacturers to include automatic unlocking in their machines, giving fleet operators improved security and efficient audit trail management.

Users of off-highway equipment want the comfort and convenience found in modern automobiles in a rugged and durable package. Well-en gineered access hardware, such as hidden latches and electronic locks, can help improve vehicle designs and the user experience. The same impression results from panel latches and entry door hardware that reduc es noise by eliminating rattles and operating smoothly and reliably with gloved hands.
Evolving End-UserOperationsOff-HighwayChangeNeeds
Transforming the Cab into a Mobile Office
Some cab designers are augment ing fixed screen mounts with a range of articulating devices. One position control device manufacturer offers a
he latest generation of off-highway tureconstructionequipment—vehicles,agriculandforestrymachines—
Latches, locks and entry door hardware designed for gloved hands improves the operator experience and assists autonomous functionality.
is smarter and more sophisticated. It also takes advantage of digital technol ogy to achieve greater versatility and energy-efficient operation. At the same time, these are hard-working machines engineered to operate in rugged environments, delivering productive operation day in and day out and offer ing a reliable return on investment for their owners and fleet operators.
Position control hinges are available that can meet these needs. Off-high way vehicles (especially in construc tion) are often rented or shared by multiple operators on a crew. Just like seat and steering wheel adjustments, different operators will want to adjust screen positions and orientations to make them easier to view and interact with, especially a touchscreen.
vibrations. For heavy door panels and engine hoods, counterbalance hinges provide a simple, more reliable and cost-effective way to open and hold these covers in place.
biles, the use of elec tronic locks is (althoughwaywithincreasingoff-highequipmentmechanical keys are still somewhat common). Many equipment operators are installing rugged electronic locks designed for the thicker, heavier doors and storage panels found in off-highway equip ment. Just like with the hinge tech nology, these latches are engineered and manufactured with high-quality materials to provide years of reliable operation, even while undergoing the
Similar articulating arms may be purchased from computer or business supply stores. However, using these off-the-shelf products in vehicles could cause complications for original equip ment manufacturers (OEMs).

Managing access to these vehicles is a constant, critical challenge.

Ace pumps may not last 4,500 years like the great pyramids of Egypt, but they are designed to be the longest-lasting pumps on the market today. For more than 70 years, we’ve built our pumps with only the best components, backed by the strictest quality control standards in the industry. So, the next time you need a pump that stands the test of time, be sure to ask for an Ace pump.

OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 31
Protecting Equipment with LatchingElectronicSystems
double-articulating arm designed to support smart devices, such as tablets and laptops. This design lets the device be installed in a center console or a door and be deployed as needed. This provides flexibility in case operators need to bring personal devices with them for their shifts.
they experience sudden stops or im pact situations.
Common practice in many agricul tural and construction applications is to leave equipment onsite over night rather than return it to secure storage areas every day. In addition, when different personnel operate the equipment, especially with rent ed assets, operators will be assigned to different machines every day.
A major and ongoing challenge for off-highway equipment owners and operators is security. Protecting ex pensive equipment from vandalism or break-in attempts to steal the vehicle or parts is a growing priority.
Electronic locks can incorporate proximity detectors that automatically unlock a door or storage compartment on an off-highway vehicle when an operator climbs up to enter a cab or approaches a locker. This helps improve operator safety, eliminating the need to dig out and actuate a key fob if their hands are full or holding on to a ladder.

One way that access and position control suppliers can help OEMS control costs is by providing products that have been tested and certified compliant with regulations such as the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan dards. These standards are designed to ensure that products such as position control hinges or latching systems function securely and do not fail when
Just as with on-highway automo
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Latches and Hinges Help Improve Equipment Design and Ergonomics
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increased vibration levels common for off-highway use.

Efficient, Reliable and Durable Variable displacement axial piston pump type C40V

Power consumption management is a concern for the OEMs building these new systems. Every draw on the bat tery must be calculated. In response, some electronic latching suppliers have developed latches with extremely low power-consumption draws. This includes locking mechanisms that draw no power when the vehicle is
While some off-highway equipment manufacturers are building electron ic access and control into their own vehicle control modules, electronic access solutions (EAS) platforms avail able from access and position control providers can simplify the process of incorporating EAS into vehicle designs. These EAS platforms have electronic locks with wireless interfaces, such as Bluetooth, so an operator’s digital device—typically a smartphone—can act as the “key.” Operators will have an EAS app on their device, to which time-based virtual keys can be sent via a cloud-based portal, simplifying the assignment of keys to multiple users and different pieces of equipment. That way, instead of having to distrib ute, manage and track the location of key fobs or other physical access devices, the process can be controlled virtually, which can be especially useful for equipment rental operations.
Off-highway equipment is a competitive market, with multiple major players depending on the in dustry segment. One way they compete is through im proved vehicle design appearance,and

shut down to help preserve battery life and keep equipment secure and ready to Manyoperate.operator access device options are available for electronic latching. These include standard electric key fobs with buttons to unlock cab doors and storage compartments. Because many vehicle cabs and other access points are so high off the ground that operators use ladders to reach them, some access solutions use proximity detectors. These automatically unlock doors when the user is close so that they don’t have to let go of the ladder and reach for the fob.
Smart Hydraulics. Easy Business. |
One trend affecting the use of elec tronic locks in off-highway equipment is the growth of hybrid diesel-electric and pure battery electric vehicles—es pecially in small and midsize construc tion equipment, such as skid steer loaders, and in agricultural equipment.

• Tandem 71cc Pump • 420 bar rated pressure • 3,300 RPM input speed • Electronic and hydraulic displacement control • Through drives available

• Multiple latching points that can be anywhere inside the door

• Hidden hinges not visible to the outside cause thieves to have a diffi cult time guessing where pry points are Differentlocatedhinge technologies can also improve ergonomics for equip ment operators. Constant torque hinges provide resistance through the full range of motion when open ing and closing heavier equipment storage area panels. This lets users easily position doors and cab display screens, keeping them secure at any desiredConstant-torqueangle. options are often available with newer technology. Asymmetric torque hinges, for larg er-sized shelves or heavy doors, have lower torque when lifting the equip ment door but heavier torque, assisted by gravity, to close it. Both movements allow the operator to access storage compartments more easily during their shifts. At the same time, the smooth motion may give a higher quality im pression to the user, compared to basic hinges with no power.additionaloftenoff-highwaydoors,canCounterbalanceresistance.hingetechnologybeusefulforheavyequipmentsuchasenginehoods.Inmanyvehicles,thesehoodsarepoweredopenwithhydraulics—equipmentthatconsumesCounterbalancehingescounteractthedownwardforceofgravityandprovideprecisecontrolwhenopeningandclosingheavypanels,
As off-highway equipment becomes more sophisticated and versatile, vehi cle OEMs seek technological support to help them improve interior and exterior designs, operator ergonomics and a more refined user experience.

OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 33 Kawasaki Precision Machinery (U.S.A.) Inc. • Grand Rapids, MI • • 616.975.3100
Bob Straka is general manager, transpor tation industries, for Southco.
Position control hinges and display mounts with integrated constant torque enable cab screens or monitors to remain stationary during vehicle operation.
Kawasaki is a world-leader in pump efficiency and performance. Inside our range of products you’ll find some of the most efficient axial piston pumps available on the market today. Our engineers understand our customers’ needs, each pump has been designed to deliver high performance across a diverse range of applications.
Work ports centrally located on one side of the pump
and latching and hinge options can help in this endeavor.
Closed Loop Pump

Quality Precision Performance Reliability
Position and access control technolo gies are available from suppliers that can help them achieve their goals and support their efforts to improve off-highway equipment efficiency and productivity. |
enabling the panel to be lifted and lowered effortlessly. These also remove the need for a powered door or hood.
Hidden electronic latches and hinges are now available that install inside doors and other panels to make creating tight, smooth exterior designs. They also provide an added level of security, including:

How R-1234yf Solves EV Comfort and Range Challenges

Initial EV Heating Technology
energy the heating system requires to maintain a comfortable cabin tempera ture. Lastly, the harder a battery works, the less durable it becomes. So, as “range anxiety” crept into the psyche of EV operators, electric-resistive heaters were in the hot seat.
With EVs quickly transitioning from the vehicle of the future to the vehicle for today, new trends are emerging to support manufacturer and regulatory goals by Adam Kimmel
The concerns with these heaters are valid. According to AAA, driving and using an EV’s heater at or below 20°F can decrease the average range by 41%. In off-highway EVs, chal lenges of electric-resistive heating become steeper, because the battery is tasked with fueling bigger systems, and in many off-road applications, recharging options are limited. A few years ago, this publication partnered in gathering viewpoints from OEMs about the future of off-road EVs, which revealed battery power as the biggest challenge to going electric. Reserving
we find R-1234yf—the zero ozone depletion potential (ODP), low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant that’s dominating the EV space as the preferred refrigerant for heat pumps.
ith about 2.5 million electric vehicles (EVs) on U.S. roads and U.S. sales doubling from 2020 to 2021, EVs have evolved past being only a purchase for highly eco-conscious early adopters. A similar dynamic can be seen off-highway, which is expected to experience a substantial 21.5% compound annual growth rate between 2021 and 2030. With EVs quickly transitioning from the vehicle of the future to the vehicle for today, new trends are emerging to support manufacturer and regulatory goals of making EVs increasingly acceptable, accessible and attractive for a growing number of individuals and industries.
High on the list is thermal manage ment, specifically improving cabin comfort without contributing to “range anxiety.” At the heart of this solution,
To prove the concept that heating and cooling could work successfully in all-electric plug-in and hybrid vehi cles, engineers equipped the first EVs with electric-resistive heaters using a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heating element. This approach did what needed to be done, plus building the system into the vehicle was con venient, parts were available and the overall complexity level was low. How ever, electric-resistive heaters create heat from battery energy, negatively impacting vehicle range. Moreover, the colder the ambient air, the more
STRONGER FASTER SMARTER InformationMore AGRO www.agro.chAG Tel. +41 (0)62 889 47 47 Member of KAISER GROUP
• Environmental impact of ODP and low (less than 1) GWP
Detailed information about this world-first development can be found on our website under Solutions / E-Mobility.
• Commercial availability and supply resilience, an advantage over the legacy refrigerant R-134a, which is being regulated by regional, nation al, and global sustainability policies
In 2012, the Nissan Leaf became the first mass-produced EV to offer heat pump thermal management, pro viding the industry with the more energy-efficient system it demand ed. The option quickly gained favor, especially among European manufac turers like Jaguar, BMW and Volkswa gen. Today, more and more EVs are factory-designed with heat pumps. Unlike electric-resistive heaters, heat pumps do not generate heat. Instead, they move heat from one place to another—either absorbing heat from ambient air and transferring it into the
• Full reliability in the most demanding operating conditions

• Maximum process reliability in pre-assembly and final installation
• System solution for cable cross-sections from 16 to 120 mm2

Why R-1234yf Is the Best Commercial Solution
• High critical temperature, which makes it effective in hot ambient temperatures
• Exceptionally quick and easy installation on the vehicle
Maximum EMC reliability on high-voltage cables
Advantages of Heat Pumps for EVs
, AGRO has developed a completely new type of EMC cable gland, precisely tailored to the
cabin for warmth or removing heat from the cabin to cool it. Heat pumps are highly attractive for EVs because they utilize an endless reserve of “free” source energy from outside air, instead of battery energy. They generate up to three units of heat for every one unit of energy consumed, compared with a PTC’s one-to-one output. In addition, heat pumps work both ways to heat and cool, and may help extend a bat tery’s durability by putting less work on the battery.
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 35
every potential unit of energy gener ated by the battery for the purpose of vehicle range and operation capac ity became the focus of new HVAC technology for light, medium and heavy-duty EVs.
• “Pluggable” shield contact solution
With all indications pointing to heat pumps as the right answer for many of the challenges of previous cabin comfort systems—especially in the range anxiety category—scientists and engineers next turned to honing heat pump technology. This put the focus on the refrigerant, which plays a critical
• Low boiling point, which makes it ideal for cold-weather performance
• System cooling performance similar to R-134a
role in a heat pump’s effectiveness. Today, R-1234yf—the same refriger ant quickly overtaking automotive manufacturing and aftermarket as the refrigerant of choice for air condi tioning systems in other types of vehicles—is dominating the EV space as the preferred refrigerant for heat pumps. Advantages R-1234yf offers EV heat pump applications include:
Adam Kimmel is senior principal consultant—technical service, The Chemours Company.

The heat pump solution is here to stay for EV cabin comfort. And for the reasons above, R-1234yf offers the best solution for heat pump thermal management. However, best is not perfect. The indus try is very close to introducing refrig erant blends that use R-1234yf as the ideal base. These optimized blends will augment R-1234yf with other materials to further improve performance and efficiency and potentially allow for heat pump systems with fewer components and lighter weights. Scientists are also in the lab to innovate formulations that could take refrigerant GWPs even lower.
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) remains a popular refrigerant choice for EV heat pumps, but it has several challenges that R-1234yf addresses. Because CO2 has a low critical temperature, it needs to operate at high pressures, requiring a unique compressor, special components, and a great deal of metal around a small channel to contain that pressure. All these translate into a heavier system, and weight costs an EV in driving range. In addition, CO2 requires more complex maintenance and the hazard of operating a vehicle containing a refrigerant under high pressure. Moreover, R-1234yf covers more of the cabin comfort temperature range than CO2, which operates poorly at temperatures above 32°F. Chemists and refrigerant innovators appreciate CO2’s environmental advantages (it sets the baseline of the GWP scale), but its technical and safety challenges
As EVs continue to approach cost, range, comfort, power, “refueling” option, and availability parity with gas-powered vehicles, you’ll see more
people make the switch to EVs. And as more of these vehicles appear on and off the highway, governments will keep a close eye on the environmental im pact of refrigerants. The same regulatory landscape—namely the European tran sition away from R-134a use in light-du ty vehicles and similar regulations from the U.S. EPA—has resulted in 80 million R-1234yf-charged vehicles being driven on U.S. roads, nearly 30 manufacturers adopting it for gas-powered vehicles, and it is coming into play for EVs. We can expect to see an exponential increase in heat pumps that utilize zero-ODP, lowGWP R-1234yf and R-1234yf blends to support sustainability initiatives. |
The Road Ahead for Off-Highway EV Thermal Management
OPERATOR CAB OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 202236 USER EXPERIENCE HUMANLY-ATTUNED Keypads • Hall-Effect Joysticks CANbus Displays • Touch Encoders

R-1234yf Versus Carbon Dioxide
coupled with poor high-ambient per formance make it less desirable.
Never has this been truer than with fasteners in the off-highway mobile equipment manufacturing sector.
From diesel and electric engines to hydraulic systems to electrical compo nents, supply chain disruptions have made providing the equipment that customers want difficult. While fasten ers may seem to be a small part of the overall manufactured product, they are especially important components in off-highway machines. Fast fact: Fasteners are about 50% of the bill of material and 1% of the production cost of a typical machine.
Inventory has always been an area to discuss with a potential fastener dis WhenCONSIDERATIONSSelectingFasteners
he supply chain—a term once associated with the logistics, transportation and distribution world—has become common in everyone’s vocabulary. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 crisis and re cent geopolitical events, strain remains on the collective supply chain.
The value of a full-service fastener supplier and how a manufacturer works and interacts with that supplier has been reinvented and rethought to help manufacturers improve the sup ply chain—particularly those seeking operational profits, production security and product performance. When work ing with existing distributors or seek ing new ones, OEMs should evaluate a full-service fastener supplier in five key areas—risk reduction, inventory opti mization, elevating operations, quality, and electrification and environmental considerations. Getting an understand ing of their capabilities and approach in these areas will help OEMs develop a long-term supply chain relationship.
Lost shipments, lengthy delays and mistakes in orders affect a manufac turer’s production. Understanding
A measurable positive is if a fastener supplier offers in-house manufactur ing capabilities. Seeking domestic or regional sources for components is growing in popularity as a strategy for OEMs to gain more control of the sup ply chain and shorten lead times.
The ability of a fastener supplier to reduce risk in the supply chain through better parts availability, sourcing capa bilities, delivery prowess and manu facturing capabilities will make OEMs meet their customers’ demands.

by Paul Przyby , Optimas Solutions
A bolt in an off-highway vehicle
How can original equipment manu facturers (OEMs) of off-highway mobile equipment mitigate fastener supply chain challenges? The answer lies in
how a fastener supplier reduces risk is important. One of the first factors to determine is availability. What is the availability of parts, and how does the supplier manage inventory? What is the proximity of distribution centers to see if delivery times can be shortened? What is a supplier’s record of on-time delivery in respect to these regional sourcing capabilities?
Optimizing Inventory
Reducing Risk
A dependable supplier helps decrease lead times, improve operations and increase environmental and sustainability progress.
the chosen fastener supplier and what that partner has learned and applied during the past couple years to help OEMs be more competitive.
Performance AND Design
• Where is this item?
Enhancing Operations
tributor. However, in this supply-chain challenged era, it is even more import ant. When discussing inventory, most people think about actual products and goods sitting in a physical plant or warehouse. While this is import ant, so many more elements must be considered, especially in the current environment.Optimizing inventory isn’t about more. Factors to consider are:
Aluminium housing Optical bonding Sunlight readable The NEW OPUS B Series (B6 / B4 / B3)

• How fast can it be delivered?
Another area to evaluate is the ability to develop solutions that improve an application, decrease manufacturing costs, add industrial engineering to re duce the number of SKUs in a machine or perform other cost-out activities. In short, a full-service fastener supplier can help OEMs rethink fastener appli cations in their products to offer better production and performance and reduceDoescosts.thesupplier have in-house application and manufacturing en gineers to design the right fasteners for products? Can they provide heat treating, plating, coating, patching and other secondary processes through one source? In-house tool
and die capabilities with immediate access to engineers and machine operators are beneficial in a supplier. The ability of a fastener producer to perform custom work to meet an OEM’s demands is essential.

The beginning of a new era
The key is to evaluate suppliers on their ability to be flexible and offer a wide range of services to meet every need. This helps OEMs eliminate complexity, save time, reduce waste, decrease costs, and improve efficiency and reproducibility.

Improving Quality
Versatile use - across industries
dictive and prescriptive data analytics easily and accurately to inventory management may be a difference maker for OEMs.
Excellent price-performance ratio
• What must be done next to get it Understandingsupplied? a distributor’s capabilities in technology-enabled demand planning and replenishment automation is critical. Are these ca pabilities powered by real-time data? Do they offer key insights to make inventory an operational asset? The ability of a distributor to apply pre
Part of the fastener-making process
• How much of one SKU is available?
Well-documented quality levels are a requirement for suppliers. Fastener suppliers must meet industry stan dards. OEMs should ask for verifica tions and certifications by standard bodies such as International Organiza tion for Standardization (ISO) 9000 and International Automotive Task Force. These certifications validate that a sup plier has proven quality processes. While certification of quality processes throughout the organi
• Ensure that quality processes are backed by industry certifications
Many exciting opportunities are available for off-highway OEMs in the coming years. With rising focus on environmentally friendly equipment and federal investments in infrastruc ture, examining how fastener partners and their technology fit into equip ment manufacturing benefits OEMs’ production, lead times, and many other factors.

• Technological advances
zation is essential, it might be more important in quality lab testing. OEMs don’t want a faulty fastener to reduce product performance. Testing parts and mitigating safety hazards by mea suring them against standards are important, and one’s supplier needs to adhere to such certifications as ISO 9000, among others. It goes without saying that quality best practices by a full-service distributor and their manufacturing suppliers are essential when identifying a fastener partner that you can trust.
• Reduce risk
• Work seamlessly as one organization
• Use cases that will validate pro duction and performance enhance ments in the future
The future of electrification is unde niably bright. The overall focus on the environment, sustainability and other best practices in manufacturing will only increase. When evaluating a fas tener supplier OEMs must understand the supplier’s strategic approaches in both areas.
Manufacturing continues to move toward more environmentally safe and sustainable products and equipment. Because of this, fasten er manufacturers and distributors must help OEMs embrace and figure out how to advance electrification and other environmental consider ations in their mobile vehicles and components. Therefore, OEMs must understand the strategies of fastener producers and distributors in the following areas:
Electrification EnvironmentalandConsiderations
Working with a full-service fasten er supplier can benefit OEMs if they approach it through a 360-degree lens. The relationship can be a partnership because full-service fastener suppliers will understand how to:
• Adhere to environmental and sus tainability standards |
Paul Przyby is senior vice president of sales with Optimas Solutions.
• Provide strategic operational thinking
OEM Off-Highway | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 39
• Help elevate the OEMs’ operations
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AC Business Media and ForConstruc together launched IRONPROS, a destination site that allows contractors, construction busi ness owners and buying specialists to research almost the entire market of new heavy construction equipment, construction technology solutions and consumable products.

Preparing for the Move
Bolstering this trend of electrification is closing the cost-of-ownership gap between electric power and carbon dioxide (CO2) emitting counterparts. Increased regulatory pressure on manufacturers to reduce CO2 emissions is also requiring OEMs to look at alter native energy sources.
Is Battery-Powered Equipment the Future of the Construction Industry?
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In general, electric outdoor power equipment vibrates at a decreased level when compared to improvingsacrificingperiodscomfortablythecounterparts.gas-poweredThisenablesusertoworkmoreforlongeroftimewithoutsafety,thusproductivity.
OEM SummitIndustry

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Register now to join us and a host of industry experts for this educational summit, November 8, 2022 through November 9, 2022. Topics include sup ply chain outlook, connectivity and big data, emission regulations, operator interface, future power sources, and modular solutions.
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A battery management system plays a huge role in safe equipment operation. There are several main factors contributing to the increased interest in lithium-ion battery power, including improved operator experience, noise reduction and new insights unlocked with data captured by the battery.
The basis of this concept was powering each drive axle of a truck or scraper with its own diesel engine and powertrain.
sands of twin-power motor scrapers with a more maneuverable single-axle, overhung tractor. Called the TS series, this design was introduced in 1954, and the last TS-series scraper was built by Terex in the 2000s.
Euclid’s Twin-Power Concept
The twin-power bottom dump was not a big seller. In addition, the twin-power scraper with the original two-axle tractor, as shown in the image above, was only a little more success ful. But Euclid went on to sell thou
Twin-Power Applications
The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c )3 nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. With more than 3,500 members in a dozen countries, our activities include the operation of the National Construction Equipment Museum and archives in Bowling Green, Ohio; publication of a quarterly magazine, Equipment Echoes, from which this text is adapted, and hosting an annual working exhibition of restored construction equipment. Individual memberships are $35.00 within the U.S. and Canada, and $55.00 U.S. elsewhere. Our next International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition will be September 22-24, 2023, in Bowling Green, Ohio. We seek to develop relationships in the equipment manufacturing industry, and we offer a college scholarship for engineering students. Information is available at, by calling 419-352-5616 or e-mailing Please reference Dept. OEM.
Using two engines created a prob lem in synchronizing the engines, and the torque converter solved this by automatically compensating for minor variations in load on the transmission such as were imparted by two unsyn chronized engines. The operator could shift both transmissions simultaneous ly with a single lever.
After two years of experimentation, the first twin-power machine was an 18-cubic-yard capacity bottom dump truck introduced in 1948. The first twin-power scraper followed in 1949. Both machines had one engine, a transmission in the tractor to power its drive axle, and a second on the back to power the wagon or trailer. This gave them increased capacity and mobility when compared to their single-engine counterparts. The scraper had the additional advantage of not requiring a push tractor for loading except under the most severe conditions.

Euclid owed the success of twin power to the development of the Allison Torqmatic transmission in the mid-1940s. The transmission was semi automatic, with full power shift and a torque converter. These features made it possible to shift instantaneously under full power and load.
ne of the Euclid Road Machinery Company’s major innovations was the twin-power con cept. The basis of the concept was powering each drive axle of a truck or scraper with its own diesel engine and powertrain. The idea is believed to have originated with the Koehring Company, which used twin, diesel engines and powertrains to propel a short-lived crawler version of its Dumptor shuttle dump truck in the 1930s. However, Euclid was the first to use it successfully.
Image 1. A Euclid TDT series twinpower scraper’s extra power helped it take a healthy load of clay on the Massachusetts Turnpike in 1956.
Twin-power was also applied to a line of massive, end dump trucks and the famous TC-12 crawler tractor. The end dump trucks were among the largest available in the 1950s and early 1960s. The TC-12 was the largest and most powerful crawler tractor from its 1955 introduction until Fiat-Allis unveiled the HD41. The TC-12 rode on two frame halves that oscillated against each other on rough ground and could be unbolted for transport. For all its power, it was also the most complicated crawler on the market and was prone to expen sive mechanical issues |
by Thomas Berry , Archivist, Historical Construction Equipment Association
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