Whatever your application, we’ve got you covered with our portfolio of over 500 cartridge valves.
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4 Inside AGCO's Tech Day & how to access more industry info, innovations & insights
6 Farm machinery shipments improve, but remain below YOY numbers
75 Studying the factors affecting Stroud's design, including weight capacity, frame flexibility & conveyor efficiency WEB EXCLUSIVES
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OEM Off-Highway's Annual Product Showcase highlights the latest product launches for the medium- & heavy-duty mobile equipment industry.
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This time last year, I had just joined the OEM Off-Highway team as its new editor. Since then, with every passing day, week and month, I’m grateful to be able to speak with and learn from so many fantastic industry experts. Since June 2023, I’ve been lucky to have the opportunity to build relationships with industry players, explore innovation in product design and development, and continue to dig deeper into the trenches of the mobile equipment industry — and share all of it with you, our readers. As I look ahead to future years of service to this industry, I welcome your feedback. What’s working and what isn’t? What would you like to see more or less of? What problems can we help you solve in your work? Share your thoughts with me at kwells@iron.markets.
In June, agricultural machinery and precision ag technology company AGCO hosted Tech Day 2024 at a multi-crop farming operation in Salina, Kansas, to showcase the equipment and technology it plans to launch over the next five years. Here, Editor Kathy Wells poses with a Fendt 724 Vario and Momentum Planter retrofit with PTx Precision Planting technology.
In this issue, we’re proud to welcome back OEM Off-Highway’s Annual Product Showcase. This year’s installment offers 32 pages featuring 100 of the latest components and design tools now available to engineers and product development teams in the on- and off-highway mobile equipment industry. Within these pages, readers can browse products across six main categories: Engines, Drivetrains, Fluid Power, Operator Environment, Electronics, and Engineering and Manufacturing. We also encourage you to check out our online Component Directory at oemoh.co/directory to access these products and thousands more.
Looking for more info, innovations and insights? OEM Off-Highway now offers eight industry- and systems-specific e-newsletters designed to act as your top sources of industry information. From breaking news announcements and product releases to expert articles and interviews, we deliver more of what you’re looking for straight to your inbox. Your subscription is free and guarantees access to online-exclusive content, podcasts, videos and more. To subscribe now, scan the code below or visit oemoh.co/subscribe-enl.
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Craig Callewaert, PE, Chief Project Manager, Volvo Construction Equipment
Roy Chidgey, Business Segment Head, Minerals Projects and Global Mobile Mining, Siemens Large Drives US
Andrew Halonen , President, Mayflower Consulting, LLC
Terry Hershberger, Director, Sales Product Management, Mobile Hydraulics, Bosch Rexroth Corp.
Steven Nendick, Marketing Communications Director, Cummins Inc.
John Madsen, Director Engineering & Product Management, GKN Wheels & Structures
Doug Meyer, Global Director of Construction Engineering, John Deere
Andy Noble, Head of Heavy Duty Engines, Ricardo
Daniel Reibscheid, Business Development Manager, MNP Corporation
Matt Rushing, Vice President, Product Line, Global Crop Care, AGCO Corp.
Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director, Diesel Technology Forum
Keith T. Simons, President – Controls Products, OEM Controls, Inc.
Alexandra Nolde , Senior Communication & Media Specialist, Liebherr-Components AG
Bob Straka, General Manager, Transportation SBU, Southco, Inc.
Luka Korzeniowski, Global Market Segment Leader, Mobile Hydraulics, MTS Sensors
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Industry-leading economic firm ITR Economics provides heavy-duty equipment market trends to help OEMs stay up to date on top industry information and insights, which can help them make better decisions in 2024.
In our continued analysis, the latest data reveals Annual U.S. Farm Machinery Shipments ticked up in March 2024.
Although they were 11.8% below the year-ago level, April marks the fifth consecutive month of improvement. Shipments are recovering, though elevated interest rates and agriculture commodity prices below year-ago levels remain downsides.
The following provides a summary of key observations across 13 indicators and areas of industry that contribute to today’s global economic conditions.
• The monthly rate-of-change for the U.S. OECD Leading Indicator climbed higher in April.
• The Indicator signals increasing upward pressure on the macroeconomy later this year; however, monetary policy remains a downside.
• U.S. Industrial Production in the three months through April was at about the same level as one year ago.
• There is divergence within the industrial sector, partly due to government spending. Hightech sectors are benefiting the most from this spending, whereas U.S. Machinery Production is in recession.
• U.S. Private Nonresidential Construction in the three months through March was 13.1% higher than the year-ago level. The quarterly trend is experiencing its normal seasonal decline. The annual trend is in a slowing growth trend.
• The U.S. Institutional Sector Architecture Billings Index portends downward pressure on Construction in the quarters ahead.
• U.S. Total Public Construction in the 12 months through March totaled $454.3 billion, 18.3% above the year-ago level.
• The quarterly growth rate has moved lower for two months. This is a potential signal of slowing growth ahead but may be normal volatility. As infrastructure funding is used up, slowing growth is more likely.
• Annual U.S. Farm Machinery Shipments ticked up in March but were 11.8% below the year-ago level.
• Shipments are recovering, though elevated interest rates and agriculture commodity prices below year-ago levels remain downsides.
• Annual Europe Agricultural and Forestry Machinery Production in March was 7.8% below the year-ago level.
• Potential interest rate cuts in the EU could provide some relief for high-cost capital expenditures like agricultural and forestry machinery, though rate policy remains uncertain.
• Following a year-long rising trend, the monthly rate-of-change has been oscillating around its current value since late 2023.
• EU Industrial Production is in recession. The Four Big European Nations Leading Indicator and the Markit Economics’ Europe Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index signal the pace of decline for EU Industrial Production could begin to ease in the coming months. Tight monetary policy remains a downside pressure.
• Annual U.S. Heavy-Duty Truck Production ticked down in April, coming in 3.4% above the year-ago level.
• Annual Production decline is likely given elevated interest rates and a general plateau for industrial activity and business-to-business spending.
• Annual U.S. Mining Production through April was 2.1% above the year-ago level.
• The oil and gas component of Production is in a pronounced rising trend on an annual basis, while mining excluding oil and gas is below the year-ago level.
• Germany Industrial Production in the three months through March was 7.1% below the year-ago level.
• While China, a major trade partner for Germany, continues to face macroeconomic headwinds in its property sector, the U.S.’s relatively resilient economy may benefit Germany as a trade partner in the coming quarters as its consumers are on relatively stable footing.
• Annual U.S. Construction Machinery New Orders ticked down in March but were 10.6% above the year-ago level.
• Pricing has contributed to New Orders rise but will contribute less in the coming quarters, as inflation is easing. Annual U.S. Construction Machinery Production, a measure of activity, is declining and 3.2% below the year-ago level.
• U.S. Mining and Oil Field Machinery Production in the 12 months through April was 2.0% below the year-ago level.
• Slowing growth in the macroeconomy and high interest rates signal further decline. Oil prices are above breakeven, and some metals prices have been rising. This suggests that decline in Production will be mild.
• U.S. Defense Capital Goods New Orders in the 12 months through March totaled $162.7 billion, down from the previous month, but 4.2% above the year-ago level.
• Recently passed foreign aid is an upside for New Orders.
Nokian Tyres TRI 2 excels in a wide variety of tasks from job sites to highways, from snowy winters to hot tarmac. Its durability, economy and comfortable driving response make it a reliable choice for versatile contracting work.
Compact system with e-machine, inverter and power control unit integrated together to facilitate electrification. The electric components are modular and scalable, and thereby suitable for a number of different applications. The oil cooled e-machine is integrated with an internal clutch system which allows it to operate in electric or hybrid mode. In parallel hybrid configuration, the electric power system unit can combine an e-machine and a combustion engine run either together or as stand-alone power source. In fully electric configuration, the electric power systems unit will replace the internal combustion engine to deliver the power needs of the application. All components work seamlessly together and are controlled with a common
management system using CAN J1939, while standard mechanical interfaces simplify integration with external components.
The latest generation of Accelera's fuel cell technology can be found in the FCE300 and FCE150 fuel cell engines. Both offer increased power density for larger systems, improved system efficiency and advanced durability. The modular architecture enables seamless configurations for a multitude of applications and layouts, while streamlining integration processes for onand off-highway mobile and stationary applications.
Isuzu now offers durable and reliable Emergency Power in 4L-Series, 2.2L, 4 Cylinder engine and power unit configurations, supporting both standby (25.6 kW – 34.9 kW) and prime power (22.9 kW – 30.6 kW) applications. The 4L-Series products, powering off-road industrial industry for years, are newly offered in certified and configured emergency standby and prime power and supported in North America by industry-leading five-year/5,000-hour engine limited warranties. Isuzu Pre-validated Open GenSet-Ready Power Units are expanded into three sizes: 4J, 4H, and 6H. As delivered, all are nearly 100% pre-validated. Our 4J-Series is equipped as a 3.0L, 4 Cylinder, 70.8 kW constant speed @1800 RPM Diesel engine. The 4H-Series is equipped with a 5.2L, 4 Cylinder, 127.5 kW constant speed @1800 rpm and the 6H-Series 7.8L, 6 Cylinder, 193.8 kW constant speed @1800 rpm. Isuzu provides power solutions to ensure the most advanced performance and services in agricultural, construction, industrial, medical and rental markets with engines, power units and pre-validated genset-ready power units in critical and non-critical power applications. Isuzu engines provide quiet (NVH), low maintenance, fuel-efficient solutions from 8.8 kW to 382 kW.
EVantage Fuel Cell Stack Cooling Package (Modine)
Delivers a complete thermal solution for hydrogen fuel cell commercial and industrial electric vehicles. Predictively and cleanly manages the temperature of hydrogen fuel cell stacks while minimizing power draw. It includes a master thermal controller and Modine-developed firmware to simplify communication to the hydrogen fuel cell commercial electric vehicle ECU. Uses energy-efficient high-voltage electric fans for predictive passive cooling. It uses propriety Modine flux-free heat exchanger technology to meet stringent fuel cell conductivity requirements and recovers waste heat from the fuel cell stack to warm the vehicle’s cabin. The smart control system predicts variations in temperature of the fuel cell stack within 2 degrees to 3 degrees Celsius to proactively cool the stack for maximum durability and longevity. It is capable of communicating with the J1939 CANBUS protocol. Designed for fast and easy integration into your chassis. All necessary heat exchangers, smart electric products, and wiring are included. Designed for harsh environments, the product has IP67 ingress protection, corrosionresistant materials, and a fully sealed wiring harness.
The 400 EFI/ETC horizontal shaft commercial gas engine has an electronic fuel injection (EFI) system that provides better fuel efficiency, improved overall performance, quick load acceptance, and offers all-weather choke-less starting. The addition of the electronic throttle control (ETC) system means operators can count on smooth and consistent power with any load size or terrain type. The 400 EFI/ETC features battery-free starting, which eliminates the bulk, weight and maintenance of a battery onboard. Features a fully integrated cyclonic air cleaner with advanced AutoShed technology. These additions extend service internals and provide owners with a lower total cost of ownership. The 400 EFI/ ETC engine is for applications in utility, agriculture, construction and landscaping markets.
Kubota’s D1803 P1 Hybrid engine has been introduced as an additional hybrid solution. This engine is compact and robust with an integrated motor generator embedded within the flywheel housing. With the P1 Hybrid engine, the motor only assists for the brief periods in which high output is required. Additionally, necessary components are provided by Kubota, so customer development resources can be kept to a minimum.
Horton continues to refine the RCV (Rigid Center Variable) Series for precision cooling of large-bore diesel applications. Tested and field-proven in some of the world’s toughest mining conditions, The RCV2000 boasts innovations that improve reaction time and control modulation. It delivers fuel savings, increased productivity and the reliability required by off-highway equipment. The RCV2000 is a completely closed-system consisting of a belt-driven input, a reservoir of torquetransmitting viscous fluid, an output, and a fan speed feedback sensor for precise control. It’s all mounted to a stationary shaft, with dedicated bearings for the belt and fan loads for maximum rigidity. Typical fan size range is 78 inches to 96 inches. Typical max torque is 2350 Nm, with a max intermittent output of 2500 Nm. It is a fail-safe design (ie) 0V = max fan speed. Other benefits include: Durable closed system that does not plumb into the engine’s oil; no hoses, fittings, or hydraulic valves; Integrated fan speed sensor for closed-loop control and high efficiency; CAN-compatible when paired with Horton’s Di+ Controller; SAE J1939 and ISO 11898; Uses available CAN data for fan speed command; Broadcast fan speed and other messages for easy troubleshooting, data collection and analysis.
The medium and heavy-duty EPA Tier 3 commercial marine engine provides 410 horsepower (301 kW) at 2,000 rpm and a specific fuel consumption of 214 g/kWh. Features turbocharged air cooling and an electronic common rail fuel system with optimal fuel delivery and timing precision whatever the speed or load condition. Furthermore, customers benefit from both keel-cooled and heat exchange cooling optionsThe C90 650E 605 EPA Tier 3 marine propulsion engine. The introduction of this A2/B1-rated model means the line-up of light-duty engines now extends to 605 horsepower (445 kW) at 2530 rpm, up from 580 horsepower. Features a torque response time of 1.28 Nm/Rpm and improved peak torque of 2181 Nm at 1700 rpm.Fully EPA Tier 3 compliant, both the C90 410 and the C90 650E 605 feature turbocharged air cooling and an electronic common rail fuel system.
The high-speed, 7.5-liter CORE75 from AGCO Power offers 12% more power compared to the previous low-speed variant (299 horsepower / 223 kilowatts), a wider speed range up to 2,100 rpm, 24 voltage electrics and a PWM-controlled alternator as an option. The CORE75 has improved fuel economy, up to 0.309 pounds/horsepower-hour (188 grams/kilowatt-hour).
For over a century, we’ve been pushing the boundaries of diesel engine technology, creating quality, eco-friendly and durable solutions that power industries. From commercial trucks to off-road industrial agricultural, construction, medical, and rental markets in the Americas, our engines deliver the reliability you need to conquer any challenge. With Isuzu, you’re not just purchasing engine solutions –you’re investing in long-term value and success.
11.8– 512 (8.8–382
11 8–260 HP (8.8 –194 kW )
Learn more about our full range of Isuzu Diesel Engines, Power Units, genuine parts, diagnostic tools, training & support, dedicated service network and our industry-leading warranty at IsuzuEngines.com.
The power behind
Available in 2026, the 13-liter diesel engine platform can be used in agriculture, construction and other off-road use, offering eight power ratings from 340 to 515 kW (456 to 690 hp) offering up to 3,200 Nm of peak torque. Open power units configured with enginemounted aftertreatment and cooling packs also available from the factory for OEMs. Perkins will offer 2600 Series engines configured to meet the emissions standards of higher regulated countries, such as EU Stage V, U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, China Non-road IV, Korea Stage V and Japan 2014, as well as versions for lesser-regulated countries. Compatible with renewable liquid fuels such as 100% hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO), B100 distilled Biodiesel and up to B100 fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) standard biodiesel. Its core architecture supports the future development of spark-ignited natural-gas and hydrogen fuel capabilities. Design enhancements include the integration of components as well as a reduction in the number of leak joints by more than 45%. The combination of the new rear gear train, stiffer core architecture and common rail fuel system reduces noise by up to 3 dB when compared with Perkins current 13-, 15- and single-turbo 18-liter engines.
The 13-liter diesel engine platform designed to achieve power density and torque for performance of heavy-duty off-highway applications. Offers eight power ratings from 340 to 515 kW with up to 3,200 Nm of peak torque. Engine-mounted aftertreatment and cooling packs also available from the factory. Offers up to a 20% increase in power and up to 25% more low-speed torque than the previous generation. Designed to perform at altitudes of up to 12,000 feet maintaining higher power than legacy engines at higher altitudes and in extreme ambient temperatures as high as 140°F (60°C) and as low as -40°F (-40°C) with aids. Designed for reliability and maintenance, the C13D has reduced the number of leak joints by more than 45%. The upgrades result in low fluids consumption and extended service intervals as long as 1,000 hours. The C13D will come into production in 2026, meeting emissions standards of higher regulated markets, with models available for lesser-regulated markets.
The 15L diesel engine for the off-highway market is part of the Cummins HELM platform and offers customers the option to choose the fuel type that best suits their business needs. It offers a common base engine design with cylinder heads and fuel systems specifically tailored for a single fuel-advanced diesel, natural gas or hydrogen. The Next Gen X15 offers ratings up to 522 kW (700 hp) and a peak torque of 3200 Nm (2360 ft lb) targeted for Stage V emissions and beyond. The X15 engine is optimized with fuel consumption as low as 180 g/kWh, reducing TCO and lifetime CO2 emissions. It has extended maintenance intervals up to 1000 hours, reducing service costs and downtime.
Detroit has made gains on reducing NOx outputs of the DD13 engine by reducing NOx emissions. This has been a regulation focus for California and the EPA for 2027. Meeting the current slate of regulations can be complicated and making incremental improvements helps meet today’s regulations and set Detroit up for the ones coming in the future.
Pictured here is the Cummins’ B6.7H hydrogen engine. It is aimed at a wide range of off-highway machinery, with a top rating of 290 hp (216 kW) and a peak torque of 1200 Nm.
Cummins is a technology company committed to meeting the sustainability needs of our customers through a broad portfolio of power solutions.
The Cummins B6w.7 fuel agnostic engine platform design enables a consistent mounting and space claim for clean diesel, biodiesel, natural gas, and hydrogen fuels. The main engine block remains the same with the head and the fuel system being the key changes. They can be installed in the same equipment as today’s diesel while also using the same transmission, cooling systems, and hydraulic systems, reducing complexity for equipment manufacturers and their customers. Maintenance practices and costs are also comparable to diesel engines.
The DCmax312 electric fan is crafted to meet the unique demands of modern ICEs, electric batteries and fuel cell machinery. Collaborating closely with customers, Multi-Wing tailors electric fans to precise specifications, resulting in enhanced airflow, efficiency and performance that align with industry sustainability goals. DCmax312 electric fans are installed in a range of off-highway equipment using ICEs, which require strong, durable products. Multi-Wing’s new electric fans are an ideal solution for diverse earthmoving equipment, such as excavators, wheel loaders and dump trucks, as well as material handling equipment, including telescopic handlers, reach stackers and rough terrain trucks. For battery electric and fuel cell applications, DCmax312 fans ensure optimal performance and longevity of other involved components.
With real-time transfer of engine operating states, maintenance recommendations and alarms, geofencing and over-the-air updates for new features, Performance Tracking helps operators get the most out of their construction equipment fleet. With standard interfaces, it can be integrated into any existing fleet management solution. The IoT Dashboard provides an intuitive, browserbased, stand-alone information hub. No additional software or apps are required. Performance Tracking allows users to monitor machine and engine data and retrieve service data. Hatz Digital Solutions offer performance, availability, location, maintenance requirements and other key information on engines and machinery at all times. This is an intuitive way to maximize efficiency, productivity and profitability. All electronically controlled Hatz engines applications can benefit from IoT and performance tracking technology.
Gits developed these pre-validated hot side EGR valves and EBV’s for diesel, gas and hydrogen ICEs in the range of 7-to 16-liter to help customers comply to the latest emissions standards, reduce fuel consumption at the best TCO and shortest time to market. This is achieved through a new patented design for both types of valves by eliminating the link bar in the valve design and development of a new solutions for cooling purpose. Creating a direct drive design eliminates linkage durability and accuracy concerns with a position accuracy < 0.3 degrees. Even as important, the design reduces the envelope size and mass of the valve making it easier to fit the valve in the engine and reduce vibration loading on the system. The seal design has market leading internal and external leakage rates with low pressure drop over the valve. Finally, the valves can be equipped with different types of actuators. There is a flexibility to choose between a pneumatic actuator, a torque actuator controlled by PWM or a smart CAN actuator. The electrically operated valves can be controlled by 12 or 24 Volt.
The JD4* delivers a power output of up to 120 kW (161 hp) in a compact yet powerful package. Features a rear gear train that minimizes noise while delivering robust PTO power. With a maximum torque of 700 Nm (516 lb-ft), the JD4 excels under heavy loads. Features an enhanced diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) delivery system for smooth operation. Its maintenance-free hydraulic lash adjustment (HLA) of the valve train extends maintenance intervals to 750 hours. Offers up to three auxiliary drives for delivering three times more power offboarding capability which enhances flexibility and enabling seamless integration with electrification and hybrid applications. Designed to meet EU Stage IIIA to Stage V levels through common interfaces, the JD4 integrates planned external cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and a single overhead camshaft valve train for low-NOx operation. It achieves U.S. EPA Final Tier 4 and EU Stage V compliance without the need for EGR and without compromising performance. *Not currently in production.
and insights.
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Geoposition Error codes Browser based applications
Hatz Digital Solutions is the perfect addition for your engines. With our solutions, you have performance, availability, location, maintenance requirements and other key information on your engines and machinery at all times. This is an intuitive way to maximize efficiency, productivity, and profitability. All electronically controlled engines in your fleet can benefit from this solution.
Learn more at hatz.digital/en
Scania’s G25CM and G33CM range was joined by two new members, with an “H” (for heavy) in their designations. G25CH and G33CH share all the properties of their siblings. However, by adding a sturdier planetary gear, Scania now offers a combination of robustness, smooth gear shifting and fuel efficiency. These gearboxes can withstand constant high torque on the outgoing axle under demanding conditions, while also offering longer service life. They are designed for heavy applications such as mining, heavy haulage and trucks that operate under hilly or rough conditions.
Designed for every application of the hydrogen value chain, including a new ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber for high-pressure environments across a wide range of temperatures, and a unique thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) for very low temperatures. The materials are suitable for both high pressures and low temperatures, and resist permeation, and are therefore better able to withstand rapid gas decompression, while also demonstrating excellent wear and extrusion properties. The range includes two new materials specially engineered for hydrogen applications. H2Pro EBT25 is a new EPDM for highpressure environments across a wide range of temperatures, and Zurcon H2Pro ZLT, a TPU for very low temperatures.
The CeTrax lite electric central driveline is adapted to use in light commercial vehicles. Developed as a highly integrated electric drive, CeTrax lite provides advantages for manufacturers, particularly supporting emission-free urban and last-mile deliveries. The technology has already received orders from Asia and the Americas. The production started in Friedrichshafen, using the group’s competence coming from passenger car technology.
In this enhanced SANIMotor, all the original exterior dimensions, performance specifications, certifications, mounting holes, and power cable connections remain the same. In addition to the IP69K rating, all exterior components are manufactured from 304 stainless steel. The output shaft is also 304 stainless steel and supported by sealed ball bearings. The gearmotor’s laser marked permanent nameplate meets extreme washdown rating. While retaining its primary features, the enhanced SANIMotor has new part numbers.
Open block design creates excellent self-cleaning
Aggressive tread design creates reference level lateral and traction grip
New compound and more rubber in the tread creates better grip and increased lifetime
Re-designed carcass structure gives more lifetime and better stability
Siped non-directional thr ead design with pre-marked stud position
This modular e-platform for vehicles from 20 to 210 kW offers a range of 48/96/650-volt e-motors and provides an emission-free drive. The system for mobile excavators consists of a 2-speed powershift transmission, electric motor, and inverter. It can be scaled up to peak torque 850 Nm and continuous power of 80 kW. Three power classes of the electric central drive system eCD50, eCD70 and eCD90 are available to cover different vehicle sizes in the targeted applications. ZF also offers the eTRAC eCD110-210 series for mid-sized wheel loaders, consisting of an electro-mechanical powershift transmission and one e-motor for traction and ePTO each. An electric drive control unit for overall system performance and power management completes the system. With a 650 V operating voltage, the system can be scaled up to 120 kW continuous power; the ePTO ranges from 30 to 70 kW continuous power. These solutions fit in both battery-electric vehicles and fuel-cell battery electric vehicles.
These lines of irrigation tires are built to meet customer demand with both directional and non-directional tire options for OEM and aftermarket applications. Engineered for centerpivot irrigation systems, the Rainmax H2O line features a lug design that enhances traction on wet, muddy ground. These OEM-approved R1 tires are self-cleaning, making them an ideal all-around solution for irrigation. The Rainmax N/D line has a non-directional tread pattern that maximizes traction in either direction of travel. Rainmax tires are made from premium UV-resistant compounds to ensure long life on irrigation equipment. The tubes, if used, are made from 100% butyl rubber to provide additional durability, resistance to weather elements and improved traction. The corrosion-resistant steel pivot wheels are available in popular sizes, including eight- and nine-hole patterns, as well as common offsets and reverse mount units.
The Bonfiglioli 700TE Electric Slew Drive is an innovative solution that combines proven dependability with next-generation features to elevate your machines. At its core are our field-proven planetary gearboxes, delivering unparalleled precision and control in every dig and maneuver, even under harsh conditions. But the 700 TE goes beyond exceptional mechanics. Seamless integration with 400Vdc to 800Vdc battery systems ensures not only extended operation times but positions you at the forefront of sustainable construction practices. Unmatched performance is further guaranteed by the BPM240 Permanent Magnet Motor which features an advanced liquid-cooling system, eliminating overheating concerns and ensuring consistent efficiency throughout your projects. Safety is never compromised – integrated electromagnetic brakes provide exceptional stopping power and contribute to improved energy management. For decades, Bonfiglioli has been a trusted partner in construction innovation. The 700TE Electric Slew Drive exemplifies this commitment. Experience unparalleled performance, embrace sustainable practices, and elevate your excavator designs with Bonfiglioli.
Three-in-one integrated e-solution (transmission/motor/controller)
With sizes ranging from 320/85R24 for row crop up to 800/70R38 flotation applications, the Titan AgraEDGE line now covers the majority of the most in-demand sizes for MFWD tractors, as well as offering larger sizes for 4WD tractors, grain carts and combines, with more in the development pipeline. It includes an extensive warranty, including eightyear coverage for tire workmanship and material. This includes a two-year stubble damage protection plan, a two-year no cost replacement, a prorated refund based on years in service beyond two years, and a one-year field hazard protection plan. It features a high-performing design that includes improved compounding, advanced construction and a modern lug angle for excellent traction, self-cleaning, stubble-resistance, roadability and reduced soil compaction.
The FORESTMAX (radial construction) tire responds to the typical needs of agroforestry. Robustness and cut-and-chip resistance under the toughest operating conditions are key features. Features a specially developed tread compound and a steel-belted structure that significantly reduce the risk of punctures on woodland; while on rough and uneven terrain, the tire ensures excellent traction and stability thanks to its strong open shoulder. The combination of tread resistance and shoulder design makes FORESTMAX a tire with excellent self-cleaning properties, which can also be used for some agricultural operations with tractors, such as soil tillage and stone crushing.
No matter how challenging your needs, BKT is with you offering a wide range of OTR tires specifically designed for the toughest operating conditions: from mining to construction sites.
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MAXAM’s AGILXTRA VF technology solutions deliver the capability to carry heavier loads at high speeds while ensuring both increased tire traction and minimizing soil compaction. The radial tires are designed with a steel-belted construction utilizing a directional tread design to ensure longer treadwear, improved stability and high resistance to punctures. Optimized tread pattern ensures improved field traction, roading and self-cleaning, while minimizing vibrations at high transport speeds. New sizes in the AGILXTRA series allow implements or tankers to either carry 40% more tire load at normal air pressures or operate at 40% less air pressure for the same tire load. This technological advantage enables the tires to work in either heavier load or higher speed applications and/or reduce the impact on soil conditions with increased productivity or crop yields.
As the company’s lightest weight 46,000-pound capacity rear air suspension, ROADMAAX Z rear air suspension system provides excellent on- and off-highway performance, ride quality and cargo protection for demanding applications. Approved for use with lift axles and up to 25% off-highway operation. Patented Zero Maintenance Damping (ZMD) ride technology is now offered for trucks and tractors with ROADMAAX Z, a heavy-duty drive axle air suspension system designed to provide a consistent ride over the life of the air spring. ROADMAAX Z was designed as a top-mount, trailing arm air suspension to provide superior ride. ROADMAAX Z offers a full range of suspension scalability with rated capacities of 23,000 pounds, 46,000 pounds and 69,000 pounds.
With an integrated sensor and sealed electronic actuation, the R4-50 expands offers increased security and remote access control for demanding environments. Offering high security, quick actuation speed and exceptional cycle life, the R4-50 is designed for applications where durability and reliability are critical. As an FMVSS 206 capable solution for high strength door retention, the R4-50 is made for lastmile delivery applications. The R4-50 combines these traits with electronic actuation and monitoring to verify door security. The latch actuates reliably under high loads in under one second, and electronic access technology gives users convenient remote control actuation at all times. The integrated sensor communicates when the latch is closed and the door striker is present to confirm that the door is secured. The entire electronic actuation system is sealed to protect against environmental conditions.
This motor, featuring a dual stator and single rotor configuration, is distinct for its compact size, high torque (30% to 40% greater than traditional radial flux motors), and superior power density. It provides precise control, making it suitable for commercial vehicles, construction machinery, hybrid marine vessels, industrial robots and other applications where efficiency is crucial.
We know what to call it because we trademarked it.
WPT pioneered the Pilotless® Mechanical Power Take-Off to solve customer challenges. For over seventy-five years, the mechanical PTO has remained relatively unchanged. Our innovative design changed that by eliminating the pilot bearing. This design also increases the PTO’s side load capacity, is easy to maintain, and increases uptime, meaning more work gets done. That’s why others are imitating it.
Our Pilotless® PTO has delivered trusted, reliable solutions on diverse applications for over a decade. WPT owns real-world knowledge—experience, proven field performance, and technical know-how. Can you afford someone else’s learning curve?
Pilotless® a smart solution with a simple name.
Certified according to IEC61508, SIL3 and comply with ISO 26262, ASIL-D. For use in applications where safety is critical, for example, in driverless transport systems operated remotely from a working station. The operator uses a monitor, pedals and a steering wheel to steer a camera-equipped, remotecontrolled vehicle to a destination. Transmission to the vehicle uses the fast 5G standard. The position value is recorded redundantly and processed independently by two microprocessors. The output is provided via the CANopen safety protocol. The single-turn version TBSN offers a resolution of max. 65,536 increments per revolution. The TRSN multiturn version offers an additional 4096 revolutions. The magnetically shielded stainless steel housing can be mounted on a motor without affecting the measurement. With an operating 1/2 temperature range of -40 degrees Celsius to +70 degrees Celsius and an enclosure rating of up to IP69K, they are suitable for harsh environments and able to withstand high levels of shock and vibration. With an outside diameter of just 42 mm, they can be used in applications where space is limited.
The patented non-directional traction tread pattern is engineered for reduced wear and extended lifespan. Lower inventory costs are another highlight of this innovative tire as this eliminates the need for left and right mounting, businesses can streamline their tire inventory. The patented nondirectional R4 tread pattern offers High Uniform Traction in both forward and reverse directions. Other features include a robust casing with high ply ratings and mud breakers. The new skid steer tire is available in 10-16.5 and 12-16.5 and also available as ready to mount tire and wheel assemblies.
The 25-inch V-STEEL Z TRACTION (VZT) for loader and grader applications is designed to maximize tire life and help reduce total cost of ownership. Among the VZT’s features are: Advanced tread compounds engineered to help improve heat, cut, and tear, and increase total tire life by up to 15% compared to previous generation product; A new tread pattern design with 9% improved traction, with low-angle center block and self-cleaning wide shoulder groovers for wet, muddy surfaces and challenging terrain; Optimal sidewall shape and protectors to help minimize damage and enhance defense against tears and cuts.
Dana’s comprehensive vehicle design methodology for delivering complete, integrated suspension solutions for high-performance agriculture tractors uses a sophisticated multiphysics approach to produce virtual prototypes that simulate real-world performance, helping to reduce development times and accelerate the introduction of new vehicles to market. As the market expands for highperformance, feature-rich tractors, Dana has expanded its support for OEMs with an all-encompassing development program that reduces the development time of complete front suspension solutions. The capabilities are especially valuable for OEMs with limited in-house resources. Dana’s process includes the definition of vehicle performance parameters, comprehensive data acquisition, virtual prototype development, simulations of real-time duty cycles, and test track validation of prototypes. The approach delivers suspension solutions offering improved vehicle traction, handling and operator comfort.
The Curtis Model HVi F5-R Motor Controller sets a new standard for performance and versatility in electric drive systems. With an operating voltage up to 525V and peak power up to 100kW, it delivers reliable power for a wide range of applications. Its continuous power rating, varying between 40kW to 60kW depending on the model selected, ensures consistent performance under demanding conditions. Equipped with dual high-performance ARM Cortex microprocessors, the HVi F5-R offers precise speed and torque control for 3-phase AC induction and PMAC motors. EN13849 functional safety ensures safe and efficient operation, while blazing processor speeds enable accurate regulation of voltage, frequency, and current. The HVi F5-R features a rugged aluminum housing with a compact footprint, making it suitable for installation in spaceconstrained environments. Its versatility extends to compatibility with a broad spectrum of AC induction and PMAC motors, facilitated by motor auto-characterization capabilities. This feature significantly reduces setup time and costs, ensuring swift integration. Support for various motor position sensors, including resolver, sine/cosine, and quadrature AB incremental sensors, ensures compatibility with diverse motor configurations, enhancing flexibility and ease of use. The common Software Operating System shared with other Curtis low-voltage controllers ensures consistency in vehicle functionality across the entire spectrum, from micro to heavy-duty machines. Engineered for electric traction, hydraulic pump, or on-engine generator (OEG) hybrid systems, the HVi F5-R excels in a myriad of mobile equipment applications.
Giving operators a new level of traction on snow and ice, as well as year-round durability. This versatile and environmentally friendly tire is designed to meet the needs of modern farming and machine contracting and is suitable for both on- and off-road terrains.
A new compound and more rubber in the tread creates better grip and increased lifetime. The redesigned carcass structure gives more lifetime and better stability. It provides an excellent grip, high load-bearing capacity and a pleasant driving response while offering sturdy speed on the road (max 40 mph).
An open block design that creates excellent self-cleaning. The tire also has siped non-directional thread design with pre-marked stud positions.
The aggressive tread design creates whole new reference level for lateral and traction grip.
This series of electric powertrains consolidates three essential components — gearbox, electric motor, and controller — into a single package, providing the easiest integration for your vehicle. The CNX TriFusion Series utilizes advanced vector control and high voltage technology to provide exceptional power while facilitating equipment integration, making it adaptable to a wide range of applications. Whether for off-highway use, industrial, agriculture or construction applications, this series aims to revolutionize the electrification market by enabling OEMs to simplify product development and reduce time to market.
The TR-34 tire for farm tractors and ride-on mowers offers exceptional performance on grass, mud and loose soil, while reducing the risk of turf damage and soil compaction. The TR-34 tire features an innovative non-directional design that optimizes tread wear, ride comfort and traction in both directions. The tread pattern is a hybrid between turf and industrial styles, helping it achieve an ideal balance of performance and cost. The tread-to-void ratio on the TR-34 tire ensures even pressure distribution throughout the contact patch, which reduces the risk of turf damage and soil compaction. Siped R1-style shoulder lugs enhance traction in mud and loose soil. Also, strategically placed mud breakers and rock ejectors provide efficient clean-out. Four tire sizes are available: 16 X 7.50-8; 18 X 8.5010; 24 X 12.00-12; and 26 X 12.00-12.
With a maximum power rating of 500 hp at 1,800 rpm, this REPTO drive is built to deliver muscle. The auxiliary drive pump towers offer 300 hp maximum capacity per tower, as well as 300 hp maximum for both. The drive is rotatable by 0 degrees, 45 degrees, or 90 degrees, either clockwise or counterclockwise, as well as 180 degrees. The pads and splines are interchangeable to accommodate varying pump sizes. Available in both single and dual tower models. Features include: Compact design – 1:1 ratio throughput; Single and dual tower options; Pump tower ratios of 1.00:1, 0.87:1, and 0.77:1Up to four pump pads available; SAE #3 through SAE #1 input and output housings; SAE 11.5-inch through SAE 14-inch input and output flywheel connection; SAE A through E pump pads and splines; Maximum input torque based on theoretically unlimited gear life and a minimum L10 bearing life of 10,000 hours.
OTR Engineered Solutions introduces two LiftBoss tires for aerial work platforms. Available in both pneumatic and foam-filled assemblies, the new LiftBoss line brings a reliable, innovative tire and wheel solution to this application. Although a directional tire (model D228) is available for those who prefer a more traditional option, the new non-directional tires (model ND226) offer a fresh concept for aerial work platforms. With only one tread pattern for both left- and right-hand tire and wheel assemblies, the non-directional option simplifies tire selection and installation, and it reduces necessary inventory. LiftBoss tires are built using the exclusive rubber compound developed by SolidBoss. This unique formulation provides long life, minimizes chunking, and shows significantly less damage when operating on gravel, mud, and rubble. The tires can be foam filled to help minimize downtime from punctures. The tires are currently available in 11 of the most popular sizes for aerial work platforms, with additional sizes in development.
The AC F5-DE delivers maximum torque, minimal losses, and unparalleled control in electric drive systems, providing a dependable solution for an array of mobile electric traction and hydraulic pump drive applications. The control system comprises two motor controllers, offering performance and versatility for electric drive systems in mobile equipment applications. Whether operating as a dual system controller or as two independent units, the AC F5-DE provides fully autonomous speed and torque control for dual 3-phase AC induction or PMAC traction motors. Equipped with dual ARM Cortex microprocessors, the AC F5-DE ensures efficient motor control and adaptable system management, while conforming to EN13849 functional safety requirements. The AC F5-DE boasts high-efficiency, field-oriented motor control algorithms, facilitating real-time motor torque and power optimization at the vehicle level. With IP65/IP67 environmental protection, the AC F5-DE surpasses global conformance requirements for functional safety, electrical safety, and EMC. Using the Curtis Vehicle Control Language (VCL), the AC F5-DE functions as a comprehensive system controller, eliminating the need for additional costly system controllers. Motor auto-characterization streamlines pairing with different motor types, while a library of AC motor types stored in controller memory enhances compatibility and user-friendliness.
The DT12 is Detroit’s Automatic Manual Transmission was recently redesigned to meet the demands of vocational applications. The DT12 Vocational model now has application coverage for construction, logging, mining, oil field, heavy haul, refuse, pickup and delivery, utility, service, wrecking, airport and rail. It also comes with specific features to assist in vocational operation such as Paver Mode, Rock Free and Off-Road Mode.
The electric powertrain designed for the propulsion of skid steers features an Omni gearbox paired with a Magelec Propulsion axial flux motor. The SP4000 gearbox offers peak efficiency and torque ratings of 97% and 4,000 Nm. The gearbox has a continuous torque rating of 2,500 Nm and a maximum input speed of 7,000 rpm. The MP21 electric motor is a liquid-cooled axial flux motor of compact design. It is designed for battery voltages between 200 to 800 Vdc. It has an IP67/IP6K9K enclosure rating for reliability. Efficiency across the operating range is greater than 95%. Motors are optimized using Magelec inverters. The flexible motor design offers positional choices for mounting inverters, HV cabling, and cooling ports.
ZF’s eTRAC electric drive system combines the performance and productivity found in traditional drivelines with important benefits that electric systems can offer. Compact vehicles such as loaders or site dumpers are the early adopters of e-mobility solutions for the construction equipment market, particularly in urban or emission-regulated areas. The ZF eTRAC driveline system with its range from 20-80 kW continuous power and for 48/96/650-volt e-motors provides the necessary zero-emission drive.
ZF eTRAC drive system, making compact equipment ready for zero-emission construction sites
The new eTRAC eCD110-210 series for mid-sized wheel loaders is completing the range of electric drives. The system can be scaled up to 120 kW continuous power and be integrated into additional vehicle applications that can be driven independently from the power source. These solutions can be adapted for both battery-electric vehicles and fuel-cell battery electric vehicles, which will also play a significant role in the future of construction equipment.
A new benchmark for electric drives: ZF eTRAC drive system for backhoe loaders
From Less to Zero: ZF technology contributes to lowering emissions, bringing them even down to zero.
The Hägglunds Quantum range range does away with established barriers, combining torque and speed with previously unthinkable efficiency. For direct drives in heavy-duty applications, it creates a powerful new reality. The range also shapes proven strengths into an extraordinary new performance curve. It offers a top speed of over 150 rpm, yet it provides a sustainable maximum torque of more than 350 kilonewton-meter. At corner power, where the two extremes meet, users can achieve 3 megawatts — without sacrificing compactness or efficiency.
The C-IQ mobile app is Continental’s app for hose fabricators. It will provide crimp specs in a customer’s pocket, a huge step in digitizing Continental’s solutions. C-IQ is a digital toolbox that helps improve assembly — providing crimp specifications, helping identify the fitting threads, and providing information on the hoses and fittings. The C-IQ mobile application provides hose fabricators with the ultimate digital toolbox with up-to-date crimp specifications, a thread ID tool and distributor locator. The app provides hose fabricators with up-to-date specs to properly crimp Continental industrial and hydraulic hoses. Users can search by hose style, coupling style, hose size and crimper. The application contains all the information required to properly setup and crimp the desired hose and fitting.
HAWE Hydraulik supports manufacturers with state-of-the-art control systems with CAN bus from the modular system. The control of the various attachments has different requirements depending on the function. The hydraulic control with its high power density, dirt resistance and good price/performance ratio also scores with flexibility. By pairing the hydraulic control with the electronic intelligence, e.g. in the directional control valve block of type PSL-CAN, the entire valve block is connected to the on-board electrical system with just one plug. System feedback and parameter adjustments are carried out directly in the CAN head of the valve block, thus relieving the main control system and the bus system. Different sizes and actuators can be combined in one block. But also the combination of b/w switching control blocks with the proportional directional spool valve PSL in one valve bank are easily implemented from the modular system. With the IP 67 protection class of the electrical connection, the valve bank is designed for use in harsh, ambient conditions. These electronic control systems make it possible to control the attachments via electrical signals from the cab or even to run them autonomously. This makes it possible to pre-select different settings and working modes in hydraulic controls. Sensors can also be integrated to record information about soil conditions, crop yields and other relevant parameters and pass them on to the main controller or control center. In self-regulating systems, the tractor can automatically react to changing conditions and improve work efficiency. The hydraulic controls offer many solutions for this, which are also energy-efficient and weight-optimized.
Designed to meet the demands of applications requiring higher pressures and increased flow rates. Featuring a range of orifice sizes from 0.6mm to 4.0mm, available in both twoand three-way configurations, the Series 5000 offers versatility to suit a wide range of industrial fluid applications. With options including DIN spaded or flying lead coils, and a future provision for a 12mm connection option, the system provides flexibility and ease of integration into existing setups. Constructed with stainless-steel tubes and multiple seal materials, it is engineered for durability and reliability in demanding environments.
The DEL Interlock System for PTO applications prevents unintentional usage of a truck’s PTO System. Tying into the trucks 4-way flasher light circuit, the PTO can only engage when the flashers are running. The company’s patented interlock system can be retrofitted into existing set ups or installed by an OEM or upfitter. Reduce the risk of costly and potentially fatal bridge, overpass or signage structure damage. Helps prevent early PTO and pump failure.
If dependability is something you value in life, look no further than Ace brand pumps. Every Ace pump features state-of-the-art design, advanced components and uncompromising quality control. The end result: pumps you can count on for years of reliable service. To learn why an Ace pump is your best friend, please visit us at www.acepumps.com, or contact your nearest Ace Pumps distributor.
The X-series is engineered to enhance the performance of both new and existing machinery, especially in terms of durability, serviceability and cost-effectiveness. The range currently available covers displacements from 2512 to 8800 cm3. The X-series features a robust piston design with high-power capability and serviceability as well as the bearing design to handle extreme axial and radial loads. The X-series is characterized by a patent-pending construction in which the robust piston design and flow-optimized hydraulic fluid channels are innovatively applied in a compact frame size. The piston design allows the motor to operate trouble-free in various hydraulic systems and with a wide range of oil viscosities and cleanliness levels, thereby minimizing the risk of damage. The motor features a bearing arrangement that fosters durability, ensuring smooth operation and an extended lifespan. The rugged front bearing handles both axial and radial loads, allowing the motor to be utilized in various applications with different load characteristics.
Eaton’s Mobility Group expands its mobile power products portfolio with the Bezares 3960, 2500 and 500 series power takeoff (PTO) units, as well as APSCO APV and APG series directional hydraulic control valves. The 500 series is a hot-shift, 8-bolt, 2-gear PTO that fits Paccar TX-8 and ZF 8AP automatic transmissions. It features quick, pneumatic shifting and has a low profile designed for a better fit. It can be ordered with a variety of output types including ISO 4 bolt and SAE “B” 2/4 and can be configured to mount to either side of the transmission. The APSCO APV and APG valves are being added to the portfolio to allow customers the opportunity to bundle more products from Eaton for all their mobile power needs. APSCO’s market-competitive APG and APV series sectional, directional control valves are interchangeable with the popular Parker/Commercial VA and VG series and Parker/Gresen hydraulic valve product lines. These valves can be used in parallel/open center circuit applications with manual, cable shift or pneumatic operation, and can be purchased as individual components or designed into a custom-engineered and tested valve assembly.
The SCP09 pressure sensor is designed to provide accurate and precise pressure measurement in a wide range of conditions, making it suitable for both mobile machinery and industrial hydraulic applications. Hermetically sealed with no internal seal, it is highly reliable and resistant to contamination, ensuring accurate measurements in harsh environments. The sensor has a pressure range from 10 to 600 bar and can serve numerous applications. Its small form factor allows for easy installation in tight spaces, enabling more compact designs. It offers many options, including a variety of threads and connectors, so it is easy to integrate into existing systems and production processes. The SCP09 is also highly compatible with different fluids and gases, allowing for universal use and easy handling. Its high media compatibility ensures less downtime and a long service life. The sensor is designed for long-term stability and low drift, and it has a pin configuration adapted for OEMs, with common electrical interfaces and process connections.
Designed for open- and closed-circuit applications, the H1F motor offers bestin-class efficiency, proven reliability, and a compact design. The latest development in Danfoss’ high-power H1 series of pumps and motors, the H1F fixed bent axis motor offers overall efficiency of up to 95%. High-efficiency motors deliver fuel savings, improve productivity, and reduce heat generation. Together with its high pressure and speed ratings, the motor enables operators to maximize the performance of their machines. The new H1F motor builds upon the capabilities of Danfoss’ field-proven H1B variable displacement bent axis motor. The H1F motor uses the same high-quality nine-piston H1B rotating group and optimized single-piece flange, delivering long-lasting reliability. The lightweight H1F motor features a power-dense, compact envelope for ease of installation. With its short length and 32-degree angle, the package size is one of the most compact on the market, enabling machine manufacturers to reduce the space claim of the hydraulic system. The H1F fixed bent axis motor is designed for closed- and opencircuit applications in agriculture, construction, and forestry machinery. It is ideal for fan drives, feeder drives, drill drives, track drives, winches and vibration and shaking functions. The motors will be available in SAE, DIN, and cartridge flange styles, with twin, side and axial port configurations. Integrated loop flushing and speed sensing are options; future additions will include a bolt-on counterbalance valve and load-holding valve for opencircuit applications. The first frame size, 80cc, is now available. Additional sizes will follow, ranging from 60cc to 250cc.
At 750mm long, 640mm wide, 438mm tall, and weighing only 55kg, the BTMS M1 is engineered for electrified offhighway applications where space is limited and durability is paramount. Equipped with advanced refrigerant-based technology, it delivers exceptional cooling capacity of up to 5.8kW cooling at 40 degrees Celsius ambient temperature and a coolant temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. This ensures optimal performance and longevity of lithium-ion batteries, even under the most demanding conditions. The BTMS M1 also provides up to 5kW of water heating, with the option to deliver up to 35kW of heat with a remote auxiliary electric water heater. With configurable options for active cooling, passive cooling, and/or heating, it can be tailored to meet the specific operating conditions of any vehicle or machinery. It operates autonomously and can respond to CAN-based commands, with set points configurable to customer specifications. Features a maximum operating range of up to 900V DC. Supplied pre-assembled and pre-charged with refrigerant, it offers quick and seamless system integration. The Grayson M-series is a collection of robust and reliable mobile battery thermal management systems engineered to meet the unique challenges of the next-generation of emission-free off-highway applications. The series offers a selection of liquid battery chillers, including split system packaging and high-capacity cooling, for the harshest operating environments.
Ace Pro 5 Series models are updated versions of the Ace FMC-HYD series and FMC-150- HYD series pumps. The Pro 5 FMCSC models feature a severe duty silicon carbide seal that resists scratching from abrasive materials, plus a stationary face with O-ring seat transferring heat into the casting to improve seal survival during short run-dry events. The Pro 5 FMCWS models incorporate Ace Pump’s exclusive Oasis WetSeal Technology to isolate the seals from abrasive and corrosive materials and prevent run-dry failure of any length. The Pro 5 pumps feature all the advantages of the standard Ace HYD Series pumps, including: A compact design with close-coupled motor for easy service and replacement; High-efficiency gear type motors that provide higher performance with less oil flow; Optional motors with integrated pulsewidth modulated (PWM) control valves in the 206 and 304 sizes. In addition, the new Pro 5 Series pumps offer these added benefits compared to the standard models: Larger bearings for longer pump life; E-coated castings for added corrosion resistance; Standardized components within the Pro 5 Series: A unique design that allows interchangeability while simplifying parts inventory; A common frame that accepts the advanced 200N5 and 300N Series motors. Ace Pro 5 pumps are ideal for use in a wide range of applications, from spraying and fertilizer application to fluid circulation and transfer.
Scan the code or visit oemoh.co/fluidpower for additional products, articles and insights.
When you’re racing against time and Mother Nature, the last thing you need is a pump that isn’t up to the job. That’s why it makes sense to put your trust in Ace Pro 5 Series pumps. Choose from Pro 5 FMCSC pumps with severe-duty silicon carbide seals, or Pro 5 FMCWS models with Ace Pump’s exclusive Oasis™ WetSeal Technology. All Pro 5 pumps feature larger bearings for longer pump life. E-coated castings for added corrosion resistance. Standardized components for simplified inventory and maintenance. And optional motors with integrated PWM control valves for precision application. To learn more, visit www.acepumps.com.
• Delivers up to 100kW peak output at 500Vdc.
• Supports all 3-phase PMAC and IM motor types.
• Integrated speed and torque control modes for electric traction, hydraulic pump, and generator control.
These new Series 17 Circuit Breakers are similar to the Series 17 you know and love with the added benefit of an enhanced trip button guard and smaller compact base.
The button guard provides confidence that the circuit breaker won’t be inadvertently tripped. The compact size meets the space challenges of modern vehicles. In Stock and Ready to Ship!
• Switchable design enables quick and easy resetting
• Ignition protected and waterproof
For stocking information visit www.waytekwire.com/CompactSeries17
Computing use cases & AI algorithms
HYDAC offers a wide range of sensors for measuring pressure, temperature, linear position, angle, tilt, fluid level, flow rate and rotational speed, along with particle contamination and oil condition. We ensure mobile machine reliability, supporting you from planning to after-sales with products, consulting, and engineering services.
The module provides intuitive multi-functional E1 in-cabin control in demanding automotive applications such as specialist vehicles, trucks and buses. It provides intuitive operator selection and adjustment of for instance, user application interfaces, display and navigation settings and the adjustment of application parameters by integrating a rotary controller, a rotary pushbutton and a digital joystick in a small, rugged easy to fit module that press fits into a panel cutout measuring just 52.7mm x 80.2mm. Advantages include: High-quality ergonomic automotive design with IP5K4 front protection; Wide ranging functionality and flexibility; Conforms to automotive standard IATF 16949; Available with CAN bus connection as communication protocol; Programmable RGB halo ring and symbol illumination (can be controlled separately).
This DC/DC converter takes power from a 48volt system and steps it down to 12 volts to run accessories and other low-power systems. This design helps essential equipment — including antilock brakes and power steering — work even in the case of a power failure, making it unique among product offerings in this space. There is a growing demand for 48-volt DC/DC converters as off-highway and commercial vehicle manufacturers increasingly switch to dual-voltage electrical architectures. Eaton’s converters feature a natural convection, air-cooled design for ease of integration and can operate at ambient temperatures up to 85 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the converters are designed with high efficiency to prevent power loss over a wide operating range. The converters are also designed to reduce weight and save space. Most modern vehicles operate on 12- or 24-volts, so moving up to 48-volts results in up to four times the voltage, which decreases the electrical current by the same ratio. Because wire size is chosen based on the amount of electrical current, decreasing the current allows for the use of smaller wires, which reduces weight and helps alleviate packaging concerns. The DC/DC converter portfolio provides flexibility through multiple power and voltage levels and can be optimized to work with a manufacturer’s charging system specifications. It also features a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, which allows direct communication from the DC/DC converter to other vehicle electronic control units to transmit diagnostic information.
Waytek offers custom electrical wire printing and striping with a quick 5- to 10-day turnaround. Wire printing is a practical way to identify the use of a wire or cable by printing descriptive wording on its jacket. For Wire Printing, the words are repeated in intervals throughout the length of the wire, eliminating the need to follow a wire all the way to its destination. Available with 20-10 Ga. wire and black print (English only). Wire striping is often used for more complex applications. The wire’s base color plus its striping color indicate a specific use. The number of potential color combinations is virtually unlimited and can accommodate a large number of wiring functions. Available with 20-10 Ga. wire in both primary or cross-linked polyethylene jacketed constructions, with up to three stripes per wire and a variety of colors (excluding gold and silver).
Specializing in LED lighting for agricultural, industrial and construction equipment, J.W. Speaker is the number one choice when selecting a lighting provider for your next build.
Choose the 90mm Model 93 5-in-1 LED headlight to optimize functionality and cost savings through combining 5 lighting functions into a single LED headlight.
Or experience ultimate customization with the Mosaic Modular Lighting system, which gives OEMs the freedom and versatility to create impactful, affordable designs by using standard lighting modules. OEM designers can incorporate a wide range of multi-functional DOT and standard LED’s into custom bezels to reduce cost and expedite time-to-market.
Learn More:
Designed for rugged applications that require a large number of configurable inputs and outputs, the next generation power distribution module from HED combines solid state 10-amp outputs, configurable relays with fused output protection, software configurable inputs and a processor powerful enough to operate as an all-in-one machine controller. The power distribution module was developed to support traditional vocational, fire, rescue, RV and military vehicles that used mixed wired and electronics controls. The power distribution module brings 200 amps of power, I/O flexibility, and the reliability needed for most any vehicle requirement. Outputs: 10x 10A Sourcing Solid State Outputs – Digital or PWM; 1x 2A Sourcing Solid State Outputs – Digital or PWM; 1x 2A Sinking Solid State Outputs – Digital or PWM; 1x 5VDC Sensor Supply. 14 Total Relays: 2x 40A; 6x 24A; 1x 10A; 3x 8A; 2x 24A – feeds nine banks of fuses Inputs: 4x STB/STG/VTD1/VTD2/FREQ/20mA/RTD; 16x STB/STG/VTD1/VTD2 / 0-10VDC Analog Output Processor and Memory: S32K344; 4MB Flash; 512KB RAM; CANopen Client, Optional Master. 2x Serial Ports: 4x CAN-FD; 1x USB Programming Port (option) USB jump drive for SW loading / Reprogramming). Connectors: Battery & Ground - Lugs; Relays – Screw Terminal Blocks; I/O and CAN – Phoenix and Molex; USB-A
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Acceleration-compensated inclinometers provide precise tilt measurements - even with rapid motions
Tilt angles, accelerations and rotation ratesall available as digital outputs
SAE J1939 & CANopen interfaces
Drop-in replacement for standard 90mm lights are 100% ECE and DOT compliant 90mm lights for legal on-road use and are available as an individual light or bulk pack (x16 lights) with or without mounting brackets. Choose from industrystandard 90mm 3-point mounts for 1.5mm or 3mm thick mounting plates, and single or double light pedestal mounting brackets that come with all necessary hardware for a seamless installation. Meets the tough criteria for IP67 and IP69K for the best protection from dust and water ingress. The redesigned die-cast aluminum housing features a sealed integrated connector to meet the harsh demands of transportation and municipal applications. Pedestal mount brackets can be positioned at 90-degree intervals for maximum mounting flexibility, all while maintaining pattern integrity and legality.
The AX141550 Gigabit Automotive Ethernet to Gigabit Ethernet Converter provides a purely physical, bidirectional conversion between Automotive Ethernet (1000BASE-T1) and Ethernet (1000BASE-T) via PHY transceivers. No packets are stored or modified in this device. It supports baud rates of 100 and 1,000 Mbit/s. Status LEDs provide information on connection link and communication. The device is configured via the RS-232 port to act as a Master or Slave for Automotive Ethernet. It is designed for the harsh environments of off-highway or industrial equipment with an IP67 rating. It operates from -40 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius and carries CE marking.
The DT-M12 adapter makes it easy to integrate electronics with M12 connectors by easily adapting to harness connectors commonly stocked at vehicle and equipment manufacturers.
• Helps manufacturers adapt vehicle harnesses to an M12 connection for sensors, valves, displays and other smart devices
Mach Perception provides a rugged, high-performance stereo vision platform capable of running proprietary Mach or client-specific neural networks. Mach’s pre-built functionality includes obstacle detection, row following, and visionbased odometry. With optional radar or lidar sensor fusion, Mach Perception is designed to function efficiently in a wide range of harsh environments, making it ideal for agricultural, construction, and industrial applications. Applications include: Obstacle detection; Row following; Vine segmentation; Visual localization (QR tag-based); Vision odometry. Mach Perception is for obstacle perception for safe operations and visual guidance to augment or replace GPS.
• Saves time and labor compared with traditional splicing of M12 cordsets in wire harnessing
• Designed to accommodate the use of J1939 CANbus standards
• Features a six-pin DT connection to a five-pin, A-code M12
• Offers a simple plug-and-play solution for both field repair and OEM designs in the agriculture, construction and industrial vehicle markets
• Rated for extended temperature range of -30-105 Celsius and have IP69K protection
• Resistant to UV, oil, and chemicals and have been tested to Fertilizer UAN 32
• Available with either a plastic or stainless-steel coupling nut
This solution is tailored specifically for OEMs across diverse industries, including commercial vehicles, off-highway applications, agricultural, material handling equipment, power-generation units or marine applications. Jaltest OEM DIAGNOSTICS takes customization to the next level, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs and challenges of OEMs and manufacturers, providing insight and control over vehicles or systems performance and functionality. COJALI’s team of experienced engineers works closely with manufacturers to develop customized solutions that seamlessly integrate with their existing infrastructure and processes. Whether it’s adapting to unique protocols, addressing specific functionalities, or incorporating proprietary technologies, Jaltest OEM DIAGNOSTICS delivers tailored solutions that empower OEMs to optimize their operations and enhance product quality. With Jaltest OEM DIAGNOSTICS, OEMs gain access to comprehensive technical and repair information integrated seamlessly into their service, maintenance or diagnostics platforms. This feature provides technicians with invaluable resources, such as wiring diagrams, component locations, troubleshooting guides, and repair procedures, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in maintenance and repair tasks. Additionally, Cojali offers its expertise in developing specific diagnostics hardware tailored to the project’s requirements. Custom interfaces, adapters, or specialized tools, the team is equipped to design and manufacture hardware solutions that complement the software platform, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. Cojali’s commitment to innovation extends to the capability to integrate or develop other projects or platforms as per clients’ requests. Whether it’s expanding functionality, integrating with existing systems, or developing entirely new solutions, Cojali is able to work closely with OEMs to turn their vision into reality, driving continuous improvement and innovation in the field of OEM diagnostics.
Safety Connect Plus was introduced to provide greater insights into how the safety systems are performing on the vehicles. One of the major new features is the ability to see when the systems are active or if there is an issue going on with them that needs to be addressed by a fleet manager such as when they may have been disabled.
The FUSION800S high voltage distribution unit connects the main components such as battery, charger, inverter, motor and optional fast charging system. Each positive output is customizable with various fuse options. Plug-in connectors on all inputs and outputs ensure swift and hassle-free connections. The FUSION800S is available in passive and active versions to meet the different requirements of different applications. To enhance safety and reliability tailored to each specific application, active features including insulation monitoring, interlock generator, fuse diagnostics, overload monitoring, and pre- and discharge circuitry can be integrated.
Detroit Assurance safety coverage has expanded to more model configurations. Previously it was only available for customers with Detroit engines, however, now all customers can have these advanced safety features, including those choosing third-party engines. Safety features like ABA5, Side Guard Assist (SGA), lane departure warning, intelligent high-beam, and automatic wipers and headlamps will now be available for all Western Star 47X and 49X customers.
Built with the power of Linux and onboard security, the CANect CL-T27 module is the latest addition to HED’s product line-up and is designed to drive the future of IoT innovation through telematics and machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. This robust device offers a range of features to power connectivity needs. With global LTE and Wi-Fi capabilities, alongside ondevice connection options like ethernet and USB, the CL-T27 provides reliable connectivity. With its all-in-one design, the CL-T27 is equipped with telecaching and a host of other features, enabling a wide range of M2M applications. The CANect CL-T27 stands strong in even the most demanding environments. Engineered with rugged-ready features, this robust device is built to thrive in challenging conditions. Whether it’s extreme temperatures, vibrations, or harsh weather, the CL-T27 ensures uninterrupted connectivity and reliable performance to complete your Telematics needs: View live vehicle data and tracking; Remote diagnostics; Securely push vehicle data to servers or cloud; Leverage predictive maintenance; Over the air programming (OTAP).
Phoenix Contact has introduced a new category of power supplies for high-power systems, such as e-mobility infrastructure. The modules can be directly mounted in a standard 19-inch cabinet commonly used in EV charging stations. In addition to e-mobility applications, the CHARX AC/DC and DC/DC power modules are suitable for off-highway charging, AC microgrids, high-voltage DC grids, energy storage and hydrogen electrolysis. The three-phase input module has a range of 350 to 530 V AC, allowing installation in most locations globally. The DC/ DC module has an input range of 300 to 825 V DC for use in numerous DC voltage settings. Both power modules have an output range from 150 to 1,000 V DC. The DC/DC module has continuous maximum power point tracking (MPPT), which maximizes the output when connected to a solar array. This assists in the most efficient output for the device, with ranging levels of solar radiation, temperature and PV panel types. The modules’ CAN bus interface makes them easy to integrate into e-mobility applications. They also feature Phoenix Contact’s Push-Lock and T-LOX connection technologies for fast installation and maintenance.
In the equipment and machine manufacturing industry, tailored diagnostic tools are indispensable. They provide precise diagnostics, streamline maintenance, and reduce downtime. Custom diagnostics integrate electronic control systems, technical and repair information, and warranty management procedures for manufacturers.
These tools enhance service quality and offer a competitive edge by ensuring excellent support. Furthermore, for many OEMs, these tools can become a revenue stream, boosting manufacturer and dealer performance. Providing a branded diagnostic tool for all dealers increases brand awareness and ensures consistent service quality across the network.
Developing diagnostic solutions in-house can drain resources and lead to budget overruns. Outsourcing can mitigate these challenges, providing access to specialized talent and advanced solutions. Expert teams, experienced in OEM guidelines, deliver high-quality, efficient solutions, allowing companies to concentrate on their core strengths.
Cojali leads the global diagnostics industry, collaborating with trusted partners to deliver advanced, tailored diagnostic tools that keep manufacturers ahead in an ever-evolving market.
Designed for agricultural, off-highway vehicles and buses, Smart Fuse Box introduces intelligent components for power management and distribution. The ECU can be used to drive, protect and monitor up to 30 electric or electronic loads through the STi2Fuse, and interface analog/digital signals and loads via the vehicle’s CAN network. The electronic STi2Fuse is resettable, safer and more reliable over time, have intervention times 100 times faster and are able to diagnose the health of the load they drive. With the STi2Fuse, the nominal current, as well as the tripping curve, are programmable and the nominal current is optimized according to the load and not the size of the fuse. Smart Fuse Box combines in a single unit both the fuse and relay functions, leading to a reduction in size. Does not require maintenance, even in the event of a load fault, since the electronic fuse can be managed remotely and is resettable via software. Main advantages include: Size reduction (one device in place of fuse + relay); Serviceability: no need to access the ECU; Superior handling of loads with high current peaks and finer diagnostic; Reduced current consumption to control loads; Smoother switching without duty cycle limitations, no mechanical contacts.
The HVT 1000 digital Ethernet camera’s targeted use is for field-of-view extension under demanding environmental conditions, from rear-view camera to surround view and process monitoring. It provides a 1/4-inch CMOS digital image sensor of the latest generation with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels at up to 60 images per second. The image sensor is optimized for demanding lighting conditions such as dawn or darkness or scenery with a high dynamic range such as backlighting. The camera is available with fields of view ranging between 30 degrees and 180 degrees — smaller field-of-view adaptions can be performed digitally in the image processor. The image processor handles the correction of optical distortions, the application of image transformations, automatic white balance, automatic exposure control and the compression of the dynamic range of high-contrast images as well as noise cancelling. The camera image can be enhanced by graphical overlays such as lines, curves, logos and texts. The Fast Ethernet or BroadR-Reach interface outputs a compressed video stream. For the configuration of the camera, ISO 17215 (Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras) has been implemented. The camera is suited for the use over a wide temperature range and withstands extreme shocks and vibrations. Product advantages include: 1.3 megapixel digital camera with 3μm BSI-pixels for the field-of-view extension and process monitoring; Optics with horizontal fieldof-view between 30 degrees and 180 degrees available; Built-in heater; Image sensors of the latest generation providing a high dynamic range and excellent performance at darkness; Fast Ethernet (100Base-TX) and BroadRReach (100Base-T1) variants available; Robust, mobile-suited and easy-toclean housing with IP6K9K; Compatible with HYDAC Vision Series displays or with other compatible mobile-suited displays; Accessories available. Applications include mobile equipment, surface mining, construction machinery, forestry, material handling and road construction.
Scan the code or visit oemoh.co/electronics for additional products, articles and insights.
Position sensors for stroke measurement in hydraulic cylinders
Dynamically compensated inclination sensors for precise angle measurement
Compact safety rotary encoders for position and speed measurement
The MF handle combines a traditional compact design with multiple functionalities and customization options. With its compact design, it can be integrated into control panels where space is limited while retaining the features and functionalities associated with largest handgrips. It provides a comfortable grip, and the controls are more accessible. Features include: 2-axis functionality; 5 million cycles; Multifunctional handle — able to integrate multiple APEM qualified components, including proportional rockers and rollers; Wrap around gaiter up to IP67 panel sealing; Analog and CAN outputs; Sealed electronics.
GS Global Resources keeps efficiency and innovation at the forefront in all control design and programming. Particularly in the case of armrests and consoles, ergonomics and comfort are top priorities. GS Global Resources integrates fully tested and innovative controls to optimize productivity and efficiency for your operators. Whether you’re working within the confines of a compact cab, or just prefer the adjustability of a freestanding control solution, GS Global Resources can design and create a standalone console that keeps necessary controls at the operator’s fingertips. If you want a compact control solution that is tailor made for your industry and application, its engineers can create custom armrest pods directly mounted onto OEM-selected armrests that can be easily adjustable to accommodate for different operators. To give operators an extensive, central control station built right onto the OEM-preferred seat, GS Global Resources can design, populate and fully test custom, scalable and independently adjustable armrest assemblies to support optimal operator productivity and experience.
The LP30M pushbuttons are large, 30mm diameter pushbuttons that are rugged and attractive for demanding applications where styling also matters. The precision, snap-action pushbuttons are available sealed watertight to IP68S or dust-tight and moistureproof to IP64, and they operate in temperatures ranging from -55 degrees Celsius to +85 degrees Celsius. Available in six standard LED colors. The concave or dome-style button can be laser etched or pad printed with words or legends and is ideal for start/stop operation and other functions. The anodized aluminum housing can also be laser etched.
Added to the existing SAE J1939 model, the new CANopen and analog models expand the integration options for mobile equipment manufacturers. CANopen is a CAN based communication protocol and alternative to the industry recognized SAE J1939. CANopen was first developed for industrial automation. Because of this, CANopen has established support for electric drivers and three-phase motors which are becoming increasingly common as mobile equipment goes electric. The analog version of the JSC Joystick Base emphasizes dependable and direct control without the need for a controller or CAN network. All JSC joystick base models from the JSC Series offer: Long life – Tested to 5 million cycles (or 20 million operations); Full IP69K sealing – Protects the base from dust, high pressure and high temperature water to reduce equipment downtime; Chemical, salt and UV resistance – Provides durability in harsh environments.
Since 1907
designed and engineered for demanding off-road environments and challenges
Rosco products are made with 115+ years of experience in engineering, automotive vision studies, and vehicle and operator safety.
From tempered mirrors and padded/acrylic visors to AI-powered HD cameras and sensors, Rosco products are ruggedized for the demands of the off highway enviroment.
The rugged Series 82 family of push-button HMIs now includes devices with enhanced vibration resistant cabling and R118 certification. The new cabled versions of EAO’s Series 82 push-button switches are available with a choice of a 200 mm straight or 90-degree offset cable. The cable version with tin-plated cable though offers R118 certification, vibration-resistant cable connections and rear sealing. Variants with the 90-degree offset cable exit point are particularly useful in low-depth back panels. The cable version with M12 connector is robust and easy to mount and targets demanding machinery applications. All the new devices feature rear over-molding and IP67 protection as standard while SUS 316L stainless steel casing and enhanced vibration-resistance are available options.
Designed to be used in advanced safety systems, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) applications and higher levels of autonomy. The solution can adapt to the evolving autonomy needs from SAE Level 0 to Level 4. OEMs and Tier 1s can integrate PlusVision with their own automated driving platform. Compatible with all vehicle types and supports a diverse range of hardware and compute platforms. The AI software modules deliver a high-performance unified perception layer suitable for centralized compute and multisensor ADAS systems. The modules are capable of fusing together data produced by cameras and other sensors, such as radars and lidars, to generate a unified output. PlusVision powers a wide array of automated driving applications, including high-performance automatic emergency braking (AEB), GSR-compliant features, parking assist, and next-gen ADAS L2+ to fully autonomous L4 products.
Grips and grip faceplates can be quickly and easily replaced in the fieldbut only if they’re field-replaceable models.
OTTO Controls offers industry-exclusive, field-replaceable functionality on select grips and grip faceplates. Field-replaceable designs enable changeouts in just minutes using only a screwdriver.
Field replaceability significantly reduces the costly downtime a machine or vehicle would normally undergo for service and repair.
The design of OTTO’s G3-A and G3-B grip faceplates, which are mounted on their own screws independent from the rest of the grip handle, enables field replaceability. The G3-C and G3-M field-replaceable grips are designed such that the entire grip can be removed in one piece.
The CL-640 is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control panel designed for rugged applications. It is used to control and adjust temperature effectively inside on- and off-highway vehicles. Made of high-quality Polycarbonate and ABS (PC/ABS), the CL-640 is lightweight, fade-resistant and long-lasting. It offers three independent push-button controls, a two-digit LED display, and heavy-duty haptics that provide clear operator feedback in the harshest of operational environments and allows use with glove and intentional changes while operating. The CL-640 is completely customizable, allowing OEMs to modify all wording and artwork per customer requirements. The unit can also be branded with the OEM’s logo on the front of panel, if desired.
Featuring fully programmable display units with graphics, diagnostics, and CAN gateway capabilities, the IQAN-MD5 family is now available in 5-inch and 8-inch sizes and will soon include sizes of 10.1-inch and 12.3-inch in a wide format. The weatherproof displays of the IQAN-MD5 ensure reliable performance in outdoor environments and demanding mechanical conditions. Key advancements include a 300% increase in platform performance with four core processors and faster DRAM, improved graphics performance and support for Parker’s IQAN design ecosystem (7.02) for application development, and scalable design with advanced graphical displays; all at a lower cost compared to the previous IQAN HMI platforms.
Concentric International’s 380 and 385 family of integrated low profile seating options. Suspension strokes can be accommodated from 40 mm to 70 mm. Armrest, seatbelts, headrests, upper back rest extensions as well as various slide rails are all customized to fit your specific application. Foam-in-place cushions or cut-n-sew style cushions also add to the unique features offered in these seats that make your machine and operator station the most comfortable and desirable for operators.
The Rapid Driver Cooling System is designed for versatility and can be integrated into both new and existing vehicles, ranging from walk-in vans to vocational delivery trucks. The system efficiently lowers ambient cabin temperatures from 105 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit within two minutes. It can serve as a supplementary solution or a complete replacement for traditional in-dash air conditioning, focusing on cooling the driver’s area and the cabin space effectively.
Whether your machinery is crushing, drilling, excavating, earthmoving, material handling, transporting or trenching, finding the right thermal management system to deliver exceptional performance in challenging conditions is critical.
From shock and vibration to dust, debris and extreme temperatures, Grayson has been developing advanced heating and cooling systems that conquer the thermal challenges of leading global OEMs for over four decades.
From liquid chillers for battery temperature regulation and coolers for electric traction and hydrogen fuel cells, to HVAC solutions using the latest, ultra-efficient heat pump technology, Grayson are here to support you create the next-generation of emission-free off-highway vehicles and machinery.
Contact Grayson to conquer your thermal challenges today
The DBL 1903-14 line represents the new generation of innovative battery chargers for use in manufacturing facilities and dealer service networks. It can also offer added value with smart networking and Industry 4.0 qualifications, helping OEMs improve their speed to market with products. Other key features include a user friendly commissioning wizard and choice of 21 languages. Smart and safe charging or supplying output up to 120A is achieved through an automatic selection process between charging and FSV. Suitable for lead-acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries, a clear selection menu is available for various charging programs: Pb, Li, FSV mode, and a PowerUp function with long-term charging for Pb/Li. Precise load detection guarantees the charger is switched on even at the lowest loads, and input ranges from 100-240VAC, with a permanent output current of 120A at 1900W.
ROCKEAT is the company’s newest line of electric, cabinless skid steer loaders. Designed with a low clearance, 360-degree camera and remote operability, ROCKEAT machines redefine safety and efficiency in critical mining, construction and other hazardous industries. As an all-electric skid steer, ROCKEAT produces zero carbon emissions, minimum operating fluids and near-silent operation, offering a safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable solution. The new ROCKEAT line includes 700 and 1200 models that are 67 inches and 71 inches wide, respectively, and compatible with lead-acid and lithium batteries. The machine offers a maximum power of 3x36.2 horsepower, maximum torque of 3x89 foot-pounds, and load capacity of 1,500 to 3,300 pounds.
Danfoss Power Solutions has formalized its software offering for autonomous off-highway machinery. Designed for in-house engineering teams at original equipment manufacturers and distributors, A+ software reduces development time and costs. A+ software consists of preprogrammed and pretested software blocks built into Danfoss’ XM100 autonomous controller hardware. Each block covers key areas such as perception, positioning, and navigation. A+ software enables users to add autonomous functionality by integrating the blocks into their machine applications, eliminating the need to develop software from scratch. A+ software is offered in two tiers: A+ Essentials and A+ Advanced. Included with a PLUS+1 professional license, A+ Essentials provides basic software tools and blocks to get users started on autonomous machine development. A+ Advanced is a paid solution that provides advanced software blocks and access to future A+ Advanced features and updates. In addition to software, Danfoss offers engineering services and a broad portfolio of hardware required for autonomous functionality. The company’s Autonomous Custom Engineering Services team can help OEMs by providing hardware selection support and full or partial machine programming. Danfoss components such as steer-by-wire, e-steering, electronics, telematics, machine interfaces, controllers and hydraulics provide a comprehensive solution.
Grand Bending, a division of Morris Coupling, fabricates short and long radius bends for custom and high-performance exhaust systems for off-highway, asphalt paving, rail-mounted and airport service equipment, as well as on-highway buses and work trucks. An extensive product offering is available in aluminized carbon steel and stainless steel thin-wall tubing. Capabilities include compound bends, welded fabrications, expansion, swaging and beading. ISO9001: 2008 Certified.
Grand Bending 1092 West Atlanta Street, SE Bldg. 1200 Marietta, Georgia 30060
770-426-0734 grandbending.com sales@grandbending.com
Baumer improves safety and efficiency of mobile machines with the new safety-certified absolute encoder EAM580RS, a further TÜV-certified SIL2 / PLd encoder. It maximizes mobile machines performance by fast transmission of safety-relevant data via CANopen Safety in merely 1 ms. The compact housing withstanding harsh environmental conditions ensures maximum machine uptime.
This customized version of its 60CC-RC trailer, the 60CC-RC trailer offers enhanced weight distribution options and a reinforced deck for greater versatility to meet load requirements in a variety of states. The fixed four-axle close-couple trailer, designed for Bill Miller Equipment Sales Inc., incorporates an option to add a fifth axle for improved weight distribution to meet load restrictions in various states.
The HyEVO-1000 is a next generation hydrogen gas analyzer. The HyEVO is a high-accuracy, fast-response hydrogen gas analyzer designed to support the development of the hydrogen supply chain — an essential tool for the development of technologies necessary to produce, transport and use hydrogen and hydrogen related materials such as ammonia. The ideal choice for both hydrogen internal combustion engines and fuel-cell testing applications, HyEVO utilizes next-generation magnetic sector mass spectroscopy technology, combining the accuracy and response time necessary for automotive applications with best-in-class robustness to interference. In addition, HyEVO has been designed to be inherently safe to account for new in-laboratory safety concerns when testing with hydrogen fuels.
TerraTech motion control software and hardware convert a vehicle into a zero-emission mobile robot, enabling precise velocity and position control, speed limits and automation features. The TerraTech Ecosystem combines power management and control software, hardware (e.g., electric cylinders and motors), and digital insights via IoT. With TerraTech, OEMs can design efficient, controllable, and configurable electric machines and produce them at scale. The 2024 TerraTech Ecosystem enables the creation of multi-axis electric machines across OEM product lines resulting in increased efficiency and battery runtime. TerraTech also includes control software libraries to help OEMs develop their advanced automation features. The 2024 TerraTech Ecosystem includes: Electric Motion Control Module featuring CAN & Ethernet, a high-voltage DC Bus, and liquid cooling connections; single- and dual-axis servo drives with functional safety and brake controls to operate a machine’s motors; electric cylinders with peak forces of more than 130kN to match the demands needed for work functions; electric traction motors with torque ranges up to 13,000 Nm; motion control software to convert a vehicle into a mobile robot, enabling precise velocity and position control as well as speed limits and automation features; power management software for enabling high-voltage systems and efficiently managing power from the OEM’s batteries and charging systems; and optional digital and IoT connectivity for over-the-air software updates and linking a machine to its work, the jobsite and beyond.
Brokk’s SmartPower+ is the next generation of demolition machines, including the Brokk 70+, 170+, 200+, 300+ and 500+, that redefine demolition technology with increased endurance, intelligence and operability. These machines feature optimized power output over time, outperforming any competition with every hit. The SmartPower+ generation features a noteworthy 87% reduction in cables and connectors, facilitating servicing and troubleshooting. Engineered with rugged components, shock resistance, IP65 equivalent dust and water protection and Brokk unique radio technology, the new design streamlines service and boosts operator efficiency. The state-of-the-art interface is advanced, yet intuitive and capable of quick and seamless demolition work. A new light alert system allows operators to clearly see when the Brokk is running. The light alerts for any unwanted power supplies and switches colors based on machine status to keep operators up to date on their machine health. Visual status updates through incremental light indicators allow the operator to focus their attention on the demolition work at hand while simultaneously monitoring the status of the machine. A two-way communication system communicates the status back to the operator in real time. The new features maximize the hydraulic effect through smart monitoring, ensuring the engine and oil temperatures are controlled and accurate. The new generation of machines redefine the operating experience by introducing a new and improved lightweight control box, weighing less than 6.5 pounds for better ergonomics. The control box features tilted joysticks, easier-to-reach features and faster dual charging. The joysticks feature a degree of tilt that makes equipment more comfortable to operate. SmartPower+ offers smoother, more responsive operation, which makes it easier for both new and seasoned operators. The SmartPower+ control box includes the innovative Brokk QuickSwitch and intuitive settings for an improved operating experience. QuickSwitch allows operators to swiftly change from controlling the boom system to controlling the tracks and outriggers. The fast and simple settings, an increase in sensors, as well as the addition of individual tool presets, all contribute to a more user-friendly and efficient operator interface.
A powerful positioner from ALM delivers up to 40%+ increased welding and assembly manufacturing productivity. You’ll also gain increased safety, quality and ergonomics to ensure maximized throughput is always within reach.
Designed for demanding markets, Duraspar Industrial Performance (IP) is a breakthrough coatings technology that delivers the aesthetics of an automotive finish with the rugged performance of an industrial finish. With outstanding hide and sag resistance, Duraspar IP is known for its ability to improve first-pass yield and reduce overall paint process time, maximizing throughput and profitability for work truck manufacturers worldwide. Its proven ability to minimize rework makes it an excellent option for manufacturers looking to improve product quality while minimizing total applied costs. Paint is typically a small portion of total finishing operation costs. Yet, the right product and process can hugely impact profitability. Duraspar IP has helped large and small companies simplify processes and boost productivity, in some cases doubling or even tripling their original throughput. Duraspar IP is designed for application on a variety of work trucks, including cement mixers, tankers, street sweepers, dump and service bodies, vacuum and garbage trucks, fire and emergency vehicles and more. Duraspar IP is also available for a wide variety of trailer types, including chassis, flatbed trailers, dump trailers, tankers, auto haulers and more.
Hello, OSHA? Stroud demonstrated the superior balance of its graders by gathering 1,600 pounds worth of employees on the carrier. In operation, it would never have to bear that much weight. The grader also shows Stroud’s placement of the engine, opposite the carrier. (Stroud Road Machinery Company Bulletin 338, HCEA Archives)
The factors affecting Stroud’s design, including weight capacity, frame flexibility & conveyor efficiency
Let’s conclude our look at how Stroud Road Machinery Company of Omaha, Nebraska, trained its salesmen to promote its elevating graders in 1930 and 1931.
Stroud determined that an engine grader was best balanced by placing the engine on the left front end, diagonally opposite the conveyor. Stroud periodically demonstrated the balance of one its engine graders by positioning a group of employees on the conveyor with about 1,600 pounds on the end of the conveyor, several times the weight of material it would actually carry, the rear wheel on the opposite side lifted slightly.
Competitors’ frames, being more rigid, tended to lift a wheel under load, and digging capability could be compromised. The Adams elevating grader often required a man to ride the plow beam to keep the plow in the ground, and another besides the operator to work the carrier raise. Cat used a telescoping rear axle to balance the grader under load, which Stroud saw as compromising the axle’s strength.
Conventional wisdom had it that a lighter elevating grader was easier to pull. But other principles came into play as well: Machine weight; frame flexibility; conveyor efficiency; and wheel design.
A tractor-drawn elevating grader’s weight tended to fall on the back axle when pulled by a tractor, and reduced rolling resistance on that axle eased pulling. More weight and a lack of rigidity in the frame helped keep all four wheels on the ground, resulting in better digging.
The conveyor’s efficiency also contributed to how easily the grader could be pulled.
A heavier side sill, such as Stroud used, kept the belt running true by reducing resistance. Stroud also used roller bearings as standard equipment on the top and bottom rollers and offered them as options on the idler rollers as well. The smoother the conveyor ran, the less rolling resistance there was, since material tended to move better and not bog the grader down; and on an unpowered grader, less load was placed on the rear wheels that drove the conveyor.
Lugs or flanges on the wheels kept the grader from sliding. Stroud found that lugs impeded draft less than flanges such as Caterpillar used.
Thomas Berry is an archivist and editor with the Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA). The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c )3 nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. With over 3,500 members in a dozen countries, its activities include operation of National Construction Equipment Museum and archives in Bowling Green, Ohio; publication of a quarterly magazine, Equipment Echoes, from which this text is adapted, and hosting an annual working exhibition of restored construction equipment. Individual annual memberships are $45 within the U.S. and Canada, and $65 elsewhere. HCEA’s next International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition will be Sept.18-20, 2025, at the National Construction Equipment Museum in Bowling Green, Ohio. HCEA seeks to develop relationships in the equipment manufacturing industry, and offers a college scholarship for engineering students. Information is available at hcea.net or by calling 419-352-5616 or emailing info@hcea.net.
As you design the future of zero-emission mobility, partner with Modine® to solve and support your toughest thermal management challenges.
Our proven thermal systems help you keep batteries, fuel cell stacks, power electronics and passenger cabins at optimal temperatures to help ensure that your vehicle maximizes efficiency, longevity and comfort.
We apply over 100 years of thermal experience to quickly and seamlessly integrate our products into your design to address the growing commercial BEV, HEV and FCEV markets. From plug-and-play to flexible, custom designs, we have solutions for a wide variety of applications, with support for the long haul. Turn to a proven leader and together, let’s drive a cleaner future.
See our thermal innovation in action