OESA News 2021 - Second Quarter - Edition 2

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MEMA Brings Supplier Concerns to the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight, And Ports The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) recently testified before the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight and Ports chaired by Senator Gary Peters (D-MI). During the hearing titled, “Driving Innovation: The Future of Automotive Mobility, Safety, and Technology,” MEMA presented the case on how a vibrant automotive industry can provide the U.S. greater opportunities to be a global leader in vehicle safety, mobility, and technology. Representing MEMA, the voice of more than 1000 automotive supplier organizations, Ann Wilson, senior vice president, government affairs, was one of only four witnesses invited to testify to discuss the state of automotive innovation and its current challenges and opportunities. “The U.S. is in danger of losing our competitive edge due to a lack of clear national policies,” said Wilson. “For the U.S to be a leader in automotive innovation and transportation, we must work collaboratively to develop a comprehensive national vision and strategy.” She focused on four areas of opportunity for the industry: • Technology Readiness • Vehicle Safety • Fuel Economy and Vehicle Emissions • Workforce Regarding workforce, Wilson said, “workforce development is one of the most significant challenges facing the industry. Our industry’s workforce needs are evolving with the push to vehicle electrification and automation. In response to these changing needs, worker development and upskilling programs must advance to continue providing U.S. workers with the necessary skills to manufacture and service new technologies.” Read MEMA’s full testimony HERE. Additional witnesses at the hearing included: • John Bozzella, President & CEO, Alliance for Automotive Innovation • Rana Abbas Gaylor, Mothers Against Drunk Driving • Reuben Sarkar, President & CEO, American Center for Mobility To learn more about MEMA and how it represents the voice of the automotive supplier community, visit mema.org.

2 │ OESA News - 2021 Second Quarter

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