There are days where the sunshine is out and everything feels peaceful, warm, and just perfect, but as soon as we experience cloudy days, we feel sad, messing with our energy and routines. Not only the weather is messing with us, but life, too. The weather is a very good metapher for our life—every day can be different, things around us change, and life is simple happening, just like the weather. After the rain comes a lot of sunshine—once our dark clouds leave us, we move on and shine again as bright as the sun. There will be many moments in life where we will feel like a dark cloud, dealing with emotions, maybe even grieving about losses—it can be anything, but it is okay. We have to understand and accept that life is what it is and it is okay to not feel okay. When experiencing a fog, a period where you don‘t feel like yourself, or you are grieving, or you feel a little lost, sick, or simply tired, there are certainly ways to let this behind and start a new chapter again. Just think about the sunshine which will come again to pick you up and make you smile. What can we do to get out of our fog? 1. Our days may feel a bit off, unstructured, or chaotic. It‘s time to cleanthe mess, may it be physical or emotional messiness—establishing a working routine is so important for your mental and physical health. The brain loves routines and doing the same things over and over—stimulate your senses and plan a routine how you will live through your day. 2. To let your body fully enjoy getting back to a healthy routine, it is also important to take a close look at your nutrition. Vegetables and fruits have to be on your menu every day to feed your mental well-being. 3. Boosting your energy again means a lot of happiness chemicals are being produced in your body—the easiest way to start producing these is by exercising—move your body, go outside and explore Mother Nature. 4. For your steady routine, add a little pick me up playlist with songs which can only make you smile and dance. Dancing, singing, and jumping around can create lots of happiness—even if you don‘t feel like it, blast the music and let your body decide how it will respond to this. 5. When being isolated a lot, it is important to slowly establish connections again. Connect with a family member, a friend, or person you trust deeply. Open up and start talking about what is on your mind—shared pain can be very healing, too.
Take it slow—know that you have the potential to shine again. Step by step! 52