The Craftsman - January 2023

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January 2023
Magazine of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Editor: Mrs Katie Tarbard + Corporate Communications Officer

RHQ REME, The Prince Philip Barracks, Lyneham, CHIPPENHAM, SN15 4XX  (preferred method)  (for changes of address) ( Mil: 95481 4529 Civ: 01249 894529


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© Published by RHQ REME. Funded by The REME Charity.

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REME Corps Football 40


2 Contents FEATURES Future Soldier 4 3rd Battalion The Rifles Light Aid Detachment Leadership & Development Training Package 6 Ex WESSEX STORM 8 1 & 4 Med LAD REME Birthday Celebrations 12 QDG LAD – National Recovery Tow Show Visit 14 2 SCOTS LAD on Ex KHANJAR OMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Ex SUNKEN DRAGON 20 Ex DRAGON CASTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 MS Calendar 2023 24 Last of the National Service 26 Regular
Reserves – A
View 33 REME Association Potteries and District Newsletter 34 My
funeral procession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
– LCpl
1AAC 37 Unofficial
Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
part in Queen Elizabeth II’s
Rising Star Award Army
Terri Stewart
Army Skateboarding
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Guest Editorial – Festive Living
Where are they now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From the
– The Queen Mother’s Land Rover
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Volume 79 No. 1
. . .36
.44 Corps Calendar 47
Corps Formation: 1 October 1942
Corps Motto: Arte et Marte Corps Patron Saint: St Eligius (Celebrated 1st Sunday in December) Front Cover: Ex KHANJIR OMAN

New Year’s Message from the Corps Colonel, Colonel Jason Phillips ADC

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you are reading this editorial having had a thoroughly enjoyable Christmas and festive period wherever you were in the world, and that, your friends and families are all well.

2022 was a year we will never forget. It was the year we celebrated Her Majesty’s historic and unparalleled Platinum Jubilee with a series of spectacular national events in London; supported by community events across the country. Just three months later we had to say a final goodbye to the only sovereign most of us have ever known; the moving services in Edinburgh then London and Windsor were a perfect tribute to her grace, constancy and commitment and all were impeccably supported by our Armed Forces. May she Rest in Peace. I take some solace from knowing Her Majesty was able to see how much she was admired and cherished during those Platinum Jubilee celebrations before she passed away. Moreover, from a Corps perspective, we can all be proud that in her final year, Her Majesty approved the appointment of HRH The Countess of Wessex as our Colonel-in-Chief. I know that Her Majesty was determined to see HRH The Prince Philip’s legacy with our Corps honoured and I am in no doubt that HRH The Countess of Wessex will do that in her own wonderful style.

2022 was also the year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine which unleashed destruction and deep distress across much of this great country and caused a global shock that continues to reverberate. In response we saw the United Kingdom and other NATO countries rise immediately, as one, to support Ukraine politically, economically, socially and militarily. As the year ends, Ukraine appears to have turned the tide of this devastating War.

With all that in mind, my thoughts turn to what the world has in store for us in 2023? Firstly, it is widely anticipated that the war in Ukraine will endure. The Armed Forces of Ukraine will continue to fight tooth and nail for their country and the United Kingdom and NATO will continue to support them. Secondly, the Army will continue to exercise and operate across many parts of the globe in general and Europe in particular. As a Corps therefore, we can expect to be needed and we can expect to be busy. If the War in Ukraine has taught us one thing, it is that the era of armoured warfare is not over. We must continue to train for high intensity combined arms operations requiring the full breadth and depth of our engineering competence, delivering Forward Repair to provide our operational and tactical Commanders’ freedom of manoeuvre – keeping the punch in the Army’s fist.

Looking further into the future, I hope you have all now seen, in part or in full, the REME Strategy. The REME Strategy articulates how the Corps will follow four Lines of Operation to adapt to deliver Equipment Support in the battlespace of the future. If you

haven’t heard about the REME Strategy, then please look back at the centre spread in the December Craftsman and use the links to familiarise yourself with it so that you are able to play your part. Everyone from Craftsman to General has a role to play in delivering this Strategy, whether that be specified or not, and it is important we all work collectively wherever we are based to progress the plans and tasks identified.

For my part, in addition to supporting many other workstreams within the Regimental Headquarters team, there are three very specific ‘REME people-related’ goals that I am determined to achieve. The first is to see accreditation to VM and Armourer Class 1 courses restored by the training community in accordance with the recently published REME Whole Life Development Plan. The second is to generate and implement policy for the overdue REME Regimental Roster and the third is to establish a plan to implement the Land Artificer Course (both of the latter two being mentioned in the REME Promotion Quotas presentation issued in late November 2022). Much to do for my team and I, which I hope you all see as improvements to the REME Offer.

My final comment is one about you and all members of the REME Family. January is often a difficult month and the Cost-ofLiving challenges that we all face will not make it any easier. Please look out for one another and your families and also know that there is support available to you should you need it. If you are worried, struggling, feeling pressured or anxious, then please reach out to your friends, your Welfare staff, your Chain of Command and/or the REME Charity. One Team, One REME Family.

I hope 2023 brings you everything you hope for, and I look forward to seeing some of you at the Corps Conferences in March.

Arte et Marte

Guest Editorial Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover 3

‘Future Soldier’ delivers – 6 Battalion REME becomes the Deep Recce Strike CSS Group

The 1st Deep Recce Strike Brigade Combat Team (1 DRS BCT) formed in July 2022, creating an organisation where no formation boundary exists between sensor, decider and shooter. Its job is to find, understand and strike the enemy across the Division’s depth, to destroy enemy combat power and create a decisive advantage in the close battle. It combines long range surveillance patrols, light and armoured recce (Jackal and Ajax), close support artillery (AS90) and MLRS. It is a powerful beast.

themselves in every area of the battlespace, supporting guns, launchers, surveillance patrols and recce on wheels and tracks. They will need to resupply and MEDEVAC our most exposed recce troops.

It’s still early days, with 6 REME having only resubordinated to DRS in October, but it’s an exciting time to be part of something new, that seeks to approach warfighting and support in new and more powerful ways.

If you are interested in being part of this new organisation, and working on Ajax, Warrior, Bulldog, AS90, MLRS, Jackal, artillery radar or EPLS and more, come to 6 REME or one of the DRS units (RL, HCR, QDG, 1RHA, 3RHA, 19RA, 26RA).

As the only Combat Service Support (CSS) unit in DRS, the job of second line support to this new Brigade falls to 6 Battalion REME; whose deployed role is to be the DRS CSS Group. This means the Battalion is bolstered by three logistic Squadrons and a medical Squadron, as we have just simulated on Exercise Cerberus in Germany. This large-scale divisional exercise was the first time that the Army has put DRS to the test, and was used as an opportunity to

We found that DRS has a huge, complicated CSS task in a divisional war fight. It needs the most logistic lift (due to Artillery), and covers the rear to the deep in the divisional battlespace. Its scale, its dispersion and its flexible configurations will demand highly trained and well-equipped CSS troops and C2 nodes.

The REME, RLC and RAMC elements will find

Brigadier Neil Budd takes over from Brigadier ‘Patch’ Reehal as 6 REME’s Brigade Commander The new Deep Recce Strike BCT flash Some of the team deployed on Ex CERBERUS in Germany
Unit Life
Brigadier Patch receives the salute at the Resubordination Parade

Former REME soldier wins New Service Leaver award at Scottish Ex-Forces in Business Awards

Former REME soldier, Kris McLernon (33) who left the forces in April 2020 after 14 years as a Recovery Mechanic, has won the ‘New Service Leaver’ award at the 2022 Scottish Ex-Forces in Business Awards held in Glasgow recently.

At a black-tie event held at the Hilton Hotel, Kris was announced as the winner of his category and presented with his award by Lt Col Lorne Campbell, Edinburgh Garrison Commander and ex Royal Marine, BBC presenter and Invictus Games Gold Medallist, JJ Chalmers.

The awards highlight the achievements of ex-military personnel, their success since leaving the Armed Forces and the organisations that have supported them. The New Service Leaver category recognises men and women who left the military less than three years ago.

Kris bought his Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise in September 2021, on a ‘no money down’ deal that franchisor Taylor Made Franchising developed during the pandemic, to help people looking for a new career. Kris has excelled in his performance, climbing to halfway up the network leader board, in less than 12 months. He uses creative marketing and advertising to boost his brand awareness and is a keen social media user; frequently posting videos of his day and the chimneys he is cleaning.

Organisers said: “Every finalist was an outstanding role model for service leavers new and old, and a tremendous representation of the synergies between military values and business excellence.”

Corps Colonel, Colonel Jason Phillips ADC REME said: “On behalf of all members of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical

Engineers (REME) we are absolutely delighted to see Kris win the Scottish Ex-Forces Service Leaver of the Year Award for 2022. Kris epitomises all that is great about former and current REME people –bright, hard-working, honourable and with a can-do spirit to everything he takes on. Huge congratulations Kris. Well done.”

Talking about his win Kris said: “I genuinely thought it was just going to be a night off, to let off some steam and meet a few good people. I managed not only to have a great night but I also won the award in my category. Massive congratulations to all the finalists and winners. If someone like me can achieve something like this, there’s absolutely no reason why no one else leaving the military can’t achieve the same and I did it all through a pandemic. Have faith in your abilities troops. Your hard work and diligence doesn’t go unnoticed.”

Pip Wilkins, CEO of the British Franchise Association (BFA) said: “The franchising model can be an excellent choice for anyone leaving the military to consider as a way to build a second career. The BFA is delighted that Kris McLernon’s hard work as a Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchisee has now been rewarded with this award win.”

Wilkins Chimney Sweep is owned by Taylor Made Franchising who also own or part own StumpBusters, PVC Vendo, Thomas Cleaning, Iconic Window Cleaning and Broadway Wine, Mister Tacho, Women In Business Network (WIBN) and Wagging Tails. Discounts are available for ex-military personnel. Please contact Alan McClean for more details or ring 07450 940 312.

front cover 5
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People’s Stories
From left to right, Kris McLernon (Wilkins Chimney Sweep Lanarkshire), Lt Col Lorne Campbell (Edinburgh Garrison Commander) & JJ Chalmers (BBC presenter, Invictus Games Gold Medallist and ex-Royal Marine)

3rd Battalion The Rifles Light Aid Detachment Leadership & Development Training Package

OC: Capt Sean Hunter

ASM: WO1 (ASM) Michael Foster

Scribe: SSgt Andy Staples

3OverviewRifles LAD delivered a Leadership Training Package, aimed at developing our junior soldiers within the LAD. Building upon previous leadership training events, the LAD was seeking to identify Officer, Artificer and MTI potential; whilst also developing soldiers in preparation for attending Potential Artificer Board (PAB) and leading FRTs. The training package took place over a three-day period, taking the form of several physical events, planning exercises, command tasks and presentations; all designed to challenge each tradesperson in one form or another.

The initiative day commenced with nothing better than an arduous military PT session to set the conditions and test individuals physical and mental resilience. Dressed in the standard 3 Rifles PT attire, the LAD wore combats, helmets and gloves whilst being spared their VERTIS body armour on this occasion. Presented with a tug of war rope, participants thought they were going to be involved in an inter Coy Ftr Sect tug of war competition. Sadly, this was not to be the case as the session was to be delivered by the FSp Coy Ftr Sect Artificer, SSgt Lucas. The lesson consisted of a rope run, completing several laps of camp with a rope held above their head. This was a real test of character and determination with fatigue quickly setting in. It wasn’t long until individuals’ varying levels of personal fitness became noticeable. After 45 minutes and a substantial loss of fluids through sweat, participants were released for some personal admin and returned in civilian attire ready to commence the next activity. SSgt Fitzsimons (C Coy Ftr Sect) presented each team with a list of challenging tasks to complete; requiring each team to venture into Edinburgh city centre. Using their initiative and imagination, the aim was for each team to complete a list of tasks in the fastest time. The variety of tasks ranged from catching pigeons, getting arrested (fictional of course) and getting some free food. On completion, the LAD enjoyed some light refreshments in Edinburgh whilst the LAD Command team enjoyed watching each teams’ supporting video evidence from throughout the day.

Cfn Tosh taking a breather on the LAD rope race SSgt Lucas conducting LAD Battle PT Cpl Gregor leading the 'gap crossing' command task
Unit Life
First attempt at a leaderless command task

On day two, SSgt Bibby (B Coy Ftr Sect) introduced a round robin of events that were designed to test individuals’ leadership skills and develop their teamwork and communication. The round robin included various command tasks, group discussions, and individual presentations. The day began with motivated teams showcasing their leadership abilities and how well they worked together. The command tasks were co-ordinated by WO2 (AQMS) Ashton and provided a mental and physical challenge to all participants. The most junior member of each team was appointed as the team captain and each had the chance to demonstrate their abilities leading the more experienced JNCO; demonstrating their strengths and potential. The group discussions were designed by SSgt Staples (A Coy Ftr Sect) and were run in a similar manner to the PAB. This provided good exposure to everyone on what to expect when preparing to attend a PAB. Each team member was given a variety of topics to introduce and discuss which generated some interesting debate. SSgt Bibby led with the individual presentations. Each team member was given the opportunity to deliver a short 5-minute presentation on a topic of their choice. This was aimed at developing their verbal communication skills whilst also building their confidence. It was an insightful afternoon learning about the history of Rangers Football Club, Buckfast tonic wine and the positives and negatives of country/state owned football teams.

To mark the culmination of the leadership package, the LAD planned a shop floor dinner night. This provided the junior members of the LAD with an opportunity to experience a traditional top table dinner as part of their education on what to expect when becoming a member of the WOs’ & Sgts’ mess. The workshop floor was decorated with silverware from the WOs’ and Sgts’ mess, transforming the LAD. The event ran in the format of a formal top table dinner with WO1 (ASM) Foster acting as the Presiding Member and the OC Capt Hunter attending as a VIP guest. The event got off to a good start, however as the evening progressed, it wasn’t long before the ‘Port fines’ were introduced in a well-received manner. As a football focussed LAD, Capt Hunter delivered a motivational and inspiring leadership speech, focussed on the positive leadership traits of Sir Alex Ferguson and his time at Manchester United Football Club. The evening concluded with Capt Hunter thanking SSgt Andy Allan for his 24 years’ service and presenting him with a handmade Airborne presentation piece, personally crafted by our own Armourer, LCpl Bell.

Since completion of the 3 Rifles LAD Leadership package, several JNCOs have attended PAB with great success; highlighting the importance and benefits of investing in our junior soldiers. A highly successful and beneficial few days, the feedback from those who attended has been very positive, with the LAD already planning their next Leadership package for early 2023.

cover 7
Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front LAD workshop floor dinner night LAD top table awaiting their cheese boards SSgt Allan being presented his leaving gift from 3 Rifles LAD on completion of 24 years Colour Service


12(Close Support) Company, 1 (Close Support) Battalion REME deployed on Exercise WESSEX STORM 3/22, as part of the 6 RLC Brigade Support Group (BSG) supporting the 2 ROYAL ANGLIAN Battle Group. The objective for the ES Company during the exercise was to verify all the skills learnt during our training year (conducting 2 x BCS Exercises and 1 x StA TL CHARLIE Ex) to confirm that we were ready to be validated as the ES element for the BSG of 7th Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team, The Desert Rats.

Throughout the first two weeks of the exercise the personnel on the ground continued to do further training in the field; showcasing the ability and knowledge of the unit. Conducting lessons such as Immediate Action drills to Indirect Fire (IDF), how to deal with the civilian population whilst deployed, CBRN drills and many more. The Company demonstrated that they were more than competent; not only in their trade skills but also in their soldiering ability. In addition to the fieldcraft lessons, personnel were given the opportunity to conduct a night drive wearing night vision, which was a first for most! This allowed them to be deemed competent drivers under night vision, gaining them the qualification to do so.

Just before the start of the test phase of the exercise, a Forward Repair Team (FRT) from Vehicle & General Platoon was sent to imbed themselves into C Company, 2 R ANGLIAN as their lone Fitter Section. Being thrown in at the deep end, the members of the FRT had to quickly learn and adapt to the problems that would occur whilst working with a moving Battle

Company CP under Cam Scribes: LCpl Homer and Cfn Marshallsay (12 CS Company, 1 Close Support Battalion REME) Cfn Hughes conducting an ISI on a JACKAL
Production in a CBRN environment

Group (BG). When they first arrived, they were given the challenge to change a starter motor on a FOXHOUND, which is no easy task! This job had the FRT working until the early hours of the morning, continuing to work through the night and into the morning. This allowed the FRT to get the vehicle ready in time, to be sent out later the same day.

The tradespeople within the Company completed many different maintenance activities ranging from Land Rover engine changes, JACKAL prop shafts to FOXHOUND powerpack removal and fault finding. The exercise provided a great opportunity to learn new skills and develop understanding of many of the battle winning platforms within the Brigade; whilst also dealing with threats we weren’t used to such as the constant threat of IDF.

Before the final offensive phase for the 2 R ANGLIAN BG, the Company planned and executed a tactical equipment REHAB of all vehicles within the BSG and 2 R ANGLIAN BG. This involved the vehicles going through an Intermediate Safety Inspection (ISI) by Forward Platoon, and then any repairs being completed by Vehicles & General Platoon. If the repairs were assessed as requiring more than six hours, the spare parts were demanded back to the home units.

The exercise was followed up by both Platoons conducting separate extensive equipment REHABS for the Land Training Fleet to ready their vehicles for further Battle Group LMI conversions and 2 R ANGLIAN to prepare the fleet for Ex DESERT KANJAAR an OTX in Oman that the Company will be supporting in 2023.

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Production in the dark Inside the Company CP Staff Officers doing Staff Officer CBRN

The Queen Mother’s Land Rover

The REME Museum has in our collection a large number of vehicles; including many specialised repair and recovery vehicles. This vehicle, though, has no history of recovering damaged equipment or of readiness for harsh conditions. It is a review vehicle, modified and driven by REME personnel specifically for use by a very special VIP on visits to the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR).

From 1968 until the 1980s, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother used this specially adapted Land Rover Series 2A to undertake review visits to the Berlin Garrison in Germany. Adapted with an open cab, steps to the back and a handrail, the space in the back of the car was for The Queen Mother to sit or stand while reviewing the troops on ceremonial parade. It is believed that others also used the car during visits to the BAOR, including Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen Mother was Commandant-in-Chief of the Army and Air Force Women’s Services, and Women in the Royal Navy, as well as holding other Service appointments. She often visited REME units, from the formation of the Corps until her later years.

This one-of-a-kind car is, actually, one of a pair. Another was modified for use during royal reviews, but for use by Military Police to provide security for the VIP conducting the review. This second one is now part of the Dunsfold Collection, which preserves Land Rover history. It is understood that these vehicles were modified using locally available car parts at the time, which included hub caps and mirrors from the Volkswagen (VW) Beetle. Incidentally, the Beetle was the very car that REME personnel used to demonstrate the possibility of restarting production of civilian vehicles by VW in 1949.

The car was eventually taken out of service in 1993, but the life and story of this

Scribe: Lucy Brown, Museum Assistant The adapted Land Rover used by The Queen Mother, Army registration number 30 XC 16. 2006.4800. © REME Museum
The Queen Mother on a rainy visit to 31 District Workshop REME, Catterick, September 1985. E:09.0366.001.© Crown
REME Museum
In April 1944, Queen Elizabeth and then Princess Elizabeth visited 32 Infantry Brigade (Guards) Workshop, Guards Armoured Division, East Dereham, Norfolk. E:06.0392.01

Land Rover did not end there; nor on its entry into our collection. In 2014, another famous figure made use of the vehicle at the Invictus Games Opening Ceremony. Idris Elba OBE, actor well-known for his roles in Luther and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, among others, arrived in the back of the car driven by our late friend and colleague Staff Sergeant Kelvin ‘Roger’ Jones MBE.

Even today, the car continues to be maintained to a working standard. It has recently been used to transport senior Officers off the site as they leave their posts in Lyneham.

Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover Colonel Andy J Rogers (former Corps Colonel) in the Land Rover driven by our Museum Director, Major (Retired) Rick Henderson in September 2021. © REME Museum The Queen Mother admiring the REME plot in the Garden of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, 1984. E:09.0950.020. © Crown A close-up of the cab, with mirrors in clear view. © REME Museum

1 & 4 Med LAD REME Corps Birthday Celebrations

On the week of the REME Corps turning 80, the combined LADs of 1 & 4 Medical Regiments came together to mark the forming of the Corps. This was an idea put together as a celebration, but also to create a team building experience; giving people in both LADs the chance to get to know each other better. As both LADs work in the same building, faces are always seen but names aren’t always learnt; so this made for a perfect opportunity for both workplaces to get involved. The day was split down into three main activities, namely, Crane Operating, Blindfolded Driving and Cap Badge Crafting; with different teams all fighting for the number one spot at the end of it all. The winning team of course getting first choice of the burgers and sausages at the end when the BBQ was cracked out!

Crane Operating

The event started off with a basic workshop skill, crane operating. This was a great way of showcasing the feather touch that some people have when operating a weighted item through a slalom, while also showing that some people haven’t touched the controls since Phase 2 training… The activity was a race which made for a tense, yet enjoyable time. Teams were given faults for every cone or object they hit, all counting for a different number of points. The timed element resulted in hot heads and slippery fingers as near enough every team ended up hitting cones and quickly racking up the penalty points. The award for best operator was given out at the end of the event, which was awarded to WO2 (AQMS) Evangelista.

Scribe: Blindfolded Crane Operating WO2 (AQMS) Evangelista being a top operator The course for the Blindfolded Driving
Unit Life
Blindfolded Driving

Blindfolded Driving

After the obligatory name calling and one upping of each other it was time for the second event of the day, blindfolded driving; which did pass Health and Safety checks. Each team assigned a blindfolded person to drive, who then used a Personal Role Radio (PRR) headset to communicate with a 2nd person acting as a Commander, standing away guiding the Driver. A 3rd person acted as safety from the passenger seat. The task was simple, if you weren’t blind and being shouted at through a clunky, battered headset. The teams were to navigate down a straight, through a slalom of cones and then back into the parking bay. The event was decided by the greatest number of completed laps within 20 mins. The teams had very mixed outcomes with some looking like they don’t know what an accelerator pedal was and some forgetting that they’re supposed to be listening to words of command. They were given penalty points for hitting cones. The winner, was the team of Tech Elecs.

Cap Badge Crafting

The final activity of the day was to create a REME cap badge out of items found lying around the LAD. Teams started off franticly running around shop floors and barging down doors into offices to find anything they could, which would be of use to them. When the building started, teams did work well together by planning where things would go and agreeing quickly on how to build the cap badges. The teams created their masterpieces within an hour with the varying results seen on the right. Once the time was up, they were scored by a panel of independent adjudicators. Points were awarded for appearance, durability and originality. The best cap badge was decided to be the extreme right one, created by Team Tech. Overall, the day was a complete success. The winners and undisputed best team from the LADs were Team Tech! This had nothing to do with the two Tech Elec AQMS’.


The end of the birthday celebrations was finished off with a BBQ to look back and relax after a hard day’s work. It was also a perfect time for stories to be shared with each other, shortly after finishing being told “cheers dits” by anyone and everyone who was in that vicinity.

read the guidelines on the inside front cover 13
are requested to
Enjoying the BBQ and admiring the finished cap badges Cfn Atkinson showing off the ‘guns’ ‘Crafty Badge Making’ in progress The finished products!

QDG LAD – National Recovery Tow Show Visit

On Wednesday 28th September 2022, 1st The Queens Dragoons Guards (QDG) LAD deployed to Telford International Centre to visit the National Recovery Tow Show. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the various recovery vehicles and techniques used by the professionals in the civilian recovery industry, to reflect upon what we learned so that we could implement and improve the techniques and procedures used within the QDG LAD.

The event consisted of large halls filled with a huge variety of recovery equipment old and new, and multiple displays of vehicles being recovered utilising a variety of specialist recovery equipment and techniques used by civilian companies. The displays showed how different

lifting/recovery equipment and techniques were used depending on the size, weight and position of the stricken vehicle. There was also a demonstration on how multiple vehicles could be used simultaneously to right a vehicle that had been carrying hazardous goods and how coordination is key in the safe recovery of such vehicles.

The huge variety of recovery equipment on show was great to see but the biggest issue for use in a military environment was the lack of off-road capability (bar one vehicle). The SVR easily would hold its own against the equipment available off-road, with civilian slide-back recovery vehicles a cut above the SVR for ease of on-road recovery. The most

The QDG LAD on the visit
‘a winch too far’
Window shopping
Unit Life
Slide back recovery vehicle demo

high-tech equipment we saw was the Electric Vehicle (EV) recovery system. Basically, a 50kw battery in a van, EV recovery is an interesting aspect to consider as the Army weighs up use of EVs in future.

There were many hands-on and engaging activities for people to take part in, including a recovery truck racing simulator, where everyone at the event had the opportunity to compete against each other racing remote control recovery trucks for a place in the final. Hundreds of people took part in the competition with the top ten being selected to take part in the final. Four of the top ten in the final were from the QDG LAD and resulted in 1st, the EME, Captain Selka, 2nd Cfn Hall and 3rd LCpl Blunt. The 1st place prize was a £100 voucher which was spent on a double J hook recovery strop which is now displayed in the LAD restroom, and a day’s civilian recovery training for four (Cfn Article to follow).

It was down to our Workshop Sergeant Major (WSM), SSgt Wright, and his work with “Driven to Extremes” that we were afforded this opportunity. Driven to Extremes, is part of Max Adventure which provides Overland Expeditions for Veterans suffering from PTSD and other mental health issues. With expeditions running across the globe, from -60°C in Siberia to +50°C in the Taklamakan Desert. Their latest rally took place in Oct 22 in the Sahara, re-tracing the original Paris Dakar Rally route.

In summary, this event was a good opportunity to learn from those in the civilian industry how they implement their different recovery equipment types and for us to adapt and improve our techniques in our job roles. This provided us with a visit to a unique, event while also allowing us to participate and socialise in team-based activities. This would be a recommended event to go to if you have an interest in vehicle towing and recovery.

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You can’t park that there mate! Finding out the fastest in the LAD Captain Selka with his 1st place prizes, along with Cfn Hall (2nd) and LCpl Blunt (3rd)
‘What does this one do’


2SCOTS Battle Group (BG) deployed to Oman on Ex KHANJAR OMAN in early August 2022 to December 2022. During this time the LAD were a key enabler in a successful exercise assured by 4 Brigade. Deploying as part of the activation, and then last out the country, the LAD has worked hard to ensure the best equipment availability for a very fragile Light Mechanised Infantry (LMI) fleet throughout the four months in theatre.

ASM Perspective: WO1 (ASM) P Robinson

Oman has not been without its challenges. Firstly, the fleet including 26 FOXHOUND, 14 JACKAL and a number of B vehicles deployed in July 2022; most of which were transported from various units around the UK beforehand. Once all the vehicles had been collected we had a few weeks to get them fit to embark on the journey; starting with the trip to Rosyth Port.

Before the vehicles could move to the port, many of them had outstanding non-task worthy faults for us to repair in the little time we had. The Priming Equipment Pack that had been earmarked for sustainment in Oman therefore had to be used to provide the ES Mat we required. Units attached to the BG were also having similar issues.

Upon arrival in Oman, the fleet of circa 230 vehicles had to be unloaded from the boat. Once inspected and ES Mat requirements were placed on demand, it was evident that the supply chain was fragile and was going to cause some issues. The first of our

The LAD Group Photo
FOXHOUND in workshop

significant problems came in the form of window delamination on the FOXHOUND fleet. 7 of the 26 platforms had been affected with one or more delaminated windows. There was only 1 Commanders window available for issue from depot. This left 6 FOXHOUND without the required ES Mat, so it was decided that a Perspex replacement would be trialled. After various emails back and forth with the project team and the scrutiny of a prototype, the Perspex had passed the test and was fitted to 6 of the FOXHOUND fleet; increasing the availability across the BG for the integration exercise. The ‘Innovation in the Small Space’, 1 Div Rhino Award, was given to 2 SCOTS LAD for the window project.

Fitter Section: LCpl Wood

I deployed on Ex KHANJAR OMAN on the 7th of August 2021 as part of 2 SCOTS LAD. We deployed out as part of the activation party; which meant our job was to bring the fleet in from the port, back to the Joint Logistical Support Base (JLSB), and then, get them in working order for the Battalion to deploy on exercise.

As a qualified JACKAL driver, myself and Cfn Herbert were attached to ISR Company to deploy out, embedded in their Company as Javelin Platoon’s 2IC’s Driver and the Company’s ES IC and 2IC. During the 2 exercises we maintained and rectified faults on various platforms, from FOXHOUNDS to quad-bikes; repairing forward to allow all the assets of the Brigade to be as deployable as possible and stay in the battle picture.

One of the faults we had was a burst airbag on a JACKAL. The suspension was sinking on the front right-hand side of the wagon, which made it unsafe and unfit for use on the area. To get it on the road for the final attack, we patched the hole in the airbag by using layers of self-amalgamating tape and super glue. This held for the 100km drive back to the JLSB from the exercise area, a good application of Battle Damage Repair (BDR) in the field.

Being embedded within a Company was an interesting

experience, which had its pros and cons. Having to rely on just myself and Cfn Herbert’s engineering knowledge and use of limited spares we had to think a little outside the box at times; carefully placed zip ties and lots of liquid gasket helped us keep the whole ISR fleet on the road for the entirety of the two exercises.

Being right at the front meant we could keep punching forward for example; keeping the Sniper Platoon fully manned when a CV boot had burst and the bolts had rattled loose; having ES so far forward meant we could save hours of valuable time in bringing A1 forward or recovering the wagon back to the JLSB. We both thoroughly enjoyed our experience deploying out with an LMI Company and it was valuable in refreshing our basic infantry skills; plus it gave us an insight to more in-depth tactics the Battalion used in the field.

A1 Fitter Section: Cpl Stewart

We deployed out onto the training area as a Forward Repair Team (FRT) of three; myself, Cfn Tooth (VM) and LCpl Sutcliffe (Armr). During the first phase (36hrs) we prepared for the maintenance day and the integration with the Omani Army. During this phase we demonstrated what we do as a cap badge and why we are attached to the unit. We conducted various tasks that ranged from simple repairs on the pneumatic system on the UST to replacing a turbo on a Land Rover as well as vehicle weapon mount repairs.

The next phase was the actual exercise phase, which lasted two weeks. The exercise started on the 28th of October and ended on the 10th of November. During this time, we were the FRT assigned to support FSP Company as well as A1 and the wider Battle Group. We were busy as vehicles were recovered back to our location for further repair. These repairs ranged from those that required spares and having these sent forward to us, further BDR (such as coolant hose pipe repairs and coolant header tank repairs) or general repairs as we had more time and stability at our location than the Fitter Sections with the forward Coys/Sqn. We were also called forward to the Fitter Sections to carry out repairs on vehicles (such as rectifying hydraulic leaks on a FOXHOUND to replacing weapon mount locking pins) or to assist in the recovery of vehicles that

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LR Recovery Demonstration for the Omani Army More repairs on a FOXHOUND

could not be repaired out on the ground. When the exercise was coming to its final phase we were tasked as an FRT to secure a location for an Equipment Collection Point (ECP) for any vehicles that may be required to be recovered back before the end of the exercise.

Once the exercise had concluded we then moved into the rehab phase and preparation for the RORO ferry and the Hand-Over/TakeOver (HO/TO). This consisted of every vehicle that had deployed on the area or to Oman being inspected, serviced and repaired. This task was long and tedious due to the number of problems that occurred as a result of the exercise and the limited number of spares and equipment we had throughout the deployment because of the location we were in.

A2 / Joint Logistics Support Base (JLSB):

Sgt Gilling

We arrived in Oman on the evening of 8th August 2022 and were shown around the Renaissance Village. We then almost immediately deployed down to the port in the morning and established ourselves ready to inspect all equipment as it was unloaded and placed in a collection bay. We were checking for any problems that could have occurred on the journey from Rosyth, with the unloading of the boat and the safety checks taking 3 days to complete. This was mostly down to the fleet having to be lifted off the boat, due to the unavailable dry dock facilities to roll off.

When we arrived at our new home for the next 4 months (the workshop) we found that nothing was in place in terms of a repair facility. We acquired and set up: waste oil, air conditioning repair, battery charging, work benches, desks, expense, COSHH, oil storage, rest area, scrap metal, unserviceable batteries, first aid and lifting equipment areas. Our hard work ensured we were making the facility as close to a workshop as we could get it with very limited resources.

Our first major issue was that we found a significant problem with the FOXHOUND ballistic side windows which had starting to internally delaminate. We demanded the relevant spares and informed the chain of command that the problem that was arising with the windows, affecting the Operator’s visibility (obviously important in an armoured box that moves at speed).

After the safety inspections we had dropped down to only 9 available FOXHOUND of 26. We eventually achieved 19 available for the first deployment after some tireless work from our tradesman in unfamiliar and very hot conditions. During the exercise the JACKAL platform held up well, maintained to 100% availability by LCpl Thomas Wood and Cfn Nathan Herbert. The FOXHOUND on the other hand spent a great deal of time in our A2 location. They required constant attention and maintenance; meaning the small team back at A2 were very busy for long strenuous days. Toward the end of the deployment the FOXHOUNDS improved with regular use and benefited from the maintenance carried out.

Sport / AT: LCpl Sutcliffe

Providing a welcomed break from work routine, the inter-Battle Group sports day was held at the RSV camp using the facilities at hand; including the on camp swimming pool. 2 SCOTS HQ Coy consisting of mainly the LAD, competed in 5 a-side football, Warrior Fitness and a swimming relay. HQ Coy fell short in the football competition, conceding a firstround defeat and being knocked out by the Gurkha Engineers. Directly after the football, LCpl Farish, Cfn Herbert and myself then, still warmed up, had a good attempt at the WF circuit coming 4th out of 8 teams; only beaten by FSP Coy, QGE and A Coy. Finally, Capt Carter competed in the 400m swimming relay, despite being a one-man team and doing the Wadi

Darbat Climbing AT Sailing AT

whole 400m himself, came 3rd in the rankings.

The AT package provided was amongst one of the best experiences I have had while serving. The coach journey from Duqm to Muscat was over 5 hours, but was definitely worth the wait. Camp Gecko is a brilliant facility located on an expansive beach which provides some of the best picturesque views whether it be the morning sunrise or the mountain backdrop.

Day one of activities was spent on the catamaran. We spent a majority of the day sunbathing and relaxing but also got chance to sail, swim, snorkel and fish. Watching a pod of dolphins hunt a school of tuna was incredible but a personal highlight was cooking and eating the black fin tuna on the beach that we had caught out on the boat earlier in the day.

The second day consisted of climbing in the morning and kayaking in the afternoon. I thoroughly enjoyed climbing and I loved abseiling. The Instructors only added to the experience, and it was great to see them helping less confident climbers. Sgt Day (2 SCOTS LAD) and Sgt Sudlow (Lights Dragoons) really encouraged people to push themselves outside their comfort zone in a constructive way. Abseiling was an interesting experience as I’d not done it before, and it has made me consider going climbing in my spare time and look at getting qualifications to be an Instructor myself. Kayaking in the afternoon was on a picturesque lagoon where there was ample opportunity to see wildlife whilst paddling around.

The third and last day of AT we did mountain biking in the morning and had a cultural visit to the Souk (market) in the afternoon. Mountain biking provided a look at the local area around Camp Gecko and opportunity for individuals to push themselves and attempt a small drop which was challenging for beginner riders. The Souk gave an insight to the history and culture of Muscat also giving us a chance to interact with locals; something we’ve not had much chance to do so far on the deployment. The small walk to the palace yielded some amazing views and photo opportunities.

On the last evening everyone including the Instructors and camp staff had a meal at the Dunes Bar which was not far from the camp. The food at the camp throughout was amazing but the meal at the dunes bar still managed to top it. Overall, I can wholeheartedly say the AT package is second to none and I hope it gets set up permanently so other Battle Groups get the opportunity to have the same experiences I did. Everything from the facilities, location and food to the Instructors made it an unbeatable experience.

Cultural trip and conclusion:

Due to the work load workshop hours were precious, but with the post exercise inspections being completed quicker than expected, there was a small window to take the Class 1’s on a cultural visit to Salalah. Thanks to the generous funding from the REME Charity, our soldiers could have a well-earned trip to this magnificent city and its surroundings. Here we visited Mirbat, the sight of an SAS battle in the 1970s, experienced the Souks of the city and, of course, find some western food in a shopping mall! We also visited Wadi Darbat nearby, which is one of the most beautiful locations in the country. Overall this short trip was a great success and REME ranks returned rested ready for the final push for the fleet rehab.

Overall the deployment was a long, tough but ultimately enjoyable deployment in an interesting country. The LAD achieved an outstanding output with little resources, workforce or time; which was a testament to their hard-working nature. We look forward to future deployments in 2023…!

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Site near Battle of Mirbat Fleet Sunset

Ex SUNKEN DRAGON 18-24 Sep 22


uphoric’, ‘an experience of a lifetime’, ‘full of excitement’ were but a few phrases used to describe 5 Bn REME’s Sub Aqua Diving Adventurous Training expedition to Malta. After months of planning, and some last-minute favours, 12 members of 5 Bn deployed to Malta to complete the BSAC Ocean Diver and Sports Diver courses. The six-day expedition was a significant step out of the comfort zone for many; especially for the 10 personnel who had never dived before. Cfn Barr noted “Scuba Diving is one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I would recommend it to anyone. Everything is totally different underwater; it is as if your senses are sharpened. Exploring life underwater is an experience like no other. I can’t wait to further my qualifications and go on more dives”.

The newly qualified soldiers are now able to dive safely to a depth of 20 meters with a Dive Leader. They can perform safety drills underwater and conduct dive assists or basic rescues. Sgt Kirkbride enjoyed it more than most; “There are a few drills you must learn under water, which I thought were hilarious as some people would forget to close their eyes when they took their masks off or forget to inhale some air before taking their regulator out. Although, by the end of the week, everyone was nailing the drills, and we managed to survive 5 days of diving without

Scribe: Capt Thomas Warner (5 FS Bn REME) Day one - The kit setup confused some more than others Day one - The team get familiar with their diving equipment LCpl O’Toole after his first reef dive Always time for a quick pose Stepping into the depths to get away from the rain
Capt Warner after leading a dive for the troops

anyone’s lungs imploding, which is a success”.

Cfn Walsh had never dived before, and the expedition left a very positive lasting impression. “From exploring the culture of Malta to diving 20m below the surface. This sensational experience has really inspired me into furthering my scuba diving qualifications. We managed to see many different sites; each as extravagant as the other”.

Organising a Sub Aqua expedition can be a very daunting task, but it is no doubt a rewarding one for all involved. The Adventure Training Group (ATG) can offer a plethora of support and direction. If you are organising your own expedition, I would suggest getting in touch with Mr Cliff Pearn ( for support. The ATG team are a force multiplier when it comes to navigating the ‘depths’ of an expedition like this. The trip was a great success and allows 5 Bn to organise continuation training for the 12 newly qualified divers. Exciting times ahead.

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Always keep your buddy close Forced smiles to welcome the day the water decided to follow us out of the ocean The team listening to the dive brief Peekaboo Rescue drills for ‘no air’ Assisted ascent rescue drill

Adventurous Training


– Advanced Ocean Diver – From Zero to Hero!

In early October 2022, members of 103 (Force Support) Battalion REME set out on the challenge of progressing from complete diving novices, to fully qualified Advanced Ocean Divers (Depth of 30m), during a 10-day ATG(A) diving expedition to Cyprus. Despite being supported by a team of highly competent divers and instructors, achieving both Ocean Diver (OD) and Advanced Ocean Diver (AOD) within 10 days still proved a challenge.

Arriving in Cyprus the team were greeted with sunshine, 30° temperatures and clear temperate waters of the Cypriot Mediterranean. The students were eager to begin their initial Ocean Diver training, quickly learning after a few theory lessons that there was far more to scuba diving than many had originally thought. As practical training progressed, the students soon became more

comfortable with the underwater world, whilst regularly being pushed out of their comfort zone.

After passing the theory exam along with six dives, including a night dive, the students had cleared the first hurdle of becoming an Ocean Diver (depth of 20m), however, there was little respite as the training was about to advance to a whole new level… Keen to progress, the expedition participants were quick to throw themselves into the four Advanced Ocean Diver theory modules. They soon learnt that the deeper the dives, the greater the risk, and the greater the need for detailed planning and proficient drills; with yet more new equipment. Over the coming days, the students began to get hands on with underwater lessons on specific skills and drills; which also saw a welcomed interruption by a rather inquisitive turtle.

Night Dive activity as part of the Ocean Diver Training The team celebrating their first dive at the Green Bay site

After being on a continuous learning curve since the start of the Exped, the soon-to-be Advanced Ocean Divers were ready to begin their long-awaited depth progression to 25m on the recently scuttled wreck of the Elpida. Ever conscious of all they had learnt, the students were able to relate to their prior training as they rolled off the boat and descended to their first wreck.

As the Joint Service Sub Aqua Diving Supervisor gave his dive brief the following day, he reminding everyone of the risk of nitrogen narcosis; a side effect of diving at depth. The team were both apprehensive and eager to progress further depths on the worldclass wreck of the MS Zenobia to a maximum depth of 30m; the limit of the Advanced Ocean Diver qualification.

Scuba Diving is a fantastic opportunity to develop the core values of the British Army through a control exposure to a hazardous environment. As an example, one student who was anxious over the thought of diving due to his fear of depths, was able to face those fears head on through teamwork and leadership. He overcame the obstacles stating afterwards, “after all, this is what we are here for, to have our boundaries challenged by operating out of our comfort zone”, adding that, “the whole process gave me the courage needed to try again and succeed!” This is the purpose and importance of Adventurous Training – Cpl Green’s account of the Exped.

On completion of the 10-day package, the Exped qualified six novices to both Ocean Diver and Advanced Ocean Diver level; all depth qualified to 30m. The Exped also qualified two Dive Leaders, depth progressed to 40m. The team conducted reef, shore, wreck, boat, night and nitrox dives, consuming a staggering 272,675 litres of air sub surface and a combined total of 5,606 minutes (93hrs) sub-surface. Fancy pushing your boundaries through the Army’s Adventurous Training scheme?

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Turtle interrupts Cpl Holden’s Ocean Diver lesson Cpl Eaton leads newly qualified Advanced Ocean Divers to depth on the Zenobia Cpl Eaton competes in a ‘staring competition’ with a Green Bay Turtle
Happy divers after passing all elements of the Advanced Ocean Diver course
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26 The CorpsCommunications Team Are you emailing the right person? The Craftsman Magazine Editor The Digital Media Manager Change of postal address Submissions (Digital and Print) Other Communications and Media requests

Last of the National Service

Scribe: REME Cfn Clive G Harris, 568727

Ijoined the REME and did basic training in Blandford and then trade training in Barton Stacey as a Storeman before being posted to Ashchurch near Tewksbury. After a few months in Ashchurch I was told to report to the CO who informed me I was being sent to SHAPE Headquarters in Paris. For someone like me back in 1959 the farthest I had been was Blandford, there was very little overseas travel at that time and most people who lived in the Bristol area like I did, would manage a week’s holiday either at Weston-Super-Mare or Brean Down. For some of the more well off it would be Weymouth and the very well off, Torquay. When I was stationed at Ashchurch, my Mother would tell everyone I had been posted somewhere up North, in fact it was the farthest North I had been, so being posted to Paris was quite something. None of my family, friends or relations had ever been abroad or flown except my girlfriend Janet, who had travelled parts of Germany, Janet is now my Wife. It was really my time I spent in SHAPE I wanted to write about, although it only seems like yesterday it is more than 60 years ago.

My travel arrangements were from Ashchurch by train to Temple Meads Bristol where I was given one weeks leave before catching the train from Temple Meads to London Victoria and then on to the Gare Du Nord in Paris. My instructions were a little vague but I was told to travel in uniform with my loaded kitbag and I would be met in Paris by someone from SHAPE. I asked how I would recognise them and was told they would recognise my uniform. After saying goodbye to my parents and Janet, I left home with my kit bag and a small suit case that held my civilian clothing and set forth to Paris. This was to be a great adventure for me I would be travelling alone and would arrive at the Gare Du Nord on Friday evening at 1800 hours. I was a little concerned who this somebody was who would be meeting me, even the NCO who arranged my travel arrangements did not have a clue who it might be.

When I arrived at Victoria there were a few other army lads going to SHAPE there was six of us altogether, I was the only one from REME. I felt a little better about being met by someone in Paris although the other lads had much more clearer instructions than I did, such as where to go and names of the personal who would be picking them up. I had no name or where to go, just wait on the platform until someone comes along.

On our arrival at the Gare Du Nord, we started to disembark and the moment my foot touched the platform a voice called “Looking for Clive Harris” I looked where the voice came from and saw three lads holding a REME banner. I raised my arm and said “Here” and they immediately came over and introduced themselves and told me they had an Army Land Rover parked outside. One of them picked up my kitbag, another my suitcase and walked out to where the vehicle was parked. It was a beautiful summers evening and one of the lads called Dave, a Lance Corporal, said “Have you ever been to Paris before” I said no and with that he said “Jump in, we will show you around”. They gave me a fabulous tour of Paris I will never forget, we drove around the Arc de Triomphe, down the Champs-Élysées, Place de la Concorde, and around by the Eiffel Tower and many more places including Pigalle and the Sacre-Coeur. It really took my breath away, it was something I only dreamt about and the three lads could not have been more friendly and welcoming Around 8:00pm it was decided to return to SHAPE and show me my living quarters which was in Camp Voulceau, a part of the SHAPE complex. One of the lads said before taking me to my quarters they would stop off at the Continental Club that was inside the camp, it was explained there was no such thing as a NAAFI because of all the different nationalities that were stationed there and the Continental Club was meant for everyone which included a bar, restaurant,

library and a PX. the library was also used for social occasions and a dance on Saturday nights.

Camp Voluceau was just over half an hour from the centre of Paris, we travelled on the autobahn to the outskirts of Paris to a village called Rocquencourt where SHAPE was. We drove through the entrance of Camp Voulceau straight to the Continental Club. It was an eye opener, the bar looked more like a posh cocktail bar with a French Barman and Waiter dressed in white tuxedos and black bow ties; it was something I never expected to see in an Army camp. I was introduced to more personnel including a couple of Americans, a Frenchman and two more from the REME. I then realised I had very little money and hardly any French money, Roy said not to worry, the drinks were on them and suggested I try a bottle of Kronenberg. Keeping in mind this was 1959 and the first time I had heard of this particular drink, there was nothing like it back in the UK, the only foreign beer was Carlsberg which was normally served with a dash of lime. To be honest I felt knackered, I had been travelling for more than 24 hours and just wanted to lay down, Dave, Roy and a couple others insisted I tried a Kronenbourg, about four bottles and one hour later I felt a little wobbly and it was decided to take me to my living quarters. My kitbag and suitcase were left in the locked Land Rover which I was assured would be safe until morning, I was then taken to where my permanent address was going to be during my time at SHAPE.

The barracks were called blocks with very long shiny corridors, there were twelve separate rooms on the left-hand side with eight bed spaces in each room, on the right-hand side there were six large ablutions. The block was divided between Americans, British, Germans and French, the British had 3 rooms which consisted of 16 REME, 4 RAOC, 2 RASC, 1 Pioneer, 1 Royal Engineer. The Americans had six rooms, the French two and the Germans one.

It was well past midnight when I was taken to my living quarters, I noticed my bed had already been made. I was to share the room with Dave, Roy & Guy the three lads who met me at the station, there were three others in the room already in bed, one was missing who had gone into Paris for someone’s demob. I laid down on my bed fully dressed and fell fast asleep. When I woke in the morning around 10 O’clock my kitbag and suitcase was at the side of my bed, this was my introduction to SHAPE Headquarters.

This was to be my first full day in Camp Voulceau and being a weekend, it was normally your free time, it was something like civvy street, you worked 5 days a week and had the weekend off. I had missed breakfast and would have to wait for lunch. I was introduced to the rest of the lads except the one who had gone to the demob party and was probably still celebrating.

After sorting myself out I was taken on tour of the camp, I was to see the cinema, the restaurant, library and the American PX, I was already familiar with the bar. In the evening it was suggested we visit what was known as the English bar in Rocquencourt and meet Madam the proprietor and her Daughter Sophie, we could then cross the road and have a drink in the American Corner bar. I explained I did not have any money but they insisted they would pay and when my pay day came I could treat them. We were allowed with our ration card including payment of 1,000 fr and 200 cigarettes per week. In 1959 1,000 fr was worth 10 Shillings which is equivalent to 50p. Payday was on Thursday and I was paid the fantastic sum of 5,000 fr which did increase slightly over the year, somehow, I managed with a little help from home to repay some of the generosity I had received.

There was one dark shadow hanging during my first weekend in SHAPE, everyone I had met so far were really nice lads and I knew I

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It is over 60 years ago that I was one of the last to be called up for National Service.
People’s Stories

would be making many friends, we would all be working together in the Motor Pool that was made of a team of 30 which included the Commanding Officer, two Staff Sergeant’s, one workshop Sergeant, one Store Sergeant and the rest of us lessor ranks. I was told it was a nice happy family except for one who was a miserable sod and this was the Store Sergeant who I was to work with. The Storeman I was replacing had a nervous breakdown due to how he had been treated by the Sergeant; it would probably make bullying headlines today. The thing that worried me most he expected only the best and would not tolerate any lack of knowledge regarding speciality tools you would be issuing. For someone like me who had very little knowledge of anything technical this could be a disaster, I knew what a hammer, a saw and a screwdriver looked like, I also had an idea what a BA screw was but very little else. Although I passed my trade test in Barton Stacey, I was a sign writer in civvy street, more artistic than technical and I was going to meet a man on Monday morning who was going to give my life hell.

Monday arrived, we lined up and marched to the motor pool, I felt quite nervous, a few of the lads said they would help me identify some of the tools, Dave did drawings of some he would likely order. When we were dismissed at the Motor Pool, Dave took me to the store room and introduced me to the Store Sergeant. I must say he looked miserable and seemed to have a harsh looking face, after looking me up and down and not looking too impressed said “I hope you turn out better than the last one”. The store was quite small, there was a serving hatch and counter, a wall covered with small drawer units containing bolts, screws and other strange things, on the two other walls it was crammed with shelving bins where the tools were kept, I recognised a few of the tools but never had a clue what some of them were? There was a filing cabinet and two desks, the Sergeant pointed at one and said “That’s yours, if you have any questions, ask”.

Somehow or another I managed to get through the first day except on a few occasions the Sergeant would bark “Harris do it this way!” or “Harris do not do it that way!”. He seemed to like the sound of “Harris” and gave me the impression he was a bit of a sadist. The following day which was a Tuesday his barking became more aggressive, more emphasis on “Harris” and on one occasion (Just as a sample) someone came and asked to hire a Heavy Duty Dent Puller and when I handed over a Hydraulic Puller Thin Jaw the Sergeant exploded, his face went red, his eyes bulged and screamed “Harris!” at the top of his voice accusing me of not knowing the difference between a Dent Puller and a Thin Jaw, and even said I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, I began to think my days in SHAPE would not be happy.

The first week in the store was not very pleasant, I did however get some help from the lads, when someone asked for a Donkey Dick Hammer he would draw what it looked like on a piece of paper which gave me a clue what to look for. The barking never stopped but by Friday he seemed to be losing his voice, the barking became fainter and by the evening his voice become a whisper, thank goodness it was the weekend and I looked forward to a couple of days rest. What surprised me, some of the lads were saying how much the Sergeant had changed, they thought his attitude was improving and believed I was a good influence. I must admit I did scratch my head over this and wondered what he was like with the other Storeman, It may be his bark is worse than his bite, I thought best play it by ear and try and get to know him.

What I forgot to mention, I had my first pay day and was issued with cigarette coupons, the first thing I did was go to the PX and buy a carton of 200 Senior Service, the rest of the money went over the weekend relaxing in the Continental Club and by Monday I was practically skint along with most of the others. There were ten National Servicemen in our unit, 7 REME, 1 RASC, 2 RAOC, they all had nick names, it was decided because I was getting a taste for Kronenbourg to call me Baron Von Kronenbourg or just Kronenbourg for short.

Monday arrived, it would be my second week in SHAPE, we lined up and marched to the Motor Pool, after being dismissed I made my way to the store and found the Sergeant already at his desk, I’m not sure if it was because of losing his voice that made his barking a little fainter but when he called Harris it sounded more human. I started to know the tools a little better, I even knew what a Hot Cut Hardie

was and where it was kept and when someone asked for a bastard file I knew they were not being rude. The Sergeant always sat at his desk but I could feel his eyes boring into me watching every little detail while I served a customer, there were glares and shouts but not so often. One morning he came in with a small piece of varnished wood with the bark left on, I asked what it was for, he said he was taking it across to the American Motor Pool where he thought there was a sign writer who may be able to put a house name on it for his married quarters in Versailles. Until now I never knew he was married or where he lived and he knew nothing about my civilian life and when I told him I was a sign writer and could do it for him, if he provided the paint. I already had my own signwriting brushes which I kept in my small suitcase, he looked surprised but agreed to let me do it and said he would bring the paint in the morning after I told him what I wanted. The next morning, he brought the paint and suggested I could letter it on his desk which was hidden from view and he would issue the tools himself. I wrote the name within 20 minutes and when he saw it, thought it fantastic, he made me feel like Picasso.

The main work carried out in the Motor Pool was servicing and repairing staff cars, it was all light stuff nothing heavy, the actual workshop was divided up in sections, servicing, panel beating, repairs, paint spraying, upholstery, Blacksmith not forgetting the stores, CO office and a small typing office, you hardly ever saw the CO he was always out somewhere playing golf.

On my third Saturday at SHAPE I decided to give myself a treat, instead of going to the Army canteen I went to the Continental Club restaurant for lunch and ordered a real luxury mushroom omelette with chips and a cheap 50 fr (5p) glass of French white wine. This was the first wine I had tasted, I thought I was a millionaire. After finishing my meal I decided to go in the bar and have a Kronenbourg and when I walked through the door to my surprise I saw the Store Sergeant sat there. I went over and said “hello Sergeant can I buy you a drink?” He smiled which slightly startled me and said “no thank you, I came in here to buy you one, I thought the job you did for me was worth a drink, sit down and I’ll bring one over” and with that he got up and came back with a glass of Kronenbourg. I said “thank you Sergeant” and he looked at me and said “enough of this Sergeant business my name is Pete but in the store room always Sergeant”. Pete then went on to say “If you’re not doing anything tomorrow how about coming to my house for Sunday lunch and to meet my wife Mary”, I accepted his invitation and that was the start of another great friendship.

The Americans kept the floor of the corridor in our block polished, every morning they would start polishing from 7:00am to 9:00am, you could see your face in the floor, it was so highly polished it was like a mirror. We had three rooms in the middle of the block and at 7:30 am we would walk down the corridor to the canteen for breakfast and back again at 8:10 am, when 8:20 am came we walked once again down the corridor and assembled outside for the Motor Pool. One morning there was a message on the notice board from the CO asking everyone to assemble in the main work area at 11:30 am. When the time came the CO said he had been contacted by an American officer complaining we were destroying their polished corridor. It was our boot studs causing the problem plus the three times we used the corridor while it was being polished. It was suggested we either took our boots off to walk down the corridor between 7:00 am and 8:20 am or exited through the window, we agreed the window.

Every morning between the hours of 7:00am to 8:30am we would climb through the window for breakfast and to assemble for the Motor Pool and once the corridor had been inspected at 10am by either an American Sergeant or sometimes an Officer, it was okay to use the corridor as normal again. Except for keeping our rooms clean and tidy we did very little else in the block and even the ablutions were looked after by a private French company which was made up of all female staff which could be a little embarrassing because there was no partitioning in there, completely open plan.

On 17th May 1960 there was a Summit Meeting in Paris between Eisenhower, Khrushchev, Macmillan and de Gaulle. The meeting was best remembered by Khrushchev getting very angry and taking his shoe off and banging it several times on the table.

We were informed one morning during the Summit Meeting in


Paris that a high-ranking American Officer requested twenty British soldiers to be part of a guard of honour for President Eisenhower who would be arriving at SHAPE Headquarters by helicopter at 1400 hours and it was decided by our CO that REME would undertake this request. We were dismissed from the workshop at 1000 hours and told to get ourselves cleaned up and be smartly dressed by 1300 hours and a bus would come and take us to the helicopter pad. When we arrived at the pad we were asked to form a large circle with other nationalities which were mostly Americans, there must have been about a hundred of us altogether. 1400 hours came and there was no sign of the President or helicopter when a voice boomed out over the loud speaker “President Eisenhower will not be coming by helicopter he will be arriving by car at 1500 hours and for everyone to move away from the helicopter pad and line up at the entrance to the main building” this was about half a mile away, we doubled marched to make sure we were in place for his arrival. When he did arrive just after 1500 hours I was standing no more than 20 ft away when he got out the car, he was wearing what looked like a ten gallon hat and holding a cigar in his hand, he then climbed the steps to the entrance to the main building and gave a speech mainly about when he was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) back in 1950, he also made a joke about Khrushchev taking his shoe off.

There was more to come, in fact the very next day we were informed Prime Minister Macmillan would be visiting SHAPE at 1100 hours then afterwards pay a visit to Camp Voluceau to meet British servicemen which would include the Motor Pool. We were ordered not to wear overalls but to come to work fully dressed in our best uniform and line up outside and stand to attention when he arrived. It was not going to be anything like President Eisenhower’s visit but we were to give him the very best show possible. We did not know what time he would arrive at the Motor Pool but the CO would be informed when he left the main camp. When the time came that he was not far away we all lined up outside the workshop and awaited his arrival. It was just past 1400 hours when his car came in sight and stopped just a few yards from where we were standing to attention. When I saw him I was quite surprised, he was wearing what looked like an old creased blue stripe suit and I could not help but notice dandruff on his shoulders, back in 1960 there was no such thing as Head & Shoulders. He walked down the line, missed me but stopped now and again and talked to some of the lads, got back in his Chauffeur driven car and left. To be some sort of Guard of Honour to the President of the United States and the British Prime Minister within a two-day period I thought was quite something special for a National Serviceman.

It gradually became known around the camp I was a sign writer and there were further requests for more signwriting jobs including a name plate for the CO’s office. One time I was loaned out to the American Motor Pool to sign write some notice boards which led to more signs around the camp. I could see Pete Sergeant becoming a little aggravated and I think a little jealous about me being in demand for being a sign writer that he eventually said enough is enough you are more important in the stores and from now on during working hours you are a Storeman and nothing else, I think even the CO was a little disappointed with his attitude but it did not affect our friendship.

It was only the American servicemen who owned private cars, you would see them driving around in their Lincolns, Chevrolets, Pontiacs and the occasional Cadillac. All cars when not in use were kept in the Motor Stockade and when a serviceman was either reposted or sent back to the States they would leave the car behind. Most tried to sell their car before they left which was mainly to French car dealers who bought them for far less than their true value or otherwise they were given away or sent for scrap; there must have been many making an awful lot of money. One American serviceman we knew liked British cars and owned an Armstrong Siddeley and when he told us he was being posted back to the States he offered to sell the car for 75 dollars. There were five of us who were interested although three of us never had a driving licence but 75 dollars was still a little high. After a few exchanges he said “Okay, give me 10 dollars and the car is yours” and this we did. Although it was a partnership it was my first car and being a posh Armstrong Siddeley convertible made it even more exciting, I never knew anything like

this back in civvy street, I was beginning to like this millionaire life style.

Although there were many high-ranking officers from different nationalities and SHAPE was the headquarters of NATO, there were few military activities regarding the Motor Pool, we were left entirely on our own and had very little interference from an one else, we did however have one week away on what was an exercise and I only ever did one guard duty.

During my time at SHAPE I got married to Janet and I was given two weeks leave which became my first flying experience, I flew from Paris Orly to Bristol which at that time in 1959 was only a very small airport and the main aircraft that flew from Bristol was the Dakota. When I returned to Paris I had arranged for Janet to come over and we would be staying at a mate’s three bed apartment just off the Champs-Élysées. There were no married quarters only rented apartments that were rented from approved private Landlords and paid for with the marriage and overseas allowance. When Janet came over we had a great time, she was introduced to the Continental Club, went to Pete and Mary’s for Sunday lunch and took in all the sights of Paris.

A SHAPE bus ran every two hours from Camp Voluceau to the Arc de Triomphe in the centre of Paris, it would stop first in the main building to pick up passengers and then proceed on into Paris which normally took about half an hour. It was the only time I went inside the main gate and only twice into the main building, the first time on my arrival in SHAPE to be vetted for a security pass and the second time to collect my “Certificate of Appreciation” signed by William A Dodds, Colonel US Army. I was also congratulated by him for having a good report from my CO and he wished me good luck in civvy street.

The time came when I was to leave SHAPE for good, I had a tremendous demob party on the Saturday night in the Continental club with most of the Motor Pool in attendance. There were many others from different nationalities who came to shake hands and buy a drink, to be honest with all the drinks being bought it would have been impossible to drink them all so I arranged with a mate to smuggle them out of the bar when no one was looking, I did not like to insult anyone by refusing them a drink. When Monday came and it was time for my journey from Paris Gare du Nord to London Victoria, I felt quite emotional that I was going to leave behind so many friends but at the same time I was looking forward to be on my way home.

Having only two weeks left before my National Service ended, I was posted to Arborfield where my demobilization from the armed services would take place. When I arrived at the camp it was like being back in basic training, there were eight of us who were being demobbed, the first couple of days were the worst, we were screamed at by a Sergeant who made us drill and march up and down the parade ground, it was nothing like what I had been used too. I soon realised I was back in the Army and the only thing that made things bearable was there was only a couple of weeks to go. On the Wednesday without warning the Sergeant said all Army kit including uniform was to be handed in to the stores, it would make no difference regarding the parade ground, we would still be doing drill in our civvies. Thursday arrived we lined up and marched to the parade ground in our civvies, we halted and stood to attention and then at ease, we were then informed on something we never expected “You will go to the administration office and collect your travel rail tickets, you will then march in an orderly manner out of the barracks and down the road but remember this, you are still in the Army and anyone looking back or give a rude gesture will be brought back to finish their service in Arborfield plus an extra couple of months in Shepton Mallet”. This was a shock, but a nice shock, we collected our suit cases and travel documents and stood waiting for the order to march, when the order came, we marched smartly down to the front gates and then turned around to see the Sergeant watching us, we raised our arms in mock salute, gave a bow and a cheer plus some rude gestures and ran as fast as we could down the road, my National Service days were over.

As a footnote I began to wonder what happened to all the wonderful friends I had made and where they are today, we did keep in touch for a couple of years but like so many other things as time goes by you gradually lose touch, Tempus fugit, how time flies.

Gain professional registration as an EngTech, IEng or CEng through a route specifically designed for REME personnel. Enhance your military career Benchmark your skills and training Develop your professional network and connections Apply now at 07590 735816 a l r CE ng or C ayd a l ly d n nel taryc BE RECOGNISED BE REWARDED st eg is Engthrouugh tration as as areer and tr al ne arme imec r si desi des e . r aining work and connections dforces Eng throu gned igned Sgt Edem Siawor EngTech MIMechE Craftsman_ad_ver_II_01_01.indd 1 24/11/2021 16:14:48 SERVICE LEAVERS The Army Reserve is ready to welcome you 101 Bn, ASM Tel: 01179 863571 ext 8283 102 Bn, Capt Tel: 0300 1659780 103 Bn, Capt Tel: 01604 692006 For senior Capts and above, Maj There are 25 REME Reserve locations across the UK, with many vacancies for junior tradespeople and subaltern Officers now. The offer: • Make use of your skills and excel as a competent ex-regular. • Meet and work with like-minded people. • Serve your country but on your own terms. • Enjoy pay and benefits, plus an annual tax-free bounty. • Take advantage of a reduced initial commitment for the first three years: 19 days, reduced MATTs, no deployment liability. • Seize opportunities for more work or increased commitment if you want it, including personal development and AT/sports. Service Leavers: ask your RCMO about your entitlement to visit home/local Reserve units during the resettlement period. Transfer process: read Annex G to Soldier Terms of Service (SToS).

Regular To Reserves

A JNCO’s View

My name is Ben Blackburn, and I live in a beautiful little town called Burnley with my two beautiful children; they motivate and inspire me more than any words could explain. Like many others who decided to leave Regular service, I wanted more stability for my family and fewer days away from home. Leaving the security and familiarity of the Army was scary yet important.

So it was, that after ten years of exemplary Regular Army service with the 5th Regiment Royal Artillery, I then found civilian employment as a Multi-Skilled Maintenance Engineer for Filtrox Carlson’s; who are a process filtration manufacturer.

It was after three years into my new career and I was close to completing my new apprenticeship and NVQ that I considered joining the Army Reserve (AR). I needed this initial time and space to mentally engage with my new job and enjoy some well-deserved time with my family. But finally, I felt it was a good time to throw my hat back into the ring and join back up.

I knew that joining the REME would give me new and specialist skills that would complement my civilian job. I could add these to my professional engineering skill-set portfolio; which would ultimately assist my overall progression within my civilian career. The Reserves would also allow me to keep improving and fine-tuning my managerial and leadership skills learned throughout my military service. I am known for having a more relaxed mindset in the civilian world, yet the military values and standards I carry with me are highly valued by my employer and colleagues.

I eventually joined 127 (Theatre Support) Company in Clifton, Manchester as a Metalsmith. The unit is close to where I live and allows me to balance my career and family priorities. I also re-trained as a Metalsmith, as the trade offered me a very different challenge compared to my previous role in the RA and the skill-set would also

help me in my civilian career.

I wasn’t confident that returning to Army service was the right move, yet having taken the leap with both feet, I am one hundred per cent happy that my decision was correct. However, I still know the importance of setting goals and remaining focused. I have completed two trade courses within one year and passed the AR PTI course. Alongside this, I have done my DTTT, from which my civilian employer has benefited directly. I am on track for promotion and pursuing a commission in the Reserves.

One thing that surprised me was how the other Reserve soldiers highly valued my knowledge and skills. A mix of ex-Regular and civilian Reservists provides a broad spectrum of experience and perspective. The REME Reserves are not what I expected, it is so much more, and I’m happy I took the leap.

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REME Reserves
Scribe: LCpl Blackburn GEC Class 4 Course - Top student. (Gained skills to implement into my Army Reserve and civilian role and responsibilities) AR Basic PTI Course. (Passionate desire for fitness, helping others with any relations to health and fitness and also understanding how the body works)

Potteries and District, November 2022

The second week of November saw the Branch monthly lunch event take place at the Royal Oak public house in the Staffordshire Moorlands village of Dilhorne on Wednesday the 9th with 14 persons attending, raising the sum of £37 pounds from the mini raffle, with all funds going to our much-awaited Christmas Dinner later in the month.

With November being the month of Remembrance, our members were in attendance throughout the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent, with the main Branch wreath being laid at Stoke Cenotaph by Branch President Maurice Hope.

A second wreath was laid at Cheadle Cenotaph by Branch member John Yates, with our Branch Standard Bearer Mr Gil Mould parading at both venues, Stoke in the morning and Cheadle in the afternoon.

Tuesday 22nd saw our final formal Branch meeting of the year. Details were discussed about members of the Branch attending St Eligius Day at Beacon Barracks in Stafford Garrison as guests of a joint 16 & 22 Regiment’s of Royal Signals LAD’s on Thursday 1st of December. (As we are twinned with 22 Sigs Regt LAD).

We still plan to hold an informal “Christmas Jumper” social night on Tuesday 13th of December to finally see out the year amongst friends.

The annual Branch Christmas Dinner this year was held at The Double Tree by Hilton Hotel at Etruria House (The home of the famous Master Potter Josiah Wedgwood).

Our numbers in attendance this year were swelled by members from the Potteries Branch of the RCT Association whose membership numbers have dropped to less than 20, so we, as a Branch, offered the hand of friendship and invited them to attend our

events and functions to enable a fellow Veterans Group to continue. This gave us 59 people attending our dinner, with members of both groups taking a leading part during the evening.

We were entertained for the second year by local singer Miss Victoria Gotham, who seems to have been adopted by Branch members, having been booked for so many events in recent times.

At the time of writing we are now looking forward to our St Eligius visit to Stafford.

Scribe: Maurice Hope. Photos: John Hubbert John Yates, Wreath Carrier Keith and Sarah Emery Branch Chairman... Leading from the front!
REME Association
Denise Fryer and Judith Woodworth

My part in Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral procession

At the age of 18, I joined the then Territorial Army (TA) and served with 133 Corps Troop Workshop REME (V) in Ashford. When a change of career meant I could no longer continue with my TA commitment, I joined the Ashford Branch of The REME Association as it allowed me to maintain contact with those I had served with.

I now work as a Welfare Officer with the WRVS, a Branch of the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS). After 4 years in Paderborn, Germany, I am now based at the Army Training Centre at Pirbright. I was recently given the incredible honour of being one of four representatives of WRVS in the Civilian Services Contingent for Her Majesty’s funeral procession. It was a very surreal experience. One day I was sitting in my office and the next I was whisked away to London to begin rehearsals!

The 88 civilians taking part in the procession were put up in two hotels in London for the week. I arrived in London on the Wednesday afternoon and was informed there would be a full-dress rehearsal that night. I was issued with the official WRVS hat and cravat which, along with my black leather gloves, made my usual uniform more formal. That evening we were taken to Wellington Barracks at 2200hrs and finally formed up to begin our march through the city at 0230hrs. While we were nervously waiting it was interesting to chat to troops from commonwealth countries who were also taking part in the procession. And what an experience it was! Marching past

Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in the early hours of the morning is something I never imagined I would do. Even at that time of night there were people lining the route to watch! Thankfully, the drill skills I had learnt during my TA days, soon came back to me.

After the rehearsal, we were given the rest of Thursday off to rest. Then each morning, for the next three days, we were transported to ATC Pirbright for drill lessons (as many of the civilians taking part had no previous military experience) and more rehearsals. We even got a glimpse of the new Prince and Princess of Wales, when they came to visit the Commonwealth troops (but sadly not the civilians). After our final full rehearsal on Sunday, we were as ready as we could ever be. I doubt anyone got much sleep that night, especially as we had such an early start the next day.

At 0400hrs on Monday everyone was in their best dress uniform ready to be taken to Wellington Barracks. There was an incredible atmosphere, with everyone visibly anxious about what we were about to do. The press was everywhere and I got to chat to JJ Chalmers (Invictus Games medalist and former Royal Marine) between his broadcasts. I told him that my Mum and I had been at the 1st Invictus Games and had watched him in his races and he agreed to having his photo taken with me.

As the civilian contingent was not part of the initial procession to Westminster, we had the chance to watch all the troops leave the barracks. At 1030hrs we formed up ready for the quick march to Westminster Abbey, where we would join the funeral procession as it left Westminster Abbey. As soon as we turned out of the barrack gates there were people lining the streets. It was incredible. We arrived at Westminster Abbey and waited for Her Majesty to be placed on the gun carriage. The memory of the crown jewels glinting in the sun will stay with me forever.

At that point we were towards the end of the procession. We slow marched behind the gun carriage and all I could do was stare at the head in front of me so as not to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the streets. It was an incredibly proud moment; particularly as the crowds were applauding as we marched by. When we reached Wellington Arch we waited until Her Majesty set off on her final journey to Windsor Castle and then it was our turn to be at the front of the parade as we quick marched back to Wellington Barracks. I feel incredibly lucky to have been part of such a historical event and will never forget the experience.

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Michelle meeting JJ Chalmers
The night rehearsal

Where are they now?

Warrant Officer Daniel West

Daniel’s son, Richard, is looking for anybody who may have served with his Father, sadly, Daniel has passed away. Daniel served from 1st October 1951, until 29th June 1974; including the Suez in the 1950s and Singapore in 1955.

If you have information, please email the Editor ( who will pass on your details to Richard.

Cfn Rodney Cloutman

Rodney served with REME in the Far East after the War and played for a Workshop’s football team. He would like to reconnect with any of his team mates from the side, and has given me the full names of those he can remember in the photograph.

Bill Loftus; Chris Outon; Mick Fenn; Jim McGowan; “Brummie” Wordley; Norman Kempson; Chris Woods; Derek Old; Brian Smith

in the 1950s

Please email Richard Davies at if you have any information.

Taken from an article by Robin Ford, is this Daniel on the far-right hand side? Singapore, 1955 Cfn Cloutman’s football photo Daniel

Rising Star Award Army Sports Awards – LCpl Terri Stewart 1AAC

LCpl Terri Stuart is a member of the Army and UK Armed Forces (UKAF) Boxing Teams. Over the period August 2021September 2022, she has quickly established herself as a rising star in Army, Armed Forces and England Boxing.

LCpl Stuart joined the Army Boxing Team in August 2021 following a successful talent identification assessment. She had competed in Kickboxing bouts prior to joining the Army but had no previous amateur Boxing experience. What she lacked in Boxing experience, she made up for in enthusiasm, dedication and natural ability and was thrown straight in at the deep end entering the England Boxing MTK Box Cup in Penrith in October 2021. Automatically classified as an elite Boxer due to her Kickboxing experience, she entered the competition as a Middle-Weight (75kg); boxing twice over the weekend and defeating a three times National Elite Finalist in the final to win a Gold medal.

On the back of her performance, she was then selected to represent the Army and Armed Forces in the rearranged 2021 England Boxing Elite Championships in November – December 2021. Moving down to Welter-Weight (69kg), she progressed to the semifinals losing out to an England Title Belt holder and winning a national Bronze medal. The impacts of the pandemic would see an adjusted competition schedule and bizarrely her next bouts would be in the 2022 England Boxing Championships in March – April 2022. This time she would enter at 66kg (reclassified Welter-Weight) and would achieve the same result: another national Bronze medal.

LCpl Stuart’s dedication and application to training saw her enter the Angel of the North Box Cup in Sunderland in May at Light WelterWeight (63kg), in a weight category over 10kg lighter than the start of the season. Boxing multiple times over the weekend, she came away with a Gold medal and was crowned the Angel of the North Box Cup Champion. Not one to rest on her laurels, LCpl Stuart ended the season by entering the Haringey Box Cup; Europe’s biggest

international amateur Boxing tournament that draws teams from across the globe. On the back of her performances across the season and having set an example to all, she was selected as the Captain of the 17 strong UK Armed Forces (UKAF) team. Once again, she progressed to the finals stage and secured another Gold medal; the only UKAF boxer to do so. A phenomenal achievement that sees LCpl Stuart join a list of previous champions that includes Boxing superstars Anthony Joshua, Katie Taylor and Chris Eubank Jnr.

A rising star, LCpl Stuart has burst onto the domestic and international Boxing scene oozing talent and potential. Having competed in 5 elite tournaments, across 4 different weight categories and winning 3 Gold medals and 2 national Bronze medals in the process. LCpl Stuart’s achievements have been exceptional, and this was recognised when she was selected for the rising star of the year award, at the 2022 Army Sports Awards.

front cover 37
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Scribe: Sgt Jay Allen REME (Army Boxing Team - Head Coach) Army Boxing Team contingent at the CGS Army Sports Awards with Brigadier King (Late REME) Chairman of Army Boxing Semi-Finals – England Boxing Elite Championships
Army Sport
Army Boxing Team vs Bundesvehr in Germany. REME representatives (LCpl Glover, LCpl Stuart and Sgt Allen) On receipt of her Rising Star Award at the Army Sports Awards

Unofficial Army Skateboarding Association

On 22 October 2022, the Unofficial Army Skateboarding Association held its first competition. This saw serving and retired members of the Army, Navy and RAF compete in a ‘first of its kind’ skateboarding competition. The aim of this event was to develop all military personnel who skateboard; whilst also being the first opportunity to allow all current members of the association to meet. The event was open to all past and present members of our Armed Forces; enabling participation from personnel across Defence who love to skateboard.

Skateboarding is now a widely accepted mainstream sport and has an official governing body (SkateboardGB). There are also formal qualifications that members can gain to allow them to teach and coach those who either wish to learn to skateboard or have the skills already and wish to progress further. Recognition for the sport and its rapid development is thanks to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics; where Skateboarding was recognised as an official Olympic sport.

To kick things off at this event, the Association held its Annual General Meeting to discuss the

Army Sport

future of the sport within the military, as well as developing our future strategy; with coaching being the primary focus.

Competitions were then ran which allowed members to win an abundance of excellent prizes kindly donated by a plethora of companies. The competitions consisted of a ‘Bowl Jam’ based on the original form of skateboarding e.g. surfing. A game of ‘S.K.A.T.E’, where participants do a trick and if they are unable to land that trick then they take a letter. Once they fail enough times, gaining all five letters of the word ‘skate’ they are out of the game. Additionally, a competition called the highest Ollie was held; whereby participants jump as high as they can with the Skateboard. At our future events we will hold similar competitions; which will see the inclusion of a ‘street style jam’.

The aims of the committee are to get skateboarding formally recognised as an Army Sport; as Skateboarding demonstrates skills integral to military life, such as physical robustness, mental aptitude, and perseverance. All factors that make a great skateboarder and soldier alike. The current Chairman, Captain James Sheffield, Officer Commanding 9RLC LAD represented the Corps at this event, alongside Cpl Thomas Moran, 8 Trg Bn REME and SSgt Adam Hogg, 1AAC LAD. We had some success with Cpl Moran taking second in the Bowl Jam as well as coming joint first for the highest Ollie.

The Association would like to thank Flo Skatepark, a registered Charity, who were instrumental in supporting this event and making it a success. Their facilities are incredible, and the staff supported all participants by providing equipment and judging elements of the competition when required.

The Association looks forward to hold training camps throughout the year with a jam/competition being held later in 2023. If you’re interested in getting involved with the development of a modern Army Sport, please look at the link and email

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REME Corps Football

Scribe: Maj Si Oldrid REME Men’s Football Manager: Maj Si Oldrid Assistant manager: WO2 Gaz Kelly REME Women’s Football Manager: WO2 Rob Lord Assistant: SSgt Keehlan Panayiotou

REME make footballing history

2021/22 Men’s season

The Inter Corps Woolwich Challenge Cup was introduced in 2007 having been presented by the Royal Artillery to commemorate their departure from Woolwich after almost 300 years. This knockout cup competition is an annual event, weaved into to the

Corps footballing fixtures each season and contested by a total of 12 Corps teams. The REME Corps team have reached the final on two separate occasions since the inception of this event but have fallen short on both occasions. Cup Final round up at the end of this article. The 2021/22 season was an uncomfortable start with the REME claiming only 1 point from a possible 15. Heavy defeats to the Infantry and Engineers compounded the severe lack of availability which anchored the REME to the foot of the league table prior to the Christmas break. Facing an uphill struggle and with the possibility of the unthinkable relegation to Division 2, the team needed a miracle. The first game of Jan 22 saw the REME face off against the AGC in the first round of the Woolwich Cup. A convincing 6-1 win with a rampant LCpl Greg Peel stealing the show; bagging five goals proved to be the catalyst of things to come. A thumping 5-1 win away to the Royal Signals with further wins over the Royal Artillery and an impressive 7-0 win against the Infantry, propelled the team out of the bottom of the table. Only a win against the current league champions; the Royal Engineers, would ensure Division 1 safety for the REME. After going 1-0 down only 13 seconds into the game (thanks Tomo) the Gods appeared to be against us. However, the spike in recent confidence and leadership shone through and in times of adversity, the true character of each and every player came through; resulting in an emphatic 5-3 win. REME were safe and remained in Div 1; cue rapturous celebrations in a game that was played 24 hours prior to the combined REME Corps football tour to New Orleans and Miami.

The first combined REME Corps football tour to New Orleans and Miami 13 – 25 May 22

Another landmark for REME Corps football was the combined football tour to New Orleans and Miami. After an initial brief and anxious COVID 19 test results at Tidworth, the team consisting of a total of 44 staff and players each from the men’s and women’s teams, saw them depart the leafy suburbs of Hampshire to arrive at London Heathrow where the first of many photo opportunities took place, before boarding the flight to the Louis Armstrong Airport, New Orleans.

LCpl Greg Peel claiming the match ball after his hat-trick against the Royal Engineers
REME Sport
The squad pose for a photo as a collective group outside Heathrow Airport

First destination: New Orleans 13 – 19 May 22

New Orleans, home of Bourbon Street, hurricane cocktails and jazz music. Excited as everyone was at the various sights and smells New Orleans had to offer, the social aspect was curtailed on the first night as the schedule from the tour company had both the men and women pencilled in to play the New Orleans All Stars in 12 hours. The men kicked off first at 1600hrs (quite possibly the hottest time of the day) and sent the All Stars packing with a not-entirely convincing 5-3 win (heat and jet lag), while the women battled hard to come away with a welldeserved 6-1 win. A great start for both teams who could now relax a little and enjoy some of the sights of such an impressive city.

The second game scheduled in New Orleans was supposedly against a superior team over the first team we played. Disappointingly for the women, their opponents pulled out at the last minute which caused huge frustration and annoyance within the squad. Nonetheless, a well-structured training session put to bed some of the areas for improvement following on from their previous opponents. The men on the other hand received a short, sharp, no-nonsense instruction of how they were to play. A direct reflection on what didn’t happen in the first game and a preparatory style that was to be employed prior to our final game and with the Woolwich Cup final against the RLC a week after our return. The kick up the proverbial clearly worked and some majestic, sexy one and two touch football was witnessed, crushing our opponents 6-0.

Second destination: Miami 19 – 25 May 22

A 0545hrs “on the bus” and subsequent departure from the hotel, saw an eagerly awaited team descend on the airport ready to check bags in for the onward flight. After getting through the debacle of check in and then queuing in what seemed an eternity to get through security, the squad eventually boarded the plane bound for Miami International Airport.

Upon landing we were immediately taken to our first organised trip, a private tour around the DRV PNK Stadium, home of Inter Miami FC. We were greeted on arrival by Ricardo Blanco who gave us a bespoke guide of the ground which included a pitch side tour (also pointing out where David Beckham’s personal seat is), inside both changing rooms and a tour of their impressive gym and training facilities. A truly magnificent set up. The final cherry on the cake was Ricardo informing us that we would be allocated VIP tickets for their forthcoming match against the New York Red Bulls on the Sunday

afternoon, which included free food and drink in the hospitality suite before, during and after the game. Not content with being hosted like this, we were also invited to the outside after party held upstairs in the private suite. Having 44 English accents all, dressed in the same tops in one environment certainly attracted a lot of enthusiasm from the locals who, and I quote “had never seen the after party bouncing like this before”. With a brief cameo appearance and speech from Miami Manager Phil Neville, and some of the team managing to get their photo with him, the bus was boarded full of happy faces and full of free food and drink.

The remaining days in the city were spent sightseeing, on the

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Inside the hospitality suite prior to the match The squad outside the training facilities of Inter Miami FC The hotel pool being utilised by the early risers

beach with the odd bit of socialising prior to our final game of this magnificent football tour. Miami being the party city didn’t let us down, and although you could expect to pay anything between $15 - $18 a beer, the more savvy amongst us managed to conserve their money and a few of the squad bumped into former Health Secretary, Matt Hancock at a pool.

Our final fixtures for both the men and the women before our long-haul flight home, was against Miami United FC. After being geographically challenged (by over an hour), the driver finally made it to our destination, albeit late, with the women’s focus on the Edwards Cup Final just 24 hours after returning, they lost 3-0 against a very young and well drilled side.

The men followed on after this fixture and were faced with their toughest opponents yet. A team which was more akin to a UK academy team, Miami FC were well drilled, and displayed all the technical and tactical aspects of the game you would read about.

Unfortunately for them, they were up against a team who were even more disciplined in their approach and oozing confidence and were using this game as the final preparation before the Woolwich Cup final two weeks later.

Running out 3-1 winners, the REME maintained their winning 9 game unbeaten streak, with LCpl Greg Peel bossing the Miami United FC defence and producing a strike, worthy of note.

The men ran out 3-1 winners against a tough Miami FC side The squad pose for a picture on the party balcony during the tour of the stadium The women pose for a team photo with their opponents from Miami FC Sgt Chris Wing, Sgt Templeton, Cpl Martin Burkhill and SSgt Dave Maguire getting a photo with Argentine international Gonzalo Higuain

Arrival back in the UK - 25 May 26 May Edwards Cup final

Upon landing in the UK, it was a sharp turnaround for the women’s team. Jet lagged, there was no rest bite for the team as it was straight to Cirencester Town stadium to play in the Edwards Cup Final. Morale high, the women went into the game with high expectations. It was a big ask of the players; particularly after the amount of travelling, and although they gave a valiant effort, they were unable to deny a strong AGC side. The final whistle ended REME’s hopes with the AGC retaining the title in a 3-1 win. Even with the loss, the REME women ended on a high and are ready to take on the next season.

REME men make footballing history

Woolwich Cup final REME V RLC – 10 June

High on confidence and with an unbeaten streak of 10 games, the men went into the Woolwich Cup Final rejuvenated and raring to go. The football tour proved especially effective in the build up to this event, galvanising the players and the much-needed team spirit and moral component to enter such an arena. The match started evenly but with the REME’s discipline when out of possession, the RLC failed

to penetrate or gain any sort of momentum against an impressive fortress of electrical and mechanical will power. With the RLC media filming and running the commentary in parallel, it was slightly confusing listening to the commentator state that “it’s a strong defence by the RLC” three times before LCpl Greg Peel sent two of the RLC Defenders for a hot dog whilst falling over in the process, before turning another inside out before calmly dispatching with aplomb into the bottom corner past the hapless RLC Keeper. Half time, REME 1 – RLC 0.

The second half started much the same as the first half ended with the REME dominating the game. An RLC change in Keeper had a positive impact for them and although on the back foot, showed glimmers of hope at times. A change in personnel saw LCpl Adam Crawford replace LCpl Arran Moore, and within minutes the burly Jock sent Cpl Sean Thomson though on a wide angle only to fire past the helpless RLC Keeper. 2 - 0 REME and that looked like the end. However, a twist in the tail came when just 3 minutes from time, an out of character pass led to confusion between Defender and GoalKeeper allowing the RLC to nip in and claw one back. The punch in the Army’s fist remained resolute and rode the final few minutes out to win the Woolwich Cup for the first time in REME’s history. A truly memorable day and a fitting end to Maj Si Oldrid’s last ever game in charge as REME Manager before he hands over the reins to Assistant Manager WO2 Gaz Kelly.

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REME skipper SSgt Dec Shuttleworth receiving the Woolwich Cup from a despondent and begrudging Billy Thompson WO2 Gaz Kelly and Maj Si Oldrid share the Woolwich Cup Trophy whilst sealing the handover of managerial power
For all your Corps needs including: A digital version of The Craftsman Magazine A map of units where REME serve Information on the Corps Sgts’ & WOs’ Mess and Corps Officers’ Mess Details about Association Branches and groups Applications for REME Charity grants Visit today The Online Home of The REME Family

The REME Charity Officer Assignments

The Trustees of The REME Charity acknowledge with sincere thanks the donations received during the month of NOVEMBER 2022. They also wish to acknowledge the regular subscriptions received from the Officers and Soldiers of the Corps and retired members of the REME Institution:


From Amount

14/11/2022 1 REGT AAC, RNAS Yeovilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£200.00 15/11/2022 Rememberance Day Collection £59.45 22/11/2022 REME Association Ashford Branch £600.00 22/11/2022 Arthur Lawson MBE £200.00 24/11/2022 Frances Owen in Memory of WO1 Chris Bates £1,000.00 29/11/2022 Norman Davies - In memory of Larry LeVar . .£10.00 28/11/2022 Mr Paul Round-Turner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£20.00 18/11/2022 Mr Steve Sapsford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£50.00 14/11/2022 1 Mercian LAD - Lifting the Decks challenge £619.25 14/11/2022 Anonymous £50.00 13/11/2022 Angela Arturi £50.00 12/11/2022 In Memory of Sam Williamson - multiple donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£50.00 11/11/2022 Harry Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£50.00 11/11/2022 Raffle proceeds from Royal Marines 358th Birthday Event £100.00 03/11/2022 6Bn REME, 3Armd Coy. Three Peaks challenge £250.00 01/11/2022 Andrew Thormley In Memory of Dad, a REME Veteran £70.00 29/11/2022 In Memory of Larry Le Var, multiple donors via REME Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£785.00 29/11/2022 In Memory of Larry Le Var and Sam Williamson, Arborfield Asscn £50.00

Date sent to Craftsman 30/11/2022

Total Donations (Nov) £4,213.70 Total £’s paid in Grants (Nov) £29,138.10 No. Grants (Nov) 40 Average Grant (Nov) £728.45

If you would like to see how your money is spent, we welcome one or two observers at The REME Charity meetings. The meetings are held midweek, approximately every three weeks. If you would like to observe a meeting, please contact The REME Charity Secretary on ( Mil: 95481 4527 or Civ: 07936902415 in the first instance.

The REME Charity is here for both veterans and serving personnel in times of hardship or need. Contact via SSAFA ( 0800 731 4880 or The Royal British Legion ( 0808 802 8080  or your Unit Welfare if serving. All enquiries and information is dealt with in the strictest confidence.

If you wish to discuss any benevolence need you can contact us on ( 07936902415, 

Anyone wishing to leave a legacy to The REME Charity, which is exempt from inheritance tax, can add a codicil to their will. Our registered charity number is 1165868


Lieutenant Col Unit assigned to

Date of Assignment




COPELAND GW ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

COUGHLAN JJ ARMY DIVIDION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

DOCHERTY JR ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

DOUGAL SC ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

DOUGLAS DCR ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

JACKSON SD ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

LAWRENCE JG ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

LOWE WJ ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

MAIN GW ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

MILNE CA ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23


READ BT ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

TANKARIA MF ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan23

TAYLOR IA ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

TOOTH SAJ ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

WILKINSON BP ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

WILLIAMS KJ ARMY DIVISION ICSC Courses – ICSC Course 19b REME Student 09 Jan 23

YOUNG PW HQ1 UK DIV – SO2 XO 31 Jan 23


















44 The Craftsman is YOUR magazine, air YOUR views, share YOUR news
Extracts from the London Gazette DECEMBER 2022 11 October 2022 REGULAR ARMY Regular Commissions (Late Entry) Captain M. SEYMOUR 25047972 to be Major 22 July 2022 Short Service Commissions Second Lieutenant M. G. PIERCE 30288808 to be Lieutenant 11 July 2022 18 October 2022 No Entries 25 October 2022 No Entries 01 November 2022 REGULAR ARMY Regular Commissions Lieutenant Colonel D. L. KELLY-SMITH 540621 retires 1 August 2022 Major S. HOLLINGER 565748 retires 20 July 2022 Regular Commissions (Late Entry) Major D. COUSINS 565041 retires 31 July 2022 The following have been awarded the 2nd Clasp to the

Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Military)


The following have been awarded the 1st Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Military)

SGT, D. T. ARBON, REME, 25025766

LT COL, A. I. EVANS, REME, 545948

WO2, M. E. HOLLINSHEAD, REME, 25057324

SSGT, B. JONES, REME, 25059199

MAJ, N. LAWRENCE, REME, 25026559

WO2, L. M. MURRAY, REME, 25062478

WO1, B. WASTENEY, REME, 25062634

The following have been awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Military)

CPL, P. S. ARMIGER, REME, 30011433

SSGT, D. BELL, REME, 30012944

CPL, S. M. J. BURNELL, REME, 30011541

CPL, G. A. BUTLER, REME, 30017301

CPL, J. D. CAMPBELL, REME, 30010926


SSGT, D. C. COLE, REME, 30018991

SSGT, S. CROZIER, REME, 30011451

CPL, C. T. DAVISON, REME, 25122418

SSGT, R. DENNIS, REME, 25199647


SSGT, C. A. GYAMFI, REME, 25161181

SSGT, C. H. HEARSEY, REME, 30013029

MAJ, P. J. ISITT, REME, 25237949

SSGT, M. S. JHAJJ, REME, 30011570


SGT, C. MOON, REME, 25156273

CPL, E. MOORE, REME, 30010945

SGT, R. S. MOORE, REME, 30012231

SGT, L. D. MOORE, REME, 30012379

SGT, D. R. PALIN, REME, 25146357

CPL, T. R. PAYNE, REME, 30012581

SSGT, N. J. WEBBER, REME, 30012839

SGT, D. R. WOODCOCK, REME, 30013123 08 November 2022


Intermediate Regular Commissions (Late Entry)

Warrant Officer Class 1 Lee John BUSH 25122044 to be Captain 5 September 2022

Warrant Officer Class 1 Ian DIXON 25063806 to be Captain 5 September 2022

Warrant Officer Class 1 David John MAVIN 25119310 to be Captain 5 September 2022

Warrant Officer Class 1 Barry Paul TURNER 25119028 to be Captain 5 September 2022

Warrant Officer Class 1 Peter David WRIGHT 25042130 to be Captain 5 September 2022

Short Service Commissions

Captain A. N. W. DE BOIS 30257937 is transferred from Royal Regiment of Artillery 6 September 2021 (Belated Entry)

Commission (Late Entry) 1 April 2022 to be Captain 11 June 2018 (Belated Entry)

Intermediate Regular Commissions (Late Entry)

Captain D. P. WEBB 25005895 retires 12 August 2022

Short Service Commissions

Captain A. S. KHONDO 30245480 retires 27 August 2022


WO1 (ASM) (Retired)

Brian Wilfred Blizard

Scribe: Bob Giles, Shropshire Branch with details from Andrew Blizard (Son)

Brian was born on 21st May 1939 to Wilfred and Florence in Shirley, Solihull in the West Midlands, and was the second of four Brothers.

Enlisted into the REME on 11th June 1957 at the age of 18, he trained as a Vehicle Mechanic and served with a variety of units and Regiments in the UK, Gibraltar, Cyrenaica (Libya), BFAP, Malta, Aden, Germany, Berlin and Northern Ireland.

Brian attended the Artificer Training Course at Bordon, passing out as a SSgt Artificer (Vehicles) in February 1968, promoted to WO11 in December 1974, and WO1 (ASM) in April 1975.

In October 1962 Brian married Sylvia (his pen friend) at the Walton Parish Church in Liverpool, and they had two children, Jacquie born in 1964 in Malta, and Andrew born 1966 in Iserlohn. Retiring on the 1st July 1979, the family settled down in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Brian worked as a Recruitment Manager for both Agency and Permanent positions. Then as Transport Manager for Express Diaries Creamery in Minsterley. Finally working for the MOD as Facilities & Stores Manager at the Training Camp in Nesscliffe, near Shrewsbury.

Brian was a keen Boxer and loved playing football, he was also a good runner and completed many marathons including the London Marathon and often ran from his home to Minsterley for work (a return distance of 20 miles) during his running years. He was also a very good Gardener, growing fruit and vegetables in abundance.

A CELEBRATION OF LIFE Service was held at the Emstrey Crematorium in Shrewsbury on Friday 28th October 2022, the Shropshire Branch Standard was paraded and the Coffin draped with the REME Core flag.

He will be sadly missed by Sylvia, Jacquie and Andrew, his three Grandchildren and one Great Grandchild, and by his many friends and workmates.

Short Service Commissions

Second Lieutenant O. M. MEASEY 30222217 to be Lieutenant 10 August 2020 (Belated Entry)

Regular Commissions

Lieutenant Colonel J. S. TREHARNE 542796 retires 25 August 2022

Intermediate Regular Commissions

Captain C. D. EASTMAN 25104424 from Intermediate Regular Commission (Late Entry) 1 April 2022 to be Captain with seniority 2 September 2018 (Belated Entry)

Captain A. G. HALLAM 25104443 from Intermediate Regular

Death Notices

JONES – Former Cpl Nigel Allister Jones passed away on 24 October 2022 aged 59. Dates of service 1980 - 1985.

Death Notice Requirements

In order to publish a death notice we require the following information: Surname, first name, rank, full date of death, ages and dates of service. An obituary with additional career and life information is welcome. To inform us of the death, please contact Ms Bev Bate, Corps Welfare Manager on ( 07936 902415 or 

Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover

Brian Blizard
15 November 2022 No entries 22 November 2022 REGULAR
29 November
46 Corps Calendar 2023 More information regarding Corps Mess Functions can found by scanning the QR Code, or by accessing the ‘REME Connect’ website or alternatively email; for all general enquiries. Dates are accurate as at the date of print - refer to the monthly Craftsman for any changes. JANUARY 2023 14 REME Reserve Management Board 19 REME Colonels Command Group 19 HQ Officers’ Mess – Corps Dinner Night FEBRUARY 2023 23 Regimental Guest Night MARCH 2023 02 Corps Conference (South) 07 Corps Conference (North) 09 Colonels Commandant Night 09 Corps Council Meeting 13 REME Association Exec Committee Meeting 1/23 13 Corps Mess & REME Inst Exec Meeting 23 WO and Sgts Mess Corps Ball APRIL 2023 14-16 REME Reunion Weekend 20 HQ Officers’ Mess – Corps Spring Guest Night 22 REME Reserves Management Board 22 Broxhead (Reserve Officers/WOs) Dinner Night 24-25 REME RSM Forum 26 Engineering Awards Lunch MAY 2023 11 HQ Officers’ Mess Corps Dinner Night 11 REME Colonels Command Group JUNE 2023 08 Founders Day at Royal Hospital Chelsea 22 Beating Retreat and Cocktail Party 25 Regimental Sunday at Royal Hospital Chelsea JULY 2023 TBC SSE Candidate Briefing Day 06 Sports Awards Dinner WHERE ARE THEY NOW? #TheREMEFamily Are you ex-serving REME? Did you have a partner or family who were in REME? Where are they Now? is a new feature giving you the chance to share your stories with the wider REME family. If you have a story to share, email it to
TRAVEL INSURANCE We recommend that you take out Travel Insurance. IOW Tours can arrange this for you. Phone 01983 405116 for details. Insurance Declined □ Friday 14th – Monday 17th April 2023 staying at the Delta by Marriott Hotel Warwick YOUR WEEKEND PACKAGE INCLUDES: Half Board en-suite Accommodation Drinks Receptions ⚫ Gala Dinner ⚫ 1940s Theme ⚫ Live Entertainment ⚫ Casino Standards Parade & Band ⚫ Church Service Association Conference with Tea & Coffee 10% Off Bar Prices All Weekend ⚫ On Site Car Parking (complimentary) Saturday Coach Trip – Stratford-upon-Avon Sunday Coach Trip – National Memorial Arboretum 2 Night Package £179pp □ 1 Night Package £115pp □ Extra Night Sunday £59pp □ Double Room (Sole Use) Supplement £20pn □ Saturday Trip – Stratford INCLUDED on 2 night bookings □ Depart Hotel 1000 / 1100 / 1200 Return 1430 / 1530 / 1630 (please delete) Sunday Trip – National Memorial Arboretum £7.50pp □ Your Details: REME Branch: …………….………………. Name ………………………………………………………………………....................... ............... Address ...………………………………………..…………………………....................... ............... ………………………………………………………………………....................... ............... Post Code …………………….......... Phone Number……………………………………………………. Email ...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Names of other persons on this booking form: Number of Persons……… Rooms Required: Double….……... Twin…………. Single…..……. (£20pn limited) Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate all special requests this will be done on a first come first served basis and are not guaranteed. There are limited walk-in showers at this venue and are not guaranteed. Special Requests i.e. diet requirements, walking difficulties etc. GDPR Consent: Contact By Phone □ Contact By Email □ Contact By Post □ All prices are inclusive of VAT. Book Now to avoid disappointment, places are limited. Cheques to be made payable to Mount Pleasant (IOW) Ltd - IOW TOURS By Making a Booking with IOW Tours you agree to our Trading Charter (our T&Cs) - details can be found on our website and will be sent with your confirmation. • 01983 405116 Mount Pleasant (IOW) Ltd T/A IOW Tours, 51 High Street, Shanklin, IOW. PO37 6JJ DEPOSIT A non-refundable BOOKING FEE of £20.00pp is required with this booking form by 17th January PAYMENT Full payment is due by 17 February 2023 Payment Plans/Staged Payments accepted contact us for more details Call IOW Tours on 01983 405116 (MON – FRI 9am to 5pm) to make your booking and pay by Card Pay Direct into our Bank Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-90-09 Account No:
Please use your POSTCODE as reference CANCELLATION Cancellation charges apply as follows: 14 day or less 100% 15 – 27 days 50% 28 – 42 days 30% More than 42 days –Booking Fee Only REME Reunion Weekend 2023

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