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Champagne Sud Hospitals & Troyes University of Technology A unique collaboration for the logistic organisation of care With 7 establishments and 4,500 professionals, the Champagne Sud Hospitals (HCS) group together all the public hospital health services in Aube with 2,700 beds and places. Their close collaboration with the Troyes University of Technology (UTT) creates welcome synergies between the worlds of health and data.

© Hôpitaux Champagne Sud

rganisation of flows in health establishments, logistics, security, data management: to meet these challenges, the HCS has developed a close cooperation with the UTT. “It all started with a living lab project on ageing that obtained European funding,” recalls Prof. Farouk Yalaoui, director of research at UTT and holder of the Connected Innovation Chair, which promotes the sharing of data and good practices. By accessing 15 years of hospital data, UTT has been able to use its expertise to extract models of representation and sustainable use or to optimise logistics flows. “This cooperation received additional impetus in 2014 with the arrival of doctoral students and the desire to work on organisational management,” emphasises Philippe Blua, CEO of the HCS and President of the European Association of Hospital Directors. This objective is complementary to the clinical research initiated by the medical community in conjunction with the Clinical Research and Care Research Unit. A University Diploma in Hospital Information Systems and Logistics was then created in partnership. Another important joint project was the mapping of emergency room flows in order to assess bed requirements, anticipate possible influxes of patients, improve the quality of work of care providers and organise interoperability with private clinics. “Our collaboration coincides with our two strategic orientations: the societal challenges brought about by the digital transition and the European challenge,”

September 2021

© Hôpitaux Champagne Sud


The campus of the University of Technology of Troyes / Le campus de l’Université de Technologie de Troyes

explains Pierre Koch, President of the UTT. An Institute of Technology and Health has just been created with the HCS to increase the visibility of both players and to promote the contribution of data to the management of care and patient management, both in hospitals and at home. In addition, the UTT is the promoter of a European University of Technology project, EUt+, which will have 8 members from 8 countries, will bring together 100,000 students and will eventually offer European degrees. In autumn 2020, the HCS and UTT successfully co-organised the first edition of the SHeIC (Smart Healthcare International Conference). Scheduled for 2-3 December 2021, the second edition will address smart health, hospital logistics and the use of data to improve medical care and patient well-being. Today, the HCS and UTT are combining their skills to meet the challenges ahead. “The brand new TESSE (Territory and Exceptional Health Situations) chair was created within the framework of the UTT’s Global Security Institute to integrate the lessons of the 2020 health crisis into a model for anticipating future emergencies,” explains Prof. Farouk Yalaoui. “Faced with the challenges of IT security and continuity of care, it is vital to preserve the public hospital,” adds Philippe Blua,

attentive to improve the management of chronicity and to anticipate the transition from individual risk to collective risk specific to the evolution of care in complex systems. A collective and territorial vision that the HCS has been experimenting with since 2018 through the populationbased responsibility approach. Another major challenge for Pierre Koch: the development of connectivity between objects and people combined with easier access to health data for the medical community. “The world of healthcare will be enriched by a continuous dialogue with the world of data to renew its practice and increase its agility of anticipation in a 4.0 context,” concludes Prof. Yalaoui.

Hôpitaux Champagne Sud 101, avenue Anatole France F-10003 Troyes Cedex Tél. : +33 (0)3 25 49 49 49 E-mail :


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Articles inside

■ DIM ELICIT Empowering life sciences with innovative technologies

pages 69-81

■ DIM ELICIT Favoriser les technologies innovantes pour les Sciences de la Vie

page 68

■ DIM1Health « Une seule santé » pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses

pages 64-67

■ Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes - LS2N

pages 53-63

■ Nantes University Hospital Anticipating the medicine of the future

page 51

Région Grand Ouest : un acteur innovant en santé

pages 46-47

■ CHU de Nantes Anticipons la médecine du futur

page 50

■ Laboratoire traitement du signal et de l’image - LTSI Un expert de l’ingénierie biomédicale

page 44

■ Signal and Image Processing Laboratory – LTSI An expert in biomedical engineering

page 45

Grand Ouest Region: an innovative player in health

pages 48-49

in the service of health

pages 38-39

■ HUGO Hôpitaux Universitaires Grand Ouest Le OuestDataHub, une réponse originale à l’enjeu sensible du big data en santé

page 42

■ HUGO University Hospitals Grand Ouest The OuestDataHub, an original response to the sensitive issue of big data in health

page 43

au service de la santé

pages 36-37

personnalisée : les nouvelles frontières de la santé humaine

pages 30-31

The major challenges of research and innovation in health

pages 20-21

■ Hôpitaux Champagne Sud & Université de Technologie de Troyes Une collaboration unique au service de l’organisation logistique des soins

page 26

personalised medicine: the new frontiers of human health

pages 32-33

■ Champagne Sud Hospitals & Troyes University of Technology A unique collaboration for the logistic organisation of care

pages 27-29

Les grands enjeux de la recherche et de l’innovation en santé

pages 18-19

■ CHU de Nîmes Rendre l’innovation accessible à tous

page 22

■ Nîmes University Hospital Making innovation accessible to all

pages 23-25
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