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$UWLÀFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH WHOHPHGLFLQH and personalised medicine: the new frontiers of human health ([SORLWLQJ GLJLWDO VFLHQFHV DQG DUWLÀFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH WR RSWLPLVH GLDJQRVWLF DVVLVWDQFH H[DPLQDWLRQ DQDO\VLV SHUVRQDOLVDWLRQ of treatments, precision of surgical gestures or even the screening of molecules with biological activity: these are the outlines of a cutting-edge medicine for which each patient is unique.
ith 2.1% of global research in 2019, France ranks 12th in artificial intelligence and 6th in the EPO with 3.7% of patent applications. Presented on 21 March 2017, the French AI strategy focuses on health through a sectoral theme of “health and medical applications”. It remains to encourage the transfer of research work to industry by continuing to open up health data, by training in new professions involving the implementation of digital technology and AI, by supporting the development of digital health start-ups and by encouraging the development of telemedicine.
Automatic analysis of mammograms and digital twins For its part, public research in AI is steered by Inria through the four 3IAs (Interdisciplinary Institutes for Artificial Intelligence), labelled by the State in April 2019. At Inria, research projects in digital health and biology are numerous and interdisciplinary, allowing the genesis of world-class startups such as Therapixel, whose automatic mammography analysis tool reduces the false positive rate by 5%, Anatoscope, which has created digital duplicates of patients’ anatomy, or Vidium, which is developing digital twins in cell biology. Two of the 3IAs have created a health axis. Some of the 3IA PRAIRIE chairs
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The Health Data Hub (HDH) is part of this dynamic. Created by the law of 24 July 2019 on the organisation and transformation of the healthcare system, the HDH brings together 56 stakeholders and guarantees easy, unified, transparent and secure access to health data to improve the quality of care and support for patients. The HDH’s service offer is based on four main themes: enhancing data assets, facilitating data use, protecting citizens’ data and innovating with all stakeholders. For example, the Rexetris project, selected by the HDH in 2019 and led by the Limoges University Hospital, aims to produce concrete recommendations on long-term treatment following a kidney transplant. To date, the HDH has more than 1,600 projects submitted, 173 affiliated researchers and 1,262 members of the open-source community.
X-ray of a hand, with automatic calculation of bone age by computer software / Rayon X d’une main, avec calcul automatique de l’âge osseux par un logiciel informatique
focus on biomedical imaging, clinical decision support, genomics and cognition with a view to creating advanced computer-assisted decision and diagnostic systems for personalised medicine (evaluation, equity, transparency, explicability). For its part, the MIAI Grenoble Alpes mobilises the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital as well as numerous doctors, mathematicians, computer scientists, chemists and industrial players around 3
research programmes: 4P “real-life” medicine, multiomics and computer-assisted medical intelligence. A third 3IA is making health an emerging theme in its activity: ANITI. This is evidenced by three chairs in neuroscience, robotics and AI: “Deep Learning with semantic, cognitive and biological constraints”, “Motion Generation for Complex Robots” and “Neuroadaptive technology”. Synergies in prospect. Septembre 2021