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HUGO University Hospitals Grand Ouest The OuestDataHub, an original response to the sensitive issue of big data in health :LWK WKH ODXQFK RI WKH 2XHVW'DWD+XE LQ 'HFHPEHU WKH *&6 +8*2 RIIHUV WKH ÀUVW (XURSHDQ LQWHUUHJLRQDO SODWIRUP of hospital data, from six establishments spread over 3 regions: the University Hospitals of Angers, Brest, Nantes, Rennes, Tours and the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest. An innovation accelerator to imagine new research projects, develop personalised medicine and improve health vigilance as well as the management of health organisations in the Grand Ouest region.



UGO is a GCS created in 2013 from a cooperation started in 2005. Today it covers 15% of the national territory and provides recourse care for 10 million people. It appears as the most successful national example of a networked university hospital. A solid base for the OuestDataHub: this exceptional deposit of anonymised and interoperable data represents more than 5 million patients, 6 million stays and 130 million documents, i.e. 1.2 billion structured, collected and quality-assured data (clinical reports, prescriptions and drug administrations, emergency files, laboratory analyses, imaging, etc.). It must be said that the ability to collect and exploit massive, high-quality data is the basis for research and development of the 4Ps (Preventive,

September 2021

Predictive, Participatory and Personalised) medicine, the prefiguration of tomorrow’s medicine. It was still necessary to structure and secure the use and sharing of these data, collected within the clinical data centres of the six establishments. This has now been achieved: the setting up of the OuestDataHub guarantees easy, transparent and perfectly secure access to the data. The technical and software architecture, developed by the CHU of Rennes (eHop technology) allows for data interoperability. The choice of internal data hosting at HUGO (Nantes University Hospital, HDS certification) contributes to the control of data throughout their processing. Beyond this technical dimension, a structured governance has been set up, including a multidisciplinary scientific and ethical committee in charge of ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework. Today, the OuestDataHub offers access to high-level expertise: scientific and technical (data processing and analysis), clinical (definition of medical issues, development of study protocols, interpretation of results, etc.), ethical and legal (data protection). The aim is to use artificial intelligence in medicine to better understand certain diseases and develop screening and prevention tools. Four research projects, anchored in clinical practice, are already underway at HUGO with funding from the GIRCI Grand Ouest (see box). Thanks to the OuestDatahub, the GCS HUGO wishes to strengthen the ecosystem of innovation in health in the Grand Ouest, to bring out future diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and to be part of national and international projects. Collaboration is underway with the other university hospital networks to develop this original model of interregional health data hub, in conjunction with the national health data platform (HeathDataHub) and other databases such as registries, cohorts and the SNDS. A wealth of expertise at the service of augmented medicine!

The four research projects of the OuestDataHub Prof. Jérôme BOURSIER from the Hepato-Gastroenterology Department of the University Hospital of Angers for the TATOoINE project on the impact and prediction of hepatic complications in dysmetabolic disease. Prof. Cédric ANNWEILER of the geriatric department of the CHU of Angers for the VIVALDI study which aims to find out the number of hospitalised patients suffering from vitamin C deficiency and the factors which accompany this deficiency. Dr Matthieu WARGNY and Pr Samy HADJAJ from the Endocrinology, Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition Department of the Nantes University Hospital for the GAVROCHE project, which evaluates the prognostic value of glycemic variability in the acute phase of heart failure. Dr Marie DE TAYRAC from the Molecular Genetics and Genomics Department of the Rennes University Hospital for the HUGO-RD project, which focuses on an innovative diagnosis of rare diseases based on clinical genetics consultation reports.

CGS HUGO GIRCI Grand Ouest - CHU d’Angers 4, rue Larrey - F-49933 Angers Cedex 9 Tél. : +32 (0)2 41 35 47 48 E-mail :


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Articles inside

■ DIM ELICIT Empowering life sciences with innovative technologies

pages 69-81

■ DIM ELICIT Favoriser les technologies innovantes pour les Sciences de la Vie

page 68

■ DIM1Health « Une seule santé » pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses

pages 64-67

■ Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes - LS2N

pages 53-63

■ Nantes University Hospital Anticipating the medicine of the future

page 51

Région Grand Ouest : un acteur innovant en santé

pages 46-47

■ CHU de Nantes Anticipons la médecine du futur

page 50

■ Laboratoire traitement du signal et de l’image - LTSI Un expert de l’ingénierie biomédicale

page 44

■ Signal and Image Processing Laboratory – LTSI An expert in biomedical engineering

page 45

Grand Ouest Region: an innovative player in health

pages 48-49

in the service of health

pages 38-39

■ HUGO Hôpitaux Universitaires Grand Ouest Le OuestDataHub, une réponse originale à l’enjeu sensible du big data en santé

page 42

■ HUGO University Hospitals Grand Ouest The OuestDataHub, an original response to the sensitive issue of big data in health

page 43

au service de la santé

pages 36-37

personnalisée : les nouvelles frontières de la santé humaine

pages 30-31

The major challenges of research and innovation in health

pages 20-21

■ Hôpitaux Champagne Sud & Université de Technologie de Troyes Une collaboration unique au service de l’organisation logistique des soins

page 26

personalised medicine: the new frontiers of human health

pages 32-33

■ Champagne Sud Hospitals & Troyes University of Technology A unique collaboration for the logistic organisation of care

pages 27-29

Les grands enjeux de la recherche et de l’innovation en santé

pages 18-19

■ CHU de Nîmes Rendre l’innovation accessible à tous

page 22

■ Nîmes University Hospital Making innovation accessible to all

pages 23-25
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