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Signal and Image Processing Laboratory LTSI An expert in biomedical engineering



Created in 1969 within the University of Rennes 1 and Inserm Research Unit since 2004, the LTSI is positioned at the interface of digital sciences and technologies and health around the kernel “signal - model - image”. Its methodological, technological and translational research focuses on cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and oncology.

Deployment of Aortic Valve Pose Assistance / Déploiement de l’assistance à la pose d’une valve aortique


ith more than 170 members, including 88 permanent staff, and a large community of hospital and clinical researchers, the LTSI is structured into five teams: SESAM (epileptogenic systems - signals and models), SEPIA (therapeutic stimulation and personalised monitoring for heart failure and apneabradycardia), METRIQ (metrology for quantitative imaging), IMPACT (images and models for surgical and therapeutic planning and assistance on soft tissue) and MEDICIS (modeling of surgical and interventional knowledge and procedures for decision support). Over the last five years, the laboratory has published more than 1,000 articles in major scientific journals, filed 60 patents and 50 software applications and valorised 42 patents. The LTSI’s research is supported by the ANR, the InCA, the PHRC (Hospital Clinical Research Programme), the PIA, etc., as well as by industrial leaders in their sector. A founding member of the CominLabs and CAMI laboratories of excellence, the LTSI has led and was involved in several European projects (DigiNew-B, EurValve, FLAG-ERA JTC ITFoC, FRP-Euratom MEDIRAD, EIT Health RealWorld4Clinic) and is currently piloting two projects: ERC-Synergy Galvani, which aims to transform the management of a large proportion of patients living with drug-resistant epilepsy, and PerPlanRT, dedicated to personalised planning in radiotherapy through integrative modeling. September 2021

The LTSI has established a privileged, long-term partnership with the Rennes University Hospital and the Eugène Marquis Centre: a strong dynamic aimed at providing Rennes with instruments for experimentation, evaluation and transfer in the field of health technologies. The Technological Innovation Centre (CIT), which was created thanks to the CPER 2000-2006, has been transformed by Inserm into CIC-IT 804, currently 1414. The TherA-Image platform (technical platform for image-guided therapy and minimally invasive surgery), financed by the CPER 2007-2013, was inaugurated in January 2013. The TherA-Tech platform (mixed preclinical/clinical integrated infrastructure for therapies using implantable medical devices and image-guided intervention), resulting from the 20142020 CPER, will be operational at the beginning of 2023, while the TherA-Innov project (experimental platform for radiotherapy assisted by multimodal imaging and digital modeling) has just been accepted by the 2021-2027 CPER and will be operational in 2024. Its objective is to increase the chances of recovery and the quality of life of patients. Another collaboration brings together the LTSI and the LIST (Laboratory of Image Science and Technology): initiated in 1989, it led to the creation in 2006 of the “Sino-French Biomedical Information Research Centre (CRIBs)”, the first international associated laboratory (LIA) launched by Inserm in the field of health

technologies and the first LIA at the University of Rennes 1. The research, focused on advanced information processing methods and targeted clinical applications, aims to design, combine and optimise new cutting-edge solutions and implement them in the framework of the most advanced imaging and therapy platforms on the basis of shared clinical datasets. Today the role of digital as a health technology is enhanced by the capabilities of AI and health data issues. Research in the field of medical devices (MDs) embedding AI methods is promising in this respect, as are the instruments (platforms & interfaces) covering the methodological - technological - experimental - clinical continuum, set up by the LTSI to achieve breakthroughs in the field of MD-based therapies and accelerate their transfer to the clinic for the benefit of the patient.

Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image (LTSI - Inserm) Université de Rennes 1 Campus de Beaulieu. Bât 22 F-35042 Cedex – Rennes Tél. : +33 (0)2 23 23 62 20 E-mail :


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Articles inside

■ DIM ELICIT Empowering life sciences with innovative technologies

pages 69-81

■ DIM ELICIT Favoriser les technologies innovantes pour les Sciences de la Vie

page 68

■ DIM1Health « Une seule santé » pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses

pages 64-67

■ Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes - LS2N

pages 53-63

■ Nantes University Hospital Anticipating the medicine of the future

page 51

Région Grand Ouest : un acteur innovant en santé

pages 46-47

■ CHU de Nantes Anticipons la médecine du futur

page 50

■ Laboratoire traitement du signal et de l’image - LTSI Un expert de l’ingénierie biomédicale

page 44

■ Signal and Image Processing Laboratory – LTSI An expert in biomedical engineering

page 45

Grand Ouest Region: an innovative player in health

pages 48-49

in the service of health

pages 38-39

■ HUGO Hôpitaux Universitaires Grand Ouest Le OuestDataHub, une réponse originale à l’enjeu sensible du big data en santé

page 42

■ HUGO University Hospitals Grand Ouest The OuestDataHub, an original response to the sensitive issue of big data in health

page 43

au service de la santé

pages 36-37

personnalisée : les nouvelles frontières de la santé humaine

pages 30-31

The major challenges of research and innovation in health

pages 20-21

■ Hôpitaux Champagne Sud & Université de Technologie de Troyes Une collaboration unique au service de l’organisation logistique des soins

page 26

personalised medicine: the new frontiers of human health

pages 32-33

■ Champagne Sud Hospitals & Troyes University of Technology A unique collaboration for the logistic organisation of care

pages 27-29

Les grands enjeux de la recherche et de l’innovation en santé

pages 18-19

■ CHU de Nîmes Rendre l’innovation accessible à tous

page 22

■ Nîmes University Hospital Making innovation accessible to all

pages 23-25
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