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Nantes University Hospital Anticipating the medicine of the future Technological innovation is at the heart of the development strategy of Nantes University Hospital, which is committed WR LQWHQVLI\LQJ FROODERUDWLRQV LQ WKH ÀHOG RI KHDOWK LQQRYDWLRQV ,WV 5HVHDUFK DQG ,QQRYDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW '5, KHDGHG E\ Milan Lazarevic and Anne Royer-Moës, has set itself two major objectives: to enhance the value of the results of research collaborations and to accelerate the innovation process with industrial partners with a view to the medicine of the future and the transformation of the healthcare system thanks to new technologies and innovations. o take up this challenge, which encompasses health, digital, robotics and big data, the Nantes University Hospital relies on its skills, investments and high-performance academic and industrial ecosystem. The NExT Initiative (Nantes Excellency Trajectory) involving the University of Nantes, the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Inserm and the Nantes University Hospital offers the region a real opportunity to develop innovations combining health and engineering thanks to the interdisciplinary synergies between the institutions. An innovation accelerator Under the responsibility of Dr. Benoit Labarthe, the Partnerships and Innovation Department within the DRI manages industrial partnerships and project development, runs the innovation unit and supports the development of health products. Its objectives are to detect research results, identify projects based on the experience and expectations of professionals and patients, accelerate the development of innovations by intensifying partnerships, support clinical validation and deploy medical and economic research projects in order to verify the economic consistency of clinically validated products and enable a decision to be made on their reimbursement. The entire healthcare product development chain is covered: ideation, proof of concept, clinical validation, preparation for market access. The Nantes University Hospital also supports start-ups in collaboration with the Atlanpole Biotherapies competitiveness cluster and the Atlanpole incubator. “The objective is to maximise their chances of success thanks to our know-how in terms of clinical research, fund raising and regulation” underlines Dr Riche, head of medical and economic evaluation within the DRI. In 2020, the Nantes University Hospital launched an internal call for tenders to finance innovative health products in the first phase of commercial distribution and early access to innovative treatments. September 2021

© CHU de Nantes


Dr Vincent Roualdes’ team has demonstrated that it is possible to pilot a virtual avatar through thought based on brain activity / L’équipe du Dr Vincent Roualdes a démontré qu’il était possible de piloter un avatar virtuel par la pensée à partir de l’activité cérébrale

A thought-driven avatar to cure disabilities The team of Dr Vincent Roualdes, neurosurgeon, and brain-computer interface engineer Aurélien Van Langhenhove has joined forces with the École Centrale and the company Onepoint to show that it is possible to pilot a virtual avatar through thought based on brain activity. “This project is the result of a study on phantom pain”, recalls Dr Roualdes. “An EEG was used to detect movement intentions which are transmitted to an avatar in a virtual reality mask.” A technology designed to increase the effectiveness of neurorehabilitation sessions, restore brain plasticity and stimulate sensorimotor areas. “A pilot clinical study is underway until the end of 2021,” says Dr Roualdes. Called “Ghost”, this trial will validate the proof of concept of the device and extend its application to other lesions of the central nervous system. Algorithms and interface software are currently being developed to eventually lead to an à la carte rehabilitation programme for para- and tetraplegic people, with the support of the Nantes University Hospital’s rehabilitation and neurosurgery department, which is co-financing the project with the APICIL association. “We aim for holistic care” concludes Dr Roualdes, who offers open-source rehabilitation devices for everyday rehabilitation. What remains to

be done is to combine the speed of innovation in health care, the slowness of regulations and the proven needs of patients... Anticipating tomorrow’s medicine The Nantes University Hospital wishes to test as many innovations as possible before the opening of the new hospital, which will come into being in 2026. This future showcase of technological innovation will be located in the heart of a new university hospital district dedicated to health on the Île de Nantes, near the creation district and the Digital Factory. The “medtechs” will be used to improve therapeutic and diagnostic care in this experimental area where health, innovation and start-ups will be in synergy.

CHU de Nantes Direction de la Recherche 5, allée de l’île gloriette F-44093 Nantes Cedex 01 Tél. : +33 (0)2 53 48 28 47 E-mail :


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Articles inside

■ DIM ELICIT Empowering life sciences with innovative technologies

pages 69-81

■ DIM ELICIT Favoriser les technologies innovantes pour les Sciences de la Vie

page 68

■ DIM1Health « Une seule santé » pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses

pages 64-67

■ Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes - LS2N

pages 53-63

■ Nantes University Hospital Anticipating the medicine of the future

page 51

Région Grand Ouest : un acteur innovant en santé

pages 46-47

■ CHU de Nantes Anticipons la médecine du futur

page 50

■ Laboratoire traitement du signal et de l’image - LTSI Un expert de l’ingénierie biomédicale

page 44

■ Signal and Image Processing Laboratory – LTSI An expert in biomedical engineering

page 45

Grand Ouest Region: an innovative player in health

pages 48-49

in the service of health

pages 38-39

■ HUGO Hôpitaux Universitaires Grand Ouest Le OuestDataHub, une réponse originale à l’enjeu sensible du big data en santé

page 42

■ HUGO University Hospitals Grand Ouest The OuestDataHub, an original response to the sensitive issue of big data in health

page 43

au service de la santé

pages 36-37

personnalisée : les nouvelles frontières de la santé humaine

pages 30-31

The major challenges of research and innovation in health

pages 20-21

■ Hôpitaux Champagne Sud & Université de Technologie de Troyes Une collaboration unique au service de l’organisation logistique des soins

page 26

personalised medicine: the new frontiers of human health

pages 32-33

■ Champagne Sud Hospitals & Troyes University of Technology A unique collaboration for the logistic organisation of care

pages 27-29

Les grands enjeux de la recherche et de l’innovation en santé

pages 18-19

■ CHU de Nîmes Rendre l’innovation accessible à tous

page 22

■ Nîmes University Hospital Making innovation accessible to all

pages 23-25
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