Ohlala Magazine edición 44

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by DolceVita

Nº 44 · Invierno 2014 Precio 4,5€

ser consciente de que hoy de que ahora estamos fabricando las nostalgias que descongelarán algún futuro.

Mario Benedetti

T H E A R T O F L I V I N G O H L À L À B Y D O L C E V I TA · I N V I E R N O 2 0 1 4

De vez en cuando es bueno


PORTADA OH44.indd 1

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EDITA / PUBLISHED BY Dolce Vita Life S.L. (Redacción central) T +34 951 31 97 54 - ivan@ohlalamedia.com - fernando@ohlalamedia.com


MARKETING Adriana Villa

BELLEZA BEAUTY Jefa de sección Claudia Delgado. Cayetana Toledo, Beatriz Martínez.

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CULTURA CULTURE Jefe de sección Santiago de Vivar. Néstor García, Hugo Asch, Nisar Sekar.

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REDACCIÓN EDITORIAL STAFF Gonzalo Larreategui, Jon Fernández Martikorena. Nekane Arostegi Barnetxea, Iván Mosquera, Maria Karien Montes.

CORRESPONSALES CORRESPONDENTS Corresponsal en Milán Valentina Vaca. Corresponsal en Londres John Bailey. Corresponsal en París Chantal Moitessier. Corresponsal en New York Rafu Klein. Corresponsal en Tokyo Toshihiro Rin.

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COLABORADORES CONTRIBUTORS Lorena Morlote, Paola Lamouini, María Elena Paganini

Creditos OH44.indd 1

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22/12/14 17:09

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19/12/14 14:19

ED I TO R I A L Bienvenido a nuestro numero de Ohlala invierno. Nos encanta el invierno, aunque a veces el cambio de temporada nos puede afectar de manera que preferimos no experimentar. Este numero hemos dedicado varias páginas para la salud y bienestar escritas por los mejores expertos locales en este campo. Así, ¡tu sol interior brillará intensamente incluso si hay nubes en el cielo! Esperamos que disfrute, ¡el arte de vivir! Welcome to our winter issue of Ohlala. We love the winter, but the change in season can sometimes affect people in ways, which they would rather not experience! This issue we have dedicated several pages to health & wellbeing written by top local experts in this field. So the sunshine within you will shine brightly, even if there are clouds in the sky! We hope you enjoy the art of living!

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Sumario - Contents pág








Editorial ............................................................... 9 Placeres de la vida .............................................10 Zena Holloway. Criaturas del mar..........................18 Jason DeCaires Taylor. Esculturas bajo el agua........24 The Algarve, the perfect place to visit.....................30 Siena, la perla gótica de la Toscana......................40 Hotel La Victoria Falls...........................................44 Schiltach.........................................................52 Tendencias en el diseño de viviendas Trends in the design of houses..............................58 The eternal beauty of the feminine soul..................66 Meditación, el arte de no hacer ‘nada’ Meditation, the art of doing ‘nothing’.......................74 Origen y beneficios del masaje The origins & benefits of massage.......................78 Dietas milagro. Miracle diets.................................80 Beauty News......................................................84 Please adopt me...............................................90 Interview with Jasmin Hermann...........................96 The lady behind the canvas, Gabriela Girs..............98 Mi lado cool....................................................100 Be a fashion not a victim...................................102 Eventos. Events................................................106 The Art of Living Oh là là By DolceVita no se hace responsable de las opiniones vertidas por los colaboradores en sus artículos. Todos los derechos quedan reservados.

Sumario Oh44.indd 1

22/12/14 17:13

36 Placeres de la vida Inspirado en Mark y Angel Smith

Fernando AlcĂ­bar

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Darte cuenta de tu error y descubrir que tienes Romper una barrera Lo has estado posponiendo en innumerables ocasiones, pero aún dos horas más para dormir seguía dando vueltas a tu cabeza. Un día por fin decides Suena el despertador. Miras la hora y descubres de que es demasiado temprano y tienes aún horas de sueño por delante en tu plácida cama. Una euforia cálida recorre tu cuerpo y cierras tus párpados con una gran sonrisa.

afrontar la situación y encararla. Después de haber llevado a cabo tu acción te sientes más ligero, lleno de vida y con una pizca de alegría.

Escuchar la canción justa en el momento justo

Recibir un regalo Es mucho más que un objeto, es el deseo de alguien querido de premiarte. Grandes, pequeños y medianos, los regalos duran para siempre en la memoria.

Hay un cantante, quizás de hace décadas, que en una ocasión se sintió de la misma exacta manera que tú y ahora su música se convierte en la banda sonora de tu instante.

Bañarse desnudo en el mar

Encontrarse dinero en el bolsillo del abrigo No importa que fuera tuyo, ni que provenga de un despiste; se trata un regalo de la vida, aunque sólo llegue para un pequeño capricho.

El retorno al origen, la libertad, la vuelta a la naturaleza, un placer comparable a muy pocos otros. Hay una euforia liberadora en el hecho de bañarse desnudos en el mar.

Acariciar un animal

Dormir abrazado

Según el poeta Ralph Waldo Emerson, acariciar a un perro mirando las estrellas es un método infalible de alcanzar la paz interior.

Estás adormilado, en ese estado en el que varios mundos se entremezclan, y no sabes muy bien dónde te encuentras; entonces sientes la piel caliente de la persona adecuada sobre tu piel y su respiración junto a la tuya. Un ronroneo de bienestar recorre tu pecho.

Un beso De bienvenida, de despedida, de amistad, de amor, de invitación a algo más, de gratitud, de cariño…. el beso es un idioma universal.

Jugar con un niño Recuperar la ilusión por un sencillo color, por un sabor o por una pequeña broma. Los niños son maestros que nos recuerdan la alegría de las pequeñas cosas que nos rodean cada día.

Dormir un día lluvioso La lluvia golpea suavemente los cristales y hundes tu cabeza en la almohada. La cama se convierte en un santuario y escuchando su murmullo entiendes que no hay otro lugar mejor en todo el mundo.

Comer chocolate

Cruzarse una mirada fugaz con alguien atractivo Vas caminando por la acera cuando ves unos ojos sutilmente curiosos posarse en los tuyos. Al cabo de unos segundos apartas la mirada y sigues tu camino; cuando vuelves a mirar para contemplar de nuevo aquella persona ya no está.

En una encuesta más de la mitad de las inglesas lo consideró más importante que el sexo

Conseguir un propósito

Sentir la brisa en la cara

Una voz interna grita: ¡sí!, ¡sí!. Lo has conseguido, no importa que sea un objetivo pequeño, mediano o grande, te sientes orgulloso de ti mismo y la sangre burbujea dentro de ti.

Hay noches de verano y tardes de primavera en los que la brisa parece tener una temperatura absolutamente perfecta. Entonces el cielo nos acaricia y cerramos los ojos para sentirlo mejor.

Una frambuesa Un sabor mágico, alegre, lleno de vida. Una fresca melodía en tu boca. Oh là là

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Hacer reir a un amigo Tu amigo lo ha pasado mal y has estado un buen tiempo escuchando el problema que ha tenido. De pronto, por algún motivo desconocido, sientes el irrefrenable impulso de hacer una broma. Por unos instantes se queda callado y tú no estás seguro de si has metido la pata o no, hasta que él también estalla en una carcajada.


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Sábanas nuevas

Ver una película bajo una vieja manta

Frescas, blancas y llenas de una fragancia que sabe a tranquilidad. No saldrías de la cama por nada en el mundo.

Si la peli es buena fantástico, y si es mala, ¿qué más da? Acurrucado en el sofá, solo o en compañía, pasas unas horas de bien merecido descanso bajo tu vieja y cálida manta.

Quitarse los zapatos Has caminado con los zapatos equivocados durante horas y horas.Te sientas en tu butaca y tus pies se expanden de alegría.

Recordar un aroma familiar Vuelves a casa de tus padres después de mucho tiempo. Estás en tu habitación curioseando sin rumbo por las estanterías cuando abres una caja de la que sale un viejo perfume, que te hace recordar buenos momentos del pasado.

Mirar las estrellas Vuelve a fascinarte el milagro de la vida. La inmensidad del universo es un concepto que se ha ido gastando día a día y se ha convertido en una frase hecha. De pronto, una noche de verano miras a lo alto y contactas de nuevo con aquel sentimiento mágico de enormidad.

Hablar por teléfono a las doce de la noche

El contacto de la hierba viva con tus pies es un gran estimulante. También significa sentir la tierra palpitar bajo tus pies.

Llevas más de media hora hablando pero no puedes parar. Al llegar la noche el mundo se silencia y se puede conversar muy bajo, casi susurrar, y al otro lado del teléfono hay una persona tan contenta de charlar contigo como tú con ella.

Hacer el amor

Reir a carcajadas

Caminar descalzo por la hierba

La música puede ser rápida, lenta, suave, delicada, calmada o apresurada. Sin duda alguna, uno de los grandes regalos de la vida.

Pasear sin rumbo Tienes tiempo por delante, puedes hacer zapping, matar el tiempo con cualquier cosa o salir y perderte por las calles. Te conviertes en un espectador y descubres que lo que te rodeaba cada día es un espectáculo genial.

Aire fresco y nuevo. Cuanto más avanza la ciencia más saludable se descubre que es el reírse con todas nuestras ganas. Reír es renovarse.

Hacer un regalo Regalar es un regalo para quien regala, dijo Joaquín Moral. Ves su cara llena de ilusión y entiendes que has acertado.

Crear algo propio

Terminar una novela Es un sentimiento ligeramente contradictorio pero muy placentero. Por un lado sientes una punta de pena por quedarte sin nada que leer, pero por otro lado todos los sentimientos despertados por la novela que has devorado ansiosamente, ahora que ya no tienes prisa, cobran una gran intensidad dentro de ti.

No puedes dejar de mirarlo.Vuelves del trabajo y lo contemplas de nuevo una y otra vez. Lo has hecho tú.

Dormir después de desayunar

Gritar encima de una montaña

Es un día especial. Cruasanes con mermelada, café con leche y zumo de naranja. Lees el periódico y sientes una ligera modorra. Llevas todo el mes viajando y corriendo por todos lados y entiendes que es el momento de volver a tu cama.

En la ciudad hemos de comportarnos como seres civilizados. Educados, sensatos y correctos. Pero en la cima de una montaña, elevados sobre el mundo, nos podemos volver locos por unos instantes.

Hacer algo que nunca habías hecho

Descubrir un nuevo sabor

Llevabas tiempo queriendo hacerlo y ahora sabes que es aún mejor de lo que imaginabas. Sientes que ya no hay nada que se te pueda resistir.

Te sientes un niño de nuevo, un Cristóbal Colón, un Neil Armstrong, y te dices a ti mismo que repetirás a menudo.

El vino conmueve nuestro ánimo haciendo vibrar ligeramente nuestro cuerpo, olvidar unas cosas y recordar otras. Sin duda, en su justa medida, un maestro lleno de sabiduría.

Recibir un piropo Nunca sabe mal, ¿no? Oh là là

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Una copa de vino


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ww w . m u eb le s ca s a s ola .com

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MARBELLA Carretera Cรกdiz-Mรกlaga Km. 184,5 29604 Marbella Tel. 952 77 27 58 CAMPILLOS CASASOLA FACTORY Carretera Arcos-Antequera Km. 106. 29320 Campillos Tel. 952 72 21 00 RABAT Avda. Ahmed RIFAI, 82 Soussi, Rabat Tel. +212 537756522

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Zena Holloway Oh44.indd 18

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Zena Holloway

Criaturas del mar

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En las obras de esta excepcional artista, la ligereza del movimiento bajo el agua y la magia y el misterio que desprende el océano se funden en una mera fotografía junto a conceptos tan sublimes como moda y arte, otorgando a la imagen aires inigualables de distinción y haciendo que la creatividad alcance niveles inauditos. Zena Holloway nació en Bahrein (Arabia Saudí) en 1973, pero fue educada en Londres. Su pasión por la fotografía apareció durante su infancia y culminó cuando sus padres le regalaron su primera cámara, a los18 años. Su fascinante

La ligereza del movimiento bajo el agua, la magia y el misterio se funden en sus fotografías Oh là là

Zena Holloway Oh44.indd 20

interés por las imágenes bajo el agua la convirtió en una audaz autodidacta, que pronto se hizo con las técnicas profesionales de la fotografía submarina. Su primer trabajo como camarógrafa marina llegó cuando la joven tenía 20 años. Este empleo fue el que hizo que se adaptara al inmenso y solitario mundo oceánico y que construyera poco a poco su propio hábitat natural. Asimismo, despertó su profundo interés por la belleza del inmenso piélago y la intriga de hallar una criatura diferente y desconocida en los lugares más recónditos.


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Oh là là

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Oh là là

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Su carrera se estabilizó cuando tenía veintiún años y un agente consiguió establecerla como fotógrafa submarina en un ámbito más comercial. Sus publicaciones más célebres son How to Spend it, GQ, The Observer Magazine, 125, Tatler y Dazed & Confused. Asimismo, ha trabajado para importantes medios como Nacional Geographic, BBC y Discovery Channel. Pero su especialidad se ha centrado en trabajos de moda y publicidad, llegando a dirigir la fotografía en spots publicitarios como el de Umbro. Las fotografías de Zena Holloway adquieren vida, el azul del mar tiñe los rostros de las modelos, dándoles un tono esotérico; la suave agitación de sus atuendos es palpable en la imagen final, que siempre aguarda ráfagas de sorpresa, sugestión y fantasía. Las luces y el color son su principal tesón, a través de los cuales impregna de una belleza plástica sin igual a cada uno de sus trabajos, originando imágenes que trasmiten inigualables sensaciones a sus espectadores y que generan una atmósfera surrealista única.

Una combinación idílica entre los efectos mágicos del agua y la distinguida selección de la moda Oh là là

Zena Holloway Oh44.indd 23


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Esculturas bajo el agua Oh44.indd 24

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Jason DeCaires Taylor Esculturas vivas bajo el agua

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Un inaudito museo de arrecifes y vergeles de corales naturales que conviven en el lecho marino junto a una magnífica retahíla de figuras humanas, creando un espectáculo inédito e inigualable. Bajo esta creativa exposición subyacen las obras de arte de Jason DeCaires Taylor, un escultor ecológico que nació en 1974 en Inglaterra. El profundo amor y respeto que este artista británico siente por la naturaleza que envuelve al mar tiene su origen en su infancia. Desde que era pequeño, pudo disfrutar explorando y descubriendo los bancos de coral de Malasia. No tardaría en averiguar que, además, sentía un intenso fervor por el arte, lo que le llevó a obtener una licenciatura de Honor en escultura y cerámica. Asimismo, a partir de su experiencia en la catedral de Canterbury y en la escenografía y las instalaciones de conciertos, desarrollaría una serie de técnicas para la talla de piedra en estilo tradicional y para la exposición de grúas o elevadores, que plasmará en sus trabajos.

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Sus obras reivindican el arte como expresión de la naturaleza A caballo entre Cancún e Islas Mujeres, permanecen intactas las esculturas de Jason DeCaires Taylor, una serie de figuras humanas y artísticas que, al sumergirlas en el océano, se convierten en arrecifes artificiales, capaces de atraer una gran gama de fauna y flora marina. En las obras de este artista, se funden en armonía naturaleza, mar y ser humano, creando un paisaje visual absorbente, a la par que goza de una autenticidad y de una belleza únicas. Es la mera reivindicación

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Un paisaje visual absorbente, con una autenticidad y

belleza únicas del arte como expresión de la naturaleza, con una leve intención de concienciar a las personas de la desaparición y destrucción de estas especies. El tiempo es un factor muy importante en las esculturas de Taylor, pues a la vez que simbolizan eternidad y longevidad, las propias figuras sufren el paso de los años variando según el efecto de su entorno, lo cual les otorga vida. En sus obras, además, resuenan los ecos de artistas de la talla de Richard Long, Christo o Claus Oldenberg. Oh là là

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20/12/14 12:34

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Algarve Oh44.indd 30

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The Algarve The perfect place to visit

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Algarve Oh44.indd 32

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The beauty of the Algarve coastline speaks for itself. Jagged cliffs jutting over the crisp deep blue Atlantic Ocean, golden sands that stretch on for miles, breathtaking caves and bays

to be explored, while being home to Europe´s most Southwestern point, Cabo de Sao (Cape St Vincent). All of this is captured under the wonderful warm Portuguese sun, in which Oh là là

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the Algarve is famous for. Little explanation is needed as to why the Algarve is an ideal destination for travellers looking for extra- ordinary natural beauty.


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One of Portugals

most protected

natural parks is Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vincentia, wraps around the Algarves cliffy coastline along the Atlantic Ocean and into Alentejo, covering a stretch of over 120km of stunning greenery and wild fauna tucked around the coastal landscapes.

Oh lĂ lĂ

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Oh là là

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Beautiful Beaches Meia Prais - near Lagos, the name literally means “Half Beach� . The other half is Alvor beach. Meia Prais is popular with walkers, surfers and families, amongst of course people who come to enjoy the stunning nature. It is a long spacious stretch of beach backed by sand dunes and villas.

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Captivating caves The one thing that is a well-known natural beauty sight of the Algarve is the caves! The Benagil cave is located 150 metres east of the small beach of Benagil, in the town of Benagil. The cave was formed by erosion, and has 2 main entrances, a huge collapsed roof, an inner grotto, and a beautiful secluded sandy beach. To visit the cave you can contract a special tour directly on Benagil beach.

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Exquisite fishing village Ferragudo, a fishing village in Villa real Santa Antonio, is a smaller and more traditional village compared to other more “touristic” destinations. Most of the houses here are traditional fisherman’s homes. The picturesque whitewash houses “tumbling” from the hillside towards the riverfront is a scene to behold. Many cafes and restaurants are in this beautiful village to enjoy the sight in its entirety!

Oh là là

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Siena Oh44.indd 40

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Siena La perla gótica de la Toscana

Un verdadero espectáculo de monumentos ojivales irrumpe entre las grisáceas colinas toscanas, verdeadas por cipreses y olivares, creando una atmósfera donde paisaje e historia se funden en uno. Siena es una de esas ciudades italianas que se extraña antes de haberla abandonado. Uno de esos recuerdos idílicos que permanece intacto en la memoria pese a los años. Ubicada en la médula de la región nórdica italiana de la Toscana, muy próxima a la esbelta Florencia; en esta ciudad braman aún los ecos de la época medieval.

El estilo gótico impregna cada uno de los rincones de Siena. Su centro neurálgico se halla en la Piazza del Campo, antiguamente un coqueto zócalo que en la actualidad le aporta un toque distinguido a la ciudad, debido a su original forma de caracol. El propio Michel de Montaigne, escritor francés renacentista, la calificó como “la plaza más Oh là là

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bella del mundo”. Quizás uno de los elementos que consideró el literato para otorgarle tan positivo halago es la Fonte Gaia que se halla en el centro de la plaza. A su creador, Jacopo della Quercia, un escultor renacentista nacido en Pisa, se le considera el talismán del arte ojival que envuelve a Siena. Jacopo erigió esta hermosa fuente en 1419 confiriéndole


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una forma rectangular y ataviándolo de profusos bajorrelieves y esculturas. En uno de los laterales de la Piazza del Campo, se alza la célebre Torre de Mangia y el Palazzo Publico o Ayuntamiento. La torre fue construida ya en el siglo XIX, laureada con una corona de piedra blanca y cuya altitud alcanza casi los 100

metros. El Palazzo Público, construido entre 1297 y 1342, es el máximo arquetipo de la arquitectura gótica italiana de Siena: está recubierto de mármol nacarado y ha sido guarnecido con espectaculares frescos policromáticos de Vecchietta, Simone Martini y Sodoma. La Catedral de Siena, levantada a mediados

del siglo XII, es su edificio más representativo. Su fachada, ornamentada con tres arcos, un rosetón y una gran variedad de mosaicos dorados, columnas y esculturas características del arte gótico.Tras sus muros, se halla una impresionante colección de obras de artistas de calado tales como Bernini, Donatello, Miguel Ángel…

La Piazza del Campo, con su original forma de caracol, es el centro neurálgico de Siena Oh là là

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Hotel Safari Oh44.indd 44

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Hotel La Victoria El lujo del África negra


Un oasis de confort señorial en medio de la salvaje sabana africana. El Hotel Victoria Falls guarda entre sus muros y jardines un bello recuerdo del Imperio Británico colonial.

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Desde hace más de 100 años, exploradores, viajeros acomodados han elegido hospedarse entre las paredes del famoso Hotel Victoria Falls en Zimbawe. Realezas de todo el mundo han disfrutado de sus espectaculares estancias, que aún conservan en encanto de la aristocracia inglesa. El edificio sigue conservando a la perfección todo el mobiliario antiguo que decoraba cada rincón del hotel, una elegancia de ébano y marfil llena de detalles. Desde sus majestuosas terrazas

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la nostalgia se apoderará de cada visitante con solo vislumbrar a lo lejos las cataratas Victoria y sus nubes de vapor subiendo de entre los árboles. Las aguas del río Zambeze se desploman en su cañón creando estas majestuosas cataras, una de las siete maravillas del mundo, cuyo estrépito se puede escuchar desde las habitaciones del Hotel Victoria Falls. Apenas medio kilómetro de distancia separa el viajero de este espectacular regalo de la naturaleza.

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Al más puro estilo británico, los afortunados huéspedes de este hotel pueden disfrutar de un high tea, rodeados de los esplendorosos y coloridos jardines con vistas al puente fronterizo entre Zambia y Zimbawbe. Un sendero tranquilo rodeado de vegetación lleva a este puente, visitarlo y pasar sobre él es como ex-

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perimentar el lujo aventurero de un aristócrata inglés de principios de siglo. Cuando el cielo se tiñe de rojo y los sonidos de África negra se alzan sobre el rugir de toneladas de agua cayendo al abismo, el visitante recibe el auténtico regalo de este fastuoso lugar. Las más de 170 habitaciones y una de-

cena de suites del Hotel Victoria Falls, construido en medio de un edén tropical en 1904, abren sus puertas a miles de visitantes que buscan un lujo especial. Cada estancia está meticulosamente decorada para poder disfrutar de la exquisitez de un lugar casi histórico, como si por arte de magia viajar al pasado fuera posible.

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Recorrer sus estancias es un viaje en el tiempo hacia el distinguido Imperio Británico colonial.

Canchas de tenis, piscina, campo de golf, salón de masajes y belleza, la relajación y el ocio está garantizado. Desde safaris en elefantes y excursiones en tren de vapor hasta rafting y salto al vacío, no hay actividad que no se pueda disfrutar en los alrededores del resort. Los más osados no pueden pasar por alto un refrescante baño al borde de la catarata en la llamada “piscina del diablo”. Además el servicio es, como cabe de esperar, espectacular. Fina cocina, música en directo, cenas bajo las estrellas… el Hotel Victoria Falls puede convertirse en un sueño hecho realidad. Un paraíso del lujo, lleno de color y sensaciones, en contacto con la maravilla de la naturaleza.

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26/09/14 12:27

Schiltach Oh44.indd 2

20/12/14 13:01

Schiltach Corre por el rĂ­o Kinzig una belleza espectacular que se posa entre las casitas albas de entablado de madera, refugiĂĄndose en las montaĂąas que abrazan Schiltach.

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Enmarcado en la

mágica Selva Negra, Schiltach descansa sobre el valle del Río Kinzig Este exquisito pueblo es conocido por su casco urbano, que recuerda a las aldeas dibujadas en los cuentos. Sin embargo, no queda a la zaga el primor de la naturaleza que lo rodea. Enmarcado en la mágica Selva Negra, descansa sobre el valle del Río Kinzig, cuyas aguas lo recorren bifurcándolo en dos partes. Sus angostas calles, empedradas y de una pulcritud sin igual, ascienden por las pendientes del pueblo encontrándose con bonitas fachadas de madera y oscuros tejados terminados en punta, con una estructura medieval perfectamente conservada. La tranquilidad y la más virgen naturaleza se respira en un ambiente cargado de romanticismo. Todo ello hace que el paseo por la ribera del Kinzig sea un absoluto placer. Sus grandes reliquias monumentales son la Marktplatz, el Ayuntamiento y la Iglesia. La Marktplatz o Plaza del Mercado se encarama sobre un talud. En su interior, descubrimos el edificio entramado del Ayuntamiento, que data del siglo XVI, y en cuya fachada se hallan trazadas una serie de pinturas realizadas en 1942, simulando el arte de la Edad Media. La iglesia fue erigida en el siglo XIX siguiendo un estilo neobizantino. Su interior es de carácter sobrio y austero debido a que es protestante. Es bien conocida la actividad de Schiltach, dedicada a los curtidores de cuero, de hecho, hay algún museo con exhibiciones de prendas cosidas con este material.

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26/09/14 09:59

Healthouse Las Dunas By Catherine Alcaide In a world filled with so much to do, inescapable technology and general hustle and bustle of life it can be hard to find time to wind down. Sometimes this feeling can become all too apparent when it’s often too late, when your health is being affected in ways, which no one would hope for. It is at times like this in which you need to get away from the world and detox, from foods, lifestyles and in general...the world. Oh là là

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20/12/14 13:04

Las Dunas health house, a 55 luxury suite 5 star GL beachfront hotel (created in conjunction with the Naturhouse group) is located on the Estepona New Golden mile. It is surrounded by lush, sub-tropical, landscaped gardens with panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea. Catering for people in many different ways, specializing in programmes such as weight loss, an age defying detox or even an anti stress detox.You can be sure that you will receive the best care with all your needs met whilst being surrounded in pure peace, relaxation and luxury. The healthouse’s programmes are instructed and monitored by their onsite doctor, with over 40 years experience, Dr Jose Luis Guijarro. The doctor implements your eating, exercise and leisure regime, which is completely personalized for each guest to meet your precise needs. Dr Guijarro and his team of dermatologists, psychologist’s dieticians and physiotherapists ensure and support your steps back to health and wellbeing in every way they can. One key differentiator between Las Dunas, and other health house establish-

ments is that you can continue your new & healthier way of living with ease in one of the many Naturhouse centres (there are over 2000 of these worldwide!). The target regarding food is quite simple.To have a gourmet healthy, balanced, calorie reduced diet of between 13002000 Calories a day, depending on what programme you follow. Your meals are created in a very beautiful, high tech kitchen by renowned chef Luiz Aduriz, who created the critically acclaimed 2 Michelin star Mugaritz restaurant in San Sebastian. The philosophy is simply to enjoy a diet, but without starving, and to enjoy the pleasure of good food. Most meals enjoyed by guests are a 4-course lunch & dinner, all under the kitchens calorie restrictions. No one could believe you could eat so well, and so much for so little calories. Las dunas arguably boasts the best, state of the art facilities for health, leisure & relaxation in southern Spain. Such items include: nutritional consultations, fitness consultations, endocrinologist consultations, 9 spa treatment rooms, hydrotherapy treatments and much more! Oh là là

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The incredible spa area boasts treatments such as a vitality pool with Jacuzzi, salt cabin, a warm & cold cave and a snow cabin, to name just a few! In fact, it is such an impressive area that guests come just for the day to enjoy these facilities and have a healthy lunch in these lush surroundings. This is available for just €150pp. So weather you would like to lose weight, detox or just relax & get away from the world, this magnificent resort could not be more perfect. You will be ready to face life again refreshed, replenished, with increased wellbeing and quite possibly, a whole new outlook on life as you knew it! All of this set in a breathtaking location on frontline beach. Watching the sun set on a daily basis is a true highlight that cannot be missed and certainly, will not be taken for granted. Enjoy your journey to the new you! Healthouse Las Dunas Urb. La Boladilla Baja Crta. Marbella-Estepona Km 163 TEL. 951 082 090 www.healthouse-naturhouse.com


20/12/14 13:04

Tendencias actuales en el diseño de

viviendas unifamiliares

The current trends in the design of houses

What is on our drawing tables today?

¿Qué hay hoy día en nuestras mesas de dibujo ?

by Ismael Mérida Oh là là

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20/12/14 13:07

En los años previos a la crisis económica nuestras mesas de dibujo se llenaban de diseños de inspiración mediterránea, pero con profundas raíces andaluzas, y sus múltiples interpretaciones, hacia villas cómodas con espacios acotados, estética convencional y detalles arquitectónicos del sur de España, desde cortijos hasta conceptos palaciegos, interpretados eso sí, de forma muy subjetiva y dando lugar a residencias, donde destacaban la majestuosidad y las tendencias clásicas. Ah, y dejar al visitante impresionado. Marbella presenta un crisol de culturas, que deciden convivir en nuestro entorno.Y de esa aclimatación, la arquitectura residencial, en primer lugar y a continuación el resto del orbe de la construcción se interrelacionan, dando lugar a la palabra mágica en la evolución: fusión: entre formas de habitar, materiales y técnicas procedentes de distintas regiones del planeta. Hoy día, el panorama ha cambiado. En líneas generales, podemos decir que existe un mayor compromiso por la arquitectura de calidad y actual. Hay una mayor implicación por todas las partes, desde el cliente, a los arquitectos y técnicos y constructoras en la tecnología y el diseño. Oh là là

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In the years before the economic crisis our drawing boards were filled with Mediterranean-inspired designs, but with deep Andalusian roots. These had multiple interpretations, from comfortable villas with bounded spaces, conventional aesthetics and architectural details of southern Spain, from farmhouses with spacious and splendid concepts, interpreted in a very individual way and resulting in a residence which highlighted the majesty and classic trends. Oh, and left the visitor impressed! Marbella is a melting pot, as many have decided to live in this environment. Because of this adaption, residential architecture first, and then the rest of the global communities construction are beautifully intertwined. This leads to a magical fusion: Melting and mixing the ways of living as well as materials and techniques from different regions of the world! Today, the landscape has changed. In general, we can say that there is a greater commitment to quality architecture currently. There is a greater involvement by all parties…from the client, architects and technicians, and also construction technology and design.


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La bajada del mercado inmobiliario ha permitido a muchos inversores comprar villas antiguas, en mal estado de mantenimiento y reformar, actualizándolas a estilos más contemporáneos y con amplios beneficios debido a los bajos precios en el mercado. Entre murmullos se fue creando una nueva demanda: la arquitectura contemporánea por clientes que podían pagar más, si encontraban esa joya que se convirtiera en su hogar. A pesar de los precios reventados por el mercado inmobiliario y la oferta de los bancos. Interesante, era una nueva guerra para los profesionales: la del mercado de calidad e inquietudes vanguardistas. Era la oportunidad de renovar nuestro tejido arquitectónico, nuestras urbanizaciones, aportándoles un soplo de aire fresco, actual, y conviviendo con las viviendas tradicionales. Interesante fusión. Si hoy echamos un vistazo a la mesa de dibujo en nuestro estudio, la estética se ha hecho más vanguardista, sin lugar a dudas más actual, contemporánea, de líneas rectas y puras, mas minimal pero con raíces mediterráneas. Y que es esta influencia del Mediterráneo ? Son clientes que quieren disfrutar de nuestro clima, de sus vistas, del mar y el proyecto se diseña bajo esta ley, donde los espacios interiores conviven con el exterior, donde la vivienda se proyecta hacia los jardines. El jardín, ya no es únicamente el espacio resultante o el jardín exuberante o tropical. Oh là là

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The decline of the housing market has allowed many investors to buy old villas in a poor state of maintenance and renovate, updating them to a more contemporary structure while benefitting from the low prices in the market. Between the murmurs a new demand has been created: contemporary architecture by customers who could pay more, if they found their gem that became their home, despite the burst of the housing market and banks low offer prices. Interestingly, it was a new war for professionals: the market for quality and cuttingedge styles were apparent! It was an opportunity to renew the architectural fabric, and developments, giving them a breath of fresh air, while living with the traditional houses, It was an Interesting fusion. If today we look at the drawing board, aesthetics have become more edgy, without being minimal, but using the most current Mediterranean roots, while being contemporary, with straight and pure lines. So what is the influence of the Mediterranean? These customers want to enjoy the climate, its views, the sea, and the project is designed for this. The interior spaces coexist with the outside, where housing is carefully projected onto the grounds of the lush tropical garden.


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If today we look at the drawing board, aesthetics have become more edgy. Si hoy echamos un vistazo a la mesa de dibujo, la estética se ha hecho más vanguardista.

Aparecen nuevos conceptos de jardines basados en ideas orientales, donde el agua es el protagonista. El Agua ahora está al servicio de la obra, le da vida y la carga de un efecto teatral único. Todo esto no hubiera sido posible sin el avance tecnológico, que ha vivido la construcción y en los últimos 10 años, concretamente estando a nuestra disposición, y a costes equilibrados. Es el control de la vivienda, desde un punto de vista personal. Cada cliente decide como forma parte del proyecto: desde el control demótico de la vivienda, al respeto de nuestro entorno, con el uso de sistemas y energías mas ecológicas, o por ejemplo con la iluminación, que yo destacaría como uno de los capítulos que más ha avanzado en estos últimos años. El diseño en la iluminación nos ha permitido vestir nuestro hogar y disfrutar de efectos y fotografías de nuestras casas que antes ni conocíamos, aportándole calor y personalidad a la arquitectura que creamos. Oh là là

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The garden is no more “just” the resulting space! A new concept of gardens are appearing based on Oriental ideas where water is the essential element, it gives life and a beautiful theatrical effect. All this would not have been possible without the technological advancement that has taken place in construction in the last 10 years, being at our disposal at a balanced price. This gives the client a control of their house, from a personal standpoint. The client decides how to be part of the project: from the home automation of their housing, respecting the environment and using ecological systems to creating more energy. Lighting is an aspect to be highlighted as one of the most progressive updates that has been made in recent years. The design of lighting has allowed us to dress up our home and enjoy the effects. Photographs of our houses with correct lighting can bring warmth and personality to the architecture created.


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Customers needs ask us to be more flexible in designing spaces. That allows households to develop with their owners. The use of plants, open spaces, and loft conversions. A young couple, who lives alone in a villa will enjoy these open spaces with double height ... which then can then be adapted accordingly as their family grows.The more public spaces such as dining rooms are now open and are interrelated to the kitchen and living room. This is a unique space that transforms into three different environments and / or separated according to circumstances. In this case the client wanted to start their gatherings with their guests in a more informal way, they pass through the flowing spaces with three connected heights, the halls, dining room and the kitchen, which is of course the heart of this fluid space!

Ismael Mérida T: 952 446 927 admin@ismaelmerida.com www.ismaelmerida.com

Nuestros clientes nos piden espacios más flexibles a la hora de diseñar. Eso permite que las casas evoluciones con sus propietarios. El uso de las plantas libres, espacios abiertos, los modelos tipo loft. Una pareja joven, que vive sola en una villa disfruta de estos espacios abiertos con dobles alturas... Que después podrá adaptando según la familia vaya creciendo. Los espacios más públicos como los salones comedores, ahora son abiertos y se relacionan entre sí: cocina-salón-comedor son un único espacio que se transforma en tres ambientes distintos y/o separados según las circunstancias. En este caso el cliente nos pedía poder empezar la reunión con sus invitados de una manera más informal, y después poder pasara a los salones o comedor. El resultado fue un espacio con tres alturas conectadas, donde la cocina es el corazón y el espacio fluye libremente. Oh là là

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20/12/14 13:07

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14/07/14 20:02


Cocinas que inspiran

Kitchens that inspire

Each time we are becoming more aware of the importance of the kitchen in our homes. Kitchens have always been the key space of any home; almost everyone has some kind of memorable event that happened in their kitchen, as we spend most of our time there.That’s why we have to dedicate some special care to this space in our homes. Kitchens are becoming increasingly more relevant in the decoration of our homes.That’s why at Casasola Muebles we find it

Cada vez somos más conscientes de la importancia que una cocina tiene en nuestro hogar. Desde siempre las cocinas han sido puntos clave en cualquier hogar; casi todos tenemos alguna anécdota en una cocina, y es que en ellas desarrollamos una gran actividad. Es por ello que debemos dedicarle un trato especial. Cada vez más, las cocinas adquieren más relevancia en la decoración de un hogar, es por ello que en Casasola Muebles destacamos Oh là là

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la gran importancia de que una cocina esté bien diseñada e instalada por profesionales. Creamos cocinas con estilo, siempre con materiales de calidad y acabados perfectos, además disponemos de la mejor selección de diseños de cocinas. En Casasola Muebles ponemos a su disposición nuestros profesionales para diseñar e instalar sus muebles de cocina. A la hora de diseñar la cocina debemos tener en cuenta algunos aspectos como el espacio del que dispongamos y ver qué elementos podemos incluir en ella para su mejor distribución. De este modo, se puede aprovechar al máximo el espacio con caceroleros, despenseros y todo lo necesario para maximizar el espacio de la cocina. Es importante pensar en su diseño antes de adquirirla, ya que pasamos en ellas grandes momentos y lo ideal es crear cocinas confortables y muy funcionales. Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta son las necesidades indispensables en nuestras cocinas, el diseño debe estar siempre acorde con los electrodomésticos y el presupuesto destinado a esta estancia. Le invitamos a conocer el catálogo de cocinas en nuestra web, donde encontrará tanto cocinas modernas como tradicionales. O si tiene una idea, muéstrenosla, nosotros le ayudamos a crear la cocina de sus sueños. Cree su propia cocina para disfrutar de un entorno agradable y práctico con las últimas tendencias en diseño y decoración exclusiva. Solicítenos presupuesto sin compromiso, ¡le atenderemos encantados!

of paramount importance that kitchens are well-designed and installed by professionals.We create kitchens with style, always with highquality materials and perfect finishes. We also have the best selection of kitchen designs for you to choose from. At Casasola Muebles we rely on professional designers and installers for all of our kitchens. When designing kitchens, we must take certain aspects into account, such as the space we have and which elements we want to include to make it look its best. By doing this, you can make the most out of the maximum space for saucepans, utensils, and all that you need in the kitchen. It is important to think of its design before purchasing the kitchen as we spend a lot of time in our kitchens. Therefore, it is ideal to create comfortable and functional kitchens. Another aspect to take into account is the indispensable needs of our kitchens. The electrical household appliances must be in accordance with the design and the budget. It is also something one must have in mind throughout. We invite you to have a look at our catalogue on our website which will show you our kitchens at Casasola Muebles, which includes both modern and traditional styles. Alternatively, should you have an idea of what you would like, just show it to us and we will help you to create the kitchen of your dreams. You can also get some inspiration from our collection of kitchen designs. Create your own kitchen to enjoy a pleasant and practical environment with our latest trends in exclusive design and decoration. Ask for a quote without obligation.We will be delighted to hear from you!

Casasola Muebles. Ctra. Cádiz-Málaga, Km. 184.5. 29603 Marbella (Málaga). Tel. 952 77 27 58. www.mueblescasasola.com Oh là là

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20/12/14 13:12

“Unwelcome confidences” by Sir Alma Tadema

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“An earthly paradise” by Sir Alma Tadema

A Victorian Obsession:

The eternal beauty of the

feminine soul

The search of beauty is the most significant element within British painting from Pre-Raphaelitis to Victorians in the early 1900’s.

By María de Juan Oh là là

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22/12/14 11:01

“Greek girls picking up pebbles” by Frederic Leighton

A century after its disappearance, the long slandered genre of Victorian Painting is currently enjoying a considerable revival thanks to several enthusiast collectors. The collection that Juan Antonio Pérez-Simón, a Mexican businessman of Spanish ascent, has built over the last thirty years is undoubtedly one of the finest in private hands. Pérez Simón gathered this esquisite collection. It travelled from Mexico to Madrid and London.

Fifty of his paintings were on display at the Museo Thyssen in Madrid, offering a magnificent overview of Victorian painting from the 1860s to the outbreak of World War I. They clearly illustrate the two main themes that dominate this form of artistic creation so original in the Europe of this time: the cult of formal feminine beauty, and the passion for GrecoRoman culture, best exemplified by british artist Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Out of fashion for decades, the genre is Oh là là

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restored to life in a cleverly orchestrated show of this unusual collection. Across a two-metre canvas, thousands of pink and white roses flutter from a canopied ceiling, they cascade across a banquet hall flanked by red and green marble columns, pile up on silken cushions, and eventually smother to death the dinner guests who crawl vainly among the flurry of petals while their host, gold-robed Syrian teenage emperor Heliogabalus, looks on in amusement.


22/12/14 11:01

“The Roses of Heliogabalus” by Sir Alma Tadema

Too much beauty? Can too much sweetness kill beauty? And is this what was troubling Victorian painter Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema when, ordering flowers to be shipped weekly from the French Riviera so that he could depict every petal accurately, he created his most monumental, popular work, “The Roses of Heliogabalus”? A unrealistic reconstruction of an episode in the brief reign of the scandalous 3rd-century tyrant, the painting went

on show at the Royal Academy in 1888. “All the difficult silver-work, marble and mother-of-pearl, with all their complexity of reflected lights and cross-colourings”, recalled critic MH Spielmann, “were painted in on Varnishing Day while the picture was hanging on the wall, and the artist, pipe in mouth, and without model or study of any kind, was keeping up a lively conversation with a little ring of men around him.” The work sold for an astronomical £4,000 to engineer John Aird. It has not been seen in Britain since 1913, and returns now as the highlight of “A Victorian Obsession”, Leighton House’s marvellously orchestrated exhibition of the 19th-century British paintings owned by Pérez Simón. This is a rare opportunity to see an unusual Victorian collection, dominated not by the familiar Pre-Raphaelites but by academic painters Alma-Tadema and Frederic, Lord Leighton. Trained abroad, these really belong to the European salon tradition, and when Pérez Simón began collecting in the 1970s, they had long been dismissed as insincere, and sickeningly sentimental : “The Roses of Heliogabalus” fetched only 483 guineas in 1935 and failed to sell at all in 1960. “Candid Camera” producer Allen Funt sold it for £28,000 in 1973 at Sotheby’s. A Hollywood connection The Hollywood connection feels right: as its panorama of alluring sensuality unravels, on closer viewing, into a creepily detached drama of cruelty and murder, “Roses” evokes mid-20th-century cinematic extravaganzas. Installed in Leighton House, the mansion incorporating such claustrophobic dreaminteriors as the Arab Hall with its gilded Oh là là

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mosaic frieze, English academic painting has never appeared more self-consciously exaggerated. Alma-Tadema’s anemone (a plant, of the butter cup family) scattered genre scene of a Roman mother caressing a baby on a lavish couch, “An Earthly Paradise”, answers the rich textiles of the leaf-green, domed Silk Room. The Dining Room’s velvet furnishings parallel the heavy burgundy dress worn by John William Waterhouse’s medieval enchantress in “The Crystal Ball”. Leighton’s own works, some returning here for the first time since their creation, have a cool harmony and rhythm according with the painstaking decor. “Greek Girls Picking up Pebbles by the Sea” depends on classical sculpture for the women’s graceful proportions, while borrowing the circular arrangement of figures from Raphael’s “Galatea” and the draperies tossed in the wind from Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”. Ingres inspired the striptease-fantasy “Crenaia, the Nymph of the Dargle”: Leighton knew “La Source” from visiting Ingres’s studio, and here embroidered the French artist’s linearity and delicate colour by adding fluid, transparent drapery to half-conceal the body and echo the waterfall background. The figure was modelled by Leighton’s young muse, tall, slender Dorothy Dene, her curly hair daringlycropped for an image hovering between portrait and pin-up. Legends, statues and Goddesses His friend Edward Burne-Jones complained that Leighton’s paintings were “not quite believable” – which was surely their point. Burne-Jones’s own depictions of women here are as unreal: constructed from legends such as “Fatima”, Bluebeard’s last wife, attired in a splendid orange Turkish dress; or statues, as in the


22/12/14 11:01

“Crenaia, the nymph of the Dargle” by FrederickLeighton

“A classical beauty” by John William Godward

“The Finding of Moses” by Frederick Goodall

shadowy sculptures of goddesses in the melancholy“Pygmalion and the Image – The Heart Desires”. One paradox here is that although (a male) longing for beauty is a key theme throughout this show, the female nude is consistently distanced and depersonalised by being dressed up in historical or classical citation. “The Finding of Moses” features a quartet of naked bathers whose flesh tones graduate from chiselled white (the Pharoah’s daughter) to black (the anxious servant). John William Godward’s parade of halfclothed smooth classical figures as in “Pyrrha after her Bath”, posed after “Aphrodite Pselioumene” in the British Museum, culminates in “In the Tepidarium”, where the folds of a wet tunic reveal the model’s breasts and stomach.This was painted in 1913 – half a century after Manet’s “Olympia”.

ic, everything tremendous and horrible”. Thus it was that the most successful salon painters everywhere – Lord Leighton, here at Holland Park Road; Alma-Tadema at his St John’s Wood home, designed to resemble a Pompeiian villa but also including Japanese and Chinese rooms; Hans Makart’s palace-bazaar in Vienna – created immersive, ostentatious theatrical environments where they lived, worked, entertained and retreated. Escapism on an absurd scale, or a game of pageantry, props and parody as salon art half-knowingly played out the decadent last stage of western history painting? Each age remakes the past in its own image: “The Roses of Heliogabalus” surely resonates more with the crisis of fin-desiècleaestheticism – it was painted between the publication of JK Huysman’s A Rebours (1884) and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) – than with Roman debauchery. And so, with its currents of voyeurism, psychodrama, artifice-versus-authenticity, the Pérez Simón collection intriguingly invites us to review how 19th-century salon painting reverberates again with art now.

Dreams, romance and desire The novelist Emile Zola noted how the salon painter “transforms the body into a dream”. These are no longer women; they are desexualised, unattainable, untouchable beings”. This is another paradox of salon art: striving for the timelessness of the neoclassical model that had persisted since the Renaissance, the academic painter became by the Victorian era out-dated and expressing the desperation of his own era. The quest for classical purity and orientalist romance, argues Norbert Wolf in “The Art of the Salon” (Prestel, 2012), came from a desire in the fast-changing 19th century to “exclude the accidental, chaotOh là là

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“Alma Tadema and Victorian Painting”, Museo Thyssen Bornemisza, Madrid (June-Oct. 2014). “A Victorian Obsession: The Pérez Simón Collection”, Leighton House Museum, London,(Nov. to March 29, 2014). Photographs: The Perez Simón Collection (Mexico),Studio Sébert Photographes


22/12/14 11:01

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26/09/14 10:14

Cirumed Marbella

goes Miami

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22/12/14 11:04

Once again, Cirumed Clinic has contributed to establish Marbella as an international hotspot for advanced Plastic surgery. At this year’s congress of the International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), which took place at the Ritz Carlton in Miami, Dr. Alexander Aslani and his team delivered two much attended lectures on the subject. ISPRES is an international elite conference, in which the world’s leading fat grafting experts congregate in order to exchange their professional experiences. Dr. Aslani lectured on his breakthrough technique of supercharged breast augmentation, also giving mention to his broad experience of fat transfer buttock reshaping. Cirumed has gained widespread international acclaim for the highly successful results of this combination approach. “It was an honour for the whole team to have the opportunity of presenting our results in front of such a distinguished audience of leading experts in fat grafting surgery,” says Dr.Alexander Aslani, Director of Cirumed Clinic. Since his appointment as Head of the Plastic Surgery Department of Hospital

Quiron Malaga in 2009,Dr.Aslani and his dedicated team of surgeons have established themselves as one of the leading centres for large volume fat transfer in Europe. The team has become highly sought after at many international medical conferences such as that of ISPRES due to their expertise in advanced fat grafting techniques, such as Supercharged Lipoimplant breast augmentation. In this ambitious procedure, the surgeon combines silicone gel implants with fat grafting for optimum results in aesthetic breast surgery. Lipoimplant Supercharged breast augmentation is already proving highly popular with leading surgeons in the United States, and Dr.Aslani and his team have worked continuously to perfect their methodology in recent years. “Supercharging is a great option for breast augmentation,” says Dr.Aslani, who speaks from the experience of hundreds of clients. “The outcomes are significantly better as compared to solely silicone gel implants, and I find my patients are much happier with the end result. Oh là là

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Supercharged breast augmentation is a highly rewarding and innovative procedure, which carries high patient satisfaction rates, but it is technically demanding and requires a large amount of scientific expertise.” Dr.Aslani also trains and instructs other surgeons who wish to learn how to carry out the procedure, regularly meeting with doctors all over Europe, as well as offering an instructional course for surgeons every year at Cirumed Clinic. Cirumed’s invitation to lecture at one of the world’s leading plastic surgery conference once more establishes Marbella as the home of expert professionals and dynamic entrepreneurs. Cirumed has exposed ample information on this procedure on their webpage, where patients can find detailed information, surgery videos and a wide collection of before and after photographs. Cirumed Clinic Marbella Avda.Ramon y Cajal 7-4 E29601 Marbella Phone: 952 77 53 46 / contact@cirumed.es www.cirumed.es


22/12/14 11:04

Meditación ¡El arte de no hacer “nada”! Meditation The art of doing ‘nothing’!

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22/12/14 11:07

A diferencia de muchas otras formas de ejercicio, el yoga es realmente una prรกctica para la mente, el cuerpo y el alma.

Unlike many other forms of exercise, yoga is truly a practice for the mind, the body and the soul.

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Con demasiada frecuencia pensamos en el yoga como posiciones, equilibrio perfecto, líneas alargadas y posturas difíciles ... pero tendemos a olvidar la filosofía esencial respirar, conectar con nuestro corazón y traer mente, cuerpo y alma juntos hacia un momento de conciencia y atención pura. En última instancia, para lograr esa vislumbre evasiva de “iluminación” que hace que toda la práctica valga la pena. La meditación es clave para juntar mente, cuerpo y alma, pero parece ser una perspectiva desalentadora para algunos; “¿Qué pasa si no puedo estar quieto y no hacer nada?”, “¿Qué pasa si no puedo dejar mis pensamientos de preocupación?”, “¿Qué pasa si no siento esta iluminación?” En estos días oímos hablar de tantas formas de meditación, desde visualización y meditación guiada a la concentración y “mindfulness” (atención plena), que podemos llegar a confundirnos por cómo llegar al punto de hacer y pensar absolutamente nada ...! Este “nada” a la que nos referimos como atención plena es la verdadera esencia del yoga - el estado que se logra cuando sientes solo el flujo de energía del universo inundando tu cuerpo sin la preocupación o la contemplación sobre cualesquiera asuntos externos. Meditaciones tántricas, del mismo modo, no sirven como entrenamiento, creencias extrañas o prácticas contra natura. Por el contrario, la trascendencia alcanzada

por este tipo de trabajo meditativo no construye nada en la mente del practicante; en cambio, destruye todas las nociones preconcebidas de la condición humana. Se eliminan los límites en el pensamiento, permitiéndonos experimentar liberación, seguido por una unidad con la realidad. Hay tantas maneras de lograr esta liberación final. Nosotros en Radiant Yoga Marbella practicamos muchas técnicas para que cualquier persona, desde principiantes hasta los yoguis, puedan alcanzar el objetivo final de la atención plena. Esto no significa necesariamente llegar a un estado de iluminación, felicidad o éxtasis. A veces simplemente nos esforzamos para desconectar de nuestros pensamientos y preocupaciones, y no sentir nada en absoluto. Pero cuanto más se practica más fácil se vuelve el dejar ir. Desde la mirada perdida en una vela, canto de un mantra o usando cuentas de mala como una ayuda para la meditación, podemos encontrar el método que nos convenga mejor. Encontrar un lugar donde se sienta cómodo, quizás incluso crear uno, con el uso de esteras, cojines y velas, y permitirse el tiempo para realmente “ser”. Para los que les resulte difícil meditar sin ayuda, talleres de meditación se ofrecen en Radiant Yoga, donde se le guiará suavemente a través de una meditación relajante y calmada durante una clase de yoga o taller especial. Comenzando con Oh là là

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una charla sobre la compasión y el centrado en el corazón, se le guiara a través de una serie de prácticas de visualización para la conexión con la profunda energía de su propio corazón abierto. Puede experimentar esa energía del corazón en diferentes formas: como amor, como conciencia pura, como conocimiento interior de sus pensamientos, como energía pulsante o la luz, como pura presencia o como sutiles sentimientos y sensaciones. Sin embargo usted lo experimenta, el corazón es lo que realmente eres. Sentimos el aliento que fluye suavemente dentro y fuera a través de nuestros corazones; como fluye la respiración, dejamos que su suave toque suavice y amplié nuestros corazones. A medida que la respiración fluye hacia fuera, lo dejamos eliminar los pensamientos que surgen. Permitimos que cada respiración suavemente afloje y se lleve cualquier tipo de bloqueos o barreras. Cuando llevamos a cabo esta práctica traemos a nosotros mismos la esencia de nuestra humanidad y la unidad con la trascendencia: la liberación completa. Si aún así no cree que tenga tiempo para la meditación, recuerde lo que un hombre sabio dijo una vez: “Deberías sentarte a meditar durante veinte minutos todos los días - a menos que estés demasiado ocupado; entonces deberías hacerlo durante una hora “.


22/12/14 11:07

All too often we think of yoga as bendy positions, perfect balance, elongated lines and difficult postures…yet we tend to forget the essential philosophy – to breathe, to connect with our hearts and to bring mind, body and soul together in a moment of pure awareness and mindfulness. Ultimately to achieve that elusive glimpse of ‘enlightenment’ that makes the whole practice worthwhile. Meditation is key in bringing mind, body and soul together, yet seems to be a daunting prospect for some; “What if I can’t sit still and do nothing?”, “What if I can’t stop my thoughts from wandering?”, “What if I don’t feel this enlightenment?” These days we hear of so many forms of meditation, from visualisation and guided meditation to concentration and mindfulness, that we can become confused by exactly how to reach the point of doing and thinking absolutely…nothing! This ‘nothingness’ that we refer to as mindfulness is the true essence of yoga – the state achieved when you feel only the flow of energy from the universe flooding your body without worry or contemplation over any external matters. Tantric meditations, likewise, do not serve as training, extraneous beliefs or unnatural practices. On the contrary, the transcendence reached by such meditative work does not construct anything in the mind of the practitioner; instead, it deconstructs all preconceived notions of the human condition. The limits on thought are removed, allowing us to experience liberation, followed by a unity with reality. There are so many ways to achieve this ultimate liberation. We at Radiant Yoga Marbella practice many techniques so that anyone, from beginners to seasoned yogis, can reach the ultimate goal of mindfulness. This does not necessarily mean to reach a heightened state of enlightenment, bliss or ecstasy. Sometimes we simply strive to disconnect from our thoughts and worries, and feel nothing at all. But the more we practice, the easier letting go becomes. From gazing into a candle, chanting a mantra or using mala beads as a meditational aid, we can each find the method that suits us best. Find a place where you feel comfortable, perhaps even create one, with the use of mats, cushions and candles, and allow yourself the time to truly ‘be’. For those who find it hard to meditate unaided, meditation workshops are of-

Photos: davidtomsphotography.com

fered at Radiant Yoga, where you will be gently guided through a soothing and quieting meditation during a yoga class or special workshop. Beginning with a talk on compassion and centring on the heart, you will be led through a series of visualisation practices for connecting with the deep energy of your own open heart.You might experience that heart energy in different ways: as love, as pure awareness, as the inner knowledge of your thoughts, as pulsing energy or light, as pure presence or as subtle feelings and sensations. However you experience it, the heart is who you really are.We feel the breath gently flowing in and out through our hearts; as the breath flows in, we let its gentle touch soften and expand our hearts. As the breath flows out, we let it carry away Oh là là

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any thoughts that arise. We allow each breath to softly loosen and carry away any blocks or barriers. When we perform this practice we bring ourselves to the core of our humanity and unity with transcendence: complete liberation. If you still don’t think you have the time for meditation, remember what a wise man once said: “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” Radiant Yoga Marbella, Los Naranjos de Marbella Local 1&2, 29660 Nueva Andalucia www.yoga-in-marbella.net Contact: Lori 639 845 185 info@yoga-in-marbella.net


22/12/14 11:07

Origen y beneficios del masaje Se cree que la palabra masaje puede tener su origen en la palabra árabe “mass” o “mash”, lo que significa tocar, amasar o apretar. La práctica del masaje es probablemente tan antigua como la humanidad con el instinto: al tener una lesión ‘frótalo mejor’. Ciertamente antiguas tradiciones y escritos confirman el uso de masajes curativos en la cultura china, la antigua medicina Ayuverdic de la India, la forma japonesa de masaje shiatsu y reflexología podal entre los antiguos egipcios. Hipócrates, conocido como el padre de la medicina, dijo que los médicos deben estar bien versados en muchas cosas, pero sobre todo, en ‘el arte de la fricción’. En el siglo 19 en Suecia, Pehr Henrik Ling desarrolló una rutina específica de masaje basado en estudios fisiológicos y se le atribuye la práctica del masaje clásico. Los estudios han descubierto que el estrés es la causa de muchos problemas de salud a través de la disminución de la respuesta inmune, la tensión muscular crónica, aumento de la presión arterial, insomnio, problemas de alimentación, depresión, adicciones. Estos problemas pueden llegar a provocar graves enfermedades que amenazan la vida tales como ataques al corazón, enfermedad renal y cáncer. Los estudios acerca de la terapia de masaje

siguen demostrando los beneficios físicos y emocionales de incluso una sola sesión de terapia de masaje. Como el número de beneficios demostrados para la salud crece, también lo hace el número de personas que recurren a la terapia de masaje para lograr un estilo de vida más equilibrado. La gente utiliza el masaje para una variedad de propósitos relacionados con la salud, incluyendo la reducción del estrés y el aumento de la relajación, la reducción de la ansiedad y la depresión, junto al alivio del dolor, rehabilitación de lesiones deportivas, y promover el bienestar general. Masaje sueco puede definirse como la manipulación de los tejidos blandos para fines terapéuticos, utilizando una presión profunda. El masaje tiene tanto un efecto físico como psicológico. Los diversos movimientos, individualmente o combinados, afectan a piel, músculos, vasos sanguíneos, glándulas linfáticas, nervios y algunos órganos internos, dependiendo de la ubicación y la profundidad de la presión utilizada. En general, la presión de los movimientos acelera la fisiología del cuerpo, mientras que movimientos lentos y suaves son calmantes y relajantes. El masaje deportivo es similar al masaje sueco, adaptado específicamente a las necesidades de los atletas. Oh là là

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La reflexología podal es una terapia de toque sanador natural, basado en el principio de que existen diez zonas de energías que van desde la parte superior de la cabeza hasta la planta de los pies y las palmas de las manos se corresponde directamente con todas las partes y órganos del cuerpo. Mediante el uso de una técnica de presión intermitente con el dedo y el pulgar, existe la posibilidad de reducir el estrés, la tensión y otros trastornos o enfermedades, mejorar la circulación sanguínea y la eliminación de toxinas, llevando el cuerpo a un estado natural de equilibrio y armonía en todas sus partes. Mediante la eliminación de las causas y los síntomas de las enfermedades y el dolor, reflexología renueva el vigor y la vitalidad del cuerpo. Como terapia preventiva, es posible iniciar una acción calmante para el cuerpo, reducir el estrés y la tensión, aumentar la circulación a todas las células del cuerpo, sin poner el corazón bajo ningún aumento de presión. Es posible detectar anomalías antes de que se conviertan en problemas graves de salud. Esta terapia no es una “cura-todo”, ni es de diagnóstico. Sólo se puede decir que, al provocar un profundo estado de relajación, el cuerpo está libre de estrés y es capaz de funcionar de forma más natural.


22/12/14 11:08

The origins & benefits

of massage

It is thought that the word massage may have its origins in the Arabic word “mass” or “mash”, meaning to touch, knead or squeeze. The actual practice of massage is probably as old as mankind with the instinct: when having an injury to ´rub it better´. Certainly ancient traditions and writings confirm the use of healing massage in Chinese culture, ancient Ayuverdic medicine from India, the Japanese form of shiatsu massage and foot reflexology among the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, said that physicians should be well versed in many things,

but above all, in ´the art of rubbing´. In the 19th century in Sweden, Pehr Henrik Ling developed a specific massage routine based on physiological studies and the practice of classical massage is attributed to him. Studies have discovered, that stress is the cause of many health problems through the lowering of the immune response, chronic muscle tension, increased blood pressure, insomnia, eating problems, depression, addictions. These problems can eventually lead to serious life-threatening illnesses such as heart attacks, kidney disease and cancer. Oh là là

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Studies about massage therapy continue to prove the physical and emotional benefits of even a single massage therapy session. As the number of proven health benefits grows, so do the number of people who turn to massage therapy for a more balanced lifestyle. People use massage for a variety of health-related purposes, including reducing stress and increasing relaxation, lowering anxiety and depression, next to relieving pain, rehabilitating sports injuries, and promoting general wellness. Swedish massage may be defined as the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes, using a deep pressure. Massage has both a physical and psychological effect. The various movements, individually or in combination, affect the skin, muscles, blood vessels, lymphatic glands, nerves and some internal organs, depending on location and the depth of the pressure used. In general the pressure of the movements speeds up the body´s physiology, whilst slow, gentle movements are soothing, calming and relaxing. Sports massage is similar to Swedish massage, adapted specifically to the needs of athletes. Foot reflexology is a natural healing touch therapy, based on the principle that there exist ten zones of energies which run from the top of the head to the soles of the feet and to the palms of the hands directly corresponding to all parts and organs of the body. By using a technique of intermittent pressure with the finger and the thumb, there is the possibility of reducing stress, tension and other disorders or illnesses, improving the blood circulation and the elimination of toxins, bringing the body into a natural state of balance and harmony in all its parts. By eliminating the causes and symptoms of diseases and pain, reflexology renews the vigor and vitality of the body. As a preventative therapy, it is possible to bring a calming action to the body, reducing stress and tension, increasing the circulation to all the cells of the body, without putting the heart under any increased pressure. It is possible to detect problems before they become serious health disorders. This therapy is not a “cure-all”, nor is it diagnostic. It can only be said that, by bringing about a deep state of relaxation, the body is free of stress and is able to function more naturally. Marjan Massage S.C. Urb. Los Naranjos, Oficina 5, Nueva Andalucia Marbella (next to Mercadona) www.marjanmassage.com


22/12/14 11:08

No creo en las dietas milagro, creo

A la hora de perder unos kilos siempre buscamos la solución más rápida. Queremos ver resultados de inmediato y somos capaces de poner en riesgo nuestra salud con tal de alcanzar nuestro peso deseable. Oh là là

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en ti

When losing a few kilos people always look for the quickest solution. We want to see results immediately and can easily put our health at risk just to reach our desired weight.


22/12/14 11:11

I do not believe in miracle diets, I

believe in you

By Amaia Rodríguez

Una vez que decidimos perder peso tenemos que concienciarnos que no se trata únicamente de restringir ciertos alimentos por un periodo corto de tiempo, si no que se trata de una modificación permanente de nuestros hábitos de vida. Caemos en la tentación de confiar en dietas de lo menos saludables que prometen perdidas de peso muy rápidas (dietas hiperproteicas prolongadas en el tiempo, dietas hipocalóricas extremas, dietas líquidas..) pero apostar por este tipo de dietas solo es un “parche” que puede acarrear consecuencias perjudiciales para nuestra salud. ¿Qué factores influyen en que una persona no consiga perder peso? No solo una mala alimentación es la responsable. La falta de confianza en uno mismo, la falta de motivación así como la ansiedad o el estrés.. pueden ser los desencadenantes del fracaso de nuestra dieta. La clave: conocer y ser consciente de los factores emocionales que nos influyen y trabajar en ellos. El estudio antropométrico, la historia clínica y la encuesta alimentaria son claves para poder definir un plan nutricional adecuado a las necesidades y gustos del paciente. Las revisiones periódicas posteriores y la comunicación entre paciente y especialista van a definir el éxito de nuestro plan nutricional y de nuestros resultados. No lo olvidemos, se trata de una carrera de fondo. Debemos concienciarnos de que para perder peso de forma saludable, correcta y duradera hay que ponerse en manos de especialistas. Oh là là

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Once you have decided to lose weight you must be aware that it is not only about restricting certain foods for a short time, it is a permanent change in our lifestyles! The temptation is to rely on the less healthy diets that promise weight loss very fast (protein diets for a prolonged amount of time, extreme calorie diets, liquid diets ..) but these types of diet can have detrimental consequences for our health. What factors should be considered if a person is failing to lose weight? Not only poor diet is responsible. Lack of self confidence, lack of motivation and anxiety or stress may be triggering the failure of our diet. The key is to know and to be aware of the emotional factors that influence us and work on them. An anthropometric, clinical history and a food survey are all key to defining an adequate nutritional plan for the needs and tastes of the patient. Subsequent periodic reviews and communication between patient and specialist will also define the success of our nutrition plan and the success of our results. Do not forget, this is a long distance race. It is also vital to remember that to lose weight in a healthy, correct and permanent way you have to put your body in the hands of a specialist. Amaia Rodríguez. Nutrición Coach, Marbella Mobile 00 34 626 636 405 / coshimas@hotmail.com


22/12/14 11:11

Isabelle's Who is the perfect candidate for permanent make-up and which areas can be treated? Women who, due to their daily routine, do not have much time to beautify themselves, sportswomen, women visually impaired and women with mobility problems (due to arthritis, Parkinson’s disease…) or women who want to highlight their natural beauty without altering or undergoing risky procedures.

What is Permanent make-up? It is the product of developing and improving dermopigmentation and make up techniques. It is an aesthetic procedure that aims to: Temporarily correct, modify, beautify and balance facial features (Lips, eyebrows, eyes…) or body features (Alopecia, nipple, skin pigmentation problems) through the implantation of pigments into the epidermis. How long does the application of permanent make-up take and how is it performed? The treatment will take between 1 hour and a half to 2 hours, depending on the job. Procedure: We perform an initial study and design and apply a sedative cream over the skin. Before starting with the procedure, the beautician arranges all disposable material to be used at hand. Our professional team takes pictures before and after the treatment in order to analyse its evolution. It will be necessary to wait 28-30 days after this. This is the time it takes for the skin to heal and renew, before we perform a touch up session, if needed.

Is it Painful? No, it is a painless treatment as it is performed at a very superficial level of the skin and the technology used is the most advanced on the market. However, pain is a subjective value that depends on the sensitivity of each person. Once the make up has been applied, the skin in the area could be red and swollen for a few hours. We recommend applying a cold compress immediately after the procedure. How long does it last? Depending on the type of skin, on the area treated and on the technique and pigments used. It could last between 1 and 5 years.

When is permanent make-up not suitable? Micropigmentation is not suitable over warts, moles, freckle or skin marks. It is also not suitable to be used: · During pregnancy or breastfeeding. · On people who have psychiatric disorders. · On people who suffer from frequent cold sores. · Over areas with dermatitis or psoriasis.

How often do I need to repeat the permanent make-up procedure? In order to optimize the permanent make-up, a touch up session is recommended once a year. However, individuals with oily skin may need to repeat it more often.

Isabelle’s. Permanent Make-up Specialist Crta. De Cádiz, n-340. Urb. Marbella Real, local 81. 29600 Marbella (Málaga) Tel: +34 952 815 944. Fax 952 770 200 Móvil: 679 09 38 81 cosmoclinic@wanadoo.es

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Services · Eyebrows: to simulate the hairs in order to correct or enhance the shape or to make them look thicker. · Lips: to enhance their look and volume. · Eyes: to improve their size and shape for an open-eye look. · Alopecia: to cover areas partially or completely bald. · Nipple: to create a new nipple or to fill and correct scars or marks, six months after surgery. · Vitiligo: to cover un-pigmented areas of the skin.


22/12/14 11:18

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22/12/14 11:18

Beauty news By Catherine Alcaide

Pucker up... A nude lip is a classic that never goes out of fashion. Try Max Factor pristine nude colour elixir gloss (available at www.boots.com) or apply Mac lipstick in glaze with a lip brush (avilable at www.polyvore.com). Of course, never forget your nude liner! Keep your lips silky and worth showing off during the colder season with the renowned Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream nourishing lip balm SPF 15 (available at www.fundgrube.es). JOIE DE VIVRE

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22/12/14 17:16

Drink wine and look younger! Rather than discarding the skins of the grapes, the clever people and M&S have realised their age defying qualities and used these in their new cream. Pure Super Grape, a new range of products high in antioxidants is destined to start flying off the shelves around the party period and into the New Year! www.marksandspencer.com

Winter soother.... In the winter our skin can become dry and parched. Don’t forget to exfoliate once a week with Dr Organic Manuka honey facial scrub. After patting your face dry relieve your skin with a soothing balm such as Dr Organic Organic Manuka Honey rescue cream, Both available at www.hollandandbarrett.com. You will be set for the colder months with these two products!

Of course, nothing you do, and no beauty regime would be complete without a great diet rich in yummy fruit and veggies so get eating plenty

of hearty soups with veggies and legumes. Make some beautiful stewed apples with cinnamon and make a lovely carrot, orange and ginger juice in the JOIE DE VIVRE

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Super cleanse... If you want a super charged cleaning system for your skin look no further than Clinique sonic system purifying cleansing brush. This takes off all make up and grime that has built up during the day with such ease that it will make you wonder what you did before you owned one! www. clinique.com

mornings. Really learn to indulge yourself with delicious natural winter food whilst making your skin and the rest of your body thank you for it!


22/12/14 17:16

Narybu, the AVEDA Concept Salon

Narybu, celebrates its 10th anniversary with the prestigious magazine Ohlala and we want to share our visions in the world of beauty.
We believe that authentic beauty comes from within, feel good about themselves and be physically and mentally healthy.
 Therefore, Narybu strives to be a hall of excellence every day and so AVEDA decided to share our mission together.The mission at AVEDA is to care for the world we live in, from the products we make to the ways in which we give back to society. At AVEDA, we strive to set an example for environmental leadership and responsibility, not just in the world of beauty, but in every aspect. From our salon we mix the trend and skill of our passionate professionals. Each treatment is designed with a personal consultation, down to the smallest detail. “Beautiful hair starts with healthy hair”

Narybu is at the forefront for creativity and the pursuit of beauty are the key pillars of our brand. We always go ahead of fashion and provide the client with character, identity and elegance. The services and treatments that we do in our Salon are extensive. These include a

capillary diagnosis, to suit the physical and mental condition of each person and include all specific AVEDA rituals, such as an aromatic towel, comforting tea , anti-stress massage ....
After service in the Salon is second to none, We will recommend what personal care products to use at home that will maintain your beauty and wellness. AVEDA work exclusively with Full Spectrum Hair Colour System. This coloration is based on natural formulas to rise by 96% and features our patented technology of green tea which ensures incredibly natural and lasting tones. By impregnating the hair with sunflower oil, castor oil and Jojoba, Full Spectrum of AVEDA Hair Colour provides a conditioning and exceptional brightness.

Our menu of services also includes Manicure, (shellac, Vinylux) Pedicure, Eyelash Extensions, Waxing, Eyebrow and Eyelash Tint, makeup, and specialize in full service for weddings.

We also have a booth where we make ayurvedic, facial treatments to restore, activate, renew, stimulate face. As it is very important to feel beautiful, to feel good offer a wide range of massages AVEDA such as elemental nature massage, Bioenergetics Chakra, volcanic Oh là là

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stone massage, Stress Fix or sports, reflexology, a mixture of different methods of Eastern and west where people work with their feet. These represent all reflexes of all parts of the body to treat digestive problems, constipation, insomnia, sciatica, heavy legs and many others.

As we care for the mental and physical welfare of our clients we also offer acupuncture sessions with Dr.Song, acupuncturist who also collaborates with various clinics and centers of oriental medicine on the Sunshine Coast.

The Oriental medicine of acupuncture treats the body and mind as a unit, rather than separately and health is the state in which the body and mind are in perfect balance and harmony. It is very effective in treating ailments such as heartburn, gastritis, gastric ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, Back pain, cervical, headaches, impotence, bronchitis, depression, insomnia as well as smoking and alcohol abuse. I would like to announce the opening of our new salon in Marina Banus in January 2015, with a even greater atmosphere of “organic eco chic living.” We look forward to welcoming you to our salon and introducing you to AVEDA.


22/12/14 11:20

Narybu celebra su décimo aniversario con la prestigiosa revista Ohlala y queremos compartir nuestras visiones del mundo de la belleza. Creemos que la auténtica belleza viene de dentro, sentirse bien consigo mismo y estar física y mentalmente saludable. Por ello, Narybu se esfuerza todos los días por ser un salón de excelencia y por eso elige Aveda para compartir una misión juntos. En Aveda, su misión es cuidar el mundo en que vivimos, de los productos que hacemos y a las maneras en que podemos devolver a la sociedad. En Aveda, nos esforzamos por ser un ejemplo para el liderazgo y la responsabilidad ambiental, no sólo en el mundo de la belleza, sino en todos los aspectos. Desde nuestro salón creamos tendencia constantemente y la habilidad de nuestros grandes profesionales apasionados ha

hecho que cada tratamiento este diseñado con un asesoramiento personal, cuidando hasta el más mínimo detalle. “Un cabello hermoso comienza con un pelo sano” Narybu está a la vanguardia de la creatividad y la búsqueda de la belleza, estos son los pilares fundamentales de nuestra marca. Siempre vamos por delante de la moda y dotamos al cliente de carácter, identidad y elegancia. Los servicios y tratamientos que hacemos en nuestro salón son extensos. Estos incluyen un diagnóstico capilar, para adaptarse a la condición física y mental de cada persona e incluyen todos los rituales específicos Aveda, como una toalla aromática, reconfortante té, masajes anti-estrés.... Después del servicio en Narybu, nosotros recomendaremos que productos de cuidado personal usar en casa para seguir manteniendo su belleza y bienestar. Oh là là

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En Aveda se trabaja exclusivamente con Full Spectrum Hair Colour System. Esta coloración se basa en fórmulas de origen natural de hasta en un 96% y cuenta con nuestra tecnología patentada de té verde que garantiza tonos increíblemente naturales y duraderos. Al impregnar el cabello con aceite de girasol, aceite de ricino y jojoba, Full Spectrum Hair Colour de AVEDA proporciona un acondicionado y brillo excepcional. Nuestro menú de servicios también incluye manicura (Shellac,Vinylux, Opi..), pedicura, extensiones de pestañas, Depilación, tinte de cejas y pestañas, maquillaje, y nos especializamos en servicios completos para bodas en el salón o confort de su hogar. También contamos con una cabina donde realizamos tratamientos ayurvédicos, faciales para restaurar, activar, renovar, estimular el rostro. Al igual que es muy importante sentirse bella, para sentirse bien ofrecemos una amplia gama de masajes Aveda como masaje de naturaleza elemental, de Bioenergética Chakra, con piedras volcánicas, Stress Fix o deportivo. La reflexología, una mezcla de diferentes métodos de oriente y occidente donde se trabaja con los pies. Estos representan todos los puntos reflejos de todas las partes del cuerpo para así tratar problemas digestivos, de estreñimiento, insomnio, ciática, piernas pesadas y muchos otros. Como nos preocupamos por el bienestar físico y mental de nuestros clientes, también ofrecemos sesiones de acupuntura con el Dr.Song, acupunturista que también colabora con varias clínicas y centros de medicina oriental en la Costa del Sol. La medicina oriental trata el cuerpo y la mente como una unidad, y no por separado. La salud es el estado en el que el cuerpo y la mente están en perfecto equilibrio y la armonía. Es muy eficaz en el tratamiento de dolencias como la acidez estomacal, gastritis, úlceras gástricas, estreñimiento, hemorroides, dolor de espalda, cervicales, dolores de cabeza, impotencia, bronquitis, depresión, insomnio, así como el tabaquismo y el alcoholismo. Me gustaría anunciar la apertura en Enero 2015 de nuestro nuevo salón en Marina Banús, con un ambiente mas “organic eco chic.” Estamos deseando darle la bienvenida a nuestro salón e introducirles en el mundo Aveda. Narybu, hair & beauty Marina Banús III local 30, Marbella Tel: +34 952 859 273 www.narybu.com


22/12/14 11:20

FootGolf Marbella Taking their show on the road!

If this is the first you’ve heard of FootGolf, the chances are good that this won’t be the last time you hear about it. An unlikely pair of sports, football and golf, have been combined to create the game that is now played in over 50 countries worldwide since its invention in 2009. With more and more media outlets covering the growth of the sport, the founders of FootGolf Marbella are delighted to be actively involved in the development of this compelling new game. Just four months into their existence as a club, Footgolf Marbella has now seen over 1,000 rounds of FootGolf played, the completion of its first FootGolf Marbella League season and have sent a delegation of their finest players to represent Spain at the 1st Portugal Footgolf Open in November, 2014. With all of this in the rearview mirror, it already seems safe to say that FootGolf has put down roots on the Costa Del Sol and that the future looks bright for this ingenious new sport all over Europe. Set in the tranquil setting of El Campanario Golf and Country House, Footgolf Marbella is open to all ages and skill levels.The course itself is ideally suited for the first-time FootGolfer while also presenting a technical challenge for even the most seasoned players. A few weeks into the new venture, the demand for a weekly FootGolf League became apparent to the organizers of FootGolf Marbella. This first co-ed league in Spain proved to be a great success, with

over 36 players of varying skill levels competing weekly throughout the autumn in their 8 week season format. At the time of printing, the club was preparing for their last League week, culminating in a prize ceremony on December 14th. Aside from providing great exercise and fun for the participants, the newly formed weekly league at FootGolf Marbella also helped to identify the most consistently low-scorers among the members. From this talented group, the club sent a five man delegation 700 km to compete at the 1st Portugal Footgolf Open in Cascais, Portugal. It was final event in the FIFG (Federation of International FootGolf: world governing body of this new hybrid sport) inaugural European Championship. The club’s best and brightest were honored to represent Spain with the blessing of the FIFG Spain President, Juan Manuel Asensi, the former world class attacking midfielder for Barcelona and others in the 1970s and early 80s. Footgolf Marbella was delighted to get the nod to participate. One of the Spanish team members, Fernando Lago, explained that,“It was a real honor to represent my country in this great event. It was amazing to see over 100 players from 11 countries represented, competing to not only win the tournament, but also battling to be the best for the 2014 season. We can’t wait to compete as a team for the full season in 2015.” 2015 does promise to be an exciting year around the world for FootGolf.With many Oh là là

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tournaments being set up worldwide, there are expected to be 15 official FIFG European Championship events across the continent which will ultimately crown both an individual and team winner for the year. As for the Spanish FootGolf team, they represented their country well amongst a very talented field in Portugal, with three of their team finishing well into the top half of the 105-man draw. Not bad for their first International FIFG event. While a great time was had by all, the Spanish team is keen to get back out there and give the Italians, Swiss and UK delegations (among others) a run for their money in the New Year. In the mean time, they will be working on their game and introducing the sport to many more grown-ups and youngsters alike over the mild Marbella winter. Plans for league expansion and an after-school kids club are already under way. The 2nd league season will kick off in early February 2015, but it is not too late to register as either a team or an individual. So, if you can kick a ball, why not get in touch with the team at FootGolf Marbella. They would be delighted to introduce you to the game and get you started on what just may turn out to be a healthy new addiction! To make a booking or inquire about leagues, kids clubs or private parties: Email: info@footgolfmarbella.com or Call +34 694 48 16 13


22/12/14 11:21

Footgolf Marbella: let’s kick it! 9 Hole Round of FootGolf €15 • Student Rate €10 (including ball rental) Kids under 10 free with paying adult • Ball rental available for €5 Family & Group discount Packages available • FootGolf Team Events/Parties New Footgolf League Starting Early February. Register now via web or FaceBook.

Footgolf Course Open Monday, Thursday and Sunday from 10.00 - 19.00 (earlier or later bookings on request) El Campanario Golf & Country House More info & bookings: +34 694 481 613 · info@footgolfmarbella.com · www.footgolfmarbella.com

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22/12/14 11:22

Please, adopt


Spanish Stray Dogs - Los Barrios This is Margot, she is the most quiet and gentle 6 year old pointer. She was dumped at Los Barrios by her owner who doesn’t want her anymore. Margot is really not reacting well to life at the pound, she is scared and nervous, she is confused and waits for her old owner to come and collect her every day. She really is not handling it in here very well. If you could please foster or adopt margot she would be eternally grateful to be out of here! She’s such a beautiful girl.

Spanish Stray Dogs is a registered charity founded by Amee Townsend in 2006 to help abandoned and neglected dogs. Primarily the charity financially supports the council pound in Los Barrios, which previously was one of Spain’s notorious killing stations, and also helps to rehome to the UK and the rest of Europe. Currently their monthly running costs for food and basic wages for kennel staff, stands them in at around €2500, not including veterinary bills.Without the involvement of SSD and it’s volunteers and supporters, many dogs would have been destroyed within days of arriving at the council pound. Previous rules meant that each dog remained on death row for 10 days, and was put to sleep if no one claimed them or adopted them. This involvement literally means the difference between life and death. Sadly the pound is at bursting point housing around 300 dogs, which just goes to

highlight the situation in Spain where many dogs find themselves homeless, something that has been on the increase given the economic crisis. SSD, via their Facebook page ‘Spanish Stray Dogs’ and twitter account ‘twitter.com/Spanishstray’gives a voice to these unwanted dogs and advertises their profiles reaching around 16,000 people. They actively fund raise to support the pound with a summer gala, a Christmas party in Gibraltar and a dog show amongst other things. These events not only raise awareness of the charity and the plight of the Los Barrios dogs, but also provide a much needed boost of funds to carry on their work. New kennels have been built and essential building repairs carried out with some of the funds raised last year. One of SSD’s proudest achievements has to be their Vet Visits project. They provide, via monthly sponsorship, a vet on site at the pound, who not only castrates/neuOh là là

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ters, but also treats basic problems such as skin and ear infections. This not only ensures that the dogs brought in from the street remain healthy and maximises their chances of adoption, but also ensures that their lives at Los Barrios are as pain free as possible. SSD are always looking for more corporate sponsorship, which would allow them to increase these vet visits. For only €50 a month, their vet can continue the castration project. PLEASE, if you can adopt, foster or help us in anyway please contact me by email or on our facebook (spanish stray dogs) or Twitter accounts. alternativly, If you or your company are interested in sponsoring the Vet Visit project, please email tanya.wright@spanishstraydogs.org So many little souls are looking for a second chance, please help us make their dreams come true!


22/12/14 11:29

Coco 10kg 32cm 2rs

Jumpy 15kg 40cm 1-2yrs

Pepo 8kg 37cm 1yr

Caramelo 25kg 55cm 2yrs

Leo 4kg 26cm 6 months

Patch 25kg 55cm 1yr

Zaira 20kg 52cm 3yrs

Peque 5kg 28cm 3yrs

Tofy 13kg 40cm 2-3rs

Tarifa 12kg 40cm 3yrs

Nadia 25kg 55cm 2yrs

Kron 16kg 57cm 1-2yrs

Nora 13kg 45cm 4yrs

Sebastian 14kg 42cm 2-3yrs

Cloe 8kg 39cm 2yrs

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Dakota 23kg 50cm 2yrs

Kafer 15kg 40cm 2yrs

Mus 21kg 50cm 2yrs

Sunya 8kg 36cm 2yrs

Amaro 8kg 33cm 1-2yrs

Kamel 5kg 28cm 6yrs

Sombra 13kg 42cm 3-4yrs

Max 17kg 46cm 3yrs

Alberta 18kg 45cm 1yr

Zaimon 15kg 48cm 1-2yrs

Oscar 24kg 55cm 2yrs

Sander 12kg 45cm 5yrs

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Hope 6kg 30cm 2yrs


22/12/14 11:29

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26/09/14 10:05

English TEFL Tuition Marbella

Tuition available from native English TEFL and early years teacher. Ages 2-10 These intensive 1:1 study programmes are individualised to the childs personal needs in a fun and nurturing way! This unique way of learning through fun creates a confidence in children to speak & write in English to their full potential. With over 10 years teaching experience & a good knowledge of special needs. For further details, please contact: catherinebyemail@gmail.com or 657 691 834


25/09/14 12:07

00 Anuncios.indd 1

26/09/14 11:47


Jasmin Hermann By María Elena Paganini

“If you are young and talented, It is like you have wings” Murakami

When I saw your work for the first time in the social media I realized immediately that this artist shows strong presence. Am I wrong? I think it’s very important to be present at social medias, because nowadays we have such great possibilities to get to be seen. Using social medias such as Facebook or Instagram gives you the opportunity to establish one’s reputation in a purposeful and at the same time fun way. I wouldn’t describe myself as very popular, yet. But I’m working really focused on it in order to get the attention for my work and to be seen.

Was there a specific moment when the little Jasmin knew she was taking up painting? From an early age I knew that painting and drawing was such a great pleasure for me. It started when I was a little child and I just couldn’t stop myself from filling hundreds of white paper sheets with colors.This was just my way to show how I saw the world around me. Painting was always something, that I did with great passion. The decision to make art as my main job came, when I saw that it was the only thing that could allow me to do what I love the most and at the same time could hopefully pay the rent. It’s not that there was a specific mo-

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ment that I said, ok now I’m going to be an artist. It was always something, that was so naturally for me and really the only job I could imagine myself in. Define your art, how you see it? My art is not only truly personal but also to be seen as a statement. As I’m a very emotional and sensitive person, I’m really glad, that I’ve found a way to express myself on the one hand, and to come to terms with those things that bother me on the other hand. That way I’m trying to focus on the message that I want to spread which has a deeper meaning for me but


22/12/14 11:37

may not be too easily understood by the spectator. For this I’m always curious to see how people react as they see my paintings. By now I observed that most of my pictures are so full of emotions such as fear, longing or a deep sensuality, that it appears to be lightly shocking for some spectators. So this is kind of what my art is about, I want to touch the viewer in a way, that leads him to questions that hopefully brings him forward in his own way. What feelings are you expressing in these metamorphosis between man and beast in many of your paintings? The emotions shown in my paintings are always made out of a different origin, but as I said they are truly personal. You can easily read whats inside my head and heart by taking a closer look at my artworks. By creating these human-animal synthesis, I’m concentrating on visualizing the statement that’s behind. Nowadays and in our culture, there’s a common way to avert one’s eyes, when it comes to the exploitation of animals.This is something that makes me furious and sad. When painting these creatures I want to draw a parallel between the showing emotions of

humans and animals. For me, this is the way that I’m trying to make people open their eyes and stop thinking that the human being is on top of all creatures and that this gives him the right to abuse animals for his purpose. Which was the best advice you have received? from whom and when? I’d say, the best advice ever came from my parents when they both said that no matter what, I should always do what not only pays the rent but also makes me happy. Because when you do things with passion and are loving what you do, then you’ll do it good. In the end this was what gave me the confidence and trust to become an artist. At this point I must also say, how grateful I am to have such an amazing family and friends behind me that are giving me so much support and strength. For me there’s nothing of higher value than that. When you sit in front of a blank canvas what comes first, the thoughts or the action? It depends on the kind of painting. There are artworks of mine that I began in a slightly spontaneous way and then came the composing. Others are completely Oh là là

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conceived and structured beforehand. It’s always depending on my mood when I start the painting, sometimes I’m feeling more energetic and can’t hold myself back from just dripping colors and loosing myself in the process of painting. After that I have a look on what I created and most of the times I get inspired by the painting itself and I know without much consideration how the artwork will develop. What are your projects in the near future? Where we can see your art? I’m working on two different artwork series at the moment that will be shown in Munich, Germany and Marbella, Spain by next year. By now there are two-three exhibitions in the planning for 2015. At the same time I’m working as a freelance Illustrator and I’m looking forward to start new collaboration projects. For the near future I hope to get the chance of doing more exhibitions also in other countries and to get to be seen and heard. When interested, feel free to have a look at my Website www.jasminhermann.com or Facebook page www.facebook.com/jasminhermann.art in order to stay updated on upcoming events and exhibitions.


22/12/14 11:37


The lady behind the canvas By Catherine Alcaide Photography by Aki Walli

Gabriela Girs, a Marbella and Helsinki based artist who’s highly sought after work throughout Europe has collaborated with Ohlala in an interview where she talks about her life and loves, her dreams and fears, and most importantly, her inspirations behind her magnificent work... Oh là là

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22/12/14 12:53

Hi Gabriela, It’s lovely to meet you.What beautiful work you do! Can you tell me a little about your life? Where did you grow up? I grew up mostly in Finland. I was born in a very national mixed family, which means my dad is half Russian and Swedish and my mom was IrishFinnish but yes, I was born in Helsinki Finland where I lived my childhood. What were your favorite subjects at school and what did you study further? Obviously my favorite subjects in school was art class and photography. I also enjoyed chemistry, which I think reflects towards my ability being a selflearned artist. I never went to art school, I learned everything my self. Mixing the colors and finding out reactions to different media by using oil, acrylic, plaster. What are the inspirations behind your artwork? I’ve always been very creative so I love to live a life where I’m able to express myself constantly. I’m inspired by the life around me. I’m not in the best shape if I’m sad or being hurt. For inspiration I need love in my heart and stable and lively surroundings.

I can be inspired by my dreams or life situations from my close friends. Most of my paintings are visions of my dreams or love towards something. Why did you decide to become an artist? The reason I became an artist is actually very simple... ”Love”. It’s something I love so much and it makes me feel alive, content and happy. If I don’t paint I’m sad. Painting and creating is my essence of life. It’s like the oil to my lamp, so it keeps the fire alive, so to speak! What kind of materials (oil paints...etc) do you use to create your artwork? I mostly use oil and acrylic but sometimes I like to mix paper and plaster depending my moods. How long does it take you to complete your pieces? Depending the size of my painting it can take from 2 months to 6 months to finish the work. I’m keen to do big paintings with thick layers and rich colors so they always take a bit longer. How would you like the people that see your artwork to feel? I paint very deep from my heart and Oh là là

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soul. I hope people feel that same when they look at my work. I want people to find that passion and thirst for life I try to create with colors and themes. Life is very short and more people should learn to live in this moment, maybe stopping for a short moment and looking at my art could bring them that happiness and joy in their homes. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet us today. Would you wish to say anything to budding artists out there, any advice? For the new artist, or just people who like to express themselves through painting, I would simply say to follow your heart and keep painting! Art is art, and is different to everybody’s eyes. There is no good or bad art, it´s all in the eye of who is looking at the art! Art helps so many people express themselves! To empty your feelings on a canvas and to feel free. It´s therapeutic and gives satisfaction to an artist and for people who really enjoy art in their homes. Gabriela Girs Tel: 00 358 449876362 ggirs@hotmail.com www.gabrielagirl.com


22/12/14 12:53

Mi lado Cool

Por María Elena Paganini

In your luxe list “Singapore” Independizada de Malasia hace tan solo 48 años, hoy es considerada uno de los países mas ricos del planeta. Han pasado dos siglos desde que Sir Raffles fundara la ciudad y creara un puerto libre de impuestos, aún hoy puedes encontrar su pasado colonial en algunos edificios emblemáticos. Una ciudad muy cosmopolita donde conviven indios, malayos, chinos y un cuarenta y cinco por ciento de extranjeros. “Beyond the skyscrapers a rich ethnic diversity!!!” Orchard road es una avenida donde las esculturas, las aceras de granito y las fachadas de vidrio se funden formando un ambiente vibrante, lleno de vida y de color que despierta nuestro instinto mas consumista. Little india: Esta región es seguramente

el barrio étnico de Singapur que conserva más rasgos de la comunidad que lo formó. Su calle principal es Serangoon Road y tiene un ambiente muy colorido, lleno de aromas y con aceras estrechas en las que se apiñan tiendas vendiendo especias, frutas, legumbres y hortalizas, flores, tejidos, joyas, dulces, ropa, música y películas siempre recordando a la gran India. Marina Bay: Aquí puedes alucinar con el skyline mas impactante del mundo, tomar un cocktail en el bar del Marina Bay Sands a la tardecita y ver la ciudad de día, luego a la puesta del sol y para rematar el gran espectáculo de luces nocturno. Dónde alojarse: “The Fullerton Bay” un hotel donde capturar las vistas de la bahía Oh là là

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en un entorno chic, sofisticado y elegante. Su diseño lujoso y la inigualable arquitectura hacen de este hotel un “must”. www.fullertonbayhotel.com Dónde comer: Catalunya, es el perfecto romance entre el far east y su hospitalidad asiatica, la cocina catalana y un team directamente de “El Bulli” junto a las “breathtaking views” harán tu velada única. Elección de mi amiga sibarita, Maria Alcobia. www.catalunya.sg My cocktail: Sin duda el “Singapur Sling”, una receta creada a principios del siglo XX en el icónico Hotel Raffles por Ngiam Tong Boon. Disfrútalo en este lujoso ambiente cultural y colonial. www.raffles.com/singapore


22/12/14 12:55

Be timeless Be Cool SLO Sigue a esta marca de accesorios! Sibel Loci su diseñadora basa la estética de los mismos en un estilo atemporal. La frase de Coco Chanel la define perfectamente. “La simplicidad es la clave de la verdadera elegancia”. www.slo-onlineshop.com

Mi Pasión por el arte

My cool Restaurant Fredy Tarantino: Captar el alma de un pueblo es el objetivo de este artista. Una colección muy racial con símbolos de una estética cubana muy colorista. Un divertido juego de movimientos entre los personajes y el sol.

“1870” Un nombre que evoca el ritmo de una época pasada, sus tranquilos patios y el sonido de las fuentes nos recuerdan que estamos en una casa del siglo XIX. Sus anfitriones Rosa, Cachi y Vanina te llevarán por su excepcional interiorismo. En la carta el Chef Aitor Perurena es fiel a su tradición vasca pero con un tono contemporáneo e internacional. Reservas: +34 952 783 836 Oh là là

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22/12/14 12:55

Be fashion not a victim Eduardo Acquaroni Por María Elena Paganini “En mi jaula de oro brilla mi coraza, y es mi alma sola la que me abraza”

El arte y el lujo unido en un desfile donde los colores de las piedras y la suntuosidad de los tejidos inspiraron la colección. Joyas como si fueran vestidos de fiesta en un juego de contrastes cuyo efecto es la sofisticación. Este diseñador malagueño aunque formado en la exclusiva Parsons Paris School of Art & Design ha deslumbrado este otoño en Marbella. Sus diseños lucían sobre la piel de las modelos como

piezas de arte en una relación poética y los brillos de las piedras iluminaron la noche. Este joven se inspira en los estímulos externos de las grandes ciudades donde ha vivido como New York o Paris pero lo que realmente provoca su creatividad son sus propios estímulos internos. En algunos diseños hubo un guiño a la Andalucía que lo vio nacer y en otros un concepto global que aúna diferentes lugares del mundo. JOIE DE VIVRE

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Por un momento la ciudad se inundo del talento de esta joven promesa. Luces, música, danza, poesía y un front row que nada tenia que envidiar a el de las grandes desfiles se hicieron presente en un enclave único con un efecto teatral debido a las diferentes performances. Un irrepetible grupo de “socialities” aplaudió a esta joven promesa. A sus 27 años es una de las grandes apuestas, ¡un brindis por el fashion art!


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Cuando le pregunto por esta colección a la que denomina “Jaula de oro” y cuál es su significado, me explica: “Mis modelos se convierten en 14 reinas vestidas de alta costura, con pedrerías, lentejuelas y colas imponentes, su actitud es una mezcla de grandeza, melancolía y un poco de locura. Representan una figura que lo tiene todo pero todo le falta porque las posesiones no le dan la pleni-

tud.Yo me inspiro mucho con la música que me acompaña a lo largo de todo el proceso de creación en cada una de mis colecciones.Y en el desfile es una parte muy importante, describe la situación del personaje, su estado de ánimo, su manera de pensar, en conclusión acompaña a mis diseños para que el público se adentre en mi mundo y se sienta parte de él en cada momento.” JOIE DE VIVRE

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Cuando los focos se apagan y cierran las puertas de mi jaula vuelvo a mi soledad, vuelvo a mi aula”


22/12/14 12:57

Incorporate your image to the most appreciated magazine in Marbella, Madrid y Bilbao

For sales inquiries please contact jordanne@ohlalamedia.com Centro de Negocios Melior Vasari. Urb. La Alzambra, local 3-1. 29660 Puerto Ban煤s, Marbella. Tel: 951 31 97 54 路 www.ohlalamedia.com

OHLALA Oh43.indd 90

25/09/14 17:23


h la la ` `

by DolceVita

An unique magazine OHLALA Oh43.indd 91

25/09/14 17:23


Especial Ohlala

à là l h O s of Friend

SOCIEDAD Weding Oh44.indd 2

22/12/14 13:50

Catherine & Ivan Wedding

h là là O f o s Friend

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Givenchy Exhibition


h là là O f o s Friend



SOCIEDAD Museo Thysen Oh44.indd 2


Designed for Audrey Hepburn in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, 1961.

Designed for Audrey Hepburn in the film “How to Steal a Million”, 1966.


Made in 1969 for the Duchess of Windsor for her husband’s funeral

Worn by Jerry Hall, 1975

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at Thyssen Museum Madrid

The 80’s


là là h O f so Friend

It belonged to Audrey Hepburn, 1992

SOCIEDAD Museo Thysen Oh44.indd 3

Designed for Jackie Kennedy, 1959.



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Marbella Motor

h là là O f o s Friend

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Marbella Motor

h là là O f o s Friend

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We love pets

là là h O f so Friend

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We love pets

là là h O f so Friend

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Portugal Footgolf Open

là là h O f so Friend

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22/12/14 14:02

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15/07/14 01:34


h la la ` `

by DolceVita

Nº 44 · Invierno 2014 Precio 4,5€

ser consciente de que hoy de que ahora estamos fabricando las nostalgias que descongelarán algún futuro.

Mario Benedetti

T H E A R T O F L I V I N G O H L À L À B Y D O L C E V I TA · I N V I E R N O 2 0 1 4

De vez en cuando es bueno


PORTADA OH44.indd 1

22/12/14 16:14

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