If you’ re tra v e l l i n g th rou g h M a l ta I n t e r na t io na l Air p o r t s o o n , d o m a ke t ime f o r a q uic k pi t-s top a t th e n ewl y rev a m p e d a i r p o r t F o o d C o u r t o n L eve l -1 , w h e re y o u ’re s u re t o f ind s ometh i n g th a t s a ti s fi e s ev e r y p re - f lig h t c ra vin g . K e e p re a d ing t o f ind o u t mo re a b o u t the of fe r i n g a t th e F ood Cou r t, a n d d o n’t f o rg e t t h a t y o u g e t o n e h o u r o f f re e p a r k ing w h e n e a t ing t h e re .
Avotaco is all about serving up Mexican cuisine favourites,
Banh Mi has brought the best and most authentic Vietnamese
which are packed with both flavour and colour. The menu covers
flavours to the airport. The menu is bursting with Asian-inspired
everything from burritos to quesadillas and tacos. Beyond the
dishes that are sure to get your taste buds tingling; from their
basics, the eatery also offers some unique Mexican-style sides,
piping hot soups and hearty curries to their delicious Mi Xao
from avocado fries to handmade empanadas and traditional
noodles and hand-made bao buns. They also offers vegetarian,
elotes. The eatery’s menu also offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten
vegan friendly and gluten free meal options.
free options. Our suggestion: Go for Avotaco’s trio of tacos; from
Our suggestion: You can’t go to Banh Mi and not taste the Banh
a filling of shredded pork cooked in flavoursome chipotle sauce
Mi baguette rolls it’s named after… but do not expect an ordinary
and succulent pork or beef dripping in a chilli, garlic, and tomato
sandwich. A Banh Mi baguette is a meal in itself, filled with
sauce, to a vegan-friendly soy filling, this menu option will allow
generous portions of chicken, pork, duck, or mixed vegetables and
you to savour many flavours in one sitting.
drenched in Banh Mi’s divine house sauce.