Oh My Malta Summer 2021

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SUMMER 2021 We’re approaching the summer season with full speed and after yet another tumultuous quarter; we could not be more thrilled with the progress Malta is making. The ongoing pandemic has had a multitude of affects on most, if not all sectors not only on a local, but international scale. That being said, we feel (without wanting to jinx things), that we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This special Oh My Malta edition is jam-packed with #COVIDSAFE activities, which you and your family can embark upon during your visit to our beautiful islands. In the same vein, we’ve done our research to help you discover the hidden bays dotting the islands. Next, we dive deep into the rich, cultural history of Malta, including some fascinating World War II sights, a spotlight on our sister island of Gozo, the history behind Sette Giugno and an entire feature dedicated to one of the three cities: Isla, also known as Senglea. After a long day of sight-seeing, there’s no doubt you’ll be rather peckish, so we’ve taken the liberty of pointing out some of the best restaurants you can visit to satisfy your cravings for fresh, local food. We think it’s of utmost importance to appreciate and support local, especially at a time like this, so we also focus on some local talents making waves and showing no signs of stopping! As always, we cannot wait to welcome you.

Being a small island state like Malta with an economy largely dependent on the travel industry, the pandemic shook conventional tourism to the core. What was taken for granted a year and a half ago is no longer mantatory. Despite these challenging times, we hit the ground running to come up with a 10-year strategy based on three fundmental pillars –Recover. Rethink. Revitalise. In line with this programme, we launched a €20 million Tourism Recovery Plan, which is made up of various schemes individually aimed at incentivising a sector or a niche which are all equally vital to sustaining Malta’s tourism industry, and which will definitely be crucial at revitalising the sector after nearly 14 months of unprecedented turbulence. These schemes are targeted to free independent travellers, international tour operators, accomodations,

scuba diving, sports tourism and English language students. On the long term we are emphasising on the importance of diversifying Malta’s tourism product, in our mission to attract quality tourism. Being effective on quality as individuals and organizations is no longer optional in today’s world. Actually, it’s the price of entry in an ever changing playing field. Surviving, thriving, innovativing, excelling and leading in this new reality will require us to build on and reach beyond effectiveness. Quality is not about adding one more component to the industry and forgetting traditional roots it is about seeing and harnessing the power of a second dimension of our diversified vision in making Malta a home of tourism excellence in this age of acceleration.

CLAYTON BARTOLO Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection

CONTENTS Issue 08 • SUMMER 2021 Oh My Malta is a B2B publication, published quarterly in partnership, with the Malta Tourism Authority. It promotes Malta and Gozo as a destination and treats readers to different aspects of Maltese life, culture, culinary delights and business.

Published by

ADVENTURE TIME Publisher and Registered Editor Saviour Balzan


#COVIDSAFE activity check-list


Sette Giugno: explained

Coordinating Editors Amy Micallef Decesare Philippa Zammit

10 Night sky magic at


Sales Coordinator Marisa Schembri mschembri@mediatoday.com.mt

Roman Malta in a day

12 Hidden island bays


A quick guide to WWII spotting

20 Exploring the


Spotlight on: Isla

Design Amy Micallef Decesare Philippa Zammit Photography James Bianchi Registered Address Vjal ir-Riħan San Gwann SGN9016 Malta Email pzammit@mediatoday.com.mt Contact Number +356 2138 2741 Cover Paradise Bay, Mellieħa


wonders of Gozo

24 Kisses from the

south nature walk

40 Must-see local gems







32 Top resto spots in

42 New upcoming

48 Athletes on an

36 Interview with:

44 Interview with: the

50 Interview with: Te

the south

Keith Seychell


Brand new welcome to InterContinental

release: Shoreline man behind the empire

international level Fit-Tazza

54 Take me home



The summe r se ason is longe d for by many a local, e spe cially afte r the win t er months, which so many of us simp l y cannot handle . Known for our be auti ful be ache s and crystal blue se a, it’s no wonde r an abundance of tourists choo se to spe nd the ir holidays with us. Summer is undoubte dly one of the be st se aso ns t o visit Malta and Gozo (provide d that y o u can e mbrace the he at). We ’ve compi l ed a list of COVI D- 19 safe activitie s that y o u can add to your itine rary this se as o n

ALL ABOARD! Everyone knows it. As we’ve already mentioned, The Maltese Islands are known for their stunning bays and inviting sea. Despite this being somewhat of a standard for locals, there are few things more pleasurable, for all of us, than setting sail on the calm blue water and whiling away the hours. Avoid the crowds and spend a day at sea, without a care in the world. Boat rides from ports and marinas all over the islands are commonplace and utterly unique experiences. Looking to spend the day sunbathing and spending quality time with your close friends and family? Are you more interested in a romantic at sea getaway with your loved one? Whichever you’re leaning towards, chartering a yacht or boat is the answer.

TAKE A HARBOUR CRUISE This one is just perfect for the summer months, especially when taking into consideration that the one thing you’ll definitely appreciate is a cool, refreshing breeze, which you can only experience when out at sea. Take a walk along the Sliema Front, the main road along the waterfront and you will soon be approached about upon a harbor cruise. Jump on the bandwagon and prepare yourself (and your cameras) for an experience worth writing home about. Check out the forts of the surrounding cities from different perspectives and venture out into the countless creeks and marinas around the headland, as the tour guide explains the impressive history tied to everything your eyes lay upon.

GO HORSE RIDING AT SUNSET Though somewhat surprising to us, we found that many people have not experienced horse riding in their lives, which we think is an absolute shame! Horse riding is not only thrilling, but an incredible way to experience Malta’s rugged countryside, all the while appreciating just how majestic horses are. Though there are many places you can ride a horse in Malta, we would recommend Golden Bay, up in the north, just so you can enjoy a breathtaking sunset on the horizon from your saddle. Regardless of whether you’ve ever been on a horse before or you’re an utter pro, the school has got you covered. The ride is, on average, an hour long and takes you cross country tracking through a historic park. YEE HAW!

TRY OUT LOCAL DELICACIES In all honesty, this one is applicable to everyone, far and wide, during all seasons. What would possibly give this season the edge is the fact that you can buy a couple of Pastizzi and feast on them sprawled on a towel, whilst simultaneously dipping your toes in the sea. Though we would recommend you try out a variety of Maltese delicacies during your trip, we feel as though the classic Ħobż biż-Żejt would be the most fitting for summer. The main ingredients are crunchy Maltese bread, a sweetish tomato paste called kunserva, tomatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper. Many a time, tuna, onions and capers also make an appearance. Delicious. Grab your ħobż from snack bars all over the islands.

Photo: Rachel Zammit Cutajar





The fastest, coolest, and most convenient way to reach Valletta from Sliema and the 3 Cities, avoiding traffic jams and parking problems. For further details please visit www.vallettaferryservices.com



Photo: Nick Fewings

TAKE A TRIP TO COMINO The third small island belonging to the Maltese archipelago is Comino, or as the Maltese refer to it as: Kemmuna. One of the few places in the world that look exactly like they do on Google or on postcards, Blue Lagoon, as well as the whole of Comino, is absolutely breathtaking. Jump on a boat docked in Marfa Bay in the north of Malta, which heads out to Comino every 45 minutes. The earlier you hop onto the boat, the better your chance of being the first person to dive into the crystal clear lagoon, without any spectators or noise-makers. Take a hike and head over to Santa Marija Bay beach, a secluded sandy beach where you can while away the rest of your day, in peace.

DIVE NEAR A SHIPWRECK ‘Near a shipwreck?’ we hear you ask. Well, HMS Maori is one of the many World War II wrecks around Malta, but unlike many others, this one is rather shallow and can be reached from the shore. The Maori is half buried in sand, the bows and stern have disappeared and the front end is against the rocky slope of the reef. The wreck has a number of swim-throughs and holes for novices to explore and plenty of light makes it way through the portholes and missing side panels, making it that much easier to navigate. Located just below fort St Elmo in Valletta, a few hundred metres from the shore, we would definitely recommend you checking this one out, if even just to have a great story to tell once you’re back home.

HOP ON A SEGWAY Yes, you heard that correctly. Sail through the streets of the capital of Valletta or the old capital, silent city of Mdina, or anywhere else for that matter, on a Segway because why not? If you’d like to zip past the other tourists checking out the museums, streets and cathedrals in the cities, that’s not a problem. If you would rather whizz through some of the island’s most beautiful countryside scenery, that’s great too! We would recommend you grabbing the whole family, and heading out on a fantastic tour in Dingli. With the soaring cliffs being your main destination, which offers impeccable views, as well as a pretty impressive sunset, what more could you possibly ask for in a day?

EXPLORE THE THREE CITIES Vittoriosa, Senglea and Cospicua, known as the Three Cities of Malta, are pieces of living history, kept alive by several hundreds of years of preservation and the occasional miracle. The beautiful fortified cities sit like a trio of villages in the heart of Malta’s historic centre, sitting directly across the Grand Harbour. Are you intrigued yet? You may need to schedule more than just a single afternoon in order to really take in all there is to see. Make sure to check out the yacht marina, Fort St Angelo, Gardjola Gardens and the Maritime Museum, just to name a few. After a few hours of sightseeing, grab some lunch at one of the many eateries on the sea front and embrace the laid-back, relaxed culture.

Photo: NOAA

THE MAGIC OF THE NIGHT SKY Word s by Ben ed ek , Exe cutive Duty Manage r at Esplora

Remember the last time you gazed up to the sky on a starry summer night? Like tiny droplets of crystals in the midst of space, the night sky pulls us in and lifts our souls to the heavens. It is one of those rare moments of mesmerising joy and awe which truly makes us feel alive. Yes, our feet are planted firmly on the ground, but our heart is beating amongst the stars every time we look upon the sky on a starry summer night! Now, imagine a place where you can take a journey to the heavens from the comfort of a chair! Well, space traveller – Welcome to the EsploraPlanetarium! Sit back, turn your phone off and enjoy the journey! As your seat reclines, you will be transported across the Solar System, visit distant 10 OH MY MALTA

galaxies, return to the Moon and whizz past our sister planets Venus and Mars. The Sun will reveal its secrets, and of course will find out once and for all if it is true that we are all made of star dust. Not bad for a start, but the EsploraPlanetarium offers much-much more! We have shows for the little ones about ancient heroes and myths retelling stories of old about the constellations and how they were named. We have animated adventures about discovering asteroids and landing on the Moon. You can even tag along a family of aliens holidaying in our Solar System hopping from one planet to the next.

Of course, if you do not want to travel that far, or planet hopping is not your thing, fear not we have you covered! Stick around a bit longer and you can choose from many other family friendly animated shows. Watch an award-winning film about the history of flight that will transport you back in time when soaring to the skies and building ‘flying-machines’ were just a dream. Dive deep into the mystery of what makes stars tick-and-tock, or explore the tiniest cells in our body. Want to leave Earth again but don’t want to go too far? Pop over to the International Space Station to find out what astronauts eat, how they sleep, work or take a shower in micro-gravity. As your journey ends, with your feet back on the ground, switch on your cell phone again and take a selfie as an astronaut. Want something challenging? Operate a robotic arm to reveal a secret message, record your voice and send it to Pluto, or use our ‘space scale’ to check your weight on other planets. Whatever you choose one thing we can promise – after your visit to the EsploraPlanetarium, the next time you gaze upon the night sky it will be a bit more special! Safe journey space traveller and see you soon! COVID-19 mitigation measures apply. For more info visit:http://esplora.org.mt/your-visit/

Kalanka Bay, Marsaxlokk

TOP HIDDEN ISLAND BAYS S u m m er is s t ead ily ap p roaching and as a re sult of the pande mi c , w e p refer t o o p t fo r t h e quie te r, more se clude d spots. Though s t u n n ing b eac h es o n t h e Malte se I slands are de finite ly abundan t , w e ’ve t aken t h e lib er t y of cre ating a list of the hidde n ge ms, s o yo u c an s o ak u p t he sun, in re lative pe ace and quie t


KALANKA BAY Location: Marsaxlokk Tip: Take care when diving

Just a stone’s throw away from St Peter’s Pool, you can find Kalanka Bay, a top-notch swimming and sunbathing location, just with less people and significantly less noise. If you continue down the same road as St Peter’s Pool, you’ll come across the bay and its natural swimming hole. The bay is a prototype of the surrounding coastal area, with unique cliffs known for their sole composition of Globigerina Limestone. The central part of the bay, where you’ll find the natural swimming hole, features deep blue sea and rocks, which meet in a fascinating curve, as waves crash on the pinnacle. Just a little note: care when jumping into the water from atop the pool due to the height. You may be better off accessing the water from the right-hand side of the pool.

IMĠIEBAĦ BAY Location: Selmun, Mellieħa Tip: Pack sunscreen and some snacks

Photo: Kevin Gauci (@floyd777)

Now, this one a little treasure. Off the beaten track and only frequented by a few locals and the odd tourist, who have been given directions, Imġiebaħ bay is as quiet as can be. You can access the beach from a secondary road, opposite the Selmun Tower, which continues along the countryside for rather a long stretch. Once you get to the bay, there is a step path, which begins at the improvised car park overlooking the bay, a view which is as rewarding as it is impressive, as it is a snapshot of pure, unspoilt wilderness. Once you get to the bay, the water is crystal clear and the sand is golden. Just remember to bring along everything you may need because as you might expect, amenities are not exactly within reach.

PARADISE BAY Location: Mellieħa Tip: Morning and weekdays are best to avoid crowds Offering a completely unobstructed vew of Gozo and Comino islands, Paradise Bay truly lives up to its name. This bay can only be accessed by a fairly long flight of steps but don't fret, anything your heart desires is available on the beach, including sunbeds, umbrellas, showers, restrooms and food and drinks! Oh and also, throughout the summer, the Lido is open every night for dinner, wiith live entertainment on selected nights of the week.

WIED IL-GĦASRI Location: Għasri, Gozo Tip: Comfy shoes are a must A stunning, narrow creek that's one of the most picturesque places you'll see in a while, Għasri Valley's cove is around 300m long, with a winding inlet and high cliffs on wither side. The water is crystal blue, calm and ideal for divers and snorkelers as it also features underwater caves, namely the well-known Cathedral cave. Though the pebbled beach is rather small and accomodates only a few sunbathers, Wied l-Għasri is a unique hideaway that you really shouldn't miss if you're venturing out to Malta's sister island of Gozo.

Photo: Paul Herrera

Photo: Paul Herrera

QARRABA Location: Mġarr Tip: Grab your snorkel on the way out Chances are that if you have visited Malta, you’ve undoubtedly visited Għajn Tuffieħa bay, also known as Riviera, right? Have you ever taken a walk through the clay slopes near Għajn Tuffieħa and come across another secluded, sandy beach? Though it may look as though it is absolutely impossible to reach, we are here to dispel the rumours. The lesser-visited Qarruba bay can either be reached by hiking through the wilderness, by climbing down the rather treacherous clay slopes, or chartering a boat and visiting the bay in the least painstaking of ways. However you attempt to reach Qarruba, be sure that you are in for a treat as many merely opt for the more popular sandy beaches found in the area.


Photo: Paul Herrera

Location: Qala, Gozo Tip: Grab your snorkel on the way out This adorable bay is relatively small and can be found in the north of Malta’s sister island of Gozo, right between the towns of Qala and Nadur. The bay is pebbly and features a few boathouses, which have been dug into the soft limestone cliffs. The limestone is full of interesting fossils, making the bay a geological hotspot. Daħlet Qorrot is surrounded by caves and large rocks, providing you with shade during the sweltering summer heat, allowing for you sit back, relax, and finally finish that book you’ve been reading. Keen snorkeler? Perfect. This bay offers an entire underwater universe, as well as very clear water. Also, the beach has a small snack bar, a first on this list!

Photo: Luke Grech

SLUG'S BAY Location: Marfa Ridge Tip: No flip-flops, only hiking shoes Don’t be deterred by the rather unattractive name of the beach because we can assure you, this bay is really pretty. It is a secluded, small pocket beach with a few square metres of sand, overlooking Mellieħa. The bay can be a little tough to reach, with moderately difficult terrain, descending along a cliff slope. In truth, the bay was a natural accident, caused by the accumulation of fine sand in the shallow space, between a group of large boulders that collapsed from the cliffs adjacent. Slugs Bay is in pristine condition and if the tiny beach is occupied, set your towel down on any of the flat surfaces surrounding the water.

SETTE GIUGNO: EXPLAINED S e t t e G iug n o is a M alt es e national holiday ce le brate d annually on 7 June. It c o mm emo rate s eve nts which occurre d on that d a y in 1 9 1 9 w hen , fo llowing a se rie s of riots by the Malte se p op u lat io n, Br it is h t ro o ps fire d into the crowd, killing four

Sette Giugno, the seventh of June, is one of five national holidays in Malta. Unfortunately, for many, Sette Giugno merely translates to a day off work and an opportunity to sip a cocktail near the sea. Though we appreciate that sipping that cocktail is a beautiful experience in itself, we also believe that it is crucial to learn about Malta’s history and why we have national holidays in the first place. What is Sette Giugno all about? Meaning ‘Seventh of June’ in Italian, as the name may suggest, the day is celebrated annually on the 7 of June. In the aftermath of World War I, the locals were hungry and desperate. Just like the rest of Europe, the war had caused disruptions in the agriculture and food industry and due to limitations on imports, prices rose and food was scarce. The scarcity of food, as well as the intense military presence on the island, made a select few even wealthier, with the majority of the inhabitants steadily becoming more deprived. This led to unrest, with small uprisings demanding better wages, to keep up with the increased cost of living. During the winter of 1919, the first meeting of the National Assembly was held, with the aim of finding a resolution, which would have meant independence from the British Empire. The groundbreaking resolution was brought forth by extreme nationalist faction and was opposed to the original resolution. Currents of extremism were ever present and the same day as the National Assembly, crowds began attacking 16 OH MY MALTA

shopkeepers, who remained open during the meeting. Tensions were high but still, a second National Assembly meeting was set in the capital of Valletta, for 7 June of the same year. Just before the meeting was to take place, Lord Plumer, the governor for the islands, was to decide whether the Maltese were going to play a larger role in the administration of the country. The population was split in two; those who trusted the British and does who simply did not. Police forces and postal employees were threatening to strike and just before the meeting, police asked for soldiers to be posted at Castille in Valletta, in anticipation of potential upheaval. The 7 of June arrived. The already tense situation blew up, following a misunderstanding. The Union Flag was flown at half mast, due to the death of the President of the Court just a few days earlier. The local population saw the Maltese flag, defaced, with the Union Jack, flying above the ‘A la Ville de Londres’ flag and all hell broke loose. The crowd removed the flag and its pole and proceeded through Valletta to smash windows,

insult the officers and soldiers, remove the Union Jack wherever it lay, and ransack offices. Factions of the crowd even broke off to attack the homes of Imperial government supporters and profiteering traders. Military support was called in and just 64 soldiers entered the police headquarters to contain the thousands-strong angry mob. The captain, whose revolver had been stolen, reached a troop of 24 soldiers and directed them to Strada Forni, where the largest uprising was occurring. Here, the British soldiers were posted along the street and ordered not to shoot, unless being directed to do so. The soldiers took their positions and aimed at the crowd, which retreated. Within seconds, a shot was heard in the direction of one of the ransacked houses. As a knee-jerk reaction, one of the soldiers shot a round into the crowd and the rest of the troop followed. The officer in charge shouted ‘CEASE FIRE!’ Meanwhile, at the offices of the Daily Malta Chronicle, there was a small of gas within the building, causing the Lieutenant to order his men outside. To clear the crowd and allow the men to exit the building, the Lieutenant ordered a soldier to shoot low, towards the ground and away from the crowd. A man in the crowd was killed. During the initial uprising, in fact, three died and another 50 were injured. Incidents and uprisings continued throughout the next day, until 140 navy marines were dispatched to clear the streets. Smaller uprisings around the island continued regardless, despite the deaths of 7 June. Years later, in 1986, the Sette Giugno monument was inaugurated at Palace Square in Valletta and the Maltese Parliament declared the day to be one of five national days on the island. The first official remembrance of the day took place on 7 June, 1989, 70 years later.


17 17

ROMAN MALTA IN A DAY S t ra p on yo u r s and als t his summe r and follow in the footste ps of E l s a, an inhab it ant o f the ancie nt Roman town of Me lite , t od ay t he o ld c ap it al of Mdina and its suburb Rabat.

Elsa, a young woman aged between 18 to 24 when she met her demise, lived in the early centuries of Imperial Rome. Her skeleton was unearthed in August 2013 in a ‘shaft and chamber tomb’ discovered within the bedrock below the site for the new visitor centre for St. Paul's Catacombs in Rabat. The catacombs, which sprawl over an area of over 2000 square metres, are an underground labyrinth of interconnected passages and Roman tombs which represent the earliest and largest archaeological evidence of Christianity in Malta. A short walk away, just outside the walls of Mdina, the Domvs Romana is a welcome pitstop from the heat of the midday sun. Enter its neo-classical portico into a world of cool marble, elegant mosaics, and refined glassware. Built between 50BC and 50AD, this fine townhouse is the only urban dwelling of its kind on the Maltese Islands and was originally owned if not by the Protos or Governor of the Island himself, then by someone who was wealthy and well connected enough to

possess statues of the imperial family. Take a snapshot next to Claudia Antonia, Emperor Claudius' daughter, and compare her patrician visage to that of Elsa's. Both women might have been contemporaries, though separated by a few rungs down the social ladder and a considerable number of miles. This year the Domvs, the first museum to be erected on Malta, is celebrating the 140th anniversary of its accidental discovery with new interpretation panels and screen displays, a retractable skylight, and exciting international excavations to commence later in the year. Down the hill from Rabat to St. Paul's Bay, make an appointment with Heritage Malta to visit San Pawl Milqi. Overlooking the once-important harbour of Salina, San Pawl Milqi is one of the many rural farmsteads with olive presses dotting the countryside, constructed during the Roman colonisation of Punic Malta between 218 BC and the 6th century AD. According to legend, this particular Villa Rustica welcomed St. Paul the apostle after his shipwreck in 60 AD. Now it’s time to kick off your sandals and have a swim next to the Island where the ship carrying the Apostle is said to have foundered. For more information and to watch a documentary about the reconstruction of Elsa's face log onto www.heritagemalta.org

Experience Esplora EXPLORE | THINK | IMAGINE Science Shows | Planetarium Shows | Exhibits

All visitors must wear a mask and ensure social distancing. www.esplora.org.mt ESPLORA | Interactive Science Centre Villa Bighi, Kalkara KKR 1320 - Malta Esplora Interactive Science Centre was part-financed by ERDF Esplora was declared to be an Emblematic Project by the EU Commission


GOZO As lockdown re strictions are sl owl y lifte d, the island of Gozo awa i t s for a change of se tting that yo u’v e be e n ye arning for during the se p a st months. With lots of things to see and do, and place s whe re you c a n g et away from the hustle and bustl e o f eve ryday life , spe nding a few da y s i n Gozo this summe r is a must . He re ’s what you can look forward t o whe n planning a holiday in Gozo t hi s summe r.



Gozo is home to some of the best beaches in the Maltese archipelago and its small size means that beaches are only a few minutes away from wherever you are on the island. These include Hondoq ir- Rummien and Ramla Bay, and hidden gems such as Wied il-Ghasri, San Blas and Ghar Qawqla.

How about trying something new this summer? Often described as a diver’s paradise, Gozo has a remarkable range of shore and boat dives suitable for all levels of experience. Some incredible diving spots include the Santa Maria Caves, Blue Hole and Mgarr ix-Xini.

UNIQUE ACCOMJODATION Accommodation on Gozo is as unique as the island itself. There's a fantastic choice of places to stay from five-star hotels and spas to restored traditional farmhouses with tonnes of character and glorious views of the Mediterranean Sea. Gozo also offers a wide selection of good quality bed and breakfast accommodation, as well as three and four star hotels, many of which have excellent restaurants attached, catering for families, couples and single travellers. Alternatively, you can experience Gozo's charm with a touch of style by staying in one of the island's growing number of boutique hotels. If you're looking for luxury, they're a great place to stay. DINING EXPERIENCES Unwind in Gozo and enjoy the good food and wine. Look out for the traditional village bakeries to get an authenitc ftira or sit back and relax in one of the many restaurants and take in the taste of fresh food and salty air, all seasoned by the Mediterranean.

Along with diving, there are many stunning panoramic sites in Gozo, which can be enjoyed on foot or by bike, including Ta Cenc Cliffs, Dwejra and the Inland Sea, Mgarr ix-Xini, Wied ilMielah, Sanap Cliffs, Mixta Cave to Ramla, Qala to Comino and Malta, and Ta’ Ghammar. For adventurers, there’s also mountain biking, rock climbing, boat rides, horse riding, and caving. ENJOY A SUNSET It is perhaps one of the greatest treats of living on a small island, that you can enjoy some glorious sunrises and even more impressive sunsets. Our favourite sunset spots are on the western side of the island. Sunsets can be witnessed along the coastal areas on the western side of Gozo like Xlendi, Dwejra and Xwejni. But equally suggestive are the sunsets from the higher points of the island like the southern side cliffs, and the hilltops like Xagħra, Nadur, Żebbuġ and the Citadel, where you can witness the rolling landscape of hills and valleys, hit by the last light of the day in an amazing play of light. The refreshing summer sea, the relaxed way of life, the sleepy village squares coming to life in the evenings as the scorching sun sets… Gozo offers the change of setting you desire this summer.

Summer is an ideal me to enjoy Gozo’s unique beaches and the leisurely way of life that this season brings with it. Whether you want to enjoy a dreamy sunset or dinner at one of Gozo’s many restaurants, the island’s laid-back way of life ensures a stress-free hoiday. Gozo - relax, it is home.

Ghar Lapsi Structure

A QUICK GUIDE TO WW2 SPOTTING ON THE SOUTH OF THE ISLAND A n d rew G a l ea s et s o ut on a hunt for some of the be st local w a r t i me s it es and relat ive ly uncharte d pillboxe s, which most p eo p le d o not eve n know exist

I would strongly recommend starting off with a visit to the excellent Malta at War Museum in Birgu (Vittoriosa). This museum caters to families and experts alike and gives a great overview of the Second Great Siege of Malta with its fascinating displays. When visiting, make sure to explore its large underground shelter, which is a real eye opener.

The Island was preparing itself for an invasion, so you should be looking out for pillboxes (concrete bunkers, which would have housed machine guns). These would have been found on the shoreline as a first line of defence and then further inshore in defence lines. Look out for them at junctions on hills etc.

Take time to walk around the Three Cities area. Here, a lot of buildings still have bomb damage with shrapnel marks on their facades. The Inquisitors Palace is a good example of this.

There are two types of pillboxes that one can find on the island: the early/pre-war pillboxes, which are very well camouflaged and usually faced with a natural rubble wall


Square Pillbox

stone effect, as well as the two-story square pillboxes made out from concrete. The latter would have been painted to blend in with its surroundings. This can be seen clearly at Wied IzZurrieq, where you go when visiting the Blue Grotto. There is a beautiful early example in full view of the boat jetty. When visiting Ghar Dalam, you would be able to see a line of the later two-story examples very close by.

Wied iż-Żurrieq

Kalkara beach Pillbox

The pretty fishing village of Masaxlokk and even Marsascala and Birżebbuġa have plenty of pillboxes on their approach. Malta International Airport is still surrounded by a few remaining pillboxes, but you will realise they're a different style as they were built for the Royal Air Force. Many pillboxes would have a small structure in front or on top of the main structure to house the search light. There is also the Commonwealth War Grave site in Kalkara, which one should visit to get a true picture of the price of war. Making history in 1942, Malta became the most bombed place on earth. As you would expect, there are plenty of heavy anti-aircraft batteries scattered in the South of the Island. These would have consisted of four concrete gun placements and a central control building. These are extremely hard to spot as sadly most of them are in a very poor state, such as the one at Delimara. Whilst visiting the Maltese islands, look out for local WW2 reenactors such as Battlefront Living History and Malta Command and check if they will be having a public display. Normallly they have period vehicles as well as their helmets in the unique WW2 rubble war Malta camouflage effect. For more detailed coverage about the World War II in Malta, check out Andrew Galea's Facebook page @WW2 sitesMalta or Instragram @ww2sitesmalta

Għar Dalam Square Pillbox

Munxar Hills by Luke Grech



A NATURE WALK T h i s t ou r t akes yo u t o t h e southe aste rn part of Malta. You will ex p l ore t he p r is t ine c o u nt ryside , spe ctacular se a cave s, stunning w h i t e c liffs , and t rad it io n al village s. Make sure to pack ple nty of w a t e r an d a p air o f b in o culars to try and spot some of Malta’s m i g ra nt b ird s p ec ies w h ic h start to arrive around this time ! This rou t e is ap p roxim at ely 7 k m long and it will take you from 2-4 hours t o c o m p let e d ep ending on the stops you make .

START AT ST. THOMAS BAY St. Thomas Bay at Marsaskala fishing village is a peaceful vast bay with clear waters, comprised of smaller sandy and rocky banks. Head west walking along the coast, with the sea on your left, until you reach the cliff edge.

MUNXAR PATH AND HILLS Keep following the path along the cliff edge, and you will reach Munxar Path and then Munxar Hills in no time. You will be surrounded by the beautiful countryside, rich in wild plants like the endemic and strictly protected Maltese Salt Tree (Maltese name: Siġra tal-Irmied, Scientific name: Darniella melitensis), with gulls circling the azure waters overhead..

St. Thomas Bay

XROBB L-GĦAĠIN You will come across the quaint Kappella ta’ San Pawl chapel; turn left to the path towards the peninsula. The peninsula is composed of Upper and Middle Globigerina Limestone, surrounded by low cliffs and spectacular views of sea water erosion. You can admire picturesque Ħofra l-Kbira cove on your right. Keep going straight and you will see the entrance to Xrobb l-Għaġin on your left, a Nature Park and Sustainable Development Centre, where you can take a short break to refuel on the picnic benches and soak up the surroundings. When you leave the park, turn right and head back the way you came and then left to the path to continue the route. Xrobb L-Ghagin

ST. PETER’S POOL Follow the path until you reach the end and turn right and walk away from the coast until you see stone fences and a sign with the number 8 on it where you turn left. You will then find yourself immersed in beautiful greenery, surrounded by wild flowers and pine trees. Head downhill on the winding path, then take the sharp left at the bottom where you will be able to see the Delimara power station – a sight hard to miss from its contrasting surroundings! Continue straight and when you see a street with a house on the left, just before the power station chimney, turn left for the longer but more scenic path embellished with vibrant flora, otherwise just follow the path and the signs straight ahead. You will shortly see the large cove Ħofra ż-Żgħira on your left, which makes for a beautiful panoramic shot! Continue along and turn right to the natural path along the cliff and you will soon see St. Peter’s Pool below. Venture down the rocky track and explore the salt pans and rough cliff formations around the pool – one of the best natural lidos in Malta! As months heat up it is a great spot to take a tip and cool off after the walk. The flat rocks however make it a perfect location for a picnic, taking in the sun and listening to the waves breaking on the shore — just remember not to litter and use reusable tableware to help keep the area pristine!

MARSAXLOKK Go up the stairs from St. Peter’s Pool then turn to the path on the right, then uphill and turn right and follow the road. At the end of the road, turn right again and follow the path until you find a crossroads and take the road on the left. You will then come across a church, indicating the route down to the town centre on the left turn. Keep walking until you cross over the roundabout and then veer left towards the marina. Walking along the seafront, you will see the local fishermen mending their fishnets, the bright colours of the traditional ‘luzzu’ fishing boats, and a fitting fisherman statue casting views over the water. As your final destination, take some time to grab a bite to eat at one of the many restaurants, bars and cafes. You can also visit the open market that sells food, clothes, souvenirs, and traditional good – on Sundays it gets even bigger, with freshly caught fish and jars of sweet honey decorating the stalls!


From Valletta to Marsaskala via St. Thomas Bay: Bus Route 91

From Marsaxlokk to Valletta: Bus Route 81

From Marsaxlokk back to St. Thomas Bay: Bus Route 119 (Airport-Marsaskala)

For more details visit publictransport.com.mt/en/ routes-timetables For more information visit birdlifemalta.org



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Senglea, also known as L-Isla, is one of the three cities, located in the Cottonera area in the east of Malta. The magnificent fortified city is the smallest of the three, which includes Birgu and Cospicia, and is, for lack of a better phrase, truly one of the jewels of the Maltese Islands. The city is one of the oldest, dating back to the 16th century and is enclosed by bastions, overlooking jaw-dropping views, guarding the Grand Harbour even today, as it did centuries ago. The name L-Isla is derived from the Italian word ‘isola’, meaning island, as the peninsula was originally an island, joined by a land bridge. The harbour’s shipbuilding docks made Senglea the most prosperous of the three cities in the 18th century and many leading figures lived there, including Juan Buatista Azopardo, the founder of the Argentinian Navy. During the British Occupation, the Royal Navy extended the Knights’ shipyard to the other side of the city. The town prospered and boasted some of Malta’s most respected families, academics and politicians among its residents. However, the presence of the naval dockyard ultimately contributed to its destruction as during the Second World War, it was one of the main targets of bomber attacks. Senglea suffered terribly, with the explosion of HMS Illustrious destroying most of its buildings. The War changed the city as its population left to take refuge in outlying towns and countryside, many never to return. In recent years, the rehabilitation of the yacht marina has attracted many back to the town, some 30% of its residents being foreigners, attracted to the authenticity of the place. The city is more than heritage. Left largely untouched, Senglea offers authentic life as well as a glimpse into Malta’s maritime fortunes. Life flows through its narrow, picturesque streets and aged buildings. Many activities take place within the city, including the popular regattas, traditional boat races on the waters of the Grand Harbour, with Senglea being one of the major participants.




In 1596, Senglea witnessed the building of a third church, this time at the far end of the pensinsula. The Porto Salvo church as built on the initiative of Fr Vincenzo Caruana, Senglea’s second parish priest. The church was dedicated to Our Lady of Porto Salvo, which refers to the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St Elizabeth, a name that means a great deal to sailors and boatmen, who earned their living from the city. In fact, a number of local mariners contributed towards the building. Since 2008, the church and has been entrusted to a Salesian community.

The building was, most likely, built by architect Vittorio Cassar in 1580, as a monument to the Christian Victory following the Great Siege. The main attraction of the basilica is a wooden statue of Mary, known as ‘IlBambina’, was carved in 1619. Following the coronation of the statue in 1921, the church became a sanctuary. The basilica is also home to several manuscripts, which date back to the 17th and 18th centuries, including a diary written by Francesco Saverio Baldacchino. This sheds lights on the last years of the Knights in Malta, the French occupation of Malta and the early years of the British rule.



Gardjola Gardens are a public park located at the end of the cape, the remains of the former fortifications in the city, with impressive panoramic views over Marsa, Valletta, the Grand Harbour and Fort St Angelo. The gardens were planned by Grandmaster De Le Sengle in 1551, with a guard tower built on the tip of the bastions. The tower, called ‘Il-gardjola’, has several symbols sculpted on it, such as an eye, an ear and a crane bird, which represent guardianship and observance protecting the Maltese shores. Check out the gardens, which are open everyday in summer from 8:30am till 11pm.

The Sheer Bastion, as well as Maċina below, form part of the fortifications of Senglea, which were built by the Knights of St John in 1554, just before the Great Siege of Malta. The name Maċina itself is derived from the word ‘macchina’, a machine used to hoist and fit masts on galleys. The venue and its surroundings are rich with history and are also a tentative UNESO World Heritage Site. The panoramic views from the water’s edge building of the Grand Harbour, give way to stunning sunsets, super fireworks displays (pre and hopefully post COVID-19, when permitted) and illuminated views of the city. OH MY MALTA

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YOUR GUIDE TO DINING IN THE SOUTH OF MALTA D i s cov e r o ur han d p ic ked lo c al re staurants that se rve ge nuine food . R e g a rd le ss o f yo u r t as t e o r b udge t, the re ' s a re staurant on our list t o s uit yo u. Here ' s whe re to find the m.

IL-ĦNEJJA A special find situated on the waterfront of Senglea. Here the seafood is fresh and simply delicious - the fresh calamari in squid ink as well as the octopus in breadcrumbs were to die for. The restaurant has a varied menu, not limited to seafood, which includes home made burgers, salads, snacks, dishes from the grill and more. Some excellent biggilla, galletti (water biscuits) and delicious bread straight out of the oven will help you settle in whilst deciding on what to order from their vast menu. 32 OH MY MALTA

The restaurant features traditional Maltese arches above the indoor dining area and also boasts two outdoor dining sections, one just outside the restaurant entrance and the other on the edge of the Three Cities harbour. Coupled with the views of Birgu and Valletta, this restaurant is highly recommended. Oh, and the service is definitely a bonus! You'll definitely be planning your return.

+356 7960 3564 | 14 Triq ix-Xatt Juan B. Azzopardo, Senglea



By creating a shared meal format, the team wants people to lend themselves to closeness and camaraderie. The gastronomical concept is a take on the islands' succession of powers, with a modern representation of traditional Mediterranean culinary influences from the Phoenician times, to the Knights of St. John, to today. To accompany this historical menu, a wine list was created reflecting the concept.

This place is taking burgers and panccakes in Malta to a whole new level with its delicious combinations. So much thought goes into creating each one of these unique burgers and pancakes that when they come to the table you don't know if you should admire and photograph them, or just stuff everything straight into your mouth... top quality buns with meat that is juicy beyond belief and a pancake for dessert... the dream.

+356 2779 4171 | Triq Il-31 ta' Marzu, Xatt Juan B. Azzopardo, Senglea

+356 77930060 | Triq il-Gardiel, Marsascala



At Mykonos you’ll be feasting on a myriad of tastes, aromas and textures. A sentiment that drives two of the greatest cuisines in the world — Greek and Italian. Savour their mouthwatering gyros brimming with flavourful pulled pork in pita bread and topped with chopped tomatoes, onions, fries and tzatziki.

This Birgu restaurant combines rustic charm with contemporary regional cuisine and focuses on southern Italian and Maltese cuisine. Handpicking the best local produce, the team aims to recreate a healthy way of dining. The new venue is part of the historic Fort St. Angelo and was honoured with Michelin Bib Gourmand.

+356 2122 2213 | Xatt Ir-rizq, Bormla, Cospicua

+356 2704 2656 | Fort St Angelo,Waterfront Birgu



Bongonyah offers something for everyone’s tastes in their cosy and cheerful atmosphere. They offer a hearty, wholesome and varied selection of food and drinks, ranging from the healthy options to the guiltier ones. From the healthy smoothies, juices and salads to the vast range of platters from around the world, as well as a fine selection of artisinal teas and coffees that fit perfectly with their yummy desserts, we’re sure that you’ll find something for every mood you’re in.

This restaurant has been established for over a decade, serving delicious Mediterranean, Maltese and Italian cuisine. They specialise in seafood and the stuffed clamari and spaghetti vongole are unreal. Having said that, the rabbit liver is to die for. Tal-Familja is one of those family run restaurants that you come across as a very special treat. It ticks all boxes when it comes to excellent quality food, service and atmosphere.

+356 9965 9472 | Triq il-Gardiel, Marsaskala

+356 2163 2161 | Triq il-Gardiel, Marsascala

ACQUABLU AcquaBlu is a newly refurbished restaurant that is located along the promenade of one of the beautiful three cities, Senglea. Book in advance to have a table outside by the water and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and view over one of Malta’s scenic harbours.


Acqua Blu offers a vast selection of fresh seafood as well as other dishes such as tender chicken breast with goat cheese crust… to die for. Excellent food, fresh and well prepared!

+356 2180 7170 | 83/84 Dingli Cornelio Street,



A traditional steakhouse at heart, with a touch of class and elegance, CUT is the perfect treat for those who wish to enjoy quality cuts paired with a great bottle of wine. There's a wide selection of sausages, various meat cuts including kangaroo, wild boar and mouth-watering Canadian ribeye steak served with mashed potatoes. When it comes to preparing a quality cut of meat, this retaurant knows what it's doing. Ten points for this one.

Set right in the heart of Malta’s main fishing village, Marsaxlokk, La Nostra Padrona Restaurant enjoys a full view of the picturesque harbour. Although specializing mainly in seafood, the ‘A la Carte’ menu includes Mediterranean dishes and various specialities of the Chef. With fish delivered daily right from the boats, a selection of fresh fish and shellfish is always guaranteed. They also serve 100% fresh pasta and various salads.

+356 7999 5454 | Xatt Ir-rizq, Bormla, Cospicua

+356 2766 7720 | Xatt is-Sajjieda, Marsaxlokk


RESTAURANTEUR KEITH SEYCHELL Oh My Malt a t alk s t o e ntre pre ne ur Keith Sey chell on r u n ning s uc c es s ful b u s i ne sse s in the prope rty and cate ring industrie s.

HOW DID IT ALL START? I started my first business when I bought my first property at the age of 18. I worked in several different sectors but mainly in property. However, I always dreamt of starting up a business in the catering industry. Five years ago, I opened up my first restaurant, Capo Crudo, which was my first business venture in that industry. This started out as a hobby as it was not my main project at the time. This inspired my partner Mr Husni Bey and I to open up another three restaurants and even more in the future. This is how I expanded my business to the catering industry. DO YOU STILL FOCUS ON PROPERTY? I still focus on the property industry as that is my main business. Recently, the restaurants have been taking up a lot of my time. At the moment I am working in the restaurant industry as much as I am working in property. CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENT CONCEPTS OF YOUR RESTAURANTS? Capo Crudo in Valletta is a high-end restaurant, which offers diners fresh fish and seafood with views across Marsamxett harbour. Mykonos in Cospicua is a perfect fusion of Greek and Italian cuisine., whilst Cut Steakhouse specialises in steaks and exotic meats as well as some of the best Japanese and Canadian cuts you can find. We will also be opening another one in Cospicua called Blue Marlin, a seafood restaurant as well as a seafood market. This is a new concept where customers can select their choice of the freshest and most fantastic range of seafood in Malta, and choose to dine in or cook at home. We are also bringing home the franchise Paul, and plan on opening up five of these bakeries. So we are currently working on that too. HOW IMPORTANT IS THE LOCATION OF A RESTAURANT?

WHAT WAS IT LIKE BEING FEATURED ON NETFLIX’S POPULAR PROGRAMME ‘RESTAURANTS ON THE EDGE’? It was an honour to be approached by a Canadian production and a team of experts to feature on this programme. It was great to be recognised for our good quality food, service and ambience. We’ve definitely had a positive response after appearing on the hit show. Getting our restaurant noticed for positive reasons was definitely good publicity. HOW HAS COVID-19 IMPACTED THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY? The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on the industry. The restaurant industry was hit hard. There will be restaurants that won’t survive. Some are at risk of closing down and not reopening. This all depends on how strong they are. We did have support from the government and for that we are very grateful. Unfortunately, it is still not enough as we’ve been hit extremely hard. Recovery will take time, but having said this, I am looking forward to restarting and hopefully getting back on track in the coming months. DO YOU ENJOY COOKING AFTER ALL? Cooking is pleasurable to me. It is also a priority. It is a passion I include in my everyday routine. After a long day at work, I prefer spending the evening cooking and entertaining my family and friends rather than sitting on the sofa. ARE YOU WORKING ON ANY NEW PROJECTS? DID THE PANDEMIC MAKE YOU MORE CREATIVE? I do have some ideas in mind. I have a lot of ideas in fact. However, I’d rather focus on one thing at a time than start several projects and not give them the attention they need. So at the moment the priority is to focus on all my businesses and make sure they are strong enough before developing the ideas I have in mind.

For me the location is more important than anything else. A seaview is a must. The first thing I look out for is the location and then I build a concept around it.

In the meantime, I plan on developing an agricultural farm on the land next to my house, where we would grow lots of local produce to use in our restaurants. That is definitely something I’m looking forward to do.


I am always dreaming, but things need to be done at the right time. It is impossible to implement every idea that comes to mind. That is a recipe for disaster.

Every business has its own unique set of challenges. Within the catering industry, you have to interact with your customers and provide a good service. The restaurant industry has seen some of the most notable changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Restaurants were closed for a period of time and some were even forced to close their doors permanently. COVID-19 has forced many restaurant businesses – large and small – to make changes to the way they operate. We suffered a lot, but we are ready to restart and I am hopeful that it will be business as usual in the summer months.

HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE FUTURE? I feel quite confident that business will pick up. People have had enough of staying indoors, and they are itching to be at a restaurant with a drink in hand. So there is no doubt that people will go out to eat at restaurants. I am very positive that if we have ongoing help until things get back on track, we will survive.





The Bars Team at InterContinental Malta are continuously seeking ways to push boundaries and challenge the beverage culture status quo locally. When entering the bar area one is awestruck by the jaw-dropping bar backdrop stocked with priceless bottles of the finest spirits, all tended to by the award-winning bars team. Here the team, have prepared a menu with a wide selection of hot chocolates, coffees and classic cocktails given a unique and classy twist.


Live the InterContinental life.

NEW WELCOME TO INTERCONTINENTAL MALTA For the past 18 years, InterContinental Malta has welcomed a wide variety of guests such as a family travelling to Malta for leisure, a couple celebrating their honeymoon, an attendee of a large conference, celebrities ready to take on the stage at a national concert or ready to shoot a blockbuster or Heads of States here in Malta to discuss important matters. Often, people refer to the Lobby as the ‘Heart of the Hotel’ and it couldn’t be truer. The Lobby is wherea guest is first greeted and checked in and it is one of the last stops at the end of their stay. It is a meeting point, it is where guests go to ask queries, and where people can relax. At the beginning of 2020, the Owners of Eden Leisure Group invested in a brand new refined lobby bar with itsjaw-dropping brass bar backdrop stocked with priceless bottles of the finest spirits, kickingoff the uplift of the lobby area. Towards the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, it was time to focus on one of the most importantparts of InterContinental Malta and thus the lobby went through a refurbishment. Whenwalking into the hotel one is greeted with warm tones embodying a mix between classic and moderndécor. Custom wood features which were handcut and placed, stand out amongst the textures inthe lobby. In addition brass elements at the reception desk and atop the grand columns complementing ‘The Brass Bar’. InterContinental Malta’s talented Pastry Chef; Pierre Debono, also created a unique chocolate centrepiece to suit the lobby’s new look. The staff invite you to the refreshing, luxurious and comfortable space that awaits you upon entering InterContinental Malta.

For more information, visit malta.intercontinental.com


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MUST-SEE HIDDEN GEMS LASCARIS WAR ROOMS IN VALLETTA Let’s start off with a historical gem hidden underneath Malta’s capital city, Valletta. The Lascaris War Rooms are an underground complex of tunnels and rooms which housed the British War Headquarters where the defence and offense plans for Malta were strategically plotted during World War II. While each of the military services were allocated their own operations room, their leaders met inside the Combined Operations Room at the heart of the complex. This room was also the most heavily guarded, as it housed the encryption machines which were used to send and receive top secret communications. You can visit the chambers, which have recently been restored and transformed into an accessible museum by Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna in collaboration with the Malta Airport Foundation, from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4.30pm*. METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL MUSEUM IN MDINA A testament to Malta’s rich religious and artistic heritage, 40 OH MY MALTA

the Metropolitan Cathedral Museum in Mdina is a sight to behold. Situated to the right-hand side of the Mdina Cathedral, the halls of the ornate baroque museum house exhibits raging from papal coins and sacred vessels, to rare books and religious paintings. One of the most fascinating exhibits is a recently restored 15th century triptych of the Madonna del Soccorso, which is one of Malta’s earliest Renaissance paintings, attributed to artist Antonio de Saliba. Take a closer look at the work of art by visiting the Cathedral Museum in Mdina, which is open from Monday to Saturday between 9.30am and 4.30pm*. TORRI XUTU IN WIED IŻ-ŻURRIEQ A few metres away from Malta’s iconic Blue Grotto in Żurrieq lies another landmark of historical importance which was recently restored by the Malta Airport Foundation. Torri Xutu is a watchtower in Wied iżŻurrieq which was used as an observation post by the coast guard during World War II. The 17th century tower is one of more than 25 watchtowers which were

constructed in strategic locations around the Maltese Islands to provide the archipelago with a robust defence system during the time of the Knights of St. John. The area in which the newly-restored tower stands today is protected as a Natura 2000 site, making it the perfect place to take a quiet stroll and enjoy a magnificent sunset. SANTA MARIA CAVES IN COMINO You may have heard of Comino’s idyllic Blue Lagoon, but there is much more to this island paradise than meets the eye. Although the island is riddled with caves, the most impressive cave system, known as the Santa Maria caves, can be found on the northside of the island. Snorkelers and divers of all levels can visit this spot to discover the rich underwater life which calls Comino home, from the Fried Egg Jellyfish to the colourful Nudibranch, as the caves are shallow and drenched in sunlight, offering explorers crystal clear visibility underwater. Want to know more about Comino? Check out the Malta Airport Foundation’s documentary Comino: A Secret Paradise on YouTube. *Note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the mentioned attractions may be closed. Please check the opening times and requirements before visiting.


Following hot on the heels of several successful releases of luxury residential units, The Shoreline has now entered its most exciting phase – construction - with the main contractor now fully engaged on site. As Andrew Gatt, Sales and Marketing Manager explained: “Local and overseas interest is again on the rise, given the ever-increasing construction activity, the anticipated easing of travel restrictions and the added value of forming part of a Special Designated Area, where overseas nationals are free to purchase multiple units for investment, rental, resale or residential use without limits or restrictions.” In order to cater for this demand, The Shoreline will shortly be releasing another tranche of superior seafront apartments for sale. These 1-2- and 3-bedroom properties are excellently planned and will all enjoy magnificent views from substantial terraces, offering a Mediterranean feel and lifestyle like no other. Offering all the luxury, convenience and relaxation one

could desire, discover the potential that living at The Shoreline holds. Starting from the impressive entrances and lobby areas of the individual blocks, the mix of various layouts, sizes, orientations and views offers living and investment solutions to the most discerning of clients. This secure, child-safe, pet-friendly, car-free and access-controlled environment is located literally seconds away from the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean sea. Whether relaxing by the pool area, enjoying the landscaped areas and facilities of the Residents Plaza, browsing through the 40+ outlets in The Shoreline Mall, or simply taking in the scenic walks along the eastern coastline, there truly is something for everyone. The Shoreline gives you the opportunity to live the life and make the most of your day. Contact them on 21808895, 9949 7518 or send an email to sales@theshorelineresidence.com to find out more and reserve your dream property.


Matthew Degiorgio


G ia n p ula V illag e h as b ee n around for almost 40 ye ars. From i n d oor t o o ut d o o r nig h t c lubs and sun-kisse d rooftops to fe stival a re n a s , it is o n e o f t he b est e nte rtainme nt de stinations in Malta. We ca t ch up w it h t h e Ma naging Director , Matthew de Giorgio, t o find out more

HOW DID IT ALL START? Gianpula Village has been around for 40 years, when my parents started the business in 1980. It started, to be fair, as a small gathering between friends not with the intention of it becoming an entertainment spot. After a number of years it started growing slowly slowly. Also, it just started inside only, and then after a while it also evolved outdoors. A lot has been going on over the years, but obviously, due to competition and all, we had to start changing things up completely.

different club. That is what made me want Gianpula to become an entertainment village. Saying that, I hardly drink and it’s more about me focusing on the business and wanting to succeed and take it to the next level… into an international level. WHAT GIANPULA MILESTONES STICK OUT IN YOUR MIND? Our biggest achievement as a club, was becoming the 57th nightclub around the world. We were the first Maltese nightclub to become part of this listing in 2017.



When I started at the age of 17/18 years old, the idea was to turn Gianpula into an entertainment village, with various nightclubs with different types of music. My father wanted me to start out at a very young age so I had started out by cleaning glasses and also making hotdogs. There was one saying I always remember him telling me. He told me “ I’m going to throw you into the pool, and it’s for you to get out of the pool or you’re going to drown”. That is what kept me sane in the sense of always wanting to achieve more and not let him down. It was a lot of pressure but at the same time it was something that I always wanted to do.

It’s been very hard for us. I think at the beginning we didn’t accept it… we thought it was just a short span and everyone would get out of it pretty much quickly. June did come quickly but we were only open for 5 weeks. Now it’s hitting us even harder. We’ve realized that now it’s going to be for the long haul.

I studied in the UK for five to six years. To be fair I never went to university, but headed straight into the business. I took over from my father completely, and he took a side in it when I was only 18 years old.

The only situation for us to get back into business in the nightlife industry is for us to hit herd immunity, which according to the health department, is looking like September. For discos and nightclubs, this could be a complete disaster, not just Gianpula but even our competitors, who we speak to.

I just hit the road running. I new exactly what I wanted for the entertainment industry in Malta because I knew from living abroad what Malta lacked. It was always a vision of mine to create an entertainment village.

They are basically telling us the same thing. This cant carry on for song long cause we will just be wiped out completely and will not be able to restart. We need actual help for the actual business, because one needs to understand that apart from wages, we have water, electricity and maintenance. You cannot just shut down the business and expect to reopen in September. It doesn’t work like that.



When people started coming to Gianpula, they were always a certain type of people. Now for me to get different types of people and different genres of music, I needed to open more outlets. You come here on a Friday night and you can listen to commercial in one club, techno in another club, and reggae in a completely

Well, at the moment, what we are basically doing is maintaining the venue. I’m not spending too much, because there is obviously a limit. This is a big circle and I think the government needs to help out immediately, with not just bars and ‘kazini’ but also discos and nightclubs in general.


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We worked on a project, The Magical Illuminated Trail, which was a blessing in disguise. For a start, it helped us do something completely out of the norm. There were only two drive thrus during Christmas time. I was very happy because both of them did very well. At the end of the day, this helped suppliers and individuals who have been hit hard by the pandemic as well, so it was a blessing in disguise. WHAT ABOUT PLANS FOR THE NEAR FUTURE? There aren’t many ideas at the moment. We’re just hoping to restart as soon as possible because at the end of the day, a drive thru helps, but it’s not going to help long term. We have people telling us that we should change the way we operate. It is very difficult to change the way you operate as a nightclub. We cannot even do seated events at the moment. Hopefully, if bars and kazini restart, at least discos and nightclubs might actually restart as seated events and then obviously go onto the normal standing events. It’s a nightclub… you cannot tell people to come to sit on a chair. If people go to a nightclub, they want to go to listen to music, dance and enjoy it with friends. Post pandemic we are hoping to restart and restart with a bang. The advantage over here is that if we do restart in September, at least we do have indoor venues. Here we have a total of 11 venues… half of them are outdoor and half of them are indoor. HAS GIANPULA ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN FOR CLUBBING? I diversified into a corporate venue and it only lasted for two years. It didn’t work for us. We had to change it completely into a nightclub venue and it actually worked much better than the corporate side. People know Gianpula and Gianpula village as a brand more toward nightlife rather than corporate as well. So we had to find a balance and we took the decision of having all our venues completely nightclubs. I think more festivals are coming over. The help of foreign festivals coming over is helping the image of Malta grow drastically and even helping nightclubs to level it up and make it even more appealing when foreigners come over to the country. WHAT DO YOU ENVISAGE FOR THE POST-PANDEMIC CLUBBING SCENE IN MALTA? I think festivals in general will increase especially in 2022. Because of the situation of COVID-19 and not knowing when we can exactly restart, it is very hard for us to even plan what will happen this summer. ANY FINAL WORDS OR TIPS? I do hope that many people will take the vaccine because that’s the only way for us to get back to some sort of normality. Is there going to be a passport to enter an event? At the moment we don’t know. It will be great if we do know, but at the stage, from our end, we have no issue if there’s a vaccine passport as long as we restart.

LOCAL ATHLETES PERFORMING INTERNATIONALLY D e s p i t e t h e u nc er t aint y w ro ught by the pande mic, local athle te s are s till t ra i n i n g hard , t ravellin g around the globe and bre aking re cords. We h a ve p ut t o g et her a lis t o f the fe male young guns that you ought t o look out for


Mya Azzopardi is an 18-year-old Maltese swimmer who competed in the women's 100 metre freestyle at the 2019 World Aquatics Championships. During that year, she won a whopping three bronze medals at the 2019 Games of the Small States of Europe, which were held in Budva, Montenegro. Fast forward to 2021, where Mya set a National Record during a 200m freestyle event in Turkey, called the International Turkcell competition. With her remarkable win, the swimmer registered a time of 2:06.48, improving her own mark of 2:06.76, which she set in Kazan, Russia during the LEN European Junior Championships in 2019. So impressive at such a young age, we just cannot wait to see what Mya has in store for us in the near future!


This 15-year-old weightlifter has broken no less than five national records, as she placed first in the B category of the 49kg weight class, at the European Championships in Russia. Thornton’s impressive results meant that she finished in 10th place overall – the best-ever result for a Maltese weightlifter at the European Championships. She also scored 489 Olympic qualification points and moved to Diamond Level in the Malta Weightlifting Association rankings. Tenishia has been raising the bar for the sport continuously, ever since she put on a whopping 159kg total performance, a 4kg improvement from her Youth World Championships performance in 2020, where she placed third.


Haley Bugeja is a 16-year-old Maltese footballer who plays as a forward for Italian Serie A club US Sassuolo, as well as Malta women's national team. The star footballer was voted as Malta’s Sportswoman of the Year in 2021 and has scored seven goals in 12 league appearances for Sassuolo. What's more, she currently stands at eighth in the league’s goal-scoring charts. It seems as though Haley's achievements are consistently impressing us all, this time landing a place on a prestigious list by the high-profile football portal Goal, of the 10 best wonderkids in women's football. Goal counts down the top talents born on or after January 1, 2002 from all around the world.


Sophie Abela, a 21-year-old Maltese basketballer currently playing for Ottawa Junior College in Colorado, has made history after becoming the first Maltese to win a regional JUCO tournament in the United States. Sophie was a key factor in her team's last-second win against eighth-ranked Nebraska Community College. OJC will now advance to the National Junior College Athletics Association Division I Championship in Texas. This makes Abela the first Malta international to achieve such a feat. At just 16, Abela played in Italy and a year later, she helped Malta secure the bronze in the FIBA U18 Women's European Championship and was voted the MVP of the tournament.

TARA VELLA CLARK GYMNAST At just 14-years-old, Tara Vella Clark made history back in 2020, when she became the first local representative to ever manage to qualify to a final, in a continental championship, which brings together Europe’s finest talent in the sport. During her qualifying routine, the young gymnast produced a strong performance on the beam when she managed to secure an impressive score of 12.200. Tara ended up in eighth place in the Beam final at the European Artistic Gymnastics Championship in Mersin, in Turkey. Tara went on to succeed as she won the Category II all round title and two apparatus finals in Serbia and placed fourth all-around in Slovakia. Keep shining!


Craig Macdonald


Te F it - Tazz a, a M alt es e ar t studio intriguye d by the mix of local a e s t h et ic and id en t it y, expre sse d throigh prints, and Souve nirs T h a t D on 't S uc k , n o t o n e but two store s in Malta, on a mission to m a ke s o u ven ir s g reat again. We spe ak to Craig Macdonald, co -fo u nd er an d illu s trator, to ge t all the juicy de tails

TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOU I’m Craig, the guy from Te Fit-Tazza and I take care of all the arts and creative. I got started in design at quite a young age.


I was hanging around the skate park a lot and naturally, there was graffiti everywhere and a really cool art movement around the skate park. That set me on a path, where I really wanted to study design or do something creative.

Souvenirs That Don’t Suck opened its doors towards the end of 2015, and was run by a German and an American expat, who were living in Malta. It just so happened that in the end of 2017, we had a discussion and they let us know that they wanted to move on from Malta. They offered us to take the brand lock, stock and barrel.

Eventually I started a side gig with my friend Andrew Farrugia called Te Fit-Tazza. It started out as a passion project and has since grown and grown into the studio that we’re sitting in today.

That was exciting because whereas Te Fit Tazza is an exploration of the Maltese identity, Souvenirs That Don’t Suck is more of a celebration of it. It’s more fun, it can be quirky, and it can be humorous.


Having these two platforms for us to play with was very exciting. Naturally, it also meant that we were suddenly in the retail game. We went from having an online shop to having a shop in Sliema.

In truth, I think it all started with Andrew and myself recognising the need to create something that is quintessentially Maltese and really highlight how much the country is changing, highlight how much of the country hasn’t really been celebrated, and what the unifying factors between Maltese people are; our collective memories. In a nutshell, we just wanted to understand a bit more about the Maltese identity and the Maltese aesthetics, both how the Maltese view them and also how they’re perceived from an outsider’s point of view. Over the years, this has developed until it’s almost morphed into a research project into Maltese art and design. WHERE DID THE ICONIC NAME COME FROM? The name for Te Fit-Tazza – well, basically, everyone knows that tea served in a glass is a very Maltese thing and it’s very symbolic of the Maltese identity, which is appropriated from the governing rulers of the time. In this case, it would be the British. Tea is a staple part of their lifestyle and taking that part of a foreign culture and repackaging it in a Maltese glass and serving it at the local band clubs – is very symbolic of what Te Fit- Tazza is all about.

TELL US SOME MORE ABOUT YOUR CONCEPTS FOR SOUVENIRS With Souvenirs That Don’t Suck, the most prominent concept is called the Speak Maltese concept, which refers to the ‘Mela’ T-shirts, the ‘U Ejja!’s the ‘Orrajt’s, referring to all the words a Maltese person uses without even realising. Another concept we recently embarked upon was the series focused solely on the pastizz. We made coasters and t-shirts focused around pastizzi, which is, obviously, a very popular subject in Malta, because everyone loves pastizzi, and views them as a symbol and an icon. Since COVID-19 hit, we also collaborated with Lovin Malta, called the Kwarantina collection. The idea was to create a time-stamp of the pandemic in Malta at the time. Whilst it’s a global pandemic, it’s the Maltese take on it. HOW WAS GROWING UP IN MALTA INSPIRED YOU AND YOUR PROJECTS? Growing up in Malta was a very different experience to, for instance, growing up in Malta in these days. I


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remember a time when we could play in the streets without worrying about traffic. It was a simpler life and as time goes by, the country seems to getting more and more complicated.

The former is quintessentially for the local, for the Maltese person, it’s where we can really speak a language that locals will understand and that foreigners will appreciate, based on aesthetics.

The biggest inspiration was the simplicity of life here in Malta and I think that this laid-back, simple life is what makes it so attractive to foreigners looking to relocate. We were really trying to raise awareness about the peaceful, tranquil lifestyle that Malta has and to be aware of how it’s being lost and changing as a result of… progress?

With Souvenirs That Don’t Suck, we have the luxury of being able to target tourists and locals. The first collection, Series 1, was very surface level.

MANY OF YOUR WORKS BRING BACK A LOT OF MEMORIES FOR THE LOCAL… Presenting something like an old Maltese literature book, to any outsider, it’s just another book. But to the people who actually lived with these items, it’s a bonding factor, what brings two Maltese people together, a shared memory. Another example would be the collaboration we did with Malta Doors, which highlights typically Maltese facades, and how personal and quirky they can be. All of our collections are thought out in a way that is going to instill some kind of emotion and this is where Te Fit Tazza and Souvenirs That Don’t Suck differentiate. 52 OH MY MALTA

We got all the beautiful scenes in Malta that we could think of that were obvious to us, which could be simplified and presented in a stylistic manner. The Elements of Malta series started as just three buses. From the buses, we moved onto the bus tickets and then, we thought ‘Okay, there’s a memory there, attached to this seemingly insignificant item.’ Developing this collection actually led us onto understanding just how the nostalgic element can be attached to the art and can make people feel something. For example, I remember being a kid and walking by the Red Tower with my grandfather and my cousins and stopping for a picnic. It’s not just about creating a print of somewhere Maltese, it’s about creating a print or selecting a place, which has so much more meaning for the individual who has been there, or held the bus ticket in their hand and counted down the numbers to figure out who their crush is.

HOW DO YOU FEEL THE PANDEMIC HAS AFFECTED YOUR BUSINESS AND THE INDUSTRY? I think in general, pre-pandemic, Malta was booming. Everywhere you looked, everyone was ready and gearing up. It was almost as if everyone was onto something big. When the pandemic hit, it took the wind out of everyone’s sails. For us to point out that we’re struggling would imply that we’re the only ones, which is not the case. The business side suffered a hit but what we gained in being able to sit back, assess, restructure, adapt and ultimately, grow in other parts of our business, is invaluable. Coincidentally, two weeks before the first case, we signed for a new shop right in the heart of Valletta. I would say, opening a new shop in a pandemic would be considered to be a bit bonkers, but we went through and in hindsight, it was one of the best things we could have done. We had three new collections for Te Fit Tazza, all three of them collaborations, one with Malta Type, celebrating the Xmun Borg Bakery, which is now Noni.

We also continued our collaboration with Malta Doors, which resulted in three new prints and finally, a collaboration with the Maltese architect, Richard England. From the Souvenirs side, we introduced facemasks, something we would never have done without the pandemic and the pastizzi t-shirts. WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM TE FIT-TAZZA AND SOUVENIRS THAT DON’T SUCK POST-PANDEMIC? Post-pandemic, I would say that Te Fit-Tazza will keep on doing what we’ve been doing which is: researching the Maltese identity and trying to create a road map of where the Maltese aesthetics originate from, with a view to create something modern out of them. With souvenirs, once tourists start flooding back into the country, we’ll be in a better position to start exploring new products, collaborating with other Maltese creative and suppliers, and really being able to take the shop to the next level.


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TAKE ME HOME We ’re s ad t o s ee yo u g o but to make your de parture a little b i t s w eet er , w e’ve c o m p il e d a list of all things Malte se , which y o u s h o u ld d efint ely make space in your luggage for

MALTESE TILES Pictured: Salvja Lixxa Lazarus tile, salvaged from Triq Ġuże Pace, Ħamrun and Fjurdulis Frankly, salvaged from an early 19th century house in Rabat. Get your hands on these beauties from lazarustiles.com

KINNIE SPRITZ Pictured: The brand spanking new Kinnie Spritz, the company’s refreshingly light alcoholic aperitivo, with a 4% abv content, just in time for summer. Buy a couple from Duty Free, pour it over a goblet of ice, garnish with a slice of orange and you’re sorted


BEL ART Pictured: The beautiful ‘seaspray’, original piece on a 24 x 30cm canvas, with a high gloss finish, by the talented Annabel Zammit. Browse through an array of her colourful works on annabelzammit.com 54 OH MY MALTA

Pictured: A red tote bag with a super cute Maltese print, in mushroom grey ink. The bag is also available in black and navy and features all the classics: the sun, a church and bajtar tax-xewk. Get yours from souvenirsthatdontsuck.mt


Pictured: The turquoise Maltese cross earrings; a statement piece guaranteed to colour any wardrobe. Made of stainless steel and 18 karat gold plated framework and inlaid stones, these earrings would be the perfect gift! Get them from carismacollections.com

SALAD UTENSILS Pictured: Mix tile bamboo salad utensils and Nanna blue tile effect olive wood salad utensils, by Londonbased artist Mia Anastasi Sammut. Her work is handcrafted and original, meaning that every single piece of unique. Get yours from here: bonnymia.com


TABLE TOPS Pictured: ‘Casablanca’ and 'Marrakesh' volcanic stone table tops, locally produced by Maltese craftsmen, with an artisan touch inspired by the Mediterranean lifestyle. Choose from a myriad of designs from mediterraneanceramics.com

MALTESE CHOCOLATE Pictured: The Sea Salt dark chocolate and the Iced Chocolate drink, by Chocolate District. The Sea Salt is packaged in Maltese ‘tberfil’ style and both are absolutely delectable, both are definitely worth a try. Check out these and the rest of the products on chocolatedistrict.com

Pictured: Il-Bajtra food hamper, from Malta Sunripe, featuring all the good’uns, including artichoke hearts, local capers, prickly pear jam and Maltese olive oil. Get your hands on this (and more) from maltasunripe.com

CAROB SYRUP Pictured: Carob syrup from Diar il-Bniet. Traditionally used as a natural medicine to help fight the flu, this syrup is made from carob pods that are collected from trees that are over 700 years old. Grab a jar, or 10 from diarilbniet.com


a helping hand from us




Cirkewwa, Malta – Mgarr, Gozo Operates daily Departure time: Approx. every 30 mins From 12am – 23:15pm Crossing time: Approx. 25 mins

Brown’s Pharmacy +356 2124 4366 Marina Apartments, 10, Marina St, Pietà Opening hours: Monday – Saturday from 8am – 9pm

Unicar Hire Services Ltd

Cirkewwa Malta - Blue Lagoon Operates daily Departure time: Approx. Every 30 mins From 8:30am – 5:30pm

M4 Pharmacy +356 2143 6531 Attard Road, Attard Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 1pm/4pm-7pm, Saturday from 8am – 1:00pm

3 Cities – Valletta Operates daily Departure time: Approx. every 15 mins Monday – Saturday from 6:45am – 23:30pm Sundays & public holidays from 9:00am – 23:30pm

Royal Pharmacy +356 2123 9682 271, Republic Street, Valletta Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 9am – 7pm, Saturday 9am-7pm

Sliema – Valletta ferry Operates daily Departure time: Approx. Every 15 mins Monday – Saturday from 6:45am – 11:45pm Sunday & public holidays from 8:45am – 11:45pm



St. James Hospital +356 2329 1000 Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, Sliema St James Square, Zabbar Opening hours: 24/7

Fexserv Financial Services Ltd Alpine House, Triq In-Naxxar, San Gwann +356 2576 2576 Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 8.30am – 6pm, Saturday from 9am - 12.30pm

66A, St. George’s Road, St. Julians +356 2576 2785 Opening hours: Monday- Sunday from 9.30am – 8pm 61, Republic Street, Valletta +356 2576 2278 Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 9am to 2pm and from 3pm to 6pm


Mater Dei Hospital +356 2545 0000 Triq Dun Karl, Imsida Opening hours: 24/7

Floriana Health Centre +356 2124 3314 F.S. Fenech Street, Floriana Opening hours: Mon-Sun 24 hours Gozo Health Centre (Victoria) + 356 2215 6820 Triq Enrico Mizzi, Victoria, Gozo Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 07:00-20:00

+356 2345 8706 9 Empire Stadium Street, Gzira www.unicarmalta.com GoTo Car Sharing Car Sharing Services Malta Ltd, Mdina Road, Zebbug, ZBG 9017, Malta

TAXI SERVICES Cool Ride-Pooling +356 2014 7600 www.cool.mt


+356 2138 3838 Head Office, Triq Santu Wistin, Paceville St Julians – STJ 3180, Malta

HAIR SALONS Prive Hairdressing +356 21 433 072 Prive Hairdressing, Triq it- Tin, Naxxar, Malta Toni&Guy +356 2373 3420 Hilton Malta, Portomaso, St Julians Opening hours: Monday – Saturday from 9am – 7pm Shimmer N Shin Hair and Beauty Salon +356 2789 4555 128, Triq il-Qaliet, Marsaskala, Opening hours: Monday from 10am - 6pm, Tuesday - Saturday from 9am - 7pm

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