2011-12 OC Foundation annual report

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Dawn Sears, Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Impact Over the past year we have again witnessed the transformative power of the Foundation together with our donors, by supporting innovative buildings and programs, graduates and students. It has been ten years since the Foundation was created. The cumulative value of awards given to students in that time is over $7 million with an additional $2 million in donations endowed, bringing our endowment to over $6.8 million. But the story is not about the numbers. It is about the impact on individual recipients and how your support has helped students become the skilled people who transform our communities. Like Dawn Sears, one of the 832 students who received an award last year, whose story we include here. We have also chosen a few more stories to share with you. The effect of your support is lasting, just as education is itself. In December, Okanagan College officially opened The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation. Not only did we celebrate the opening of this $28-million marvel in sustainable construction, we celebrated the success of our capital campaign. Through the gift of the Jim Pattison Foundation we have a catalyst to generate further investment over the next four years.

Snapshot of Student Need 2011-12 • 1,868 Okanagan College students applied for government student loans • 1,482 Okanagan College students received government student loans • $16.6 million assessed financial need of Okanagan College student applicants • $13.8 million in student loans issued to Okanagan College students • Even with student loans, there remains an unmet need of $2.8 million • 832 Okanagan College students received scholarships and bursaries totalling $701,829

Impact and future impact. Thank you for your continued investment in our College and its students.

Jim Henderson Kathy Butler President Executive Director Okanagan College Foundation Okanagan College Foundation

Jim Pattison (left), Kathy Butler and Jim Henderson celebrating the opening of The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technolgies and Renewable Energy Conservation.


Dawn Pursues Her Passion It would be difficult to find a better recipient for the Lisa Whilhelm Nursing Opportunity Bursary than Dawn Sears. Dawn, a 41-year-old Vernon resident, is back at Okanagan College studying for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree after having already completed the Practical Nursing (PN) program in 2000. In her pursuit of the Registered Nurse (RN) designation, Dawn received the $500 bursary in honour of Lisa through the Central Okanagan Foundation, which manages this fund. Both women studied nursing, and both battled cancer. “When I was accepted to the BSN program I was still recovering in bed,” Dawn says. “It was an extremely stressful time as I was waiting to hear if I was clear of the cancer in my lymph nodes, recuperating, healing and trying to get all of the prerequisites done.” She received the good news and is now pursuing her passion. It was an easy decision for her to return to Okanagan College. Not only is she raising a 13-year-old son in the Okanagan, she knows how well the College prepares its students. “The day I graduated, I had a full-time job with Interior Health as an LPN,” says Dawn, who has lived in the Valley for 24 years. “I attended my graduation ceremonies and then worked the afternoon shift at Cottonwoods Extended Care home. I was very happy with the professionalism and level of expertise I gained from the program with OC.” Receiving the $500 Lisa Whilhelm Nursing Opportunity Bursary made life that much easier. “It meant having the gas money to make it to class every day,” Dawn says. “It meant having a little extra time to study, maintain my grades and take care of myself. “Scholarships took some of the pressure off from being a single mom trying to work, support my family and go to school,” she adds. “The stress is overpowering and having the opportunity to take a breath was priceless.”

Each year many nursing students face the challenge of making ends meet. Income and student loans don’t go the distance toward covering living costs, tuition and books. This past year, for example, many of the Bachelor of Science Nursing students needed student loans but collectively fell $41,000 short of the amount needed to cover their costs. For some, this gap between the student loan, other income and overall costs may be too high. You can help close the gap by donating to student awards.

Donna Comes Full Circle to Give Back Donna Lester-Smith isn’t independently wealthy, she’s not a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, nor is she sitting on a generation’s worth of family money. She’s a student, with three grown children, living in Vancouver with her husband Stephen. So why has she taken it upon herself to fund an award at Okanagan College with her own money? Because there are students who need it. “Particularly for either single parents or Aboriginal students – I’m Métis myself – the working and the money, they just don’t jive,” she says. “That was the best way. It’s going right to the source of the problem, right to the source of the challenge.” At Okanagan College, the Donna Lester-Smith Humanitarian Award gives $500 to a student in need, with a preference to single parents. This award came about because Donna, 47, is a former award recipient. As a student, she juggled life as a single parent, often spending long nights studying with nothing but vending machine snacks and textbooks to keep her company. She says she also benefited from exemplary staff at the then Okanagan University College as she completed her English degree in 2005. Because of her cerebral palsy, Donna needed more time to complete exams in a quiet room, often spending four-and-a-half hours to write a three-hour exam. As she prepared to graduate, Donna wanted to show staff at the College just how thankful she was. “A bouquet of flowers to say thank you just didn’t seem appropriate,” Donna says. Now a doctoral candidate at UBC, Donna is hoping to begin teaching. Her master’s degree and PhD both focus on Aboriginal health and education. This summer, she travelled to an academic conference in New Zealand to present her research. In November 2011, Donna returned to Okanagan College to speak to students and donors at the Kelowna Awards Ceremony. Her speech was one part motivational and one part reporting back to her educational “home.” Remembering being on the same stage years earlier – that time as an award recipient – she said, “I’ve done everything I’ve told you I would do six years ago.”

Go to www.youtube.com and search “Donna Lester-Smith” to watch a video of her motivational speech to student award recipients at the November 2011 Kelowna Awards Ceremony.

Supporting Darren’s Success Darren Dyck was well aware it would be difficult going from business owner to student. That’s why he isn’t afraid to tell his story, in hopes those who can donate to Okanagan College, do. Darren, a 30-year-old single father, is near the end of his Civil Engineering Technology diploma. After a summer co-op term, he hopes to jump right into his new career. That wouldn’t be possible, he said, without the scholarships and bursaries from the Okanagan College Foundation. Darren received the SIDIT Entrance Award ($1,000), Jennifer Urton Memorial Award ($2,000) and the Okanagan College Foundation Gaming Emergency Bursary ($1,000). The latter – the product of staff contributions from a 50/50 fund – quite literally saved his education. “There were times when, if I didn’t get that grant money, I probably would’ve had to miss at least a week or two of school,” he says, “just to keep my housing and keep food on the table for me and my daughter. You go from working full-time to student loans – it really doesn’t cover too much.” Of the emergency bursary, he said, “It paid the bills and got us groceries for the last couple months of school.” Darren graduated from the Carpentry/Joinery program in 2002 and owned his own construction company. When the recession hit, it hit him hard and he decided to return to the College and complete the Civil Engineering Technology program. Having a daughter to support meant he had to work on weekends, which left little time to study, and he started to fall behind in his schoolwork. That’s when he approached his instructors and, along with support staff, they formulated a plan to keep him on track to graduate. “As long as you’re there, and you show them you’re there to succeed, they’ll make the extra time, they’ll make the extra effort.”

Go to page 15 to learn more about emergency bursaries.

Randy and Evelyn Establish Memorial Awards with the Okanagan College Foundation Don’t let the title fool you, Randy and Evelyn Enns are alive and well. The Penticton couple and Okanagan College Foundation have collaborated this year to establish the Evelyn Enns Memorial Award for Elementary or Secondary Education and the Randall Enns Building Trades Memorial Award. The fact they’ve both established memorial awards for the College speaks volumes about the impact these scholarships will have on students for generations. The Enns are setting up their awards as an endowment fund through a bequest in their wills, and a portion of the interest generated each year will go towards the awards. By establishing the terms of their awards during their lifetime, Evelyn and Randy can be assured that their legacies will support students in programs that are meaningful to them. “Both of us like to give back to the community,” Evelyn says. “And because Randy went through the Okanagan College welding program in 1963, he’d like to help another person who is going into the trades.

I taught here (in Penticton) for 30-odd years, so I’d like to give back too. I know what it’s like being a student, and it would be nice to give a scholarship to someone who is going into teaching.” Evelyn is an active member of the South Okanagan Retired Teachers’ Association after a fruitful, 30-year teaching career. Her award will go to any School District 67 graduate who has completed one year of the university transfer program at the Penticton campus and will be going on to any post-secondary institution in B.C. pursuing a teaching career. After graduating from Okanagan College, Randy’s welding career spanned 30 years with the Plumbers and Pipefitters U.A. Local #170 in B.C. He was active throughout his career as a trade unionist and has a keen interest in supporting the next generation of tradespeople. His award will go to an Okanagan College student entering the Welding Level B Certificate program or, to a student enrolled in the carpenter, electrician or plumber apprenticeship programs.

A Gift in Your Will Can Transform Lives There are thousands of students attending Okanagan College and many more wanting to get a college education who face financial barriers. You can make a difference in a student’s life by leaving a gift in your will to establish a scholarship or bursary. It is not only an investment in the future of many students, but in the future of your community. By planning your gift today, you can help future generations of students meet the needs of tomorrow. It provides the opportunity to support the causes you believe in, often in ways you might not be able to accomplish during your lifetime. We would be pleased to meet with you to set up the criteria and provide appropriate wording for your named award or support for other programs or areas of Okanagan College. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your gift will contribute to the success of students in an area that is important to you. In addition to the fulfillment that comes from contributing to the future of students at Okanagan College, you can achieve significant tax and estate planning benefits. The Okanagan College Foundation encourages you to seek legal, estate planning and financial advice to assist in determining your bequest. To learn more about making a gift at Okanagan College, please contact: Anne Kirkpatrick Phone: 250.762.5445 ext. 4770 Toll-Free: 1.888.650.6968 ext. 2 Email: plannedgiving@okanagan.bc.ca

In Memory of Alan Sparling Birchard In 2011, the Okanagan College Foundation was the recipient of a legacy gift from the estate of Alan Sparling Birchard, a treasured friend of the College. The proceeds of a life insurance policy established the Birchard Family Endowment Fund that will provide an award annually in perpetuity to deserving students. Alan believed that education was a major factor in solving some of the world’s current issues and devoted part of his life to making a contribution to education, including seven years on the Board of Governors at Okanagan College. His gift will help shape the future growth and success of generations of students to come.


Vanessa Achieves a Work-Life-Education Balance At 23 years old, Vanessa Wittel can already claim an ambassadorship. Granted, it was with the Peachland Ambassadors program for high school students, but don’t discount the experiences she gained through that training. Wittel now has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a speciality in accounting from Okanagan College, and begins working this fall. Over the summer, she will prepare for her Chartered Accountant certification. To sharpen her skills, she’s a member of the Peachland Toastmasters. While she light-heartedly laments spending six years in school (some of it at university before Okanagan College), Wittel speaks with the self-assuredness of a person wise beyond her years. It’s no wonder she received such prestigious awards during her schooling – the 2011 MacKay LLP Scholarship ($2,500) and the 2010 John Bayer Memorial Scholarship ($2,500). She said instructors at Okanagan College encouraged students to find the proper work-life-education balance, while employers emphasized a wide range of experiences. Through the awards, she was able to accomplish all of that. “By receiving the funding and the generous scholarships from the Okanagan College Foundation, I was able to pursue business competitions, join clubs, and have time for pursuits outside of school because I didn’t have to work three jobs like some of my classmates,” Wittel says. “That enabled me to get a wider range of experiences through volunteer work.” It was also easier at Okanagan College because of the familiar atmosphere. Wittel says she was more than just a number, and could always find the extra help she needed to succeed. Moreover, the College provided her opportunities to get involved in activities such as business competitions, which allowed her to test her academic knowledge. “I found that it was a very close-knit and welcoming community of students and professors and instructors. It was just a place I could look forward to going every single day.”

Go to www.youtube.com and search “Vanessa Wittel” to watch a video of her speech to donors and students at the November 2011 Kelowna Awards Ceremony.

Dwayne Gets a New Shot at Life If you attended Okanagan College graduation ceremonies this spring, you probably noticed Dwayne Humeniuk. He was grinning ear-to-ear, waving to his wife and two daughters in the crowd; they were the ones in tears. To hear the 55-yearold West Kelowna man’s story is to wonder how anyone could remain as positive through as much adversity as he’s faced. It wasn’t always this way. With the right help and support from almost everyone he’s met lately, Dwayne is embracing life. He has no qualms about telling you he lives with Tourette Syndrome (a neurological disorder), right-hemisphere (nonverbal) syndrome, plus attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder. All of this, however, didn’t stop him from completing the Studio Woodworking program. “It’s the first time I’ve ever been able to get through school,” Dwayne says matter-of-factly.“My whole life has turned around in the last year,” he continues. “Getting through this course was a very big thing for me.” While working in the auto mechanic field, Dwayne began studying for his real estate exam and realized something had to change. He couldn’t concentrate and struggled. He found the right doctor and received the right diagnosis. Part of the prescription was to change careers from the chaotic and stressful world of auto mechanics. That led him to woodworking. He was hesitant – having dropped out of school at 14 – but through peer support, the College’s Disability Services and encouraging instructors, Dwayne achieved his goal. A couple of financial awards made all the difference, too. He received the Michael Doyle Memorial Award ($1,000) from the Kinsmen Club of Westbank and the Rick and Yasmin Thorpe Entrance Award for Mature Students ($1,250). Now, he’s hoping to pursue a career building furniture. “I had a lot of support from my family. Now I’m about as proud and happy as I can be. It’s proof that if you work with the kids or the adults or whoever, and you work the way they learn, then everybody’s got a shot in life.”

The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation Mr. Jim Pattison joined Premier Christy Clark, MP Dan Albas and approximately 250 guests, students and members of the community to celebrate the naming and official opening of the building, and to announce a commitment of $2.5 million in matching funds to Okanagan College. This announcement marked the largest private gift ever given to a college in British Columbia and provided a tremendous boost to the $5-million fundraising campaign for this $28-million building. “I am a firm believer in education and understand that innovative buildings such as this are the places where we will train and develop a skilled workforce and the leaders of tomorrow,” said Pattison, one of the province’s best-known entrepreneurs and community-builders. “I appreciate the leadership demonstrated by Okanagan College and the overwhelming community support this project has received.”

In true entrepreneurial style, Mr. Pattison chose to make a commitment with a vision of attracting further investment to this unique project by promising to match all new donations – dollar for dollar – to a total of $2.5 million. These donations can be made to student awards, programs, equipment, applied research, library resources or through gifts-in-kind. For more information on this fund, please contact: Kathy Butler Executive Director of the Okanagan College Foundation Phone: 250.862.5630 Toll-Free 1.888.650.6968 Email: kbutler@okanagan.bc.ca Above: On December 12, 2011 the Honourable Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia, officially opened The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation in Penticton.

Great-West Life Donates $100,000 to The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence On February 29, 2012 one of Canada’s leading insurers, Great-West Life – together with its subsidiaries, London Life and Canada Life – answered Mr. Jim Pattison’s call for further investment in Okanagan College by announcing a donation of $100,000. Half of the funding will go towards the capital cost of The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence, and the remaining $50,000 will go towards development of a new three-year Sustainable Construction Management Technology program at Okanagan College. “Okanagan College has built one of the most innovative and sustainable post-secondary facilities in the world and will soon be training the next generation of tradespeople in sustainable building practices,” said Great-West Life’s Dave Kent, Regional Director, Sales and Marketing Centre, BC Region. Great-West Life’s long-standing relationship with the College dates back to 1990 when Canada Life established a scholarship. Since then, Okanagan College students have received 20 awards totalling $11,800. “We saw the College’s new initiative as an opportunity to deepen that relationship,” said Kent.

Penticton students celebrate Great-West Life’s donation of $100,000 to The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence.

Award-Winning Building Design awards from around the globe are stacking up for The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation at Okanagan College’s Penticton campus, including: • International Architecture Awards’ Green GOOD DESIGN Award from the prestigious European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design • Two awards from the Illuminating Engineering Society, an organization with over 8,000 members across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico • Canadian Green Building Award from SAB (Sustainable Architecture Building Magazine) • Two FortisBC awards for Leadership Excellence and Conservation

Making it Possible for Devin to Find the Ideal Career Quite simply, there were few better choices for Devin Burroughs. Okanagan College’s Trades Technology Teacher Education program allowed the 28-year-old Penticton native to pursue his passions while providing for his family. Small class sizes, an informal setting and personalized education meant he didn’t have to look anywhere else. “Being a trades teacher, it allows me to take a bunch of my hobbies and make them a career,” he says. “Beyond that, I’m a single dad. I have two kids, so in order to sync life with their school curriculum and be able to provide for them, becoming a high school shop teacher was the ideal situation.” Okanagan College was Devin’s first foray into post-secondary education, and the instructors made the experience rewarding and memorable. “You can definitely approach a professor and talk to them,” he says. “More one-on-one than what I was expecting as far as college or university would be.” Furthermore, with two children, he had all the motivation he needed, and Okanagan College allowed him to learn at his own pace. He studied through the summers and took extra classes during his semesters. Now he’s a year ahead of schedule as he prepares to complete the Secondary Teacher Education Program at UBC Okanagan beginning in September 2012. Of course, it was made that much easier through awards from the Okanagan College Foundation. Devin received the SIDIT Entrance Award ($1,000), the Wendy Anne Morgan Memorial Award ($1,200) and the Bess Cannings and Bill Gladwin Award ($500) through the Foundation. It would be hard to imagine finishing school without them, he says. “Student loans are not enough, especially being a single dad. Moving into the final month of a semester, it seems like you’re basically going into the red,” he says. “Without those awards, I definitely would’ve found myself short heading into the next semester.”

Go to www.youtube.com and search “Devin Burroughs” to watch a video of his speech to donors and students at the November 2011 Kelowna Awards Ceremony.

Financial Report April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 The Foundation continues to experience a healthy financial picture, with total revenues for the year of $1,709,364. Also, net assets at year-end were over $8 million. Donations for scholarships, bursaries and awards provide vital funding that allows students to reach their full potential while lessening the financial strain of costs for books, tuition and living expenses. Donor contributions also assist with building new learning spaces and purchasing leading-edge technology, ensuring that Okanagan College’s programs are taught using the most current equipment available. Number of endowments held as of March 31, 2012 Number of annual award funds Number of donations received Value of Gifts-in-Kind received

180 224 984 $431,434

2011-12 Gross Revenues – $1,709,364 Capital Campaign


39,280 34,104 49,388

Endowment Capital Annual Awards Endowment Awards (Top Up)


Grant Revenue - SIDIT


Matching Funds -334,090

Interest and Dividends (Loss) Gain on Disposal


Unrealized Gain


Forgiveness of Loan Payable to OC 254,964

148,817 50,000

Gaming Event Revenues Other Revenues


Interest in Life Insurance Policy

2011-12 Expenditures – $1,385,659 Scholarships and Bursaries


Capital Campaign and Other Fundraising Expenses Investment and Management Fees Program Support Gaming Event Expenses Other Expenses

3,024 14,876 20,000 24,749 49,388

Audited statements available upon request.


Okanagan College Lays the Foundation for Alumni Brian and Tessa Sansom Brian and Tessa Sansom know all about strong foundations, both literally and figuratively. Brian spent a year at Okanagan College preparing to enter his engineering degree at the University of Calgary. Tessa graduated from the Geographic Information Systems program at the Salmon Arm Campus of the College before completing a Business Administration degree at the school a few years later. Brian now owns a land-surveying firm in Salmon Arm, while Tessa is a Woodland Accountant for one of the Interior’s largest sawmills. Education gave them the base they needed to succeed in their industries, which is why they proudly support Okanagan College now. “Education financing is always an issue in B.C.,” says Brian, 47. “We appreciate that lower taxes help business and those with less disposable income to move forward. However, we are at a stage when we have the ability to donate some money, and both feel that giving to OC is an ideal way to have impact with the money that we donate.” While they attended Okanagan College at different times, Brian says having a local school with so much to offer helped them pursue their goals in familiar

surroundings on their schedules. Brian says he wasn’t quite ready for university life straight out of high school, and spending a year at Okanagan College in Salmon Arm allowed him to prepare for what lay ahead. They met working in northern B.C., but when Tessa, 44, agreed to move to Salmon Arm with her husband, she realized accounting was a field she wanted to enter. Okanagan College was there to provide the education she wanted. “Money towards education and youth is a great way to contribute to society on a macro and micro level,” Brian says. “It helps individual students and helps with where Canada is headed by increasing education levels for all.”

If you are a graduate of Okanagan College, visit the website at www.okanagan.bc.ca/alumni to keep the connection.

Expanding Student Opportunities Donors established 19 new awards between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012, expanding the horizons of more Okanagan College students every year. Birchard Family Endowment Fund (Endowment) Chartered Financial Analyst Okanagan Award (Annual) Gordon Food Services Prize (Annual) Joe Neale Memorial Bursary (Annual) Mel & Dina Kotler Retail Management Fund (Annual) P.J. Mechanical Systems Inc. Awards (Annual) Penticton Centennial Community Spirit Award (Annual) Rotary Penticton-Okanagan Automotive Scholarship (Annual) Rotary Penticton-Okanagan Business Award (Annual) Stewart Brothers Nurseries Endowment (Endowment)

Summerland Rotary Sewell Penny Lane (Endowment) TEBO Bursaries (Annual) TEBO Bursaries (Endowment) The Fred Bille Memorial Award (Annual) Tony Williams Memorial (CIRA-BC) (Endowment) Water Supply Association Award (Annual) Western Canada RoboCup Junior Fund (Annual) White Kennedy Award (Annual) Windsor Plywood Award (Annual)

Emergency Bursaries (cont. from page 5) Education is expensive – tuition, housing, books and day-to-day living costs quickly add up. And sometimes, life throws in a curveball – like a sudden illness, a broken-down car or a lost job – making it impossible to pay bills. When students encounter these unexpected challenges, their education is often on the line. Sometimes, they face the choice of completing the credential they so desperately need to improve their career prospects or quitting school to work and put food on the table. Emergency bursaries were created to help students overcome the financial hardships getting in the way of their education, and becoming the skilled people needed for our communities. For more information about how you can make a difference in the life of a student by contributing to the emergency bursary fund, please call Kathy Butler, Executive Director of the Okanagan College Foundation at 250.862.5630, 1.888.650.6968 or email kbutler@okanagan.bc.ca

Leadership Thank you to all the volunteers and staff for their support of the Foundation’s operations this past year. We appreciate the time, expertise, and commitment provided by each and every one of you.

Volunteer Leadership Honourable D. Ross Fitzpatrick, Honorary Patron

Directors Joining Us in 2011-12


Raghwa Gopal, Central Okanagan Cher Watkins, South Okanagan

Jim Hamilton, President, Okanagan College Jim Henderson, President, Okanagan College Foundation Dr. Beverley Busson, Vice-President, Shuswap-Revelstoke Denny Kaulback, Shuswap-Revelstoke Lance Kayfish, Chair, Okanagan College Board of Governors Alf Kempf, Vice-President, Central Okanagan Lorraine McGrath, Central Okanagan Vern Nielsen, Central Okanagan Frank Richter, Vice-President, Central Okanagan Sigrid-Ann Thors, North Okanagan Ret Tinning, South Okanagan Lynda Wilson, Shuswap-Revelstoke

Treasurer Robert Eby, Vice President of Finance and Administration, Okanagan College

Advancement Staff

Directors Retiring in 2011/2012

Kathy Butler, Director of Advancement & Alumni, and Executive Director of the Okanagan College Foundation Tessa Derksen, Executive Assistant & Board Secretary Dawn Douglas, Executive Assistant & Board Secretary (on leave) Katerina Hay, Alumni & Community Relations Coordinator Anne Kirkpatrick, Development Officer Marcy Nelson, Donation Processing & Database Clerk Katie Spencer-Lim, Database Clerk

Jim Cookson, North Okanagan Peter Schultz, Central Okanagan

Credits David Trifunov, Contributing Writer Chris Stanford, Photographer

Mission Okanagan College Foundation advances the power of education by engaging individuals and communities in contributing to Okanagan College.

We contribute to Okanagan College by:

• • • •

Helping students with scholarships, bursaries, awards and other financial support. Building relationships with donors. Supporting capital projects and programs. Managing financial resources responsibly and ethically.

Please contact us at: Okanagan College Foundation 1000 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8 Phone: 250.862.5630 Toll-Free: 1 888 650.6968 Fax: 250.862.5627 www.okanagancollegefoundation.ca

Find us on Facebook “Okanagan College Foundation”

ThankYou Our donors support student awards, programs and facilities, which enhance teaching and expand opportunities for students. Donations for student support provide vital funding for books, tuition and living expenses – 100 per cent of what is contributed goes to the students. We have more annual donors to thank than this space will allow, so we have listed donors who gave $500 or more between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed.



Anonymous (4) Charles and Irene Armstrong Dr. Heather Banham Tom Beardsley and Donna Lomas Louise A. Berlin Len Bidwell Dr. Jayne Brooks Kathy Butler Archie J. Christie William L. Cooke Allan Coyle Kelly Davies Irene J. Dayton Andrea Deakin Bernice Demara Laurance and Dale Donovan Perry Dumonceaux Kim East Douglas King and Jolene Fletcher Sheldon and Shauna Gardiner Doug and Irene Gateson Frances Greenslade James R. Hamilton Jim and Liz Hamilton Marilyn M. Hansen Norm Harding in Memory of Yvonne Harding Jim and Sandra Henderson Dr. Barry and Susan Irvine Maebritte Jeffels S. R. Jones Pam Kemp Anne Kirkpatrick Mel and Dina Kotler Donna M. Lester-Smith Tony and Judy Lloyd John and Marie MacKenzie Jeffrey Marliave Dr. Barry McGillivray Diane McGillivray Robert McIntosh Dr. Sharon McMurtry Estate of Henry and Ella Metke Laurie and Ben Minuk Clifford Nelson Vern J. Nielsen David Paisley Edward R. Papenfus Michael and Jackie Pine Bill Redmond Barie Regan Sherri Reynard Robin C. Robertson Priscilla Russell Brian and Tessa Sansom Harold and Donna Schellenberg Heather Schneider Louise V. Seaton Nigel Skermer Wendy and Marty Smith Estate of Oline R. Smith Myrna Smith Deborah L. Spencer Robert J. Tait Rick and Yasmin Thorpe Ret and Dorothy Tinning Terry and Steven Tuck Deborah Warren Craig and Susan Wyllie

Anonymous Advocis Thompson Okanagan B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association B.C. Government Retired Employees Association B.C. Hydro BC Landscape & Nursery Association British Columbia Wine Information Society BMO Financial Group British Columbia Electrical Association Cactus Club Café Kelowna Canadian Federation of University Women – Kelowna Canadian Federation of University Women - Vernon Central Okanagan Foundation Certified General Accountants Association of B.C. Canadian Home Builders’ Association South Okanagan CIBC Children’s Miracle Foundation Coldstream Women’s Institute College and Institute Retirees Association of B.C. (CIRA-BC) Community Foundation of the North Okanagan Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Cotter’s Bin and Demolition Service Ltd. Credit Union Foundation of B.C. CYMA Management Ltd. DnWelding Ecoscape Environments Consultants Ltd. Enterprise Steel Fabricators FH&P Lawyers FortisBC Foundation for Education & Advancement in Technology Fraser Valley Vending Ltd. Fraserway RV LP Gloria Di Dio Foundation Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. Grant Thornton LLP Chartered Accountants Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Greenwood Forest Products Ltd. Hegion Garden Services Ltd. Holy Spirit Catholic Women’s League Interior Savings Credit Union Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Jacobsen Pontiac Buick Ltd. Kalamalka Fly Fishers Society Kalamalka Rotary Club of Vernon Kamloops Exploration Group Kelowna & District Dental Society Kelowna Bar Association Kelowna Chartered Accountants Association Kelowna Geology Committee Kinsmen Club of Westbank Kiwanis Club of Penticton KPMG LLP Lexlaur Properties Inc. Midtown RV Minerva Foundation for BC Women Nixon Wenger Lawyers Okanagan College Association of Administrators Okanagan British Car Club Okanagan Chefs’ Association Okanagan Classic Thunderbird Club Okanagan College Board of Governors Okanagan College Faculty Association Okanagan Fest-of-Ale Society Okanagan Mustang Association Okanagan Wine Festivals Society Oliver Osoyoos Winery Association P.E.O. Chapter BA

P.J. Mechanical Systems Inc. Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Penticton Foundry Ltd. Penticton Western News Penticton Women in Business Pushor Mitchell LLP R.E. Postill & Sons Ltd. Raymond James Ltd. Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association of B.C. Rotary Club - Kelowna Rotary Club of Kelowna - Capri Rotary Club of Penticton Rotary Club of Penticton Okanagan Rotary Club of Summerland Rotary Club of Vernon Scotiabank Shuswap Community Foundation Shuswap Division of Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board Shuswap Women in Business Skaha Rotary Club South Okanagan Naturalist Club Southern Interior Development Corporation Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust Springdale Properties Ltd. St. Hubertus Estate Winery Stewart Brothers Nurseries SunCentral Inc. Sun-Rype Products Ltd. Tektronix Canadan Inc. TELUS Community Ambassadors TELUS Communications Inc. The Canada Life Assurance Company The Jim Pattison Foundation Thomas A. Kampman Law Corporation Thompson Okanagan Dental Society (TODS) Tobago International Holdings Inc. University of British Columbia Urban Systems Ltd. Valley First Vancouver Foundation Vernon Dental Association Vernon Student Association Vernon Temple #21 Pythian Sisters Vernon Women In Business Water Supply Association of BC Windsor Plywood Foundation Women’s Enterprise Centre Wyatt Auto Parts Xerox Canada Ltd.

The Okanagan College Foundation strives for accuracy in recognizing donors. Please contact us at 1.888.650.6968 regarding any discrepancies.

ThankYou Thank you to the donors who have joined us in making a difference in our community by investing in The Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation at Okanagan College’s Penticton campus.

Individuals Anonymous (3) Charles and Irene Armstrong Tom Beardsley and Donna Lomas Len Bidwell Dr. Jayne Brooks Kathy Butler Harold Cairns Shao-kang Chu Jim and Christine Cookson Debbie Cutt Robert J. Dantzer Tessa Derksen Jane Drapeau Perry Dumonceaux Douglas King and Jolene Fletcher Doug and Irene Gateson Joanne Grimaldi Jim and Liz Hamilton Kathy Hamilton Norm Harding in Memory of Yvonne Harding Jim and Sandra Henderson Annie and Carl Hilland Walter Huebert

Brian Hughes William J. Hughes Dr. Barry and Susan Irvine Dr. Thomas and Kathleen Jasper Steve Jenkins Sandy and Dr. Gerry Karr Ian Kennedy Fred King Anne Kirkpatrick Dr. Marjorie Krabbe Tony and Judy Lloyd Andre Martin Dr. Barry McGillivray Robert McIntosh Carol E. Meiklejohn in honour of Roy W. Meiklejohn Laurie and Ben Minuk Clifford Nelson David Paisley John Pankiw Mari Perrott Roy Phillips Michael and Jackie Pine Jack and Sharon Reems

Barry C. Reid Frank A. Richter Harriet Rogan Dr. Eric Ruby Harold and Donna Schellenberg Estate of Vern Schroyer Robert Searle Dr. Sheilagh Seaton Mary C. Seipp and Family Art Sewell Family David and Janet Shaw Wendy and Marty Smith Dave Smith George Solomonides & Family Deborah Spencer Rick and Yasmin Thorpe Ret and Dorothy Tinning Cher Watkins Lynda Wilson

Organizations Anonymous (2) Andrew Sheret Limited Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd. BMO Financial Group British Columbia Wine Information Society Canadian Home Builders’ Association South Okanagan Canadian Tire Penticton / Doug and Lorraine MacMillan CIBC City of Penticton Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Community Futures Okanagan Similkameen Diamond Jubilee Chapter IODE EcoEnergy Fund (Provincial) EcoEnergy Fund (Federal) Environment Canada Forever Young / Terry and Steven Tuck FortisBC Glen Herman Professional Corporation Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Greenwood Forest Products (1983) Ltd. Harvey, Lister & Webb Incorporated Home Hardware Building Centre Investors Group Krueger Electrical Ltd.

Locke Property Management Ltd London Drugs Foundation Midtown RV National Bank Financial Nor-Mar Industries Ltd. North America Construction Ltd. Okanagan College Okanagan College Foundation Okanagan College Students’ Union – Penticton Osoyoos Indian Band Pattison Sign Group PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Penticton Auto Dealers Association Penticton Board of Trade Building Association Penticton Foundry Ltd. Penticton Herald PepsiCo Beverages Canada Penticton Western News Peters Bros. Paving Ltd. Ramada Penticton, Kettle Valley Station Pub, Coast Penticton Hotel / Robin and Janice Agur RBC Foundation Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen RONA Foundation

Rotary Club of Penticton Rotary Club of Penticton Okanagan Rotary Club of Summerland Skaha Rotary Club South Okanagan Events Centre Southern Interior Development Corporation Structurlam Products Ltd. Summerland Penny Lane SUN FM & EZ ROCK SunCentral Inc. TELUS TELUS Communications Inc. The Jim Pattison Foundation Thomas A. Kampman Law Corporation Windsor Plywood Foundation

The Okanagan College Foundation strives for accuracy in recognizing donors. Please contact us at 1.888.650.6968 regarding any discrepancies.

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