O ka n ag an Co l l e g e Five Yea rs La t e r
Fingertip Facts about Okanagan College • 21,000 people took courses or programs at Okanagan College in 2009-10.
8,516 Full-time equivalent students were educated and trained •
at Okanagan College in 2009-10 (including 421 International FTE). We achieved 107.5
per cent of the Provincial Government’s targets in terms of FTEs for 2009-10.
• 51.7 per cent of our students were female in 2009-10. The average student age was 25.5.
84.5 per cent of our students come from within the Okanagan, 6.3 per cent come from other parts of
British Columbia.
• 65 per cent growth in FTE student numbers since 2006 – the fastest-growing college in B.C. • 125 programs, not including individual Continuing Studies courses •
$88-million annual operating budget
• Approximately 1,000
• Second-largest trades training institution in British Columbia (BCIT is bigger)
2,122 scholarships, bursaries and financial awards were distributed in 2009-10 •
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• Total size of all campus buildings (including leased space): 70,194 square metres - equal to about 13 football fields, more than 4 times larger than the Walmart in Westbank (the largest store in the Valley). Largest campus is Kelowna with 51,957 square metres. Vernon is second largest (8,507 square metres), Penticton is 5,860 (not including Centre of Excellence) and Salmon Arm is 3,869 (not including addition to trades facility). • Since 2004 (when the transition was announced) we have completed or started work on more than 600 capital projects, worth more than $80 million – including the $28-million Centre for Learning, and the $28-million Centre of Excellence.
Lives and Communities In the last five years, Okanagan College has grown dramatically, outpacing expectations and providing more opportunities and choices for more students – most of whom (more than 84 per cent) come from the local area. The measures of growth over that half-decade point to a remarkable story: • Since 2006, a 65 per cent increase in the number of full-time equivalent students who attend Okanagan College – 21,000 people attended the College in 2009-10. • Okanagan College has added new trades facilities and expanded access to programs in Vernon, Salmon Arm, Penticton, and Kelowna. It is now the second- largest trades training institution in the province. • Almost $80 million has been or is being spent on projects that have expanded and enhanced College space. • 1,027 Aboriginal students attended Okanagan College in 2009-10; 164 per cent more than in 2005-06. • New programs in Writing and Publishing, Criminal and Social Justice, Human Kinetics, Geothermal Technician, Environmental Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Metal Fabricator and Wood Products Processing, Studio Woodworking, and a host of new courses that speak to changing needs and expectations of our students.
Okanagan College’s reputation as a destination for international students grows annually, with increasing numbers of foreign learners coming to the region for education and to experience Canada. Agreements with 22 colleges, universities and institutions in 16 countries – stretching from Toowoomba to Zagreb, Berlin to Seoul - allow our students to complete part of their studies abroad, while making Okanagan College an educational destination for students from those institutions. The College is also attracting a growing number of students from other colleges across Canada; students who come here to complete a business administration degree at an institution whose reputation for quality grows annually. The Okanagan College School of Business now has agreements with 16 other colleges that allow students to transfer their credits here toward their Bachelor of Business Administration degree. The stories of growth and change at Okanagan College abound – they point back to five years of change and forward to further enhancement of the service and quality provided to the region and our students.
Okanagan College provides an environment where you can really challenge yourself. If you really want to go there, learn, and push yourself, the College will be able to provide the necessary tools and environment for you to really push yourself and excel. Brian Wawryk Sous Chef Saucier, RauDZ Regional Table
A Message from the Chair of the Board Attending an employee recognition ceremony at Okanagan College on behalf of my colleagues from the Board of Governors gave me pause to contemplate what it means to be a community college. What struck me, as I watched a parade of recent retirees and people honoured for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and even 40 years of employment at the College, was the camaraderie and respect the employees demonstrated for each other. It would be difficult to tell you whether the applause was loudest for the library employee who has been at the College for 40 years, or for the facilities worker whose 10 years of service have defined him as one of the friendliest, most committed people you could hope to meet. The employees being recognized represented 1,912 years of service – and they are but a small percentage of those who make Okanagan College work. What really struck me, though, is that even as we were recognizing employees, the most sustained applause was reserved for the students in the College’s Culinary Arts program (and the instructors) who had prepared the evening’s meal. It was evidence of the focus Okanagan College and its individual employees give to students and their success. It is a trait of a school that sees community as core to its mission. It reinforced my perception that our mission statement – Okanagan College transforms lives and communities – resonates in attitudes, day-to-day activities, and our planning. A version of that mission statement has guided us well through the first five years as the new Okanagan College. I anticipate that as my fellow members of the Board of Governors and I provide oversight and insight through the next five years, we will be just as inspired, just as committed and just as grateful for the work that is done at and by the College. It is work for a community that defines and is defined by what we do.
Lance Kayfish Chair Okanagan College Board of Governors
Providing a Foundation for Learning - Education Council Who ensures quality education and training at a rapidly-growing institution like Okanagan College? Education Council does, in conjunction with the Board of Governors. Education Council has been a part of Okanagan College since the College was created. This body, consisting of faculty members, support staff, administrators, and students, in conjunction with its subcommittees, reviews and approves all new curriculum at Okanagan College. Over 75 members of the Okanagan College community meet monthly (not all together, of course) to consider curriculum and policies. Some of the curriculum is accepted as presented, some needs a little revision. The overall goal is to ensure that the students who choose Okanagan College for their education and training have the best education and training that is available. Whether the students stay at the College for their degree, diploma, or certificate, or they come to begin a journey which will be completed elsewhere, we provide them the strongest foundation possible. We see the results of their education and training when we approve them for graduation. We believe our work is crucial to the College’s mission of transforming lives and communities. We are proud of our curriculum and of the quality of graduates. We know of our graduates’ success, and it makes us proud to be involved with Education Council.
Rick Gee Chair Education Council Page 4
Five Years Later a Stronger Region
A Message from the President Over the last five years, Okanagan College has experienced remarkable growth: 60 per cent increase in enrolment, dozens of new programs, $80 million of construction. But what’s truly important is not the growth itself but rather what it has meant to the region the College serves. It has meant thousands more people being able to access the education and training required to pursue their careers and academic goals – and being able to do it closer to home. It has meant employers able to recruit more of their employees, with a broader array of skills, from this region. It has meant increased economic activity in each of the communities where we have campuses and centres. We have made good on a commitment five years ago to strengthen the cultural, social and economic fabric of the region. A pervasive commitment to quality within the College has made the growth possible. In the classroom, in the services we provide students, in our partnerships with other agencies, institutions, and organizations, Okanagan College has been building on a reputation for quality. Our student surveys tell us that we’re meeting their expectations - nine out of 10 students surveyed last year said they would recommend their program to others. Virtually the same number said they felt they would achieve their educational goals and an almost identical number said attending Okanagan College had been a good experience. There are the many other stories of student accomplishment that you can read elsewhere in this report. They all tell the story of a College proud of how it has helped people and of employees who derive satisfaction from service. These indicators – and a host of others – tell us we’re on the right track. And with each graduate, our commitment grows to strengthening the social, cultural and economic fabric of the Okanagan, Similkameen, and Shuswap-Revelstoke areas.
Jim Hamilton, President Okanagan College
And with each graduate, our commitment grows to strengthening the social, cultural and economic fabric of the Okanagan, Similkameen, and Shuswap-Revelstoke areas. Jim Hamilton, President, Okanagan College
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Five Years of Growth The 2009-10 year marked the fifth year in a row Okanagan College has exceeded the government’s enrolment targets, this year providing education and training to 8,516 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students – an increase of approximately 11 per cent over the previous year.
Actual FTEs Government Targets at 100%
Total 2009/10 FTEs (including international 421)
8500 7654
7166 6873
7000 6488
6000 5500 5000
5162 5019
4500 2005/06
2005/06 – 2009/10 Student Growth – Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Page 6
10,388 Stories
of Success and Achievement
As student numbers have climbed at each of Okanagan College’s four campuses, so have student successes. One measure of that success is evident at Okanagan College’s annual Convocation ceremonies as students receive their hard-earned credentials. In the five academic years since the College re-opened its doors in 2005, Okanagan College learners have earned 873 baccalaureate degrees, 212 associate degrees, 1,651 diplomas and 7,652 certificates. These numbers represent student success in programs including the Okanagan School of Business’s Bachelor of Business Administration, trades foundational certificates and diploma programs such as Writing and Publishing – a credential for a program that did not exist five years ago. As Okanagan College has grown and transformed over the past five years, so has its commitment to offering programs and courses that meet student, employer, industry and
community need. The result has been significant and steady growth in program offerings and greater numbers of students achieving their educational goals. The largest absolute increase in credentials granted by Okanagan College has come in the area of certificates. In 2005-06 the College conferred 949 certificates to graduates. Throughout the course of the 2009-10 year, that number more than doubled to 1,940 certificates – an increase of 104 per cent. The largest percentage increase in credentials granted was achieved by Associate Degree programs. In 2005-06 just four students exited the College with an Associate Degree. In 2009-10 that number rose to 76 – an increase of 1,800 per cent in just five years.
Central Okanagan North Okanagan Shuswap Revelstoke South Okanagan Similkameen Distance Education
2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2005/06
Credentials Granted by Okanagan College (includes degrees, associate degrees, diplomas and certificates) Page 7
Cultural Connections Recognizing a need and an opportunity, Okanagan College has made a commitment to supporting and strengthening the participation and success of Aboriginal students. One of Okanagan College’s college-wide goals places its focus on Aboriginal learners and states that Okanagan College will work together to increase the proportion of Aboriginal students who achieve their educational goals by two per cent. Over the past five years the College has done much to develop programs, services, and infrastructure that will promote participation and success of Aboriginal students and further increase meaningful partnerships with Aboriginal communities. A few of these initiatives include: • Building Aboriginal gathering places at each campus in the four regions • Increasing the number of Aboriginal mentors • Increasing the Aboriginal student peer mentors • Employing two Aboriginal recruiting and events assistants • Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Okanagan Nation Alliance • Developing the Aboriginal Jumpstart program to assist student transition from secondary to post-secondary education • Increasing the number of bursaries for Aboriginal students • Developing a new program - Aboriginal Gateway to the Building Trades
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• Partnering with Aboriginal communities to offer the Aboriginal Residential Construction program • Signing a Memorandum of Agreement and Memorandum of Affiliation with the En’owkin Centre • Increasing the number of cultural events on campus - events like the annual Pow Wow • Offering annual job fair events such as the joint Okanagan College-UBCO Aboriginal Youth Career Fair, which is held in May As a result of Okanagan College’s focus on improving participation and success rates of Aboriginal students, the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Aboriginal students attending Okanagan College has increased 173 per cent from 2005-06 to 2009-10. Aboriginal participation has grown every year at Okanagan College and has more than doubled in five years. In 2009-10 956 Aboriginal students received education and training at Okanagan College – a dramatic increase from the 350 students who attended the College in 2005-06. The largest percentage increase has occurred in Salmon Arm, where Aboriginal student enrolment is up 554 per cent over the past five years. In 2005-06 there were 28 Aboriginal students at the Salmon Arm campus. In 200910 that number rose to 183. The Kelowna campus has witnessed the largest absolute growth of Aboriginal students and also has the most Aboriginal students enrolled. Over the past five years the number of Aboriginal students attending Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus has increased from 225 to 485 – or 116 per cent.
A Proud Graduate Michael Bertacco is just one of the 2,132 Full Time Equivalent Aboriginal students who attended Okanagan College over the past five years. Michael left a long career in forestry to return to school at the Penticton campus of Okanagan College. He enrolled in the Okanagan School of Business and in 2010 graduated with a diploma in Business Administration. Within months of graduating, Michael found himself with three job offers to contemplate. He is currently working in human resources with Revenue Canada. Michael Bertacco (right) with Business Administration Chair David Northcott
1200 1000 800 600
Distance Education
Salmon Arm Penticton
Vernon Kelowna Total (all campuses)
0 2005/06
Aboriginal Student Growth 2005/06 – 2009/10 (by headcount)
The Legacy of Ethan Baptiste In the wake of a tragic accident, which took the life of Okanagan College instructor and Aboriginal mentor Ethan Baptiste, Okanagan College established a new financial award in honour of the young Syilx man who contributed so much to Okanagan College, his family, and his community. The Ethan Baptiste Memorial Award will be granted annually to two Aboriginal students in the form of a $500 tuition credit. The awards will support students pursuing university transfer, degree, diploma or business certificate programs at the College in an area related to business, economics, finance or Indigenous Studies. “Ethan used his smile, advanced degrees of knowledge of traditional ways, to serve his community. At the age of 33, he was a role model. Ethan’s pursuits captivated me. His pursuit of the PhD, pursuit of the leadership of the Osoyoos Band and his pursuit of a larger understanding of economic and social development for his people within an indigenous framework – these things gave me and so many others great inspiration.”
Stan Chung, Former Associate Dean Arts and Foundational Programs
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Kevin Slater, Graham Moir, Sattu Dhaliwal, Braydon Ouellet and Megan Annand
Student Excellence
SIFE Okanagan
The 2009-10 year for Okanagan College’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) can best be summed up as a year of growth, success and partnerships. The team, which was first developed in 2005, grew to include student members and community-based projects in Penticton as well as Vernon and Kelowna. With a mandate of creating positive economic, environmental and social change in the Okanagan Valley, SIFE Okanagan undertook dozens of regional projects, lending their business and entrepreneurial skills to community groups and individual partners. The teams’ efforts to provide leadership and positive change in their communities were evaluated at a series of regional and national SIFE competitions. The Okanagan College team swept the regional competition, moving easily onto the national stage in Calgary for the final competition where they presented their projects to a panel of industry professionals and business executives. The competition was fierce, the presentations nearly flawless, and after two intense days of competition at the SIFE national challenge, Okanagan College was recognized with seven national awards – more than any of the other 53 teams in attendance. The team was ranked number one in the Green Challenge. In Financial Literacy, SIFE Okanagan came in second, just behind Ryerson University – the overall winners of the national competition.
One of the awards the team was most proud of was the first-place finish in the Campbell’s Soup Can Hunger project. Campbell’s executives challenged all of Canada’s SIFE teams to raise 100,000 pounds of food for local food banks. Okanagan College collected 36,000 pounds of food – more than a third of the national goal. At the final award ceremony Okanagan College received an unexpected but highly coveted award for the Most Supportive Campus Administration. Okanagan College received a standing ovation as President Jim Hamilton, Board Chair Lance Kayfish, Dean Jayne Brooks and Chair David Northcott took the stage to receive the award – evidence of SIFE Okanagan’s impact on the administration. Upon arriving home from nationals, SIFE Okanagan was presented with the Kelowna Mayor’s Award as the Most Environmentally Dedicated Group in the city.
The support our team receives from Okanagan College is unlike any other institution. No one was more excited for our administration to win this award than our students – they recognize the level of support they receive and understand just how crucial it is to their success. Dr. Kyleen Myrah, Faculty Mentor SIFE Okanagan
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Student Excellence
Mr. Hall goes to Ottawa A local Arts student with a global curiosity turned his interest in politics and policy into a rare opportunity on the national stage when he joined 99 other young Canadians in Ottawa as part of the National Youth Ambassador Caucus. Matt Hall, a 22-year-old political science student had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and other government, business and community leaders in Ottawa where he put his negotiation and leadership skills to the test. Upon finding out he was successful in his bid to attend the caucus, Hall invited Stockwell Day, MP for OkanaganCoquihalla and President of the Treasury Board and Minister to the Asia Pacific Gateway, for a sit-down interview to help prepare himself for the trip to Ottawa.
During the interview Hall asked Day to explain how Canada will reap the benefits of the growing economy and how the federal government is going to sustain it. Day’s response to Hall was succinct: “keep taxes low, keep regulation common sense and help our businesses do what they do best – that’s to be innovative and be productive.” Hall, who characterizes himself as an eager student and seasoned world traveler, represented Okanagan College extremely well at the caucus. He plans on pursuing a degree in political science at the University of Victoria.
Stockwell Day, President of the Treasury Board, Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and MP Okanagan-Coquihalla; Matt Hall, Okanagan College student; Ron Cannan, MP Kelowna-Lake Country
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Student Excellence
Culinary Arts - All the Right Ingredients Must-use ingredients in the box included a leg of local lamb, wild boar bacon, sockeye salmon, Qualicum scallops, kuri squash, coronation grapes, dried morel mushrooms, corn and prune plums. The chefs’ creations were judged by a panel of 20 guests that included industry professionals, media and supporters of the Okanagan Chefs’ Association. Robyn Sigurdson won the competition (see award-winning entree featured in the accompanying photo), which was decided by a mere few points. In a different competition, also hosted by Okanagan College, alumnus Brian Warwyk earned first place at the Junior Chef’s Competition of B.C.
One of the most telling aspects of the quality of education and training Okanagan College students receive is evident in the continued success of students beyond graduation. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the successes of the College’s award-winning Culinary Arts program. Each year entry-level students and apprentices from Okanagan College win a number of culinary competitions – 2009-10 was no exception. Culinary Arts alumni made headlines throughout the course of the year. At the Okanagan Chefs’ Association’s first annual Farm to Fork Global Scholarship competition three College alumni were selected to vie for the top prize – the opportunity to spend 10 weeks living, studying and working in Tuscany in the fall of 2011.
Alumni weren’t the only ones to take top awards in culinary arts for Okanagan College in 2009-10. Okanagan College students Susan Duperron, Jeff Geistlinger and Lindsay Hadwell swept the apprentice category with top performance in the Alexis de Portneuf Fine Cheese Makers’ Young Chefs Competition, which was held at Infusions restaurant in October. Okanagan College apprentice Ryan Pennington from Local Lounge & Grill in Summerland earned Consumers Choice for Best Food Pairing with Wine at the competition, which was a sold-out event that was part of the Fall Okanagan Wine Festival.
Taking part in the competition were alumni David Colombe (RauDZ Regional Table), Tiffany Anderson (Grapevine Restaurant, Gray Monk Winery), and Robyn Sigurdson (Wild Apple Grill at Manteo Resort). With help from three current Okanagan College entry-level Culinary Arts students, the chefs took part in a black box competition featuring ingredients from a 10-acre organic mixed-use farm.
Robyn Sigurdson
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Student Excellence
Raising the Bar for Achievement
In the spring of 2007 the President’s Office invited a select group of business students who had represented Okanagan College in educational competitions to join President Hamilton for dinner in recognition of their achievements. In its inaugural year the dinner included approximately 22 students. The tradition of honouring students who make the commitment to represent the College has continued, growing dramatically over a few short years. At the 2010 President’s Competition Excellence dinner nearly 100 students from business, trades, technology and arts were invited to attend. Among them were champion Civil Engineering Technology students who won gold at the Wood WORKS! BC/Canadian Wood Council’s annual Wood Design Competition at UBC in Vancouver. The team of Tyler Weise, Patrick D’amour, Scott Juniper, Corey Konkin and Chris Pieper beat nine other teams including four teams from UBC Vancouver, two teams from BCIT, one from Camosun College, and one from North Island College.
Also invited to the dinner were the 2010 Skills BC winners. At the provincial level Okanagan College won a gold medal in carpentry, three silver medals in the fields of Automotive Service, Welding and IT PC Network Support, and three bronze medals in Automotive Service, Automotive Collision Repair and IT PC Network Support. Despite an hour-long power outage that left drills, saws and PCs shut down, Okanagan College competitors were able to demonstrate their practical knowledge and skills in their chosen fields. Okanagan College’s Devon Hamilton dominated the carpentry challenge, winning a gold medal and qualifying for the national competition. When he’s not at Okanagan College completing his training, Devon apprentices at Gux Construction where he is mentored by Okanagan College alumnus Jace Albrecht, a Red Seal carpenter who won the very same competition in 2008.
2010 President’s Competition Excellence Dinner
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Aileen Hagel, Water Engineering Technology
From West Kelowna to Africa Education in the Real World Innovative studies in upper-year business programs, handson learning in trades, co-op placements in engineering technology programs and a commitment to preparing health care students for real-world challenges all result in Okanagan College students’ experiences - many of which begin in the classroom but lead them into the community. When Aileen Hagel first enrolled at Okanagan College’s Penticton campus, she did so with a goal of preparing herself for entry into the field of dental hygiene. As is the case of many students, after immersing herself in Okanagan College, Aileen was exposed to a whole array of programs and specialty careers she had never even considered. After completing her upgrading Aileen applied to the Water Engineering Technology program. With her first segment of classroom training behind her, Aileen put her knowledge to work in a co-op placement in West Kelowna working alongside two other graduates of the College’s program. She credits the program with preparing her for a diverse and challenging career where each day is different and unique from the next. The co-op placement component of her studies allowed Aileen to add to her skill set while putting her classroom knowledge to the test. She now knows she made the right
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education and career decision thanks to the opportunity to work as a Water Quality technologist. Students who take part in Okanagan College’s Certified Dental Assistant program spend a portion of their classroom time providing dental education and support services to the community. Throughout the course of the 10-month program, students set up tables all around campus to provide nutritional counseling to other Okanagan College students as a way of promoting cavity reduction and oral health. As they get further into the program, the Dental Assistant students work with local elementary and secondary schools, spending time in their classrooms presenting information on brushing, flossing, oral aids and nutrition. Prior to their graduation, the students’ community involvement peaks as they partner with local dentists to provide services to the community, typically to those who cannot afford dental care. The students and instructors open up the College’s lab for about 10 days and perform x-rays, preliminary exams, tooth polishing, fluoride treatments and preventative sealants. Working under the supervision of local dentists the students combine realworld practical learning with community service.
In David Northcott’s Entrepreneurship and Development in Emerging Nations class, students are challenged to understand the complexities of development in third-world nations by leaving the classroom behind during a twoweek trip to Ethiopia where they work with children and adults who are attempting to rise out of extreme poverty.
After taking the course Lisa obtained a six-month internship with Canadian Humanitarian, the non-governmental organization Okanagan College partners with throughout the course. Lisa traveled back to Ethiopia in November, 2010 to build upon the work she started while in the Entrepreneurship class.
Lisa Burnett took part in the program, which lit a fire in her to do more to address the needs of the more than one billion people who live on approximately $1 per day.
Her experience has refocused her education goals – she now plans to obtain a master’s degree in international development and build a career with a focus on addressing extreme poverty.
Children in Ethiopia smile for the camera while connecting with Okanagan College students who took part in Entrepreneurship and Development in Emerging Nations.
Being able to practically apply the skills and knowledge we develop in the classroom while living and researching in a developing country challenges us to think critically and examine ways for social entrepreneurship and social business to impact positive change in the lives of individuals, families and communities. Lisa Burnett, Okanagan College Business Student
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Rob St. Onge, Energy Manager, and Peter Csandl, Manager of Operations and Energy Systems
Meeting the Needs of the Community A quick peek at the numbers helps paint part of the picture about Okanagan College’s focus on sustainability: between 2007 and 2009, the College reduced its use of energy per square metre by six per cent, at a time when our overall student count rose approximately 20 per cent. The lighting upgrades, the occupancy sensors, the improvements to automation systems, sensors and the accompanying education campaigns all speak to how sustainability has grown to be a significant focus for Okanagan College. They are initiatives that draw students, staff (like Energy Manager Rob St. Onge and Manager of Operations and Energy Systems Peter Csandl - seen above), the community and our partners together in a host of areas and undertakings to drive the green agenda forward. Okanagan College, for instance, was the first-ever recipient of the TechGREEN award presented in November 2010 by the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia to an organization in the province. The award is “to recognize those who take a leadership role or have substantial involvement in initiatives that have a positive impact on green living, sustainable best practices, energy conservation and environmental benefits.” The College’s Business Administration students, through Students in Free Enterprise, are leading the way with an awards and education program that helps focus
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area businesses on saving energy and reducing their environmental footprint. College volunteers have been helping clean and preserve creeks in Penticton and Kelowna for several years, while a new two-year program in Environmental Studies has been introduced for those who want to turn a passion into a career. And an Applied Conservation Technician program is under development in partnership with the En’owkin Centre. The commitment to sustainability at the College’s campuses goes back a long way, but it was at the forefront in late 2005 when the institution defined its strategic plan for the coming years and made a commitment to make sure all new buildings would strive to meet LEED (Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design) Gold standards. The first test of the commitment was the construction of the $28-million Centre for Learning at the Kelowna Campus, which opened its doors in 2009. This year, the building, which has now been submitted for LEED Platinum certification, earned a Conservation Excellence award from FortisBC for its energy-saving construction, which reduced energy load by 260,000 kilowatts per year. (Compared to standard construction with natural gas boiler operating systems, the Centre for Learning saves approximately 420 tonnes of CO2 per year, the equivalent of taking 118 mid-size cars off the road.)
FortisBC is also among the many companies, organizations and individuals who are supporting development of the $28-million Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation in Penticton. Building on a relationship with Okanagan College that began in 1992, the company recognized the contribution that will be made by the Centre of Excellence and made a $50,000 donation to create dedicated classroom space for students entering the technologically challenging electrical apprenticeship program. The Centre of Excellence is striving to achieve a new standard in environmental responsibility. When complete in March 2011, it will strive to be a net-zero energy consumer, relying on solar photovoltaic panels and solar water heating. The College’s efforts have gone beyond classrooms, walls, and British Columbia. It is a charter member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, an organization that includes hundreds of member institutions across North America.
The College was also at the forefront of establishing the new College Sustainable Building Consortium that has brought together Ontario’s Durham College, Lethbridge Community College, Nova Scotia Community College and Okanagan College to advance training and research into sustainable building practices and technologies. And the expertise being developed here is also finding its way to the broader world. The Centre of Excellence is garnering worldwide attention from architects, engineers and builders for its innovations. Partly as a consequence of the work around the building, and because of its other initiatives, Okanagan College was chosen as partner in a $1 million federally-funded project, called Resource Positive Architecture, to further promote green building knowledge and research throughout the Asia Pacific region. Databases are being developed, information and experiences are being shared globally that will help inform further advances in green building design and development.
Architectural rendering of the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation - Penticton For more information: www.okanagan.bc.ca/centreofexcellence or www.alivingclassroom.com
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Hector Michelena – Venezuela, Wen Zhang – China, Jagmeet Bains – India, and Damian Weir – Jamaica
500 Students from 40 Countries International Education In 2009-10 International Education thrived at Okanagan College. Guided by a new three-year business plan, international student enrolment grew by a healthy margin, with more than 500 international students attending Okanagan College. The majority of the growth was in English as a Second Language (ESL), and in Arts, both of which nearly doubled in terms of international enrolment. The College’s ESL program has benefited from significant growth in the number of students attending from Saudi Arabia. There has also been considerable growth in the number of domestic ESL students, both in Vernon and in Kelowna - an indication of the increasing numbers of new Canadians settling in our region. The Vernon Immersion program has been running at full capacity, and continues to set the standard for community engagement with international students. It was also a busy year for study tours (short-term programs ranging from one week up to six months), and both Kelowna and Vernon saw a healthy increase in activity this past year. Most notable is the inclusion of students from Yeungnam University, a new study tour client from South Korea, which has already sent five study tour groups to Vernon. Student success remains a core focus for OCIE, and to this end the support network of front office staff, education
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advisors, homestay coordinators, activity coordinators, and cultural liaisons continue to provide international students with the support students need. The international enrolment growth this past year has been bolstered by high levels of retention of current students, a testament to the work of not only the OCIE team, but also to the faculty, support staff, and administrative staff of Okanagan College who go to great efforts to support international students and ensure they have a quality experience. Results of the 2010 Student Satisfaction Survey show that 90 per cent of international student respondents indicated they would recommend Okanagan College to other people, compared to just 79 per cent in 2008 and 2009. Diversification of the international student body is a priority for Okanagan College, and OCIE continues to implement a strategy to achieve this. While striving to maintain the traditionally strong market presence in Asia (China, Japan, and Korea), the College is also developing a brand presence in Southeast Asia (India, Vietnam, and Indonesia), the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates), the Caribbean (building on our relationships in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands), and Latin America (especially Brazil).
Currently, Okanagan College receives students from over 40 countries, and the diversity of culture, customs, and global perspectives benefit not only our College community, but the entire region. In addition to expanding cultural and global awareness, international students make a considerable economic contribution to the College, the community, and to the province. A recent report commissioned by the Canadian government determined that in 2008 international students in Canada spent in excess of $6.5 billion on tuition, accommodation, and discretionary spending; created over 83,000 jobs; and generated more than $291 million in government revenue. A similar report
commissioned by the B.C. government in 2006 reported that the economic impact of international education on the province is greater than the forestry industry, making an important contribution to the diversification of the B.C. economy as it evolves from a resource-based economy to a knowledge-based one. With a mission of transforming lives and communities, Okanagan College and its international education department are playing a vital role in responding to the needs of the global village as our definition of community develops to include not just neighbouring cities and towns, but nations and continents.
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More than 600 runners took part in the 2010 Campus to Campus Half Marathon
A Community Approach Campus to Campus promotes health and fitness The Campus to Campus Half Marathon and Relay has a long history that goes back to Okanagan University College. The race was developed as a means of promoting health and fitness among staff, students and the community at large. The first Campus to Campus Half Marathon was raced on March 31, 2002 and took runners on a 21.1 km route that started at the North Kelowna campus and finished at the KLO campus. The volunteer committee that organized the race was led by race director Jane Muskens, an experienced distance runner who is also Okanagan College’s Registrar. Working with a team of volunteers, the race committee organized a safe and fun race for the community that benefited future students. All proceeds from the race were directed toward student recreation at the Kelowna campus. Eight years later the Campus to Campus is still going strong, supporting students and engaging the community. Though the course has changed, a 10 km race has been added and the number of participants has grown steadily, the Campus to Campus is still fulfilling its goal of bringing the community together to promote health, wellness and support student recreation.
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A team of Penticton staff raced their way to fitness in the Campus to Campus
Teamwork & Persistence
Bringing Intercollegiate Athletics to OC A major change has taken place at Okanagan College over the past two years. Thanks to support from partners in the community and with the supply of seemingly endless energy of its student body, Okanagan College is now offering students the opportunity to participate in baseball and hockey at the intercollegiate level. In 2008 Okanagan College was approached by the Kelowna Baseball Society who pitched the idea of partnering to create a team that would play in the Canadian College Baseball Conference. Led by President and General Manager Bill Bayne, the Kelowna Baseball Society worked with Okanagan College to map out an agreement that would bring a competitive intercollegiate team to Okanagan College with support and funding from the Kelowna Baseball Society and sponsors. The Okanagan College Baseball team entered into exhibition play in the 2008 fall season with the CCBC, playing against teams from Thompson Rivers University, the University of Calgary, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver Island University and the Prairie Baseball Academy.
After ironing out some kinks in the first year, the Okanagan College Coyotes Baseball Team went on to win their division in both 2009 and 2010. After watching the growth and development of the baseball team, business students Kelly Loudoun and Kolby Barnstable put together a proposal for a hockey team that would compete in the British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL). The hockey team also began its first season in exhibition play. In its first year of official competition, the Okanagan College team finished third in the BCIHL – a tough league that includes teams from Selkirk College, Simon Fraser University, Thompson Rivers University, Trinity Western University, the University of the Fraser Valley and the University of Victoria. Now, in their second year of regulation play, the Coyotes play their home games at Memorial Arena in Kelowna and are leading the league.
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Kevin McPherson with CBC’s Marion Barschel
Faculty Connect to Listeners A Verse to Summer 2010 In the summer of 2010 CBC Radio listeners were treated to weekly installments of creative and somewhat constrained poetry contributions from Okanagan College staff. In its eighth year running, CBC Radio’s A Verse to Summer was back on the air - but with a twist.
However, in addition to the topical suggestions, Jake Kennedy played a role in making the poets’ subjectmatter just a little bit more challenging.
Host Marion Barschel teamed up with Okanagan College English professor Jake Kennedy who served as co-producer of the segments. With nearly a decade of summer poetry sessions under its belt, A Verse to Summer has become well known by listeners who have the opportunity to participate in poetry by calling in to offer up suggestions to poets.
With each suggested poem, Jake added a constraint to the poem. First up in the 2010 A Verse To Summer was Okanagan College’s Sean Johnston. Listener Kimberly from Quesnel called in with her summer question - What is the best thing to do on a hot summer day while stopped waiting for road construction? Jake added a constraint to Sean’s task, asking that he include a line from poet Jorie Graham “Listening to the chatter each night of those who survived the day.”
This year was no different; CBC listeners gave Okanagan College poets inspiration for their creative contributions.
Turn the page to read Sean’s 2010 A Verse to Summer poem.
“John Lent and I came up with the idea for A Verse to Summer eight years ago every year the program has gotten better and better and the audience feels the same way. It is a great way to get listeners involved and provides an important platform to get poetry on the air.” Marion Barschel, Host CBC Radio Daybreak South
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A sample of Okanagan College staff and alumni literary contributions over the years
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Sean Johnston’s 2010 WHAT IS THE BEST THING TO DO ON A HOT SUMMER DAY, STOPPED WHILE WAITING FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION? What you shouldn’t do is contemplate the eternal verities and worry about the gas and should you shut the engine off and open all the windows to hear whatever it is you may hear and add the space between where the glass used to be to the vast still air of summer’s heat and look out as far as you can see to consider also the gathering darkness and try to conjure some cure, lift some spell from your tooseldom-used singing voice to the shimmering light that seems to rise, not fall. The worst thing is to let your heart fall back and imagine you’re in your youth, on a paving job in Drumheller, the longest day of the year.
It’s sweet, the smell of fresh asphalt in the open air; it’s like going home, the bodily response, the comfort—like the smell of turkey as you come in from the cold on Christmas day, or the perfume of the first woman you loved But recall again, especially, after the heat stroke—that before it made you hurt, it made you stupid— you knew it was the sun that burned, and the black road you were making turned on you, returning its heat in kind, but you stood there, unable to speak, stupid, blind, until not falling, but, slowly lowering yourself onto its shoulder, as if into cool water, but there was no water, was there? I want to tell a secret now. Page 24
A Verse to Summer Poem
Sean Johnston, July 16, 2010
The ways the world can hurt are becoming more obvious every day but unavoidable just the same. I want to say there can be a word I know is coming, but thrills me just the same—it is impactful, that is to say. But the world is coarse, it’s bristling, as they say. There are too many days when it just won’t rain, so roll up the windows, turn down the radio, listen to the wilderness with the CBC underneath and don’t think of all the people gone: next thing you know you’re asleep in the sunshine and that’s pretty good. I think in the end you’ll be awake, listening to the chatter each night of those who had survived the day* because suddenly, startlement, a stolen word, the smile that comes with it, or did, so just sit and flex / you and your legs: get out and stretch, stay a little longer with the ones who love you. This is the problem: we are here in our capsule, alone: the engines surround us, but we are alone and the straight arrow of our journey, this road, is for motion, not stasis—I got here by moving toward something else, which only ever appears closer, though it’s not. I have been awaiting the arrival forever and I hear in the voices, listening to the chatter each night of those who had survived the day* a tentative note just above sorrow, even above contentment, which, if we are honest, can happen, has happened, so above all don’t narrow your sight to the scar on your hand on the wheel. Are we the only animal that feels regret? I saw a candle once blow out by the closing of a door, then burn again with the movement of something within the dark room. It was never meant as an experiment. Open the windows again, let the heat seep in. Page 25
*from Jorie Graham’s “Spoken from the Hedgerows” Overlord. NY: Ecco/HarperCollins, 2005. 41.
Recognizing our Best 2010 Distinguished Alumni Lee Claremont, a highly-regarded B.C. painter and Ryan Donn, a musically-gifted young educator were awarded the Okanagan College Alumni Association’s (OCAA) highest honour at the 2010 Distinguished and Young Alumni Awards.
He entered the College’s Human Service Work program in search of a bigger and better career working with children. But what he found was something that inspired him to develop his career in an even more powerful way.
Though their education and career pathways have been very different, Claremont and Donn share similar ideals and both have pursued personal and professional goals that have had a strong impact on the Okanagan region and the people who live here.
“My instructor Michael Douglas gave us this mantra,” said Donn. “What he said was: ‘your job is to increase people’s quality of life.’ And that stuck with me in my first job as a CEA, but then I decided to apply it to everything.”
Claremont, whose vibrant Aboriginal artwork is held in both private and public collections around the world, graduated from Okanagan College in 1989 with a diploma in Fine Arts. She entered the College in her late 30s as a single parent set on becoming a graphic artist. But she couldn’t resist her passion for paint and canvas and the College soon gave her the hands-on studio time she craved. A member of the Grand River Iroquois Six Nations, Claremont’s work took off, and she’s since become an internationally respected First Nations artist and distinguished Aboriginal Arts educator working at the renowned En’owkin Centre in Penticton.
Donn has spent seven years transforming lives at School District 23, and incorporating his passion for music into everything he does. He’s released two CDs of his music, and crafted and performed original material for the 19th annual BC Student Leadership Conference held in Kelowna in 2009. The 2010 recipients are great examples of truly distinguished alumni who have achieved personal and professional success while demonstrating commitment to their community.
She’s received the Aboriginal Arts Development Award in B.C., the Angel Award for her extensive contribution to visual arts in the valley, and was voted best artist in the Okanagan by public opinion poll five years in a row. Donn, who many know for his musical talents, is a graduate of the College’s Human Service Work diploma program (2003) and now works as a certified education assistant in School District 23. Lee Claremont and Ryan Donn
Past Distinguished Alumni Award recipients include: Launi Skinner (’85), CEO First West Credit Union; Don Turri (’75), Managing Director of the Kelowna office of MacKay LLP Chartered Accountants; Nick Arkle (’81), Chief Forester with Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. and local humanitarian; Robert Louie (’75), Chief of the Westbank First Nation; Dr. Jayne Brooks (’76), Dean of the Okanagan School of Business; Alan Storey (’80), an internationally recognized sculptor; Jim Cookson (’82), business manager and entrepreneur on the international stage. Past Young Alumni Awards have been presented to brothers Todd (’03) and Mark Regier (’04), owners of Prestige Collision; Chris Gibbons (’07), Finance Manager of Westhills Aggregates; Corinne Inman (’02), owner Morpheus Graphics; Michelle Boshard (’97), freshwater scientist and environmentalist. Page 26
College Honours
Local Trailblazers in Leadership and Service Four prominent Okanagan residents – a woman who traded local politics for the world of art, a pioneering winemaking couple, and an innovator focused on building hightech industry in the region – received Okanagan College’s highest honour after being named 2010 Honorary Fellows. Dorothy Tinning, a former mayor of Penticton, Gray Monk Winery’s founders George and Trudy Heiss, and Peter Haubrich, the founder and president of the Okanagan Research and Innovation Centre (ORIC), joined an esteemed group of Fellows that includes artists, scientists, philanthropists and a well-known local weatherman. Tinning is an accomplished artist who has focused a great deal of her art on the Okanagan and First Nations influences. She served a term as Mayor of Penticton as part of her seven-year involvement with the municipal council, and has served as chair of the South Okanagan Similkameen Regional Advisory Committee of the College. The Heisses are recognized as pioneers in the B.C. Wine Industry – they moved to the Okanagan in 1972 to establish Gray Monk Estate Winery and Vineyards, and were among those who helped push for a new era in B.C. wine production, with the advent of the Vintner Quality Alliance (VQA) program. Their 20 acres has grown to 100 acres of land growing premium vinifera grapes.
Haubrich is a well-known contributor to the high-tech industry in the Okanagan, who immigrated to Canada from Germany where he directed four research and development labs for SONY. Starting with the first incubator at NRC-DRAO, he has helped ORIC develop a second high-tech incubator in Kelowna and is currently at work establishing one in Penticton, which will be housed on Okanagan College’s campus. He is a past board member of the Okanagan Science and Technology Council, a board member of the Okanagan Partnership, vice chair of the IEEE Okanagan sub-section and is a founding member of the Okanagan Innovation Fund. Okanagan College also bestowed its first Distinguished Service Award to former Regional Dean of the ShuswapRevelstoke, Lynda Wilson. Willson was recognized for her dedication to Okanagan College, its students and staff, as well as for outstanding service to her community. Wilson joined Okanagan University College in 2000, taking on the role of Regional Dean. She spent a decade at the helm of the region and carries much responsibility for the growth and development of the campus.
“I am deeply honoured to receive this recognition from the College. There is a feeling that the community supports Okanagan College like never before, with the new Centre of Excellence coming on stream.” Dorothy Tinning
The 2010 Honorary Fellows join colleagues: Robert Fine, Barbara Marchand and Charles Armstrong (2009); Jeannette Armstrong, Ken Harding, Richard Cannings, Robert Cannings and Sydney Cannings (2008); Ken Smedley, Lorraine McGrath and Ross Gorman (2007); Mike Roberts, Lois Serwa and Albert Baldeo (2006). George Heiss, Dorothy Tinning, Lynda Wilson, Trudy Heiss and Peter Haubrich Page 27
College professors Clare McManus and Michael Griffin are among the many supporters of Okanagan College who have established scholarships for students.
Powering the Promise
The Okanagan College Foundation Okanagan College Foundation exists to help students succeed. In 2009-10, the Foundation disbursed over $1 million in support in the form of bursaries, scholarships or program support for nearly 1,700 students. That support may be a starting point for a student entering a program or emergency aid to help someone through a crisis and complete his or her studies. Often it is a life transformed. The Foundation now has 176 endowments and 204 annual award funds. The Foundation is also dedicated to supporting the College as it develops the innovative teaching spaces and technologies it needs to deliver new and existing programs.
Capital Campaign efforts over the last year have largely focused on the Centre of Excellence in Penticton - a world-class $28-million building focused on leading edge sustainable building technologies and energy conservation. The Foundation has set its sights on raising $5-million to provide the additional funding needed to complete and outfit the building. The common denominator of the Foundation’s work is the community of generous donors who are the difference makers. The benefit of each donor’s contribution multiplies in the long term as students graduate and become the new generation of health care workers, trades people, technologists and business owners, providing services and new wealth in the communities where they live and work.
Thanks to our generous supporters, since 2005 the Okanagan College Foundation has: • awarded nearly $3.4 million in scholarships, bursaries and other awards to over 4,300 recipients • built an endowment that exceeds $6.8 million • recognized over $13 million in gifts planned to be received
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The Legacy
of Steve Tuck
Steve Tuck, Okanagan College Foundation’s founding President (since 2002) has stepped down but is not stepping away. On Nov. 17, 2010 the Foundation bestowed the honorary title of President Emeritus on Steve in recognition of his years of dedicated and distinguished service to the OUC Foundation and subsequently the Okanagan College Foundation. Steve gave vision and structure to the Foundation and helped build it into a successful organization that provides opportunities for students wanting to pursue postsecondary studies. It is Steve’s willingness to give back to the community and his generous caring nature that has guided his volunteer activities, not only for the Okanagan College Foundation but the many charities he has supported. In fact, in 2003 he was recognized by the Governor General for his legacy of volunteerism and support of charities with the Caring Canadian Award. Okanagan University College also honored Steve for his contributions to community with the honorary degree
of Doctor of Letters in June 2005. He also received the City of Kelowna’s Fred Macklin Memorial Man of the Year Award in 2006 for his contributions to the well-being of the city. As a scholarship recipient early in his own academic career, Steve came to understand how scholarships and bursaries can make dreams a reality. He and his wife Terry are enthusiastic supporters of student awards and have started three endowments with the Foundation. Steve’s leadership of the Okanagan College Foundation has prepared the organization for great success in the years ahead and though he will be missed by many, his ongoing support for Okanagan College and its students will endure. Steve is being replaced by Penticton’s Jim Henderson, who moves from his role as Vice-President of the Foundation. Henderson has been a member of the Foundation Board of Directors since 2004 and has also been leading the $5 million fundraising campaign for the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technology and Renewable Energy Conservation in Penticton.
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The Financial Year in Review Statement of revenues and expenses March 31,2010 Income Statement Summary Ancillary Sales
Revenue sources: Grants Tuition Contract Services Ancillary Sales Other
Contract Services
55.2 19.9 6.0 5.7 4.1
60.7% 21.9% 6.6% 6.3% 4.5%
61.1 24.9 4.9
67.2% 27.4% 5.4%
How they were used:
Salaries & Benefits Supplies & Services Capital & Reserve $
Balance Sheet Summary
Capital & Reserve
Capital Assets Cash & Investments Other Assets
74.0 26.8 2.9 103.7
Supplies & Services
Liabilities: Salaries & Benefits
Long Term Debt Accrued Payroll Benefits Accrued Liabilities & Other Deferred Contributions
6.1 11.7 12.4 64.7
94.9 $
Represented by:
5.7 3.1
Fund Balance Investment in Capital Assets $
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The Governing Bodies of Okanagan College Okanagan College Board of Governors 2009-10
Okanagan College Education Council 2009-10
Lance Kayfish, Chair Yvonne Pinder, Vice Chair Phillippe Bourbeau Michael Conlin William Cooke Rick Gee (ex officio) Jim Hamilton (ex officio) Brian Hughes Paul Johnson Jane Lister Andrew Nelson Lianne Rozniak Tom Styffe Loretta Swite-Ghostkeeper
Rick Gee, Chair Michelle Nicholson, Vice Chair Lachezar Anegostiev Alex Bourbeau Derek Cook Sarah Dieno Jim Hamilton (non-voting member) Andrew Hay Robert Huxtable Terry Kosowick Charlotte Kushner Kylla Lawrie Alf Leimert Janet Mantyka Siri Marken Ann McKinnon Sandra Mendoza Jane Muskens (non-voting member) Barbara Nudd Yvonne Pinder (non-voting member) Heather Schneider Sheilagh Seaton
Brian Hughes, Loretta Swite-Ghostkeeper, Michael Conlin, Yvonne Pinder, Phillippe Bourbeau, Lianne Rozniak, Jim Hamilton, Lance Kayfish, Sunddip Nahal (2010-11 member), Doug Manning (2010-11 member), Tom Styffe. (Missing from the photo are William Cooke, Rick Gee, Paul Johnson, Jane Lister and Andrew Nelson)
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Okanagan College www.okanagan.bc.ca