


10 Ways to Sober Up - FAST

Whenyougettoohigh,itcanbeanuncomfortable experience.Youmayfeelanxious,paranoid,confused,and disoriented Othersymptomsincludedrymouthandredeyes If youfindyourselfinthissituation,thereareseveralthingsthat youcandotohelpmakethefeelingmorebearable From drinkinglotsofwatertolisteningtocalmingmusicortakinga shower,thereareplentyofmethodsthatcanhelptoeaseyour discomfortandbringsomerelieffromtheeffectsofbeingtoo high Remembertobekindtoyourselfandpracticeself-care
Withtherightapproach,youcanrideoutthesensation ofbeingtoohighandeventuallyfeelbetter.
If you find yourself feeling uncomfortablyhigh,oneof thebestthingsyoucando is drink lots of water This willhelptokeepyourbody hydrated, which can help to reduce some of the uncomfortable symptoms that come with being too high, such as the dry mouthandredeyes
Another way to feel better if you get too high is to eat something Eating can help to increase your blood sugar levels, which can help to reducesomeofthesymptoms of being too high, such as anxietyandparanoia.
Takingashowercanalsohelp youtofeelbetterifyougettoo high Thehotwatercanhelpto relax your muscles and the steam can help to clear your head
Drinking herbal tea can also be helpful if you find yourself feeling too high Chamomile and lavender tea are particularly good options, as they can help to calm the nervesandeaseanxiety.
Listening to calming music can also help you to feel betterifyougettoohigh Soft, relaxing music can help to ease anxiety and make you feelmorecomfortable
Getting some fresh air can also be helpful if you find yourselffeelingtoohigh Going for a walk or spending time outside in nature can help to center yourself and make you feelmoregrounded
If you ' re feeling really anxious or panicked, talking to someone you trust can be a huge help Talking about how you 'refeelingcanhelptoease your anxiety and make you feelmorecomfortable
Ifyou'refindingithardtorelax, trydistractingyourselfwithan activity that you enjoy Doing something that you ' re interested in can help take your mind off of how you ' re feeling and make you feel betteroverall
Practicing deep breathing exercisescanalsobehelpfulif you find yourself feeling too high Deep breathing helps to slowdownyourheartrateand ease anxiety It's also a great way to focus on the present momentandgroundyourself
Sometimesthebestthingyou can do if you get too high is simply to ride it out until the effects start to wear off Remember that the sensation of being high is not harmful andwilleventuallypass.Inthe meantime, focus on deep breathing and staying calm untiltheeffectssubside
nally,it's rtantto erthatif urselfin nwhere lingtoo panic entually wnfrom ghand willget always otalkto someoneyoutrust ifyou'refeeling overwhelmed
Withtheright approach,youcan turnapotentially unpleasant situationintoan opportunityfor growthandselfreflection
Louisiana-Aschoolcafeteriaworker in Louisiana was taken into custody after officials uncovered an illegal operation involving the selling of homemadebakedgoodslacedwith marijuana TymetricaCohn,a45 year-old resident of Tangipahoa Parish was arrestedafterCrimeStoppersprovidedcrucial information to the Sheriff's office, leading law enforcement officials to suspect marijuana edibles were being sold to students Chief Jimmy Travis stated in a news release Earlier thisweek,ananonymoustipaboutastudent's purchase of edible marijuana at school was received
Following the allegation, Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’sOfficenarcoticsagentsconductedan investigation which eventually led them to identify Cohn as their suspect Tangipahoa Parish School System Superintendent Melissa StilleyconfirmedanalarmingarrestofCohn,a substitute cafeteria worker, on Friday afternoon It was reported that she had allegedlybeensellingbakedgoodscontaining marijuana School officials and law enforcement promptly acted upon receiving suchinformation Stilleysaidinanewsrelease, “The safety of our students is of the utmost importancetoourschoolsystem.”
CALIFORNIA - In a shocking bust, police arrested two individuals from Baton Rouge and seized an astonishing 200+ pounds of marijuana The bust has ignited concern aboutillicitdrugactivityacrossthecity.
Last Sunday night, Redding Police Department officers noticed a vehicle that lookedsuspiciousatagasstation-andthe passengers only began to act suspicious once they saw the police It's certainly left authorities on high alert and curious about thepassenger'sactions.
Officers were shocked by their discovery whentheyapproachedthevehicle-several large black bags, whose contents left no roomfordoubtthatitwasmarijuana
The Richardson Police Department confiscated an astonishing 215 pounds of marijuana and two handguns during their search
Inthepastthree years,Texashas takenaslow approachto cannabis legalizationwith onlythree dispensaries receivinglicensure. Inanefforttobring awarenessof medicalmarijuana benefits, advocatesare pushingforfurther progressinthe state.
y y pp p forprospectiveretailers!Withthisfreshopportunityonthe horizon,moreTexansmaysoonbeabletoaccess
medicallybeneficial cannabinoids.Inthepast threeyears,Texashas takenaslowapproachto cannabislegalizationwith onlythreedispensaries receivinglicensure Inan efforttobringawareness ofmedicalmarijuana benefits,advocatesare pushingforfurther progressinthestate
Thisweek,theapplication process,sparkedbythe CompassionateUse Program,toaddmore dispensariestothestate startedonMonday This opportunitywillbeopen untilApril28thtosubmit theirapplication
MakingtheOklahoma MedicalMarijuana Authority(OMMA)a standaloneagency Agrantprogramfor countysheriff’s departmentstofundlaw enforcementeffortsin everycounty(HB3530)
Fullimplementationofa seed-to-salesystem (eitherviacourtorderor newlegislation)
Provisionallicensing requiringpre-license inspectionsand increaseddocument submissionpriorto approval(HB3734)
TheOklahomaStateLegislaturereleasetheHouseRepublican advancecomprehensivemedicalmarijuanapolicypackage onMarch7,2022. Thepackageincludesa12-pointplantostop illegalgrowsrequiringthefollowing(points1-6werediscussed intheJanuary2023issue):
Allmedical marijuana businessestopost standardizedpermit signageattheplace ofbusiness(HB2025)
Stringentelectrical andwaterdata reportingby marijuanagrowers (HB4055)
Annualinspections (HB2024)
Productpackaging standardsand maximumbeyond usedates(HB3019; HB4288)
Standardized laboratorytesting andequipment (HB4056)
Tieredgrowlicense feesbasedongrow size(HB2179)
Separatelicensingfor medicalmarijuana wholesales(HB3634)
Marijuanagrowsto registeras environmentally sensitivecropowners withtheAgriculture Department(HB3827)
HB2025hasgoneintoeffectandis reflected in the most recent rules provided by the OMMA that can be foundhere:
HB4055ultimately did not go into effect HB 2024 requiring annual inspectionsdiedin committee Butthe OklahomaMedical Marijuana
Authority has rules requiring license holders to comply with inspection reports and requests Further, rule 442:10-5-4 states “Submission of an application for a medical marijuana commercial license constitutes permissionforentrytoandinspectionof anylicensedpremises Refusaltopermit or impeding such entry or inspection shall constitute grounds for administrativepenalties ”
HB3019waspassedonMay2,2022and became effective November 1, 2022 HB 4288diedinchamberMarch28,2022.HB 3019 modifies and adds definitions, allowsclearcontainers,andrequiresexit package at point of sale and transfers, andnewwarninglabels
HB 4056 was passed on May 26, 2022 andbecomeeffectiveNovember1,2022
HB 4056 “Directs the OMMA's contract laboratory to provide recommendations for brands and models of equipment and standards to be used by testing laboratories.”
Additional information about recent legislationandtoreviewthebillsintheir entiretypleasevisit
The Oklahoma cannabis market is experiencing unprecedented success in the midst of a global economicdownturn
While other markets across the United States are suffering significant losses due to the economy, Oklahoma's medical marijuana sales have been on an impressive upward trajectory.
In fact, the state's medical marijuana business has seen suchphenomenalgrowththat it's on pace to see record numbers in 2023, trumping the previous years. With new laws and regulations being implemented, Oklahoma's cannabis industry is poised to become one of the most lucrativemarketsinthenation. The rapid rise in demand for medical marijuana has been fueledbyagrowingnumberof patients seeking relief from conditions such as chronic pain, PTSD, depression, and anxiety In addition, Oklahoma's cannabis providers have seen an increaseinmedicalmarijuana sales as more and more peoplearechoosingtousethe drug for therapeutic purposes as the stigma around cannabis begins to fade.SCAN QRCODEtoreadthefullstory.
Yields:4cakes Pre Coo
First, after your mind is right, preheat the ovento420degreesFandsprayfour6oz ramekins with non-stick cooking spray, and place them on a baking sheet off to theside Nowdusttheinsideof
theramekinswithcocoapowder andturnthemupsidedown andtapouttheexcesscocoa powder Thiswillhelpthe cakesremoveeasilyfromtheramekins
Next,meltthechocolatechipsandthetwokinds ofbuttertogether,youcandothisusingadouble boiler or in the microwave. Now grab a medium mixing bowlandaddtheeggs,eggyolks,sugar,salt,andvanilla extract and whisk together until completely combined Nowpourthemeltedchocolateintotheeggmixtureand add the flour, fold the batter together until all the ingredientsaremixedwell,thebattershouldbesmooth and not lumpy Split the batter between the ramekins evenly and bake for 12-15 minutes, depending on your oven.
The edges of the cake should be firm but there should stillbealittlewiggleorsoftnesstothetop Becarefulnot toovercookthecakesorthecenterwillbesolidandnot gooey Onceready,removethemfromtheovenandlet them cool for about 1-2 minutes before turning them over onto a plate so they break free from the ramekin. These desserts should be served immediately and you can garnish numerous ways Of course dust with the powdered sugar and also add some fresh fruit like raspberries or strawberries and even fresh mint sprigs You can also serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top with some chocolate syrup drizzled over it Be creativeandhavefunwithit
Chocolateiswidelybelievedto enhancetheeffectofmarijuana. Threesubstancesinchocolateand cocoapowdermaymimic cannabinoidbyactivatingreceptorsor increasinganandamidelevels
Good day and welcome back all you canna chef’s outthere,it’sFebruaryand it’s the month of Love Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to express your love and appreciation for that special someone. What better way to do so than by treating them to a delicious homemadeinfused dessert? It doesn't get much more romantic than that! From decadent chocolatetrufflestoshowstopping cakes, a sweet treat can be the ideal finishing touch to a great evening That’s why this year I want to do my Canna Chocolate Lover Cake – a delectable dessert that packs an added punch! The perfect marriage of two indulgences,oursignature chocolate lava cake infused with the flavors of cannabis takes your senses on a journey all its own Your taste buds will thank you for relishing moments spent savoring the velvety chocolate center and intense herbaceous notes crafted to satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth So grababagofyourfavorite herb,twistoneupandlet's getCookingwithaBuz!
Anandamideisalipidthatbindsto cannabinoidreceptorsandmimics thepsychoactiveeffectsofthedrug.
wasvoted#1BESTIN OKLAHOMAatTheCowboy Cupcompetitionin December2022.
Each50gpumpbottlecontains 1000mgofcannabinoids(650mg CBDand350mgTHC)Weuse powerful,pharmaceuticalgrade creamtohelpthecannabinoids penetratedeepintoskinand muscle.
Inspiredbythemedicinallozenges madeathisfather’spharmacy,Dr ShinaberycreatedBestDayEver’s TinctureTacs or“TincTacs”
In Oklahoma’s vibrant medical cannabis industry one company is setting itself apart from all the others by emphasizing the full spectrum of often overlooked minor cannabinoids Best Day Ever entered the Oklahoma cannabis market in 2022 led by the company’s owners and managers, brothers Byron and Matthew Nelson The Nelson brothers are joined by their Head of Product Development and chief scientist, Dr Spencer Shinabery (PhD , MIT) The trio set a goal of creating the most medicinally effective cannabis products for the Oklahoma market To that end, Best Day Ever now provides the market with an extremely effective topical pain cream, full spectrum CO2 extraction derived tincture, a sublingual sleep aid called Tinc-Tacs for the “best night ever”, and a THCV tincture that was voted #1 to Best in Oklahoma at The Cowboy Cup competition in December 2022 Luckily for Chronic, we had the opportunity to speak with the core of the company and got to hear their story straight from the horse's mouth
The Chronic: Tell me about winning the Cowboy Cup for Oklahoma’s Best Tincture 2022. Also, congratulations!
[All] Thank you!
[Byron] It was very exciting. It was a fun event with a lot of energy. There are a ton of companies who got to go, so we were really pleased to place, if anything, much less win first place! Especially since a lot of our competitors have been in the space for a while
Allofourtincturesaremadewith premium,raw,oil,alwaysextracted in-houseviaCO2.Noaddedflavors, nodyes,nopreservatives
[Matthew] Yeah, we had just launched in July Everyone around town was telling us, aside from the High Times Cannabis Cup, that the Cowboy Cup is the biggest and best experience in the cannabis industry in Oklahoma So we felt like we needed to be doing everything we could to get our name out there and grow
[Byron] Our plan wasn’t to win, it was simply to get our name out there That’s why we were just blown away by winning first place But, I mean, the tincture is truly just great! (laughs)
[Matthew] We had a great time. When we were listening for the prizes, once they got done announcing third, we figured we had lost and it wasn’t a big deal Then they called out our name for first and it was probably the most exciting moment we have had so far within the business We couldn’t be more proud about our win
The Chronic: Y’all entered your THCV Tincture, correct? (Quick background on the winning tincture: it is an enhanced spectrum of cannabinoids. Each full dropper (1 mL) contains 9 mg of THC and 6 mg of THCV, 10 mg of CBD, 10 mg of CBG, 10 mg of CBC, and 10 mg CBN. Much more than the typical ‘full spectrum.’ Dr. Shinabery says if you haven’t tried it, you have to “taste the spectrum!”)
[Matthew] Yes, and it’s very unique You get a calm, clear headed, focused effect with a little energy boost and appetite control A clear head and mental energy are the biggest pros It’s something that everyone can use, the way we formulated it, everything is very simple. Both serious medical and average patients can benefit from it, we are not alienating anyone If you have allergies, there are no added flavors, smells, or sugars We wanted to make our products as universal as possible
[Dr Shinabery] In my professional opinion, minor cannabinoids are the way to get the most of your cannabis When we look around in the industry, you might hear about them often, but you don’t always see companies incorporating or truly embracing the minor cannabinoids If you do see them being used, they will often have a token quantity so they can list it on the label Our approach is to incorporate the minor cannabinoids as much as we can.
The Chronic: What has this win done for your company?
[Matthew] We have definitely seen an uptick in sales and interest in our products! Minor cannabinoids are one of those things that you need exposure to get them more well known and to get people educated about I think we are seeing the market shift from wanting the highest THC to wanting a more well-rounded experience The Cowboy Cup victory plants our flag as a top tier, science based operator
[Byron] It puts it out there, and it makes people want to know more about it ‘It won Why did it win?’
[Dr Shinabery] I agree with what they said The winning of the Cowboy Cup is kind of a validation point when we are trying to explain the experience of the THCV tincture When people haven’t heard of something, it can be an uphill battle It’s definitely picking up steam, we knew it wasn’t just going to explode, but the growth is visible and building momentum every day!
The Chronic: Will you enter your products in more cannabis cups?
[All] Oh yeah! Absolutely
[Byron] With more confidence!
[Matthew] And we are always coming up with something new here Every year we are going to have a new and exciting product for the judges
The Chronic: What about the other products you carry?
[Matthew] We started with a more medicinal theme Topical creams, tinctures products to help you sleep
[Dr. Shinabery]The way I viewed it is there is a lot of potential in the various cannabinoids but a lot of the industry doesn’t always focus on that I think there are a lot of true medical needs that are being overlooked Getting good sleep without being groggy the next morning and getting pain relief that doesn’t impair you are both important A lot of people are in a lot of pain, but they still need to get stuff done You see it all the time where medical needs are being overlooked and the industry is focusing more on getting super stoned The other day, I saw a 14 gram blunt, like show me the doctor who’d prescribe a 14 gram blunt My background is in organic chemistry and compounding pharmacy so that’s why we really lean in on the medical benefits I take all the techniques and ingredients that we use in my family’s pharmacy to make prescriptions and switch the prescription drugs for cannabis and cannabinoids The products, in my opinion, speak for themselves With our (brand new!) Tinc Tacs for sleep, our THCV tincture for daytime pain management, and our 1000 mg (2:1 CBD:THC) topical pain cream, the majority of our products at Best Day Ever are designed to as non-impairing as possible while still delivering the effective relief that so many patients need to live their lives to the fullest.
The Chronic: Do you have a favorite product?
[Matthew] I think our favorite would probably be the THCV but all of our products work so well
[Dr. Shinabery] For me it’s hard because they’re all my babies! It’s hard for me to pick just one favorite. So, I’ll pick a favorite two: the THCV tincture and the Tinc Tacs but that’s because we just dropped them, and I had been so excited about them for well over a year while developing the formula Getting them to be where they are now was a long process I’m really, really happy with them The Tinc Tacs are designed to be used like regular oil-based tincture and held under your tongue. As many people, myself included, find it difficult to hold an oil under your tongue long enough to achieve true sublingual absorption, this delivery system makes it much easier With all the cannabinoids in the Tinc Tacs (5 mg THC, 5 mg CBD, 5 mg CBG, 5 mg CBN and 3 mg of melatonin per dose), I like to think of them working together in an orchestra, playing a lullaby of sleep
The Chronic: What's the best aspect of your job?
[Byron] This may be a big cliche, but I would say it’s the opportunity to help people I was a big cannabis skeptic for most of my life and it wasn’t until I actually saw the medicinal effects first hand that my mind was changed People with MS can take ten prescriptions a day that will hardly help, and then take a little bit of cannabis and they’d finally be able to keep the shaking in check People who have received our products, who have severe ailments, people with phantom pains that are amputees have seen relief from our pain cream. A woman who has bone cancer has seen relief from our 1000 mg full spectrum tincture It’s really that aspect that I enjoy the most
[Matthew] Getting calls with people telling us how appreciative they are you know, everyone is in the business of making money but seeing the good you’re doing and having repeat patients come in. You can see that you are helping and changing their lives It’s really rewarding to see stuff like that and get positive feedback too
[Dr. Shinabery] I definitely echo what they said That was my debate when I was in graduate school at MIT I’ve always had a passion for chemistry and medicine and wanting to help people but I’m sitting there knowing that if I worked for big-name companies, yes, I’d probably get paid really well But, at the end of the day, I’d just be a cog in the machine, there would be no heart in it for me That’s why I made the jump to cannabis, there is heart in it Furthermore, I am convinced that there is a well of untapped medical potential in the cannabis plant
The Chronic: What is your expectation for the future of cannabis and future of your company?
[Matthew] I think the future is kind of what we have been talking about, the full spectrum experience, and formulating products with more of the minor cannabinoids in them for both medical and recreational patients You know, overall we are just one big happy family over here. We can't wait to release a new line of edibles in 2023, so keep an eye out!
[Matthew] We expect, like most people in the industry, that legalization will progress until national legalization Then, I think, there is going to be a normalization of cannabis, such that it becomes like any other medication you can take, just with a lot fewer side effects!
It’sintheairand swirlingallaroundusthismonth Whether you’re smitten for the Super Bowl or with your partner, love is love and deserves to be celebrated But, how does weed fit in withthefeelingoflove?Let’stalkaboutit
Weedandintimacyhavebeenassociated witheachotherforwelloverfourdecades
This concept was developed in the early 1940s during the anti-war sentiments In the60sand70s,theFreeLovemovement wasdescribedas“anabsenceoflegalties rather than promiscuity, as frequently misunderstood and more frequently chargedintheanti-socialistpress,”byPBS WhenFreeLovewasatitspeakpopularity, it began to be more associated with accepting all people for who they are. Cannabisjustsohappenedtobeusedby the bulk of the Free Love supporters, but they were right to do so, as new studies prove that weed can enhance most experienceswithintimacy
In a recent study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, entitled Marijuana Use Episodes and Partner Intimacy Experiences, 183 adults who regularlyusecannabis,allparticipantsare either married or living with their partner, were evaluated over 30 days Each day they were to report when they began to consume cannabis and when they finished Thefollowingdaytheywouldthen be asked if they had an intimate conversationwiththeirpartnerand,ifthey did, when. This was the question that helped researchers check the correlation betweencannabisandintimacy.Afterthe study was completed, researchers found that if you and your partner consume cannabis at the same time, there was an increase in the likelihood of having an intimate experience within two hours of use If only one partner had consumed cannabis, there was still a likelihood of some form of bonding or connecting within two hours So, that means it’s been scientificallyproventhatcouplessmoking weedtogetherisanactofintimacy,inand ofitself,whethertheyknowitornot
Physical love, both simple touch or sexual intercourse, can also be changed and assistedbyweed Weallknowthatalcohol is colloquially called liquid courage, but maybe cannabis is full of courage too AccordingtoEarthMed,cannabiscanhelp withintimacyincountlessdifferentways
To name a few, cannabis enhances sensations,diminishessymptomsofpain, increases erotic pleasure, boosts sex drive, and allows for a positive sensory overload.Theamplificationofyoursenses isthebigone,youcanenjoytouch,smell, andpassionmuchmorewheneverything is heightened Some even call cannabis anaphrodisiacbecauseofthis Cannabis can also help with the mental side of intimacy It reduces stress and anxiety, and allows for walls to be broken down Many people have reported that cannabis helps them be present, lowers their inhibitions, and gives them a confidence boost It’s helpful to rememberthatyoudonothavetosmoke or eat cannabis for it to help you in the bedroom Many dispensaries offer creams,oils,suppositories,lubricants,and morejustforintimateusage
Let’s take a look at a less scientific study onweedandintimacy.OkCupidlookedat various questions about weed, sex and faith.Eachofthequestionswereaskedto at least 1 million OkCupid users between 2012and2017.(Itisimportanttonotethat less than 15 states were legalized medically or recreationally If this study was done today, there may be different results, but it’s still fun to check)
According to polls done by the dating app, “Weed smokers of all types (past, and both varieties of current) are significantly more likely to have orgasms than their never-smoking counterparts” They also had a poll based on which groupofpeoplewouldbelookingforlove Based on the polls, if you use cannabis you’re equally as likely to be looking for love as you are for just a hookup, while people who do not use cannabis are almost three times more likely to be lookingforlove.
The last poll seemed to say that most peoplewhodon’tusecannabiswouldnot becomfortablewiththeirpartnerusingit. Thismaybeduetosomanystates,atthe time,havingcannabisontheillegaldrug list Hopefully,nowthatcannabisismuch more accessible and accepted, people who don’t use cannabis would be more acceptingofthosewhodousecannabis
Vice also conducted some research on weed and intimacy by asking people about their personal experiences One of theparticipants,Madison,explained,
Another participant, Milcah, says, “I love having a partner I can smoke with Because cannabis is a big part of my mental health self-care practices, it feels a little alienating if my partner can't join in with me When I was datingfolkswhodidn'tsmoke,it wasalwaysalittlesadforme I lovetopassajointbetweenmy partner and me It brings us closer together and it's one of the ways we have quality time Get high and go for a walk. Get stonedandeatlotsoffood Get high and have sex. When we ' re high, we just feel more relaxed in our bodies.” While these are just two accounts of weed and intimacy, it seems that for peoplewhofindcannabistobe abigpartoftheirlives,havinga partner who enjoys cannabis tooisabigplus
Sharing cannabis together mightbebetter,inthelongrun, for a relationship Participant Precious recounted their past relationship, “A relationship I was in for three years just ended,andIlow-keythinkweed was the reason why. I smoke weed every day, at least 10 times a day. For me, I'm more myself when I'm high more honestandrealwithmypartner so smoking weed is my greatest joy. But when I would get stoned, my partner would always look at me with slight irritation and annoyance My constant weed use would always lead to fights about it My partner would also feel bad becauseIwouldwanttosmoke before sex and she felt like I couldn'tbesober”
Ultimately, using cannabis to enhanceintimacybetweenyou and your partner is a decision thatyouneedtomaketogether The sexiest thing that can happen between partners is consent. Always do research before trying something new, take things slow and have fun with it Being too high during anything is not fun. In intimate moments, being too high can ruin the mood. Ending the night earlyisnothowpeoplewantto spend special moments (like Valentine’sDay) Ifyouandyour partner do decide to use cannabis to enhance your intimacy, start slow and relax Have a safe and happy Valentine’sDay!
“I'mnotusually onetobe creativeonmy ownwithweed. Butit'sasif smokinglets [meandmy partner]get intothisweird othersocial zonetogether andthat dynamicletsus bemore creative.It definitely bringsuscloser together.Whet herornotwe havesexafter wesmoke reallydepends onthestrain—a lotofthemwill makeusjust toofocusedor toosleepy.But sometimesit justclicksand sexisthenext thingthat needsto happen.Stoned sexrules!”
Terpenes found in the cannabis plant play a key role in the differentiating effects in cultivars Some terpenes can have a relaxing effect on a person and canbeusedtorelievestress,whileothers have the potential to promote wanted focus and acuity The “Cannabis Fingerprint”asIcallit,isthecombination of the molecular synergy of both the terpenesandcannabinoidsaswellasthe bodysystemsthatthecombinationscan be used for As these articles progress in this column, we will be speaking on this topic in much more in detail Until then, you can visit my youtube page to find informational videos on terpenes and cannabinoids
Limonene is the second most abundant terpeneinallcannabiscultivarsbutisnot found in all As its name says, Limonene gives a cultivar or strain its citrusy smell that resembles lemons & limes, which is no surprise as all citrus fruits contain large amounts of this compound. Limonene in its natural form is an oil extracted from the peels of citrus fruits and is purported to have a variety of benefits Limonene can also be found in fruit rinds, rosemary, juniper and peppermint
Limonene is also a flavoring agent and canbefoundincommonfooditemssuch as fruit juices, soft drinks, baked goods, ice cream and pudding. It is also known to be used in cosmetics and also in cleaningproducts
Limonene is one of these terpenes that canassistinupliftingaperson'smood It is known to improve mood and reduce stress Inhalation of limonene increases serotonin and dopamine levels in critical regions of the brain that are associated with anxiety, depression and possibly OCD Afewoftheotherhealthbenefitsof Limonenearelistedbelow.
AfewoftheotherhealthbenefitsofLimonene arelistedbelow.
Cultivars that have “lemon” or “sour” in their name are usually rich in limonene These are some of the cultivars thatarefoundtohavehighlevelsoflimonene:
Do-Si-Do TahoeOG WeddingCake
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information I've shared is derived from research gathered from externalsources.Pleasecheckwith your Cannabis Educated Primary HealthCarePhysicianorEducated & Trained Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any newdietorlifestylechange.
Cannabis Therapy
Director of theCannabis Holistic
Institute.To find out more about her Telemedicine Consultations, Educational Programs, YouTube videos, and other creative content, you can findheronthemassiveinter-webs on all platforms or at drpepperhernandezcom
Valentine's Day is the perfect timetogetcreativeandhave fun with your special someone And what better way to do that than by getting high together? There are so many great stoner date ideas that you can choose from, ranging from romantic activities like picnicsandstargazingtosilly oneslikemini-golforbowling So if you ' re looking for a unique way to spend Valentine'sDaythisyear,why not try one of these 10 amazing stoner date ideas? You'll be sure to have an unforgettablenight!
Go for a nature walk
Play tourist for a day
One of the best things about being high is that you can appreciate naturemore Sogofora long walk in the park or through the woods and takeinallthesightsand soundsaroundyou
Picnicsarealwaysfun, butthey’reevenbetter whenyou’rehigh So packupsomesnacks anddrinksandheadto yourlocalparkfora relaxingafternooninthe sun. 4
Go to a museum
Have a picnic
Mostmuseumshaveat leastonesectionthat willbeinterestingto stoners(eg,art,history, science,etc),soit’sa greatplacetospendan afternoonifyou’re lookingforsomething low-keytodo
Ifyouliveinacity,there’s probably a lot of things you’ve never done that are right in your own backyard.Soplaytourist for a day and walk around, check out the local sights, and maybe even learn something new 3
Ifyouwanttodo somethingromantic, stargazingisalwaysa goodoption Findadark spotawayfromthecity lights,liedownona blanket,andlookupat thestars 6
Play minigolf
Go stargazing
Miniaturegolfisalways fun,butitcanbeeven betterwhenyou’rehigh becauseitgivesyouan excusetoactlikeakid again Sofindyour nearestminigolfcourse andhavesomefun!
Bowlingisanother classicdateactivitythat canbeevenbetter whenyou’rehigh becauseitgivesyouan excusetoactsilly So findyournearest bowlingalleyandsee whocangetthemost strikes!
Goingtoseeamovieis alwaysagreatdate idea,butit’sevenbetter whenyou’rehigh becauseyoucanreally appreciatethevisuals onthebigscreen Plus, there’snothinglike sharingsomepopcorn whilehighaswell!
Cook edibles together
Cookingsomeedibles togethercanbeagreat waytobondwithyour datewhilealsogetting highatthesametime (justbecarefulwithany openflames!) So chooseyourfavorite recipe,gatherallthe ingredients,andget cooking!Butremember befunandcreative!
Romantic Valentines
Valentine'sDayistheperfecttimetoget creativeandhavefunwithyourspecial someone Sowhynotsurpriseyourpartner thisyearwithauniquestonerdatenight scavengerhunt?Aromanticphoto scavengerhuntisanidealwaytoexplore yourcitywhilegettinghighandcanprovide hoursofentertainment,aswellassome memorablememories Thinkofsomefun thingsyouhavetotakephotosofinand aroundyourcity,aphotosittingundera treeatalocalpark,aphototakingaboat rideontheriver,oreventakingfunny photosinpublicplaces Youcangetas creativeasyouwant!Thenonceyouare doneprintthephotosoutandkeepthem forever
Ifyou’refeelingcreative, whynotmakesomeart together?Youcangoto yourlocalartsupply storeandbuysome supplies,orjustuse whateveryouhave aroundthehouse Then letyourcreativityflow andseewhatkindof masterpiecesyoucan create!
Anightatacomedy showcanbetheperfect datenightforacouple lookingtogethigh together Whenyou’re stoned,laughteristhat muchsweeterandmore enjoyable,making comedyshowsaneven morefunexperience Justimaginethehilarity ofwatchingthe comediansonstage whileundertheinfluence ofcannabis!
From nature walks to comedy shows, there are so many great stoner date ideas for you and your special someone this Valentine's Day. Whether it’s playing tourist in your own city or cooking edibles together, these activities can help bring couples closer while enjoying the effects of cannabis. So if you want to make sure that you have an unforgettable night on February 14th, try out one of these fun and creative stoner date ideas! Who knows? You might even discover a new favorite activity with your partner!
Igottaconfession,Ismokedmy1stbluntof weedwhenIwas7
I'veaconfessiontomake Idon'tlike cannabisedibles-theeffectsaretooclose tomagicmushroomswhicharegreaton specialoccasions,however,notdaily
confessionithoughtcannabiswasthe nameofaconstellationuntiliwaslike12
Ihaveaconfession Isometimeshidemycannabisuse NotbecauseI’mashamed.I’mnot.Notbecauseit’san addiction.It’snot.BecauseIfearIwillbediscriminated againstandthatcouldleadtotroublefindinghousing
confession:sometimesIputcannabis tinctureonmyfishbaits andthey seemtolikeit
Confessiontime.Ididn’tusecannabisuntilmy30s.Iwas handedaspliffevenIwas33andfranklycouldn’thandleit thankstothetobacco NowItakeanedibleorusemyvape nearlynightlytohelpwithbothmentalandphysical problems
Confession:Idon'tenjoycannabisedibles Forme,the debilitatingphysiologicaleffectsarebothunsatisfying andannoying,atthesametime Givemetheinstant psychologicalstimulationandreliablemoodstabilisation ofcombustedorvaporisedcannabisanyday
Confessiontime:theonlytimeimhappyis whenismokingweed
Anotherconfession:I cannabis Onlythingthatworkedfor meafterIgotPTSDjustbeforeIwas18whenIwitnesseda tormentedsoultaketheirownlifebyjumpingoffabuilding atHydePark Cannabisbroughtbacksomeofthecolourof lifeafterafewyearsdazed Medicine
confessionwheniwasinthe5thgradei reportedthisgirlforhavingweedinher bsckpaxkbutlikewewere9likebff
Ihaveaconfession:Iselloldwhitepeoplethewrong cannabisproductsonpurpose,andit’salwaysthemost expensiveones Irememberthemcallingthecopsonme justforwalkingoutmyapartmentasakid
Confession:Iusedtosmokealotof cannabis Istilldo,butIusedto,too
Confession:momandIateediblesoutdoorsinthesun today,playedScrabbleandgiggled Wehadsomuchfun andtheworlddidn'tseemcloseddown.Iforgottohostmy medicalcannabissupportgroupmeeting I'mgoingto makeituptoyoubyhostingonethisweekend
Loveisintheair,asthey say ThecoolFebruaryair bringsawarmfamiliar feelingthatremindsusof cut-outpaperheartsand stuffedanimalsholding ontoballoons February isn’tjustthemonthoflove ortheshortestmonthas it’snotoriouslyknown FebruaryhereinOklahoma meansanotherchanceto featuresomeofthebest growers,processors,and geneticsthatOklahoma Cannabishastooffer With thethemeofloveinmind,I knewtheperfectpick wouldbeacoupledoing bigthingsingeneticsand withtheirbrand Wavy FlowerCompanyis probablyabrandyou haveseenaround Known fortheiroriginalstrains, thisgeneticsproducerhas broughtsomefireto Oklahoma.Wehada chancetogettoknowthe couplebehindthebrand, WavyFlowerCompany, andhadthepleasureof askingthemsome questions
TheChronic: Howlong haveyoubeenusing/ growing/processing cannabis?
Westartedgrowingfor personaluseafterleaving Floridain2017whenzero advocationwas happeningforpatients andhomegrowers.While inPortland,Oregonfrom 2017-2020,wehadtowork overtimetoeducate ourselvesongenetics, growing,terpenes, cannabinoidsand everything!Wewereyears behindtheWestCoast.We startedourjourneyof findingourfavorite cultivarsbasedon medicinalvalueandset downthepathtomaking ourfirstcross,Oregon Wine Weknewwehad somethingspecialand uniqueonourhandsafter ourfirstrunin2018 Atfirst, wehadnointentionsof startingabusinessbut enjoyedourcreation
Aftertravelingtomany otherlegalstates,and seeingwhattheyhadto offer,weknewwehad somethingthatcould reallybenefitour community WavyFlower Company,agenetics companybasedonseeds andclones,wascreatedin 2020
TheChronic:Howlargeis yourteamandwhodoesit include?
WehaveaVERYsmall team,justWavyandBee, myself Wavycuratesthe newcultivars,whileIbring themtolife.Wavy'spalette isimpeccable,abletopick outtheslightestaromas andterpenes,thenpair themwithsomethingyou havenevertasted Ibringthatcultivartolife(and talkaboutitincessantly).
TheChronic: Knownfor yourgenetics,whatsets WavyFlowerCompany apartfromtherest?
Ourgoalistomostlyuse andpreservegenetics fromthepast Thisiswhat makesussounique We aren'tusingthehype cultivarsthatyousee repeatedoverandover Wewanttobuildnostalgia, withthoseoldscents: blackrubber,cheese,pine, andourpersonalfavorite, rottingfruit Wehavewon someawardsaswell, HerbageMagazine AudienceChoiceAwards 2021-BestGenetics
BestHybridhasgrown commerciallyin Oklahoma-OregonWine (HypnoticFarms)
OklahomaCannabis AwardsMusicFestival 2022-2ndPlaceGenetics
3rdPlace-PodcastStonedN'Social(IG: @stonednsocial)
Mostpeopledonotknow thatyoucanbuy ungerminatedseedsasthey arefederallylegal.Many peoplecontactusaskingif youneedtobepatient,and youdonot!Wealsooffer5 podcastepisodesonour websitefromstarttofinish onhowtogrow,completely free.Growyourownmeds, andknowexactlywhatis goingIntothem
TheChronic:Whatisyour companymotto?
TheChronic:Whatdoes thefutureholdforyour companies?
WorldDomination!In seriousness,weare currentlycommercially growninfivestates, homegrownandalmost50 states,andeightcountries Aslegalizationcontinuesto grow,wewouldliketobe abletopartnerwithas manypeopleaspossibleto gettruemedicinalcannabis toeveryonewhoneedsand deservesit
Andasfor,whatshouldthe futureholdforcannabis… Wealsohopetoseemore women,LGBTQ+,andBIPOC ownersstarttoemerge, causingamoreequitable environmentincannabisas awhole
Thereneedstobemore educationbasedaround cannabinoids,terpenes,and theendocannabinoid system Weneedtohelp teachpatientsthatTHC valuedoesn'tmatterin comparisontoalltheother importantaspectsofthe cannabisplant.Weare focusingonallthewrong things
Wavy Flower Company is a probably a brand you have seen around. Known for their original strains, this genetics producer has brought some fire to Oklahoma.
WewanttothankWavy FlowerCompanyforthe behind-the-sceneslookat theircompanyandforthe funlookintotheir personalities Ifyousee anythingbyWavyFlowerat ashopnearyou,don’tmiss theseamazinggenetics Followthem @wavy.flower.companyon IGforupdatesandmore abouttheirpodcast We especiallywouldliketothank WavyFlowerCompanyfor providingclean,quality geneticsandmedsto Oklahomapatients.
AsAlways,Rememberto MedicateResponsiblyand StayLitOklahoma
“Ialso co-host Stoned N'Social,a podcast createdby Nat,an educatorand advocate outof Washington DC.Notonly dowecover education, butalso dabblein conspiracy theories, andother funtopics fromweek toweek!You neverknow whatyou're goingtoget whenyou tuneinwith us.”
Drivingaroundwithweedinyourcaris a common experience for many cannabis users We all know that the potent smell of cannabis isn't always easy to keep under wraps, and if you don'tknowhowtoproperlygetridofit, it could be the source of an uncomfortable - or even dangeroussituation But never fear! Whether it’s your home or vehicle that needs deodorizing, you have plenty of options available So today we ' re going to discuss some clever tactics andtipsonhowtogetweedsmellout ofyourcaronceandforall!
Openallofthewindowsandlet somefreshaircirculatethroughyour car Thiswillhelpclearoutany lingeringodors Youshouldalso removeanytrashorclutterfromyour car 'scompartmentsandwipethem downwithadampcloth Smoke attachesitselftomanydifferent surfacesinyourcarandcanlingerfor alongtimeonthem
Anotherwaytogetridofthe weedsmellistousesomething strongerthanjustairfresheners Bakingsoda,coffeegrounds, activatedcharcoal,orevenanodor absorberlikeOziumcanbeusedto neutralizethesmell Simplysprinkle theseitemsonthefloormatsand seatsofyourcarandleavethem overnightforbestresults It'salwaysa goodideatodothisBEFOREyou vacuumandshampooyourseatsand otherclothsurfaceslikefloorboards
Bakingsodaisan effectiveandeconomicalwayof gettingridofweedsmellinyourcar. Whensprinkledontothefloormats, seats,andothersurfacesitworksto neutralizetheodorsbyabsorbing andtrappingthemoleculesthat causethesmell Bakingsodaisalso non-toxic,makingitasafeand easywaytodeodorize
formof proces porous odors usedin smello byplac seatso
wayofget car,astheyw causedby sprinkledon othersu groundsare moleculesthatcreatethepungentodor ofcannabis Plustheycoffeeground themselvesmasktheodor.
Cannabolishisagreatmethodforgetting ridoftheweedsmellinyourcarasithelpstoneutralize theodorscausedbycannabissmokemolecules Itworks byeffectivelyattachingitselftothosemoleculesand trappingthemuntiltheydissipate,whilealsoprovidingits ownpleasantscenttohelpkeepyourcarsmellingfresh andclean Additionally,itcanbeusedonanysurfaces whereyouthinkthesmellmaybecomingfrom,simplyby sprayingitonandlettingitsitforafewminutesbefore wipingitoffwithadampcloth.
Get a vehicle detail and make sure you get your seats vacuumed and shampoo the cloth surfaces Wipe down and cleanallthehardsurfacestogetridofanysmokeresiduethat may have settled onto them If you are hot boxing then this is prettymuchEVERYTHINGevenundertheseats
Finally, if you want to keep your car smelling fresh in between uses, consider investing in an air purifier or keeping an air freshener hanging from your rearview mirror at all times With thesetips,you'llbeabletogetridoftheweedsmellinnotime!
Pro-Tip:Youcanavoidthisaltogetherbyinvestinginapersonal airfilterthatyoublowyoursmokeintoliketheSmokeTrap20 It works by traping the odor molecules inside and keeps your car smelling fresh The Smoke Trap doesn't come with replaceable filters that you can change out but you won't have to worry aboutthatforquiteawhileasthefilterscangoforover300uses
The smoke smell in a car typically lasts around 1-2 weeks, depending on the intensity of the smoke and how often it was smoked in the vehicle Regular airing out of the car, using air fresheners or odor absorbers like Cannabolish, and cleaning surfaces can help to reduce and eliminate the weed smell more quickly Additionally, investing in a personal air filter like Smoke Trap20canhelppreventodorsfromsettling intoyourcaraltogether
The scent that is most effective at neutralizing the smell of weed is a combination of products and techniques It isultimatelyuptoyouonthescentitselfBUT manypeoplechoosetousesomethingFruity and or Tropical because it is completely opposite of the earthy aroma weed can often give. Charcoal can be used to absorb odors, and Odor Absorber - Ozium, CannabolishorLysolwithUltraShieldcanall be sprayed onto surfaces to help eliminate the smell Additionally, getting a vehicle detail and keeping an air freshener in your carcanhelpkeepitsmellingfreshbetween uses
Oziumisanodorabsorber productthatworkstoneutralizeodorsin yourcar Thisisagreatwaytogetridof weedsmell,asitattachesitselftothe moleculesthatcausetheodorandtraps themuntiltheydissipate.Italsoprovides apleasantscentofitsown,soitcanhelp keepyourcarsmellingfreshandcleanat alltimes
Lysolisanother effectiveproducttoeliminate odorsinyourcar,aswellas providinganti-bacterial protectionthatkillsbacteria thatcouldpotentiallycause badodors Simplysprayit ontoanysurfaceswhereyou thinkthesmellmaybe comingfromandletitsitfor afewminutesbeforewiping itoffwithadampcloth
Thebestwaytoairoutacarafterahotboxis to open the windows and allow it to air out naturally Additionally, you can use odor absorberslikecharcoalorproductssuchas Cannabolish,OdorAbsorber-Ozium,orLysol withUltraShieldbysprayingthemontoany surfaces where you think the smell may be coming from and letting them sit for a few minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth Finally, getting a vehicle detail is the best way. When you truly hotbox a car the smokemoleculescometorestoneverything inthecarevenundertheseats.
Finding love as a stoner can be challenging, but with the right datingapp,itdoesn’thavetobe.
In 2023, there are plenty of dating apps specifically designed for cannabis users that make it easy tofindpotentialmatches Whether you’re looking for a serious relationshiporjustwanttomeetup with someone nearby who shares your interests, these 7 best dating apps for stoners will help you find the perfect match! From My420Mate and 420 Singles to MatchandDate420Friendly,each of these sites offers something unique so there is sure to be one that fits your needs So don't wait any longer - start exploring today andfindtheloveconnectionyou've beensearchingfor!
As its name suggests, this app is specifically designed for cannabis users looking to date other marijuana enthusiasts It has an easy-to-use interface and allows you to search by location so you canmeetupwithsomeonenearby ifdesired
Thispopulardatingsiteisgreatfor cannabisusersasitallowsthemto search by location so they can easily meet up with someone nearbyifdesired Plus,ithasalarge userbasewhichmakesiteasierto findpotentialmatchesquicklyand easily!
Thisappisdesignedspecificallyfor cannabis users and offers a safe and secure platform to connect with other like-minded people It also has a wide range of features that make it easy to find potential matches.
Thisappisperfectforthoselooking for a serious relationship as it focuses on finding long-term partnersratherthanjusthookups It also has an extensive database of users so you’re sure to find someone who shares your interests
Match is one of the most popular datingappsoutthereandit’sgreat for cannabis users too! It has a largeuserbaseandoffersplentyof features to help you find your perfectmatch.
3 2 1
Stoner Singles is an online community for cannabis enthusiasts looking for love and friendship With an easy-to-use platform, this website makes it easy to find like-minded people who share your passions Whether you ' re a recreational user or connoisseur, Stoner Singles has somethingforeveryone!
Hinge is a great dating service for stoners who are looking for a serious relationship It focuses on building meaningful connections between users and doesn't just encourage hookups Hinge also has an extensive database of member profiles and offers plenty of targeted search features, making it easy to find someone who shares your interests and values
7 6 5 4
Onceyouhavefoundamatchthen thenextimportantstepistomake sure that your relationship stands outfromtherest Fortunately,there are plenty of unique and memorable stoner dating ideas that you can use to show your special someone how much they meantoyou!
From visiting cannabis-friendly events and taking cooking classes togethertoenjoyingromantichikes with beautiful views or going on a campingtrip–thesearejustsome of the amazing activities you can do together as a couple So don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with new ways to show your partner how much they mean to you! With creativity and imagination, you’re sure to find something unforgettable for both ofyou
Finding the perfect match can be challengingforcannabisusers,but thankfully there are now plenty of dating apps specifically designed to meet their needs From My420Mate and 420 Singles to MatchandDate420Friendly,each of these sites offers something unique so you’re sure to find one thatfitsyourpreferences.Onceyou have found a potential match, don't forget about coming up with creative ways to show them how much they mean to you! With some imagination and creativity, it's easy to come up with an unforgettableactivityorexperience for both of you – from visiting cannabis-friendly events and taking cooking classes together to enjoying romantic hikes with beautiful views or going on a camping trip. So get out there today and start exploring all the amazing possibilities available in stonerdating!
GarciaHandPicked LeavestheTroubled CaliforniaMarket
PrinceHarryadmittedto takingpsychedelics severaltimes
PrinceHarryRevealsthe DetailsofOneofHis"Trips" whileonMagicMushrooms
By:TherinMillerInhisrecentlyreleased autobiography,Spare,Prince Harryrecountsastrange andsurrealexperiencewhile undertheinfluenceof psilocybin-magic mushroomsandalsotalks abouthisuseofmarijuana andcocaine
PrinceHarry,fifthinlinefor theBritishthrone,discussed inhisrecentlypublished memoirhowheandsomeof hisfriendsatemagic mushroomstogethigh whileatapartyinCalifornia in2016whenhewas31
Wespottedahugeboxofblackdiamond mushroomchocolates.Someonebehindmesaidthey wereforeverybody.Helpyourself,boys.MymateandI grabbedseveral,gobbledthem,andwashedthem downwithtequila
wrotethePrince,accordingtoatranslationofthebookwhichwasreleasedearlybymistakein Spain Herecountsusingtherestroomwhentheeffectsofthemushroomskickedin “Besidethe toiletwasaroundsilverbin,thekindwithafootpedaltoopenthelid Istaredatthebin Itstared back.Thenitbecame...ahead.Isteppedonthepedalandtheheadopeneditsmouth.Ahuge opengrin.Ilaughed,turnedaway,tookap***.Nowtheloobecameaheadtoo.Thebowlwasits gapingmaw,thehingesoftheseatwereitspiercingsilvereyes Itsaid,‘Aaah’”
TheChronicMagazineisthenumberonesourcefor MarijuanaNews,Resources,andLifestyle.
JerryGarcia'siconicfacehas becomesynonymouswithcannabis inthefivestateswhereitisstill available,butunfortunatelyfor Californians,hisbrandmightsoon beathingofthepast Accordingto them,theyarecurrentlylookinginto partneringupwithanothercannabis supplierandhavenotmadeany commentconcerningthechangein direction
inCalifornia.Wewantto ensureCAconsumershave thehighestqualityflower forthelongterm
soweareintheprocessofchoosing anewlocalpartnerforcultivation, production,salesanddistributionof GarciaHandPickedinCA Afterfour yearsofnavigatingaconvoluted regulatorylandscapeandsky-high taxes,California'scannabisindustry isinthemidstofanongoing economicbattle
KristenBell'sHappy DanceCBDproductsare theLatestVictimofthe HardEconomicTimes
Getthelatestscoopon allthingscannabisfrom TheChronicMagazineyourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle