Oklahoma Firefighter May/June/July 2021 magazine

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ORFA Constitutional Resolution 21-01 WHEREAS on February 21, 1894, ten (10) pioneer Oklahoma City, El Reno and Guthrie firemen, met and formed the “The Territorial Firemen’s Association” of the new Oklahoma Territory. One of these Firemen, Tom E. Dowell of El Reno, our Association’s First President became recognized as “The Father of our Association.” A man respected and revered by all members for his stalwart leadership contribution. These ten (10) men survive in the benefits we share today and should never be forgotten by Firefighters of the State of Oklahoma: Oklahoma City - John Marriman, G.W. Tackett, Mert Hollingshead, Charles E. McDonald, John Colleton and L.D. Woods; El Reno – Tom E. Dowell, S. A. Stream, L. Hamilton and Herman Trusten. Their foresight at a time when fire departments were dominated by politics and firemen looked were upon as roughnecks and undesirables, began lifting firefighting to the respected profession it is today. Within months our Constitution and By-laws were written, the Association was chartered under the Oklahoma Territorial Governor and Wednesday, May 9, 1894, held the Association’s First Annual Convention in El Reno. Our Constitution and By-laws were cornerstoned with five (5) objectives: 1) Supply mutual benefits for members. 2) Develop and encourage effective firefighting skills and efficiencies. 3) Establish and maintain uniformity of dress, apparatus and drills. 4) Initiate plans to relieve wounded and disabled firemen and the widow of such as die. 5) Do all things necessary to enhance the interest, efficiency and usefulness of fire companies connected with the Association. In 1918, no convention was held as World War I was paramount. That said, the Association’s Legislative Committee successfully lobbied passage of the Two Platoon Law at the state legislature. In 1900, the Association became aware that various fire insurance companies had made profits of $200,000 largely due to the success of firemen and by lobbying the coming territorial legislature to provide the Association with 2% of fire insurance profits for the purchase of fire apparatus, supplies and a relief fund for firemen disabled in the line of actual service. At Statehood in 1907, the First Oklahoma State Constitution had two (2) sections vital to the Association: a) The legislature may enact laws authorizing cities to pension meritorious and disabled firemen. b) Provisions whereby fire insurance companies in Oklahoma shall pay a 2% premium tax to fund, the 1908 city’s fire pension plans. As the mismanaged city fire pension systems began to fail, the Association successfully lobbied the State Legislature and in 1981 Oklahoma Firefighter Pension and Retirement System (OFPRS) was established. The OFPRS administers the pension system but this Association continued its leadership role to protect and enhance firefighter pension benefits. Further, our Association’s five-member Executive Board and the Oklahoma Retired Firefighters Association President serves on the OFPRS thirteen (13) member Pension Board and the Oklahoma Firefighters Association’s President serves as the Chairman of the Pension Board. The Oklahoma Retired Firefighter Association has operated under shoestring budgeting constraints for the past forty years. The Association objectives make it paramount; its funding source be adequate and stable. This member dues increase starts an ideological paradigm shift in the Association’s funding. It is necessary and overdue if we are to most effectually move our Association forward; and WHEREAS the Oklahoma Retired Firefighters Association’s objective is to assist the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association in pursuit of their goals, and to cooperate with the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association and its Executive Director in serving the best interest of the active firefighters of the state, and members of this Association; and

ORFA Past Presidents Luncheon / Meeting held March 20 at Oklahoma Firefighters Museum -- 15 Presidents (present and past) attended WHEREAS the Association’s participating members annual dues haven’t increased since 2005, resulting in a 25% inflationary increase in operational expenses, the Association’s Financial Advisory Committee has reviewed the Association’s financials, determined obstacles and recommendations to stabilize the Association’s fiscal house; and Whereas Association participating members are “Pension Members” of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association. Their annual dues are set by the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association, are paid from this Association’s participating member annual dues, which have not been increased since 2000; and WHEREAS the Association’s success will be determined by its ability to fund its objectives, manage, attract and sustain dedicated staff, and until and unless Oklahoma Firefighters, Volunteer and Paid, understand “The Oklahoma State Firefighters Association” has and will continue to provide “All Things Oklahoma Firefighters Pension”, we will not become a most successful, informed and involved membership; and WHEREAS the Association member dues, ad hoc fundraising coupled with long-term inflation have proven to be an inconstant, inadequate funding sources to adequately to meet Oklahoma State Firefighters Association supplements and advance its Association member initiatives. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED delegates at the 40th Annual ORFA Convention approve the Associations thirty-six dollar ($36.00) annual participating member dues and 2021 amended, Association Constitution Article Vlll Section l. as follows: The 2021 as amended. ORFA Constitution Article VIII, The Oklahoma Retired Firefighters Association ARTICLE VIII – DUES Section 1. Active participating members are also OSFA pension members and pay Association dues annually of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) from which OSFA Pension Member dues are paid as described in OSFA Constitution Article 8, Sect. 2, and the remainder to be placed in the Association’s account. Section 2. No change. Section 3. No change. Section 4. No change. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association Constitutional Resolution 2021-01 and supporting Association By-laws resolutions. By-laws must be approved by separate vote. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Association utilize/ fund its Committee’s to enhance the Association’s objects and member services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED “OSFA Pension Member” dues dollar amount and method of calculation as set for forth in the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association 2021, as amended By-laws Article 4, Section 4, Section 7 and Constitution Article 8, as follows:

12 May/June/July 2021Oklahoma Firefighter

OSFA Constitution Article 8 – MEMBERSHIP DUES Section 1. Active members as defined in Article 2 of this constitution and Active Non-Pension Member as defined in Article 2, Section 3 of this constitution shall submit annual dues in the sum of eighty-eight dollars ($88.00) per member of which four dollars ($4.00) will be placed in the Association Firemen’s Museum and Memorial account to be used for continued maintenance and possible future expansions of the Memorial and/or Museum. Section 2. Pension Member of the association as defined in Article 2, Section 6 of the Association Constitution, shall submit annual pension member dues in the amount of twenty-one dollars ($21.00) from the ORFA member dues as set forth in 2021, amended Oklahoma Retired Firefighter Association Constitution Article VIII Section 1, of which $4.00 dollars ($4.00) will be placed in the to the Museum and Memorial account to be used for continued maintenance and possible future expansions of the Memorial and /or Museum, and seventeen dollars ($17.00) will be deposited with the Association account. The remainder to be placed in the Oklahoma Retired Firefighters account. *The Pension Member dues calculation method is set forth in the Oklahoma State Firefighters Associations, 2021 Bylaws Article 4 Section 1. Section 3. No change. Section 4. No change. Section 5. No change. Section 6. No change. Section 7. No change Respectfully Submitted: The Oklahoma Retired Firefighters Executive Board -- President George Fina, Oklahoma City; 1st Vice President Yogi Cole, Tulsa; 2nd Vice President James Fullingim, Norman; 3rd Vice President Mike Duncan, Dewey; Past President Tippy Pierce, Moore

ORFA By-Laws Resolution 21-01 2021, as amended, ORFA By-Laws Article l, Order of Business - No change. Article ll, Rules of Order - No change. Article lll, Amendments - No change. Article IV, 2021, as amended Constitution Article Vlll Section I, Article IV, Section 1. The 2021. As amended. ORFA Constitution Article VIII – DUES Section 1. Active Participating Members are also OSFA Pension Members and pay Association dues annually of thirty-six dollars ($36.00), from which OSFA Pension Member dues are paid as described in OSFA Constitution Article 8, Sect 2, the remainder to be placed in the Association’s account.

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