Oklahoma Firefighter May/June/July 2021 magazine

Page 21

Chase Rankin: Firefighter’s Pension Executive Director When it comes to being a firefighter, age, health, and physical ability play a vital role. I, for one, am still a young and healthy individual, but I certainly do not have the physical ability to do what each of you do day in and day out. I admire and respect the fire service, and it is my honor to serve you as the Executive Director of the Pension System. It is my job to ensure you have a healthy pension when it is your turn to retire. One key component to the health of your pension and the health of the fire service (which in turn protects the public) is to ensure only candidates that can safely perform the essential job functions of a firefighter are put to work. The job functions of a firefighter are extreme and not everyone is physically and mentally able to perform these job functions. It is for this reason that we have in our statute the requirement to pass a pre-employment medical exam and physical ability test before becoming a firefighter. Recently, the Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System underwent a large-scale review of the essential job functions of a firefighter, the medical exam requirements, and the physical ability test. This resulted in the rule-making process opening and culminated in rule amendment adoption that will ensure we are in line with the process to best evaluate these important items for firefighter candidates. You can review these adopted rule amendments, which will go into effect in September 2021, on our website at www.ok.gov/fprs/Pension_ Rules_and_IRS_Rulings/index.html. In addition, the board reviewed the physician for the board and decided it was time to make a change from the Integris System we have been using for many years. I am excited to introduce to you, the new physician MEET DR. ILAOA for the pension board, Dr. Isaac Ilaoa D.O., with Your Dr. Isaac Ilaoa is a true Health and Wellness. “Okie from Muskogee.” I am so excited about After finishing high school, the new partnership and he enlisted into the U.S. Navy I believe you will love Dr. as a Hospital Corpsman. Ilaoa. (His name is proAfter completing five years in service, including a tour in nounced “Allow-uh” but I Iraq, he returned home to know from experience you continue his pursuit of practicing medicine. can call him Dr. I). They are He majored in Bio-medical Sciences at the set up and taking physical University of Oklahoma, and completed medical appointments as we speak, school at Oklahoma State University – College and I know they can’t wait of Osteopathic Medicine in Tulsa, Oklahoma. to serve the firefighters of Dr. Ilaoa went on to complete a residency in Oklahoma in this role. Internal Medicine in San Diego, Ca., and reYou can schedule apcently finished his second stint in the Navy as a pointments to get candiLieutenant Commander at Naval Health Clinic dates evaluated by Dr. Ilaoa Corpus Christi. by calling 405-730-6990 or He is excited to be returning home, and is text 405-544-5152. looking forward to sharing life with his new As always, we are here community. to serve you. If you have Dr. Ilaoa spends the majority of his free time any questions, please do with his wife and two kids; typically involved, not hesitate to contact our are playing music, or outdoor activities. They are also active in working with underserved, office. Be safe and stay and underprivileged communities in the U.S. and healthy! abroad.

Fireman’s Convention in Guthrie Makes Front Page of The Daily Oklahoma State Capital newspaper on May 11, 1895 EXTINGUISHED

The Fireman’s Convention Adjourns and the Boys go Home -- A Parting Toast and Resolutions Complimentary to the Citizens of Guthrie Generally by the Visiting Members - A Profitable Three Day Session The three days session of the Territorial Firemen’s Association ended last night and the visiting members left for their respective homes. On account of the bad sand storm, the ball for last night had to be given up; but in its place a general reception was given at the K.P.Hall in which the fire boys exchanged happy compliments before parting. Speeches, music and songs were the order of the evening. A committee composed of S.E. Clute, J.T. Farrell and L.W. Lay, appointed to draft resolutions, presented the following which were unanimously adopted: To the officers and members of the Oklahoma Firemen’s Association: Resolved, that the thanks of this convention be extended to his excellency Wm. C. Renfrow, governor of Oklahoma, in view of his taking so pronounced a stand in our behalf; and we further recommend that he be made an honorary member of the association. Resolved, that this association highly appreciates the hospitality of the Leader and The State Capital and citizens of Guthrie during our sojourn here; and that this resolution be spread upon the records and published in the official organ of the association. Resolved, that is view of the fact that we have been highly entertained through the painstaking and untiring efforts of Chief George W. Taylor of the Guthrie Fire Department, we extend our sincere thanks and brotherly love to this worthy chief; And be it further Resolved, that we congratulate the citizens of the city of Guthrie on their fortunate selection of this untiring chief. Resolved, that this association extend to his hoor, Mayor Martin, our hearty appreciation of his efforts to make our sojourn while in this city one long to be remembered and cherished by us; And be it further Resolved, that we also thank and highly appreciate the cordial treatment of the honorable council and chief of police of the city of Guthrie. Resolved, that this association thank the Guthrie Fire Department for the efficient manner in which they have entertained us while their guests and that this resolution be spread upon the records of this association. Resolved, that in view of the able manner in which T.E. Dowell, president of this association, has exercised the prerogatives of his office, that this association desires to show our high appreciation of him as an honored president and brother fireman by thanking him most heartily for services rendered.

Oklahoma FirefighterMay/June/July 2021 21

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