Oklahoma Firefighter May/June/July 2021 magazine

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OSFA Legislative Resolution 21-03 WHEREAS volunteer members of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association gathered for caucus in Lawton on February 6th to identify and discuss important issues facing the volunteer fire service; and WHEREAS after much discussion and debate the issues were narrowed to the top three issues affecting Oklahoma volunteer firefighters; and WHEREAS the OSFA is the largest representative organization for volunteer firefighters in Oklahoma; and WHEREAS it is universally accepted that access to affordable and adequate training for firefighters is necessary for not only the safety of the courageous men and women of the fire service but also for the safety of the public we serve; and WHEREAS Oklahoma is home to one of the nation’s premier firefighter training programs located in Stillwater at Oklahoma State University and; WHEREAS the attendees at this year’s volunteer caucus recognize that OSUFST does not have a dedicated source of funding; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates at the 127th Annual OSFA Convention show the overall support of the organization toward our volunteer members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Volunteer Fire Services Committee, Legislative Committee and Safety and Health Committee, research the possibilities of working with OSUFST to develop, and propose legislation for the purpose of providing a dedicated source of revenue for OSUFST so that Oklahoma firefighters can obtain the needed training to help us accomplish our missions in a safe, professional and affordable manner; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these committees report back to the 2022 Volunteer Caucus and the 2022 OSFA Convention on their recommendations. Respectfully submitted: By unanimous vote of the members present at the OSFA 19th Annual Volunteer Caucus, Chair Cory Beagles

OSFA Legislative Resolution 21-04 WHEREAS the delegates present at the 126th Annual OSFA Convention voted unanimously to allow the Volunteer Fire Services Committee, the Legislative Committee and the Safety and Health Committee to all research, develop and propose implementation of additional funding and the sources for the funding to help provide proper resources for all fire departments in Oklahoma. WHEREAS the vehicle response billing sub-committee was derived from the Legislative Committee and met periodically over several years to determine the best approach to resolve issues; and WHEREAS many fire departments of all sizes and types across the state are not fully funded and have a need for additional funding sources; and WHEREAS these same fire departments are responding to motor vehicle accidents providing an essential service to their citizens with no dedicated coverage by Insurance Companies to help recover the cost of providing the seservices;and WHEREAS most motor vehicle insurance policies cover the response fees of both an ambulance and a wrecker service; and WHEREAS recovering the cost of providing these services would help make it possible for fire departments to purchase and upgrade equipment and provide training for its members, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates at the 127th Annual OSFA Convention show the overall support of the organization toward our members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a change of the definition of motor vehicle liability insurance property damage to include “the insurer of a motor vehicle that is involved in an accident shall be liable for the cost of a Fire Department Response to that vehicle”; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED if the vehicle has no liability insurance coverage then the owner and or the driver of the vehicle is responsible for the charges. Respectfully submitted: A.K. “Yogi” Cole, Chairman, Vehicle Response Billing Sub-Committee; Brady Bond, Chairman, OSFA Legislative Committee; and Eric Harlow, President, OSFA Executive Board

34 May/June/July 2021Oklahoma Firefighter

Brady Bond: OSFA Legislative Committee Report It has been a busy legislative session this year, where at one time we were monitoring over 250 bills. I would like to personally thank all of the Legislative Committee members for their input this year. I would also like to thank Don Armes, Garber FD Julie Jernigan-Smith, Chase Rankin and all of the OSFA staff for their help, as well. The Legislative Committee met six times throughout the year and still have more planned. We were also able to have our annual Legislative Reception on March 31. It was a great turnout, and we would like to thank those that attended, as well the legislators. It was mentioned several times throughout the evening by legislators that they appreciated the event and enjoyed attending. The Legislative Committee will be presenting two resolutions to the members at the OSFA Convention in June. These will help some of our smaller, underfunded departments in our state with additional funding. We also worked on increasing the death benefit from $5,000 to $15,000. This has been sent for an actuary study and will be further discussed next year. We have also supported a bill that would create public safety protection districts for police fire, and 911 services. This allows local communities to decide how they would like to fund their public safety. Below are the Legislative Committee’s resolutions that will be presented at convention.

OSFA Legislative Resolution 21-05 WHEREAS the delegates present at the 126th Annual OSFA Convention voted unanimously to allow the Volunteer Fire Services Committee, the Legislative Committee and the Safety and Health Committee to all research, develop and propose implementation of additional funding and the sources for the funding to help provide proper resources for all fire departments in Oklahoma. WHEREAS the vehicle response billing sub-committee was derived from the Legislative Committee and met periodically over several years to determine the best approach to resolve issues; and WHEREAS many fire departments of all sizes and types across the state are not fully funded and have a need for additional funding sources; and WHEREAS billing for a fire department response to structure fires outside of city limits has been practiced for many years; and WHEREAS the current language in a property insurance policy states: Fire Department Service Charge –“We” pay for charges assumed by “you” under a contract or agreement when a fire department is called to save or protect covered property from a peril insured against. The most “we” pay is $500.00 per occurrence unless a higher “limit”is shown on the declarations; and WHEREAS the $500.00 limit has not been changed in over 40 years but the cost of providing a fire department response certainly has; and WHEREAS a fire department service charge will not fully fund a fire department by itself but it will help offset expenses that occur during a response to a property; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates at the 127th AnnualOSFA Convention show the overall support of the organization toward our volunteer members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that property insurance coverage be changed to state: The most “we” pay is 1% of the limit on Coverage A, dwelling coverage unless a higher “limit” is shown on the “declarations”. Respectfully submitted: A.K. “Yogi” Cole, Chairman, Vehicle Response Billing Sub-Committee; Brady Bond, Chairman, OSFA Legislative Committee; and Eric Harlow, President, OSFA Executive Board

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