An Unfaithful Daughter And if I saw her for what she was, And if I saw her for what she is, Where would I be left? A thread wove round my thoughts, Showed the distance I had sought, Feelings remained trapped, caught. Disregarded. I felt indebted, unguarded. As if my Perception could be pulled apart, Looked through as though water, Were I to be an unfaithful Daughter? Ophelia lay blushing as she drowned. Denied the proper ground to lay, Transgressed divinity, it was only The sounds of her weeping, Sweeping, melancholic songs. Were I to pray, remiss myself a Fool. As a monster I drool, driven By my wrongs. Simpler in perfection, simpler In dejection. A world needing Time, stronger minds. Tomorrow perhaps. One hundred years perhaps. Anonymous