Myalyn Chewning - Interior Design Portfolio

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Mya’s Project Pages By: Myalyn Chewning MChewning Designs

Table of Contents 2-3...MChewning Design Firm 4-7...Home Re-Model 8-10...3D Model & Material Board 11-13....Handicap Client New Build 14-16....Dream Teen Lounge 17....END


MChewning Designs This project had us make our own Interior Design firm. I enjoyed doing this project because I got to think about what my design place would be like, what we would specialize in and how we would promote our business. The only problem I had with this was fitting everything on the board.

MChewning Designs My Design Firm’s speciality was accented nuetral designs. We publisized on Instagram and had business cards with our information on them.


One Room Re-Do


This project had us take one room in our home and fancy it up with inspiration from places we visisted on out feild trip.I had alot of fun with this project. I kept some aspects of my old room and put them in the new room, such as our Darth Vador, I put in silver. The most trouble I had with this project was finding things in HomeStyler that matched me current living room.

One Room Re-Do Current Room


We had to re-create a room in our home on HomeStyler. Doing this was fun, but also very tedious.

One Room Re-Do Room Re-do

I kept the same floor plan in my re-do. I changed most the coloring to white, because fancy places have a lot of white furnings and such. I loved doing this too.


One Room Re-Do As a Whole

I really liked doing this project. I loved how it turned out.


3D Model & Material Board


In this project we had to build a 3D Floorplan out of rooms our classmates put together, then choose two rooms to design. I liked doing this project because I got to build a 3D model, which I had never done before. Also, I really liked the rooms I put together. The hardship with this one was also the 3D model. I liked making it and it was a fun expeirence, but it was difficult and I kept stabbing myself with the pins.

3D Model & Material Board 3D Model

This part of the project was really fun, but also painful and time consuming. It turned out a little crooked, but at least no pins are sticking out to poke someone...again.



3D Model & Material Board Material Boards I love how these look, I think the emotions the display is chill and put together and I couldn’t as for more.


Handicap Client This project we all created a board based on a color scheme, switch boards then make a room with someone else’s board with a handicapped client. This was a very difficult project for me. I really enjoyed making my monochromatic color sceme board, but working with someone’s board was really hard. Typically with projects I have a vision, but this time I couldn’t crack it for so long.


Handicap Client Color Boards

Like I said, making mine was easy and fun, but working with another was really hard for me.


Dream Teen Lounge In this project we had to make a perfect teen hang out with a 10x10 room. I liked doing this because we got to do whatever we wanted with this space. I really love how the 3D renderings turned out. My only problem was the size of the space. It was hard to work with a small space like that.



Dream Teen Lounge My Lounge

Due to it’s small space I made in as open a floor plan as I could. I love how the HomeStlyer look came out. This room is a very cozy place with a lot of plants and natural light.


Thank You This year as been a lot of fun projects. I couldn’t think of a better class to be in for my senior year. I love Interior Design and I hope it comes into play in my adult life. Thank you for making this semester count!!

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