Lindsay Pruett-Color Schemes

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Color Schemes Lindsay Pruett

Complementary Complementary colors are colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. Each color brings out the other one’s by enhancing it. Red and green are the complementary colors on this page.

Triadic Triadic color schemes involve 3 colors that are all the same distance apart. In this example, I used orange, purple and green, because they all bring out the uniqueness in the other colors.

Monochromatic Monochromatic color schemes include all the shades or tints of a certain color. This combination is very appealing in a sense that it has a very strict theme and all the colors neatly go together.

Analogous The Analogous scheme uses 3 or 4 colors next to each other on the color wheel. Unlike monochromatic, analogous colors can be different colors, as long as they are all next to each other on the wheel. I chose these four colors because I like how bright and happy they are.

Split-Complementary This color scheme includes three colors; the main color and the two colors on either side of the main color’s compliment across the color wheel. In this example, my main color was yellow and the other two were red purple and blue purple. The yellow has a nice pop of color against the purples.

Tetrad The tetrad colors are four colors that form a rectangluar shape. My colors are yellow orange, yellow green, red purple, and blue purple. Tetrad color shemes enhance the colors and really make them pop against the other shades.

Complementary Triad This color scheme involves two complementary hues and the third color is halfway in between the two of them. I really like this color scheme and the colors I chose because the orange really pops against the other two. These three colors all complement each other nicely, making it flow very well.

Analogous Complementary An analogous complementary color scheme is a color, its complement, and the two colors on each side of the complement. In this case, yellow is the main color while blue and the two to its sides are the others. I love this color combination because the yellow against the blue hues looks really nice.

Neutral A neutral color scheme is based on more plain colors such as white, black, brown, grey, beige, etc. However, the colors and theme above flow together really nicely and have a more mature feel. Neutral colors are not found on the color wheel.

Accented Neutral Accented neutral is very similar to the neutral color scheme, besides in this scheme, there is a single pop of color that is found throughout the plain colors. It can really change the feel of the space because the one accent color can brighten up the rather dull beiges. Yellow is the accent above.

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