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Prairie Horticulture Certificate
Intake: Fall, Winter, Spring
Delivery: Online
For greenhouse operators, landscape developers, market gardeners, community gardening enthusiasts, parks and recreation horticultural workers, people interested in employment in the horticulture industry, and the serious home gardener. Employees and entrepreneurs alike benefit from the in-depth knowledge they gain. The PHC Program will benefit you whether you want to turn your passion for gardening into a business, find a job, advance your career or simply garden with the confidence of an expert. The PHC Program is unique among horticulture programs in Canada for its content relevant to the prairie environment, its convenience of distance study and its four streams of specialization.
PHC Streams: The PHC program is jointly offered through: Choose one of these four Certificate streams:
• Fruit and Vegetable Production
• Greenhouse Crop Production
• Nursery Crop Production
• Landscaping and Arboriculture
• Olds College of Agriculture & Technology (OC), Olds, AB
• Assiniboine Community College, (ACC), Brandon, MB
• University of Saskatchewan (USask), Saskatoon, SK
Course Overview:
• Applied Botany
• Arboriculture
• Basics of Horticultural Business Management
• Basics of Horticultural Marketing
• Cannabis Crop Production
• Floral Design
• Fruit Production
• Greenhouse Structures and Environments
• Greenhouse Crop Production
• Herbaceous Landscape Plants
• Human Resource Management
• indoor Landscaping
• integrated Plant Management
• Landscape Design
• Landscape Construction
• Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
• Nursery Crop Production
The Prairie Horticulture Certificate offers a flexible course load to ensure that it meets the needs of every learner. You can complete as many or as few courses as you like and you are free to choose courses that interest you from any stream.
• Post Harvest Handling of Food Crops
• Plant Propagation
• Safe Work/Pesticide Application
• Soils for Horticulture
• Turfgrass Production and Management
• Vegetable Crop Production
• Woody Landscape Plants
Introduction to Horticulture Production

Intake: Start dates vary
Delivery: Online
Explore the general features of plant development and propagation including the process of seed development, greenhouse crop production and propagation materials, principles of vegetation propagationand more. Topics included in this microcrential are Plant Development of Commercial Greenhouse Crops and Propagation Methods.
Introduction for Crop Production & Facilities
Intake: Start dates vary
Delivery: Online
This microcredential providesyou with an introduction to commercial growing facilities and their associated crop production systems. Environmental management & control, irrigation systems, soil management and pest control are explored in the context of crop production.

Topics included in this microcredential are Site Selection and Environment Components, Growing Media: Selection Management and Assessment, and Pest and Disease Management.
Cannabis Legislation & Documentation

Intake: Start dates vary
Delivery: Online
This microcredential introduces important government legislation and regulations associated with the legal production of Cannabis in Canada. You will develop a critical understanding related to the need for documentation, packaging and secure product maintenance. In addition, students will acquire an understanding of operating procedures and how these reflect Good Production Practices in the pursuit of compliance with quality standards. Badges included in this category are Legislative Requirements for Cannabis Production, Post-Harvest Handling of Cannabis, Environmental Management of Cannabis Production, and Cannabis Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC).
Horticulture for Cannabis Production

Intake: Start dates vary
Delivery: Online
This microcredential introduces key management, harvesting and pest management information as it specifically applies to Cannabis production. Students will develop a crucial understanding of Cannabis plant form. In addition, students will itemize the requirements for sanitation in the individual grow room and throughout the facility. Students will also develop an advanced understanding of permissible products and practices that can be brought to bear in the management of pests and diseases.
Topics included in this microcredential are Cannabis Botany, Cannabis Plant Harvest, Cannabis Grow Room, and Integrated Crop Management for Cannabis.

Cannabis Retail
Intake: Start dates vary
Delivery: Online
Canada has been given a unique opportunity with the nation-wide legalization of recreational cannabis. The recreational cannabis industry continues to expand to meet the demand. The front-line of this industry is retail specialists. To be effective and maintain mobility, retailers need to be prepared with knowledge of cannabis history, regulation, genetics, plant biology, human physiology, product knowledge and application. CNB 7100 will lay the foundations of cannabis knowledge through a research-based approach, ideal for retailers, educators, and others to enhance their theoretical and practical skills in this burgeoning industry.
Topics included in this microcredential are Cannabis Sativa L., Cannabis Products, Cannabis Use in Canada, and Cannabis and Consumers.
Online microcredentials are a great way to increase your skills and knowledge! For more information on microcredentials, visit page 36.