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Canada-Alberta Job Grant Overview

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The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is an employer-driven training program. This means that employers decide on who gets training and what type of training may be needed for new and existing employees. Employers are required to use a third-party training provider to deliver the formal training either onsite, online, or in a classroom setting.

The Canada Job Grant is part of the Government of Canada and Government of Alberta’s commitment to help address skills mismatches and ensure that employees are being trained in high-demand areas.


Why do employers need the Canada-Alberta Job Grant?

Despite fluctuations in the economy, employers will always need a workforce that is well educated, highly skilled and productive. The Canada-Alberta Job Grant will help employers develop workers to suit their needs and provide people with the jobs they need to succeed. Investing in skills training means more workers in Alberta will have the skills in demand in our labour market, now and in the future.

How will it benefit you?

By supporting and investing in employee training, The Canada-Alberta Job Grant helps to increase:

• productivity

• employee skills

• employee retention

Source: http://www.albertacanada.com/opportunity/employers/jobgrant.aspx

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