Guide to:
NHS Funding
NHS Funding NHS Funding for Nurses, Midwives and Health Professionals 2014-2015. N.B. This funding is not available to Social Work students. You may need to apply to both the NHS Student Bursaries team and Student Finance England to ensure that you receive all of the funding you are entitled to.
Non-means Assessed Grant This is a £1000 grant that is payable to all eligible full time students for each year of your course. THIS IS NOT REPAYABLE.
Means Tested Bursary The amount you receive will be based on your household income and is paid each year. If you were living in the parental home before coming to University then your bursary will be dependent on the income of that household. If you were not living in the parental home prior to studying then you may fit the definition of an independent student, and would therefore be assessed on your own income.
Maximum amounts: Started course since September 2012 £2591 Started course after September 2007 but before September 2012 £2810 Started Course before September 2007 £2548
Each year at Plymouth you will get an additional amount of weeks at £82 per week for 15 weeks this is a maximum of £1230 per year THIS IS NOT REPAYABLE.
Tuition Fees The NHS will pay your tuition fees directly to the University each year. However please note that Plymouth University does not allow tuition fees to be paid for repeat years where there were no valid extenuating circumstances in place. THIS IS NON-REPAYABLE
Additional Allowances These include Dependants Allowance; Parents Learning Allowance; Childcare Allowance; Practice Placement Costs and Disabled Students Allowance most of which are means tested.
For further information on the above allowances, other elements of funding or how student finance interacts with Welfare Benefits please contact the Advice Centre. THIS IS NON-REPAYABLE
Reduced Rate Student Loan from Student Finance England (SFE) You will need to apply to Student Finance England directly for this funding, complete the form but then tick yes in the section that asks whether you are in receipt of an NHS bursary. You may receive up to £2324.
Opening Hours Term Time:
Monday 9:30 - 5:00 Tuesday 9:30 - 5:00 Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 5:00 Friday 9:30 - 4:30
Vacation Time:
Monday 10:00 - 4:00 Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 Wednesday 10:00 - 4:00 Thursday 10:00 - 4:00 Friday 10:00 - 4:00