ulkner Newton FaPavilions
transforming lives through experience
Jan - Mar
at Plymouth
Issue 3
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january 2010 | the knowledge
union news
Looking Back, and to the Future!
Hello, and welcome back to a new term, and indeed a new decade here at the University of Plymouth Students’ Union. I hope you all enjoyed a well-earned rest over the holidays, and are refreshed and ready for another term’s hard work.
Inter-hall Energy Challenge
Mongol Rally
Copenhagen Art
Student Volunteering
UPSU Elections
Human Writes
Sports News
Editor James Redfearn Design & Layout Dannii Newman Oli Horne
Last term seemed to fly by, starting with another successful Welcome Week and Sports and Societies Fair we saw more students than ever getting involved with our activities. We now have 56 Sports Clubs and 53 Societies, plus a very active Volunteering Department – and these numbers continue to grow! If you haven’t already got involved with a Sports Club or Society, then I strongly advise you do – it’s by far the best way to meet new people and learn new skills. Refreshers Fair on the 21st January will give you another opportunity to sign up to Clubs and Societies. Our Part Time Officer elections took place in October, and once again these were the most successful yet. One position had 7 candidates standing, which is a great achievement, meaning that Student Parliament continues to grow in both numbers and relevance to the student body as a whole. We have also continued to push forward the Course Rep system, with the help of university staff and a new member of staff here at UPSU. A hugely successful term, without even mentioning the great range of events and nights out we have
EDITOR SAYS Welcome to another issue of the Knowledge – I hope you’ve all had a relaxing winter break, and managed to battle your way through the snow to get back to Plymouth for another term. As you can hopefully tell from the front page, this issue is themed around the UPSU Full Time
Officer elections which will be taking place in February. Nominations opened on the 15th January, so get those forms in if you’re interested! Read on throughout the paper for further information. What I would say is that the elections represent a great opportunity for any student to take a leading role within both UPSU and the University of Plymouth. As a Full Time (or ‘Sabbatical’) Officer, you meet regularly with the Vice- Chancellor and other senior
put on offer to students. I hope you enjoyed the last term as much as I did, and are looking forward to the rest of this academic year. Here’s what’s coming up.... The most important event of this coming term will be the UPSU Full-Time Officer Elections. Maybe you want to take over from me, working with Student Societies, Student Media and Volunteering, or perhaps you’re more interested
in Education and Welfare, lobbying the University to improve your educational experience here at Plymouth? Either way, if you succeed in your election, you will become a Trustee of the Students’ Union, and represent over 30,000 students on any number of issues. What’s more it’s a full time, paid job with NO INTERVIEW – all you have to do is convince your fellow students that you’re the best candidate! If this sounds like a good opportunity, and it should, then read on through the elections section later in this paper. We will also be running a number of campaigns that we feel are important to students here at Plymouth – if you disagree, why not come along to Student Parliament and have your say
(www.upsu.com for details) First off will be Green Week – a campaign aiming to raise awareness of sustainability and other ‘green’ issues within the student body and the local community. Next up, in February we will be running the Plymouth Town Take-Over – an NUS national campaign supported by students at UPSU. This will aim to mobilise the student vote, and put pressure on MPs and the Government not to raise tuition fees within the Higher Education sector. More details on these campaigns can be found later in this edition of the Knowledge. Over the last term I have been working on setting up “UPSU Radio” – a student-led web based radio station in the form of online streaming podcasts. There will a launch event soon, so keep your eyes on the website and posters in the Union! Sports and Societies will continue to provide some well-deserved down time for students, with big events being Varsity and of course Awards Season. Varsity is a great event, so make sure you support our teams in March as we battle Marjons for the Varsity trophy! Please keep in touch with us here at UPSU, and remember our free, confidential Advice Centre is here to help you get through any exambased stress you might have over the coming weeks! advice@upsu. com to arrange an appointment. All the best, James
members of University staff, and can really influence their opinions to get what is best for students. You will also get paid a reasonable salary, and there are many other benefits such as travel and making connections for possible future work!
We are always looking for contributions from students, however big or small, to fill our pages. This can be on any topic, from politics to creative writing, and can be of any length. Perhaps a limerick, or a drawing!?
Also in this edition you’ll find updates from our sports clubs, societies and volunteering department. Do have a read, and if you want to get involved, drop us an email at info@upsu.com or check www.upsu.com We need your articles!
If you have an article to submit, or want to find out more about how to contribute, please email theknowledge@upsu.com – and see your work in print! All the best, and enjoy this issue!
january 2010 | the knowledge
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union news
Voting in the UK General election: So how green are our courses? the How and the Why? As UPSU Green Week kicks off and promotes The Green Agenda, many students are asking what sustainability issues are included in their course programmes? We think the answer is pretty impressive – we know that every Faculty has included some element - but to get an accurate picture of just how much is included in your course is being researched by The Centre for Sustainable Futures. (CSF). Every Head of School is being interviewed and a questionnaire completed because we would like to know exactly how many modules include sustainability and green issues. Plymouth has a strong reputation in this area and Sustainability is one of the key drivers for the University so we are trying to collect robust data to back our claims and reinforce our top 10 position in the University Green League which is compiled by People and Planet. Log on to the CSF website at www.csf. plymouth.ac.uk to follow this research and check out all sorts of sustainability resources, podcasts and events. Sign up to the Student Greenhouse and share your ideas, opinions and skills. Call in to see us at Kirkby Lodge for advice and help.
How do I vote? 1. Register
If you aren’t registered to vote now then you won’t be allowed to vote. Make sure you are registered as an election could be announced any minute. A snap UK General election could be announced at any time between now and 3 June 2010. Being a student you can register to vote here in Plymouth as well as keeping registered at your home address. To vote in Plymouth you must first register your current address. You can register to vote by going to www. aboutmyvote.co.uk click on register to vote and you will be taken through an online voter registration form. It will ask for your postcode, address, local authority (this will be Plymouth (City of) unless you are a home student who travels very far to get to the campus), and details. Fill in, then print off and sign this form before sending it to your local electoral registration office. Plymouth City Council Electoral Registration Officer The Electoral Registration Office Civic Centre Plymouth PL1 2AA If you have any questions about Registering to vote contact your local elections officer via e-mail ero@plymouth.gov.uk or phone: 01752 304866 or 01752 304936.
2. Vote
Voting on the day is incredibly simple. To vote on the day you must go to your local polling station. If you are registered you will be sent a card in the post. This poll card tells you where and when to vote. On election day go to your polling station. It will be open from 7am to 10pm. There will be staff there to help you to vote if you are not sure. Staff will ask for your name and address and check you are on the register, then give you a ballot paper. Go over to one of the polling booths so you can vote without anyone seeing. Put your ballot paper in the box. And you’re done! Why should I vote? So voting is mega simple. Voting numbers are what makes politicians listen, because otherwise they will lose votes. Only by voting can we demand a better deal for University students in Plymouth. You have the power to affect a better deal for University students on your campus. Plymouth is a swing seat and the margin between the three main parties is very close. As a consequence politicians from both sides will try extra hard to get your votes. The Parties are in fact so close nationally that a hung Parliament could be announced. Remember, if you want to vote make sure nothing stops you. www.aboutmyvote.co.uk If you have any questions about Registering to vote contact your local elections officer on Phone: 01752 304866 or 01752 304936 Email: ero@plymouth.gov.uk
Inter-hall Energy Challenge Do you live in one of the university halls of residence?
educate its members to raise awareness of individual impact.
If so, you’ve automatically been entered into the Inter-Hall Energy Challenge!
Sustainability is becoming more and more important, as our climate changes, and finite fuel resources run out. As part of Green Week, we are running a campaign called ‘Change One Thing’, encouraging everyone to think about one way they could be more sustainable and save energy- One thing the Halls of Residence can easily do is turn off the lights, reduce water usage and minimise their carbon footprint. You can do this too. If you are in rented accommodation, and you are lucky enough that your landlord pays for your bills, or you live in Halls, you may be partial to leave a light on when you leave a room, because ‘the landlord pays for that’, or permanently have the central heating, because ‘you don’t have to pay for it’: But
‘What is this?’ I hear you cry? As part of Green Week 2010, UPSU is working with University accommodation and UPP to run the annual Inter-hall Energy Challenge, a competition to see which Halls of Residence can save the most electricity and water and become more sustainable. In partnership with the University of Plymouth - a university that is consistently recognised as one of the most sustainable universities in the country - UPSU continues to strive to reduce its impact on the environment, to contribute to an ethical world and to help
you do! If the cost of electricity, gas and water increase, landlords and Halls charge more for rent. If landlords of the University notice that they are spending too much on energy bills, they will charge more. It is as simple as that. So even if you are not concerned about the effects Climate Change, you probably care about your bank balance, so for the sake of your pennies, turnout your lights! The Inter-hall Energy Challenge runs from 18th January until Friday 19th March, results will be announced in March, and don’t worry; there will be prizes for the winning halls! For more information on the Inter-hall Energy Challenge, please contact: president@upsu.com.
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student news
by Laia Rosewell. It’s panto’ season! I have acknowledged this fact time and again every year, without ever really paying it much attention, and resolutely kept myself away from such frivolities. A bit ‘scrooge like’ you may say, but I never saw the need before to go and see lots of silly people being camp as can be in a variety of the most garish costumes known to man. That is until I had children. My daughter happily badgered me about the prospect of panto’ for two years, and each year until now I put it off with all sorts of excuses. Having nothing to compare it to
The Socrates-Erasmus European exchange programme at the University of Plymouth gives students the chance to study abroad for 3 to 12 months. For more information consult the University website. A swarm of taxi drivers circled me like vultures. They must have known I was English, looking somewhat perplexed in a foreign country, endlessly wheeling my luggage around in circles looking for the train station. I had just touched down in Bucharest, Romania, on the first day of my 3 month Erasmus exchange program as a second year BA(Hons):Photography student. A scenic train journey through the mountains took me into Transylvania, and to my final destination, Brasov. A diverse medieval city toward the centre of the country.
you may say that it’s ridiculous to review this from any place of knowledge, but maybe I would argue this makes my response to Pantomime much more genuine. For I will admit, I loved it. Christopher Biggins as widow Twanky, is a joy, his costumes were wonderfully outrageous, the songs were fun and well, if the holiday season must bring us pantomimes, let it be this one. The 3D effects make everyone squeal and there wasn’t a child who didn’t have a huge smile on their face or didn’t know the words to the songs as they bounced around happily in their seats.
My home for the next three months is very similar to university halls back home in Plymouth, although I guess with the noticeable difference of me being the only British student in the complex. Which I hasten to add, is in no way a bad thing. In fact it is one of the most interesting things about the exchange I have experienced in my short time here so far. The accommodation is fantastically multicultural. With a table at a bar in Brasov sometimes housing six different countries round it at once. I decided to throw myself in at the deep end on arrival. And after a few drinks, I had maybe somewhat foolishly, agreed to climb Mount Omu (standing tall at 2500m) with two other Erasmus students, one from Belgium and the other from Slovakia. Two days and many aching muscles later, I
All ages go to panto’s it seems. There was even a wedding party, having met at the Theatre a year ago for a panto, had come back on their wedding day, guests and all, to enjoy the spectacle. It seems you don’t have to have children to go, for everyone likes a good laugh, and this panto certainly delivers on that score. All I can say is whatever age you are, there is lots of fun to be had at Aladdin this year. Now I know why Panto becomes a yearly trip for so many. I think maybe I may have joined the ranks!
stood at the top, staring over the panoramic views of the scenery below. I am only a week into my exchange, but already have the feeling it is going to be fairly unforgettable. So, if you get the chance, look into it for your course. You wont regret it. Follow my progress Blog Updates: http:// ukphotojournalist.wordpress.com/ Vlogs (youtube): http://www. youtube.com/user/ephotojournalist
january 2010 | the knowledge
january 2010 | the knowledge
Make the most of your money. Make the most of student life.
Up to
£1,500 interes t-f overdr ree aft
Say hello to the Lloyds TSB Student Account. Up to £1,500 interest-free tiered Planned Overdraft in your first year, to help you stay in control. You can apply for £500 in the first 6 months, up to £1,000 in months 7-9, then up to £1,500 after that. And all sorts of other ways to help make the most of your money. How you make the most of student life is of course, up to you. Visit us in branch, call 0800 085 9175 or go to lloydstsb.com/student
Account opening is subject to our assessment of your circumstances. You must be 17 or over and a UK resident to apply for the account. Overdrafts require you to be 18 or over. Overdrafts are repayable in full on demand and the amount we lend depends on our review of your personal circumstances. Telephone lines open 8am to 10pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday. Calls may be recorded.
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januray 2010 | the knowledge
union news
Mongol Rally
The Mongol Rally is an adventure race from London England to Ulan Bataaar in Mongolia, the event is only partly organised with a launch party, a check out party (in Prague) and a finish party for those who make it. There are no support vehicles, no roadside assistance and very little chance of actually making it, all cars must be less than 1.2 litres which inevitably makes them completely unsuitable for such an epic journey. This is all done in the name of charity but who would be foolish enough to attempt such a dangerous and difficult adventure?
Matt: No it’s not it’s on my highly scientific route planner
Well two UOP students are taking the challenge, not only that but they are looking for someone foolish enough to become the third team member.
Simon: Sorry, were intending on driving as mentioned from London to Mongolia through sum of the most interesting landscape and utterly ridiculous roads, if you can call them that, to raise money of charity.
We asked the Mongol Rally boys to write an article for us to let you guys know about the adventure and the opportunity for one lucky person to join them, unfortunately they decided to interview each other instead… We can only apologise for the following. Matt: So what’s your name and what are you studying? Simon: Come on Matt you know my name and I’m doing the same course as you, I hope your not going to be like this all the way to Mongolia. I hope you’re just as excited as I am about all this Matt: Of course I know your name and what course you do, and yes I’m as excited as a first year at the start of fresher’s week, but we need to tell the millions of Knowledge readers about ourselves and what were doing. Simon: Well all you knowledgeable people as you may know this conversation is between the two team members, Simon and Matt, who are embarked on a grand tour of the unknown world. And it is our aim to let you know that one of you lucky readers will have the chance to join us. Matt maybe you should explain a bit more. What’s the team name again? Matt: Since when has Europe Russia and Kazakhstan been unknown? Simon: Ah but you forgot Mongolia now that’s unknown!
Simon: What? You mean the blow up globe your mum bought you for your 15th birthday? Matt: Yup! It’s going to be a bit of a guessing game in Europe that’s where the puncture was. Ok so the team name is Geng-X-Factor, hence the competition. Simon: And... Matt: What?
Matt: The Mercy Corps Matt: They do lots of cool things in Mongolia like health care and things like that Simon: Yep that’s the one. And the marvellous work within financially crippled communities, and when you consider a fifth of the population live on 90p a day the money raised by the Mongol rally is really worth it Matt: Each team must raise £1000 for their chosen charities which is where the competition and you guys come in Simon: Were not just asking you to give us your generous donations were also asking you to participate in the journey itself Matt: We are offering a chance to join our team, to become the 3rd member for our epic adventure and all you have to do is come along to sublime on the 3rd of Feb. and pay £5 Simon: Think of it as a job interview but 100 times better were openly encouraging all you bold adventurers to join us on a journey of a life time. Matt: Meaning being drunk will help Simon: Well I’m certainly going to be half cut any way maybe we should explain more about the event coming up and how to get involved. Matt you may continue Matt: I maybe a little more than half cut.......
Anyway, yeah the interview as Simon put it is more of an X-Factor style audition where we, the judges will ask you guys some questions maybe get you to do something embarrassing so be prepared to lay it all out. Simon: But there’s a couple of generic questions for you to prepare super, amazing, witty answers to. Matt: Number 1 is what makes you think you have the Geng-X-Factor? This basically means why should we choose you? What makes you special? Not just because your mum said so. Simon: Number 2 is what are you going to get me for my birthday? Because you aren’t coming unless it’s really good. And I mean like “I never knew you cared so much” not like “you got the receipt right?” Matt: Damn right it’s your 21st somewhere in Asia so I think they should make an effort to make up for my lack of Simon: Length? Matt: It’s genetic! Let’s not get personal. So if you think you want to travel half way round the world in a car better suited to the concrete jungle than the Gobi desert, with a moron and his monkey then please come down and let us give you the once over. Simon: Where can they sign up I forgot Matt: Your on the team you spanking moron! Everyone else can sign up either by popping in to the Hive and asking for more details or just come along on the night and have a pop. And remember it’s not a talent contest we just want someone who will keep us laughing all the way to Mongolia. Simon: Great I’m glad we got that sorted if you fancy some more information about the team, rally or charities then have a look at the facebook page or our web page Simon: Is there any thing else to say? Matt: Nope. Just to give you our name on facebook if you want to know more. Look for us on facebook: THE GENG-X-FACTOR, Mongol rally 2010
january 2010 | the knowledge
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january 2010 | the knowledge
union news
Student Radio New Societies Student Radio isn’t a new concept by any means, and in fact many smaller Students’ Unions than Plymouth already have Radio Stations. However, it is a new concept to UPSU as it has been a difficult process getting to the stage we are at now.
Since September I have been working towards starting up a web-based radio station to be led by University of Plymouth students. The idea behind UPSU Radio is to provide both an entertainment and information service to all University of Plymouth students. Teams of students will create shows ranging from music to chat, which will be hosted online as streaming podcasts which can be accessed 24/7 via www.upsu. com A number of teams have been set up during last term to create
pilot shows, which will be launched at an event in UPSU very soon. My hope is that during this coming term, UPSU Radio will develop to a point where podcasts are uploaded on a weekly basis. This will keep the station fresh, and keep you guys up to date with events within UPSU and the University. Hopefully this will become an interactive service, with as many students as possible listening to and getting involved with shows. Keep your eyes open for details of the upcoming launch event, and if you would like to learn how to get involved with UPSU Radio then please email me – vpactivities@upsu.com
There is a lot of potential for UPSU Radio – I hope you feel as excited about this as I do, and I look forward to seeing you all at the launch event very soon!
Over the past term the Sports and Societies Committee has approved a number of new societies. Below are some details of the new societies that have been approved and what they’re about. See www.upsu.com for more details. Choral Society The Choral Society has formed to allow students interested in singing to meet like-minded people and perform around the University and City. We already have a Musical Theatre Group, but this would suit any singer who is not interested in the theatrical side! Chinese Society This society aims to bring together Chinese and nonChinese students alike, to share and celebrate the Chinese culture. Look out for the Chinese new year event in February!
Plymouth Latinos & Hispanics Another cultural society celebrating the Latino culture – look out for language classes, talks and of course socials Philosophy Society What is Philosophy? Join the society to find out – talks, debates and much more! Erasmus Student Network This society is for students involved in exchange programmes, particularly those in the Erasmus scheme, but also for students interested in finding out more about the opportunities available PLUGS – Plymouth University Scouts and Guides Society Does what it says on the tin – especially useful if you are looking to get involved, or continue existing involvement in Scouting and Guiding in and around Plymouth.
january 2010 | the knowledge
Cop Art
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global news
By Emma Wilson December certainly was an incredibly busy month for anyone actively involved in campaigning against climate change! The 5th of December saw more than 50,000 people taking to the streets of London in the protest ‘The Wave’. Demands included a strong climate agreement in Copenhagen where world leaders would meet later that month and also climate justice for those most badly hit by the impacts of climate change. The Climate change society took 50 eager campaigners to the march and after an early start we rolled out our banners and got our whistles to the ready to protest for more green jobs for students. We took with us the banner that over 75 students from different courses at the university had signed in support of our campaign. The rain didn’t dampen spirits in the slightest and everyone had a thoroughly exhilarating time. Cop-15 or Cop Out? In the second week of December myself, the chairperson of the Climate Change Society and Jonathan Noades, the Chair from last year, travelled to Copenhagen to take part in the Klima Forum - ‘The Peoples Forum’, that ran alongside the COP-15 World negotiations on Climate Change. Over 110 heads of States attended the UN COP-15 conferences which took place in the Bella Centre just outside of the capital. During our two days in Copenhagen, we witnessed two huge protests consisting of people that had travelled from all over the world, we took part in workshops aimed at educating for a more sustainable future, and were able to share ideas with many worldwide environmental groups. One seminar presented by The International Commission of Food and Agriculture, whose speakers included Vandana Shiva, outlined how one of the real solutions to climate change was in fact organic farming,
We were also introduced to the idea of ‘Meshworking’ a new global initiative designed to bring greater coherence to the identifying the real solutions to climate change. (As a society we are hoping to run workshops on this technique in the near future so watch this space!) In our one evening we had to spend in Copenhagen we visited a sustainable community just outside of the heart of the city. Christiania has a population of around a 1,000, with 250 children and its own schools and businesses. This town really is worth a visit for anyone ever travelling to the city, a lot can be learned from this community way of life, the residents were most welcoming and happy to answer any questions. Being in the city at the time of the talks was certainly exciting; there was a great feeling of optimism and a really buzzing energy probably due to over 100,000 campaigners and environmental, social and political group members all in one place at the same time. We spoke to some amazing people each with their own hopes of what commitments and promises would be made at the talks. As the weekend wore on the atmosphere did begin to change towards one of utter urgency that a strong agreement was reached. We left Copenhagen and travelled back (by coach!) on the Sunday evening, and by the last day of the talks it was clear that no concrete emissions cuts were going to be agreed to. Instead there was aadoption of the proposed non-
binding “Copenhagen Accord” generated by a few countries behind closed doors. Environmental groups including Friends of the Earth, have slammed this agreement pleading that Countries seeking a just and effective solution to climate change shouldn’t sign this illegitimate and distracting ‘Copenhagen Accord’, but instead should ensure a rapid return to the formal UN process to achieve a fair, strong and legally binding agreement as soon as possible. For all who were hoping for a concrete deal in Copenhagen, so that catastrophic climate change could be avoided and real adaption preparation for change could begin, COP-15 was a bitter disappointment. However, it is not time to give up yet. The ‘Klima Forum’ allowed many environmental groups to exchange ideas and network, and as a result the global network of those working towards real recognition of climate change from politicians are more determined than ever that our a just climate deal should be reached and are working towards many actions and campaigns to ensure that this does happen as soon as possible. If you would like to get involved with the Climate Change Society on campus, please email benjamin.middleton@plymouth. students.ac.uk
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january 2010 | the knowledge
union news
win s! it cket
The Hundred and One Dalmations. It is directed by Roy Marsden, perhaps best known for his portrayal of Inspector Dalgleish in the televised versions of the PD James novels.
A chance to win two tickets to see The Hobbit at the Theatre Royal Plymouth on Tuesday 16 February.
Thorin Oakenshield, exiled king of the Dwarves, on his quest to reclaim their kingdom and treasure. The adventurers battle through the Misty Mountains, wind, rain, hail and thunderstorms, narrowly escaping gourmandising trolls, vicious goblins, avaricious wolves and spiteful giant spiders. Finally Bilbo must face the guardian of the treasure, the most feared dragon of all, Smaug.
Enjoy the sights, sounds and magic of the best selling fantasy novel ever written, in this fresh, spectacular live theatre production with sparkling new magical effects, perfect for Hobbit fans both young and old. The Hobbit will be at the Theatre Royal from Tuesday 16 February until Sunday 21 February 2010. The incredible magic of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit, has been masterfully transformed into a fast-paced, dazzling display of live theatrical entertainment. Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and contented Hobbit, has his life turned upside down when he’s chosen by Gandalf to join
Vanessa Ford has been producing true family theatre for over 20 years, and like many of her previous productions this is a show which can be appreciated on many levels by adults and children alike. With adults making up 70% of the average audience for The Hobbit, this production is by no means only for school groups and children. This imaginative stage adaptation has been created by Glyn Robbins, known to millions of theatregoers for his adaptations of the CS Lewis classics, especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, AA Milne’s Winnie The Pooh and Dodie Smith’s
Vanessa Ford Productions present: The Hobbit Theatre Royal Plymouth Tuesday 16 February – Sunday 21 February 2010
For more information or to book tickets please contact the Theatre Royal Box Office on (01752) 267222 or online at www.theatreroyal.com
For a chance to win draw a picture of yourself as a character inspired by The Hobbit, either an existing character or a new character. Send your entries to The Herald Hobbit competition, 17 Brest Road, Derriford, Plymouth PL6 5AA BY Friday 5 February. The winning entry will also be published in The Herald and entries will also be displayed on the Mezzanine floor of the Theatre Royal Plymouth.
january 2010 | the knowledge
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union news
Student Volunteering Week 2010 Inspiring futures; connecting communities Student Volunteering Week will take place between 22-28 February 2010. The week was established in 2001 and is now an annual fixture in the calendar for the student volunteering sector. The week raises the national profile of Further and Higher Education volunteering. The theme for 2010 is ‘Inspiring futures; connecting communities’. It has been a fantastic year so far in the world of volunteering with hundreds of students getting involved and racking up over 2000 hours of volunteering since the end of September. The Volunteer Department at UPSU will be opening nominations for the 2010 Volunteer Awards on the Monday and hope that everyone will get involved to nominate individuals, projects and events that have made a real impact since the start of the academic year. There are loads of activities planned for Student Volunteering Week, culminating in a huge environmental project on the Looe Valley Line with a bit of a party after! You can also find out about how to get involved in the Volunteer in Plymouth Committee next year, how to set up new projects, and the fantastic cv and personal development that volunteering offers. All the information on activities and projects can be found on the volunteer pages at www.upsu.com
Volunteering Comittee
With one term behind us and another two stretching out in front, it seems odd to be thinking of the next year and elections for the volunteering committee 2010/11. But that’s the reality of university life and so we are seeking expressions of interest from any student who wishes to support student volunteering during the 2010/11 academic year. The committee support a number of different projects both within the local and wider communities; they include working with a range of people and environmental organisations across Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall. It is also an opportunity for personal growth and with employers looking for candidates with skills gained away from pure academic studies, what better than volunteering to develop your existing skills and new ones, whilst benefiting others. For more information why not drop into the volunteering office in the Hive or email volunteer@su.plymouth.ac.uk
Ethical Threads Fashion Show needs you! UPSU are holding their 4th Ethical Threads Fashion Show on Thursday 11th March in the Students’ Union from 7pm. The aim is to promote Fairtrade, environmental and ethical purchasing, and the evening showcases a range of local and national companies who provide clothing for the catwalk. There will also be a range of stalls selling clothes and other ethically sourced goods. This year will see two style challenges for teams, or individuals, to get involved with – Pimp your Fairtrade White T-shirt and a Charity Shop Style it Up Challenge. All the details will be
available soon. How can you get involved? We need models of all ages’ shapes and sizes to take part in the show – no experience necessary, it’s just a good laugh! If you want to help with make-up and hair, assist with styling the outfits or help on the evening with stalls and keeping the models moving, then please get in touch. Email Claire.massey@su.plymouth.ac.uk or visit the Volunteer Office in the Hive to find out more and to get involved.
2009 Fashion Show
Plymouth University Guides and Scouts
We would like to invite you to PL.U.G.S. annual general meeting 2010! It will be a forum where we can discuss how you think we have done in our first year, and set the foundations for an amazing year to follow. We will be voting in new committee members and any one of our positions is up for grabs. If you are keen, just email us to find out more. Supporting Scouts and Guides at University involves a great variety of things; from simply holding meetings where we can get together for a chat, to arranging camping and other adventures, to supporting those doing awards such as Duke of Edinburgh, Queens Guide and Queens Scout, and
becoming involved in National Events. If any of this sounds interesting to you, we would love to see you and get you involved. Our AGM is to be held on Monday 15th February. Email: ssago.plymouth@ hotmail.co.uk with any questions or comments
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The University of Plymouth Students’ Union is a charity with over 30,000 members (as every Plymouth Student is automatically a member) and it is an organisation which is democratically led. So what does this mean? Well, UPSU is a Students’ Union run for students by students, so every year students elect the students who will run UPSU. There are 5 full-time positions, known as Sabbatical Officers who are trustees of the charity, but also have representative responsibilities, and run the Union on a day-to-day basis. Sabbatical positions are paid as they are full-time, and require you to take a year out of study or take office as soon as you graduate. Your period of work runs from July of the year you were elected, until the following July. There are also a number of parttime positions, in which students can be elected to represent different demographics of students and sit on UPSU Student Parliament to make the democratic decisions that affect UPSU. The Chair of Student Parliament, now sits of the University’s Board of Governors (the highest committee in the University!) as a student governor alongside the President. Taking part in UPSU democracy is so important, because let’s face it, if you don’t stand in the elections, or don’t vote to ensure you have your say on who should run your union, you could quite easily end up with a very undesirable candidate winning the elections-one who won’t put your rights, interests or needs first- and that can only be a bad thing. These people can give students a bad reputation, close your sports club or society, close the bar and shop, or even lead to you getting kicked out of Uni if you find yourself represented by them at a student disciplinary or academic appeal! Believe me, you need to get the best people for the job elected, so nominate, stand and vote... your voice, your choice, your union!
january 2010 | the knowledge
Elected Officers have the key responsibility to represent your views to the University and they play an important role in ensuring the quality of your teaching, learning and educational experience you get from The University of Plymouth. They also seek to improve the quality, level and range of services your Students’ Union provides. The quality of our student Officers and the level of service they provide is in your hands. One day you might need to rely on their support. * You want to make improvements to the SU * You want to gain skills in management, leadership, communication and team work. * You want to improve your employability * You want to be a trustee of an organisation with a £3 million turnover * You want to campaign for student rights * You want to help students * You want to give something back * You want a full-time job next year!
President of UPSU – be the lead officer for the students union,
representing the needs of students to the university management and the community.
Deputy President – be responsible for promoting student parliament, representing international students and our thousands of partner college students across the south-west. Vice-President Education and Welfare – run campaigns to promote, defend and extend the welfare and education of students across the university and stand up for their rights.
Vice-President Activities and Communications – support and develop UPSU societies and volunteering, and work to effectively communicate union activity to 30,000 students. Vice-President Sports – work with students, sports clubs and the university to develop and progress sport in Plymouth and student health and fitness.
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Ten things you need to think about as to why you should vote in these elections (that might not seem that obvious to you at first!):1. This university recognises the UPSU officers as the official voice of the students. 2. The more students that vote in the elections, the stronger our voice within the university. High voter turnout = big mandate = strong voice for students. 3. These elections will determine who represents you to the university next year. 4. The officers feed into the policy, practice, performance and perception of this university. 5. How others perceive you and your degree matters. You do want a good job at the end of your university life don’t you? 6. We are entering a recession which looks like being one of the worst ever. When you graduate, there are likely to be far fewer graduate jobs available than there are graduates. 7. Do you really want to risk the development of your student experience to just anyone? 8. Do you really want to risk the value that your degree will have by not thinking carefully enough about who will help this university develop? 9. Do you really want to leave your future to chance for the sake of spending 5 minutes voting online at www.upsu.com? 10. Will it really make a difference? Who knows? Three years ago the vote for Deputy President was won by one vote with over 2,000 voting. However if you don’t vote, it is guaranteed that you will not make a difference.
Don’t leave your future to chance. VOTE
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Full Time Officers Positions Scale 3 point 11 , £17,203 plus benefits. A fantastic opportunity within a busy students’ union exists for a group of individuals to work as a team representing nearly 30,000 University of Plymouth students. We are looking for current University of Plymouth Higher Education students and people who want to enhance their future career by taking a one year sabbatical position. In return we offer you the opportunity to lead your students’union, develop excellent leadership and management skills, discover and deliver the needs and wants of all students, campaign (both locally and nationally) on issues that affect students, enhance your C.V., have a great time doing a job that you will really enjoy. Full training & support given. No Interviews Required No Experience Necessary Just enthusiasm to do a good job! Fill out a nomination form – available from www.upsu.com + the hive from - 15.1.10
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su :www.up EVENTS
january 2010 | the knowledge
answer: NAME:
Complete the answer and return the completed advert to the reception in the Hive by Monday 1st March
Following a 4 star live review in the Evening Standard and his second album ‘REBUILT BY HUMANS’ reaching No.3, Newton Faulkner has just announced a new must-see 14-date UK tour heading to Plymouth Pavilions on Tuesday 9 March 2010. To book tickets contact the Box Office on 0845 146 1460
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union news
HUMAN WRITES Eni Timi-Biu Amnesty International Society
The anti-war protests defined the UK in 2003 for me, as millions marched against the invasion of Iraq.
A very middle-class, Church of England school in the centre of Bristol quickly turned to anarchy as hundreds of students attempted to break out to march against the war in Iraq. Pupils were stopped from staging their own strike by teachers rushing to lock the school gates when they realised people were about to walk out - nevertheless a number of committed pupils ignored these rule-following idiots and clambered over the fences - one breaking his ankle in the process - at least he’s got something to show when people ask what he did to try and stop the war! Teachers being kicked in the face as they attempted to drag kids down from the fences, whilst students demonstrated a crude vocabulary made for an ironic scene of combat from students who were supposedly calling for peace. The usual round of anti-war graffiti took place - but the spontaneous action of school students still inspires me to this day. We were young, but we were not naive. It was clear that we alone wouldn’t prevent the
war; we were just expressing our opposition. At least our government couldn’t say it had the backing of its people, right? I remember the utter excitement, shouting and cheering - I also remember being one of the few people left in the following English lesson. It made me feel sick that as I sat in the almost empty classroom pretending to listen, students in another part of the world were going to be killed. To this day, I regret not jumping over that fence. Although I’m glad I didn’t break a limb, and I graduated with a squeaky-clean record, what did I do to try and stop the war? –Nothing. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Activism isn’t about being defiant; it’s about standing up for what you believe in. We need to awaken our sense of activism at this University. I don’t believe for a second that out of nearly 30,000 students, so few care about the rest of humanity. As soon-to-be graduates in the UK, we have the power to effect change. We have the right to vote for a new government without fear of coming to harm. We are able to do this knowing that the elections will be fair - far from a life of the jailed, missing and dead reported in the Iranian elections last year. Even something as simple as voting in UPSU elections is important and directly affects us more than we give credit for. For most, University is inevitably the next step after school and college. Most of us take this opportunity for granted. Under the Junta ruling, books and discussions on Politics,
Sociology, Philosophy and the like are banned in Burma, yet it is the student body who risk torture, imprisonment or worse in the name of freedom of expression. One of the definitions of an activist is ‘one willing to take action or effect change.’ Let us be glad we are not in Iraq, Afghanistan or the DRC under imminent fear of constant bombing, attack, rape or murder. Although, let it be said – it doesn’t end with just being glad. We have to continue to speak out against these injustices because suffering anywhere should affect people everywhere. You’ll have the opportunity to explore some of these issues this within the Amnesty International Society. We’ll be hosting a fundraising gig in the SU on Friday 22nd Jan, highlighting Shell (the oil company) and its appalling practices in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Expect ‘crude oil’ cocktails, good music for our talented DJ and awesome band ‘Danger Snacks’ plus an amazing raffle prize! The South-West Regional Amnesty International Conference will be taking place the day after on the 23rd – everyone is welcome (if you manage to wake up before 5pm!) We will be screening the award-winning film “Burma VJ” and holding a discussion on Friday 19th Feb. For more details of our upcoming events, check out our Facebook group “UoP Amnesty International Society 09/10” or email us with any questions at amnesty.upsu.com
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sports & societies
Grading Success for Karate Club By Freddie Counsell
December was a busy month for the Karate Club, the first grading of the year gave all the new members their first opportunity to prove themselves and earn their next belt. There was considerable pressure for them to maintain the Clubs 100% record at every grading, a remarkable feat considering the Karate Club is the oldest surviving club at the university! After a gruelling training session all members up for grading passed, keeping the 100% record intact. A special mention should go out to Luke Trepte who double graded (well done). The efforts of everybody who took part where rewarded at the Christmas social, with plenty of food and drink well into the early hours. The New Year is showing no signs of being any less busy; with the BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sports) championships in Sheffield looming on the horizon: efforts will be put into specific training and preparing team kit for competing members. This tournament will give members the opportunity to compete at a national level and represent the university against the best the country has to offer. The club will looking to build
on its success at last years tournament where they accumulated 7 medals and finished 7th out of the 64 universities competing, the best result ever! We even hold titles for Champion and Runner-Up from last year, hopefully we will be able to repeat or better it this year...? The weekend after BUCS in March, is our next grading! So, straight after an epic weekend away, the members will then prepare for their next belt; building upon their achievements of last year. All in all, the Karate Club has a busy 2010 lined up and are looking forward to making this decade as successful and memorable as the last. For further information please contact: hollie.stallworthy@students.plymouth.ac.uk Or come along to a training session at Pitts Gym: Tuesday’s: 5pm - 6:30pm Thursday’s: 6pm - 8pm Sunday’s: 1pm - 3pm
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january 2010 | the knowledge
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sports & societies
University of Plymouth Rowing Club The last race of 2009 took place Saturday 12th December at Exeter Universities Boat House. The course set along a winding 3.3k course tackling a few hazards, and one very low and tight bridge. Plymouth was again out in force, this time representing not only the University, but also Plymouth Amateur Rowing Club. In the first Division the women’s fresher crew set out in their coxed four of Rachel McLennan, Haley Winfield, Beki Cadd, Katerine Finch and Debbie Turner(Cox) showing yet another strong row coming second. The men’s consisting of Jamie Spry, Tom Frost, David Ord, Rich Hamilton, Ryan Gallimore, Tom Lucas, Ali Harris, Josh Taylor and Will Frisk(Cox) showing a very strong
performance but unfortunately falling short to an experienced Exeter Uni crew to finish second. The senior men’s A coxed four of Ian Caswell, James Plumley, Charlie Smith, Barney Walker and Fraser Blackwood(Cox), entering a category above them to set one of their best rows to date but again unfortunately losing out to Exeter University by 1 second. The next division showed perhaps more difficult conditions throwing a stronger head wind. However the men’s squad raced in two coxed fours, one consisting of four members of the eight crew and the other the same crew from division one. The senior men’s A four showed again that Plymouth are a crew to be weary off, continuing the good drive from the previous race winning
their second race of the day. The second men’s four, Jamie Spry, Tom Frost, Ali Harris, Josh Taylor and Rachel McLennan(Cox), showed another strong and confident performance, hitting a very comfortable rhythm but were set against a very fast crew from Exmouth and finished 2nd. The Senior women’s squad represented by Katy Gallant, Emma Baker, Estella ReinosoMaset Arabella Scott, Lucy Patten, Hayley Gueno, Beth Wills and Debbie Turner in their senior 8. Hitting their rhythm early on in the race, they pushed through a tough head wind, getting a very good time but were beaten by a well-trained crew from Exeter University.
UPRC at the University of Bristol Head Race A good weekend for UPRC at the University of Bristol Head Race (BUCS Endorsed) held on Saturday 28th November. The day started early leaving Plymouth at 4am. But lack of sleep didn’t stop the success of UPRC.
The day started off (in Division 1 with a course of 3.2k) with the championship single sculls of Will Frisk winning. Moving strongly on the same course, the women’s senior coxed 4, of Beth Wills, Theo Tilney, Katy Gallant and Debbie Turner coxed by Fraser Blackwood, who also won. Up next in Division 2 would belong to the fresher crews. A shorter course this time racing a 1.6k course. With victory coming from the senior women’s crew, the fresher women’s coxed 4 went out strong and did not disappoint. After a late notice change of course now rowing up against a rapid stream, the women’s 4 of Rachel McLennan, Arabella Scott, Hayley Gueno, Lucy Patten and Debbie Turner (cox), none the less showed their strength only losing out to a winning crew from Bournemouth by 3 seconds. The men’s squad, represented in an eight by
David Ord, Dan Hanratty, Ryan Gallimore, Warren Nienaber, Braden Leppan, Ben Bischler, Josh Reed, Rich Hamilton and Ian Caswell (Cox) unfortunately didn’t get into a solid rhythm and finished 22nd. With light fading, along with the organisation of the race, the Men’s senior crews took the water in 2 coxed fours, the A boat consisting of Ian Caswell, James Plumley, Charlie Smith, Barney Walker and Fraser Blackwood (Cox); the B boat consisting of Will Frisk, Tom Frost, Ali Harris, Josh Taylor and Rachel McLennan (Cox). Having been told whilst afloat that due to lack of light the course, previously the same 3.2k stretch, shortened to 1.6k. Taking this on board both crews performed well. The B boat finishing 8th not quite sitting into a comfortable row, but still powering through the course. But the A boat setting the pace in a very solid row to win.
University of Plymouth Sailing & Powerboat Club During November, University of Plymouth Sailing and Powerboat Cub commenced the year’s team racing in Cardiff. Two teams were selected to take part containing 12 sailors altogether. The teams arrived in Cardiff late on the Friday as everyone went to their lectures!!! A steady cold biting breeze met all the teams that arrived at the sailing club on the Saturday morning. To accompany the coldness a persistent rain meant that everyone was wrapped up warm and dry to brave the elements. All teams got
most of their round robin races in before the wind subsided and the darkness set in. As no more racing could happen, the Plymouth teams headed to the accommodation provided and readied themselves for a large meal and social. Plymouths first team had a very successful day winning all of their races and taking them into the finals. The second team which was based mostly on fresher students didn’t fair as well, but managed to qualify for a king of the hill playoff. The next day, racing began at noon due to very
high winds and a sub-zero wind-chill. It was decided that a result had to be gained and so everyone dressed up warm and took to the water. Plymouth first team managed to get to the semi finals before being knocked out, just missing out on silverware. The second team however had a brilliant day winning all their races and being crowned ‘king of the hill’. Overall we had a successful weekend and it was enjoyed by all.
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sports & societies
Riding & Polo Club….Our best year yet! By Laurie-Ann Ward and Amy Dewick This year has undoubtedly been the most successful and busiest for UPRPC yet. Highlights have included having the most amount of members ever, (over 130!) raising £800 for the charity CRY, and over £60 for the Riding Disabled Association (RDA). Further successes has been achieving the first Club of the Month Awards back in October and great a start in our pre-season warm up competitions for both the BUCS league and Polo.
Since the start of term the Riding and Polo Club have held several events to promote awareness for our chosen charities this year. Our largest included a ‘boat party’ our first official social on Monday 5th October where we organised a night time cruise around the barbican and opened it up to all University of Plymouth students. It was the perfect way to welcome new students to university and raise awareness for our cause- Cardiac Risk in the Youth (CRY). We were extremely proud to see how many people turned out to support our selected charity and thanks to them we had an amazing night. Overall we raised £800 for CRY, and more specifically the money raised went to the Oliver Marsden Memorial Fund, an individual part of CRY where the money will benefit young people in the South West. Oliver Marsden was a student who came to Plymouth University
from the Exmouth campus, and very suddenly and tragically passed away last year. Our committee chose this particular organization as we felt that creating awareness about SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) was of vital importance, as many students partake in athletic hobbies at university and should be aware of the risk associated with undiagnosed cardiac problems. The Riding and Polo Club would like to thank all who came to support us that evening; we hope you all had an amazing night! We have also learnt that our money will pay for 2 mass screenings at the University here for all students. For more information on CRY please visit: http://www.c-r-y.org.uk/. In the BUCS league all teams have been training hard. In our pre-season warmup the BUCS teams and reserves competed against each other. Congratulations to Tom Parkes for coming 1st individually, Sarah Mitchell 2nd, Charlotte Platzer 3rd, Emily Monger 4th, Caroline von Brauchitsch 5th and Becca Wyatt 6th. Furthermore the 2nd team are off to a great start after coming 2nd against Exeter. Individually Caroline von Brauchitsch came 2nd and Tom Parkes was placed 7th, so congratulations to them. The Friendly teams also competed in an inter-team style
competition, designed for all new riders to get a chance to see how riding competitions work. Congratulations to Lucy Miles for coming 1st individually also Kim Steele, Sean Sweeting and everyone else who got placed. Our Penewin riders also had the chance to have some fun at the Christmas Superhorse Day, which was paid for by the Club. The day involved a horsey assault course, bush-tucker type trials, a gymkhana plus other festivities! A big thanks to our sponsors Oggie Oggies for providing everyone with free pasties too. On Friday 11th December we saw the polo riders taking part in our first ever polo competition. The teams consisted on Tom Seaton, Tom Parkes, Amy Dewick and Annie Young on the blue team, and Max Lyons, Charlotte Platzer, Caroline Copley and our trainer, Tim Vaux on the white team. The mood was very competitive and saw the blue team winning by only 1 goal! The riding was a high standard and the polo riders are off to a great start and should be ready for competing against Bristol in the Spring. On a final note the traditional End of Year Meal saw other club members being given awards for their outstanding contributions and achievements within UPRPC. Jo Knight received Best Social Attendance, Sophie Preece and Roisin Talbott both got Most Improved Friendly Riders. Max Lyons received Most Improved Polo Player and Hani Shobaki received best Fancy Dress. We want to take the opportunity to thank all our members for supporting all our events and we hope to do well in our competitions to come in 2010. If anyone is interested in joining don’t hesitate to drop us an email, there is always room for more members and no matter your riding experience we can accommodate you – upsuridingclub@hotmail.com.
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BUCS Sailing Fleet Racing Nationals 2009 Ready for a fantastic weekend of racing, light winds greeted the students at Queen Mary Sailing Club in London. 27 students from Plymouth had made the trip to compete in three different classes in 15 boats. As the boats were rigged and tuned to suit the conditions the wind varied increasing and decreasing. At the briefing the race officer gave an out line for the weekend of 6 races over the two days. The first race saw Pete Johnson and Sophie Morton get their campaign off to a wining start, leading at the first mark and never looking back. Top results were gained by other boats in other classes as the Plymouth team looked to make a name for themselves. After the first day team Plymouth had seen varying success with an array of results putting Pete Johnson and Sophie Morton 2nd in the Firefly Fleet. Along side this there had been a few breakages, so to keep people in high spirits we booked a table at the Gaylord Indian restaurant and went out for dinner.
This was a good chance to exchange stories about the days racing and unwind. Sunday brought light winds again and more cold weather. Three more races were scheduled for the day and with a better wind direction a longer course could be sailed spreading out the fleets better. The first race of the day saw an increasing breeze allowing the 29er of James Hopson and Matt Haslam to extend away from the rest of the handicap fleet to take line honours. The breeze varied dramatically and this made it much harder to be consistent for the rest of the day. Several good performances were put in over the next two races leaving Plymouth with several boats in the top 10 in their respective classes. Pete Johnson and Sophie Morton managed to gain a bronze medal accompanied with a BUCS point. Adam Parry and Lizzie Shawcroft were consistent enough to comfortably seal 4th. A big thank you goes out to every one who attended the event and helped to make it
possible. Special thanks to the Students Union, Mount Batten, and the Plymouth Powerboat School who helped with getting the boats and sailors to the event and financial support. James Hopson
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SNOWRIDERS The back end of 2009 has been a prosperous one for Snowriders with many traditions continued and some new grounds tested! With a new ship helmed by captain Barney Davies, supported by Si Keys who has found a way of making tight jeans tighter than PVC. First and foremost we as snowriders want to boast our first ski teams kings south west
race series success holding second place only to Bristol Uni who have for years dominated the series. The snowboarders haven’t done too badly either consistently placing top 4. This year at the British University Dryslope Championships, of 2500 competitors our very own Fern Barker came 13th of over 200 seeded racers and many more regular competitors. Due to a couple of crash outs the ski and snowboard teams failed to place highly but put up stiff competition. Banter between Plymouth, Exeter and Swansea has been of high standard with a varsity between Plymouth and Exeter proposed keep your eyes on this space. Snowriders have raised a record £1300 for Cancer Research UK with each competitor skiing the equivalent of Mt. Everest.
Support from Ride Bar and Oceana has facilitated an awesome array of socials with fancy dress, games and nights to remember... We are writing this on the come down from one of the most successful snow trips in snowriders history, with only a couple unfortunate enough to have picked up injuries. Moving in to 2010 there are many things lurking up our sleeves, from the extreme ball, to environmental work as well as continuing our racing at kings and BUISC and a whole load of new and exciting socials. In the new year we have whole load of new merch coming in, including bobble hats, hoodies and t-shirts with the possibility of some boxers and girls boxers with enough interest. We have an easter holiday with booking opening soon, log on to www.snowriders.co.uk for more info. peace Snowriders committee
The combination of rain, coldness and an early Saturday morning isn’t the best way to encourage the Ladies Rugby team out of their beds! However, throw in a bit of mud, a lot of giggles and the chance for a photo opportunity and we are there!!! Tree planting saw a full minibus of us going up to Staddiscome Sport Pitches to plant a Shelter Belt for future generations. The scheme was also part of a Guinness World Record
attempt that was running nationwide to plant a record number of plants in one hour. All of the girls threw themselves into the activity attempting to out plant one another. Initially some of us had a few technical difficulties with stone ridden ground but after moving to softer ground the race was on!! This lead to a lot of rivalry between pairs, friendly banter being thrown around and the occasional stealing of trees to plant!! After an hour of planting, screaming at the amount of worms in the mud and a few spade near miss accidents we, along with UPFC and the local community, had planted 1000 trees; a huge amount considering the weather conditions!! I would like to thank all girls from UPLRFC that took part and take the opportunity to encourage more sports
Charlotte Bedford UPLRFC
teams to participate in volunteer activities. It not only helps the local community/environment but also bonds a team together and creates memorable moments. We can’t wait to for the next activity!!
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sports & societies
DEVON DESTROYER Race Report - University of Plymouth Sailing and Powerboat Club The average North Easterly, 15 knots accompanied by sunshine over the weekend of the 12th / 13th December was ideal for the dinghy sailors racing in the first ever ‘Devon Destroyer’ fleet racing event hosted by Plymouth University Sailing and Power boating club. The Devon Destroyer, held in partnership with Oceana and the Mount Batten Water Sports and Activities Centre, was open to all types of dinghy and all sailors. Entrants were predominantly from a mix of clubs throughout the southwest, with the mixed fleet of 19 boats including 3 Firefly’s, an RS 200, 2 RS600’s and 2 B14’s. They were split into fast and slow handicaps, dependant on PY numbers, to complete the 6 race series. The competition was fierce for the shiny new ‘Devon Destroyer’ trophies as well as the vast array of prizes kindly donated by Oceana, Yacht Parts Plymouth, Cotswolds, Ullman Sails and Sea Chest, who the club would
like to thank for their support. However the overall winners of the fast handicap emerged to be Rod Bowijk and Sharon sailing their B14, whilst Justin Deal and Emma Johnson fought off close competition to win the slow handicap in their RS200. The volunteer organisational team were praised by the entrants and the visiting race officer, Mike Johnson, for their safe conscientious management of the successful event, which was the inspiration of the student run club and forms part of their drive to encourage the annual National Student Sailing event back to Plymouth waters. Tim Cross, University Water Sports Officer, commented: ‘It is fantastic to see a student club organising an open event and working in partnership with local organisations, any opportunity which encourages an increase in participation is very welcome.’ The club have also developed a volunteer training programme to ensure the sustainability of future events and sailing sessions. The programme enables club members to have the opportunity to train for national governing body qualifications which will be used to support future events and the professional career development of the students. ‘Getting involved with this event has given me the opportunity to work alongside an RYA Sail for Gold Race Officer and gain real life race course management experience’ Adam Parry – club committee member.
Looking ahead to the future the university sailing and power boat club are already planning the next event for 2010, which hopes to attract double the amount of entrants and will take place earlier in the autumn allowing more people, particularly university students from other areas to get involved. Devon Destroyer Results 2009 Fast Handicap 1st - Rod Boswijk and Sharon - B14 – (7) 2nd - Jon Bradbury - RS600 – (11) 3rd - Bex Partridge and Geoff Edwards Fireball – (18) Slow Handicap 1st- Justin Deal and Emma Johnson – RS200 – (6) 2nd- David Thomas – Laser – (8) 3rd- Mark and Annabel Sansom – Lark – (13) Full race results and photos can be found on the University of Plymouth Sailing and Powerboat Club website: http://www.sailpower.org.uk Tom Gruitt was out taking photographs on Saturday, which are available at: www.fotoboat.com NOTES For further general enquiries please contact: sailpowerupsu@googlemail.com
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sports & societies
Devon Destroyer
Race Report - University of Plymouth Sailing and Powerboat Club - Page 23
Riding & Polo Club‌ Our best year yet! Page 20
Grading Success for Karate Club Page 20