TOP LEFT: DLR Group Gretna East High School
BOTTOM LEFT: HDR| Great Plains Studio Omaha Box Building Renovation
BOTTOMRIGHT: Alley PoynerMacchietto Architecture Shirley TyreeTheater at the Union for Contemporary Art
BOTTOM:DLR Group La Vista City Centre - Parking Garage #2

AIA Nebraska, A Chapterof the American Institute of Architects, is pleased to announce the 2024 Excellence in Design Award winners. This yearthe jury reviewed 119projects. Four honor awards, six merit awards, six awards, anda 25-Year Award were presented.
The AIA NebraskaJury, comprised of Tennessee architects, Jury Chair, Matt Seltzer, AIA,LEED AP; Mario Walker,AIA, NCARB, NOMA,LEED GA; Jessica Stack, AIA, NCARB, EDAC, LEED AP and Dillon Dunn, AIA, LEED Green Associate.
PRESIDENT Troy Keilig, AIA CMBA Architects
Alberto Sanchez, AIA Davis Design
In addition, there are two categories for emergingarchitectsandarchitecturestudents, including Built & Unbuilt Design. Projects are judged basedona variety of features, includingunique design, originality, extended use attributes, sustainability,budget anduse ofenvironmental surroundings.
AIA Nebraskasupportsarchitects in fulfilling their commitment to excellence in design and livability in our buildingsand communities. Further informationonthis year’s design winners and pastwinners can be found on The American Institute of Architects,Nebraska Chapter’s website www.aiane.org.
The Excellence in Design program is anannual event for Nebraskaarchitects who submit builtand unbuilt projects for consideration. Categories for consideration include Architecture, Interior Architecture, Unbuilt, Details, Masonryand Regional& Urban Design.

AIA Credits: A special advertising section of the Omaha World-Herald produced in conjunctionwith AIA Nebraska,a Chapterof the American Institute of Architects.
Executive Director: Sara A. Kay, Hon. AIA,402-858-1929; sara@aiane.org
On the cover: Architecture Honor Award;Gretna East High School designed by DLR Group, Architecture Honor Award; La Vista City Centre - Parking Garage #2designed by HDR, Architecture Honor Award; Shirley Tyree Theater at the Union for Contemporary Art designed by Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture, Interior Architecture Honor Award; Omaha Box Building Renovation designed by HDR | Great Plains Studio.
For special sectionadvertising informationcontact Tierney Clifford (tclifford@owh.com).
TheJoslyn| Omaha, NE
Heather Hughes, AIA DLR Group
Jonathan Oswald, AIA HDR
RichardOnken, AIA Alesia Architecture
Patrick Leahy, AIA Emergent Architecture
Hannah Schafers, AIA Clark & Enersen
Corey Thiele, Assoc AIA RDG Planning & Design
Kevin Baitey, AIA CarlsonWest Povondra Architects

Megan Hayward, AIA Trails West Architecture
Patrick Leahy, AIA Emergent Architecture
David Karle Assoc.,AIA University ofNebraska Lincoln College of Architecture
Elise Benson, AIAS University ofNebraska Lincoln College of Architecture
Greg Galbreath, AIA RDG Planning & Design
Sara Kay, Hon. AIA AIA Nebraska
335N. 8th Street, Ste. A Lincoln, NE68508 402-858-1929 www.aiane.org

Alesia Architecture,P.C. 3705 N. 200th St. Elkhorn,NE68022 (402)291-6941 www.alesiaarchitecture.com
200UnionBlvd., Suite200 Lakewood, CO,80228 www.alesiaarchitecture.com

AlleyPoynerMacchietto Architecture 1516 Cuming St. Omaha,NE68102 (402)341-1544 www.alleypoyner.com
302E.CoolbaughSt. RedOak,IA51566 (712)623-6888 www.alleypoyner.com

Avant Architects 8340 W. Dodge Rd., Suite200 Omaha,NE68114 (402)493-9611 www.avant-architects.com

BCDM Architects 1015 N. 98th St.,Suite 300 Omaha,NE68114 (402)391-2211 www.bcdm.net

CadreArchitecture+ Design (402)617-1525 www.cadre-arch.com

Clark& Enersen 1010 LincolnMall, Suite200 Lincoln,NE 68508 (402)477-9291 www.clarkenersen.com
6464 Center St,Suite 140. Omaha, NE 68106 (531)800-5015 www.clarkenersen.com

CMBA Architects 1111 N. 13th St.,Suite205 Omaha, NE 68102 (402)346-6891 www.cmbaarchitects.com
208N.PineSt.,Suite 301 GrandIsland,NE68801 (308)384-4444 www.cmbaarchitects.com

DavisDesign 1221 NSt.,Suite 600 Lincoln,NE 68508 (402)476-9700 www.davisdesign.com

DLRGroup 6457Frances St., Suite200 Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 393-4100 www.dlrgroup.com
1128LincolnMall, Suite103 Lincoln,NE 68508 (402) 742-4200 www.dlrgroup.com

Emergent Architecture 950S.10th, Suite28 Omaha, NE 68108 (402)682-2500 www.emergentarch.com

FrasierMartisArchitects, P.C. 1005 S. 76th St., Suite103 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 397-7331 www.fmarchitects.com

HDR 1917 S. 67th St. Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 399-1000 www.hdrinc.com
1248 OSt.,Suite 716 Lincoln,NE 68508 (402) 742-2900 www.hdrinc.com

Holland BashamArchitects 119 S. 49th Ave. Omaha, NE 68132 (402) 551-0800 www.hollandbasham.com

Jackson-Jackson &Associates,Inc. 6912 N. 97th Cir.,Suite1 Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 391-3999 www.jackson-jacksonassociates.com

LEO ADALY 8600 Indian Hills Dr. Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 391-8111 www.leoadaly.com

Mark SanfordGroup LLC 1306 N. 162ndSt. Omaha, NE 68118 (402) 598-0442 www.marksanfordgroup.com

PACT Studios
1111 N. 13th St.,Suite303 Omaha, NE 68102 (402) 506-6377 www.pact-studios.com
Prochaska &Associates 11317 ChicagoCir. Omaha,NE68154 (402)334-0755 www.prochaska.us

RDGPlanning& Design 1302 Howard St. Omaha,NE68102 (402)392-0133 www.rdgusa.com

Schemmer 1044N. 115th St.,Suite 300 Omaha,NE68154 (402)493-4800 www.schemmer.com

333S.21stSt.,Suite 102 Lincoln, NE 68510 (402)488-2500 www.schemmer.com SinclairHilleArchitects 700QSt. Lincoln, NE 68508 (402)476-7331 www.sinclairhille.com

2922 N. 61st St.,Studio1 Omaha,NE68104 (402)505-9778 www.tackarch.com

WilkinsArchitecture Design Planning 2204University Dr., Suite130 Kearney, NE 68845 (308) 237-5787 www.wilkinsadp.com

Gretna East High School
Firm: DLR Group
Owner: Gretna Public Schools
Location: Gretna, NE
Photographer: Michael Robinson
The new 371,000 SF Gretna East High Schoolcampus eases capacity issues at the district’s existing schoolserving 1,600 students grades 9-12. The design is allabout connections -from land to sky, interior to exterior, and most critically people to people.A special focusonsite organization, building orientation, andaccess to exterior spaces and programs createsa unique learning experience forstudents. Beyond providing asafe and welcoming environment to serve theinfluxofstudents, this secondhigh school celebrates the community’s culture of lifelong learning and embraces the history ofthe building site.
Jury Comments: This beautifully designed educational facility offers anelegant, bold, and innovativeapproachthat connects studentsand teachers to thelandscape. The massing and fenestrationare thoughtfully crafted to respond to the surrounding agricultural context. Furthermore, the framework enhancing connections betweenthe schooland the community enriches the project’s physical design and, most importantly, the quality of student education.

Shirley Tyree Theater at the Union for Contemporary Art
Firm: Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture
Owner: The Union for Contemporary Art
Location: Omaha, NE
Photographer: Dana Damewood
The Union for Contemporary Art’s mission is to strengthen the culturaland social landscape through art. Designed to meet their programmaticneedsandsupportthe mission, the design teamtransformedand expandedan historic building into a new black box theater that includesascene shop, rehearsalspace, and reception area The theater is modeled for maximum flexibility andoffers multiple configuration options for various performance types. The building features a façade along busy 24th Street withwindows into the rehearsallobby, showcasing thetheater’s inneractivities.
Jury Comments: A very successfulexample ofa creativeand sensitive adaptive reuse project that maintains the integrity and the character of the building. Theintegration of contemporary systems and theater programming has beenexecutedthoughtfully, preserving the historic elements and character of the building. These updates breathenew lifeinto the structure, enhancing its energy and purpose whilethe design’s restraint supports and elevates its originalcharm.

La Vista City Centre - Parking Garage#2
Firm: DLR Group
Owner: City ofLa Vista
Location: La Vista, NE
Photographer:Daniel P. Muller
Integral access to parking – withinthe developing at La Vista City Centre – is a critical element in the overall masterplan. From 84th Street, architectural screens andintegrated lighting repetitiously open creating a dynamic rhythm oflightand shadow for thosepassing by. By framingthe vertical circulation towers, theprecast providesbranding opportunities from the City of La Vista and City Centre while highlightingits presence as anindirect form of wayfinding. Directional cues of the perforated screens,stair runs, andcurtain wall mullions collectivelylean users toward the development’s primary entrance andcreate a holistic motifthat carries through the project’s finer details.
Jury Comments: This project exemplifies the elevationof utility through its design The panels are crafted forefficient material use, showcasing a unique crosssectionthat createsvisual variability and interest. The stair towers are strategically positioned to engage pedestrianswithin the campus, elegantly designed as light lanterns thatenhance wayfinding and provide a sense ofsecurity.

Omaha Box Building Renovation
Firm: HDR |Great Plains Studio
Owner: CeresGroup
Location: Omaha, NE
Photographer: Dan Schwalm
An Engineering and Manufacturing company in Omaha was drawn to purchasingthe historic Omaha Box Buildingdue to itsunique feature ofa railroadline running through the east-
ern part of the warehouse. The original timber-framed building from the 1890s was repurposed into a central hub foroffice and workplace functions within the organization. To enhance naturallighting and visibility, asection of the second floor was removed. Additionally, warehouse features such as fire-rated barn doors and vintage wooden carts were salvaged and incorporated into the design, contributing to the development of a distinctive vintage warehouse aesthetic.
Jury Comments: Beautifully done adaptive reuse. Love the opening of the floor but the retention of the structural frame and reuse of the original elements in key spaces.

General John W. Vessey Readiness Center
Owner: Minnesota Department of MilitaryAffairs
Location: Arden Hills,MN
Photographer: Corey Gaffer
Readiness centers, historically known as “armories,” have dynamically shifted,reflecting theevolvingneedsand expectations of today’sservice members. To accommodate those needs, this design breaksthe historicmoldofastandard readiness center, combining beautywithhigh-performance design Anchored by a centralhub,publicspacesare designed to invite community members, dignitariesandthefamilies ofservice members to participate in parades, ceremonies, andother public events Gallery-likeinteriors, sculpturalstairs, connection to thelandscape, and art enhance the user experience of allwho enter. Designed to serve today’s militarywith resilient design, this facility stands ready to adapt to modern needs/ change (use, force structure, climate, unpredictedevents,both natural and man-made).
Jury Comments: The design embodies the program it supports, withthe building and site functioning asa cohesive integrated systemthat respectsthe localecosystem and sustainability. This beautifullydetailed structureis bothtimeless and robust, honoringthe dignity of the military.

Kiewit Hall
Firm: Clark& Enersen
Design Architect: Ballinger
Owner: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Engineering
Location: Lincoln, NE
Photographer: James Ewing
A new 182,000 SF learning and social nexus for the University of Nebraska College of Engineering (COE) is located on astrategic site responsive to a master plan’s vision foraniconic gateway building forboththe campus and COE. As an“engineering” terminus to an existing city / campusstreet the facility anchors a vibrantnew campus quad beyond that embraces existing engineering and residence halls to form a new campus living +learning community. A bridge connecting to anadjacent COE building and others, facilitates engineering community flow into thenew building punctuated by a vertical atrium as an interdisciplinary hub located at the intersection ofcampus and engineering. As the first COE facility anticipating LEED and WELL Building certifications,progressive MEP systems reduce overall energy usage (EUI) by 78%. These systems include energy recovery wheels, chilled beams, heat recovery chillersand a geothermal field located belowthenew quad.
Jury Comments: Thearticulationof the massing, as wellas impressive levelsof transparency amidsta decidedly different campustradition make this project stand out Theopenness of theatrium as well as the communal stair within the building was astandout architectural highlight. The building seems spatially well-equipped to usherin a new eraof scholarship, interaction, and architecture onthe campus.


Associate Award Recipient Emily Tetschner,Assoc. AIA

Borland Center for Musicand Theatre
Firm: HDR +Sinclair Hille Architects
Owner: Concordia University, Nebraska
Location: Seward, NE
Photographer: Dan Schwalm
This University boasts along-standing, nationally recognized musicprogram. However, astime has progressed, advancementsin acoustic science and technology, alongside the program’s growthandincreased community engagement, necessitate a comprehensive renovationand expansion of the Music Center While designed and constructed as awhole, the floors of the two wings did notalign. This misalignment, with onlya stair connection,has been a persistent challenge for the movement of instrumentsand equipment and has kept the facility from being accessible This design solution demolishes the existing east wing, replacingit withanew additionthat aligns withthe first andsecond levels of the west wing and houses taller bandand choir rooms, providing much needed acoustic spatial volume.
Jury Comments: This building is a valuable addition to the campus, harmoniously complementing theexisting structure. It serves as an ideal backdrop for music education and creation, showcasing a refined exterior façadeand interior with thoughtful articulation, finish, and execution.
RecognizesanAssociateAIANebraska,unlicensedmemberwhohasshownexceptionalleadershipandmadesignificant contributionstotheprofessionintheareasofdesign,education and/orserviceinanearlystageoftheirarchitecturalcareer.
Emily Tetschner, Assoc.AIA, isadedicated young designer actively shaping the architectural landscape in Omahathrough leadership andservice.
Driven by the belief thatinclusive architecture creates more vibrant communities, Emily is a fervent advocate fordiversitywithinthe architectural profession.She is one of

Elder Theatre Renovation
Firm: HDR
Owner: Nebraska Wesleyan University
Location: Lincoln, NE
Photographer: Dan Schwalm
This Theatre Center renovationis atale of transformation. The design’s mission is to supporttheeducational journey of theatre studentswhile creating a dynamic performance venue foraudience members. The building, constructed circa 1980, while designed withthe best technology and practices of the day, wasdue forseveral upgrades.Off the main lobby, one entersadramatically contrasted immersiveenvironment of the proscenium theatre. The existing mainhouse was re-conceived withasimple, bold enclosure oflight at thehuman scale. Hugging patrons with dynamic color-changinglight, the pattern of perforationsis the conversionoftheatrical performance audio recordings into a physicalartifact, creating aunique, memorable, and immersive experience.
Jury Comments: The dualtactics of creating acleanlight filled lobby combined witha dark but luminescenttheaterare really effective as renovation/reuse design strategy Digitally embedding dialoguewithinthe acousticand lighting ofthetheaterisa well-executed and integrated detail.

The Grove Juicery – West
Firm: Actual Architecture Company
Owner: The Grove Juicery + Wellness Café
Location: Elkhorn, NE
Photographer: Colin Conces
Fora newlocationand prototype forthe expanding, The Grove Juicery, the architects designed a calming space to enhance the local business’ passion for naturalhealth, well-being & sustainability. The interior at The Grove Juiceryoffersan unexpected contrast to itsnew stripmall locationusing White Oakdowels to wrap primary spaces and create anambientlightingeffect softening thehard edgesof partitions and demising walls. The working barandopen door to the prep area allow patrons to see staff producing juicesonsite (all production is local to the store) while a relaxing banquette adds colorand encourages people to linger. The dowels andanabundance of living plants lend the space a biophilic quality and forest grove-likeeffect addingvisualdepth to thenarrow retail bay.
Jury Comments: This retro-moderndesign is both thoughtful andpurposeful Withits careful consideration of materiality, finishes, lighting design, and organization, itachieves a perfect balance of form, function, and personality.
the first membersof the national AIALGBTQIA+Affinity Group Her dedication to upliftwomeninthe disciplinewas highlighted when she represented HDRatthe AIA Women’s Leadership Summit. Community engagementis centralto Emily’s ethos She co-leadsHDR’s annual Kaneko Kids Camp, empoweringyouthinthe Omahacommunitywith knowledge aboutarchitecture Her commitmentto give back tothe local art and design sceneis demonstrated through her volunteer work with organizations like theRadial Arts Center, Omaha by Design, the Durham Museum, and the Omaha Public Library. Motivated by a love of problem-solving and a desireto enhance the built environment forall, Emily first foundher calling duringher education atthe University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Architecture Sheearned her Bachelor of Science in Design and Master ofArchitecturedegreesfrom UNL, grad-

Gretna East High School
Firm: DLR Group
Owner: Gretna Public Schools
Location: Gretna, NE
Photographer: Michael Robinson
The new 371,000 SF high school campus eases capacityissues at the district’s existing schoolserving 1,600 students grades 9-12. This sophisticated new high school isallabout connections From land to sky, interior to exterior, and mostcritically people to people Thebuilding, situatedon a prior agricultural field,recreates the clean linesand depth of thetilled rows of land thathad previously existedon the site. The buildingis oriented on asingularaxis facing east to west and connects the academic learning commonsand outdoor courtyard to the terminus of the building, the green space plaza. Secondary connectionsaremade withlarge expanses of glazing at the end of each hallway to seamlessly guide users throughout the building, whilestill feeling connected to nature. We utilized a restrained but very intentional material palette on this project, focusing on extremely durable materialswith a long life-cycle anda neutral but warm palette.
Jury Comments: Theinteriors employ a carefully chosen material palette that balances durability with warmth Theintentionality of the designenhances the relationship between the interiorand exterior, payinghomage to the surrounding agricultural landscape.
uating at thetop of hercollege with thehighestdistinction Her talent for environmentally friendly and socially responsive design wasrecognized when she became the runner-up in the International APT Sustainable Design Build Competition.During her time at UNL, sheserved asa graduateteachingassistant and showcased her work in multiple exhibitions, including the New AttainableHouse Exhibition with FACT andthe Campusof the EasyParts withWAI Think Tank. She also gained valuable experience asan intern at BCDM and Berggren Architects beforegraduation.
Currently, Emily is a Design Coordinatorat HDR, specializingin healthcare projects. She is passionate about projectsthat investtime to engage withlocal voices to better promote overallwell-being. She has playeda crucial role inthedesign of thenewHenryFord Hospital, whichwill serve central Detroit. Her innovative approach andunwavering dedication to service make her a true asset tothe profession. Emilyis excited to furtherher career andcontinue giving back tothe localOmaha community.

St. Mary’s Campus
Firm: Reddymade+ Actual Architecture Company
Owner: St Mary’s Catholic Church - Lincoln
Location: Lincoln, NE
This Theatre Center renovationis atale of transformation. The design’s mission is to supporttheeducational journey of theatre studentswhile creatinga dynamic performance venue foraudience members. The building, constructed circa 1980, while designed withthe best technology and practices of the day, wasdue forseveral upgrades.Off the main lobby, one entersadramatically contrasted immersiveenvironment of the prosceniumtheatre The existing mainhouse was re-conceived with asimple, bold enclosure oflight at thehuman scale. Hugging patrons with dynamic color-changinglight, the pattern of perforationsisthe conversionoftheatrical performance audio recordings into a physicalartifact, creatinga unique, memorable, and immersive experience.
Jury Comments: Thoughtful siting, elegant massing, and intentional detailing enablethe proposed building to seamlessly merge indoorand outdooractivities. The designemphasizes a strong connection to the historic church, whilealsointegrating astimulating material paletteand engagingwith the urban streetfrontage.

Endless Journey Serenity Village
Firm: Holland Basham Architects
Owner: EndlessJourney
Location: Omaha, NE
Change is at this project’s core. The client is a hospice service wanting to change the paradigm aroundhospice, viewing death astransitional on the path of an endless journey. The intent was to create a community for individualssharing similar challenges, providing asense of belonging, understanding, andsupport The campus consistsofseveral 12-suite homes to provide hospice inaserene atmosphere The research and planning process is a testimonial to Integrationand Discovery. We conducted exercisesapplying senses to the experience within the space andusedsensory mapping to determine optimal home sites, transforming the experience into reality while supporting concepts with data.
Jury Comments: Thearrangement of theinternal courtyard and surrounding shelteredspacescreates a joyful expression of form and space. It is both simpleand complex, inviting curiosity while framing connections to the diverselandscape typologies.

CLT Cottage
Firm: OtherOffice Architects
Location: Lincoln, NE
Jury Comments: The proposed microhomesfoster astrong sense of community among residents. The plansandsections reveal an intimate, thoughtfully detailedinterior spacethat is multifunctional and filled with sunlight,offering viewsinto the heartof the complex. The striking form anduseof familiartraditional materials create a design that maximizes impact with minimal resources.

Learnhow to become anarchitect Scan to learn more.


Firm: Holland Basham Architects
Design Architect: Ennead Architects
Owner: Omaha Performing Arts
Location: Omaha, NE
Photography: Bruce DaMonte & Tom Kessler
The stairis both anobject inspace as well as an integratedelementofthe overall expression of the interior throughits use of steel and concrete. It is both a quiet yet strong expression of how powerfula restrainedapproach to design
can be while celebrating a material’s inherent qualities. The main functionofthe building is a music venue. While the aesthetic is a moody, industrial vibe with clean lines and hard surfaces, crystal clearsound was toppriority.
Jury Comments: Theincorporationof steel in this project celebrates the material’s natural aesthetic whileembodying the project’s spirit— refined yet raw—while also serving a practical purpose as a bass trap.

Firm: Actual Architecture Company
Owner: Donovan & Joanne Nielsen
Location: Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada
Photographer: Bruce DaMonte
The stair is a prominent feature of a homeoccupying a narrow lotona large, recreational lake midway between Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. Materialselectionsare at a minimum,maintaining the prominence of thelake andsurrounding woods The handrail is asolid White Oak block attached to a steel angle extending inward fromthe guardrail to
afford a graspable edge. The handrail, steel angle, platesandsolid Oak stairare all articulated as assembled partswhile concealingthe rough framinginside.
Jury Comments: Great to seethis combination of detailsin support ofa larger detail (the stair) that is clearly an important design momentwithin the overall design of the house. Thematerials work to create largerscaleeffects between rooms, while clearly beingsensitive to creating a wonderful experience for the hand, foot and eye.

The Riverfront Attractor
AIAS Member:LandonHealy, AIAS
Location: Kansas City,MO
Each year, vastspaces are consumed by urban wallsaccompanying stadiums. Thegoalofthis buildingis to prioritize the community. This is achieved through a community program, a healthand wellness center, which can be used year-round, unlikeastadiumthat is utilized only five to twenty timesa year. This healthand wellness center contains various athletic conditioning spaces, restaurants forsocial gathering, andopen gath-

The museum highlights two notable structuralsolutions. First, the lobbyis enclosed in an insulated, glass-clad, spaceframe system that is the focal point of the museumdesign, acting asa hinge space between the two galleries. This architectural feat fillsthe volume with naturallight making ita welcoming entry, incredible event space, and perfectarea to dramatically displaythe SR-71 Blackbird. Second, the two aircraft gallery wingsincludea longspan curved trusssystem providinga 270 foot clearspan. Today, the museum remainsa pop-

ering for publicand privateevents. Consequently, the building supports sportsand entertainment by being adaptable, creating programs as needed by the community and local residents.
Jury Comments: This proposed riverfront venue isideallylocated to connect city residents withthe water. Its design allows for continual adaptation to current and futuretrends in sports and entertainment, ensuring that the community actively engages in shaping the space’s usage.
SAC Museum
Owner: SAC Museum Memorial Society
Location: Ashland, NE
ularamenityandis one of Nebraska’s great museums. In 2023 it was named a Tripadvisor Travelers’Choice award winner.
Jury Comments: The design of theStrategic Air Command Museum beautifully marriesform and function, capturing theessence ofaviation history whilecreating astriking visualexperience Its thoughtful architecture notonly honors thelegacy of airpower but alsoinvitesvisitors to reflect on the profound impact of military aviation.

TheGoldMedalcommemoratestheachievementsofHarryFrancisCunninghamwhocametoNebraskaasleadarchitectforBertram GrosvenorGoodhue’sofficeduringcompletionofthetowerphaseofconstructionfortheStateCapitolfollowingGoodhue’sdeathin1924. ItwasGoodhue’srevolutionarybuildingdesignwhichwonthenationwidecompetitionin1920forthecreationofthestatehousein Lincoln.CunninghamsubsequentlyestablishedthefirstschoolofarchitectureattheUniversityofNebraska-Lincoln.

JHarry F. Cunningham Gold Medal Award Recipient
John Sova, AIA
ohn Sova, AIA, is managing principal/president atRDG Planning & Design with more than 40 years of experience strengthening the firm’s commitmentto innovative designand thoughtful planning “John Sova has been a fixture inthe landscape of Nebraska Architecture for nearly 45 years From his participationin growing asmall Nebraska-based firm toa nation-wide footprintwith over 225 employees in six offices tohisinfluence on the communities acrossthe state, Johnisthrough andthrough a Nebraska Architect.” Saidnominator Joe Lang, AIA. Throughhis advocacy for a cultureof trust and collaboration,John fosters an environment where individualsare encouraged to bringinnovative ideas forward.Hisoverarching aim is toinspireand support, ensuring each RDG employeefeels valued and motivatedto realize their potential Through everyone’s growthand participation, RDG becomes a better place thatallows theemployees to grow the firm, providing more opportunities for those same individuals. Since joiningthe firm in 1981, John has assumed diverseroles suchas project architect, project directorand principal-in-charge, contrib-

Recognizesalivingpersonofesteemedcharacterwhohasrendereddistinguishedservicetotheprofessionof architecturedesignortotheartsscienceinaNebraskainstitutionofhigherlearning.Theawardrecognized anindividualwhoseactivitieshaveconsistentlyinfluencedstudentsandprovidedtheabilitytomake connectionsbetweentheeducator’sparticularareasofexpertiseandotherareasasappropriate.

utingto hundredsof projects. His design portfolio spans multiple markets, includingwork for RDG’s College & University, Commercial, Education, and Worship markets.Johnhas comprehensive experience withall project phases, from master planningto constructionadministration.
Holdinga BachelorofScience in Architectural Studiesfrom the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, John extendshisknowledge and passion toaspiring design professionals asa guestlecturerat UNL’s College of Architectureandasa memberof the college’s Professional Advisory Council. John is anactive memberof Design Intelligence –Design Futures Council andthe CoxeGroup’sDesignNetwork Roundtable, where he engages in insightfuldiscussions ata nationallevel and collaborates with fellowthoughtleadersacrossthe countrytoshape the futureofthedesign field.
Johnandhiswife of forty-three yearsTami, have four children,two daughters-in-law,and five grandchildren. Hisimmediate family and the RDG familyhave madeit possibleforJohnto dedicateand contributeso much of his time to educational initiatives, thedesign profession and communitywork inthe state of Nebraska.
Harry F. Cunningham Gold MedalRecipient
Yourunwavering commitmenttomeaningful design and civicleadershiphas left an indeliblemarkonNebraska. We aregratefulfor your dedicationtonurturing nextgenerationtalentand creating spaces that enrich communitiesacross thestate andbeyond.

Architectural | Design Education Award Recipient
Stephanie Ling, AIA
Stephanie Ling, AIA, was bornandraised in Omaha, Nebraska. Her interestand lovefor design was fostered by her mother, aretired landscape architect Stephtakes pridein her winding paththrough and towardarchitectureeducation whichinvolved earning college credits from 5 differentuniversities in 3 different countries, a year of federalservice inthe United
States AmeriCorps in Greensburg, KS, and experience working on lots ofdifferenttypes of projects throughoutthe designand construction process whilein private practice.
Stephanie’s approachable, flexible, andinclusive teaching style empowersstudentsto forge their own pathto success inarchitecture or inlife in general.Stephanieisa passionate anddedi-
Congratulationstoour exceptionaldesigntalent
We’reproud to celebrateEmily,Landonand allthe emerging talent in AIANebraska. nt


VanessaSchutte, AIA Architectureand educationhave been intertwined in Vanessa’s life since she was eightyearsold. As the daughterof two teachers, herchildhood was full of creative activitiesand learning opportunities. One particular memory is of her father, who wasa high school artinstructor, remodeling the family cabi pointto her inthe design process by askingherto help createthe pattern for thenew kitchenfloor,and the rest ishistory Many projectsand manyyears later, Vanessa is anarchitect specializing in the design of K-12
education facilities.
RecognizesanAIANebraskamember,licensedlessthan10yearswhohasshownexceptionalleadershipandmadesignificant contributionstotheprofessionintheareasofdesign,education,andorserviceinanearlystageoftheirarchitecturalcareer.

G2024 YoungArchitect Award Recipient
Beforejoining DLRGroup in 2015, Vanessa earned a Bachelorof Design degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, acertificatein historic preservation, and a Master of Architecturedegree fromthe Universityof Maryland College Park.The diverse midwestern and east coastdemographics taughther howto llabo tewithteam membersandclients of oundsand perspectives andinspired thatintegrateddesign is the synergy ofall stakeholders throughout each phase of design
Heather Hughes, AIA
rowingupinLincoln,HeatherHughes,AIA, spenther earlyyears playing outside with neighbors and makinglifelongfriends. Her interest inthe design process emerged when her mom opened a new early childhood center whenHeather was 10. Heather’s mom engaged her inthe design process, bringingher along to meetings with thearchitect.This later inspired her architecturalthesis, which focusedon how the built environment canhave a positive impact ona child’s learninganddevelopment.
After earning her Master of Architecturein 2011 from the University of Nebraska College of Architecture, Heather was hired asa summer intern thenan employee at DLR Group inthe
As a K-12 leader, Vanessa provides strategic, visionary, and positiveleadership tothe studio, which has completeddozens educational design projects in the past five years.She also hasa passion for engaging students from the districts she isworking within the design and
Omaha office. Aftersix years ofsoaking upas much knowledge asshe could fromsome incredible mentors,servingdifferent sectors, including K-12, Sports, Workplace, and Higher Education, respectively, she transferred tothe Lincoln office and beganto focus her career on her passions for K-12 and sustainability.
Since moving back to Lincolnin 2017, Heather has immersed herself back intothedesign community of her hometown and environmental stewardship in particular.She isinvolved with USGBC’s Women Green andthe Mayor’sResilient Lincoln Roundtable. Heatheralsostaysactive withthe College of Architectureat UNL, hosting a group of mentees this past yearthroughthe
creation oftheir futureschools.
AIASMentorship Program, attendingthe Career Fair each yearto cultivatetalent, and participatingindesign critiquesasa guest critic.She served as President-Electthisyear for AIA Nebraska and was involvedinthe Architecture in Schools Committee. It isanimportant partof Heather’s involvementinthe community,theimpact of which rangesfrom theadvocacy efforts intheindustryto bringing conceptsintothe classroomto help connect with K-12 students.
As a Principal inthe firmandnowOffice Leader, Heather’s passions and focuscontinueto evolve. She is a championof environmental stewardship, servingasa memberof the firm’sClimate + Environment Forum.
Outsideof work,Heather enjoysspending time withher family. She and her husband,Troy, immerse themselves inalltheadventures that come with havingtwo young girls.
cated full-time teacherat Metropolitan Community College (MCC) inOmaha, NE. Since 2017 she has been the Architectural Design Technology (ARCH) Program Coordinator and oneof two fulltimefaculty.Herstrategic vision and leadership have reshaped the ARCH program’s industryinvolvement, enrollment, learning outcomes, curriculumdevelopment, articulation agreements, and most importantly,the bright futuresof her many students over the last 7+ years.
From 2012-2016, Stephanie wasa mentorand teacher to multipleaward-winningteamsof high schoolstudents competingin the SAME Student Mentoring Program(SMP) with architectureand engineering solutions. In thattime, she worked atStudio951, Encompass Architects, p.c., and
Holland Basham Architects in LincolnandOmaha and completed her AXP and AREs to become a licensed architect in Nebraska.
Stephanieis anaccessibleleaderinOmaha’s design education landscape throughher community presence andinvolvementin multiple organizationsincludingthe AIA, Nebraska Women in Architecture, Society of American Military Engineers(SAME)- Omaha Post,Coalition of Community College ArchitecturePrograms(CCCAP), Omaha byDesign - Open Omahaand more.Find her featuredin ‘The Cube’ atthe Kiewit Luminarium along with 10 other impactfulcommunity organizersand leadersoron MCC’s FortOmaha Campusat the Construction Education Center.

HeatherHughes YoungArchitect Award
Gretna East High School Architecture HonorAward Interior Architecture MeritAward

La Vista City Centre ParkingGarage#2 Architecture HonorAward
Boys Town EducationCenter People’s Choice MasonryAward
Ideastransform communities
Throughsmart infrastructure andhigh-performancebuildings, we’rehelping ourclients push open thedoors to what’s possible,every day.
CelebratingOur 2024 AIANebraskaExcellence in Design AwardRecipients:
1 Excellence in Architecture,Merit:Concordia University BorlandCenterfor Musicand Theatre
2 Excellence in Interior Architecture: Nebraska Wesleyan ElderTheatre Renovation
3 Excellence in Interior Architecture,Honor: OmahaBox Company