Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology
Child Saving Institute Nothing Bundt Cakes
Project Pink’d Scooter’s Coffee College of Saint Mary
Aaliyah Farmer
Aaliyah Wilson
Alejandra (Alex)
Alyssa Lutz
Amanda Brewer
Amarah Riley*
Amber Barna, MSN, RN*
Amber Gard*
Amy Cherko
Amy Nakai
Ana Lopez Zurita*
Anisa Hoie
Anna Diederich
Ashlee Perry
Audri Marie Saylors*
Becca Starks
Beth Guerreiro*
Brandi Paul*
Brianne Schuler
Christina Elder*
Christy Leesley*
Courtney Thomsen
Dallis Collins*
Dana Washington*
Brooke McAlpin*
Calli Hite*
Cameo Rogers
Candace Gregory*
Candice Price*
Carol Wang*
Cathy Keller
Cathy Trent-Vilim
Chelsea Salifou
Chequetta (CJ) Jackson*
2024 Inspire Nominees
JillianHumphries Rahe*
JoanH. Squires
JoAnna LeFlore-Ejike
Jodi Carper
Jodi Jefferson
Jolene Knutzen
Danelle Schlegelmilch
Diane Duren*
Dr. Angela Patterson*
Dr. Diva Wilson*
Dr. Heather Phipps*
Dr. HelenMari Merritt
Dr. Janice Garnett*
Dr. Joanne Li, Ph.D., CFA*
Dr. Megan Chacon*
Dr. Stephanie Kidd*
Erin Hankel
Erin K. Artz*
Hanah Molloy
Heather Phipps
Melissa Steffes
Michelle Moragues*
Mishala Lewis*
Morgan Keegan
Natavia Jones
Karen Van Dyke
Karine Sokpoh*
Kashya Burrell*
KellyM. Cranor
Kelly Nielsen
Kiley Petersmith
Kim Rowell
Kirsten Bernthal Booth*
Kristen Steele
Kristin Lowrey
Laurel Oetken*
Lauren Micek Vargas*
Jacque Tevis-Butler*
JaimeBland MBA,DNP, RN*
Jamie Flanagan
Janelle Bennett
Jennifer Colwell
Jennifer Lea
JillS. Orton*
Payton Gocken
Rachel D. Fox*
Regina DeMars
Renee Saunders*
Rosa Kennedy
Rose Pope
Samantha Mosser*
Sara Hanlon
Sarah Cockle
Sarah Rotermund*
Saveenha Dotzler*
Shacty Alvarez Hurtado*
Shaneka Whitlock
Laurie Ruge
Leanne Prewitt*
Leslie Fischer
Linda Twomey
Mae Mae Zach
Malorie Maddox Bolton*
Marisa Mathews
Marissa Williams*
Mele Mason*
Shawn McCarville*
Stephanie Olson
Susan Christopherson
Tanya Shapiro
Taryn Clatanoff*
Twany Dotzler
West Muñoz
The2024 Inspire: Celebrating Women’s Leadership Awards ceremony was heldon Tuesday, December3 at theCHI Health Center Omaha. Now initsthird yearin Omaha,the Inspire Awardsprogram recognizes outstanding women and emerging leaders from all walksoflife whomake an impact within theirindustries, their communitiesandbeyond. Honorees were selected from more than140nominations submitted by thepublic. The Inspire Advisory Board chose five finalists in 10categories, plus an additional overall winner as Woman of the year. Biographical information wassubmitted by nominatorsandthe finalists themselves.
Successful foundation:Bankexecutive brings historyand dedication to construction lending
Sponsoredcontent by Treacy Colbert, BrandAve.Studios contributing writer
WhenMalinieStabenputsonahardhat and walksa constructionjobsitewithoneofherUnion Bank &Trustclients, shebringsanalertness andindustryawareness that goesbacktoherchildhood. In fact,herconstructionknowledgeispractically inherDNA.Asa child,Stabenoftenaccompanied herfather, abuilder whoownedhisown business, toconstructionsites. While sheplayedasher father worked,shebegan to observe,learn andhelp.
Beingonjobsites at such ayoung agewas“a greatlearningexperience,”Stabensaid.“Ibecame familiarwiththe buildingtrades,saw theconstructionofhouses fromstartto finish,andlearned about thecosts andrisksinvolved.”
Aftershecompletedher business degree from theUniversityofNebraskaatLincoln,Staben’s financeandbankingcareerpath didn’t startoutin constructionlending,but rather evolvednaturally over time.“Mybackgroundgave me alotofconfidenceandknowledge that Iwas able toshare with clientsand businesses,”she said.
clients. “I’m very budgetconsciousandI tend to take aconservative approach,” shesaid.“There can bedrasticswingsinthehousingmarketfromyearto year,and Ikeep my clients’ bestinterestsinmind.”
What’s more,Stabenisacutely awareoftheneed foraccuratetimelines whenplanningconstruction andallof theresourcesneeded to bringaprojectto fruition.Anunrealistic timelinecan resultincostly delaysandsetbacks. Staben appliesher knowledge to helpherclientscreateachievableschedules for theirresidentialprojects.
Stabenlovesseeing finished houses,building relationshipsandhelping construction businessesgrow.“Ireallylikeworkingalongsidetheclient throughout theentireconstructionprocess and watching thingscome together,” shesaid.
Shealso findsgratificationin workingwithnew businessesandbeingpartoftheirgrowth.“Over20 years, I’ve been able to seemanybusinessesgrow fromstart-ups to strong,establishedcompanies,” shesaid.“It’sgratifyingtowatch.”
Creatinglong-termrelationshipsas acommunity volunteer, as wellasin business, isimportant to
Brandi Paulisa Senior Corporate Communications Strategist at HDR, withcareer journeys at KETV and Westside Community Schools. She has won multiple community service awards for volunteering with various non-profitorganizations, small businesses, law enforcement, amateur athletes, andschooldistricts For more than25 years, Brandi has worked to positivelyimpact her community;fromrunning5Ks to spearheading complex communicationcampaigns,from fundraising efforts to emceeing events. In particular, she isalongtime advocate of programsthat empower women,includingthe Miss Nebraskaand Mrs. Nebraska organizations. Alifelong Nebraska native,Brandiisproudly raising her twosonsintheGretnaarea withherhusband, Brian.
Amber Gard, Community Volunteer
Amber Gard hasbeen dedicated to the Omaha community formany years.
After graduating withher Master’s in Social Work, she has volunteered hertimeandtalent to enrichOmaha. For over adecade, she hassaton manyofOmaha’s guildboards, includingNorthStar Foundation, Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha Children’s Museumand No More Empty Pots Amber has served onthe Aksarben Women’s Ball Committee andasaJunior Leagueof OmahaSustainer Advisor When she isnotplanninga fundraising event, youcan find Amber volunteering for the schoolbook fairor in one ofher 3children’s classrooms.
Michelle Moragues, Fusion
Michelle Moragues isapassionate healthcarerecruiter andaccountmanager at Fusion, where she connectshealthcare professionalswith facilitiesinneed
She serves onthe boardsof Ataxia Connectionand Camp Floyd Rogersin Omaha With over two years at Fusionandmore than20 years at QLI, where she played akey rolein fostering apositive culture and welcomingnew teammembers, Michellehasdemonstrated herleadershipabilities. Known forherdedication, she also volunteers with Teammatesand Project Pink’d, generously contributing hertimeand resources to meaningfulcauses.Aselfproclaimed“yes girl,”Michelleseeks to upliftandinspire those aroundher.
Jillian Humphries Rahe, JuniorLeagueof Omaha
Jillianisaninspiring leader andthepresidentofthe Junior League of Omaha, where she hasdevotedmorethan a decade to championing women’sleadershipandcreating transformative communityimpact. A proudOmaha native, she combines strategic vision withhands-on commitment whileleadingan organizationdevoted to“developing women to doa worldofgood.”As marketing projectmanager at Mulhalls, Jilliandrives community engagement through thoughtful communications and outreachinitiatives while managingdiverse projectsand events.Amemberof LeadershipOmaha Class42,she alsoserves aspresident oftheOmaha Kappa Delta Alumnae Chapter. In herdowntime, she enjoys spendingtime with herhusband, Alec, and theirpets, Bennettand Loki.
Diane Duren, Community Volunteer
Afterspending32 years at Union Pacific Railroad, endingher career asExecutive Vice President, Chief AdministrativeOfficer and Corporate Board Secretary, Diane Duren continueshercareer asa community volunteerand corporate board member. Diane currentlyserves as Chair of the Boardof Metropolitan Entertainment and Convention Authority, Chairof CreightonUniversity Boardof Trustees and Trustee of Peter Kiewit Foundation. SheispastchairofChildren’s Hospital andthe American Red Crossandhas served on multiple non-profit organizationsinOmaha.Diane andher husband, Drew Collier, spend theirtimebetween Omahaand Denver withtheir childrenand grandchildren.
Emerging Leader Award
Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp.
Kashya,a Ralston High graduate, attended the Universityof Nebraska at Omahaasa first-generation college student. Throughthe Young Scholar program, Kashyaattaineda Business Administrationdegree, focusing on Real Estate and Management. She began hercareer supportinga real estate broker andlaterjoined Seventy Five Northasa Community Development intern.Now, as Community RelationsDirector, Kashya leads collaborative communitypartnerships andsustainabilityeffortsinthe Highlander neighborhood. Alife-longmemberof The Secret Kindness Agents. She alsoserves ontheboardof Learning forALL, a nonprofit dedicated to adult education, GED, and ESL learners.
Erin K. Artz, Lamson Dugan& Murray,LLP
Erinisabusinessand estate planning attorney at Lamson Dugan & Murray, LLP. Asubstantialportionof herpractice involves advising closelyheld businessesona varietyof complexlegalissues. Erin focuses herpractice on service to the community andperformsprobono legal work with various organizations focusedonserving marginalized groupsinNebraska.Erin pioneeredher firm’s “Suit Scholarship,” focusedontaking the financial burdenoff law studentsastheybegin theirlegalcareers. In herspare time, Erinand her fiancé, Nate, cater to the whimsoftheirbelovedpets– Zoey, New Cat, andNani.
Saveenha Moore, Leona’s Dance Company
Saveenha Moore isthe ownerand founder of Leona’sDance Company. Growing upinthe innercity, Saveenha had to traveloutsideofher community to gainaccess to the arts. She knew at a youngage she wanted to start anartsprogram right here inthe community. So at 18yrs. old, she startedher dance studioin2018 withonly5students, todayshe hasimpacted over300 childreninthe community. Last year, she expanded to 2dance studio’sand will continue to raisethe next generationofleaders,throughthearts.
Mishala Lewis, Kiewit Luminarium
Mishalaisaprogramandeventsdesigner with experience activating community throughpurposefulevents. As an Event Coordinator at the Luminariumand aleaderinthe HBCU+Greek Collaborative, the CODE Conference, and her consulting business, shesupportsnonprofits in hostingimpactful, mission-aligned eventsthat reach andinspire countless guests. As a community“dot connector,” Mishalaalso connectsindividuals to meaningfulopportunities as theVPofthe Urban LeagueofNebraska Young Professionals. Her commitment to fostering inclusion,and empowerment is evident in every role. Limitless, sheneverstrays fromher goalof creatingspaces where people feel valuedand empowered.
Shacty Alvarez Hurtado, Boys& Girls Club of the Midlands
Shacty Alvarez Hurtado holdsa Bachelorof Science with adoublemajor in Businessand Theologyandisa Youth Development Professional at the Boys &Girls Club of the Midlands. Currentlypursuinga Master of Science in OrganizationalLeadership,Shactyisknownforresilienceanddedicationdespite life’s challenges Alongside academicpursuits, Shacty has actively volunteered andassumedleadership roles within the community, demonstrating astrong commitment to youthdevelopment and community engagement. Balancing personal experienceswithongoing education,Shacty strives for continuous growth while working to achieve meaningful goals.
amantha Mosseris Nebraska Market President at Bankers Trustand sitson Management Committee and Senior Loan Committee. She has 26 yearsof commercialbanking and executive leadership experience inthe Omahamarket. Samantha holdsanMBA fromtheUniversityof Nebraska Omaha,a BA inbusinessadministration from Nebraska Wesleyan University and hasadirectorship certification fromNACD Samanthais passionate aboutsupporting the community andserves onthe boards for Children’s Nebraska, Lamp Rynearson, YPONebraska, ACGNebraska, NACD HeartlandChapter, isthe Trustee Vice Chair for Business Ethics Alliance and serves ontheUnited Way Campaign Cabinet.
Sarah Rotermund, Lamson Dugan& MurrayLLP
Sarah Rotermundis committed to driving positive change through her expertise inmarketing andleadership. As the Executive DirectorofLamson Dugan& Murray LLP, sheensuresthatattorneysandstaff have thesupportthey need to excelintheir roles. She hasledoperationalchange andefficiencies acrossthe countrythroughher work withthe American Marketing Association As Secretary forthe NebraskaChildren’s Home Society,she advocates fora communitythat putschildren first. Married to Sethand a proudmother, Sarah findsinspirationin herdaughter Sadie, who teachesher valuable lessonsinpatience andcreative problem-solving. She is also a devoteddog mom to her firstchild, Benjamin.
Calli Hite, Fusion
Dana Washington, Father Flanagan’sBoys’ Home/Boys Town
As EVP& General Counsel, Washington oversees thelegalaffairsof Boys Town, to include itschildand familycare operations inNebraskaandseven sites throughoutthe country, as wellasitsinternationally recognized Boys Town National ResearchHospital. In addition, Washington overseesthe Advocacy, Compliance, Internal Auditand Youth Safety Departments. As a formerpublic-school teacherandactive community volunteer,Washingtonhas dedicatedherlife to ensuring that allchildren, especiallythosefromunderserved communities,have the opportunity to reachtheir fullpotential. Her motto:Lift young spirits, nurture bolddreams, empower future generations.
A confident and compassionate leader, Calli Hite serves as Fusion’s Vice Presidentof Communicationsand Public Relations. Withmore than 15 yearsof experience inthe fieldacrossseveraldisciplines, Callihas used her expertise to pinpoint opportunities where Fusioncanadaptand grow communications to employees to inform, engage, and empowerthem to becometheirbest andmaximize their impact. Calli’s role at Fusionincludes overseeing allinternal corporate communications, public relations, and communityoutreachas well as providingastrategic vision that increasesemployeeengagement, leadershiptransparency, and a positive industry and community reputation. Calli holds a Bachelor of Sciencein Journalismand Public Relations and Bachelorof Artsin Communication Studies, both fromtheUniversityof Kansas, anda Master of Business Administration from Bellevue University.
Malorie Maddox, Scooter’s Coffee
Malorie Maddox istheChief StrategyOfficer for Scooter’s Coffee She leads Marketing, Menu, Strategy and Consumer Insights, and Communications Maddox is a results-oriented leader withsuccessacrossmultipleindustries. For nearly20 years, she served Omahaasapassionate storytellerandEmmy-nominated journalist at WOWT.She transitioned to insurance, drivingenterprisestrategy as Chief Marketing, Communications, and StrategyOfficer at Blue CrossBlueShieldNebraska. Maddox earned abachelor’s degree in journalismfromthe University of Kansas She was recognized asone of “Ten Outstanding Young Omahans,” a “Gamechanger” by Metro Magazine, anda“Born Leader”by Edge Magazine.
Excellence inBusiness (small/medium)
Brooke McAlpin
Cornerstone Staffing, Inc.
Brooke McAlpinisthe President and founderof Cornerstone Staffing, Inc.,established over 19 yearsagowitha focuson Accounting and Finance recruiting. Underherleadership, Cornerstone has expanded to include an Administrative/Professionaldivision as wellas a Skilled Trade/Light Industrial division.AUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate withabackgroundin International Business, Brooketakespridein Cornerstone’s commitment tocommunity. The teamactively volunteers fororganizationslike Open Door Missionand Food Bank forthe Heartlandandhas granted17 wishes forthe MakeA-Wish NebraskaChapter—aneffortdeeply woven into the company’s culture andmission.
Christy Leesley, NebraskaRealty
Christyhasbeen inthe residential real estate industry for nearly23 years, playing avital roleinNebraska Realty’s growth from a modest companyof 28agents to anationally recognized brokerage of1,000 agentsand expanding the firm into anetworkofsister companies. Christyservesonlocal committees at OABR, isaboardmember at SWIAR,chairofthe Forms Committee forthe Nebraska REALTORS® Association,andisinvolved withthe Women’s CouncilofREALTORS®. She andherhusband Devonare raising two very active boys and youcan findthem at the baseball field(stilltaking real estate calls fromagentsorclients), orina gym watchingthemwrestle.
Leanne Prewitt, Ervin&Smith
Leanne Prewittisthe president, CEO, and ownerofErvin&Smith,amarketing agency that specializes insolving complexbusinesschallenges. With a background increative direction, she leadsthe firm’s consultative approach, shaping itsculture andcreative vision Afterstartinghercareer at top New York agencies, she returned to herhometown in2016,bringinga global perspective to her work. Leanneisdedicated to empowering womenand co-founded Women WhoRunNebraska to support progressive womenrunning foroffice. She ispassionate aboutdriving change and helpingOmaha thrive initsnext chapter.
Mele Mason, MasonVideo
Mele Masonruns Mason Video, avideoproduction companythat provides services to broadcast entities such asNBC, ESPN, Big Ten Network,CNN and Fox, andalso works with corporateand non-profit companies to providebroadcast quality videoproductions. Mason’sproductionshave received many awards includingaNATAS Emmy, AVA Gold Award, and several Telly Awards Masonis also very active in herNorthOmaha community. She hasbeen onthe board or president ofthe North Omaha Commercial Club for nearly 30 years, and isan active member ofthe Florence Kiwanis Club.
MelissaHegarty, Nothing Bundt Cakes
Melissahasdedicated over 15 years to thesuccess and growthofNothing Bundt Cakes(NbC), co-owning multiplelocations across Omaha,Lincoln, and Des Moines since 2010. Apassionate advocate forthebrand, she has served onthe Franchisee Board, including asChairwoman in 2018, and received accoladessuchas “Franchisee of the Year” (2015) andOmaha’s “40Under40” (2012) Melissaisdeeplyinvestedin community service, holdingleadership rolesin numerousorganizationslikeChrist The KingChurch, Children’s HospitalGuild, and Merrymakers. Married for20 years to Doug, she istheproudmother of two daughters, SophiaandCharlotte, andtheir mini-Aussie.
Are you enjoying your table and the luncheon today?
Jill’scommitmentto theAmerican Red Crossisundeniable andasa community partner organization,we will participate, contribute,and engage toturn heartbreak into hope. JILL ORTON – FinalistforExcellenceinPublicService Congratulations Brandi Paul
Congratulations, Brandi, foryourrecognition as aCommunity Volunteer Awardfinalist in the 2024 InspireAwards. We’reproud of allyou do! hdrinc.com
Excellence in Education
Dr. Janice Garnett
Retired Educational Leader
Omaha Public Schools
University of Nebraska at Omaha
ADr. Angela Patterson, Creighton University
Dr Angela Pattersonisan Associate Professor at CreightonUniversityinthe Department of Occupational TherapyandisDirectorofthe Schoolof Pharmacyand Health ProfessionsOffice of Facultyand Staff Development. She is a core member forthe Center for Interprofessional Practice, Educationand Researchandserves asthe adviser for AlphaSigmaNu Jesuit Honor Society. Dr Pattersonisa fellow ofthe National Academies of Practice anda consultant for Physiopedia.She isa consistent volunteer at the Monen Healthcare Clinicandsimilarorganizations who focusonserving the needsofthemind, body, andspiritofthe marginalized.
Dr.Heather Phipps, Millard Public Schools
sa veteran educator with over fourdecadesof experience, Dr. Janice Garnett has adistinctive and diversified portfolioofprofessional experience fromthe classroom to the executive suite. Shehasheldleadership rolesintheOmaha Public Schoolsand wasa facultymember at theUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha.Her contributions to the fieldof educationhave been recognized withnumerous awards Recently retired,Janice’s passion for educationand communityservice remainsstrong. She continues to share her wisdom and insightsthroughher consultingservices. Herinvolvementin variousboards, nonprofits, and women’sorganizations furtherunderscores herdedication to the community. When she’snotimmersedin educationaland volunteering endeavors, Dr Garnett enjoys spending time with her husband, Lawrence, andtheiradult daughter,Brittani.
Stephanie Marie Kidd, PhD, UNMC UNeTech Institute
Stephanie Kidd, PhDisa communicationsstrategist at UNMC’s UNeTech Institute,the executivevice presidentofthe Junior LeagueofOmaha, and Board Presidentofthe Anastasis Theatre Co WithaBAinJournalism, a BFAand MA in Theatre, anda PhDin Higher Education Administration,she combines academic expertise witha commitment to social justice. Her volunteer work addresses foodinsecurity, supports incarceratedindividuals, andpromotes womenin STEAM. As the founderofOpportunity Corps, she empowers women through educationandmentorshipinentrepreneurship Dr. Kidd teaches forthe NSF’s I-Corpsprogram, coaching entrepreneursinbusinessmodel development.
Dr Heather Phippshas worked in education for33 yearsasa teacher, aprincipal, and now asthe Associate Superintendent for Educational Services in Millard Public Schools. With expertise ininstructionalleadership, strategic initiatives, andstaff development, Heather has guidededucationalpractices to foster studentachievementandstaff success. Known forher commitment to excellence, Dr. Phippshasalsobeen anadjunctprofessorand conference presenter. She isdedicated to advancing educationalopportunitiesacross the Omahaarea andbeyond. Heatherisalifelong resident ofOmahaand enjoys spending time with her friendsand family,includinghertriplet grandchildren.
Taryn Clatanoff, Skutt Catholic HighSchool
Taryn Clatanoff isaseasonededucator and CPAwith over twodecadesof experience A graduate of Creightonand UNO, she is involved in her school communityasa co-sponsorofthe National Honor Society and Entrepreneur Club. Originally fromHawaii, Taryn brings auniqueperspective andpassion to her rolewithapersonalmottoof“NoblesseOblige”- to whom muchis given,much is expected.She ispassionate about giving back and volunteering on a regularbasis. Tarynandher husband, John, are raising their two teenage girls to be strong,independent, andcreative women.
SHACTY ALVAREZHURTADO (EmergingLeader) and AUDRIMARIESAYLORS (Inspire Scholarship)
r. Diva Wilsonisa Family Medicine physicianand Assistant ProfessorClinician Educator. Herprofessionalinterestsinclude maternalhealth equity, clinical research, and teaching. She lovesprovidingmedicalstudentsand resident physicians with community engagement opportunities suchasoffering lipidscreenings, bloodpressure checks, andhealth education She alsocreateda popularannualhands-on clinicalskills workshop toteach common medicalprocedures. Dr. Wilson collaborates onseveral researchinitiatives, currentlyservingasthe leadonaproject focusedonimproving maternal healthoutcomesinNebraska. In herfree time, she enjoys traveling, familytime, andplaying with herdog Maggie.
Amber Barna, MSN, RN, Fusion
An accomplished seniorhealthcare leader andnurse, AmberBarnaservesas
Fusion’s Chief ClinicalOfficer. Amberleadsstrategicmanagement of Fusion’s Clinicaland Compliance departments,including policies, procedures, and bestpractices to ensure thesafety and wellbeingof healthcare travelersand patients She hasmore than25 yearsofhealthcare industry experience, with apassion forpositivelyimpacting patientcare Barna ispassionate about givingbackandserves onboardsincludingNATHO(National Association of Travel Healthcare Organizations), Breakthrough T1D(formerlyJDRF),and Joint Commission’s Business Development Advisory Committee for Healthcare Staffing
Jaime Bland, DNP, RN, CyncHealth
JaimeBland, DNP, RN, isthe PresidentandCEOof CyncHealth,a regionalhealthdatautility(HDU).Since 2018,Dr. Blandhasspearheaded CyncHealth’s growth, expanding its reach beyond Nebraska’s healthinformation exchange and PrescriptionDrug Monitoring Program to establish CyncHealth Advisors, the Midwest Institute for Community Health,the Nebraska Healthcare Collaborative, and CyncHealthIowa. With extensive experience incare management, populationhealth,andclinicalquality initiatives, Dr Blandhasledinbothpublicandprivate sectors. She holdsadvanced degreesininformaticsanda DoctorofNursing Practice in PublicHealth-Global HealthNursingfrom CreightonUniversity.
Beth Guerreiro, CHIHealth Immanuel Hospital
Bethisadedicated Nurse Manager at Immanuel Hospital, wheresheprioritizes both employee well-being and qualitypatientoutcomes. Throughout her 11 yearsinhealthcare Bethhas focusedondelivering compassionate patient care and fosteringeffective team leadership. Beth serves asthe chair ofthe ImmanuelEmployeeEngagement Committee, working to create a supportive and collaborativeenvironment thatemphasizesboth employee well-beingand exceptionalpatient satisfaction. Herpassion formaking a positive impact extendsbeyondthe hospital Bethproudlyservesonthe Immanuel Community Board - striving to enhance healthcareinitiatives that benefit both employees andthe community. Outside ofprofessional commitments, Bethcherishes quality time with her husbandandchildren,oftencheering them on at various sporting events.
Dr. Megan Chacon, University ofNebraska College ofMedicine
Dr. Megan Chaconis a Professor at the University ofNebraska Medical Center, where she leadsthe Heart and Lung Transplantation section anddirectsGlobal Healthinitiatives. Witha residency in AnesthesiologyfromUNMCand a fellowshipin Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at NYU, she combines expertise withpassion.Dr.Chaconhas forged a groundbreakingglobal healthprogram,enabling residents, fellows, and faculty to engageinhands-onclinical education at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia. Her work notonlyenhances medicaltrainingbut alsomakes asignificant impactonpatientcare worldwide.
Excellence in Public Service
Lauren Micek Vargas
Education Rights Counsel
auren Micek Vargasisthe CEO and co-founderof Education Rights Counsel, aNebraskanonprofit, focusedon removinglegalbarriers to educational equity. As a former special education teacher, apublic defender, andadisabilityadvocate, Lauren’s experience inthe education sectorand juvenile courtshascultivated herpassion for working to improveeducationaloutcomesandlegalaccess forALLchildren. Underher leadership, ERChas earned the recognitionoftheNebraska StateBar Association who awarded ERC withthe Special Merit Award, whichis presented to anorganizationthatadvances thelegalprofession, the administration ofjustice, andpublicinterest.
Jill Orton, American Red Cross
Withnearly30 yearsofhumanitarianservice withthe American Red Cross, JillOrtonisthe CEOofthe Red CrossofNebraska-Iowa, whichserves more than five millioncitizens.Orton overseesoperationsand ensuresthe funds to support the organization’s lifesaving work.Underherleadership, the Red Crosshasdeliveredcare to thoseaffected by localdisastersanddelivered lifesaving blood Jillalsodeploys nationally to disaster responsesaroundthe US Jill’scareer startedasa volunteer before becoming staff and working up to CEO. Jillandherhusband, Doug, have ason,Zachandadaughter,Jaime.
Shawn McCarville, Project Pink’d, Inc.
Shawn’s commitment to service began early, inspired by thesupporther family receivedfromthe communityafterlosinghermother to breastcancer Passionate aboutservice, she sitsonaboardandactivelysupportsmultiple nonprofitsinthe area. Her role with Project Pink’d is the realization of a lifelongdream,allowing her to give backin ways that deeplyhonorhermother’s memory. Known for her compassionandunwavering dedication,Shawn is devoted to creating alasting impact,empoweringothers, andstrengthening her communitythroughmeaningful, heartfeltservice.
Carol Wang, MetroOmaha MedicalSociety
Carol WangistheExecutive Directorofthe MetroOmaha Medical Society, aphysiciannonprofitorganizationthat worksonissueslike burnoutand improvingthe healthofthemetroarea. Shealsoservesonthe Boardof the GreaterOmahaChamber of Commerce, theNebraska Humanities Foundation, the Commissionon Asian AmericanAffairs and Nebraska Journalism Trust. Her record ofinvolvementinthe publicsphere includes a career asa television journalist,timeonthe Aksarben Women’sBall Committee, former presidentof the Omaha PublicLibrary Boardof Trustees andboard positions on numerous other nonprofitsinOmaha.
Dr. Candace Gregory, OpenDoor Mission
Dr. Candace Gregoryis President/CEOof Open Door Mission in Omaha. Candace hasmore than29 yearsof experience in leadership.Shehasbecome anoted nationaladvocate forthose experiencinghomelessnessandpoverty. She has launched and completedstrategicandmaster plans, marketingstrategies, capitalcampaignsand endless projects. The most notable being the $34MOpen Door Mission RebuildingLives Capital Campaign.She’s anefficient leader overseeingthe Mission’s 40+programs,ensuring responsible fiscal oversightofan annualbudget of$29M with130 employees and 10,000+ volunteers. Candace andherhusband, Steve, have four grown children and two grandchildren.
RedBull Infusions
Cold Brew
Excellence in Women’s Athletics
Connie Claussen
University of Nebraska Omaha(Retired)
ConnieClaussen,retiredAssociateAthleticDirectorfortheUniversityofNebraska Omaha(UNO), continues to serve inanadvisory role, supporting the women’s athleticprogramsshe helped establish. A graduate ofOmaha Benson High School, sheearned herbachelor’sdegreefromOmahaUniversity andhermaster’s from Adams State College Claussen began teaching at UNOin1963and quickly rose to chairthe physical educationdepartment She co-founded the Women’s College World Series in1969and coachedUNO’s first women’ssoftball team.Claussenalso managedthe USA Women’s Softball Team to a goldmedal at the 1979 Pan American Games. FounderoftheDiet Pepsi/UNO Women’s Walk, shehas raised over $3million for women’s athletics at UNO. An inductee into multiplehallsof fame, including the UNO Athletic Hallof Fame, Claussen’s contributionsare widely celebrated.
ChristinaElder, Platteview HighSchool
Christinaisanaccomplished athlete on TeamUSA Masters Trackand Field andadedicated teacherand coach at Springfield Platteview Community Schools. In 2023,sheearned a worldbronze inthe 800mand contributed to thegold-medal4x200m relay at the Indoor WorldChampionshipsin Poland. In 2024,she helped break Worldand American recordsinthe women’s35-39 indoorandoutdoor4x400m relays and competed at the Masters Outdoor WorldChampionshipsin Sweden, winning bronze inthe 4x100mand gold inthe 4x400m relay. For12 years, Christina hasinspired studentsthrough teaching, coaching, andleadinga FellowshipofChristian Athletes chapter. Sheenjoys familytime withherhusband Tyler, theirthree children, and two dogs.
Jacque Tevis-Butler, Millard Public Schools
As the longtime head coach ofthe Millard West girlssoccer team,Jacquehas builtone ofthe winningestsoccerprogramsinNebraska In researching a presentation regarding the 50thanniversaryof Title IX,Jacque wasshocked to learnthe number of women coacheshadsharplydeclined since the law’s passage. Because thisinformation resonated withher experience,sheembarked oncreatinganorganization to addressthe uniqueissues women face In one year,the Nebraska Women’s Athletic Leadership Alliance has grown to over 330members, created free programs to supportitsmembers, andis working toward becoming a501(c)(3) to furtherits mission.
Jaiya Patillo presented the Excellence in Women’s Athletics Award
Kirsten Bernthal Booth, CreightonUniversity
Kirsten Bernthal Boothisin her 22nd yearas head coachofthe Creighton University Volleyball team. She enteredthe fallof2024havingled Creighton to 10straight BIGEAST regular-seasontitlesandits first three Sweet16s in programhistory. Booth is a five-time Conference Coach ofthe Year andthreetime National Coach ofthe Year, who excelsindeveloping womeninto leaders bothon-and-off the court. The winningest coach in school history, Boothhas guided the Bluejaysto 13NCAATournaments.TheTruman State graduate is also currentlyserving as Presidentofthe American Volleyball Coaches Association.
Renee Saunders, Skutt CatholicHighSchool
Renee Saundersstandsasoneof Nebraska’s tophighschool athletes and coaches.A two-sportstarin basketballand volleyball, she was named Female Athlete ofthe YearinNebraska after hersenior year by both theOmaha WorldHeraldandLincolnJournal Star. Following her Husker playing career, Saunders transitioned tocoaching, firstleading Omaha South and thentransforming Skutt Catholicinto apowerhouse, withnine consecutive ClassB State Volleyballtitlessince2015 Honoredas National Coach of the Year by several organizations, she isalso Nebraska’s first to earn the Coach of the Year titleas bothplayerand coach.
Inspire Scholarship
Amarah Riley
Student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Amarah Rileyisaninquisitive student at theUniversityof Nebraska-Lincoln, aspiring to bean eventmanager andmentor forhigh school girlsinOmaha. With over 13 yearsinGirls Incorporated andasanalumnaofthe Eureka!STEM Program,she serves asa compassionate mentor, helping young women enhance theirtalents. Recently, she interned withUNMC’s Facilities Management and Planning Department, applyingprofessionalskillsandproposing innovative ideas. Amarahactivelypursuesleadershipandcareer developmentthrough conferences, networking, reading, and consultations. In her free time, sheenjoys movies, music,volunteering, andspending time with God, family, and friends.
Ana P. Lopez-Zurita, StudentUniversity ofNebraska atOmaha
Ana P. Lopez-Zurita, astudent at the University ofNebraska at Omaha,is pursuingadouble degree in Business Administrationand Studio Art with concentrationsin Marketing andGraphic Design. Alongside heracademic journey, she hasdedicatedthree yearsasamentor for freshmen,helping them navigate college life. Ana’sartisticmission centerson communicating herpersonal experiencesand reflectionsin ways that resonate deeply with heraudience. Her work aims to inspire change,sparkmeaningfuldialogue, andadvocate forthe causesshe holdsdear,creatingabridgeof connection that goes beyond words.
Audri Marie Roybal-Saylors, Well-WateredWomenLLC
Audri Marie isadedicated women’shealthprofessional,mother of four,and advocate for women’s wellnessacrossalllife stages. Currentlystudying at the College of Saint Mary, she’sdeepening her expertise to better serve her community. As abusiness owner, Audriprovidesessential resources for women’s health, from reproductive care to self-care support. Passionate about women’s rights,she actively works to raise awarenessandinspire change. Audri is committed to empowering women to takecharge oftheir well-being, fosteringasupportive community. Outsideof work andstudy,sheenjoys family time, communityinvolvement, andpersonal growthpursuits.
Dallis Collins, Studentat Mercy HighSchool
Dallis,a Mercy High School freshman (Classof2028),is active in volleyball and schoolclubslike Golden Girlsand Yearbook, while alsoparticipatingin the workstudyprogram to helpfund hertuition With astrong academic record andgoals ofbecoming aphysicaltherapist for athletes, Dallis isdedicated to herstudies. She recently completedan8-year journeywithGirl Scouts, achieving her Silver Award by volunteering at Muddy Paws Rescue and supporting organizations likeHeartlandHope andOpen Door Mission. She continues to enjoy giving back, planning to volunteer at localsheltersduringthe holidays.
Marissa Williams, Student atOmaha NorthHighSchool
Marissaiscurrently asenior at OmahaNorth High School. During her timethere, she hasbeen involved inmany extracurricular activities, includingSkillsUSA, HOSA, Robotics, ScienceOlympiad, Show Choir, Musical Theatre, NHS, Student Ambassadors, and Soccer. These activities have allowed her to connectwith variouspeopleand communitiesthrough competitions, events,and volunteer work, while developingleadershipskills that are vital to success. Afterhighschool, Marissa will attend college, majoringin Neuroscience and followingapre-medtrack, withdreamsofbecomingan emergencymedicine physician.
VisionaryWomen, LeadersinTrust
Women leadershelpbreak barriers anddrive transformative changewiththeir vision,integrity, andcommitmenttotheir organizationsand communities.Their resilience anddetermination canfuelinnovation andset newstandards of excellence. Deloitte championsdiversity and innovation,fostering acommunity wherevoices areheard andvaluedthrough ourcollective commitment to success.
Deloitte proudlysupportsthe InspireAwards, celebratingthe dynamicand influentialwomen leaderswhohelp make Omahaathrivingand vibrantcommunity.
arine Sokpohisthe Managing Attorney at 402Legal, representing individuals andbusinessesinimmigration, and corporate matters. Originally from Togo, she is now a proudOmahanandalsothe founderandCEOofthe Midlands AfricanChamber, empowering Blackbusinessesin Nebraska. In thiscapacity, Karineand her teamprovideaccess to capital, training, andmentoring to minorities owned businesses andbuildthe pipeline of entrepreneurs, through programslike Pitch Black, Suit Up, MAC Xceleratorand RisingCEOS. Karine has received numerous awards, including the Creighton University Pittman Award(2024),the Urban Leagueof Nebraska’s African American Leadership Awardin Business(2023), theClio Reisman Award (2022), NSBAvisionary award(2020)andthe Global Leadership AfricaSummit Award(2021) She wasnamedoneofthe Midlands BusinessJournal’s40Under40 in 2019.
Candice Price, HomeTeamAutoSales, Owner
Candice Price isthe ownerofHome Team Auto Sales, whereshe isdedicated to advancingeconomic empowermentandinclusivity withintheautomotive industry Passionate about community service and economicdevelopment, Candice activelypromotes financialliteracy andsmallbusinessmentorshipthrough variousnonprofitboardsandlocalinitiatives. As amother of two, she strives to inspire herchildrenandothers to pursueopportunities that upliftand empowertheir communities.Herleadershipand advocacy for equitable access have made hera recognized figure inbothbusinessand civiccircles, drivingpositive change acrossNebraska.
Chequetta (CJ) Jackson, PhenomenalWomanAcademy
CJ isthe visionaryanddriving force behind the Phenomenal Woman Academy(PWA),anorganizationdedicated to empowering women and girls throughpersonalandprofessionaldevelopment PWA helps women embrace their“triplets”—self-worth,self-esteem,andself-confidence—sothey canstep into theirpowerandlead withpurpose. As a Professional Development Coach,sheemploysaholisticapproachthat blendsstrategicleadershipinsights withakeen understanding ofindividual and teamdynamics. CJ alsoserves asthe Director, Organizational Developmentat Omaha Public PowerDistrict (OPPD), where she is responsible forenhancingleadershipcapabilitiesanddriving organizationalperformance.
Rachel D. Fox, Entrepreneur,Author, Speaker,and Coach
Laurel Oetken, Tech Nebraska
Rachel D. Foxisapurpose-driven entrepreneur, life coach, and founder of Catapult Consulting Solutions and You Go Girl, anonprofit dedicated to empowering girlsand women. Known forher relatable and faith-filledapproach, Rachel specializesinpersonalandleadershipdevelopment, witha focusonself-worth and resilience. Sheis preparing to launch Flourish Coaching and Consulting in 2025, expandinghertransformative coachingimpact. An accomplishedauthorandspeaker, Rachel hasbeen recognized asa TOYO recipient, 40under40 Game Changer,andChangemaker by Omaha Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals.Her commitment to service also extends to the Junior League ofOmaha, where she contributes to local community development. As a wife, motherof11,andadvocate, Rachel combinesacademic insightwith real-world experience, inspiringothers to grow andthrive.
Laurel Oetken servesasthe founding executivedirector for TechNebraskaand started her work leading theorganization in Augustof2023. TechNebraskais Nebraska’s first technologytrade associationand was formed inpartnership withtheNEChamber in2023. Theorganization will convene technology partners, foster amore diverseandinclusive technology workforce, and advocate forpro-growth, tech-focusedpublicpoliciesspanning thestate.Laurel is a graduate ofthe University of Nebraska-Lincolnandholds a bachelor’s degree injournalism.She currentlylivesin Omaha andis also anactive volunteer for the Junior League of Omaha.
We believe inthehumanspiritandthatanythingispossible. We believe in building strongrelationshipsandcreatinginnovativecustomizedsolutions.Asanindustry leaderincommercialandgovernmentcontactcenteroperations, ourteamof experts leverage world-classtechnologywithanomnichannel,people-centricapproachto telecommunications forourclientsaroundtheglobe.
NorthEnd Teleservicesdeepensconnectionsthatallowourclients to succeedandour communitytothrive. We fosterourpassion forourindustryandcommunitythroughjob creationthathas channelednearly$400Mineconomicimpact.
It’snotaboutdoingbetter forjustoneperson. We existtomakeourcommunity better by Creating Jobs andChangingLives.
Samantha Mosser
2024 Woman of the Year Finalists
Bankers Trust r t
Malorie Maddox
Scooter’s Coffee x ee
Samantha Mosser is Nebraska Market Presidentat Bankers Trustandsitson Management Committee and Senior Loan Committee. She has26 yearsof commercial banking and executive leadership experience intheOmahamarket. SamanthaholdsanMBA fromthe University ofNebraska Omaha, a BA inbusinessadministration from Nebraska Wesleyan University and hasa directorship certification from NACD. Samanthaispassionate aboutsupporting the community andserves onthe boards for Children’s Nebraska,Lamp Rynearson, YPO Nebraska, ACGNebraska, NACD Heartland Chapter, is the Trustee Vice Chair for Business Ethics Alliance andserves onthe United Way Campaign Cabinet.
MEducation Rights Counsel s el
Lauren Micek Vargas
University of Nebraska at Omaha(Retired) ka )
alorie MaddoxistheChief StrategyOfficer for Scooter’s Coffee. Sheleads Marketing, Menu, Strategy and Consumer Insights, and Communications. Maddox is a results-orientedleader withsuccessacrossmultipleindustries. Fornearly20 years, she served Omaha as a passionate storytelleranda Emmy-nominatedjournalist at WOWT She transitioned to insurance, driving enterprise strategy asChief Marketing, Communications, and StrategyOfficer at Blue Cross Blue Shield Nebraska. Maddox earned abachelor’s degree injournalism fromthe University of Kansas. She was recognizedas one of “Ten Outstanding Young Omahans,” a “Gamechanger” by Metro Magazine, and a“Born Leader” by Edge Magazine.
Lauren Micek Vargasisthe CEOand co-founderof Education Rights Counsel, a Nebraska nonprofit, focusedon removing legalbarriers to educational equity As a former special education teacher, a publicdefender, andadisabilityadvocate, Lauren’s experience intheeducation sector and juvenile courts hascultivated herpassion for working to improve educational outcomesand legalaccess forALL children. Under herleadership, ERC has earned the recognitionof the Nebraska StateBar Association who awarded ERC withtheSpecial Merit Award, whichispresented to anorganizationthat advancesthe legalprofession, theadministration ofjustice, and publicinterest.
Connie Claussen, retired Associate AthleticDirector fortheUniversity ofNebraska Omaha (UNO), continues to serve inanadvisory role, supportingthe women’s athleticprogramsshe helped establish A graduate ofOmaha Benson High School, she earned her bachelor’s degreefrom OmahaUniversityand hermaster’s from Adams State College.Claussen began teaching at UNO in1963 and quickly rose to chairthephysicaleducation department. She co-founded the Women’s College World Series in1969and coachedUNO’s first women’ssoftball team.Claussen alsomanaged theUSA Women’s Softball Team to a goldmedal at the1979 Pan American Games. Founder of the Diet Pepsi/UNO Women’s Walk, she has raised over $3million for women’s athletics at UNO. An inductee into multiple hallsof fame, including the UNO Athletic Hallof Fame, Claussen’s contributions are widely celebrated.
This award recognizes anOmahametro-area woman volunteer or philanthropist whohasmadeamajordifferenceto localcharities or nonprofitsthroughadonationof volunteer time, talentor financial contribution.
Excellence in Healthcare
An Omaha metro-area female who excelsinthe healthcare industry. She contributes to the local community andnonprofits, helps her colleagues to develop, andshares herskills for the benefitofothers.
Emerging Leader Award
This award recognizes a young Omahametro-area woman under30 yearsold whohas contributed exceptionallyinschool activities, her local communityandphilanthropy or girls groups over the past year She hasastrongsense ofself, asuccess-driven work ethicand great career aspirations.
Excellence in Business
An Omahaarea femaleemployee who works foralarge size business andmakes adifference inthe lives ofher colleaguesinthe business orin hernetworking groups, who contributes to nonprofits, the local communityor women’s/girls’groups.
Excellence in Business
(Sm/Med:100 orless employees)
An Omahaarea female employee who works forasmall/mediumsize businessandmakesadifference inthe lives of her colleagues inthe businessorinhernetworking groups, who contributes to nonprofits, the local community or women’s/girls’groups.
Excellence in Education
An Omahametro-area female educatororadministrator whohas madeadifference inthe livesofother womenor girls. She contributes to the local communityandnonprofits,encourages colleagues, and shares herskills forthe benefitof others.
Excellence in Public Service
An Omahaarea femalethat worksin government, the arts,journalism or foranonprofitorganization.She goes above and beyond in her role and empowers her colleagues, and collaborates withother groups for the greatergood to helpimprove the livesofothersinthe community.
Excellence in Women’s Athletics
This award honors either female athletes, coaches, orindividuals whohave madesignificant contributions to women’s athletics in the Omahaarea. It celebrates theirachievements, leadership, and impact onthe development andpromotionof women’s athletics.
Inspire Scholarship
An Omaha area female highschoolor college student who has contributed to her community, excelsintheclassroom, andhas great career aspirations
Visionary (Entrepreneur,
This award recognizes a woman who is an entrepreneur, a founder. Someone whobuiltadreaminto asuccessful venture that benefits andimprovesthelivesofothersintheOmaha community. This could beasmallbusinessor fundraising event.
D2024 Woman of the Year
r. JoanneLi, Ph.D., CFA,becamethe University of Nebraska at Omaha’s 16thChancellorinJuly2021 In 2023,Libecamethe first andonly endowed Chancellorinthe University of Nebraska System,carryingthe titleoftheBarbaraand Wally Weitz EndowedChair in Higher Education.
Dr. Liisaninternationally recognized leader committed to transforming communities and empowering studentsthrough enhancingaccess to highereducation,developing strategic workforce programs, andinspiring lifelong learning
As a first-generationstudent andnative of Hong Kong, she hasapassion forserving learnersofallages andallsocial, cultural, and economicbackgrounds Dr Li ensures UNO Mavericks have the resourcesand support they need to besuccessfulintheirjourneyand strengthen their economicandsocialmobility.
Since joiningUNO, she has focusedon positioning the university - and Omaha - asthe state’s workforce development enginethroughinnovative approaches toteaching, learning, working, research,affordability, andpartnerships, as wellasstudent retentionand support.
As aChartered Financial Analyst (CFA),Dr. Li’s areasof expertise include corporategovernance, executive compensation,investments, and inter-
University of Nebraska at Omaha Chancellor
national finance. In addition, Dr.Li is a highlyengagedleader andscholar wholends her expertise and experience to a widearrayofcausesand organizations.
Currently, she isamember of CNBC’s Global Financial Wellness Advisory Board; amember ofthe European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD); Global Network Americas Advisory Board;anda founding member ofthe International Advisory Councilof theLisbon School of Economicsand Management in Portugal. Shealsoserves asa member of the Opera Omaha BoardofDirectors;amemberoftheOmaha Symphony Board ofDirectors;andamember of the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) Boardof Trustees. Dr. Lihas been appointed to the Kansas City Federal ReserveBankOmaha Branch Boardof Directors, the Coalitionof Urbanand Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) BoardofDirectors, and to theUnited States Strategic Command Consultation Committee. In 2024, she has become an American Associationof State Colleges andUniversities (AASCU) Councilof State Representative,and wasappointed to the Nebraska Commissionon Asian AmericanAffairs by Governor Pillen. She isalsothe currentchairofthe National Collegiate Hockey Conference (NCHC).
Dr. Liholdsabachelor(summacum laude) and doctoraldegree in finance from Florida StateUniversity and becameaCFA Charterholderin2002.
Powering thriving communities
Thank you to our board members for your time and effort in making this event possible and for creating a positive impact on individuals and our community.
Celebrating Women’s Leadership
Katie Lakin Owner Little Mango Children’s Boutique
Becca Sudbeck GM, Brand and Creative NFM
Ava Thomas Founder of Inspire Women’s Leadership Initiative President, Midwest Region Lee Enterprises
Jay Warren-Teamer Director, Diversity and Inclusion Blue Cross and Blue Shield Nebraska
Darbi Warden Omaha Community Relations Officer Union Bank & Trust
Cindy Gonzalez Senior Reporter Nebraska Examiner
Terri Campbell VP, Alumnae and Donor Relations College of Saint Mary
Heather Carson Owner Arête Aesthetic Rejuvenation
Deb Denbeck President / CEO Partnership 4 Kids
Claudia Bohn Communications & Public Relations Director Methodist Health System
Carol Ash Marketing Consultant
Pamela Bourne Attorney Woods Aitken
Understanding your dreams and goals helps us to do everything we can to help you achieve them — and more. What’s next for you, your business, and your family? We can’t wait to help you make it happen.