웰컴투 콜로라도!
콜로라도 방문자, 신규 정착자, 유학생을 위한 콜로라도 안내 가이드!
콜로라도가이드 Colorado Guide
JOURNAL 콜로라도의 품격, 주간 오즈저널
OZ MAGAZINE INC / T.720.427.8667
리, 마이어스 & 오코넬 법률사무소 교통사고,상해사고그룹
Google Review form K Kang 저는 나이도 많고 영어도 못해서 교통사고를 당하고 너무 당황스러웠을때 지인의 소개로 이상훈 변 호사님을 소개 받았습니다. 변호사님께서 모든일을 알기쉽게 설명해주시면서 차근차근 일을 진행 해주셔서 저는 안심이 되었습니다. 나이많고 영어도 못하는 저를 이상훈 변호사님과 모든 직원들이 가족 같이 대해 주시면서 어려운 과정들을 순조롭게 진행해 주셨고 생각지도 못했던 좋은 결과를 얻 었습니다 .혹시 뜻하지 않은 사고를 당하신 분들께는 lee.myers&O’Connell 과 이상훈 변호사님을 적극 추천해 드립니다.
Google Review from J Morrissey Brett and his crew took care of everything from my accident. This was truly the best law firm experience I’ve ever had. They were truly the “Anti-TV Commercial” lawyers!
Denver Office Par k
Havana St.
Yale Ave.
2851 S Parker Rd 7th Suite 760 Aurora, CO 80014
교통사고 무료상담
Boston Office No
Av e
n Fa
B ier
1 marina park Dr Suite 1410 Boston, MA 02210
내 가족이 즐겁게 즐길 수 있는 가장 맛있는 웰빙 치킨! 국내산 닭고기를 220도의 고온에 오븐에 굽는 부드럽고 담백한명품 오븐구이 치킨과 깨끗한 기름에 바삭하게 튀겨낸 명품 후라이드치킨!
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014
“콜로라도에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다”
콜로라도는 ... 주를 가로지르는 로키 산맥 (Rocky Mountain)으로 유명한 콜 로라도주는 미국 중서부에 위치하고 있으며 주 면적의 약 2/5를 로키산맥이 차지하고 주도는 덴버 (Denver)이다. 동쪽으로는 캔자스주, 네브래스카주, 북 쪽은 네브래스카주, 와이오밍주, 서쪽으로는 유타주, 남쪽은 뉴멕시코주, 오클 라호마주와 경계하고 있다. 주의 이름은 ‘붉은 빛을 띠다’를 뜻하는 스페니쉬 에서 유래하였으며 본래는 스페인령이었는데 루이지애나 매수와 미국, 스페 인전쟁 결과 미국령이 되어 1876년에 주로 승격되었고 나아가 제1, 2차세계대 전을 통해 급속한 경제발전을 이루었다. 콜로라도주 인구의 대부분은 덴버, 콜 로라도스프링스 (Colorado Springs), 푸에블로 (Pueblo) 등 각 도시권에 집 중되어 있다.
주 샌프란시스코 총영사 박준용
Colorado has... The name is... the city’s Occupy State, which is famous for the Rocky Mountain that crosses the state, is in the Midwest, and the Rocky Mountains occupy about two-fifths of the Rocky Mountains, and the capital is Denver. It borders Kansas and Nebraska to the east, Nebraska and Wyoming to the north, Utah to the west, and New Mexico and Oklahoma to the south. The name of the state is Spanish, which means’reddish’, and the Spanish colonial originated from the United States. Accomplished. Most are concentrated in
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014
심산유곡에서 직접 채취한 심마니 장석훈의
미국 산삼은 한국 산삼보다 사포닌이 5배!
10년이 넘도록 매년 6개월의 시간을 산 속에서 보내며 직접 채취한 산삼만을 판매하는 심마니 장석훈의 천종산삼
(720)345-7119 / (213)388-1234 효능 1. 원기를 보하고 허탈을 다스린다. 2. 혈액을 이롭게하고 맥을 고르게 한다. 3. 마음을 편안하게하고 정신을 안정시킨다. 4. 체액을 보충하고 갈증을 해소한다. 5. 페기능을 보하고 기침을 멈춘다. 6. 위장을 튼튼하게하고 설사를 멈춘다. 7. 체내의 독을 제거하고 종기를 식혀준다.
산삼은 원기를 북돋아주고 두뇌활동과 정신력을 왕성하게하며 성인병을 예방하고 갱년기 장애를 해소합니다. 스트레스에 의한 신경과민과 빈혈에 좋고 추위를 타지않게하며 머리가 맑아집니다.
미 농림부에서 인증받아 더욱 믿을 수 있습니다.
“Welcome to Colorado”
Colorado has... The name is... the city’s Occupy State, which is famous for the Rocky Mountain that crosses the state, is in the Midwest, and the Rocky Mountains occupy about two-fifths of the Rocky Mountains, and the capital is Denver. It borders Kansas and Nebraska to the east, Nebraska and Wyoming to the north, Utah to the west, and New Mexico and Oklahoma to the south. The name of the state is Spanish, which means’reddish’, and the Spanish colonial originated from the United States. Accomplished. Most are concentrated in Jared Polis (Governor of Colorado)
콜로라도는 ... 주를 가로지르는 로키 산맥 (Rocky Mountain)으로 유명한 콜 로라도주는 미국 중서부에 위치하고 있으며 주 면적의 약 2/5를 로키산맥이 차지하고 주도는 덴버 (Denver)이다. 동쪽으로는 캔자스주, 네브래스카주, 북 쪽은 네브래스카주, 와이오밍주, 서쪽으로는 유타주, 남쪽은 뉴멕시코주, 오클 라호마주와 경계하고 있다. 주의 이름은 ‘붉은 빛을 띠다’를 뜻하는 스페니쉬 에서 유래하였으며 본래는 스페인령이었는데 루이지애나 매수와 미국, 스페 인전쟁 결과 미국령이 되어 1876년에 주로 승격되었고 나아가 제1, 2차세계대 전을 통해 급속한 경제발전을 이루었다. 콜로라도주 인구의 대부분은 덴버, 콜 로라도스프링스 (Colorado Springs), 푸에블로 (Pueblo) 등 각 도시권에 집 중되어 있다.
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
민주평화통일자문회의 The National Unification Advisory Council
민주평화통일 자문회의덴버협의회 The National Unification Advisry Council Denver Chapter
아무도 흔들 수 없는 새나라, 대한민국! 민주평통덴버협의회가 힘을 모아 평화와 번영의 새로운 한반도 시대를 열어가겠습니다.
| 간사
719-217-8000 | 720-586-9115
콜로라도 소개
콜로라도 소개 (COLORADO INFO) 미국 최고의 관광도시................................. .............................. 주를 가로지르는 로키 산맥 (Rocky Mountain)으로 유명한 콜로라도주는 미국 중서 부에 위치하고 있으며 주 면적의 약 2/5를 로키산맥이 차지하고 주도는 덴버 (Denver)이다. 동쪽으로는 캔자스주, 네브래스카주, 북쪽은 네브래스카주, 와이오밍주, 서 쪽으로는 유타주, 남쪽은 뉴멕시코주, 오클라호마주와 경계하고 있다. 주의 이름은 ‘ 붉은 빛을 띠다’를 뜻하는 스페니쉬에서 유래하였으며 본래는 스페인령이었는데 루 이지애나 매수와 미국, 스페인전쟁 결과 미국령이 되어 1876년에 주로 승격되었고 나 아가 제1, 2차세계대전을 통해 급속한 경제발전을 이루었다. 콜로라도주 인구의 대부 분은 덴버, 콜로라도스프링스 (Colorado Springs), 푸에블로 (Pueblo) 등 각 도시권 에 집중되어 있다. 주의 동쪽은 반건조지역인 평지로 물이 드물고 지형은 평평한 그레이트플레인스 (Great Plains)에 속하고, 중부는 산록지대로 주 인구의 대부분이 거주하고 있는 주요 생활무대이다. 서쪽은 로키 산맥 남부 및 콜로라도 고원으로서 깊고 좁은 협곡과, 넓
Colorado has..... Colorado has... The name is... the city’s Occupy State, which is famous for the Rocky Mountain that crosses the state, is in the Midwest, and the Rocky Mountains occupy about two-fifths of the Rocky Mountains, and the capital is Denver. It borders Kansas and Nebraska to the east, Nebraska and Wyoming to the north, Utah to the west, and New Mexico and Oklahoma to the south. The name of the state is Spanish, which means’reddish’, and the Spanish colonial originated from the United States. Accomplished. Most are concentrated in each metropolitan area: Denver, Urban Springs (Colorado Springs), and Pueblo (Pueblo).
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
맞춤 간판의 모든 것! since 2002
최고의 전문기술력 / 차별화된 디자인 / 최상의 광고효과
TEL (303) 743-7446 2000 S Havana St STE A, Aurora, CO 80014
OZ MAGAZINE .INC 발행인: JUN HONG KIM | 총괄기획: 000 | 디자인 제작: 김혜진 광고 마케팅:000 | 재정총괄:000 주소: 2851 S Parker Rd Suite 1070 Aurora, CO 80014
COLORADO GUIDE COLORADO INFO 콜로라도 소개 .............................................. COLORADO CITY INFO 콜로라도 주요도시 ............................. BEST TRIP 덴버 가볼만한 곳 ..................................................... BEST TRIP 덴버 가볼만한 곳 ..................................................... BEST TRIP 덴버 가볼만한 곳 ..................................................... HOTEL INFO 휴스턴 호텔 정보 ............................................... KOREAN MARKET 코리아타운 마켓 정보 ................................
LIFE INFORMATION CHURCH INFO 콜로라도 한인교회 안내 .................................. GOLF COURSE INFO 콜로라도 주요 골프장 ............................ COLORADO BEST UNIVERSITIES .......................................... COLORADO AIRPORT INFO 콜로라도 공항안내 ..................... DRIVER LICENSE 콜로라도-한국 운전면허 상호교환 .............
포트콜린스 유명 맛집
Suh sushi 서스시 / 코리안바베큐 Dine-in
Carry out
Korean BBQ
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(970) 232-9435 165 E Boardwalk Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525
M mart 미도파마트
야채와 과일
아타스시 720. 280.9178
허니 베이커리 303.
최상의 품질
가족같은 분위기의 저희 미도파 마트에서는 다양한 한국제품은 물론, 매일 매일 신선한 야채와 과일, 유제품 그리고 최상의 육류가 준비되어있습니다. Business Hour 월~토 9am~9pm/일 9am~8pm
303.695.4803 / 303.695.4676 2000 S Havana St Aurora CO 80014
콜로라도 주요도시
콜로라도 주요도시
Colorado has Aurora, Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder
Aurora Welcome to the Aurora, Colorado – Gateway to the Rockies! We embrace everything that makes our community so unique, and we welcome you to discover what makes Aurora, Colorado a premier
Denver The Mile High City is where urban sophistication meets outdoor adventure. Denver is an outdoor city known for its world-class cultural attractions, thriv-
ing craft breweries, chef-driven
Colorado Springs Known as Little London in its early days, the city was founded in 1871 as a resort town by Civil War hero, General William J. Palmer. Today, Olympic City USA is home to more than 55 unique things to see
Boulder Boulder, Colorado, is located just 30 minutes northwest of Denver, exactly where the plains meet the Rocky Mountains. The town was founded in 1859 by explorers seeking the riches of gold, and Boulder’s history only got more colorful
개인 당구 레슨 동호회 환영
Q 큐당구장 당구의 고수들이 인정한
Korea Billiards
720.900.3680 최신당구대 완비 / 넓고 쾌적한 최신시설
건전한문화의 공간을 만들어 드립니다. Q S. Havana St.
k ar P .
R er
12pm~12am (7days open) 10742 E Iliff Ave Aurora,CO 80014
콜로라도 다운타운
콜로라도 주요도시
덴버 다운타운 (Downtown Denver) Downtown Denver is dominated by the 16th Street Mall, a pedestrian strip lined with gift shops, street food vendors and al fresco bars and restaurants. In the lively theater district, musicals, plays and concerts are staged at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. Nearby, the landmark Brown Palace Hotel offers weekly guided tours and is a popular spot for afternoon
tea Downtown Denver is dominated by the 16th Street Mall, a pedestrian strip lined with gift shops, street food vendors and al fresco bars and restaurants. In the lively theater district, musicals, plays and concerts are staged at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. Nearby, the landmark Brown Palace Hotel offers weekly guided tours and is a popular spot for afternoon tea Downtown Denver is dominated by the 16th Street Mall, a pedestrian strip lined with gift shops, street food vendors and al fresco bars and restaurants. In the lively theater district, musicals, plays and concerts are staged at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. Nearby, the landmark Brown Palace Hotel offers weekly guided tours and is a popular spot for afternoon tea Downtown Denver is dominated by the 16th Street Mall, a pedestrian strip lined with gift shops, street food vendors and al fresco bars and restaurants. In the lively theater district, musicals, plays and concerts are staged at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. Nearby, the landmark Brown Palace Hotel offers weekly guided tours and is a popular spot for afternoon tea Downtown Denver is dominated by the 16th Street Mall, a pedestrian strip lined with gift shops, street food vendors and al fresco bars and restaurants. In the lively theater district, musicals, plays and concerts are staged at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. Nearby, the landmark Brown Palace Hotel offers
비즈니스 자금이 필요하십니까? $5,000~$50,000 30년 역사의 믿을 수 있는 전문 융자기관 호텔/모텔/리커스토어 세탁소/식당/편의점 미용실/네일샵등 모든 한인 비즈니스
상환일 조정
대상 업종 당일 융자 처리 가능(2-3일 만 에 융자 클로징이 가능합니다) 융자를 받아도 신용등급에 아 무런 지장을 주지 않습니다.
간단한 서류절차와 융자OK
융자상담 환영 상업융자
비즈니스 매상에 맞 추어서 페이먼트를 편하게 낼 수 있게 상환일정을 만들어 드립니다.
비즈니스 창업비용 문의환영
다양한 페이먼트 조건 무료 융자 컨설팅
뱅크럽시, 낮은 크레딧스코어 3년미만 비즈니스융자 거절된 은행융자 집을 담보로 융자를 할 수 있습니다.
타미윤 부동산 / 융자 1st Realty Associates
1st Loan Associatse
당신의 소중한 리스팅 접수 받습니다.
큰 은행에서 융자를 못받으셔서 힘드신 분들 연락주세요! 저희 회사는 상환일정이 빠듯하고 이자율이 높은 Cash Advance Loan은 하지 않습니다.
믿을 수 있고 정직한 타미윤을 선택하세요! 타미윤 부동산은 당신의 리스팅을 고객 성향에 맞추어 빠른 시간에 노출하고 있습니다. 온라인은 부동산 마케팅 회사인
을 통해 광고하며,
오프라인은 한국, 중국, 외국 커뮤니티 미디어를 통해 직접 광고를 하고 있습니다. 당신의 리스팅을 알리고, 꼭 필요한 구매자에게 당신의 부동산을 제 값에 빠르고 안전하게 판매합니다.
Perferred Lender 주택융자은행
부동산:1strealtyassociate@gmail.com 융자:
720.979.5486 TOMMY YOON
employing / Owner / Loan Manager V.P.
DENNIS P. HOFER 303-693-2950 2821 S Parker Rd Suite 335 Aurora, CO 80014
콜로라도 스키장
콜로라도 주요도시
BRECKENRIDGE https://www.snowpak.com/colorado/best-ski-resorts Breckenridge is undoubtedly an awesome mountain to ride. The atmosphere at the bottom of the mountain is fun and relaxed, plus there are a ton of shopping, dining, and drinking options to choose from. Accommodation options here are varied and plentiful, with hundreds of hotels and thousands of condo units to stay in. Whether it’s 5-star or self-catering you’re after, you’ll find it in Breck, making it a great ski resort to suit all budgets.
VAIL https://www.snowpak.com/colorado/best-ski-resorts Often touted as the crowning glory of Colorado ski resorts, Vail’s ski terrain is enormous and offers a huge variety. It’s a true mega resort, which might put some people off, but it’s one of those rare ski destinations that simply has it all! The charming ski city is spread out across three base areas, Golden Peak, Vail Village, and Lionshead, and the entire place has an enchanting European feel. Being largely purpose-built means much of it is pedestrianized, so just strolling to the many shops, restaurants, and bars dotted around this picture-perfect resort is a joy in itself. With everything on offer, Vail does draw in the crowds and with its strong brand name, expect to pay a premium to enjoy any of it.
자연의 공기를 만들다.
퓨리팟 Blue Light PCO Technology
L1 series (Lamp) 램프형 P1 series (Personal Type) 개인용 M1 series (Mobile) 차량용 F1 series (Personal Type) 액자형 퓨리팟 공기청정기로 유해가스, 생활악취, 박테리아, 바이러스 같은 유해물질을 분해해서 깨끗한 공기로 바꾸어드립니다.
상담문의 (719) 650-7731 1930 S Havana St #201 Aurora, CO 80014
원적외선 효과
체온 1도 올리면 면역력이 5배 높아진다! 세계 최초 유연성 나노 메모리 발열체로 특허받은 메쉬구조에서 파장으로 열이 깊숙히 몸안으로 침투해 체온 1도를 올려주며 몸을 치유하고 힐링해줍니다.
다양한 장소! 어디서든 설치가능하다! 36.5도 정상체온이 유지되면 얻는 효과 혈류량 증가/ 혈액순환 촉진/ 생체조직 활성화/ 혈액정화 개선/ 면역력 증대/ 관절통 완화/ 칼로리 지방분해/ 피부개선/ 체내독소와 노폐물 제거/ 자율신경조절/ 모세혈관 확장
콜로라도 스키장
콜로라도 주요도시
ASPEN https://www.snowpak.com/colorado/best-ski-resorts A ski mecca for the rich and famous, Aspen has grown into four standalone ski resorts and has one of the greatest ski towns in the world. The original Aspen Mountain resort (locally known as Ajax) where the town is also located, is now joined by Snowmass, Buttermilk, and Aspen Highlands, offering a distinctly different ski experience and located less than 8 mi of each other. While its renowned reputation and legendary ski town is enough to draw hordes of skiers in, most people often forget that Aspen is one of the few ski resorts in Colorado where you won’t be affected by altitude sickness. With so much going for it, Aspen is far from a cheap ski vacation but it could be one of the most memorable ski trips of your life!
WINTER PARK RESORT https://www.snowpak.com/colorado/best-ski-resorts Despite being the longest continually running ski resort in the state, this place retains a down-to-earth attitude. What’s great about Winter Park is its train service (Winter Park Express) that takes you from Denver Downtown to the Mountain. It’s just a shame this service only runs on weekends between January and March. The ski terrain ranges from wide open bowls to steep alpine chutes, there’s plenty to challenge all levels of ability. Keep in mind, Winter Park isn’t a particularly glitzy destination like some other Colorado ski resorts, quite similar to Steamboat in this respect, so some amenities might be missing.
TEL 720-427-8667
콜로라도 주요도시
The Ritz-Carlton, Denver Inspired by both the beauty of the landscape and the energy of the city, The Ritz-Carlton, Denver welcomes guests with its own interpretation of modern luxury. Here, guests can retreat to some of Denver’s most spacious accommodations while enjoying views of the skyline or Rocky Mountains. Other amenities are equally rooted in the region, including luxury spa rituals, elevated steakhouse dining at ELWAY’S Downtown and 13,000 sq ft of event space. (https://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/colorado/denver?scid=bb1a189a-fec3-4d19-a255-54ba596febe2&y_source=1_NTc3Mjc5LTcxNS1sb2NhdGlvbi5nb29nbGVfd2Vic2l0ZV9vdmVycmlkZQ==#HOTEL)
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center With a convenient location on the edge of the Front Range, Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center offers a welcome reprieve from the usual. Our hotel showcases the state’s alpine charm through every detail of our property. Your stay begins virtually the moment you land thanks to our unparalleled location just 8.5 miles from Denver International Airport. When you need a moment to unwind, appreciate the tranquility in our contemporary, rustic-inspired rooms and suites with plush bedding, mini-refrigerators and room service. Indulge in self-care at our spa and enjoy our indoor and outdoor water complex with a seasonal lazy river. Find the perfect home for your work conference or wedding reception in one of our 69 event rooms. Transform your Aurora stay into a oneof-a-kind vacation at Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center.
콜로라도 주요도시
Four Seasons Hotel Denver If the sun feels warmer here, it’s because you’re much closer to it. Meet us one mile above sea level in our laid-back mountain metropolis, and we’ll show you how much more there is to Denver than just the great outdoors. Start your morning with breakfast in bed, then head out on foot to explore the independent boutiques and restaurants of historic Larimer Square, which lies just minutes from our Hotel doors. Come back for a relaxing treatment at our Spa or lounge for awhile by our rooftop pool, then savour a hearty dinner at EDGE Restaurant before walking across the street for a show at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. As for Colorado’s incredible skiing, hiking and fly fishing? We’ve got plenty of that, too. (https://www.fourseasons.com/denver/?seo=google_local_den1_amer)
Aloft Denver Airport at Gateway 16470 E 40th Cir, Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 371-9500 Soar to new heights in the Rockies at the urban-inspired Aloft Denver Airport at Gateway Park. Discover Colorado attractions such as the Denver Zoo and the Denver Art Museum, less than 15 miles away. Unwind in one of our contemporary rooms, with plush beds, free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs, plus Plug & Play connectivity. Meet & mingle with friends or colleagues at W XYZ® bar, and grab a healthy snack from Re:fuel by Aloft℠, our 24-hour pantry. Never miss a workout thanks to our fitness center, where you can spring, stretch, lift and pump day or night, and convene with colleagues in our meeting rooms. Being situated just off I-70 allows easy access to downtown Denver, as well as Colorado national
one-stop Professional Service 좋은 자재로 시공합니다! 타견적 대비
10~20% 할인
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03 05
Eletrical /Plumbing work
New Building/Remodeling 리커스토어/드라이클리닝/라운드리 레스토랑/네일살롱/스파시공덕트공사
목공 / 타일 / 간판 / 마루바닥 / 덱공사 / 대리석 / 페인트 / 지하실공사 조경건축 / 히팅 & 에어컨 설치 및 수리 외 모든공사
시공시 필료한 윶자 알선 mijuconstruction@yahoo.com P.O. Box 441245, Aurora CO 80044
Hot Springs
콜로라도 주요도시
Strawberry Park Hot Springs https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g28927-Activities-c57-t61-Colorado.html Get out of the cold and into these natural mineral springs with a year-round average temperature of 104 degrees. Open Now:10:00 AM - 9:30 PM Address:44200 County Road #36, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487-9299Map
The Springs Resort & Spa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g33584-d535173-Reviews-The_Springs_ Resort_Spa-Pagosa_Springs_Colorado.html 165 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147Map 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM The Springs Resort & Spa is nestled along the bank of the beautiful San Juan River in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, offering 24 therapeutic soaking pools of varying temperatures, each fed with the rich mineral water of our record-holding geothermal hot spring. Open year-round, daily and long-term passes are available to both traveling and local guests. Our on-site Bath House provides locker rooms, showers, retail shopping, and the opportunity to rent lockers, towels, and robes. Hotel guests gain 24-hour pools access, and our Pahgosa Spa offers massage treatments, facials, and skin services. Create lasting memories and savor one-of-a-kind experiences at The Springs Resort & Spa.
반찬/각종전/손만두/캐더링 전문
신토불이 계절특선 오이지 판매합니다.
신토불이는 매일 매일 신선한 재료와 양념으로 판매합니다.
양념 / 간장게장
매일 매일삶아 삶아신선하고 신선하고쫄깃쫄깃 쫄깃쫄깃맛있는 맛있는왕족발, 왕족발, 보쌈을 보쌈을판매합니다. 판매합니다. (배추쌈/ (배추쌈/무생채/ 무생채/고추/마늘/ 고추/마늘/소스 소스포함) 포함)
Tel (303)337-6889 / (719)460-9804
별미특선~ 특선선지해장국 /우거지갈비탕 김밥 / 곰탕 / 청국장 / 육개장 순대국 / 소머리국밥 만두(김치,고기)
* Open Hour
8am-8pm (월요일 휴무) 2720 S Havana St #1 Aurora, CO 80014 (오복떡집 옆)
Hot Springs
콜로라도 주요도시
Glenwood Hot Springs https://www.tripstodiscover.com/best-hot-springs-colorado/ 401 N River St, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 9AM-9PM Glenwood Springs is home to one of the hottest springs in the world. Its source is the Yampah spring, which produces more than three million gallons of water every day, at temperatures of 122 degrees Fahrenheit. By the time it gets to the pools, the water has cooled to an idyllic 104 degrees. The Glenwood Hot Springs Pool is the largest on the planet, offering plenty of room to soak, swim and splash around, or simply relax on an inflatable. It even features a diving area and a lap lane. Soaking in hot mineral waters is a time-honored healing tradition in many cultures around the world. The nomadic Ute tribe were said to be some of the earliest known people to soak in these healing waters that still use the Ute name “Yampah,” which means “Big Medicine.
Mount Princeton Hot Springs Rehttps://www.tripstodiscover.com/best-hot-springs-colorado/ 15870 Co Rd 162, Nathrop, CO 81236 24 hours Mount Princeton offers both hot springs that sit within natural, rocky surroundings as well as human-created pools that are all heated by geothermal water. Surrounded by gorgeous Rocky Mountain scenery, it’s truly a vacation destination in itself. It offers pools for fun and pools for relaxing in the healing mountain mineral waters, along with a long list of amenities. It boasts an excellent restaurant with a menu focused on fresh ingredients, including local produce; bars, a beer garden, yoga and fitness classes. At the spa, choose from a menu of various types of massage, body treatments, facials, acupunc-
부동산과 융자를 한 곳에서
송보경 부동산 부동산 LMB 100028606 NMLS 310585 2851 S Parker Rd #1240 Aurora, CO 80014
주택융자, 재융자 커머셜융자 융자에 대한
정확한 정보 고객님께 맞는
빠른 융자
303.829.8051 priscasong@gmail.com
Prisca Song
8480 E Orchard Rd #1100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111
콜로라도 주요도시
Denver Premium Outlets https://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlet/denver/about Mon- Sat 11-7 Sun 12-6 Denver Premium Outlets is the area’s premier outlet shopping destination featuring a diverse mix of popular designer and lifestyle brands including kate spade new york, Tory Burch, Cole Haan, Michael Kors, Polo Ralph Lauren, American Eagle Outfitters, Banana Republic Factory Store, Gap Outlet, Tumi and Under Armour. Denver Premium Outlets offers shoppers a dynamic mix of merchandise the whole family will love, including fashion apparel and accessories; athletic, outdoor and fitness footwear and apparel; and much more – all at impressive savings of up to 65 percent every day. Shoppers will have access to a variety of amenities including Denver Premium Outlets’ VIP Shopper Club, where guests can receive extra deals and exclusive offer
Outlets at Castle Rock https://www.outletsatcastlerock.com 5050 Factory Shops Blvd #437, Castle Rock, CO 80108 Mon-Sat 10-8 Sun 11-6 The center is the largest open-air outlet center in the State of Colorado, voted Colorado’s Best Outlet Shopping since 2015! Before you begin shopping, stop by Customer Service in the Food Court to get your free Elite Savings Passbook for extra discounts throughout the Center today and every time you shop. It is worth $100s in savings at our many of our stores. You’ll also find center brochures available at Customer Service.
아우라 한방병원 Pain Control and Auto Accident Clinic
교통사고 클리닉
보약 통증 클리닉 여성 클리닉
청소년 클리닉 공진단, 경옥고, 농축연령고본 제조, 판매합니다.
303-369-2882 15101 E Iliff Ave Suite 210 Aurora, CO 80014
콜로라도 주요도시
Cherry Creek Shopping Center https://www.10best.com/destinations/colorado/denver/cherry-creek-north/shopping/ cherry-creek-shopping-center/ 3000 E 1st Ave Denver, CO 80206 Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm Sun: 11am-6pm Hour While Cherry Creek Shopping Center is definitely showing its age, there are still reasons to shop here. H&M, Alex & Ani and Forever 21 join upscale retailers such as Tiffany & Co., David Yurman, Burberry, Louis Vuitton and Neiman Marcus in this center located in one of Denver’s top neighborhoods. Nordstrom and Macy’s are the anchors, Apple has a large presence and do check out the kiosks where local entrepreneurs offer a wide variety of items. Paid valet parking and free Wi-Fi add to the shopping here.
Park Meadows Shopping Mall https://www.parkmeadows.com/en.html 8401 Park Meadows Center Dr, Lone Tree, CO 80124 Mon-Sat 11-7 Sun 12-6 Located just 5 miles from Denver and 40 minutes from Colorado Springs, Park Meadows is Colorado’s biggest shopping mall. Explore 185 stores and restaurants, from the largest selection of athletic apparel stores to the best in branded fashion and dining. Enjoy the unique Grand Mountain Lodge architecture and artwork by Colorado artists.
콜로라도 한인타운
콜로라도 주요도시
콜로라도 한인타운 소개
KOREA TOWN If you couldn’t make the trip to Pyeongchang to explore South Korean food and culture for yourself, Aurora has the next best thing. Koreans make up one of the city’s largest immigrant populations with arguably the best Korean markets and restaurants in the metro area. It’s so popular that Aurora City Council is exploring the idea of giving a pocket of Aurora the designation “Korea Town.” Lundin Energy to Resume Exploration in Fourth Quarter: CEO FEATURED BY “We have 179 different languages spoken in our public schools,” said city councilman Dave Gruber in the dining room of Korean restaurant Tofu House at Havana and Iliff, an area that would be included in a potential Korea Town in Aurora. “We at the same time get to celebrate our immigrant population. We get to create a destination location.” Gruber was recently asked by a Korean paper if he’d support such a title and he eventually became part of an exploratory committee to see what it would take and what the community thinks. “If you can bring people to an area, if you can bring them when they’re hungry, if you can find restaurants for them to eat at, not only will it help the Korean restaurants in the area, it’ll help everybody else in the area too,” Gruber said. There are roughly 2,300 Korean immigrants living in Aurora. Peter Lee, for example, moved to Aurora 29 years ago and never left. “This is the only place I can get this. Other than LA,” Lee said of the spicy tofu, grilled meats and bubbling pots of seafood. “It feels like home. I don’t miss much of Korea. Because I get to eat whatever I want to eat here.” But, Lee says, it’s about much more than the food. The Korean community has made Aurora the place to go to experience Korean culture and host events. Aurora has a sister city in South Korea -- Seongnam City. There are dozens of Korean business within a few miles of Tofu House. Though in the very early stages of talks, Korea Town would likely be somewhere in
코리아타운 마켓
콜로라도 주요도시
M MART Everything you need for your Oriental cooking can be found here: Fresh vegetables, sprouts, quail eggs, bok choy, large Korean peaches, Japanese and Korean style noodles. A fresh meat and seafood counter. A large selection of frozen seafood and freshly made sushi. Dried seaweed, rices, grains, beans, soy and fish sauces and teas. Japanese & Korean candies. A very large frozen food section featuring dumplings and potstickers. There is a large gift shop and a bakery on p: (303) 695-4676
H MART H-mart is a mega Asian market but food lovers of every nationality come for allin-one shopping. The vast produce department is next to long aisles of Chinese, Korean and Japanese noodles. Tea, snacks and cooking utensils have their own departments. Asian grocery store chain supplying imported packaged foods & housewares plus ready-to-serve meals.
2751 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO 80014
전통 중화요리 전문점
매운맛 을 제대로 즐기실 분 용궁으로 오세요~ 용궁에서는 매운맛을 내는 캡사이신을 사용하지 않습니다.
예약 및 주문
(720) 748-3003 yonggung@omi4u.com
Business Hours
Monday - Sunday11AM–9PM (Wednesday Closed)
2040 S Havana St, Aurora, CO 80014
코리아타운 마켓
콜로라도 주요도시
stanly Market Airy warehouse hangout housing multiple food vendors, along with other retailers & businesses.Stanley Marketplace is an eating, drinking, shopping and playing destination on the border of Aurora and Denver, a former aviation manufacturing facility turned into a community hub. Stanley includes ten restaurants and bars and more than a dozen shops, all independently owned Colorado businesses, as well as a beer hall, co-working space, events center, yoga studio, urban farms and four acres of public parkland.2501
(720) 990-6743
Dallas St, Aurora, CO 80010
포트콜린스 유명 맛집
Suh sushi 서스시 / 코리안바베큐 Dine-in
Carry out
Korean BBQ
Mon, Wednes, Thurs, Sun 11am-8pm / Fri, Sat 11am-9pm (Tuesday Closed)
(970) 232-9435 165 E Boardwalk Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525
이성선, 이크리스틴 종합보험
고객부담 ZERO
메디케어 수혜자들을 위한 혜택 메디케어 A,B만 가지고 계십니까? 메디케어, 메디케이드를 동시에 가지고 계십니까? 타주 혹은 다른 카운티에서 오셨나요? 처방약 보험료가 부담 되십니까? 올해 65세가 되십니까?
30년 경력 보험 전문인
자동차보험 국제면허증 취급 (사고경력 무관), SR22취급 자동차와 집 동시 가입시 디스카운트 자동차, 집과 생명보험 가입시 더 많은 디스카운트
Worker’s Compensation취급 각종 상해보험 취급
건강보험 Connect for Health Colorado Broker
자동 납부시 10% 디스카운트 틴에이저/Good Student 보험 소셜번호없이 자동차와 집 보험 가능
주택보험 가격이 저렴합니다.
모텔, 호텔 전문 식당, 세탁소, 쇼핑몰, 리커스토어, 빌딩 각종 Contractor (Painting, Siding) 보험없어도, Claim 있어도 보험들어 드립니다.
Whole Life Universal Life Term Life Mortgage Term Ins (당뇨병 환자도 가입가능)
(303)525.4333 (303)306.7555 fax 303.306.7558
이 크리스틴 콜로라도, 스프링스 푸에블로 지역 서비스 합니다!!
보스턴대학 졸업, 보험전문인
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
DMZ 303.955.2273 S Havana St
월~토 4pm~2am / 일요일 4pm~1am
SP ark
E Yale Ave
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
음악과 춤과 가라오케가 준비되어 있습니다!
Korean Bar & Grill
소머리국밥, 돼지국밥, 순대국, 선지해장국,흑염소, 선지 뼈다귀해장국, 김치찌개, 라볶이, 부대전골, 닭볶음탕, 순대볶음, 곱창볶음, 각종 튀김 휴게소 우동 얼큰이 우동, 곱창, 막창, 차돌박이, 삼겹살, LA갈비, 소불고기, 돼지불고기, 돼지고추장구이
720.328.9328 솔이 든든한
삼겹살 부대찌개 일-목 10am-새벽1시 금,토 10am-새벽2시(수요일 휴무) 2648 S Parker Rd #11 Aurora,CO 80014
Parker Rd Peoria Cornell
처음처럼은 대한민국 소주 브랜드입니다. 처음처럼은 강릉, 군산, 청주 공장 등 100% 국내에서 생산하고 있습니다.
opentcdenver@gmail.com 판매 및 구입문의 (303)353-4537
쌀가루로 튀기는 한국 인기 프랜차이즈 전문점
모든 치킨메뉴는 100% 쌀로 파우더를 입혀 바삭함에 고소함을 더했습니다.
Angry Chicken
business Mon-Thu 11:30am-12am hour Fri-Sat 11:30am-2am/Sun 11:30am-10pm 1930 S Havana St #13 Aurora, CO 80014
클래스가 다른
이 보다 더 바삭할 순 없습니다. 이 보다 더 고소할 순 없습니다. 해피아워: 월~금 3pm~6pm 런치스페셜 (11:30am) 양념치킨, 햄버거 디너스페셜
즉석 떡볶이, 쌀닭 허니칼릭
세상에 단 하나뿐인 약혼반지를 전문 디자이너와 주얼러가 만들어 드립니다.
LA Diamond District 홀세일 가격 38년 전통의 커스텀 쥬얼러 Rolex, Cartier, Tag Heuer, Patek Philippe 등 중고 명품 시계 전문 취급점 Cherry Creek North 3033 E. 1st Ave., Suite 503 Denver, CO 80206
한국어 상담 ; Joseph Keum(조셉 금)
교통사고 후유증 척추협착증 관절염 척추측만증 굴곡척추허리통증 좌골신경통 고관절통증 편두통 목통증 오십견 어깨통증 턱관절 장애 감각상실
SC Trading Cosmetics
비타민C 이젠 마스크팩으로 만나보세요!!
Purenskin Pure C Brightening Mask <랩 퓨어 씨 브라이트닝 마스크> 자외선, 수분에 취약한 비타민C를 특수 코팅 시킨 신개 념 마스크 시트로 피부에 손상 없는 순수 비타민C 공급 을 도와주는 신개념 퓨어 비타민C 마스크 시트
Garlic Essence Goggles Patch 처지기 쉬운 턱선을 올려주고 눈가의 주름에 탁월한 효과
Garlic Enzyme Bar
<라벤더향 마늘 효소 비누> 갈릭재료로 전매특허를 받아 딥 클린징으로 피부톤의 브라이트닝 효과
한국어 문의 (720)485-7745 (정혜선) 영어 문의 (562)522-7799 (Chris Sung)
WISDERMA Perfect Cover Derma Cushion
R3 Peptide Enhanced Ampoule Face Spray Mist
피부에 건조함을 막아주고 다량의 수분을 보충해 준다.
완벽한 커버와 화사한 피부톤 표현에 좋다.
R3 Peptide Enhanced Wrinkle Cream
콜라겐을 함유한 안티 에이징 스킨 케어로 주름개선에 탁월
R3 Peptide Enhanced BB Cream 안티 에이징 성분으로 주름을 막아주고 피부톤을 화사하고 건강하게 유지해 준다.
MiladOpiz Swiss Beauty Phyto Lift Cream 호르몬으로 인한 노화방지와 수분 다량 함유
*8AM – 9PM every day
| contact@gajasc.com | 1301 S. Ulster St, Unit 413 Denver, CO 80231
자연의 공기를 만들다.
퓨리팟 Blue Light PCO Technology
L1 series (Lamp) 램프형 P1 series (Personal Type) 개인용 M1 series (Mobile) 차량용 F1 series (Personal Type) 액자형 퓨리팟 공기청정기로 유해가스, 생활악취, 박테리아, 바이러스 같은 유해물질을 분해해서 깨끗한 공기로 바꾸어드립니다.
상담문의 (719) 650-7731 1930 S Havana St #201 Aurora, CO 80014
원적외선 효과
체온 1도 올리면 면역력이 5배 높아진다! 세계 최초 유연성 나노 메모리 발열체로 특허받은 메쉬구조에서 파장으로 열이 깊숙히 몸안으로 침투해 체온 1도를 올려주며 몸을 치유하고 힐링해줍니다.
다양한 장소! 어디서든 설치가능하다! 36.5도 정상체온이 유지되면 얻는 효과 혈류량 증가/ 혈액순환 촉진/ 생체조직 활성화/ 혈액정화 개선/ 면역력 증대/ 관절통 완화/ 칼로리 지방분해/ 피부개선/ 체내독소와 노폐물 제거/ 자율신경조절/ 모세혈관 확장
노우회 재단은 2016년부터 부분적으로 시작 현재 IRS, 주정부에 등록 절차를 마무리 중입니다. 일부 잘못된 보도는 노우회재단이 하는 일과는 전혀 다른 소 문이며 지금 노우회는 파운데이션으로 다른 단체와 개인에 일정 펀드 및 장학 금을 보조하는 재무 단체임을 알려드립니다.
노우회는 매년 장학금, 이웃돕기를 하고 있습니다. 일부 장학금은 콜로라도 주 한 인회, 콜로라도 스프링스 한인회에서 각 단체장의 추천을 받아 선발 시행하고 있 으며 그 외 타 주류 단체에도 장학금을 전달하고 있으며, 비영리 단체 여러 곳에 본 재단의 예산에 맞게 매년 도움 시행하고 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 위 담당 이사님에게 연락하시면 되겠습니다. 본 재단은 이사로 구 성되며 이사 자격은 전 미주 내 뜻있는 분들을 이사장 또는 이사분들이 추천하여 이사회에서 인준합니다. 노우회 이사회는 현재까지 정직하고 투명하게 운영되고 있음을 알립니다. 그리고 노우회 재산은 동포사회의 공동재산이 아니고 노우회 재산임도 알려드리며 본 재단은 회원제가 아니고 이사회로만 구성되어 있습니다.
* 이 광고는 노우회재단에서 주간오즈저널로 게재한 광고임을 알려드리며 주간오즈저널의 편집방향과 다를 수도 있음을 알려드립니다.
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
Carry out
. .. . . . . . . ..
Korea town KOREAaurora TOWN colorad AURORA COLORADO
Mr Kim korean BBQ Daegee Korean BBQ SILLA KOREAN BBQ Seoul Korean B.B.Q. Shin Myung Gwan restaur Hoo Roo Rook noodle hous
Mr Kim BBQ Pacific Mart Vigen Medical
HS Family Dental Care TRI Health Clinic
High Dentistry
City of Aurora exploring a ‘Korea Town’
KS Auto
Koreans make up one of the city’s largest immigrant populations with arguably the best Korean markets and restaurants in the metro area. It’s so popular that Aurora City Council is exploring the idea of giving a pocket of Aurora the designation “Korea Town.”
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014
Chiro-One H
Tofu House Restaurant Yong Gung restaurant DMZ Korean Pub Mr. Bakery Snowl Snow Bowl Angry Chicken Bar
rant se
Family Karaoke Sohee Fashion LIQUOR STORE BY JEWELL HAVANA MALL LIQOUR STORE BY H MART H mart 1st bank M Mart
Michael Yi Law Office
HooRooRook -Restaurant Soban Korean -Restaurant
Christine Lee -Farmers Insurance Sohee Fashion Sunny Hair Daegee K. BBQ Angry Chicken
MIDOPA Honey Bakery Seoul BBQ Yong Gung Havana Sauna Grace Adult -Day Care Center)
Mile High Clinic
New Star Clinic
Silla Korean -Restaurant
Bank of Hope
Muse Noraebang -Karaoke
CBB Bank CAA Financial Noa Bank
Shin Myung Gwan Yum Yum Bakery Tofu House DMZ Hanmi Bank
Health Center
H Mart Leekaja Hairbis Max Beauty College Mr Bakery Funny Plus
Elite Dental
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
KOREAN Restaurants & Store M Mart 2000 S Havana St Aurora CO 80014 303.695.4803 / 303.695.4676 Angry Chicken 1930 S Havana St #13 Aurora, CO 80014 303.353.2680 New York Bakery 10720 E Iliff Ave Aurora, CO 80014 303.743.0001 Silla (Korean Bar & Grill) 3005 S Peoria St Aurora,CO 80014 303-338-5070 / 303-368-9128 MUSE NORAEBANG & CAFE 2222 S Havana St #A Aurora, CO 80014 720-389-7807 / 720-600-3880 Woory Banchan 2648 S Parker Rd #9 Aurora, CO 80014 303-974-5425 Dae Bak (Korean Bar & Grill) 2648 S Parker Rd Aurora, CO 80014 720-328-9328
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014
Shintobury (Korean Bar & Grill) 2720 S Havana St #1 Aurora, CO 80014 303-337-6889 / 719-460-9804 Yong Gung (Korean Chinese Cuisine) 2040 S Havana St, Aurora, CO 80014 (720) 748-3003 DMZ pub (Family Restaurant & Sports Bar) 2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014 303.955.2273 Vons Chicken (oven & Fried) 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014 Suh Sushi & Korean BBQ 165 E Boardwalk Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 232-9435 Sushi Katsu (All You Can Eat) 303-368-8778 / 303-790-8822/ 720-638-0879 Mr. Bakery 2761 S Parker Rd Aurora, CO 80014 303-755-2070 K-Town Imports 1930 S Havana St Aurora, CO 80014 303-752-1033
Family Restaurant & Sports bar
2680 S Havana St #M Aurora, CO 80014
M mart 미도파마트
Midopa Mart sells various types of Korean food, fresh vegetables and fruits, Milk, and the best meat. Business Hour 월~토 9am~9pm/일 9am~8pm
303.695.4803 / 303.695.4676 2000 S Havana St Aurora CO 80014 www.AngryChickenCO.com
All of the chicken on our menu are covered 100% with rice powder to add the crispness.
303.353.2680 Angry Chicken
business Mon-Thu 11:30am-12am hour Fri-Sat 11:30am-2am/Sun 11:30am-10pm 1930 S Havana St #13 Aurora, CO 80014
코리아타운 마켓
콜로라도 주요도시
M MART Everything you need for your Oriental cooking can be found here: Fresh vegetables, sprouts, quail eggs, bok choy, large Korean peaches, Japanese and Korean style noodles. A fresh meat and seafood counter. A large selection of frozen seafood and freshly made sushi. Dried seaweed, rices, grains, beans, soy and fish sauces and teas. Japanese & Korean candies. A very large frozen food section featuring dumplings and potstickers. There is a large gift shop and a bakery on p: (303) 695-4676
H MART H-mart is a mega Asian market but food lovers of every nationality come for allin-one shopping. The vast produce department is next to long aisles of Chinese, Korean and Japanese noodles. Tea, snacks and cooking utensils have their own departments. Asian grocery store chain supplying imported packaged foods & housewares plus ready-to-serve meals.
2751 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO 80014
New York Bakery is one of Coloradoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest traditional bakeries. We always serve fresh bread that we bake every morning.
New York Bakery
Wedding, Birthday, 1st Birthday, Custom Event Cakes
10720 E Iliff Ave Aurora, CO 80014 Parker Rd Peoria
Best Grilled Galbi in the town
Yoocheon Big Dumplings
Yoocheon cold noodles (Soon tofu) soft tofu stew
Small/Large Catering for Kimbap
Restaurant & Banchan
We serve with fresh ingredients everyday Mandoo, Side dishes, korean pancakes, kimbap, kimchi, Spicy radish, Beef soup, Soon tofu Stew, Pork and Beef Bulgogi, Bibimbap,samgyetang
Business hour
Mon-Sat 10am-8pm (Closed on Sundays)
High ratings in Fort
Suh sushi Korean BBQ Dine-in
Carry out
Mon, Wednes, Thurs, Sun 11am-8pm / Fri, Sat 11am-9pm (Tuesday Closed)
(970) 232-9435 165 E Boardwalk Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525 Best Sushi Bar according to Channel 9 News By westword
Sushi Katsu
All You Can Eat
TO-GO $12.99
(For both Lunch/ Dinner)
Mon-Sat 11am-8pm (No Lunch Breaks)
(303)368-8778 2222 S Havana St. Aurora. CO 80014
2호점 Greenwood Village
(303)790-8822 9555 E Arapahoe Rd. Greenwood Village. CO 80112
3호점 Lakewood
(720)638 0879 1862 S Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO 80232
“ Nature, Tradition, Health ” Mr. Bakery
Start your day with fresh bread and coffee every day with Mr. Bakery.
2761 S Parker Rd Aurora, CO 80014
Best Quality Products from Korea
K-TOWN IMPORTS Cosmetics/ Rice Cooker (LG, Cuchen, Cuckoo)/Healthy Food (Cheonho Food, Umeken, Youngshin)/ Ginseng Blanket/ Red Ginseng/ Korean tea/ Pillows/ Underwear electric blanket/ dishes
303.752.1033 1930 S Havana St Aurora, CO 80014
One region. One mission
Tel 720.845.2784 Fax 720.845.2837 12101 E Iliff Ave #K Aurora, CO 80014