2021: A Year of “Yes”
Turning a corner from the dark confusion of 2020 into the cautious optimism of 2021, One22 staff members took a moment to pause. We felt it was vital to reflect on the lessons we had learned, and the needs we saw accelerating. Certain only that more unpredictability lay ahead, we embraced a “year of yes.” Yes, to widening the scope of resources where we could. Yes, to experimenting with best practices in education and case management. Yes, to increased access to food and language support. And Yes, to taking the leap toward a new look for, and message about, One22 Resource Center. Looking back, the spirit that carried us through 2021 was one of being open-minded and vulnerable, with the courage that comes from our donors’ generosity to say “Yes!”
The pandemic took a toll on social, emotional, and learning development for youth. In partnership with the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, we identified a need to use scholarship funds to help more kids rebuild connections through summer and extracurricular opportunities in 2021. By adjusting the sliding scale and raising the age limit of participants, more kids were able to play, learn, and create again. The family contribution for some households was lowered from 33% to just 10% of the total program cost, based on household income. Additionally, the age eligibility for the program was expanded to include middle and high school students. Knowing the financial stress put on program partners during 2020, One22 also lowered the program partner match for smaller organizations. Combined, these efforts allowed 256 students to participate in more than 30 summer and extracurricular activities.
After many community members returned to One22 for consecutive months of rent assistance in 2020, we identified a need to provide deeper case management and support for some folks. In a pilot program, seven households received three consecutive months of rent assistance, while participating in goal setting, planning, and regular check-ins to learn about resources. Lessons learned in this trial program influenced adjustments to our overall financial assistance model, which were implemented in October.
Pictured: University of Wyoming Master of Social Work Intern, Ellie Finnegan, helped pilot this program
Expanded financial assistance including child care stipends
As a result of community conversations with early education and child care providers, we identified an emerging need for financial assistance with child care. Quarantines, reduced work hours, closures, and staffing issues led to increasing financial struggles for families and threatened an already fragile child care system. For these reasons, One22’s financial assistance program expanded to include child care stipends, beginning in February. Throughout the year, we adapted this program to include stipends for important homegrown child care avenues such as babysitting. In total, more than 30 households accessed this budget-alleviating tool in 2021.
Traditionally, providers who used One22’s interpretation and translation services paid an hourly fee. In 2021, we recognized that many Spanish speakers had been left behind as our world became increasingly distant and digital. In an effort to help ensure language access in essential services, we waived all fees for human service nonprofit and government organizations. These organizations help community members access healthcare, child safety, and shelter, often involving advanced or nuanced vocabulary. Additionally, we provided financial assistance with filing and application fees for critical legal documents, as well as initial legal consultation for needs related to education, employment, immigration, or household wellbeing and independence.
Pictured: Staff members Estela Torres and Emily Gomez headed language access and immigrant support initiatives.
In October 2020, we brought food access into our array of services with the addition of the Jackson Cupboard. With no-cost groceries available at our new 245 North Glenwood location, in January, our team determined a need to find creative ways to expand access to food for those unable to come to the Cupboard during open hours. Notably, this took shape in our Rec Center satellite cupboard in partnership with Teton County/ Jackson Parks & Recreation. This satellite location aims to provide a place for community members to access no-cost groceries, seven days a week, while decreasing the stigma associated with these services.
Pictured: Satellite Cupboard opens in lobby of Rec Center
Last spring, One22 set out to learn from peer organizations in mountain towns that provide food, financial assistance, and case management services. By hosting a two-day virtual summit in April and October, we established a new community of partners, comprising resource centers in Park City, Lake Tahoe/Truckee, Breckenridge, Sun Valley, Big Sky, and more. One22 and a planning team offered staff members at all levels an opportunity to share ideas, challenges, and lessons learned with colleagues facing similar stressors. This professional network has saved members countless hours of trial and error, and offered camaraderie and support. The sharing of best practices has led to improvements in food assistance, financial assistance protocols, merger successes and challenges, and leadership fatigue. An Executive Leadership Circle was formed, and this coalition continues to meet and address emerging issues.
Pictured: Virtual summit planning team from Park City and Jackson
Initiated coalition of resource centers, hosted virtual summit
In October, we re-launched our financial assistance process, with improvements identified through a trial program that paired goal setting and planning with rent assistance. These adjustments include offering households financial assistance up to three times in a calendar year, with a specific purpose built into each subsequent application. Specifically, each subsequent application focuses on connection to resources, budgeting, and planning ahead. In this way, financial assistance can be used to increase stability over time. We also launched a first/last/deposit program to help households who have the opportunity to secure more affordable or stable rental housing, but find the upfront cost to be prohibitive.
Pictured: Staff members Marcela Gonzales and Yanet Garcia Perez advised and implemented improvements in financial assistance.
As our neighbors’ needs transformed and intensified, so too have One22’s services and resources. This presented an opportunity to recast our image and our story as an organization. Our desire is that our clients, partners, and supporters benefit from a clearer understanding of community needs, One22’s role, and the impacts of our work. In the fall of 2021, together with trusted advisors, we began the first steps in an evolutionary process to modernize our brand and ensure the reflection of our values in our marketing and communications. Beginning with a clear and approachable logo and bold colors articulated in this report, we’ve embarked on a journey to clearly define our organization and our mission. A complete rebranding process and revamped website will happen in 2022, guided by our belief in the power of our community—at once a refuge of support and a force for transformative change.
2021 YOUTH ACTIVITY SCHOLARSHIPS 1,930 days of subsidized youth summer camp facilitated by One22 256 students accessed summer and extracurricular activities 30 scholarship program partners IMMIGRANT SUPPORT SERVICES & LANGUAGE ACCESS 71 households navigated workers’ compensation, vital records, employment options, legal referrals, housing options, immigration issues, and cultural orientation with support from One22 325 hours of interpretation services allowed community members to communicate in critical situations. SPECIAL PROJECTS 96 students returned to school with the school supplies they needed for the year as part of the school supply drive. 381 individuals experienced the joy of receiving gifts through the holiday gift drive. by the Numbers
RENT ASSISTANCE 359 households received assistance with rent CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE 33 households, representing 44 children, received support for child care expenses FIRST/LAST/DEPOSIT PROGRAM 8 households accessed improved living conditions and reduced housing costs through the first/last/ deposit program. FOOD ACCESS - JACKSON CUPBOARD 1,378 distinct households accessed no-cost groceries through the Jackson Cupboard 8,557 shopping visits 414,087 pounds of food and household supplies were distributed through Jackson Cupboard’s primary and satellite locations 320,917 meals distributed 1,611 2,063 HOUSEHOLDS SERVED COMMUNITY MEMBERS SERVED
Financials EXPENSES Administration $328,687 $212,698 $1,881,687 $853,396 $78,175 Fundraising $2,748,478 Individuals and Small Businesses $287,113 Private Foundations $204,375 Local Government $ 1,017,046 Program Reimbursements Client Service $836,492 Direct Client Assistance Food AccessJackson Cupboard Language Access INCOME $3,354,645 $4,257,012 $842,174 CARES Act Funding $517,357 Cost of Food 65% 10% 6% 56% 25% 2% 7% 5% 24% One22 Resource Center received generous philanthropic support in 2020 and 2021. Based on donor intent, at the end of 2020, the board of directors created a designated fund for the food access program and for direct financial assistance; these funds will be used to support the new and ongoing needs of community members as economic challenges continue. At the end of 2021, $1,332,096 was designated for financial assistance and $253,279 for food assistance.
In Gratitude
One22 Resource Center is grateful for the support of the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and organizations who generously supported our work between January 1 and December 31, 2021. Our work is made possible by numerous individual donors, as well as generous support from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole and St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Brad Abrams and Robbi Farrow
Stephan and Laura Abrams
Michele Burton Mary Bushnell
Bradley Adams and Leah Schwartz Luke and Tara Adell
Michael and Virginia Adler
Alan J. Hirschfield Foundation
Adan Alcantar and Laura Escobar Cervantes
Joseph Alvarado and Margaret Sullivan Amazon.com
American Trading and Production Corporation DeAnn and Dan Anderson
Jean Anderson
Shaun and Betty Andrikopoulos
John and Sue Ewan
Gary and Susan Cloninger
C and R Ankeny
Antin Infrastructure Services Luxembourg
Antler Inn/Elk Country Motels Inc.
Anvil Hotel Apex Real Estate & Property Management Andrew and Rebecca Apfelberg
Kari Argovitz
Geoff and Susan Armstrong
Lance Ash
Steve and Anne Ashley Jim and Carolyn Augé
DuBose and Sallie Ausley
Doug and Nancy Ayers
Mickey Babcock
Dan Baker
Robert and Sharon Baker
Joan Baldwin
Jason and Laurie Balogh Eric and Jennifer Balsa
Dmitry Balyasny Roger and Patrice Banks
Lisa Barber
Jeremy Barkley Marion Barrow
John and Joyce Batson
Reid Bauer
Jennifer Baxter
John Becker
Merton and Bonnie Bell
Margaret Bellorado
Richard and Kristin Bemis Benedict Miller Foundation
Robert Berlin
Sally Berman
Kent Bernard John and Eileen Berner
Chris Bessonette and Joanna Cooke
Eleanor Bessonette Bill and Martha Best
Betty B. Baril Fund
Beyond Efficiency, Inc. Zahan and Kimberly Billimoria
Donna Bing
Julie Birrer Bland and Liza Hoke
Family Fund
Julie Blanton
Joan Blatt
Cynthia Bloom
Richard and Rebecca Bloom Cathy and Ken Blount Jonathan Blum and Erica Roberts Ralf and Kathy Boer Paul and Amy Boillot Bill Bornap
Lori Bowdler Bruce and Liz Bowen Tim Bradley and Ruth Harrington Will and Jennifer Bradof Lindsay Brandenburg Kimberly Brandt Kelsey Brehm Stephanie Brennan Bridger Teton National Forest Employee Club
Nicole Brittingham Clark and Susan Brooks Herb and Amy Brooks Willi Brooks
Diana Brown Douglas Brown and Lorie Cahn
Kathleen Brown Maureen and David Brown Rhys Brown and Jennifer Ford Tisch Brown Edward and Lauren Browne Frank Brummer Theresa and Les Brunker Tom and Jennifer Bruno
John Buckley Mary Kate Buckley Bonnie Budge Paul and Julie Bulat Kenneth and Mary Burdin Bruce and Cathie Burkland Katherine Bush Daniel and Joyce Butcher Dennis and Marian Butcher Rosemarie Caiazzo Jill Callahan
Jill Callaway
Michael Campbell and Ann Harvey William Campbell Walkey CAPC Services LLC Capt.Bob Fund Betsy Carlin and Becky Watson Barbara Carlsberg Wendy Carlson-Koll
Elaine Carney
David Carpenter Vance and Ann Carruth Andrew and Nancy Carson
Ann Carter Jane Carter Matthew Carter-Tracy Melissa Cassutt
Paul Cayot
Central Wyoming College David and Mary Cernicek Laura and Stan Chamberlain Chapman Family Foundation David Chavez and Rhea Lewis Curtis Cheshier Circ Design Inc
Frances Clark Litt Clark and Kathy Smith Mark and Jeanie Clark CLB Architects
John Clegg and Nancy Lee Jim and Tina Clouse John and Jessica Coakley Laura Coe
Ali Cohane
Daniel Collins and Rona Ferguson
Dick and Nancy Collister Kristin and Tom Combs Ryan and Susan Combs Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Mike and Janelle Conlin Karen Connelly Katharine Conover-Keller and Fred Keller Mary Cooke Stein Eugenie Copp and Ken Overfield Corbin & Dorice McNeill Foundation
Cornell Douglas Foundation Cindy Corona, Eduardo Rodriguez Carrillo and Eduardo Carrillo Janet and John Costello Helen and Michael Cottingham Alyson Courtemanch and Forest Dramis Cowboy Village Resort Maryann Crawford Flat Creek Inn LLC Bryan Crews Colleen Crowley and Jack Martin Cumming Foundation Don Cushman Lee and Mary Cutler Paul and Julie D’Amours Shane Darnel and Lindsay Long Michael and Shawn Daus Dave Hansen Whitewater Laura Davenport David and Lisa Carlin Donor Advised Fund Aaron and Seadar Davis Van and Lynne Davis Andree Dean Johann and Kirsten Deisenhofer Eric and Anne Delahaye Peter and Susan Dennis Arthur and Christine Denton Julie Dery Larry and Susie Detrick Steve Deutsch Barclay Dexter Reade Dornan Dorothy W Gach Family Foundation Lloyd and Michele Dorsey Michele Dorsey Leah and Adriana Dow-Sanchez
Kristen Dragoo Jeff and Laura Drew Chad Driewer
Ridgeline Log and Timber Stephen and Emy Duerr Robert Duggan and Mary Weber
Laura Dunlop
Sara Dykema Paul Dykeman and Pauline Towers-Dykeman Ian and Beth Eastman Mike and Diana Eden Matthew and Marilyn Ednie Charlene Edson and Grant Simpson William and Pauline Egan David Elan Elks Lodge
Jocelyn and Robert Emery Denny Emory Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Greg Epstein and Mira Lee Caroline Estay Thomas and Andrea Evans Tom and Roxanne Factor Factory Information Technology
Matthew Fagan and Margaret Thompson Joseph Fallon Gallaher Family Trust Aide Farhe Jay Federman and Sylvia Beck Mary Feldman
Anne Ferebee-Gavaghan Dillon, Marialice and Cissie Ferguson Richard and Jean Ferguson William Field and Jodie Pond Robin and John Fields Fine Dining Restaurant Group LLC
Katie Fink
Ray Fink Chris and Cate Finlay Karin Finlay First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation First Interstate Bank Charles and Elisabeth Fleischman
Sara Flitner
Jennifer Ford Dan and MJ Forman Petria and Scott Fossel Stephen Foster Nick and Megan Fouts Foxtail Books & Library Services
Kathryn Freer Laura and Kenneth French Robert French Edward and Julianne Fries Foster and Lynnette Friess Tom and Becky Frisbie Ronald and Jane Frisch Michael and Kathryn Fry
Nancy Fuentes Rob and Zaidee Fuller Courtney Gale Rachel Gallagher Nancy Gardiner Lee and Kathy Gardner Wes Gardner and Meghan Warren GE Johnson Carrie Geraci James and Jenny Gersack Mary Gerty Get Loose LLC John and Martha Gilmore Marjorie Gilmour Michel Glouchevitch and Caroline Janda Mike and Kathleen Glover Theresa Godchaux Joel Goldberg John and Lisa Goldstein Jeff and Amy Golightly Mary Goodfellow Charles and Michele Goodman Hillary Gordon Robert Gordon and Susan Mick Christine Goss Matthew and Pamela Gotham Eva Gottschalk Camille Grabowski
Carolyn Grant Stephen and Myrna Greenberg Green Family Foundation Trust
Richard Greenwood and Connie Wieneke Kris and Tom Gridley Tim and Margi Griffith Vance and Deirdre Griffith Jochen and Uschi Grocke Alana Guarnieri Ralph and Louise Haberfeld Greg Hahnel Maho Hakoshima and Peg Gilday Andrew Hall and Elizabeth Lemon Keith Hall Zach Hall Susan and Gary Halling Mike and Gigi Halloran Caryn Haman Linda and John Hanlon Leonard Hanna Samantha Hannon Rosemary Hansen John and Carol Harkness Tim Harland and Patrice Kangas Lauren Harnishfeger Kathleen Harrington Chuck Harris and Karen Jerger James and Molly Harris Janice Harris Kristine and Adam Harris Laura and Brandon Harrison Bob and Jan Hartman Joshua Hartman Melissa Harvey Stew and Carol Harvey Julien Hass Hawkins, Kominsky, DeVries & Associates, PC Bruce Hawtin Hawtin Jorgensen Architects Bill and Mary Hayes Bruce Hayse and Susan Bullock Herb and Diane Hazen Healthy Being Juicery Debbie and John Hechinger Tom and Laura Hedges Jeffrey and Tracey Heilbrun Ephraim and Kira Heller Bill and Janet Helm Adriene Henderson Douglas Henderson Roberta Hendrickson Yvonne Henze Jim and Cecilia Herbert Charles and Barbara Herz Victoria Hess Abbey Hewes High Country Linen Service Wendy Hobart Nancy Hoffman and Ken Finn Cynthia Hogan Jack and Susan Hogan Julie Holding Hole Food Rescue Catherine and Tom Holland John and Shelley Holland Katy Hollbacher Krista Hollis Katrina Holmberg Jenifer and John Hoover David and Missy Hoster Housing Authority of the City of Casper Jack and Carrie Howe William Huang A.C. and Penney Hubbard Hughes Charitable Foundation
John and Dawn Hummel Joe and Brooke Humphrey Hungry Jack’s General Store Jim and Maggie Hunt Holly Hunter and Mark Kelleher Richard Ice Impact Assets
Gary Isbell Jackson Cupboard Legacy Fund
Jackson Hole Lions Club Jackson Pediatrics Jackson Temp Services, Inc. Jane and Charles Kusek Charitable Fund
Eric Janssen and Allison Gillen Aaron Japel
Dick and Patty Jaquith Jarve Family Fund Jessica and Chris Jaubert Michael Calabrese
Cheryl Jelinek Reece Jenkins
Des Jennings and Chloe Lewis Kate Jensen and Frederick Day
Jane Jerger Ken and Sherrie Jern Donald Jeske
Juan Jimenez Bedolla and Rosalba Vazquez de Jimenez Joe Albright and Marcia Kunstel Charitable Fund
Annette and Bryan Johnson Bill Johnson Katherine and Eric Johnson Sara Jane Johnson Worthy Johnson Ian Johnston Laura and Scott Johnston Sarah and Jeffrey Johnston Chelcie Jonke
Angela Jordan Tom and Becky Jordan Arne Jorgensen and Teresa De Groh Jorgensen Associates Sorina Juganaru and Deshawn Porter
Willy and Dagmar Jurgens Esther Kane
Jenna Kaplan Karl M Johnson Foundation Inc
Jenny Karns
Peter and Jeanine Karns Karns Family Fund
James Karon Robert and Anna Mae Kass
Patrick Kearney
Stacey and Harold Kelly
Connie Kemmerer
Charles Kerr and Gudrun Rice
Sarah Kerr
David and Rachel Khoury Becky and Ted Kimmel Lacelliese King
Fred and Susan Kingwill Carrie Kirkpatrick Chris Kirkpatrick Roger and Jeanne Kirkpatrick Stephanie Kiser
Lindsay Kissel
Kiwanis Club of Jackson Hole Richard and Mary Lou Klene Bill Klyn
Kathleen Kneeland Mary Lynne Kneller Kraig Kobert
Tom and Jennifer Kohlhardt
Edward Kolsky and Eilzabeth Masek
Bob and Deborah Kopp
Mike and Paula Koshmrl
Steven and Sarah Kraemer
Michael Kraft and Carol Bowers
Kevin Krasnow and Ingrid Daffner Krasnow
Nicole Krieger
Brett and Jackie Kroger
Jack and Kay Krouskup
Bradley and Charlotte Krugh
Ted and Virginia Kyle Ted and Laura Ladd
Jacob Lamarine
Kerry Lamb
Daniel and Margaret Land Barrett Landen
John and Shauna Landry Allen and Deborah LaPointe
Lisa Larson-Hoyt and William Hoyt
Rebecca Lascoe
Carlene Laughlin
Scott and Corinne Laurence
Jamie Lavenstein
Creed and Clarene Law
David and Cheryl Lawrence Heath and Kristina Lawson
Marty and Toby Leith
Florence Lemle
Robert and Miriam Lenz
Ian Levenson and Lea Bonnecaze
Benjamin Levin and Beverly Halm-Levin Jean and Jason Lewis
Miriam Lewis
Cordell Lietz
Kurt and Jenny Listug
Jack and Jodi Livingood
Ethan Lobdell and Shoshana Kobrin
Marc Loebe and Dana Rees
Elizabeth Long
Katsey Long
Roman Lopez and Llesica Cruz Morales
Leigh Lowe
Bob and Kate Lucas
Maxwell Ludington and Maria Hayashida
Alan and Irene Lund
Sharel Lund
Christopher Lundberg and Lori Bantekas
Nancy Lundgren
Robyn Lunsford
Kathy Lynch
Margie Lynch
Maria Machuca Salmoran
Clark and Andy MacKenzie
Susan Mackenzie
Martha Maddox
Paul and Ann Magnuson
Neal Manne and Nancy McGregor
Laurentius Marais
Steven Markason and Elizabeth Drapela
Robert Markstein
John and Adrienne Mars
Susan Marsh Clifford and Donna Martin
Nancy Martino Mark Maskalenko
Tim and Sue Mason
Victoria Mates
Heather Mathews
James and Roberta Mathieu
Anna Matthews
Linda Matthews
Silas and Katie Matthies
Leslie Mattson
Mike May
Milton and Kathleen May
Amelia and William Mayer
Carrie Mayer
Georgia Mayer
Forrest and Amy McCarthy
Kathleen McClenahan
Rachel Wigglesworth and Nate McClennen
Kelly McCloskey
Holly McCollister
Sally and Mark McCullough
Brendan and Nicki McDermott
McDonald’s of Jackson Hole
Jeffrey McDonald Mike McDonnell and Katie Noyes
Scott and Diane McGee Matthew and Lisa McGee
Kimberly and Robert McGregor Colleen McHugh Ed and Beverly McIlnay Julie and Bob Mclaurin
Steve Meadows
Wendy Meadows
Lawrence Meier
Greg Meisner and Kathleen Osterman-Meisner Morris and Irene Mellion
Meridian Trust Federal
Credit Union
Carol Mersereau
Michael Meyer and Kathy Remus Meyer
Robin Hazard
Christy Miele Patrick Millard and Dawn Webster
Andrew Miller
Charles and Elinor Miller
Matt Miller and Mindy
Kim-Miller Rick and Elaine Miller
Elizabeth Millet
Mike Minter and Emmie Hill
Dann Mitchell
John and Kay Modi Tom and Kea Molnar David and Allison Monroe
Tom Montgomery
Karen Moore
Kate Moore Mary Moore
Catherine Morahan Anne and Michael Moran
Jeff Moran and Amy Glenn Stan and Adriana Morgan
Richard Morgenstern and Devra Davis
Morton Enterprises LLC/ Inn on the Creek Paul and Amy Mower
Alison Muller
Elizabeth Murphy Dukes and Molly Murray
Tom Mutter
National Christian Foundation Kent and Ann Nelson Loren Nelson and Nancy St. Clair Nelson Family Foundation
Chris Neubecker Rodney and Anne Newcomb
Bill Newton
Miller Nickel Resor
Nancy Nickel Resor Douglas and Donna Niemi Cynthia Sue Nigro
Pam Niner
Niner Foundation Heather Noble Jordan Nobler
Alli Noland
Alex and April Norton Ronald and Rose Novak Jack and Carole Nunn
June Nystrom Hugh and Julie O’Halloran W. Scott and Kacy O’Hare
Deirdre O’Mara Bill and Janet O’Neil
Patty O’Neil
Tim Oakley and Catherine Tallichet
Julie and Will Obering Camille Obering Musser Shelley and Kevin Olson
Open Hands Foundation
Madeline Orf
Orion Companies
Eric Orton and Michelle Rooks Noah and Annette Osnos Sandra and Matthew Ostdiek Outpost Inc
Katharine and Willard Overlock
Peter and Monica Overly Travis and Kristina Owen Carol Owens Shannon and Melissa Owens Veronique and Marshall Parke Joseph and Louise Parzick Tom Patricelli
Nathaniel Patridge and Tina Flowers Andrea Paul Erika Pearsall and Ned Jannotta Christopher and Carol Peck Grace Peck James Peck and Karen Youngblood Jodi Pederson
Hadyn Peery and Samantha Livingston Peggy Rose Schneider Endowment
Carl Pelletier Persephone Bakery Bob and Ruth Peters Kendra Peterson Joseph and Kelli Petrick Pets Place Plus Bill Pettus
Pharos Foundation Hank Phibbs and Leslie Petersen Phocas Family Foundation Scott and Lisa Pierson Shirley and Paul Piper Greg and Tracy Poduska Gloria Polis Steven and Carol Poole Alex Pope Premier Green Cleaning Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole Luther Propst and Liz Storer Greg and Margaret Prugh Aaron and Tamsen Pruzan Pruzan Foundation Amy Puccia Marty Quadland and Paula Szypko Quality Painting & Services of JH Jim Radda and Cindy Satagaj-Radda Lindsey Rainier William and Glenda Ramsay Mike and Patti Randall Jerry and Pamela Rankin Toby and Lucy Rankin Kerri Ratcliffe Susan Rauch Glenn and Diane Ray Melissa Raynor Joshua and Patricia Reed Michael and Michelle Reisbeck Brian Remlinger, Alder Environmental LLC Rencourt Foundation Rendezvous River Sports Chuck Resor Edmund and Ann-Marie Resor Miller Resor and Allegra Parisi Nancy Resor William Resor and Story Clark Resor Joel and Kristin Revill Chuck and Smokey Rhea Richard Rice Jr. and Francesca Paolucci-Rice Gina Ricks
Edward and Lee Riddell Travis and Annie Riddell Dick and Nancy Riddle Lisa Ridgway William Rigsby and Leslie Mattson LaVar and Andrea Riniker Andy and Carolyn Ripps Marlin Risinger and Lori Fields Robin Riske and Mason Myers John Roberts and Lynn Fleisher John and Anne Robertson Jack and Amy Robinson Bert and Terry Romberg Paula Romberg Jim Rooks and Ruth Moran
Roots Kitchen & Cannery Doug Ross and Joyce Frye
Amy Rosen Melanie Ross Rossetter Foundation Rotary Club of Jackson Hole Megan Ruff Lisa Rullman Bob Rupp Keith Rush and Tricia O’Connor
Adam Russell James Russell Lindley Rust and Matt Herron Anne Rutherford and Jim Ross Amy Ryan Crystal and Chris Sacca Hans and Jane Sack Greg and Daryl Sacks Mary and Carl Salerno Scott and Barbara Sanchez Tim Sandlin and Carol Chesney Chris and Louisa Sandvig Christian Santelices and Susan Muncaster Tom and Laurie Saylak Cary Schaeberle and Diana Peterson Skye Schell Michael Scher and Barabra Zelazo Scott and Jo Schmillen Chuck and Carol Schneebeck Courtney Schoeb Michael and Claudia Schrotz Sandy Schultz
Kevin Schultze and Carmen Martin Will Schwartz and Vita Picchi Russell and LeeAnna Scott Marc Segal Michael Sellett Caitlin Shea Nancy Shea Kristin Shean Leah Shlachter
David Shlim and Jane Gallie Thomas Shumaker Dick and Sandy Shuptrine Shannon Shuptrine D. Barry and Priscilla Sibson John Sidle and Mary Chessman Silver Star John and Barbara Simms Bruce Simon Barbara Simonds Benjamin Sinclair Judy Singleton Sipprelle Charitable Corporation Smail and Jarrell Fund Carol Smith Cary Smith and Amy Fulwyler Emily Smith Megan Smith Shawn Smith Snake River Roasting Jason and Melissa Snider Ariana Snowdon Margot Snowdon and Yves Desgouttes
Snowdon-Desgouttes Fund Dave and Kate Sollitt Greg and Priscilla Sorensen James and Audrey Sorensen Ricardo Soto and Susan Riesch
Kelsey Spaulding Gerry and LaNelle Spence St. John’s Health
Amy Staehr Fred and Jeanie Staehr Derek Stal Jim and Abbie Stanford Dan Starr and Patricia Deeds-Starr
Start Something That Matters Foundation Noa and Ted Staryk Michael and Jennifer Stauth Stephen and Shannon Stec Mark Stein and Carol Baker Robert and Mimi Stein
Hope Steinke
Stephen Stohlman and Cornelia Bergmann StoneRiver Foundation
Lawrence and Meggan Stordahl
KO Strohbehn
Thomas and Sonda Strozza
STS Foundation
Chris Stump and Melissa Turley Subaru of America Inc
Stuart Sugarman and O’Ann Feldman Jim and Sarah Sullivan
Lily Sullivan Keith and Elizabeth Sunshine Sweet Life Foundation
Karla Swiggum Brahm and Ann-Karen Swirsky
Elizabeth Sword Justin and Christine Tatosian
Anastatia Taylor
Tom and Linda Taylor
Mitchell Blake
Teach A Man to Fish Foundation
Catherine Teig Michael and Jennifer Tennican
Betty Terrill Allan and Frances Tessler
Teton Board of Realtors
Teton County Wyoming
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Brooks Foundation
The Charles C. and Susan Finch Moore
Charitable Fund
The Clear Creek Group
The EganWood Foundation
The Engh Foundation
The Episcopal Church of Jackson Hole
The For Project
The Frank A. O’Neil Family Foundation
The Glover Family Charitable Foundation
The Jaquith Family Foundation The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole
The Luther Family Foundation Inc.
The McKnight Foundation
The Miami Foundation The Miles Family Foundation The Morken Family Giving Fund
The Novak Trust
The O’Neil Foundation Theodore and Maxine Murnick Family Foundation
The Offensend Family Foundation
The Opatrny Family Foundation
The Portland Trust II
The Robert S. and Grayce B. Kerr Foundation
The SAK Trust
The Synergy Company
The Terteling Foundation
The Wood Family Foundation
The Yarrow Group
Charles Thomas and Marylee White Charles Thomas
Diane Thomas and Mike King
Ned Thomas and Karen Skaggs Steven and Jami Thunell
Thursday Roundtable Fund Wes and Shirley Timmerman
TisBest Philanthropy
Estela Torres Town of Jackson Randolph and Robyne
Townsend Trapper Corporation Gary and Terry Trauner
Denise Tsuruda-Dobell
Tuesday Men’s Group
Bruce and Sandra Tully
Douglas Tully
John Turner
John and Christine Turner
Kathryn Turner
Matt and Jamie Turner
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Amy and Steve Unfried Juliet Unfried
Colleen and Ethan Valenstein Julie Van Gelder Warren and Martha Van Genderen
Karen Van Norman Paul and Nancy Vaughn
Jill Veber
Vogelheim Family Fund W.K. Kellogg Foundation Robert Wachter
Louise Wade Polly and Sandy Wakeman Karen Walker
Marni Walsh
Christy Walton James and Elizabeth Walton
Ernie Wampler
Lisa and Mark Wan Doreen Ward
Peter and Adrienne Ward Travis Ward and Margaret Gordon Ward + Blake Architects William and Kathy Warner
Alyssa Watkins
Molly Watters
Carol Wauters
Diana and Tim Waycott Bob and Mary Weber
Robert Weed
Kenneth and Lynn Wegner
Bob Weiss and Maggie Radford David and Madalena Weiss Mike and Diana Welch
Robert Wemple
Westgroup TML LLC
Lila Wheatley Ali and Henry Wheeler
Juliann Whelan
Terrence Whitaker
John Whitley
Erich and Chris Wilbrecht John and Nancy Wilbrecht
Karen Wilbrecht
Jeffrey and Chris Willemain William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Butch and Linda Williams Ann and John Willott
Katherine Wilson
Wilson Elementary School Kurt and Chris Wimberg
Terry Winchell and Claudia Bonnist
Mike Winn Paul and Jessica Wireman
Kellie Wirth
Michael and Cheryl Witz Jeffrey and Barbara Wogoman James Wolf and Nan Neth Stephen and June Wolfson
Womack Charity Account
Meghan Wood
Peter Wood and Libby Crews Wood
Loring Woodman and Melody Lin
Ann Wright
Elliott Wright Kelvin Wu and Elli Bemis
Deb Wuersch
Wyoming Governors Residence Foundation
Wyss Foundation
X Giving Fund
Christi Yannelli
Matthew Yeo
Stanley and Rebecca Zaist Raquel Zapata Ramirez and Marcelo Alcantar Sanchez Greg and Dimmie Zeigler Dan and Sharon Zelenko
Theresa Zellmer
Sondra and Wiley Zernis
Joshua Ziolkowski
Emily Zook
Allen Zuckerman
Sam Zuckerman and Padgett Hoke
Isabel Zumel
Mark and Ilene Zwerin
At One22 Resource Center, volunteers breathe life into our food access program. When shoppers show up to our space to place and pick up grocery orders, they are met with the smiling faces of our staff members and volunteers. Over the course of 2021, our volunteers handled the challenges of everchanging Covid protocols and adaptations to our program with grace. While the number of hours volunteers collectively served is impressive, their true impact on our program is immeasurable.
Marilyn Andersen
Tevin Beckford
Anna Bennett Stephanie Brennan Molly Breslin
Amy Brooks
Susan Kelly Burkitt Daniel Butcher
Lisa Carlin
David Carpenter
Central Wyoming College Culinary Program Students Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Missionaries
Cathy French
Andrea Gomez Oxman Matt Hall
David Hardie Leslye Hardie Bob Hartman
Bruce Hawtin Holly Hunter Dick Jaquith Ian Johnston Laura Johnston Scott Johnston Robert Kass Mark Kelleher
Andrea Ramos-Pyne
Mike Randall
Kerri Ratcliffe Ben Read Mark Roche
Catherine Rogers Lily Roth Monica Ruiz Jessica Rae Schermerhorn
Claudia Schrotz Michael Schrotz
Scouting for Food/Scouts of America Volunteers Margot Snowdon
Liz Collins
Janelle Conlin Mike Conlin
Cindy Corona Daniel Cortez Kevin Crawley
Jeff Drew
Laura Edelman
Andrea Evans Karin Finlay Ellie Finnegan
Sara Flitner
First Interstate Bank Employees Gemma Ford
Stacey Kelly Andrew Klein
Jane LaJohn Lindsey Lanham
Heidi Leeds
Paige MacLeod
Madailein McLaughlin
Julie Mclaurin
Megan Morris Anne Motlow
James Neishabouri
Jackson Neishabouri
Jayne Ottman
Cathy Poindexter
Max Sommer Rose Spaulding
Alyson Spery
St. John’s Episcopal Church Staff Patty Staley
Liz Sunshine
Kathryn Turner Kate Vaughn Paul Vogelheim
Nancy Watkins Missy Whelan Jeff Willemain
Ben Williamson
“Volunteering at the Jackson Cupboard really makes me feel like I am part of a bigger community. The Cupboard serves all parts of our community and allows us to meet anyone where they are to take care of their needs with dignity and respect.” —Stacey Kelly
170 North Glenwood Jackson, WY 83001