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A FRESH START for Live Theatre Workshop
e are welcoming back audiences! During the last 1.5 years, Live Theatre Workshop has renovated our new theatre campus, offered outdoor drive-in shows and online theatre classes for kids, and presented an indoor mini summer season this year. And now, we are unveiling our full 2021-2022 indoor Mainstage and Children’s Theatre seasons beginning in October. Audiences will enjoy our two brand new, comfortable theatres, and our pre- and post-show outdoor patio.
The Mainstage season offers 8 plays filled with humor, intrigue and humanity—sure to delight Tucson's most discerning theatregoers. The Children’s Theatre season includes 7 shows that will captivate you no matter your age. Theatre can be a magical experience and whether you come to one show or both full seasons, you will leave wanting to come back! Learn more and sign up for our email show announcements at LiveTheatreWorkshop.org and find us on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter.