On Route Magazine May 2016

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the B g n i r o s n Spo



Talking ‘bout a revolution - Truck Platooning


True Originals Campaign


Tough performers - in OE Quality


CV Technology


Commercial 100% OE


Quality comes as standard with Dayco

and much more inside!




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WORKSHOP Visit top-truck.co.uk


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View On Route Magazine on the go on your electronic divices by visiting www.gtruck.co.uk/onroute

The complete line-up for this issue of On Route


Talking ‘bout a revolution - Truck Platooning

14 TRW

True Originals Campaign


Adds CV Brake Discs & Water Pumps


Tough performers - in OE Quality




Drive Systems, Hoses & Customer Testimonials


Quality range of parts from TruckTEC


CV Technology


Commercial 100% OE




Quality comes as standard with Dayco



Innovator in filtration products

41 LUK 22


G-Truck sponsor Rooster in the BTRC 2016



SmarTAC from LUK. Longevity through innovation

New LED lighting catalogues now released


Extends it’s thermal programme

- 03 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Did you know...

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Did you know ... Valeo covers braking systems, lighting systems, thermal systems, A/C systems, transmission systems, electrical systems, security systems and wiper systems.

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Did you know ... Valeo products are available for the most popular vehicle manufacturers in the UK including Mercedes, Volvo, Scania, DAF, Iveco, MAN and Renault.

Did you know ... Valeo will be exhibiting at this year’s Commercial Vehicle show at the NEC, Birmingham from 26-28 April. Visit us on Stand No. 4F55 to see our extensive range.

Valeo, your commercial vehicle multi-specialist www.valeoservice.co.uk

Commercial Vehicle Clutch Kits

Available only from your G-Truck distributor “Since the launch of TruckTEC clutch we have seen an overwhelming growth and it is widely accepted by customers as a leading quality brand.” Martin Sangster

• No Surcharge • 2 year/200,000 mile warranty • Quality you can rely on • Manufactured to OE specifications

The choice for CV Clutch

“To secure my filter business, you’ll need to be original”

“In my experience, premature engine wear, excessive fuel consumption, unreliability and down time, all add up to unnecessary operating expenses. Being aware that only premium specification filtration can positively influence all of these factors, we demand the Genuine OE quality and performance of MANN-FILTER from our supplier, to efficiently protect our fleet, profitability and employees”.

MANN-FILTER - Perfect parts. Perfect service. www.mann-filter.com

You are on the right road

Japanese ingenuity? German solidity? Swiss precision? no need to look further Lumag is the right reliable road to success.


Talking 窶話out a

revolution With apologies to Tracy Chapman ADAS technology will allow drivers to become Transport Managers as well, being on-line all the time they are not physically driving, contributing commercial value to the operator.

-8ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016





the car industry. It is now relatively

time they are not physically driving,

Challenge held in Rotterdam on

straightforward to enable a truck to

contributing commercial value to

April 6 was judged a big success by

automatically follow the truck ahead.

the operator. This is a laudable aim

truck manufacturers and politicians

The systems which will allow cars to

perhaps, though it is not clear what

alike. The event attracted convoys

self-park and even to go off and find

the drivers think of it. But it is clear that

of semi-autonomous, electronically

a parking space in a crowded car-

what lies behind Daimler’s suggestion

linked trucks from all six commercial

park, were easily modified to enable

is an attempt to bolster the apparent



a truck to stay in lane, to adjust its

commercial advantage of rolling


distance from the vehicle in front, to

out (and paying for) the technology

d’Automobiles (ACEA). Platoons were

stay within the traffic flow, and to stop

required to deliver this

sent to the port of Rotterdam from

very quickly indeed when necessary.

autonomous platooning capability;

various European cities by DAF Trucks,

But how do we make this workable,

because the financial benefits for

Daimler, Iveco, MAN Truck & Bus,

usable and profitable in the real

operators are likely to be, at the very

Scania and Volvo Group.


best, razor thin.

Speaking in Rotterdam on behalf


of the ACEA Commercial Vehicle

Systems) is first and foremost aimed

that the European Truck Platooning

Board, DAF Trucks President Harrie

at safety, and so the default solution

Challenge had demonstrated how the

Schippers pointed out the challenge

is always to slow down or stop. Every

only barriers now standing in the way

had demonstrated how the only

motorway junction can create a

of platooning were not technical but

barriers now standing in the way of

situation where platoons will tend

all to do with disparities in legislation.

widespread adoption of platooning

to break-up, or slow to a crawl and

But he neglected to mention the

and its fuel efficiency and safety

thus be inefficient and impractical.

commercial issues - how much will it

benefits were not technical but all

The average distance between road

save, and how much will it cost?

to do with disparities in legislation

junctions in the UK is significantly less

between EU member states.

than 10 miles, so this kind of traffic

In a future where there are dedicated

flow issue is going to arise on a very

long distance truck lanes on our

regular basis.

motorways , and full tidal control of






“Harmonisation is needed if we want












on and off access systems, and a full

of platooning,” he said. “More and

On an empty highway, at three o’clock

ITS system to police the whole thing,

more national governments in the

in the morning, on a long haul down

then platooning will probably have

EU, including the UK are preparing

one of our longer UK motorways,

its uses, on a few roads, even here in

to allow on-road tests of platoons

it might just be possible to travel

the UK. But just because the on-truck

of semi-autonomous trucks, and

a hundred miles in platoon, save a

technology is ready to be deployed

this is expected to help public

few percentage points in fuel, and

now, does not mean it makes sense to

understanding and acceptance. But

allow one or two drivers some down

do so: for businesses, for governments,

pan-European adoption of platoons is

time, though clearly not sleep time!

and even for the drivers.

needed to deliver substantial benefits,

(Whether unpiloted trucks will ever

not least in reductions in carbon

become acceptable is a question for a

Will ACEA’s dream ever become

dioxide emissions.”

very distant future). But where is the


commercial advantage?

version of it will, but not anytime

It is clear that the technology to




soon. GROUPAUTO agree that this

make trucks autonomous is already

Daimler argues that ADAS technology

is not a technology issue. It is about

with us, spun out of the investment

will allow drivers to become Transport

profit, resources, and commercial


Managers as well, being on-line all the

advantage - as it always is.




-9ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016

Jock Howson www.gtruck.co.uk/onroute

FACTS Magazine

MARKET OPPORTUNITIES IN DRIVE SYSTEMS CV parts distributors set to benefit

a truck broke down, it would be left

manufacturers of belts and tensioners -

from further investment by Gates

standing at the side of the road. Dealer

at aftermarket prices. Investment in the

maintenance contracts were more like

Gates Heavy Duty Micro-V Belt Kit range

A recent extension of the Gates Heavy

insurance contracts. Operators more or

is evidence that, when it comes to the

Duty Micro-V Belt Kit range for trucks and

less had to have them.”

most popular fleet vehicles, distributors

buses means that CV parts distributors

can supply workshops with a brand that

now have access to replacement parts


for Auxiliary Belt Drive Systems (ABDS)

those contracts no longer dominate.

covering 94% of the UK vehicle parc.

Fleet engineers are able to look more




engineers trust, from stock and usually within the hour.”

closely at parts supply in order to


Regional Sales Manager Darren Spooner

improve margins. Gates is giving CV


says opportunities in drive system

parts distributors the chance to take

way on drive systems. The website

maintenance are on the increase:




preventive Gates


maintenance leading



catalogue information as well as free programmes

He says: “They are already supplying

online technical support and access to

used to be driven by the fear that if

parts from one of the world’s largest OE

technical tips.



GATES MAKES TURBOCHARGED MOVE UP THE STRAIGHT Gates has responded to industry reports

replacement part far easier because the

maximum working pressure so the

about oil-soaked turbocharger hoses

hoses are catalogued by Gates according

initial range of 27 different references

that have subsequently failed and led

to OE reference numbers.

provides almost universal coverage for

to VOR situations, by extending its



almost every truck and bus application

OE quality heavy duty truck and bus

FKM liner that contains the oil under

that requires a straight connecting hose

replacement hose portfolio.










“As the hose can be cut to suit the


Turbocharger Hoses are a fast solution in

required length, it is suitable for a wider

added to the Gates Extra Service range

either a VOR situation or as a preventive

range of applications, which translates

at the end of 2015. It’s a move that takes

maintenance measure.

into significant time savings for installers

environments, Silicone




turbocharger hoses out of the ‘OE dealer

as well as significant savings in cost over

replacement only’ bracket and makes

References vary according to internal

dealer prices,” says Gates Regional Sales

finding and installing the appropriate


manager Darren Spooner.




- 10 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



England up into Wales and across the

drive system designs among most of

and the Alliance Automotive Group

North West of England. Coverage is also

Europe’s major truck manufacturers and

has given operators and independent

provided from branches in Lincolnshire,

it has recently become the OE choice for

workshops across the UK opportunities

Essex and Norfolk.

Auxiliary Belt Drive Systems on a range

to exert greater control over their vehicle maintenance costs.

of DAF trucks. Superior performance Alan Brotherton, Operations Manager

and longer operational lifetimes were


among the reasons specified for that




The Alliance Automotive Group own

opportunity to add an OE brand and a

a number of CV parts distribution

new revenue stream at the same time

businesses. Gates is one of the world’s

is good for the individual branches,

A recent extension of the Gates

leading manufacturers of belts and

benefits the group as a whole and offers

Heavy Duty Micro-V Belt Kit range for


cost control advantages to customers:

trucks and buses means that CV parts

particular OE success.

distributors have access to replacement Five AAG subsidiaries across fifteen

“Historically, potential customers have

parts for Auxiliary Belt Drive Systems

branches have added Gates Heavy Duty

been sourcing these products as OE

(ABDS) covering 94% of the UK vehicle

Belt Kits, as well as the individual belts

replacement distress purchases through


and tensioners to their inventories.

the main dealer networks. That kind of

The branches involved are from Big

service doesn’t always come cheap. Our

Gates catalogues parts according to

Wheel Services; Frenco; HGV Truck &

branches will be able to supply the same

OE references, then by make/model,

Trailer Parts; Hydrair; Industrial Friction

OE quality from stock, within the hour

which greatly simplifies the component


at an aftermarket price. It won’t be a

identification and ordering processes.

difficult decision for customers to make.”

Stocks are now in place across all of the

It’s a move that gives cost saving benefits

AAG subsidiary branches and available

to fleets and independent workshops in

for sale with immediate effect.

a band that runs from the South West of

Gates is already a preferred supplier for

For more information about the Gates CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor.

- 11 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


TRUCK & TRAILER COMPONENTS 1975 -- 2016 Over 40 Years of delivering service and quality

It’s reassuring that in this ever changing Commercial Vehicle market, you can rely on one brand that, for over 40 years, has been at the forefront of innovation.

Edition 19 catalogue continues that tradition

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The genuine alternative For more information: phone: 0844 264 2363 email: sales@unipartautoparts.com or visit www.ttcparts.com


Safety - No compromises HCV Brake Discs are the latest addition to the Proequip range; •

Manufactured to OE specification

ECE R90 approved

Edgemarked with a unique ECE R90 reference

Packaged in TRW Proequip’s robust boxes

All our parts meet the most demanding international automotive legislation, so you can be sure that everything you supply and fit will function safely, efficiently and consistently.


TRUE ORIGINALS CAMPAIGN CELEBRATES 100 YEARS OF LINKAGE & SUSPENSION LEADERSHIP TRW Aftermarket has announced that the next phase of its ‘True Originals’ multi-media campaign is now live. Focusing this time on its world leading Linkage & Suspension product programme, the campaign material conveys the brand’s 100 years plus experience as an Original Equipment (OE) supplier and how this is directly translated into the aftermarket offer. Using bespoke and focussed messaging; the campaign material is aimed at all levels of the European supply chain: distributors, garages and the end user. Continuing the theme of featuring a TRW ‘True Original’, this phase is brought to life by UK Senior Supplier Development Engineer, Mike Bellaby, who is a committed competitive side car racer and pre-race vehicle scrutineer in his spare time. - 14 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Bahar Sabet, communications manager,

“We employ more than 4000 True

TRW Aftermarket, commented: “The


campaign material is dynamic and fresh

product experts who are skilled at

and reinvigorates our key messages of

producing parts which work together

OE quality, in-depth testing, breadth and

in perfect harmony, giving the best

depth of range, and all round technical

possible protection to the passengers


inside,” Bahar added.

“It not only reiterates our expert status

“Confidence in our offer is conveyed

with regards to safety solutions, but

throughout the material in the message

reminds the market that we offer the

that we test all TRW steering linkage

highest calibre of added value services

parts to international standards for

as well.”

performance and safety; and then we




test them to ours. As True Originals and With one of the simplest part number

with over 100 years’ OE experience, TRW

lists on the market, backed by fast

really does write the standards for safety

and comprehensive digital support,

and quality.”

components can be sourced quickly and easily via TRW’s online integrated

The campaign is live across: France;

catalogue or TRW App. In addition, by

Germany; Italy; Poland; Portugal; Russia;

using OE analysis to make sure there

Spain; Turkey and the UK.

are no significant differences between TRW steering linkage parts and OE equivalents, the parts can then be fitted

To watch Mike’s story, please go to: www.trwaftermarket.com/steeringlinkages

faster and more accurately.

For more information about the TRW CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor. - 15 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



ADDS CV BRAKE DISCS & WATER PUMPS Premium Quality Disc & Drum Programme Borg & Beck, has been a reputable

To accompany the existing CV Drum

Discs has become a legal requirement.

worldwide brand in the automotive and

range, Borg & Beck has now introduced

Therefore, as a leader in the roll out of

commercial vehicle (CV) sector for more

Brake Discs into its comprehensive CV

the approval process, all Borg & Beck

than 100 years. Due to its engineering

programme, which, in keeping with the

Brake Discs are supplied with ECE R90

history, knowledge and expertise, Borg

company’s strict brand values, provide

approval where applicable.

& Beck has always been associated with

technicians and operators with premium

to ensure complete customer peace-

OE quality products, which means it’s a

quality replacement components that

of-mind and provide full product

brand that can be truly depended upon.

deliver when it comes to safety and

traceability and quality control, all are


also fully marked with the part number,


minimum and maximum thickness, To ensure these standards, the company

batch code and where necessary, the

works hand-in-glove with its ISO TS16949

ECE R90 number.




throughout the product specification,

In addition, where applicable, the brake

manufacturing and testing processes to

discs are supplied with fitting kits and

guarantee the premium quality of each

benefit from an easy identification

and every component.

process through the Borg & Beck CV website

Since November 2014,

which contains competitor and OE

when the European

cross-references. Finally, the 85 plus



references, which cover all the popular

the legislation, the

applications, come with a 24-month,

fitment of ECE R90

unlimited mileage warranty against


manufacturing defects.


- 16 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016




CV Water Pumps From Borg & Beck Fusing its extensive product knowledge

Due to the premium quality standards

All Borg & Beck CV Water Pumps

and market expertise, the company



are supplied in strong and striking

has now introduced a highly requested

components, these new CV Water Pumps

packaging, which ensures the product

new range of CV Water Pumps, which

are manufactured in ISO / TS certified

gets to its destination safely and

will provide both CV factors and their

factories and undergo extensive testing

undamaged and provides a welcome

workshop customers with the ideal

and quality during production. This level

alternative to many other aftermarket

replacement solution.

of quality control is standard procedure






for the company as it prides itself on The Borg & Beck CV Water Pump

the quality of its components, depth

The range also benefits from a 24-month

programme is launched offering over

of range and excellent availability.

unlimited mileage warranty against

65 references, which cover a wide range

Naturally, gaskets and seals are also

manufacturing defects, giving Borg &

of the UK’s CV applications, catering for

included when supplied with the

Beck customers total peace-of-mind

all the general day-to-day aftermarket

equivalent OES Water Pump.

that they are installing a trusted product,


which is backed up with excellent availability and customer service.

For more information about the Borg & Beck CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor.

- 17 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



Trust Corteco the expert in

SEALING FOR TRUCKS CSWS® Composite seals with integrated sensor. Advantages: Evolution of the C-SEAL Integrated encoder and sensor to communicate with electronic devices

C-SEALS® Composite seals with integrated flange. Advantages: Easy and precise mounting to avoid axial misalignment

RWDS® Seal with integrated sensor. Advantages: More compact than CSWS Lightweight design Easy and precise mounting

ESS® Energy Saving Seal Combines PTFE design with FKM (Viton) compound, improving performance and leading to a significant friction reduction. Advantages: Reduction in fuel and oil consumption, as well as CO2 emissions Improved dynamic sealing efficiency (visco pump principle)

CASCO® Seal with ESS technology integrated into a cassette. CASCO seals generate less friction thanks to the advanced “axial” sealing lip design. Advantages: Greater control of CO2 - Lower emission levels Longer lasting, despite extreme working conditions

GAS-LIP® Valve stem seal with gas-lip technology to reduce the "blow-by-effect". Advantages: Optimization of oil consumption Significant reduction in exhaust gas emissions

KEEPING YOU ON THE ROAD! febi bilstein Electrics - Fit Confidence! Looking for electrical components that guarantees FIRST TIME FIT with OE matching quality? Look no further than febi! With a comprehensive range from Heater control valves, pressure switches and coolant temp sensors to steering column switches, windscreen wiper motors and heater motors to fit a wide range of European vehicles, you can’t get better value!

Search for febi parts on:

www.trucks.febi-parts.com febi is a bilstein group brand


Quality Counts... So make sure you fit only the best parts. With TruckTEC

The TruckTEC brand is exclusively availa

Lubricants The TruckTEC branded lubricants

applications, including DAF, MAN,

range is specially formulated using the

Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Scania, Volvo

highest quality additives and base oils.

and Iveco, and all products meet the

As a result, lubricants offer superior

quality requirements for “parts of

performance, meeting or surpassing

matching quality” as described by the

the latest manufacturers’ performance

EC Block Exemption Regulations.




the demands of the latest engine

Low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus



and Sulphur) engine oils will be the

TruckTEC range of fully synthetic,

most popular choice for operators of

semi-synthetic and mineral oils covers

Euro 5 & 6, and many Euro 4 vehicles.





Air Springs TruckTEC air springs are supplied for

The TruckTEC Air Spring range includes

use in both truck and bus suspensions

more than 400 of the most popular

and are characterised by the very

references on the market – including

high quality of the rubber parts, the

Volvo, Scania, BPW, Freightliner, SAF, RVI,

robustness of all of their component

MAN and many others.

parts, all of which is designed to deliver High strength systems with excellent resistance





operating characteristics across a wide temperature range. High resistance to other external factors (including ozone, salt, and sunlight). Very long-life - Failure free in normal use. Excellent resistivity and flexibility with full gas tight performance. - 20 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


C you have the piece of mind that you are fitting Quality Parts... Everytime!

able from your local G-Truck Distributor.

Clutch Kit The TruckTEC clutch range is a new and

Every unit is manufactured to exacting

of TruckTEC clutches deliver quality,

comprehensive range of commercial

OES specifications and quality standards

performance and value to make a

and light commercial vehicle clutch kits

and follow the strict systems set out

winning range.

for the aftermarket.

in ISO9001 Quality Standard. Further product tests are carried out in-house

Over 200 CV part numbers. Sizes from

with specialist test machinery for

229mm to 430mm. 2 year / 200,000 mile

bearing load, pressure plate lift, bearing

warranty. No surcharge or core returns

travel, clamp load and drive plate run-

required for hassle free handling and

out to ensure the product integrity. All

processing. The range covers Asian &

current and new additions to the range

European applications.Range includes

have to undertake a stringent approval

push type, pull type, twin plate and

procedure to guarantee consistency

hydraulic bearing type clutch’s.

of product.

That means the range

Exhausts Complete




completed certification processes for ISO

components designed for commercial

9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 mean

trucks for all leading makes of commercial

quality is assured with these exhausts.

vehicles. We have more than 3,000 references. Offering you access to high quality and successfully passed all resistance testing. Our products are made from the materials delivered by the leading suppliers in Europe, which guarantees their great strength and long life. As part of moves to constantly improve our range, following the most advanced technological processes. The successfully

- 21 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016

Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor


G-Truck sponsor R Racing in the BTRC

G-Truck are delighted to announce that we will be partnering Rooster R

Truck Racing Championship (BTRC) 2016, which runs from March to Nov



- 22 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Rooster C 2016

G-Truck in the pit lane with The Rooster Racing Team for a thrilling 2016 season of top level truck racing

Racing in this year’s British

vember. The trucks are limited to 100mph but the Renault showed an impressive acceleration on straights and was noticeably nippy out of turns like the famous Druids hairpin at Brands Hatch. Luke was pleased with his own performance but knew there was more to come.

The G-Truck backed truck, is a five-tonne MKR Renault beast; possessing over 1,160 BHP, it will out run a standard Porsche 911 at 40-100 MPH. The truck is a hightech monster; one of the elite Czech-built MKR Renaults that once dominated the FIA European Championships. Rooster Racing Team driver Luke Taylor is a fully trained Renault technician and knows the truck inside out; when he’s not fixing up the truck or racing, he’s at the TTX warehouse and distribution centre maintaining their fleet of trucks & trailers. The G-Truck sponsored truck was fired up and raring to hit the track at the Brands Hatch race meeting on Easter weekend, when it was unveiled for the very first time to thousands of racing fans. Krysty Sheard, Marketing Executive for G-Truck says, “We are delighted to announce the partnership with the Rooster Racing Team during the BTRC. Truck racing in the UK has in the last few years become a major spectator sport and this presents a great opportunity to market the G-Truck and Top Truck brands. Continued...

- 23 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


“It’s great for Truck racing fans too, who

independent truck parts distributor will

could make all the difference, “Having

will have access to some great content

be highlighted at every race around the

G-Truck as a partner is awesome. Having

and competitions, and it’s positive for


the same values and being a forward

our brand exposure. 200,000 spectators

thinking company as we are is just

get to see the events as well as the

The Rooster Team are extremely excited

fantastic. Because of it the team have all

racing being covered on TV. G-Truck’s

with the partnership too, team manager

they need to ensure the race truck runs

reputation as the trusted nationwide

David Taylor thinks the partnership

at optimum throughout the season.”


- 24 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



The Brands Hatch event was the first

lap red flag stoppages, Luke fought his

are limited to 100mph but the Renault

weekend of BTRC racing in 2016 and

way skillfully through the pack, coming

showed an impressive acceleration on

it was also the first chance for the

from 11th to register a highly creditable

straights and was noticeably nippy out

Rooster Racing team and driver Luke

fifth place finish. It was an impressive

of turns like the famous Druids hairpin at

Taylor - the youngest driver in this year’s

debut for the team, driver and vehicle.

Brands Hatch. Luke was pleased with his

championship - to get a feel for the new

“One thing we’ve learnt already is that

own performance but knew there was

truck. After two nerve-wracking first

the truck is fast,” said David. The trucks

more to come.

Follow the team on social media and visit

- 25 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


REAR LAMPS & MARKER LAMPS 282 Series Multifunction Rear Combination Lamp Available in stop/tail/indicator/reverse (282WARM) and stop/tail/indicator/fog (282FARM), the 282 series is LED



Autolamps new generation rear combination lamp. Featuring domed lenses with LED Autolamps’ signature diamond pattern - these lamps are clean, modern and aesthetically striking. Secure two-bolt fixings, vertical or horizontal mounting,


and a footprint of 284 x 100mm makes this lamp range

supplier, LED Autolamps, have extended

suitable for a wide range of trailer and vehicle applications.

their comprehensive LED lighting range even further with the introduction of

High-brightness LEDs provide a fast and effective rise to full

80+ new part numbers across three new

illumination, whilst drawing very little power – resulting in

catalogues; Rear Lamps & Markers, Work

a highly efficient rear lamp solution.

Lamps and Interior Lamps – all available from your local G-Truck distributor! Proud to offer the most comprehensive LED lighting range available in Europe, LED




lighting solutions for all commercial vehicle applications. We asked LED to give us closer look at a select few lamps from their new product releases…

- 26 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


WORK LAMPS 7312BM Reverse / Work Lamp


A new and exclusive addition to

40 Series

the LED work lamps range is the

Interior Strip Lamps

7312BM compact square work lamp,

The new 40 series interior strip lamp range features 5

featuring full ECE R23 certification

different sizes (from 260mm to 770mm) and 3 different

– designed and approved for a

colour options (black, silver and graphite grey). These

reverse lamp application.

lamps are made from a solid extrusion of electro-coated aluminium, and feature an optional touch sensitive on/off

It is often essential for large trailers to fit work lamps


into their reverse lamp circuit, allowing for vehicles to manoeuvre more easily in poorly lit environments.

As always, LED Autolamps have utilised the latest LED

However, fitting a standard, non-approved, work lamp in

technology to produce a light-output designed to

this function is a violation of legal lighting requirements.

effectively illuminate your vehicle interior without putting a strain on the power supply.

Fortunately LED Autolamps offer a solution with this new reverse/work lamp - designed specifically for this application - and with a compact size of only 73 x 73 x 31mm, this lightweight lamp is ideal for a wide-range of vehicles. To view the new LED Autolamps catalogues in full please visit www.ledautolamps-uk.com, or contact your local G-Truck Distributor for more information on all the new LED Autolamps product releases - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor.

N 20 16 U












view the new catalogues on our website now www.ledautolamps-uk.com


We guarantee only the absolute highest quality standards across our entire range – offering the most comprehensive choice of LED vehicle lighting available in Europe – exclusively available from LED Autolamps


Quality design. Quality manufacture. Quality guaranteed.

Tough Performers - in OE Quality For over 70 years, research and development engineers at MANN+HUMMEL have been continuously striving to improve the efficiency of commercial vehicle filters. A major innovation has been the development and introduction of a 3-tiered range of CV air dryer filters. The MANN-FILTER range of TB air dryers provide optimum protection on 3 levels.

Level 1 (White)

Dependable compressed air conditioning with the tried and tested air dryer cartridge from MANN-FILTER MANN-FILTER standard air dryer cartridges maintain optimum operational reliability in the air brake systems of commercial vehicles. Through effectively removing moisture in the compressed air system, they help to prevent corrosion and freezing. As well as the drying function, MANN-FILTER air dryer cartridges also separate dirt and soot particles from the compressed air. Additionally, they can be fitted in virtually all current compressed-air brake systems.

A further development for enhanced system protection Level 2 (Silver)

Air dryer cartridges with an integrated coalescence filter efficiently retain particles, dry the air and effectively separate fine oil droplets in the compressed-air brake system. The coalescence effect combines oil droplets (aerosols) which can damage the system components into larger droplets, thus ensuring reliable system protection. MANN-FILTER air dryer cartridges contain an extremely high quality drying agent demonstrating high water resistance mobility and mechanical stability.

Optimum protection to an advanced performance level Level 3 (Gold)

MANN-FILTER add another level of performance to the range of drying agents boxes for compressed air systems in commercial vehicles with the TB 1396 series. Two top-quality, two-stage drying agents are used to deliver the highest drying performance preventing damp air in the system, even in the toughest operating conditions. Internally, the filter is completely utilised through the patented high capacity cap which has more drying agent than comparable products and gives added protection against corrosion damage and freezing. A unique combination of an oil separator before and a coalescence filter after the drying agent, gives optimum protection against contamination and damage to the brake system. - 28 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


MANN-FILTER TB Air Dryer Cartridges Level 1 - TB 1374 x


Level 2 - TB 1394/1 x

Level 3 - TB 1396 x


• • •


• • •


• •

APU (Air Processing Unit). Dependable compressed air conditioning Through effectively removing moisture in the compressed air system, helps to prevent corrosion and freezing. As well as the drying function, MANN-FILTER air dryer cartridges also separate dirt and soot particles from the compressed air. Service interval: 50, 000km or a year. Operating pressure: 13BAR.

Lower repair costs. Longer service intervals. Lower maintenance requirements. Easy servicing. Longer service life for the vehicle’s compressed-air system.

• • • •

ASP (Air System Protector). Air dryer cartridge with coalescence filter. Effectively separate fine oil droplets. High water resistance and mechanical stability. Operating pressure: 13BAR.

• •

• •

• •

Improved protection for the compressed and brake system of commercial vehicles. Easy to retrofit to replace standard air dryer cartridges. Ensuring reliable system protection.

Compatible with TB 1374 x.

• •

ASP Plus (Air System Protector Plus). Air dryer cartridge with oil separator and coalescence filter. Maximum protection with electronic and mechanical dryers. Suitable for the toughest operating conditions. High capacity cap which gives added protection against corrosion damage and freezing.

Optimum protection of the brake system. Extended service life of the compressed air system. Increased service interval up to 3 years. Reduced maintenance costs = less down time. For all commercial vehicles with M 39 x 1.5 thread.

Level 3 (Gold)

High capacity cap Drying agent combination For

Oil separator & coalescence filter



about the MANN FILTER CV range,




G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor. - 29 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



Factory fitted to more than 85% of all new vehicles built in Europe. Scania Man Volkswagen Leyland Paccar Mercedes-Benz Ford Vauxhall Volkswagen Nissan Peugeot Fiat Toyota Renault Landrover CitroĂŤn




CV Technology Manbat, the UK’s largest automotive

The design also includes vibration

vehicles that the Promotive Black can be

battery distributor, has had a long and

resistance properties that ensure that its

used in.



performance remains unaffected even

with premium brand, VARTA®, for more

when on uneven roads and contains

The Promotive Blue and Silver options

than 30 years. With a century’s worth



both include Labyrinth lid technology,

of knowledge and expertise behind

hold the plates securely in place. This

which provides safe gas discharge,

the brand, VARTA batteries provide the

reduces the likelihood of the connectors

integral flame arrestors to protect the

ideal solution for every conceivable

breaking and means the battery can be

battery from sparks or flames, terminal

battery need, all of which are available

used in the toughest environment.

guards and special caps that protect




through GROUPAUTO G-Truck members,

against spillage, making the batteries

including the top of the range VARTA

Finally, the Promotive EFB includes an

extremely safe. Utilising Calcium-silver

Promotive EFB.

additional polyester element between

technology grid alloys in its plate

the plate and separator called a scrim,

structure, they deliver increased cyclic

This battery is specifically designed for

which holds the active material in place

stability, consistent performance, with

high performance commercial vehicles

and avoids erosion of the plate; as a

minimal self-discharge.

(CVs) and can endure a high number of

result this provides a greater resistance

charge, discharge, charge ‘cycles’ during

to deep discharge and superior charge

The Promotive Blue is designed for high

its lifetime. Its construction overcomes


performance CV’s with standard power

a common problem associated with

demands and comes in 140Ah, 170Ah

deep cycle applications, as it includes

The remaining Promotive Range

and 215Ah capacities, to provide the

an acid circulator that counteracts acid

The core VARTA Promotive range caters

best cold starting performance.

stratification and keeps the acid density

for the battery requirements for all

consistent, which enhances charge

sectors of the CV market, whether it’s a


acceptance and ultimately, increases the

smaller vehicle only used locally, right

available in 145Ah, 180Ah and 225Ah

longevity of the battery.

through to the largest trans-European

capacities, incorporates advanced, zero



maintenance features, delivers high

One of the primary benefits of this

Designed to reliably power such diverse

cyclic stability and provides a long

technology to fleet managers, is a

fleets, while also reducing on-going

service life. In addition, it exceeds EN

significant reduction in the potential

overheads, the range is therefore

Super Heavy Duty requirements (EN4)

down time of their fleets, as the VARTA


standard and vibration resistance (V3),



Promotive EFB will reliably power the





making this battery perfect for fleet

vehicle, even under the most arduous

The Promotive Black battery is ideal

managers that rely on high energy using

conditions, so they will not encounter

for vehicles that have lower energy


battery problems when in service. In

requirements, providing a simple, but

addition, its construction will provide

effective battery solution with low

a longer life cycle when compared to a

maintenance needs. The battery has a

conventional battery.

range of power capacities from 45Ah to 220Ah, representing the wide choice of

For more information about the Varta CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/ distributor.

- 31 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



100% OE and critical settings, which makes it difficult to rebuild them to their exact original specification. 100% OE options from BTN Turbo All turbos from BTN Turbo are 100% OE – conforming precisely to original specifications, providing the correct performance and totally compatible with the vehicle’s engine management system. Does OE matter?

As Europe’s largest independent turbo

It could well do, if you fit a non-OE turbo.

distributor, BTN supplies brand new

A non-original turbo can generate fault

turbos from all the major manufacturers:

codes with the engine management

Garrett, BorgWarner, Holset, Mitsubishi,

system – indicating reduced power,

Schwitzer and IHI. They are:

higher fuel consumption or excessive emissions; prompting your customer to

> first fit, straight from the original

come back and complain.

> manufacturer’s production line > balanced and calibrated to precise,

Then there’s the risk of premature failure

> correct tolerances

with a non-OE turbo. Modern turbos are

> flow bench tested to provide correct

highly complex, with tight tolerances

> performance.

- 32 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Two year warranty - The BTN standard

Protecting a new installation

BTN Turbo’s fact sheets, free to download

Whether it’s a brand new unit or Original

BTN always advises that in order to

from the website at www.btnturbo.com,

Manufacturer Remanufactured, every

ensure a successful replacement turbo

explain how to diagnose a turbo failure,

turbo supplied by BTN is covered by a two

installation, it’s essential to find out

so you can rectify the fault before fitting

year warranty against manufacturing

what caused the old turbo to fail and

the replacement.

defects. Its further assurance that

eliminate the fault.

heavy diesel commercial applications are covered with the famous BTN No

For more information about the BTN Turbo CV range, contact your

Quibble warranty for the first 12 months.

local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor.

- 33 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Quality comes as Standard with Dayco. In addition to its dominant position within the automotive sector, Dayco is a major player when it comes to the design and manufacture of original equipment (OE) power transmission components, which it supplies to commercial



(VMs) across the globe, some of them even on the coveted, ‘sole supplier’ basis.









quality belts, it is now actually one of the world’s largest OE auxiliary tensioner supplier for the CV sector, an area of specialism it has developed due to its practical application of advanced technology




research expertise.

Although it is a well versed statement,

installing its replacement components

with a high level of customer support,

there is nothing more important to

during a vehicle service or repair.


operators than to minimise vehicle





access to expert technical knowledge

downtime, because it remains a fact

In addition to its inherent quality,

and through its centrally located UK

that a vehicle intended for commercial

the Dayco CV range, which includes

warehouse, superb product availability.

purposes is purely a cost when it isn’t

belts, tensioners, pulleys and idlers,

actually working.

has been finely honed to provide the

Further to the reference data, Dayco

independent sector with both the depth

has just released its 2016 Heavy

Therefore, the fact that Dayco is relied

of range to cater for every conceivable

Duty catalogue, its largest and most

upon by VMs, whose need to incorporate

requirement and the product reference


high quality components into every

data to ensure the correct replacement

which contains more than 700 part

aspect of their vehicle design, should

is identified for the specific application.

numbers, covering in excess of 350,000

give fleet operators and CV workshops complete reassurance when it come to




applications to provide the solution for The Dayco package is made complete

97% of the European vehicle parc.

- 34 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



To be the first in Europe requires an heavy duty.

All our experience and the continuous improvement made us first in Europe. That’s a great achievement and makes us proud; moreover it gives you the confidence of a well made choice.

The original power in motion

DAYCO-ADV-EN-HDUTY-190x128.indd 1

04/04/16 14:52

and the Dayco catalogue, which is

for each specific application, as well

considered a benchmark for the entire

as access to the supporting diagnosis

industry, is available both in printed and

information for inspecting and replacing

digital form, with specific apps for Apple,

essential engine components. Users can

Android and Windows smartphones and

search for replacement parts by entering


the vehicle model and engine type, or by entering the Dayco part number directly.

Among the wealth of new content to be found in the 1,300-page publication is

With print, web and app-based formats,

the expansion of both applications and

the new edition provides Dayco’s

part numbers, with a particular focus

customers with access in multiple

on poly-v belt kits (KPVs) and tensioners


(APVs). Although not common in the


UK, the comprehensive nature of the

parts information.

and and





updated catalogue can be seen with the inclusion of Russian VMs, such as Kamaz, For more information about the

Gaz, Kavz and Nefaz. The online catalogue, which can be

Dayco CV range, contact your

90 per cent of the parts listed within

accessed at www.daycogarage.com

local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit

the range are made at Dayco’s factories

allows users to simply identify product


in San Bernardo, Ivrea, and Chieti, Italy

characteristics, view fitting instructions - 35 -

ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016




On Facebook? Share this post on our page facebook.com/wixeurope for your chance to WIN VIP BTCC tickets with WIX Racing www.wixeurope.com

INNOVATOR IN FILTRATION PRODUCTS Since 1939, WIX has been an innovator

filters, which protect engines all over the

in filtration products. Wix designs,

world. WIX brand filters are available in

manufactures and distributes products

over 100 countries and the characteristic

for automotive, diesel, agricultural,

logo of the company soon became the

industrial and specialty filter markets.

synonym of quality in the aftermarket.

The WIX product line includes oil, air, cabin interior, fuel, coolant, transmission

WIX UK are working very hard to raise

and hydraulic filters for cars, trucks and

the profile of the brand in the UK market

off-road equipment.

and one of the ways this is happening is to highlight the Original Equipment,

The history of WIX Filters consists of 77

(O.E.) pedigree of the company. In

years of continuous development of

the filter industry, there is no better

filtration solutions. The company, which

quality guarantee than the fact that

was established by Jack Wicks in North

components produced by an original

Carolina in the USA, soon started to

equipment manufacturer.

by the manufacturer. WIX are an innovative and modern company and together with vehicle and machine manufacturers create solutions for the future. With a highly qualified team of engineers and in-house design

develop dynamically. WIX also made its unique contribution to the development

WIX filters were for the first time installed

of the entire filtration industry when

in the brand new engines leaving the

in 1954 their engineers developed and

production line in the middle of the

patented the spin-on oil filter, which

1950’s in the USA. The first WIX client

shortly became a worldwide standard in

then was Ford Motor Company, and

the filtration of lubricants.

the company has been a client ever since. Today WIX manufacture filters

Today WIX is a global corporation,

for companies such as MERCEDES,

which manufactures products in 15


manufacturing plants located in 4


continents. Every year, over 4000

VOLKSWAGEN. With WIX you can be sure

employees manufacture 256 million

that every filter produced under the WIX


brand name meets the requirements set



and research center, WIX are ready to meet the most recent trends in the industry. On Facebook? Like our page Facebook page facebook. com/wixeurope. For more information about the WIX CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/ distributor.

- 37 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016



IT’S BACK . IT’S BORG & BECK. Make Borg & Beck Your First Choice For CV Parts!

With over 100 years history of engineering excellence and OE pedigree the Borg & Beck brand, which in the past was originally fitted to truck and bus, is proud to offer the aftermarket a comprehensive range of Clutch, Steering, Water Pumps, Rotating Electrics and Brake Discs and Drums, offering a credible alternative to OES.

Heritage Reborn www.borgandbeck.com/cv

SAY “YES” TO THE BEST. Choose the Repair Insert Unit from FAG. Introducing the revolutionary Repair Insert Unit (RIU) from FAG, a breakthrough for economy and convenience. Each RIU comes as a pre-assembled and lubricated hub repair solution to service a multitude of DAF, SAF, Schmitz-Cargobull, Renault and Volvo applications. • Avoid the cost of a new hub • Time and cost efficient replacement • Easy to mount with included fitting tool Keeping fleets on the road and out of the workshop.

SmarTAC from LuK. Longevity through innovation. SmarTAC from LuK. Longevity through innovation. Clutch systems for commercial vehicles are designed for high mileage and long life.

It’s not rare to see delivery trucks achieve a mileage of 600,000 km, and long haulers Clutch systems for commercial vehicles are over 1,000,000 km. Stop and go driving designed for high mileage and long life. plus a lot of parking manoeuvres,such It’s as notthose rare to see by delivery trucks achieve made construction vehicles,a mileage of 600,000 and long challenge the wearkm, resistance ofhaulers over 1,000,000 km. Stop and go driving commercial vehicle clutches. plus a lot of parking manoeuvres,such Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket can as those made by construction vehicles, now offer long-life clutch comfort for challenge the wear resistance of commercial vehicles with its LuK Travel Adjusted commercial vehicle clutches. Clutch (TAC), with a wear reserve as much as Automotiveclutch Aftermarket can doubleSchaeffler that of conventional systems. now offer long-life clutch comfort for Besides extreme demands on wear resistance, commercial vehicles with its LuK Travel Adjusted commercial vehicles often have automatic-shift gearboxes Clutch (TAC), with a wear reserve as much as with clutch boost controllers that use a flat clutch-pressure curve for double that of conventional clutch systems. clutch control - and it’s precisely here that the LuK Travel Adjusted Clutch (TAC) comes into its own. Besides extreme demands on wear resistance, The adjustment process is initiated by the TAC measuring the distance during clutch engagement commercial vehicles often have automatic-shift gearboxes and disengagement. When the distance between the pressure plate and flywheel changes, the with clutch boost controllers that use a flat clutch-pressure curve for axial amount of change is translated to the adjusting ring by a spindle with a directly coupled clutch control - and it’s precisely here that the LuK Travel Adjusted Clutch (TAC) comes into its own. pinion gear. Compensation follows with constant finger height between the pressure plate and The adjustmentspring. process is initiated TAC measuring distance during clutch engagement the diaphragm And becauseby thethe entire adjustmentthe mechanism is located on the pressure and disengagement. When theforces distance between the pressure plate and flywheel changes, the plate, distortion and torsional have no influence on the quality of adjustment. axial amount of change is translated to the adjusting ring by a spindle with a directly coupled This gives the TAC a minimum wear-range of 6mm, a true benefit as it is nearly twice as large as that pinion gear. Compensation follows with constant finger height between the pressure plate and of conventional clutch systems. the diaphragm spring. And because the entire adjustment mechanism is located on the pressure plate, distortion and torsional forces have no influence on the quality of adjustment.

With the LuK RepSet SmarTAC, Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket is making a high performance and long-life repair solution available in just one box. With the LuK RepSet SmarTAC, Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket is making a high performance and long-life repair solution available in just one box.

It consists of a clutch disc, pressure plate and conventional release bearings, all of them tuned to work precisely together and in proven Original Equipment quality. It consists of®a clutch disc, pressure plate Each RepSet SmarTAC has a long-life and conventional release bearings, all of design, a precise adjustment mechanism them tuned to work precisely together and and the latest generation HD 30 Plus in proven Original Equipment quality. clutch lining that also allows a dramatic ® Each RepSet SmarTAC has afriction long-lifevalues increase in mileage, optimal design, precise adjustment mechanism and top acomfort. and the latest generation HD 30 Plus SmarTAC technology has been originally clutch lining that also allows a dramatic fitted to new vehicles since 2012, and is increase in mileage, optimal friction values now available to you in the familiar yellow and top comfort. and black LuK RepSet carton. SmarTAC technology has been originally fitted to new vehicles since 2012, and is The benefits of LuK SmarTAC clutch systems at a glance: This gives the TAC a minimum wear-range of 6mm, a true benefit as it is nearly twice as large as that now available to you in the familiar yellow Benefit and black LuK RepSet carton. ofCategory conventional clutch systems. • Maintains gear change consistency for the lifetime of the clutch

Performance The benefits of LuK clutch systems at a glance: • SmarTAC Lasts twice as long as a conventional clutch during OE testing Category

Performance Product & installation

Product & installation

Benefit • Maintains original levels of comfort and driveability • HD 30 Plus friction lining for optimum durability • Maintains gear change consistency for the lifetime of the clutch • twiceOE as approved. long as a conventional clutch during OE testing • Lasts OE tested. • Maintains original levels of-comfort and driveability • LuK RepSet repair solution all the parts you need in one box • HD 30 Plus friction lining for optimum durability • Engineered for original fitment - fits first time every time • • • • •

Matched components in proven Original Equipment quality OE tested. OE approved. LuK RepSet repair solution - all the parts you need in one box Engineered for original fitment - fits first time every time Matched components in proven Original Equipment quality

Need more? We can help! Please visit: www.schaeffler-aftermarket.co.uk or www.repxpert.co.uk for more information. Need more? We can help! Please visit: www.schaeffler-aftermarket.co.uk or www.repxpert.co.uk for more information.

Scan the QR code to see the benefits of HD 30 Plus - simply explained! - 41 -

Scan the QR code to see the benefits of HD 30 Plus - simply explained! ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016


Peace of mind this far from home comes naturally with Gates heavy duty systems.

GATES HEAVY DUTY SYSTEMS THAT GO THE DISTANCE Check out Gates expertise for yourself at www.gatestechzone.com



first-fit repair process, as well as giving

directly to the customer from our parent

original equipment (OE) air conditioning

them and fleet operators assurance and

company in Germany, meaning any



potential delay is kept to an absolute





introduced a comprehensive range


of water pumps for both commercial

Commenting on the introduction, Steve

vehicle (CV) and automotive applications

Hudson, head of business development,


into its extensive portfolio.

said: “The addition of water pumps

climate, pricing is always an issue, so

alongside the other OE quality thermal

we have carefully positioned the range

The CV range consists of more than



to allow our customers to offer the

100 individual part numbers, which

existing programme is an obvious step

best in quality, while remaining highly

represents almost 90% of the UK market,

for us, not only because it is consistent

competitive within the market when

with further application references to be

with our policy of continuous growth,

it comes to the unit cost. As a result,

introduced on demand. When it comes

reflected by the addition of 1,200 part

we are now able to offer the complete

to the automotive sector, our range of

numbers in 2015 and the anticipation of

thermal management solution from

more than 900 part numbers provides

another 700 during 2016, but because it


over 85% UK car parc coverage, a

fits so well within our area of specialism.

and intercoolers, through oils and

figure that will shortly rise to 90% with

“Although product quality is paramount,

refrigerants, to water pumps, which is

subsequent planned additions.

their availability is also of the utmost

the beating heart of the entire system,

importance and here too the BEHR

from a highly reputable single source.”



In keeping with its commitment to

HELLA SERVICE package ticks the boxes

only offer products of the highest

as our centrally located distribution

standard, these BEHR HELLA SERVICE

centre allows us to provide next day

water pumps are manufactured to OE

delivery across the UK. Further, in the



unlikely event that we do not have

the technician with confidence of a

the item in the UK, it will be shipped






For more information about the BEHR HELLA CV range, contact your local G-TRUCK Distributor - Visit www.gtruck.co.uk/distributor.

- 43 ISSUE 10 - MAY 2016







> > > > > > >


Matched OE Quality Air Springs Free fitting kit 3 Year Guarantee More than 400 References Over 25 years experience Neoprene technology 100% pressure control


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