Ontario Beef - February 2020

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Hoof Health

Sharecost Innovation Awards Veterinary Profile Wellness on the Farm

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement Number 0040007029





February 2020

Volume 61, Number 1



CONTENTS 4 Ahead of the Heard 6 The Beef Beat 8 Between You, Me and the Fence Post 10 Rural Ramble


12 Connecting With Consumers 14 BFO Sharecost Innovation Awards 16 The Joy of Cattle: Veterinary Profile 20 OMAFRA Update 24 Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency Update 26 Focus on Herd Health: Hoof Health 32 AgSights Update 34 Canada Beef Update 36 CCA Update 38 Food & Farm Care Ontario Update 42 Market Information 48 Calendar of Events 50 Wellness on the Farm

ON THE COVER Welcome to a new year, a whole new decade and a new look for Ontario Beef magazine. We couldn’t think of a better picture to represent our fresh outlook and approach for 2020 than a healthy, newborn calf. Here’s to a great year ahead for our members and industry. Don’t miss out on submitting your photos for our May 2020 issue. Please send your spring inspired photos by April 15 to be considered for the cover. Digital photos that are at least 300dpi are preferred and can be emailed to info@ontariobeef.com.

ONTARIO BEEF • Beef Farmers of Ontario 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, ON N1K 1B1 • Phone: 519-824-0334 • Toll Free (for Ontario callers only) 1-866-370-BEEF (2333) Fax: 519-824-9101 • info@ontariobeef.com EDITOR Jennifer Kyle CIRCULATION COORDINATOR Bethany Storey ADVERTISING MANAGER Cathy Lasby, Preferred Agri-Marketing Services Guelph, ON Phone: 519-763-8833 • Fax: 519-763-8833 pams@sentex.net DESIGN and LAYOUT Prism Studios Advertising and Design Inc. Guelph, ON PRODUCTION and PRINTING Beck’s Printing Services, Brantford, ON

PROVIDING A FORUM FOR THE ONTARIO BEEF INDUSTRY Ontario Beef is the official publication of the Beef Farmers of Ontario. Contents of this publication may be reproduced only by permission of the Editor and with credit acknowledged. Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and/or editor and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Beef Farmers of Ontario. Publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement or approval by Ontario Beef or the Beef Farmers of Ontario of products or services advertised. Advertising deadlines are January 10, April 15, July 15, September 15 and November 15. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertising, including advertising that is inconsistent with BFO’s Sponsorship Policy, available at www.ontariobeef.com. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material published, however no responsibility can be assumed for advertising not received in clear, type-written form. C an adi an P u b l i c a t i o n s M a i l P r o d u c t S a l es A g r eem en t Nu m b er 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 2 9 POSTMASTER: Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Beef Farmers of Ontario, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, ON N1K 1B1

AHEAD OF THE HEARD By Joe Hill, BFO President info@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

Relationships Have Made All The Difference I

t is hard to believe that my tenure, serving nine years on the BFO board, including the last two as president, has come to an end. Shortly after I first arrived at the board table, funding for the Risk Management Program (RMP) was announced and I was able to witness the development of that program first-hand, along with the ongoing work required to keep it alive. Currently we are working with OMAFRA to tweak the program to fit the government’s desire to include more insurance-based principles. This should lead to their promised increase to the annual RMP budget of $50 million to be shared across the enrolled commodities. Once completed, the new RMP should become stable and no longer require constant lobbying just to ensure its existence each year, although nothing should be taken for granted and regular reminders to government of its importance to our industry will still be required. I had hoped that this file would be closed by the time I stepped down from the board, but working at the speed of government I should have known better. As I hand this file to the next president, I know that there has been some real progress made and the hard work of those that came before me is paying off. During my tenure, BFO lobby efforts secured an increase to the feeder finance loan program, increasing the amount from $90 million to $130 million, and then again to $260 million. Increases to the individual loan limits were also made, along with administrative changes. We have worked with the co-op leaders to develop a more

BFO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019 Joe Hill (Feedlot Director) - President Phone: 519-843-3202 • Email: joe@roberthillfarm.ca Rob Lipsett (Background Director) - Vice-President Phone: 519-371-9850 • Email: lipsettrob@yahoo.ca Don Badour (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 613-762-2161 • Email: don.badour@ripnet.com Jason Reid (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 807-935-3224 • Email: reidridgefarm@tbaytel.net Craig McLaughlin (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 613-646-7820 • Email: cmblackhorse@gmail.com Mert Schneider (Feedlot Director) Phone: 519-343-2849 • Email: nschneider@wightman.ca Jack Chaffe (Feedlot Director) Phone: 519-348-4607 • Email: jdchaffe@quadro.net Jason Leblond (Northern Director) Phone: 705-724-1887 • Email: jsacres5@gmail.com Dave Cavanagh (Eastern Director) Phone: 705-740-5212 • Email: homestead_herefords@msn.com Ron Stevenson (Southern Director) Phone: 519-887-6677 • Email: ron@metzgervet.com Dan Darling (Director-At-Large) Phone: 905-375-4019 • Email: dmdarling13@gmail.com Jordan Miller (Director-At-Large) Phone: 289-686-1124 • Email: b.jordan.miller@gmail.com


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structured and sustainable governance model. This program is an important and effective tool for our members who use it. We also developed ‘Beef North’, although specifically targeting northern Ontario because of land values and volumes, our overall goal is to grow the provincial cow herd across the province. The hard work, tools and website that BFO developed as part of the program have introduced cattle farming in northern Ontario to people who never would have considered it a decade ago. The results are paying off, while growth has been slow, producers are moving into the north and are successful. Unfortunately, growth in the north has only been able to offset continued cow herd reductions in other parts of the province. The real catalyst for significant herd expansion still remains access to crown land. This is an underutilized provincial resource and as long as we continue to pave over one million acres of southern Ontario land each decade, the need to develop this resource will eventually become obvious to those in control. It will require a level of leadership rarely achieved. It will require multiple ministries to work in collaboration on an outcome that will not yield measurable benefits before the next election. And it will have some vocal opposition from voters within city limits. Most recently, with the implementation of our check-off increase, BFO has undertaken a dramatic increase in our producer engagement and education activities, with a significant emphasis on youth. We are investing in consumer outreach at modest, yet unprecedented

BFO STAFF Executive Director Richard Horne • richard@ontariobeef.com Executive Assistant Jill Smith • jill@ontariobeef.com Senior Advisor, Special Projects Dave Stewart • dave@ontariobeef.com Manager of Policy and Issues Katherine Fox • k atherine@ontariobeef.com Senior Policy Advisor Angela Rouillard • angela@ontariobeef.com Policy Advisor Jessica Schill • jessica@ontariobeef.com Manager of Communications & Marketing LeaAnne Wuermli • leaanne@ontariobeef.com (on maternity leave) Senior Communications Specialist Jennifer Kyle • jennifer@ontariobeef.com Communications Coordinator Bethany Storey • bethany@ontariobeef.com Market Information Coordinator Jamie Gamble • markets@ontariobeef.com

Accountant Amber McIntyre • amber@ontariobeef.com Office Administrator Tammy Purdham • tammy@ontariobeef.com Manager of Producer Relations Dan Ferguson • dan@ontariobeef.com Producer Relations Specialist Jaclyn Horenberg • jaclyn@ontariobeef.com Check-Off Inspector Chris Millar • chrism@ontariobeef.com Provincial Supervisor, Ontario Feeder Cattle and Beef Breeder Co-op Programs Cheryl Russwurm • crfeederfin@wightman.ca Water Quality Specialist Chris Attema • chris@ontariobeef.com

levels for our industry. We are all aware of the constant barrage of misleading, incomplete and often false information that has been deterring people from eating beef. We are finally able to start pushing back. Working with the public and stakeholder engagement division of Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and Canada Beef we are finding allies in environmental groups and nutrition experts who are lending their voices to our message. This is incredibly important work. The bulk of the revenue from the check-off increase is dedicated to fund the joint marketing committee. This initiative, with participation from the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association (OCFA), will drive demand and increase value for Ontario beef by supporting Ontario branded beef programs in domestic and international markets. This committee

will also be leading the way to ensure that Ontario beef can meet the quality assurance requirements of our customers. These are a few of the highlights from my years on the BFO board. I think we have made progress in so many areas. What I am most proud to have been a part of is the growth in the relationships with other organizations. The BFO and OCFA are now at a point where we stand together and push in the same direction, benefiting our industry and producers. It took leadership from both organizations for this to happen and I would like to personally thank all those involved. I also need to make note of the level of collaboration that has been happening with CCA. Lobby efforts for transportation regulation changes and the eastern Canadian processing capacity shortage have been high priorities for the CCA. Recently there has been a level of cooperation at both the board and staff levels that I have not seen before. Our relationship with Canada Beef is also now moving in the right direction. I can’t leave without acknowledging the hard work of our dedicated staff at BFO. The average producer who hasn’t had the chance to work with them can’t truly appreciate all that they do for us. And finally to all of my fellow board members who have come and gone over the years. I can’t find the words to adequately express how much I value each of you and the time we spent together. Thank you to my wife Jennifer, and kids Kaleb and Miranda, for supporting me through this journey. And, thank you to the producers who encouraged and challenged me. I wish for nothing but good times and great prices for the new board. OB


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THE BEEF BEAT By Angela Rouillard, Senior Policy Advisor angela@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

A Recap on New Regulations T

here have been a lot of fun and fascinating files on my plate these past few months. With a background in animal science and advanced training in research and animal welfare, it made perfect sense to welcome me to the BFO team with a friendly handshake, a delicious beef-filled lunch, and a pile of files dealing with the new animal protection legislation, transport regulation amendments and the BFO research program. I’ll walk you through my first few months with the BFO team.

Animal Welfare As our members know, the Ontario SPCA pulled back from animal welfare enforcement activities as of March 31, 2019. This left the province and the Ontario Provincial Police (who were then assigned to handle these investigations and complaints) scrambling and caused a stir, with perhaps a little anxiety, among the livestock industry. Thankfully, the province was keen to work with producers and commodity organizations on drafting new animal protection legislation that would be appropriate for pets, exotic animals and livestock. There were a number of consultations with the Ministry of the Solicitor General, and the majority of livestock commodity organizations in Ontario submitted comments and draft legislation as one group (spearheaded by Farm & Food Care Ontario). We were pleased to see the introduction of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act (affectionately referred to as PAWS) in October 2019. Overall, the act was fairly robust and reasonable, incorporating strong penalties for animal cruelty, providing public accountability to the animal protection system, and ensuring that livestock specialists are among the newly hired and trained animal welfare inspectors. However, there were a few sections that were cause for concern. Consequently, we submitted a number of comments and requests to the Ontario government, as did most of our commodity and general farm organization colleagues. Unfortunately, these concerns fell on deaf ears and we saw very few changes made to the original draft. The bill received royal assent in December and was implemented January 1, 2020. Still a little worried about how this is going to roll out? Me too. I do believe that there is a bright future here, though. The regulations that will accompany the act are in the process of being drafted and BFO will be engaged in that process. If we can entrench some of our comments and requests into the regulations (such as referring to our industry-developed Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle), we will be very happy indeed! Another positive to the 6

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process is that the Solicitor General has expressed an interest and desire to maintain the relationship with commodity organizations and will continue to lean on our animal care advisors to provide help and advice on any beef-related complaints and investigations.

Transportation Moving on to the transport regulation amendments. We’ve been talking about these for the last few years as the amendments have been in development for more than a decade (yes, you read that right). I have been involved at various stages of the amendment process and in my past roles I even led a transport study with Dr. Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein that focused on benchmarking compromised and unfit cattle conditions at abattoirs and auctions in Alberta. Taking on this file has been a delight and together with our counterparts at CCA, we are working on creating materials to help producers easily transition to the amended regulations. Ever the eternal optimist, I think it is always important to take note of the positives. The Health of Animals Regulations Part XII: Transportation of Animals was first introduced in 1977 and has not been significantly amended since. One cannot deny that, over a period of more than 40 years, we have learned more about humane transportation of livestock than we knew before. It’s not surprising that some changes were proposed to these regulations. Many of the changes are common sense or include things that most, if not all, livestock transporters already do. However, there are a few areas of concern for cattle producers and these need to be seriously considered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) moving forward. For example, the maximum time in transit has reduced dramatically from 48 hours, with a grace period of 4 hours, to 36 hours with no grace period. Research has shown that, during long-haul transport, more than 99 per cent of animals arrive in satisfactory condition, causing our industry to question whether this change was necessary. It is also clear that the necessary infrastructure and rest station capacity does not currently exist, particularly along northern routes, making it difficult for transporters to comply. Finally, the need for rest periods following various time in transit is a subject currently under investigation by a team of researchers. Ideally, the results of this study will be taken into consideration and incorporated, where appropriate, into the regulations. Despite substantial lobbying efforts from BFO, CCA and other commodity organizations, the new transport regulations will still come into effect on February 20, 2020. Minister of Agriculture and

Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau has announced a two-year period of leniency or “soft enforcement” around the time in transit portion of the amended regulations. This period will focus on education, awareness and guidance rather than enforcement. This will also give producers time to adjust travel routes and procedures, researchers time to complete their transport studies and time for entrepreneurs to build or expand rest stations. Other major differences in the amended regulations, such as required paperwork around transfer of care and a new requirement for contingency plans, will come into effect as planned on February 20, 2020. The focus for CFIA inspectors will be on animal welfare outcomes. Transporters will not be asked for contingency plans, proof of training or other information unless there has been a poor animal welfare income (animals arrive injured or dead). This relaxed enforcement period feels like a small win for our producers and we will continue to work with CCA and the CFIA on any changes required in the future.

“Industry Accepted since 1978”

Research I am thrilled to take over management of the BFO Research Program. A commitment of $200,000 per year for three years was made in September 2019, and we are off to a running start as research begins early in 2020. The BFO research committee met in October 2019 to set research priorities for this funding, and will focus on the following topics: animal health and welfare, antimicrobial use and resistance, food safety, forages and environmental sustainability. We received 28 letters of intent and have requested full proposals for 12 of these projects. Project selection and funding decisions will be made in March 2020 and I am excited to see this work move forward. I am passionate about supporting the beef industry through upcoming challenges and cheering for our successes. If I can ever be of assistance to our members, don’t hesitate to reach out! OB


22ND ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE AND PRIVATE TREATY SALE Saturday, April 4th, 2020 10:00am to 5:00pm • At the Farm

We are offering an outstanding group of bulls and open and bred females from the limousin industry’s leading sires. Garry & Sheila Smart

137606 Grey Rd. 12, RR#2 • Meaford, Ontario N4L 1W6 • Phone/Fax: 519-538-4877 Cell: 519-372-7459 • smartlimo@bmts.com • www.smartlimousin.com



BETWEEN YOU, ME AND THE FENCE POST By Jennifer Kyle, BFO Senior Communications Specialist info@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

New Year, New Decade, New Ontario Beef J

anuary 1, 2020 marked not only the start of a new year, but also the kick-off to a new decade. The beginning of a new year typically

As I mentioned, Ontario Beef still contains all of the same great content you are used to. Our plan is to continue to refresh the

has people making resolutions and committing to making changes

magazine and provide the information and articles you value, while

for the better. While not necessarily resolutions, at the BFO office we

also bringing new content ideas to life where relevant. For example, be

have been working on changes to freshen up Ontario Beef magazine,

sure to check out the new Wellness on the Farm column on the last

which you may have noticed when you opened this copy up to read.

page of this edition. This is the first in a series of articles focusing on

While there has been plenty of work done on the overall BFO

you and your wellbeing. To take care of your family, farm and livestock

branding over the last several years, the magazine has remained the

to the best of your ability, you need to first take care of yourself.

same. In fact, Ontario Beef has looked exactly the same for many

We are excited to have Jessica Schill on BFO’s Policy Team. Jessica

years. With the dawn of the new decade, we thought it was time to

is a registered nurse, has a Masters in Public Health and is keen to

start a little facelift to refresh the look and style of the magazine.

help provide information that we hope has a positive impact on the


Purebred and Percentage Limousin Cattle Limousin Bulls For Sale Red and black, polled, Yearlings and 2-year-olds

Ontario Beef still contains all of the


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Another exciting change for the magazine is that, as of February 1,

same great content

2020, Ontario Beef is now available online! This is a change that has

and information,

been debated for several years, and we have finally made the leap. The

just in a sleeker

online edition can now be found on the BFO website in its entirety.

and more modern

This decision was made for a few reasons. First, we wanted the ability

layout. Our goal

to share some of the content more broadly and easily. The online

is to produce a

edition makes it simple for us to share articles and information on

magazine that you,

social media, on our website, in our own weekly e-newsletter and with

our members, look

those who request them. An online edition also makes our publication

forward to reading,

more appealing to advertisers. An ad in a print magazine has a

a magazine

relatively short “shelf life” and only reaches those who hold a physical

that appeals

copy in their hands. Adding the online edition extends the shelf life of

to our existing

the ad (an e-magazine stays online indefinitely), significantly increases

and potential

the audience of readers and provides added value for our advertisers.

advertisers, and a

In the future we may be able to offer an option to readers for how

magazine that we

they wish to receive their magazine, but for now, all members will

are proud to send

continue to receive their print copy in the mail, with the online edition

out and have on

available at ontariobeef.com.

display on farms

The Young Family Ennismore, ON Jim (705) 760-5438 Joe (705) 755-6820

wellbeing of our farmer members across Ontario.

Ontario Beef remains your magazine written and produced for you,

and in offices

our valued farmer members. We are always open to feedback and

across the province.

ideas from the membership. If you have story ideas or thoughts on

We hope we have

how we can make it better, be sure to send them my way.

achieved that.

Happy New Year! OB

M&L 688F

A Rouky grandson with calving ease and conformation, a total package.

M&L 131G

Very complete yearling son of the Wilkie Double Take bull

M&L JUMPER 144F 75 lb BW combining calving ease, maternal and carcass, by our feature sire M&L Trezegoal 268C

M&L PERFORMER 102F Another very thick, complete herdsire prospect out of M&L Performer & a PCFL Wildfire daughter

Catalogue online at www.mlcattleco.com Sale Manager

124 Shannon Road Regina, SK S4S 5B1 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Jon Wright 306-807-8424 charolaisbanner@gmail.com

10 French Open Heifers Sell

Late Fall and Early Spring Born. Nothing held back.

Roger Maloney & Helen Lynett 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705-295-6439 C 705-761-7316 roger@mlcattleco.com

RURAL RAMBLE By Dan Ferguson, Manager of Producer Relations dan@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

A Hay Situation M

id-winter has me counting my bales on a daily basis. The wisdom of workshop speakers discussing alternative feeding options to extend our feed supplies are finally making sense. I have bought another hay feeder with a floor, but small enough so my neighbours won’t notice my spending spree. Maybe I can treat the cows with DDGs, screenings, mill sweepings or some of that fieldstored-on-the-stalk cob corn left out for mother nature to dry down. But I am more of a conventional guy. The majority of my summer’s harvest is tarped or lined end to end out in the yard. My fancier hay is meticulously piled in my hay storage barn three rows high. Sometimes I reserve that top row for smaller loser bales for ease of stacking and to ensure they don’t weaken the stack if buried in the bottom row. I have a pair of loader tractors (my entire fleet) which are well suited for the job and come fully loaded with a poor man’s cab or “sunshade canopies.”

FINAL OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 7, 2020 10:00am - 2:00pm

At the Farm 11851 Cartwright West Quarter Line, Blackstock, ON


• Long-aged Bulls • Yearling Bulls • Bred Heifers • Heifer Calves GUEST CONSIGNORS

Murray Hill Farm, Jeff and Denise Byers See us at the Farm Show in Lindsay too!

March 4th and 5th

Holli and Brian Lee

705-340-5944 hmacsand@hotmail.com Cell: 905-447-5173 Janetville, ON


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

My hay situation occurred after a busy day of hauling and stacking with rain in the forecast. I had made good progress and at the end of the day I had backed one tractor in alongside my last three-tier rows so it would be out of the rain over night. On my approach to the barn the next morning I realized my routine was not going to be usual. A top tier bale had rolled off the stack onto the canopy and was pressing the lighter gauge steel bars under the canopy at a scary angle right above the joy stick and hydraulic valve body. They are both very delicate and expensive parts that wouldn’t fare well if that 700 pound bale sheered them off the side of my tractor. I had to lift that bale off the canopy and my other loader tractor couldn’t reach over the hood or get around behind because the trapped tractor was blocking access and the hay was piled behind it. I looked up and had a brilliant idea. The truss looked pretty strong so I set about rigging up a pully and a chain, and grappled the chain to the crushing bale with some extra loader tines I had purchased but not installed. I pounded the tines in each end of the bale carefully so as not to jar the bale further down onto the delicate hydraulic controls. I thoughtfully spread my pully connection to two trusses to ensure strength. What could possibly go wrong? Whenever I have to ask myself that question most of my audience will know the answer. I was making gains pulling the chain over the pulley with my Canyon truck in low 4X4 in reverse so I could see my progress. I had air between the tractor canopy and the bottom of the lifted bale and was ready to drive the tractor out – what a mouse trap I had devised. But as I should have known, the trusses weren’t made for this load and…snap. Lucky for me the mouse was not in the trap and that canopy actually held once more to protect the hydraulics. I consider myself lucky most days, but this day I had horse shoes and a very fast heartbeat. I had already invested two hours into this rescue operation and now I had to attack the hay in that barn by coming in from the other end and remove one bale at a time – three high and two wide – to make my way to the backside of my trapped Kubota and spear that potentially very expensive bale of hay off the canopy. Later that day I called my carpenter son to repair the snapped truss and my electrician son to re-wire the lighting wires that had been compromised. I’m sure they shake their heads more often than I know at the situations I unwittingly create as I chore away. I’m always glad the next generation improves upon the previous generation, although most of my readers would agree, I set the bar pretty low. Be safe out there and think ahead so you don’t get into your own hay situation. OB



CONNECTING WITH CONSUMERS By Jennifer Kyle, BFO Senior Communications Specialist


fter more than two years of research, work and content creation to rebrand the former Make it Ontario Beef brand into what we now know as Ontario Beef, we are finally seeing the new brand in action. Updates in previous editions of the magazine announced the launch of the new website, www.ontbeef.ca. If you haven’t had a chance to visit the new site, be sure to check it out. We currently have approximately 100 locations included in the new store locator feature, not including the 600 Loblaws family of stores that carry Ontario Corn Fed Beef. If you, or someone you know, would like to have your beef retail business included in the store locator feature of the website, contact Jennifer at the BFO office. Farmers who market direct to customers through farmgate sales can also apply to be listed in the locator. Over the holiday season, we launched our first Ontario Beef paid social media campaign on Pinterest and Instagram. We partnered with three social media influencers to focus the content they created around the theme “Gather Round” –a theme that tied nicely with the holidays. Each influencer put their own spin on the theme, which was very well received. While the influencer campaign was running on Instagram, we ran an ad campaign on Pinterest with three of our own recipe ads. These ads were seen by people who fit our target demographic and searched for a number of different keywords. Again, this short campaign was very successful, and a great test launch for our future campaigns. • Our Pinterest ads garnered more than 12,500 clicks through to our website • Our “click through rate” was 0.55 per cent, which is 0.12 per cent higher than the average in dairy, produce, meat and bakery goods (this is good!)

Before we launched our paid social campaign, invested money behind influencer Instagram content and ads on Pintrest, BFO’s content generated 106,936 engagements organically. Our social reach and engagement have grown significantly by investing in our new paid social campaign. This tells us that there is a great appetite for Ontario Beef content out there and that putting our money behind great content works. We look forward to building on this initial success over the course of 2020 and beyond. Stay tuned for future updates and be sure to follow us on Instagram (@ontbeef) and Pintrest (Ontario Beef). OB This page features ongoing updates about BFO’s consumer engagement strategy and how we are connnecting with Ontario consumers and food influencers about the benefits of choosing Ontario beef – for health, for the environment and for Ontario’s agriculture industry.

Great selection of home tested YEARLING and TWO YEAR OLD BULLS available at the farm.

Miller Land & Livestock George, Dianne, Dwayne & Ashley Miller 406 Conc. 6, RR 1, Jarvis, ON N0A 1J0 SPARROW’S SOLOMON 632D


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

519-587-2755 • Cell: 519-429-5902 www.millerlandandlivestock.ca Charolais Cattle • Hay • Straw • Feedlot

Featuring 30 Polled and Homozygous Polled Bulls

17th Annual Bull Sale

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

1:00pm at the Farm, Nestleton, Ontario SELECTED FROM: Our Cowherd of over 150 breeding females – with cow families developed for more than 25 years

AND From these proven sires: Cedardale Zeal Circle Cee Legend HRJ Crowd Favourite Keys All State

Come visit our display at the East Central Farm Show, Lindsay, March 4th and 5th.

Bull Videos and Online Bidding available at Liveauctions.tv

Pictured is Cedardale Gunner 99G, the Intermediate Bull Calf Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the Royal National Charolais Show

Trevor, Scott & Ryan Nesbitt 17100 Cedardale Rd., Nestleton, Ontario L0B 1L0 Phone: (905) 986-4608 Scott: 905-242-5058 • Ryan 905-242-2046

info@cedardalefarms.ca • www.cedardalefarms.ca



SHARECOST INNOVATION AWARDS ANNOUNCED By Bethany Storey, BFO Communications Coordinator


eef Farmers of Ontario (BFO) and members across Ontario saw another successful year

for the Sharecost Program in 2019. The program, administered by BFO, supports producer and consumer initiatives to promote and raise awareness for Ontario’s beef industry at local county and district levels. The annual Sharecost Program was well-utilized in 2019 with 38 participating counties receiving nearly $120,000 for county-led programs. Each year, counties and districts dedicate time, effort and commitment to support local initiatives and programs that promote beef and raise awareness of the beef industry in their areas. In November 2019, final applications were submitted for projects, including invoices and record of payment for each activity. In return, BFO provides a cost-share of 80 per cent, up to a maximum of $2,500 for consumer initiatives and $2,500 for producer initiatives, with a total maximum return of $5,000 per county/district association. In 2019, qualifying producer applications ranged from educational workshops to bus trips, while consumer activities included involvement at fairs, local beef promotion and community sponsorship. As an additional component of the BFO Sharecost Program, county and district associations were encouraged to submit their projects for the BFO Sharecost Innovation Award. Local associations submitted applications for either the consumer or producer project that the county or district was especially proud of. The annual awards are presented based on leadership, innovation, creativity and success of execution. BFO was pleased with the exceptional entries received for 2019 initiatives and congratulate all those that took the time to get involved in their local community, dedicating their time to these projects and working to promote Ontario’s beef industry. The first-place winner is awarded $500, while second place receives $250 and third place receives $100.

Sharecost Innovation Award Winners In 2019, BFO was pleased to receive four innovative entries.



1st Place – Building Up Beef! In 2019, Bruce County Beef Farmers (BCBF) refreshed billboards advertising the BCBF and the iconic ‘Big Bruce’. These signs were originally erected

in 2008 in conjunction with the International Plowing Match that was hosted in Bruce County that year. Through the project, BCBF aimed to update the billboards with current graphics and messaging to promote the purchase of local beef and encourage people to choose beef more often for meals. Three signs have already been updated, with three more in the works for 2020. Watch for these signs as you travel through Bruce County.



2nd Place – Innovative Influencers Last year, members of the Ottawa Beef Farmers (OBF) leveraged social media to spread awareness and promote excitement of Ontario beef.

The group promoted the OBF Facebook page by hosting three Facebook barbecue beef giveaways. These giveaways promoted

Congratulations to our 2019 winners: Bruce County Beef Farmers,

local beef farmers, engaged consumers and sparked interest with

Ottawa Beef Farmers and Lambton County Cattlemen’s Association.

online visitors to learn more about the Ontario beef industry. The


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

giveaway posts also

including the importance of animal care and health on cattle farms

encouraged consumers

and different types of feed that are fed to cattle and why those diets

and producers to get

can differ. Samples of feed types were displayed and two heifers

involved in other OBF

were part of the beef station. Beef by-products were also discussed,

events taking place.

highlighting products the cattle industry provides to everyday lives.

Members of the OBF

The 2019 Agriculture in the Classroom program was an excellent

believe each of the

opportunity for students to learn more about beef cattle, beef by-

three giveaways was an

products and about their food.

excellent opportunity

Congratulations to all 2019 Sharecost Innovation Award winners

to expand their reach,

and entrants. BFO looks forward to receiving more fantastic and

receiving many “likes”

innovative entries in 2020. Watch for details about the 2020

and “shares” for each

Sharecost Program applications. OB

post. The OBF Facebook


page increased their followers by 415 within six months as a result of the promotions. This is a great example of the positive impact social media can have to promote Ontario beef.



3rd Place – Spreading the Message to Next Generations Lambton County Cattlemen’s Association

partnered with Brigden Fair to participate in the Agriculture in the Classroom program in 2019. The program was offered to children in Grades 2 to 6 from schools in the Lambton County area. Volunteers hosted the beef cattle station of the program, discussing different

138 Oattes Rd, Cobden, Ont.

Off of Hwy 17, approx 4 miles west of Cobden, onto Oattes Rd, signs posted.

FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 6TH AT 6:00PM Viewing on sale day from 3:00 to 6:00pm Approx 25 Charolais Bulls & 2 Simmental Bulls

Video & Sale Site - Live Auction TV For more info call: Craig at 613-633-0755 or Jack at 613-633-7969 For bull stats and pictures go to prestoncull.com

aspects of the beef industry. Volunteers touched on a variety of topics,


PRESTON & TERRY CULL & FAMILY at the farm on 923 Spence Rd, Douglas, Ont.

FRIDAY EVENING MAY 8 AT 7:00PM Viewing after 5:00pm 80 Charolais X-Bred first & second calf Heifers Bred to large frame Charolais or Red Angus Bulls Some with calves at foot, due anytime, May/June. All vaccinated. For viewing or info call Preston. Check prestoncull.com for pictures, sales, and more information. Auctioneer • Preston Cull, R.R. #1 Douglas, Ontario

prestoncull.com • 613-649-2378



The Joy of Cattle How Urban Roots Led to a Blissful Veterinary Research Career in the Cow-Calf Sector By Owen Roberts


y 12 years of age, Jessica Gordon was already five feet tall. She proudly towered above her central Michigan Grade 6 classmates, at an age when height meant bragging rights. Indeed, it was great for a while. But then, she stopped growing. Flash forward 25 years, and the 38-year-old Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) professor still gets asked if she’s a student, mainly because of her height. She can hardly see over some of the hulking beef cattle she works with at the University of Guelph. And In fact, she had to look up the rectum of a beef cow she recently palpated on her rounds at the Ontario Beef Research Centre in Elora. But to her, that’s OK – despite the size difference between herself and her research subjects, she’s comfortable, happy and at peace being among a beef herd in the pasture or in the barn at the new centre in Elora. It’s a feeling that producers understand…Gordon’s found the joy of cattle. “I love nothing more than to walk into a group of cattle and be among them,” says Gordon, whose first on-farm experience didn’t come until she was 18. “It took awhile and it’s been a slow shift because I was from the city and I didn’t know them at all when I was young, but now they bring me joy.”


James Watson has been using GLEN ISLAY bulls exclusively for over 40 years. He recently sent 24 head to Cargill with 12 of them grading PRIME. James says: “the premiums he received was like having an extra steer on the load.” Order your bulls now and we will semen test them and deliver them when you want them. Visitors Welcome DON & JEANNETTE CURRIE R R # 1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Phone/Fax: 705-445-1526 Cell: 705-715-2234 • Email: doncurrie@glenislay.com 16

O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Gordon is part of the surging beef cattle research team at the University of Guelph. Facility wise, its most public face is the Elora research centre, a sprawling, state-of-the-art, 165,000-square foot research station that is a world-class platform for discovery, learning and outreach. Researchers such as Gordon and a dozen others are moving their studies into the new facility, while carrying on their various other research programs. For example, Gordon is also leading the Ontario portion of the Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network, designed to provide the nation’s cow-calf industry with benchmark data to help with planning and management. And at the Ontario Veterinary College, she coordinates the fourthyear ruminant health rotation, a field course for budding veterinarians. In it they learn clinical medicine, injections, physical examination and physical restraint. Her Grade 6 classmates would be surprised to find her in veterinary coveralls. The halls of a vibrant veterinary college are a long way from her Michigan blue-collar beginnings in suburban Jackson, in what she describes as a very non-rural setting. Three generations had passed since the family had any connection to farming. And although she remembers wanting to be a veterinarian since childhood, her experience with animals stopped then with her pet black-and-white cat Mittens. And it really didn’t grow beyond companion animals until when, as an animal science student at Michigan State University (MSU), she took part in a program designed to familiarize undergraduates with research. She wanted to look at the cat genome. But instead, she was assigned a study of livestock feed quality. And to her surprise, it was intriguing! Continued on page 18.

Vice-President Brian Bartley Vanessa Beach & Mark Shiers Vicki Blake President Greg & Marie Blake Bev Burtis Dr. Brad & Colleen Card Peter & Laurie Cocking Doug Dedman & Family Ryan & Jayne Green Wendy & Anthony McGowan John A. McIlwraith John & Lee McIlwraith Scott & Tami O'Dell Trevor O’Meara & Janice Logeman Anthony Onufer Jr. Beverley Onufer Queensmere Farms Clay Salter George & Dawn Van Kampen Jules Wainwright & Darren Smith Melissa Wettlaufer & Paul Menard Secretary Ciaran Yool

Galloway Belted Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Belted Galloway Galloway Belted Galloway

705•454•8950 416•997•6378 226•338•4479 519•291•5466 519•424•9043 519•655•2138 905•779•0828 519•696•3822 519•475•0101 519•657•5197 905•979•9227 905•659•3010 Galloway 519•240•8890

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Belted Belted Galloway Belted Galloway Galloway

905•376•6570 905•689•4123 905•689•4123 289•231•2180 519•291•5466 519•940•2202



705•440•3407 jules.fabios@gmail.com

queensmerefarms@gmail.com suncrestfarm@cyg.net geordawn@gmail.com

Galloway 519•229•8043 mwettlaufer@cooperstandard.com 905•807•8185 auntiecoco1971@gmail.com


All you need in a bull



Continued from page 16. – The

Joy of Cattle

“I found it interesting that you could have so much impact on health and production through the feed,” she says. Her interest escalated when she started dating boyfriend (now husband) Troy, and visited his family’s 125-cow dairy farm near Ann

“Students think about animal welfare all the time,” she says. “They ask how certain production practices impact it. They make faculty members really think about it.” A lot of Gordon’s classes are held in what used to be known as the

Arbor. It was her first brush with a farm, which she found intriguing

Dairy Barn on campus (now Barn 37), with non-lactating dairy cows

and frightening at the same time.

as teaching animals. And although she is a beef animal specialist, she

“I was scared to death of those big cattle,” she says. “They pushed me around a little, but if you handle them properly, they can be calm and predictable, not like horses or cats.” As time went on, she became more immersed in large animal studies at MSU, then after graduation she joined a private practice in central Wisconsin as a dairy veterinarian. Ultimately, it was OVC Professor Stephen Leblanc – recently lauded

says the basics between dairy and beef animals are the same. “Cattle are cattle,” she says. “If you’re learning the basics of how to examine an animal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Limousin or a Holstein. They key is to get the students the repetition they need, so they can learn proper techniques.” Given her affection for beef cattle, you might think she keeps a few herself, even as pets. After all, these days, she and Troy live on a

as one of the world’s most cited researchers in his field – that urged

100-acre crop farm outside Guelph. They have the space. But there’s

her to consider coming to Guelph for a graduate degree.

one resource they lack.

“I ran into him at a veterinary conference, and he suggested I consider OVC for graduate studies,” she says. “I like Guelph’s focus on food, animals and people, and I was ready for a change so I said yes.” That was 2010. Three years later she graduated and was hired

“Time,” she says. “We have a two-year-old and a five-year-old. We don’t have time for anything.” She encourages budding veterinarians to give a food-animal career some thought. She believes it’s a truly fulfilling pursuit. “I like the fact

immediately as a faculty member. Today, she is an assistant professor,

that I’m doing something good for the world,” she says, “by being part

focussed on beef health management. Gordon believes profitability

of a system that’s producing food.” OB

and productivity significantly depends on good management, which includes an increasing focus on animal welfare and issues such as lameness. It’s a passion in her class.


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Photo courtesy of Staden Farms

Photo courtesy of Canadian Sheep Federation

GET TO KNOW US BETTER Photo courtesy of Connie Seutter

CCIA is the responsible administrator for beef and dairy cattle, bison, sheep and pending regulation cervids and goats in Canada (with exception of Quebec where CCIA only administers bison and goats.)




KNOW | CLTS DATABASE clts.canadaid.ca Login to your CLTS account via your home computer or MOBO app; input your premises ID number and update your account information.

Prepare for proposed regulatory amendments now, to save time later. Get to know the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS), learn how by using the CLTS Resource Centre. Take a look at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s TRACE newsletters for information on the proposed amendments at https://www.canadaid.ca/traceability/newsletters/

LEARN | CLTS RESOURCE CENTRE support.canadaid.ca An online information and learning source on how to use the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS).

USE | TRACEABILITY TECHNOLOGY support.canadaid.ca/clts-mobo/ Download the CLTS MOBO phone app from your favorite app store and put the CLTS database in your hand.

To learn more about how we are working towards traceability together,

visit www.canadaid.ca

info@canadaid.ca | 1-877-909-2333



OMAFRA UPDATE Raven Predation in Ontario

By Allison Brown, Small Ruminant Livestock Assistant and Jillian Craig, Small Ruminant Specialist, OMAFRA www.omafra.on.ca


o gain a better understanding of raven predation, a three-part project was conducted in summer 2019. Part one involved coordinating a province-wide survey to collect information on the magnitude of raven predation on beef and sheep farms. Part two involved trialing non-lethal raven deterrents on farms to collect data on the effectiveness of the deterrent, running from May 31 to August 12, 2019. The third part was to map raven predation reported through the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

Beef Survey Results Of the 11 farms in the project survey, five had experienced raven predation while the other six farms observed ravens on their farms. Most of the kills or injuries occurred on pasture (4/5 respondents) while one farm experienced predation in the barnyard (1/5). Raven killing methods observed included the following (ranked in order from most to least prevalent): • Pecking eyeballs • Picking at skull

The Starting Lineup SAVE THE DATE

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O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

• Pecking tongues • Pecking rectums • Pecking or pulling hide on the back • Puncture wounds throughout the body • Picking at abdomen • Tearing udders on calving cows The most common age group for animals killed (ranked in order) was newborn (first 24 hours), first week of life and pre-weaned. The most common age group for injured animals was newborn followed by pre-weaned.

On-Farm Non-Lethal Deterrents Non-lethal raven deterrents were piloted on nine Ontario farms. The deterrents were trialed on sheep farms, however since the project mainly looked at how effective the deterrent was against preventing predation, the results are relevant to beef operations. On-farm non-lethal deterrents had variable results due to compounding factors, different farm types and histories of raven predation. The results of this study are preliminary. Below are short summaries for three of the deterrents used in the study. Plastic Decoy Ravens Two different farms experiencing active raven predation trialed plastic decoy raven deterrents. The decoy ravens were hung upside down in the pasture with the sheep. After the decoy was set up on the first farm, there was no raven predation from the time of set up to the end of the study period (36 days). The deterrent seemed to alter the ravens’ flight patterns and the ravens no longer came into the sheep paddock. The second farm set up the decoy and experienced four kills within eight days with the first kill occurring on day four. The results of the plastic decoy ravens are mixed due to different farm histories. Raven Kite A raven kite was tested on one farm. This farm was not experiencing active kills, but there were multiple ravens around the barn and pastures. The kite was attached to a 20-foot pole and when the wind picked up, the kite flew around the pole mimicking a large bird in flight. If Continued on page 22.



Continued from page 20. – Raven

Predation in Ontario

there was no wind the ‘bird’ remained stationary and therefore did not deter ravens. The kite was observed in flight 58 per cent, stationary 29 per cent and broken 13 per cent of the daylight hours in the study. The deterrent was set up on a hill close to the sheep and the farmer still observed ravens every day. Scare Eye Balloons Scare eye balloons were trialed on four farms with mixed results. Two farms were experiencing active raven kills and two farms were not, but had kills in the past. The farm experiencing kills set up the balloons and had no kills for 15 days before they experienced another kill. The other farm, which was actively experiencing raven predation, was a confinement operation. Since there were four large barns, different deterrents were trialed in each of the barns. After the deterrents were set up, the ravens were not observed in the barns and there were no kills for the duration of the study period, though ravens were observed in the fields around the farm.

Ontario Avian Predation Stats Mapped Data from the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) was mapped to specifically observe any trends in avian predation. Figure 1 shows the number of approved OWDCP avian predation claims by year for beef cattle, including ravens, crows, vultures and an eagle. The data for all avian predators was combined as avian kills are often hard to distinguish between species. Table 1: Approved Beef OWDCP Avian Predation Claims County 2017 2018 2019 3 Year Total Brant County 1 1 Cochrane District 1 1 Durham Region 1 1 2 Frontenac County 1 1 Grey County 2 2 4 8 Haldimand County 3 3 Kawartha Lakes 1 3 2 6 Lanark County 1 2 3 Manitoulin District 1 4 1 6 Northumberland County 1 1 Nipissing District 4 2 6 Ottawa Region 1 1 Parry Sound District 1 1 Rainy River District 3 4 1 8 Renfrew County 4 1 2 7 Simcoe County 3 2 1 6 Stormont, Dundas & 1 1 Glengarry County Sudbury Region 1 3 1 5 Thunder Bay District 1 1 2 Timiskaming District 1 1 York Region 1 1 Total 21 25 25 71 22

O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Conclusion and Next Steps Non-lethal deterrents are only recommended for active raven predation. Ravens are intelligent, so use deterrents for a short time period to ensure the ravens do not become accustomed to them. Similar to coyotes, novelties tend to work for a short time and then become ineffective once the coyotes become familiar to the deterrents. For example, if a farm is experiencing active raven predation during calving, set up deterrents directly prior to calving and remove after calving season is complete. Other best management practices noted from the on-farm sheep study included picking up afterbirths, disposing of deadstock in a timely manner and eliminating easy roosting spots around the pastures or barn such as dead trees and unused silo platforms. If you are experiencing raven predation and would like to be involved in future studies, please email jillian.craig@ontario.ca or call 705-341-1246. OB


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WhiteWater Livestock Keith & Karen Black H: 613-646-2673 C: 613-570-8464 Forester’s Falls, ON • blackbern@hotmail.com Blackbern Farm

Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt and Family Kirby: 613-848-6917 Angela: 613-922-4671 Brighton, ON • kirbyh@lks.net Kirlene Cattle • @kirlenecattle

Kurtis & Chelsea Black C: 613-585-3873 • Haley Station, ON whitewaterlivestock@gmail.com www.whitewaterlivestock.com Whitewater Livestock • @kurtisblack_1 ON TAR IO BEEF • FEBR U A RY 2020


CANADIAN BEEF CHECK-OFF AGENCY UPDATE By Tayla Fraser, Manager, Partner Engagement, Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency


he Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency manages and administers the check-off collected on each head of cattle sold in Canada. The $2.50 portion administered by the Agency is invested into national research, market development and promotion activities on behalf of all Canadian beef producers. The provincial check-off is earmarked for provincially-focused advocacy, policy, trade, research, market development and promotion initiatives. By working with service providers, the Agency ensures that the check-off dollars invested into research, market development and promotion programs deliver measurable value to the Canadian beef industry. We are responsible for governance, communicating the value of the check-off investment, training and education of producers and funding partners, regulatory management, collection and administration of check-off dollars. In our last fiscal year, the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off revenue totaled $18,300,229 on cattle marketed. Revenue was generated at $2.50 per head on cattle marketed across Canada, with the exception of B.C. that increased in July 2018, and Ontario, that continues to collect $1 per head. Of the total net check-off funds collected on cattle marketed, 52 per cent was allocated to market development and promotion, 32 per cent to research, 12 per cent was retained by the provincial cattle organizations for regional marketing and research programs and 4 per cent was allocated to public and stakeholder engagement. The import levy on beef cattle, beef and beef products imported into Canada was also collected at a rate of $1 per head equivalent, for a total of $1,094,435. These funds, net administration, are allocated

to unbranded, generic beef marketing such as nutrition marketing, recipe development and culinary skills education. A total of $629,683 was retained for the administration of the check-off, the Agency and the board. Our Board of Directors expenses have been reduced by 10 per cent in the last year, and more than 40 per cent since 2016. Canada Beef covered the additional costs for the marketing committee. The Agency members approved an updated set of bylaws early in the fiscal year, just before our last annual general meeting. The new bylaws set the stage for more independence for the marketing committee to oversee Canada Beef’s strategic and business operations, and include the election of four additional non-Agency committee members. The Agency continues to oversee the marketing committee from a governance perspective. The regulatory compliance of both check-off and import levy administration included the updating of all agreements with the nine provincial cattle associations. By modernizing the language and refreshing the details, the Agency strengthened relationships and laid the foundation for most provinces to administer an increased check-off. The Agency is preparing to launch the 2020/21 business plan in March 2020. To check out past business plans and annual reports, visit cdnbeefcheckoff.ca. Don’t forget to sign up for your monthly inbox edition of The Gatepost at cdnbeefcheckoff.ca to keep up to date with where your check-off dollars are working to drive value for Canadian beef producers. OB



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O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0


SHORTHORNS? Paula and Joel Brodie of Blyth, ON. Run 25 Shorthorn cows bred to terminal bulls to produce tan coloured calves that are weaned and sold for a premium each fall to repeat buyers. With this young couple working off farm Shorthorns were their first pick for their strong maternal qualities like mothering ability and milk. “We don’t have time to always be around during calving season, it’s nice to know the shorthorn cows can get the job done without being babysat” says Paula. Joel mentions that they feel shorthorns are very easy keeping cattle. “We have some marginal pasture and the cows seem to milk and maintain body condition on it”. This winter they are wintering the cows on cornstalks to cut down on feed and bedding costs. “We believe shorthorns have a spot in the commercial cow herd, something many producers are missing out on!” said Paula.

Plan to attend the

Ontario Shorthorn Association’s Annual General Meeting April 18, 2020 • Best Western Plus, Peterborough

Follow us on Facebook and check our website for current news at

Doug Brown, Secretary - 905-431-8496 email: secretary@ontarioshorthorns.com





By Angela Rouillard, BFO Senior Policy Advisor


nimal welfare is a top priority for Ontario’s beef producers. Proper identification and management of pain in beef cattle is an issue of increasing concern for the industry and public. Lameness is a common health and welfare issue for cattle, and if left untreated can lead to serious complications and impact a farm’s profitability. Beef producers must become more familiar with lameness in their herds and take precautions to prevent and treat lameness or foot disorders.

What is Lameness? Lameness is leg or foot pain that affects how cattle move. When lameness is identified in a herd, it’s important to first find the cause of the pain. Lameness negatively affects both animal welfare and performance (growth and reproductive), because animals are often reluctant to rise, stand or walk, and will spend less time eating and drinking due to the pain. Prevention and treatment of lameness in dairy cattle has been an industry priority for many years and the use of preventive measures, like hoof trimming and footbaths, is common practice. Prevalence of lameness in beef cattle is not well documented, but it’s not insignificant. Data from the U.S. shows that the prevalence of lameness in beef feedlots ranges between 1.6 and 16 per cent in healthy feedlot pens and between 33 and 53 per cent in hospital pens. Lameness in beef cows and bulls assessed at time of slaughter was reported as 31 per cent. Lameness translates to economic losses from lower cattle performance, higher costs for labour, management and treatment, and decreased value. Studies have shown that lame feedlot cattle grow substantially slower than non-lame cattle (1.75 lb/day vs. 2.95 lb/day) and that steers diagnosed with foot rot can take up to two weeks longer to reach slaughter weight. In a Nebraska feedlot study, it was estimated that a lame animal decreased in value by 47 per cent compared to the original purchase price. Additional research has assessed the impact on sale price with varying degrees of lameness. An animal classified as mildly lame had a decreased sale price of 3 per cent while an animal classified as severely lame had a decreased sale price of 20 per cent.

Increasing awareness and understanding of lameness in the beef industry is crucial to improving the health and welfare of cattle and the profitability of Ontario’s beef farms. Lameness has been studied in great detail in the dairy industry and research has shown that non-lame dairy cows produce more milk with better fertility rates, resulting in greater profitability. One major factor in this relationship is that lameness prevents cows from standing 26

O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

and discourages walking to feed and water. This is also true for beef cattle where the prevention of lameness in beef herds would have similar benefits in addition to improved welfare, including greater milk production to provide improved nutrition for calves, increased average daily gain of calves and improved herd fertility.

Risk Factors and Assessment of Lameness Several risk factors* are associated with lameness in the beef industry. Animal Factors • Age: older animals are more likely to be lame • Production: high levels of production sometimes cause foot issues, such as laminitis • Behaviour: flighty animals may be more prone to slips and falls, resulting in trauma to claws • Genetics: some animals may have weaker bones or hooves Nutrition • Insufficient minerals: certain minerals are required to maintain integrity of the hoof • Proteins: excess protein or high sugar grasses in early spring and late fall • Subacute ruminal acidosis and other metabolic disorders Disease and Infection • Digestive diseases: including laminitis • Respiratory diseases • Infectious pathogens: including bacteria, viruses and fungi Management • Animal handling: low-stress handling will help to prevent slips and falls and other hoof trauma • Feeding and bunk management: allow appropriate space for animals, prevent behaviours like reaching • Transport: duration, trailer conditions • Behaviour: bullers, heifers and heat cycles • Hoof trimming: lack of or improper hoof trimming Environment • Cleanliness and sanitation: high presence of manure or unsanitary conditions that may harbour diseases, bacteria and viruses • Housing: indoor/outdoor, pasture/paddock conditions • Flooring: slats, concrete, slippery surfaces • Seasonal: presence of mud, wet conditions, snow and ice resulting in reduced traction *Adapted from Zinpro Cattle Lameness book

Common Hoof Disorders in Beef Cattle

Lameness is often classified as arising from either infectious or non-infectious causes. Non-infectious lesions develop without the presence of bacteria, fungi or viruses, while infectious lesions are caused by one or more infectious agents. Non-infectious lesions have the potential to become infected if they are not treated and the foot is exposed to conditions where infectious agents are often present, like manure or mud. Locomotion or gait scoring can be one of the most effective means of determining lameness in a herd, allowing for early detection of painful claw, foot or leg disorders. Regular observation and scoring of cattle will help producers to monitor the prevalence of lameness in their herd and identify animals that require treatment and, or functional hoof trimming.

Overgrown Hooves Hoof trimming isn’t a common practice in most beef herds, and it’s typical to see animals in a herd with overgrown hooves or corkscrew claws. This is often the result of the animal’s genetics. To reduce this, it’s recommended not to select bulls with an outside hind claw that is more curved than the inside claw for breeding. Overgrown hooves can cause discomfort and an abnormal gait. The good news is this foot disorder can be corrected through regular trimming.

LAMENESS CASE STUDY Randall Martin of Fineline Hoof Care Inc. has been trimming cattle hooves for more than 20 years and has seen an increase in beef farmer clients over the last 10 years. As hoof trimming software has

Claw Injuries Injuries to the claw are among the most common and painful foot disorders in beef cattle. These can include lacerations, cracks, bruises, fractures, punctures, strains or sprains resulting from trauma to the hoof. Producers should focus on implementing low-stress handling, selecting for calm temperaments and improving management of the environment (e.g. removing sharp objects and stones, providing sufficient bedding in pens and during transport, regular maintenance of fencing). Claw injuries may be treated with pain management medications, antibiotics, cleaning and dressing of the wound, proper blocking by a hoof trimmer or amputation. In extreme circumstances, the animal may require euthanasia.

developed, Martin began tracking lameness in these herds and has found some insightful information about hoof health in the average beef herd. The Situation In 2013 a producer approached Martin to trim all 57 cows. He found a 37 per cent lesion rate in the herd, including presence of digital dermatitis, sole ulcers, white line lesions, axial fissures and other foot lesions. The producer expanded his herd over the years and Martin has continued to trim all cows annually. Year

Number of cows

Lesion rate (%)

2013 57


2014 78


2015 107


2016 117


2017 121


2018 118


2019 118


Toe Abscesses Some claw injuries may result in an extremely painful toe abscess. This disorder is typically caused by poor handling, hard or abrasive walking surfaces, extended transport time and the development of thin soles due to exposure to moisture. The mechanical damage to the toe due to trauma (see claw injury) results in inflammation and infection, producing an abscess trapped between the foot and the horn. Relieving this pressure provides almost instant relief to the animal. This foot disorder is treated by removing the tip of the toe to relieve pressure and treating with antibiotics as required.

The Result The lesion rate has reduced dramatically in this herd as a result of hoof care and trimming. This is positive from the perspective of animal welfare, but Martin also identified an economic advantage for the producer. Out of 120 cows, the producer reported three open cows in 2016 (that’s why only 117 cows were trimmed). This open rate has remained steady over the following years. The producer notes the cows have been cycling more consistently and standing better for breeding. The calving interval has also narrowed – in 2016 the calving interval was six weeks and by 2019, 90 of the 118 cows calved within four weeks.

Continued on page 28.



Continued from page 27. – Hoof



Foot Rot True foot rot is a bacterial infection between the two claws of the foot typically caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum bacterium that invades damaged or injured feet. Watch for noticeable swelling of the foot that cause the toes to separate. Close inspection will find discharge between the toes and a foul odour. The infection is in the soft tissue of the foot and responds well to antibiotics. Maintaining clean environmental conditions, minimizing risk of injury to the foot and providing even walking surfaces will help prevent foot rot. Digital Dermatitis Digital dermatitis is an infectious hoof lesion caused by bacteria that’s more common in dairy cattle, but also present in beef herds. Look for a raw, bright red or black circular patch of inflamed skin above the heel bulb, sometimes accompanied by thick, hairy, wartlike growths. A poorly maintained environment with very wet and dirty conditions is a major contributor to the development of this disorder in a herd. Lesions can become very painful if not treated early. Producers should regularly walk pens and inspect animals to catch these lesions in early stages of development. Animals can be treated with topical antibiotics and environmental conditions should be improved where possible to prevent reoccurrence.

Here are some management tips for preventing hoof disorders. • Ensure proper transport including adequate stocking density, bedding, non-slip surfaces, etc. • Optimize stocking density in pens, allowing sufficient bunk space and pen area for each animal • Properly design and maintain processing and handling facilities and equipment • Train employees on low-stress handling techniques • Maintain and landscape pens to ensure proper drainage for clean, dry surfaces • Provide a properly formulated ration, ensuring adequate trace minerals are available, to aid in hoof strength and integrity, and promote healing and tissue repair

Treatment With rising concerns about antimicrobial use and resistance, it is important to accurately identify the cause of lameness. For example, it is commonly assumed that all lame beef cattle have foot rot, resulting in the administration of antibiotics to treat the animal. However, in many instances, the lameness is due to another infectious or non-infectious cause and antibiotics may have little or no effect. Consulting a hoof trimmer or veterinarian to determine the cause of lameness will help producers make the right treatment decisions and also provide guidance on preventing future foot disorders. Humane on-farm euthanasia must be considered when animal welfare is severely compromised and the animal is not expected to recover. OB

April 11, 2020 Lunch/Viewing 12-1pm Live Auction: 1pm 4619 Glendon Dr. Glencoe, ON


Reed & Jane Crawford Reed Cell:519-857-7333 Jane Cell:519-317-5263

riverpointcc@hotmail.com www.riverpointcattlecompany.com

All bulls will have Complete Breeding Soundness Examinations performed prior to sale day (Semen Test, Scrotal Measurement & Examination). Current weights will be posted. Free board on bulls until May 15th. Horn/Polled tests & Homo Black tests are done on Simmentals. Videos & Catalog can be viewed at: www.riverpointcattlecompany.com Auctioneer: Jamie O’Shea 519-477-1238 Ringman: Rex Crawford Rob Flack 519-857-8422 519-940-1748

Guest Consignors: Gord Crawford 519-870-2396 28

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15th Annual

Saunders Charolais Bull Sale With special guests Blue Mountains Charolais & Destiny Simmentals

Saturday April 4, 2020 @ 2pm Join us for presale lunch at 11:00am

Keady Livestock Market - Keady , ON Selling: 30 Yearlings & 2 Fall Long Yearling Charolais Bulls 6 Yearling Simmental Bulls

Brent Saunders 519-372-6196 saunders@bmts.com

Darrell Saunders 519-373-6788 dbjsaunders@gmail.com

Todd Campbell 519-379-7565 tcampbell@rbafinancial.com

Saunders Charolais Presale OPEN HOUSE Saturday March 14th from 11 am—2 pm

Stop in for snacks, refreshments and to take a peek at this year’s bull line up!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook for updated pics & videos!



Essential Oil Blends, Organic Acids Viable Antimicrobial Alternative, Study Results Show By Lilian Schaer for Livestock Research Innovation Corporation


armers can feed cattle essential oil blends and organic acids without any negative impacts on animal performance or beef quality characteristics. That’s the outcome of a multi-year study by Professor Ben Bohrer of the University of Guelph’s Department of Food Science, who looked at the impact of replacing antibiotics and ionophores in cattle diets with feed additives like essential oil blends and benzoic acid. “This is an important finding – you can feed alternatives and not expect any off-flavours in the meat or changes in storability or sensory attributes,” says Bohrer. The sector is actively seeking alternatives to antibiotics that will maintain the health, welfare and production efficiency of beef cattle while also contributing to decreased antimicrobial use. The project included a live animal component looking at growth performance and feed efficiency, as well as a focus on fresh beef that evaluated shelf-life in whole muscle and ground beef products and sensory attributes like flavour and tenderness. Meat from three different groups of animals from the University of Guelph’s Elora Research Station was tested first for colour and lipid stability, and then went through a sensory testing panel. According to Bohrer, panel participants received two weeks of training around all the parameters of interest and were then ultimately asked to score samples based on tenderness, flavour, juiciness and off-flavour. In 2017, five groups of steers were each fed a common high moisture corn and alfalfa silage based diet with a different antimicrobial supplement: control (no added antimicrobials), traditional ionophore/antibiotic, benzoic acid, essential oil, and a combination of both oil and acid. This was repeated in 2018, but with a minor change: two different commercially available blends of essential oils were tested both by themselves and in combination with the acid to check for performance impacts.

“We found no difference between the blends. It was similar to the 2017 results which helped further confirm that we wouldn’t see any differences (between antimicrobials and the alternatives),” he says. “The results were shockingly consistent, which means producers can be confident to feed these products.” Results from 2019 are still being analyzed. That trial included feeding the benzoic acid in combination with a live yeast culture, teaming Bohrer’s efforts with work being done by Dr. Katie Wood of Guelph’s Department of Animal Biosciences. According to Bohrer, the antimicrobial properties of essential oils and benzoic acids have already shown some success in boosting immune systems in poultry and pigs as livestock farmers move away from antibiotic use. “If you think you will have health challenges (in your herd) or ruminal acidosis and would traditionally want to feed products like Rumensin or Tylan, maybe you can try to steer away from those in the diet and feed products with similar antimicrobial properties or rumen-altering properties,” he adds. The alternative products are currently slightly more expensive than traditional antimicrobials, but since inclusion levels are fairly small – one gram of essential oil blend per head per day and benzoic acid at 0.5 per cent of the dietary inclusion – producer feed costs are not expected to be significantly higher. And while meat from animals given antibiotics is safe and not different than meat from animals not given antibiotics, antibioticresistant bacteria can be produced during livestock production. This makes enhanced antimicrobial stewardship important for the future of livestock farming. Canadian rules governing the use of antibiotics in livestock production tightened in December 2018. For example, farmers now need a veterinary prescription to purchase medicated feed as well as antibiotics medically important for human health and feed mills can no longer sell bags of bulk medication for onfarm mixing. Beef Farmers of Ontario funded the growth performance and carcass characteristics portion of the project. The research was supplemented by support from the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (formerly the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - University of Guelph Partnership) to evaluate meat quality and beef retail shelf life. Bohrer also received a Weston Seeding Food Innovation Grant to fund the sensory panel to determine consumer reaction to the meat from cattle raised using the oil blend and acid additives. OB This article is provided by Livestock Research Innovation Corporation as part of LRIC’s ongoing efforts to drive innovation in livestock production and report on Canadian livestock research developments and outcomes.


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AGSIGHTS UPDATE Where Did the “BIO Test” Go?

By Jasper Munro, AgSights Manager of Research and Innovation jmunro@agsisghts.com • www.agsights.com


or more than 20 years, AgSights (formerly BIO) has been the go-to source for bull and heifer performance evaluation and carcass ultrasound in Ontario, often called BIO Tests. Historically, the turning of the calendar has meant the start of bull and breeding heifer ultrasound season for AgSights. With many purebred breeders calving from January to March, last year’s calf crop will be a year of age, the ideal time for carcass ultrasound measurements. Ultrasound measurements (back fat, rump fat, rib eye area and marbling) are adjusted to a year of age to allow for accurate and consistent comparisons. Ultrasound carcass information is an ideal tool for breeders to determine the carcass merit of their animals, a tool often underutilized by breeders and commercial buyers. Since 2008, AgSights has seen a steady decline in the number of bull and heifer ultrasounds in the province due to a number of factors, including a declining cow herd population, cost, a lack of linkage between carcass quality and value, and the “power” of genomics. The shrinking cow herd has resulted in fewer breeders interested in ultrasound and less animals to scan. Unfortunately, despite fewer animals, AgSights still has the same fixed ultrasound costs to cover. Fewer animals means increasing costs and causes a snowball effect that results in even less ultrasounds. You could argue that now, when the Ontario beef industry is striving to grow its cow (and young producer) population, is when ultrasound may be of greatest importance. Key to the foundation of a provincial herd is its genetic merit. With carcass ultrasound and AgSights’ performance evaluation we have the opportunity to grow and improve the Ontario cow herd from a sound genetic base that considers and values carcass merit, just as consumers do. Although a growing number of global consumers value carcass merit and meat quality, most of our processing sector has failed to appreciate these factors. If a feedlot is being paid simply by pounds on a hook why should they pay the added cost to ultrasound their near-finished cattle? Or why pay a premium for feeder cattle with ultrasound information that predicts they will have a better carcass? Unfortunately, the answers are easy – they won’t. Despite the lack of linkage between carcass merit and value there is still incredible value in ultrasound prediction on feedlot cattle to determine expected days to finish that can lead to pen sorting to save feed and labour cost. Ontario feedlots that operate on an all-in-all-out and/or contract basis rightfully struggle to justify changing their operations to take


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advantage of carcass ultrasound. However, smaller processors and feedlots that have greater flexibility and control of their supply chain continue to value carcass quality and ultrasound. But why do we even need carcass ultrasound when we have genomics? I will try to shed some light on this trendy question. Many breeders believe that investing in a DNA test for carcass merit is a better investment than paying for a carcass ultrasound. A DNA test results in the breeder receiving genomically enhanced EPDs (geEPD) for carcass traits. Genomically enhanced means that the information from the DNA test (genomic data) is used to improve the accuracy of the EPD’s prediction. In general, a geEPD consists of two predictions, the prediction based on the genomic information (aka genotype, DNA test or SNP effect) and the prediction based on the phenotypic information (ultrasound). However, the genomic effect is actually determined from a training population of animals that have both genomic and phenotypic information – animals that were both DNA tested and ultrasound. Over time, as breeders move toward just using genomics, the accuracy of the genomic effect may decrease as the phenotypic information it is determined from is no longer up to date. As Dr. Steve Miller put it, genomics is the credit card but phenotypes (ultrasound) are the cash it depends on, and we don’t want to run out of cash. Overall, genomics is a valuable tool that can allow purebred breeders to know the potential carcass merit of their animals at a younger age, but equally as valuable and even more important is the phenotype they are based on. As a purebred or commercial breeder looking for an accurate prediction of carcass merit your first place to start is ultrasound. Speaking of accuracy, at AgSights we have made a recent investment in a new ultrasound to ensure we have the latest and most accurate carcass ultrasound equipment available to provide our clients with timely and precise ultrasound information. Although our ultrasound business has been on the decline, in recent years we have started to see growth in the number of cattle we ultrasound across the province. We are confident that as our industry looks to expand, we can work with breeders, processors and retailers to understand and take advantage of ultrasound to ensure our herd grows from a sound genetic base. We’re looking forward to another busy ultrasound season of cold days, oil-soaked clothes and manure covered scrotal tapes. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of BFO.






THIRD SATURDAY OF MARCH Chester & Karla Tupling ROLLIN’ ACRES | 705-627-0672 Gord & Shauneen Tomlinson WHISKEY HOLLOW | 705-9t31-5436 Carl Wright AUCTIONEER | 519-369-7489


By Michele McAdoo, Executive Director, Brand & Communications, Canada Beef


ere are highlights from a few of the activities undertaken by the Canada Beef (CB) team. For more detailed information, please sign-up for Canada Beef Performs – a monthly e-newsletter designed to keep beef producers and stakeholders informed about the work the Canada Beef is doing at home and around the world – canadabeef.ca/producer.


Export Markets: China Update Food & Hotel China 2019 The resumption of trade to China in November 2019 was great timing for Canada Beef’s participation at Food & Hotel China (FHC) 2019 – the largest and most important exhibition for the hotel and restaurant industry in China that was held just before the announcement. The show ran November 12 – 14, 2019 and provided the opportunity to roll-out a new Canada Beef trade show booth, designed to facilitate B2B meetings. The booth design was a “show-stopper” in a prime location and gained widespread attention. Canada Beef President Michael Young was in attendance at the booth and was invited to present at the FHC Meat Forum where he spoke about the Canadian beef advantage to a standing-room-only audience.


JV 239B Spidel 397G

Red Vancise Dynamo 538G

JV 400B Spidel 400G

Red Vancise Gravity 225G


An excellent selection of Two-year-old and Yearling Bulls available. Saturday, March 21, 2020 • 10:00am-4:00pm At The Farm • 1803 Fairgrounds Rd. North, Stayner, Ontario

TERMS Bulls will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Price list available sale day. Half the purchase price due sale day, remaining half due on delivery or pickup of bulls prior to June 1st. For more information, contact


John Vancise Jr. • 705 351 2442 • johnvancise4@hotmail.com • Stayner, ON 34

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Japan Korea Demand-Building Roadshow The Canadian Beef Road Show Japan 2019 is a series of Canada Beef seminars created to celebrate 30 years of business success in Japan. Canada Beef International Institute (CBII) Japan invited Japanese retail and foodservice buyers, chefs, distributors, media and other stakeholders to attend the seminars in cities across the country. The roadshow, which included Canada Beef President Michael Young and Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Executive Vice President Dennis Laycraft, travelled across the country from October 28 – November 8, 2019 to regional markets in six locations in Japan and one in Seoul, Korea. More than 600 people attended the sessions. The growth momentum of Canadian Beef in Japan continues as the CPTPP trade agreement has given Canada a tariff advantage over U.S. beef. In 2019, Canadian beef exports to Japan are up 59 per cent in volume and 67 per cent by value.

Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence

Branded Marketing Programming

OMAFRA Carcass 101 Presentation The Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence team provided a presentation to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). Hosted at the University of Guelph, the presentation educated and informed Ontario government employees, producers, butchers and retail operators about Canada Beef’s domestic and international market activity, Canada Beef resources (including Canada Beef Performs, Connect and the Roundup App) and butchery/culinary knowledge.

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Food and nutrition educators want to broaden their understanding of sustainable food systems for their professional and client programming. To support this understanding, the ThinkBeef.ca program collaborated with the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to develop and deliver an ag-education day-long program for more than 60 nutrition and food educators, including content about the eco service benefits of cattle in the Canadian context. Programming featured guest speakers on a variety of topics as well as a panel of farmers representing egg, bean and dairy farming.

First Line Angus

We know that roasting beef can be intimidating for consumers. We also know that tenderloin oven roasts are very popular during the holidays so we created a step-by-step video on how to divide a whole tenderloin into three roasts and then successfully roast them. ‘Oven Roast Know How’ was the number one search term for December 2019 with more than 43,000-page views. Beef Wellington is another popular recipe that stars the tenderloin oven roast. A simple step-by-step video demonstrating how to prepare this recipe was also created. Both videos can be viewed at youtube.com/user/LoveCDNBeef. A four-week online ad campaign was developed featuring cheeky creative to entice Facebook and Google readers to click on the two videos. The results of the campaign were extremely positive. The two videos combined received more than 1,100 video views and the ads garnered over 10,000 web page views. OB


Raising the ‘steaks’ for over 35 years!


*New Location* Maple Hill Auctions – Hanover, ON

First Line Arrow 1C  FLA 1C

Saturday, March 28th, 2020 4:00 p.m.


Visitors always welcome!

AgSight (BIO) tested bulls on offer including Angus, Limousin, Simmental & more For more information, please contact: Brian Whitwell 905.768.5148 or Dave Milliner 519.923.9188

560 1st Line, Hagersville, ON Will Stoneman 587.873.7257 Brian Whitwell 905.768.5148



CCA UPDATE National News Submitted by CCA www.cattle.ca

CCA Applauds Progress on CUSMA and Encourages Ratification The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) has long been an advocate for free trade, open markets and the Canada-United StatesMexico Agreement (CUSMA). The CCA congratulates the governments of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. on reaching an agreement on CUSMA and encourages swift ratification. Under CUSMA and its predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the beef industries of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico enjoy reciprocal duty-free trade. The preservation of this trade access was a high priority for the CCA in the renegotiation process. The experience of the North American beef cattle industry under NAFTA is a testament to the value of trade agreements. Access to global markets, including the North American market, means that

“CUSMA will allow beef producers across all three of our countries to continue to grow and prosper,” says CCA President David HaywoodFarmer. “Being able to sell our products into the markets most willing to pay for them is imperative to the economic health of Canadian, American and Mexican farmers and ranchers alike.” Cattle producers across all three nations have worked to ensure the value of trade was understood by elected officials during the renegotiation process. The Canada – U.S. beef trading relationship is the largest in the world and trade has significant benefits for both countries. The CCA will continue to encourage the Government of Canada towards swift ratification and regulatory cooperation across borders, which will further enhance the value of trade and strength of the North American market.

on average each animal is worth over $600 CDN more compared to domestic market sales alone.

Canadian Angus Bulls The Genetic Advantage Canadian Angus cattle present a balanced genetic profile in terms of calving ease, growth, and quality carcass merit. They are versatile animals that work well in both purebred and crossbreeding programs. Angus steers earn top prices and achieve consistent, high performance in the feedlot. Angus bulls can be used in crossbreeding programs to contribute low birth weights, valuable maternal traits and moderate frame size to replacement heifers. Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed and RFID Indicator programs offer quality assurances and endorsements for Canadian Angus genetics. Contact the Ontario Angus Association, your source for local Angus bulls bulls and information on Canadian Angus programs: www.ontarioangus.com


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BCRC 2019 Highlights and Deliverables

nomenclature for meat derived from animal-based proteins. Canada has its own regulatory requirements in this area, which should be

The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is Canada’s industry-led

respected. The use of health and environmental claims related to

funding agency for beef, cattle and forage research.

these products is also an area requiring enforcement. CCA has put

The BCRC mandate is to determine and communicate the Canadian

together a document explaining how to file a food product complaint

beef cattle industry’s research and development priorities, and

with the Government of Canada regarding misleading labels. For more

administer the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off funds that have been

information visit cattle.ca.

assigned by producers to research. The BCRC invites and funds projects and initiatives that have the

Canada-South Korea Trade Agreement Anniversary

greatest potential to benefit the sustainability and competitiveness of Canada’s beef industry. The BCRC is led by a committee of beef

January 2020 marks the five-year anniversary of the Canada-

producers who proportionally represent each province’s research

Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) and the sixth of 15 annual tariff

allocation of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off..

reductions. Prior to the entry into force of the CKFTA, Korean duties

Changes were made in 2018 when the BCRC transitioned funding and program administration. An increase in the Canadian Beef Cattle

on Canadian exports of fresh, chilled and frozen beef cuts were 40 per

Check-Off from $1 to $2.50 per head in most provinces and revised

cent. For 2020, the beef tariff for Canada is down to 24 per cent and

allocations to research has grown the BCRC’s research budget from

will be eliminated by 2029. For beef offal, tariffs of 18 per cent will

approximately 15 cents to approximately 75 cents per head, allowing

be eliminated by 2026 and are reduced to 8.2 per cent for Canada in

for continued advancements and expanded programming in 2019.

2020. All beef and offal must be from animals under 30 months of age. Beef exports from Canada to South Korea increased to $38 million

How To File a Food Labelling Product Complaint

(year to date November 2019), which was a 75 per cent increase over 2014. OB

The effort to stop food producers and marketers from labelling vegetarian-based alternative protein food products as meat in Canada is part of an international movement towards achieving a common



Saturday, March 28, Cobden, Ontario Featuring sons of our herdsires, Sparrows Chicago 724E and Cornerview Express 2E, and industry-leading AI sires. Sale catalogue is available on cornerviewcharolais.com and charolaisbanner.com. Follow us on Facebook. Contact Brian Coughlin, 613-312-0270, or Brett Coughlin, 613-312-1378.




FARM & FOOD CARE ONTARIO 2019 Year in Review

By Madeline Rodrigue, Farm & Food Care Ontario Communications Manager

Organization & Training Charitable Status Farm & Food Care Ontario (FFCO) became a registered Canadian charity in 2019. Charitable status will enable FFCO to recognize philanthropic support with charitable tax receipts and qualify as a potential applicant to more funding agencies. Training and Workshops In 2019, FFCO offered more than 60 speaker services, training and workshops to member groups, farmers, students, commodity organizations, agribusinesses and agricultural organizations throughout the province. Several of these presentations and workshops were tailored specifically for beef farmer groups including two conducted in partnership with BFO on how to protect farms against threats by special interest groups. Participants learn how to effectively engage with the public about food and farming, prepare for complicated conversations at community events or on their own farms and speak with the media about issues affecting their industry.

Communications & Outreach Union Station For a second year, FFCO brought dozens of farmers to Toronto’s Union Station in celebration of Ontario Agriculture Week in October. Volunteers and farmers, including several beef farmers and BFO staff, greeted commuters, answered their questions and thanked them for supporting Ontario’s farm families. Before the Plate Screening In April, FFCO welcomed more than 150 guests including food influencers, bloggers, writers, chefs and registered dietitians to Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto for a screening of Before the Plate. The film follows the ingredients used at one of Toronto’s most prestigious restaurants all the way back to the farm and processing operations where they are grown and produced. A reception followed, where guests were joined by dozens of Ontario farmers, including several of the farmers in the film. Feeding a Sustainable Toronto In November, beef farmers joined more than 100 Toronto area food influencers for an event entitled “Feeding a Sustainable Toronto” at the Royal Ontario Museum. FFCO kicked off the event with a screening of the newly released short documentary Guardians of the Grasslands and two Ontario videos showcasing recent winners of The Environmental Stewardship Award. The screening was followed by a panel discussion with five experts including beef farmer Cory Van Groningen. Farmer Paul Brown of Kawartha Lakes was one of the two MCs for the evening. Faces Behind Food 2019 saw the launch of Faces Behind Food, a social media campaign that shares the photos and stories of the farmers, researchers and other professionals behind the food that we love. With the vast majority of the population well removed from farming and food production, Faces 38

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Behind Food shows Ontario consumers the passion that goes into the local foods that they’re buying, one person at a time. These profiles, including numerous beef farmers, can be found on Instagram, Facebook and www.FarmFoodCareON.org. Farm Environmental and Farm Animal Care Councils In 2019, three Farm Animal Care and Farm Environment Advisory Council meetings were held for FFCO’s Platinum, Gold and Silver level voting members. These meetings provide an open forum for input, ideas, dialogue and proactive thinking on farm animal welfare and on-farm environmental issues and help shape issue-specific work that FFCO is doing in those areas. Abdication of the OSPCA, trade issues and growing concerns about farm trespassing were among the topics discussed. Since 2017, the Farm Animal Care council has been chaired by BFO’s Dave Cavanagh.

Animal Care Initiatives Livestock Emergency and Farm Fire Awareness In 2019, FFCO continued to focus on farm fire awareness and prevention. FFCO exhibited at industry events, delivered keynote presentations on the topic and produced articles for the farm press. Additionally, an Ontario-specific course was developed for first responders to better prepare them for responding to unique challenges of livestock truck rollovers. More than 100 firefighters and first responders were trained throughout five one-day courses held across the province. FFCO continues to offer a FLIR (heat sensing) equipment lending program, where farmers can use the module to check for potential fire risks like heat corrosion in receptacles, plugs and panels in livestock barns. FLIR modules can be borrowed from the FFCO office. Farm Animal Care Helpline FFCO received 11 calls to the Farm Animal Care Helpline in 2019. This confidential service allows concerned farmers and community members to report situations where they feel another farmer could use help, resources or advice in better caring for their animals. FFCO works with farmers, experienced staff and commodity groups like BFO to investigate reports and resolve these situations accordingly.

Environment Initiatives Timing Matters and Peer to Peer The Timing Matters Working Group is a FFCO-led coalition of farm organizations including BFO, which strives to promote sound manure management practices. In 2019, a focus group of farmers, custom manure applicators, nutrient consultants and equipment manufacturers was conducted to better understand attitudes towards manure application and to identify a communications strategy going forward. The Peer to Peer Network is a subgroup focused on raising awareness about the potential for run-off when nutrient application is made to frozen fields. Peer to Peer continues to consult farmers on best practices, dispel myths and identify practical alternatives to spreading manure on frozen or snow-covered.



Contact an

ONTARIO CHAROLAIS BREEDER to add an Ontario Charolais Bull to your herd bull battery.

For a full list of Ontario Charolais Breeders with Bulls For Sale, please visit our website. “Being a commercial cow calf producer, I use a CHAR bull because I have a lot of coloured cows--Reds, Tans. When you throw a CHAR bull with them, you get those easy-keeping, buff coloured calves. The ones that top sales all across Canada and out- perform others in the feedlot. I like the versatility of a CHAROLAIS bull. I like the stretch they put in my calves. I like the temperament of the breed and I love filling the sale ring with quality calves for the next beef producer.” Brad DeNure, Hoards Station, ON

Check out www.ontariocharolais.com OR contact our secretary Doris Aitken at 519–323–2538

“We have approximately 150 cows and 5 CHAROLAIS bulls. Calving ease is very important to us, and our CHAROLAIS makes it happen on our herd. We consistently see a premium on our CHAR X calves when we market them at Cookstown. Why would you not want to be at the top of a sale every time with CHAROLAIS influence?” Kim Weedmark, Merrickville, ON

Please join us at the Annual General Meeting, Ontario Charolais Association Holiday Inn, Peterborough • March 7th Meeting at 2:00pm • Happy Hour at 5:00pm • Dinner and Auction at 6:00pm More Meeting information at: www.ontariocharolais.com



CCIA Tag Reminder Angela Rouillard, BFO Senior Policy Advisor


raceability of livestock is an essential component of the Canadian livestock industry and is regulated and enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). All cattle must be identified with a Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) approved tag before they leave their place of custody (i.e. farm, pasture, etc.). Approved tags are associated with a specific CCIA account and these tags must be applied to animals at that particular site only. This means producers cannot sell or give their approved tags to another operation without notifying CCIA. The identification numbers printed on approved tags are unique and correspond to a particular species. All CCIA approved tags in Canada begin with the number sequence ‘124’. This ensures they are read properly by radio frequency identification (RFID) readers, and include a three-quarter maple leaf symbol. As part of the agreement between the CCIA and tag retailers, approved tags are not be available for purchase off the shelf to ensure that distribution of approved tags is controlled and that they are issued to the correct account. Approved tags may also be purchased

directly through CCIA and their online store tags.canadaid.ca, or by phone at 1.877.909.2333. It is prohibited to send, transport or receive animals that do not have an approved CCIA tag. Not all RFID tags are the same. Unapproved tags will not meet the regulatory requirements set by the CFIA, and will create problems for all other members throughout the Canadian beef production chain. Violations can result in four enforcement actions under the program – seizure and detention (in the event of falsified tags), letter of non-compliance, notice of violation (with or without an administrative monetary penalty) and prosecution. OB

EASTERN SELECT Bull and Female Sale Saturday, April 11th at 1:00pm Hoard’s Station Sale Barn • R R # 5, Campbellford, Ontario

• Charolais Bulls • Red Angus Bulls 4-H Prospects • Cow/Calf Pairs View catalogue online at: www.indianrivercattlecompany.com TRIPLE K CHAROLAIS

Brian & Trina Kelly Napanee, ON triplekcharolais@gmail.com • 613-378-2533


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MACK’S CHAROLAIS AND RED ANGUS Wayne and Jacqui Mack Campbellford, ON mack.wj@nexicom.net • 705-768-0057



MARKET INFORMATION UPDATE By Jamie Gamble, BFO Market Information Coordinator markets@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com


n 2019, the fed steer railgrade price traded narrowly throughout the year, with the spring high occurring in April at $257.83 dressed on average on a monthly basis, while the fall low was reported at $234.38 in October. This is a 9.1% decline from the spring high to the fall low which is in line with 2018, that saw a 9.4% decline, while 2017 was larger with a seasonal decline of 28.5%. From October 2019 onward, the market struggled and was unable to see a seasonal increase into late fall as processing capacity declined by about 1,600 head per week with the suspension and then closure of RydingRegency Meat Packers Ltd. Ontario processers increased production to try to pick up some of the slack, however it kept a lid on the prices in Ontario with very little change from October to December on a monthly basis. Overall, the Ontario railgrade annual steer price in 2019 was at $245.59 compared to $245.48 for 2018 and $6-$7 cwt below the 2016 and 2017 annual average price on a dressed basis. As of early January we are seeing improvement in the dressed prices, but cattle feeders are still struggling. The Canadian boxed beef prices this year are up from last year and the strongest annual average price for both AAA and AA since 2015. The boxed beef started the year off strong and for most of 2019 prices were above 2017 and 2018 and the five-year average, with the exception of the summer months where 2019 was well below very strong pricing in 2017. A good demand for beef the last quarter of 2019 was supportive to boxed beef prices and packer margins, providing incentive to increase production when capacity declined. As of November 30, 2019, processing volumes in Ontario at federal and provincially licenced plants were down from 2018 for steers, steady on heifers and lower on cows. At time of writing, the December values were not available. 2019 was on track to be steady to slightly stronger than 2018 volumes. As of November 30, 2019, volumes processed are down around 20,000 from 2018 for cows, steers and heifers, with volumes down just 1,000 from 2017 and higher than all

The information provided on this graph is based on weighted averages for actual data collected. Input costs are a guideline only and will vary from producer to producer. BFO does not take any responsibility and accepts no legal liability arising from or connected to damages or losses experienced by producers when using this information. This is to be used at your own risk.


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years from 2009 to 2016 inclusive. As the graphs indicate, despite the loss of one processor at the end of September, October 2019 volumes were better than 2017 but the November volumes in 2019 were the lowest in the last three years and the five-year average. Exports of cattle through Ontario ports to the U.S. as of November 30, 2019 have been lower than the last two years for both fed steers and cows but up slightly for heifers. Cow export numbers as of November 30, 2019 are down 2,262 head from 2018, but 2,273 more than the same time in 2017. Fed steer export volumes are down 179 from 2018 and 3,719 less than in 2017. Fed heifers totalled 27,951 head as of November 30, 2019, up 6,190 from 2018 and 9,629 more than the same time in 2017. A great number of the fed cattle exported to the U.S. for processing were reported to be dairy and dairy cross. It is only very recently that one U.S. packer was purchasing Ontario fed cattle. Cull cow volumes sold through auction markets in Ontario continued to increase again in 2019 with the annual total at 124,599 head, up 6.3% from 2018, up 20.7% from 2017 and the largest annual volume since 2014. Cull cow prices started out the year well below 2018, 2017 and the five-year average, but by May prices were stronger than 2018. The cull cow market followed the trend of the five-year average and 2017 fairly closely but at lower prices. Stocker and feeder cattle volumes sold through Ontario auction markets in 2019 totaled 258,755 head, which is the highest annual level seen since 2014. Annual average prices for steers saw each weight category down by $2-$6 cwt from 2018, but steady to $5 below the annual average price in 2016 and 2017. Heifers declined more than the steers this year with annual average prices below 2018 in all categories by anywhere from $4-$12 cwt. Compared to 2016 and 2017, prices dropped by $8-$24 cwt with the lighter weight categories experiencing the largest price declines. OB Continued on page 44.

Record Keeping Made Simple Anytime. Anywhere. You take pride in your herd....why should your records be any different? Become more efficient, productive and profitable with Go360bioTrack. The easy-to-use, mobile, secure, and customizable herd management software trusted by producers across North America.

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CHECK-OFF DEDUCTION REMITTANCE FORM Every cattle seller (including sales by private treaty) is required under Regulation 54 of the Beef Cattle Marketing Act (BCMA) to pay a $4.50 per head Ontario license fee and a $1.00 per head national levy, for a total of a $5.50 per head check-off. Breeding stock, cull dairy cows, and beef calves are included. Exemptions exist only for cattle sold for the production of milk and veal. Fees are payable by the 15th of the month following deduction. Please note: Licenced Livestock Dealers who sell cattle within seven business days of having purchased them may apply for a rebate with proper documentation. Firm or Individual Producer Reporting

Forward cheque payable to the Beef Farmers of Ontario with this report. Please retain one copy for your files.

HST Registration No: Period Covered by this Report: a) Number of Head Sold:



Breeding Stock Females:


Breeding Stock Bulls:


I declare that this information represents a true and accurate statement of check-off deductions required to be made under Regulation 54 of the BCMA and the Canadian Beef Cattle Research Market Development and Promotion Agency.

b) Total BFO Check-off ($5.50xa)


c) HST on BFO Check-off (bx13%)


d) Total Amount Owing (b+c)

Print Name: Address:

Mail to: Beef Farmers of Ontario 130 Malcolm Road Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B1

HST# R107797128



Continued from page 42. – Market



O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Continued on page 46.



Continued from page 45. – Market



United States


Jan. 1 - Nov. 30

Jan. 1 - Nov. 30


294,608 tonnes

15,347 tonnes



Jan. 1 - Nov. 30

Jan. 1 - Nov. 30

45,724 tonnes

11,475 tonnes



Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019 Last Year Same Time

% Change


1,052,697 tonnes

984,014 tonnes



174,237 tonnes

174,481 tonnes



Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019

Last Year Same Time % Change


107,937 tonnes

120,395 tonnes


35,476 tonnes

50,216 tonnes


EU-28 (beef/veal total) 6,178 tonnes

2,214 tonnes


182,344 tonnes



157,659 tonnes





Jan. 1 - Nov. 30

Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019

% Change

Slaughter steers & heifers 481,037




Non-Purebred 202,385 Feeder steers & heifers





Cows & bulls


Week ending Dec. 28, ‘19 Week ending Dec. 21, ‘19 Year to Date

Total to US.




Steers, Heifers, Cows 2,225






O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0





Make LIMOUSIN your sire choice for:

Calving Ease, New Calf Vigor, Birth-to-Weaning Gain, Lean Meat Yield and Efficiency

Ontario Limousin Association and Ontario Junior Limousin Association Annual Meetings FEBRUARY 22, 2020 • 10:00 AM • NOTTAWASAGA INN, Alliston RSVP-– Nancy at lakesidelimo@hotmail.com

Please contact the Breeders listed for your Limousin Bulls and Females. 3 RIDGE FARMS Jon Bell 217294 Conc. 3 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5 519-378-4006 roundbale14@hotmail.com ALBERTVIEW LIMOUSIN FARMS Jim and Karen Roffey and Family Walter Stothers 5735 Doane Rd., Mount Albert, Ont. L0G 1M0 Contact Jim Roffey: 905-473-2713 BEE ZEE ACRES Mary Anne & Bill Zwambag RR #4, Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 519-287-3219 CLARK CATTLE CO. David Clark 2280 McCullough Rd. Port Hope, ON L1A 3V7 905-786-2304 clarkcattle1@hotmail.ca

KOYLE FARMS LIMOUSIN Dwight & Catherine Koyle 33429 6th Line, RR#3 Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0 519-764-2697 • cdkoyle@gtn.net AFTER HOURS LIMOUSINS Rob & Erin Weppler 117078 Grey Rd. 3 , Tara, ON 519-375-6108 Rob@gbtel.ca LAKESIDE FARM Wayne and Nancy Lawrence 263657 Southgate Rd. 26 RR#4 Durham, ON N0G 1R0 519-369-2806 POSTHAVEN LIMOUSIN John and Ena Post #7396 Sideroad #20, RR #2, Alma, Ontario N0B 1A0 519-846-9320 ejpost@posthavenlimousin.com

DARLING FARMS 4172 County Rd 25 Castleton, ON K0K 1M0 905-375-4019 dmdarling13@gmail.com GIBSON FARMS Dave and Emily Gibson 2148 Concession 4, RR1, Ripley Ontario N0G2R0 Dave-519-357-6174 Emily 519-440-9907 HAYSTACK ACRES John & Michelle McLean 3114 Walker Road, RR#2 Harrow, ON N0R 1G0 519-738-0453 haystacklimousin@yahoo.ca HILLSIDE FARMS Ray and Stacie Stanton 4250 King Road, King City, ON, L7B 1K4 416-505-0707 rays@londonproperty.ca

Ontario Limousin Association

Mike Geddes, President • Phone: 519-502-8864

RAIL LINE FARMS Paul and Brad MacIntyre 221 Bruce County Rd. 1 RR #3, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 519-528-2423 pcmacintyre@hurontel.on.ca NEW LIFE LIMOUSIN 261269 Conc. 18 Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 519-270-5415 New.life.limousin@gmail.com SMART LIMOUSIN Garry and Sheila Smart 137606 Grey Road 12 RR#2, Meaford, ON N4L 1W6 519-538-4877 www.smartlimousin.com WINDY GABLES LIMOUSIN Bryce & Nathan Allen RR #4, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 705-924-2583

Check out our Website for LimoNews: www.ontariolimousin.com ON TAR IO BEEF • FEBR U A RY 2020



Ontario Beef Industry Events February 22 - Annual Meeting, Ontario Limousin Association, Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston

March 7 - Annual Meeting, Ontario Charolais Association, Holiday Inn, Peterborough

March 4-5 - East Central Ontario Farm Show, Lindsay

March 14 - BlackburnWhitewater-Kirlene 9th Annual Charolais Bull Sale, Cobden

March 6 - M&L Cattle Company Bull Sale, Indian River March 6 - Oattes Cattle Charolais and Simmental Bull Sale, Cobden March 7 - Hollee Limousin Final Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Janetville March 7 - Annual Meeting, Ontario Simmental Association, Holiday Inn, Peterborough

March 17-19 - Ottawa Valley Farm Show, Ottawa March 21 - Rollin AcresWhiskey Hollow, 10th Annual Charolais Bull, Hanover

March 28 - High Point Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, Stayner

April 4 - Starting Lineup Purebred Limousin Bull and Heifer Sale, Keady

March 28 - The PIC Bull Sale, Hanover

April 11 - River Point Cattle Co and Guests Bull Sale, Glencoe

March 28 - Cornerview Charolais 5th Annual Bull and Heifer Sale, Cobden April 3-4 - Annual Meeting, Ontario Hereford Association, Holiday Inn, Peterborough April 4 - Source For Quality Simmental, Hereford, Black Baldies, Simm/Angus Bull Sale, Indian River

March 21 - Walnut Drive Hereford Farms and Vancise Cattle Company Red Angus Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Stayner

April 4 - Smart Limousin Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Meaford April 4 - 15th Annual Saunders Charolais Bull Sale, Keady

March 21 - Fully Loaded Limousin Bull Sale, Cookstown

April 11 - Eastern Select Charolais and Red Angus Bull and Female Sale, Campbellford April 18 - Annual Meeting, Ontario Shorthorn Association, Best Western Plus, Peterborough April 18 - Cedardale Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, Nestleton May 8 - Annual Bred Heifer Sale for Preston and Terry Cull and Family, Douglas May 8 - Spring Whiteface Classic Sale, Lindsay



BAR 5 STOCK FARMS Ron Sr. & Carla Nolan (905) 330-5299

Seeking Ontario Beef! Fats & stockers for premium beef programs throughout Ontario!

Brad Curran


519 357 7600


Greg Nolan (416) 616-8834



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OFFICE: (519) 986-1330

P 905.670.3450 |

Mitch & Brooke Whitton (647) 297-1517

OFFICE: (905) 670-3450


ArtisanFarms.ca | Info@ArtisanFarms.ca

Bar 5 Stock Farms Ron Sr. & Carla Nolan Mobile: (905) 330-5299 Office: (519) 986-1330

Advertise in

BEEF BUSINESS LEADERS Very reasonable rates! Deadline for May 2020 issue is April 15. Call 519-763-8833 for information


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0


Since 1973


636077 Euphrasia-Holland Townline RR #3 Markdale, ON, N0C 1H0

Quality Proven Fleckvieh Simmental Breeding Stock

Bulls and Heifers FOR SALE. DNA verified for carcass and feed efficiency.

Very reasonable rates! Deadline for May 2020 issue is April 15.

Call 519-763-8833 for information R.R #5 HOARDS STATION Campbellford, Ontario SALE BARN Dave DeNure 705-653-3660 • Auction Sale Since 1949 • Sale Every Tuesday 12 p.m. • Three Rings – Beef, Dairy, Pigs • Quinte Cattlemen’s Stocker Sales • Spring and Fall Member of O.L.A.M.A

HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT ONTARIO Whole Farm Planning Courses Healthy Land...Healthy Profits Tony & Fran McQuail, Cert. Educators 519-528-2493 www.meetingplaceorganicfarm.ca/holistic

Semen Available! Bob Wilson 519-855-4990 bob@leachman.com

Ross & Betty Small & Family R.R.#3 Harriston ON N0G 1Z0

Tel: 519-338-2077 • 1-800-461-3504 • Email: doraleegenetics1@sonicwaves.ca See our new website: www.doraleegenetics.com

Leachman Cattle Co. in Canada

Changes to OBCFPP Licenced Dealers List Now Licenced Country Dealer Omer Poirier Livestock Inc. Alexandria, Ont. Titan Livestock Inc. Edmonton, Alta.

No longer Licenced


The entire OBCFPP list can be found on the OMAFRA website at http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/ food/inspection/fpu/fpu_lists.htm Or For more information: Toll Free: 1-888-466-2372 ext. 64230 Local: (519) 826-4230 E-mail: foodinspection@ontario.ca OB

Abattoir Gord’s Abattoir Ltd. Leamington, Ont.

Maple Haven

Quality Belgian Blue Cattle

Bred for Calving Ease BREEDER BULLS FOR SALE

Sharon & Joe Daniel Tina & Ben Daniel

Tel: 519-423-6722 • Cell: 519-421-4393 • RR#5 Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J8

The Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of producers’ personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Subscribers to Ontario Beef magazine, the official publication of the Beef Farmers of Ontario, do so on a voluntary basis. By subscribing, subscribers are consenting to have their contact information used for the purposes of receiving the magazine and developing an BFO mailing list. This mailing list will be used for the distribution of the BFO magazine. The BFO will not sell, trade or otherwise share its Ontario Beef mailing list under any circumstances. A service may be provided whereby items are submitted to the BFO and mailed internally with the magazine but all materials must be approved by and acceptable to the BFO. In rare instances where external, non-commercial organizations, like the provincial or federal government, wish to use the Ontario Beef mailing list to distribute information, the government must provide their mailing materials in a finished format to BFO and/or its mailing house. BFO will then coordinate the mailing, at the requesting organization’s cost, thus maintaining confidentiality of the list. In cases where the BFO may commission a mailing, the company providing the service is required to sign a mandatory confidentiality agreement. Subscribers to the Ontario Beef mailing list who wish to have their names removed, should call 519-824-0334 or email bethany@ontariobeef.com. Please allow 15 business days to allow us to update our records accordingly. BFO’s complete privacy statement, covering areas of information including the electronic update system, Website, membership list and market information can be viewed on its Website at http://www.ontariobeef.com/privacy.asp

BEEF BUSINESS LEADERS Very reasonable rates! Deadline for May 2020 issue is April 15. Call 519-763-8833 for information

M ille r Land & L ive st ock

“Industry Accepted since 1978”

137606 Grey Rd. 12, RR # 2, Meaford, Ontario N4L 1W6 Phone: 519-538-4877 Cell: 519-372-7459 smartlimo@bmts.com www.smartlimousin.com

Breeding Stock Available at All Times.

Sunny Meadows Charolais

Selling progressive quality genetics since 1975 ~ polled with French influence. Tel: 705-887-5142 Fax: 705-887-2341

Andy Millar

109 Bulmer’s Rd. R.R.#2 Fenelon Falls ON K0M 1N0

SUNRISE ANGUS (since 1995)

We source Canadian genetics to produce quality breeding stock.

Charolais Bulls, Hay, Straw, Feedlot George & Dianne, Dwayne, Ashley and Cowal Miller

Joel & Irene Thomas 477285 3rd Line Melancthon ON L9V 1T5 Phone: 519 925 5661• Cell: 519 940 1258 Email: sunriseangus@xplornet.ca

RR 1, Jarvis, ON N0A 1J0

Ph (519) 587-2755

Garry & Sheila Smart

Advertise in

Cell (519) 429-5902

Commercial Angus Purebred Red Angus Purebred Black Angus Purebred Hereford

The Seed Family- Greg: 705-648-4274

Greg Wilson 519-590-2348 • Dennis Robinson 519-892-3316

seesonranch@outlook.com 845040 Morrow Rd, New Liskeard Ontario, P0J 1P0

Silver Springs Farms James & Joan McKinlay R.R. 1, Ravenna, Ontario N0H 2E0 Tel: 519-599-6236 jmckinlay@bmts.com

Breeders of Quality Cattle Simmental • Red Angus • F1 Crosses

P: 519-760-0892 E: uspecs@roievents.ca FB: UNDERHILL SPECS

Performance live/frozen genetics available!

Wright’s R.R#1, #402144 Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 Tel: 519-369-3658

Carl Wright Cell: 519-369-7489 Ben Wright Cell: 519-374-3335 Laurie Wright Ofc: 519-369-3658



WELLNESS ON THE FARM By Jessica Schill RN MPH, BFO Policy Advisor jessica@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

Realizing and Reacting to Stress Y

ou and I both know farming is tough. You work 365 days a year to put food on not only your family’s table, but other people’s tables as well. You are thrown some of the largest occupational challenges over which you have no control, like weather and market prices. You worry constantly about yourself and your family, as well as the health of your herd, the growth of your crops and the viability of the industry. You are required to maintain some of the highest standards in the world and we know how much that can take a toll on your physiological and psychological health.

2. U se positive self-talk. Failure happens and we can all be hard on ourselves, experiencing feelings of guilt and blame. Positive selftalk can restructure negative thoughts. Try telling yourself “I did the best I could,” “this was a learning experience,” “things take time” or “someday we will laugh about this.”

Are You Stressed?

4. E ngage in physical activity. Participating in physical activity releases endorphins in the brain, which have analgesic properties, ultimately giving you a “feel good” sensation. Squeezing in 30 minutes of physical activity per day can help you sleep better and fight off infections. Physical activity can also be a diversion from your stressful thoughts, especially if you are concentrating on a game or challenge, and are having fun.

To manage your stress, it’s best to understand your signs and symptoms. The aches and pains you are feeling, both mentally and physically, are often warning signs your body might be under a great deal of stress. Although you may not think you are necessarily stressed, your body and behaviour could be telling you otherwise. Stress has more than 50 different signs and symptoms, and can manifest very differently for every individual.

3. M aintain a positive attitude. Life on the farm can be extremely difficult at times. Try being optimistic about the situation that lies ahead and in your interactions with others. Maintaining a positive attitude will help you stay hopeful in the most trying of times.

5. G et a quality night’s sleep. It feels like there is never enough time in the day to get the work done, let alone making time for a good night’s sleep. Getting seven to nine hours of sleep at night helps the body ward off the negative effects of stress and gives your body a chance to rest from all of the stressors of the day and recharge. 6. T ake small breaks. Find a little time to relax during the day by taking small breaks. Relaxation techniques can include deep breathing, meditating, stretching, praying, etc. Relaxation can also be achieved by taking a walk, reading your favourite book or magazine, listening to music or going for a drive.

Can you relate to any of these common signs and symptoms? If so, it’s okay. You are not alone.

How to Manage Stress Stress is manageable. Having a set of coping mechanisms in your back pocket is the key. A “set” is important because coping mechanisms can complement each another to improve your mood and minimize your stress. The following coping mechanisms may be helpful to manage stress in your everyday life: 1. Keep things in perspective. Many stressors on-farm can occur suddenly, without warning. Has this situation happened before? If so, what was the outcome? It is important to reflect and ask yourself, “are my current fears realistic?” Or, “In a year from now, how important will this situation be?”


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

7. T alk to someone. Our ability to cope with stress is dependant on our social support networks. Reach out to a family member or friend when you are distressed to express your feelings. They may have experienced similar situations and can BFO is working to continue the empathize and provide discussion about managing stress support. It’s okay to reach and its effects and has compiled a out to a professional too. list of resources. These resources Professionals are qualified to provide advice and aim to build resiliency skills, support in confidence, improve stress management and can help find ways to strategies, start the mental health manage your stress. conversation and locate necessary 8. Laugh. Laughing also services. You can find the releases endorphins, helping resource list on the Wellness on you feel good, and relaxes the Farm page of BFO’s website. 17 muscles in your face. If you or someone you know Joke around with a family member or friend, watch a might be in urgent distress, funny video, or read a funny please dial 9-1-1 or visit your newspaper cartoon to enjoy local emergency department. a moment of laughter. OB







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