Fat To Fitness

Page 26

Nutrient Supplementing

Who, here, hasn’t wished for all the excess weight to just disappear by popping a little magic pill? We know we have. However, despite the countless supplements and weight-loss pills so extravagantly advertised everywhich-where you turn, the fact of the matter remains that there isn’t one simple solution in the form of a colorful capsule that can give you your desired body in just a few weeks – we know because exactly like you, I was and know countless people in the same boat just desperate for a quick-fix solution that would help me get rid of all the excess physical baggage I carried. Weight-loss solutions, diet supplements and pills will claim all sorts of things and make promises they will never be able to keep. No matter how frustrated you are with your progress, it is important to realize that honestly, there is no quick fix to the healthier version of you and absolutely no diet supplement that will give you any form of benefit. We’ve heard of and seen people try so many of these over-the-counter magic weight loss pills that promise the user a magnificent body in a matter of days – and we’ve also seen the horrid side effects of such pills first hand. Now while there may not be any magical supplement which would help you shed weight, there is an abundance of naturally available nutrients, which, in combination with a proper diet, and exercise plan, can help accelerate the weight-loss process.

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