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colic & chiro: make the connect, get adjusted
fact, one study showed 93% of infants under chiropractic care had a complete resolution of symptoms. Another study reported 94% of parents saw improvement in symptoms within two weeks of beginning chiropractic care. One of the most common reasons people bring their children to see a chiropractor is because their child is suffering from colic.
But why would a small child have a problem with their spine [a subluxation]? Research has shown one of the worst interferences with the nervous system is a vertebral subluxation, or misalignment of the spine, which results in pressure on the nervous system. Subluxations may occur very early in life. One of the most traumatic things to the pediatric spine is the birth process. Especially in a difficult delivery, the trauma to the neck can be particularly dramatic.
Although most of us moms haven’t had the same vantage point for our children’s births as our husbands and others in the delivery room, we can all agree that the birth process can be a traumatic event. The force on an infant’s neck as it is pulled from the birth canal can be 30 pounds of pressure. If forceps or a vacuum are used, that force can be even greater. We have incredibly high rates of interventions in our births today and as a result there is often a lot of force and trauma involved even in a so-called ‘normal birth'. So much so that research says that for 80% of children, the first problem in their spine starts during the birth process. Add to that intrauterine constraints, falls off the bed or couch, falls while learning to walk and even those hugs from over-enthusiastic older brothers and sisters, and it is not hard to see how a small child could end up with a subluxation.
Chiropractic adjustments correct subluxations, thereby ensuring there is no interference to the nervous system. This provides the best chance for your child’s spine to grow and develop in a healthy way. With that being said, chiropractic care is not a cure for colic, nor does a child need to have colic to benefit from care.
In general, all kids [and parents] can benefit from chiropractic care regardless of whether symptoms are present. Although many people think of chiropractic care as a treatment for back pain and headaches, there is much more potential than just pain-based care. By removing interference from the nervous system, the body as a whole functions more optimally. Three results my patients often notice as unexpected benefits of chiropractic care are better sleep, increased energy, and better immune system function.
One final point is that child adjustments are much different than what you may have gotten as an adult or what you’ve heard about from friends who have been adjusted. Since the newborn spine is so flexible and not fully developed, very little pressure is needed to restore proper alignment to the spine. Newborn adjustments are typically performed with a light vibratory pulsing motion using only the doctor’s fingertip. An adjusting tool [Activator] can also be used if parents are more comfortable with that technique.
Children go through many changes as they grow. The nervous system is the first body system to develop and controls all other systems. Therefore, it is very important to have as little interference as possible with the nervous system in the growing child. Because your child’s spine is still in the developing stages, chiropractic care is truly a benefit to them now. Why not have your child’s spine checked today?

Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Above & Beyond Chiropractic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Committed to promoting the health and wellness of all patients, from birth to seniors, Dr. Liz uses a unique approach to health; she looks for any underlying causes that may be disrupting the body and will personally tailor a wellness program specifically targeted to your wellness needs using the least invasive yet highly-effective techniques and services.