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project: you

project: you

protein –Lean meats, chicken, fish, beans and nuts, and fats should be mostly from the healthy monounsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados and nuts. A good guide is to take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. That number is the average number of grams of protein you need in a day. fats –Avoid the unhealthy trans fats completely. sugar–The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar to no more than 100 calories per day [that equals 6 teaspoons of sugar]. Avoid artificial sweeteners, preservatives and fried foods. take supplements: It’s always best to get our nutrients from food, but sometimes it’s hard.

multivitamin –Create a safety net by taking a quality multivitamin. Look for USP label on the bottle to ensure quality.

fish oil –A great way to ensure you’re getting your healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Look for a quality brand that has at least 1000mg of EPA [for your heart] and DHA [for your brain] combined nutrients in each serving. Fish oil can thin the blood a little so if that is an issue be sure to check with your doctor first.

vitamin d –A huge source of vitamin D comes from sunshine and because of where we live we don’t get enough. Take 1000 to 2000IUs of Vitamin D [make sure it’s D3] every day. Ask your doctor for a Vitamin D level to see if you need more. Adequate Vitamin D is necessary for a healthy immune system and has also been shown to protect us against cancer.

calcium –Make sure you’re getting enough calcium from milk and dairy products and if not take 500-1000mg per day in a supplement. Take only 500mg at a time.

emotional self remember the inside: Having pride in yourself and continuing to grow are as important at how far you run or how much you lift when taking care of yourself. passion –Find something that you are passionate about! Something that makes your heart sing... something for YOU! Follow your dreams! joy –Keep joy in your life by surrounding yourself with people you enjoy. Avoid people who “drag you down”. Go to places and do things that make you laugh and feel happy! spirit –Fulfill your spiritual self by seeking meaning and purpose in life. This is a very personal journey that only you can define. limit stress: Throw the word perfect out the window. Striving for perfection will make you crazy! simplify–Your life! Eliminate the unimportant stuff. organize –Use a list technique. When the list gets long, prioritize by doing the most important things first. tasks –It takes less energy to get an unpleasant task done right now than to worry about it all day. support –Have and make use of a strong social support system. When you’re concerned about something, talk it over with someone you trust. Don’t be afraid to seek out professional help if you feel unable to cope. Asking for help is a sign of strength...not weakness. no –Learn to use the word “no” when asked to do something you don’t want to do. Another sign of strength! guilt –Choose to not waste your precious present life on guilt about the past or worry about the future. We all learn a great deal from the mistakes we make in life. Live in the present moment and prepare optimistically for the future. routine –Understand that starting a new routine will take time. Don’t try to change everything at once but instead, decide which area of your life you’d like to focus on first. Be patient with yourself.

We have the most important job in the world...being a mom. Keeping ourselves balanced not only gives us the tools we need to be the best we can be for our kids, but it also teaches our kids that caring for ourselves is important. They learn more from what we do than from what we say. Be a role model of physical, nutritional and emotional health...your children will grow up wanting to be just like you!

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