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wonder the of it all

Within seconds after birth, a healthy, screaming Emme was placed on Anita’s chest—skin-to-skin. “She was alert and looked up at me with wide open eyes. Just amazing!” says Anita. “A couple minutes later she started nursing all on her own.”

The Jalberts from Grandin, N.D., are part of a growing number of families who experience the difference when skin-to-skin contact happens immediately after birth.

Sanford Women’s supports this key step for all healthy births. Research has shown several health benefits to babies, including better:

• Temperature regulation

• Breathing

• Blood pressure

• Regulation of blood sugars

“It was such an unforgettable bonding time for us as a family,” says Anita.

Ease In Breastfeeding

Fran Mosey, certified lactation consultant at Sanford, has seen how immediate skin-to-skin contact contributes to breastfeeding success.

“The babies are awake and aware. This is exactly when they’ll start breastfeeding on their own,” she says. “They naturally latch on to the breast. Studies have shown that when this happens, women are more likely to breastfeed exclusively and for a longer period of time.” you can do this!

Anita, a childcare center director in Fargo, breastfed Tess for a year and hopes to do the same with Emme.

“It’s a huge commitment, but well worth the benefits,” she says.

Sanford Women’s supports breastfeeding through educational classes, one-on-one visits with lactation experts in the hospital and after, and readily available answers to questions.

“Fran was a godsend,” says Anita. “So reassuring and she never made me feel like I asked ridiculous questions.” But perhaps the greatest reassurance? It came from Emme just seconds after birth.

“The skin-to-skin contact really changed my outlook,” says Anita. “Having a new baby is a scary time, even when it’s your second. Will I be good at this? Will I know what to do? It brought such peace to feel Emme and look into her eyes. I realized oh yeah, I can do this.”

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