3 minute read

vacation time for a

story by | deb uglem

My sister asked me to fly to Washington, DC. The plan: move her son out of the dorm and home for summer vacation. I jumped at the chance to get out of town. Two truly cosmopolitan women, picture Carrie Bradshaw and Charlotte York. We may look a little different, have seven kids between us, but we are thriving in the shoe department. Here we come DC and The George Washington University. I didn’t care if the price included hauling futons, microwaves and concert posters through dorm doors and across campus. This was going to be fun.

I had eight weeks before the trip. I immediately sprung into action. I started a diet [I mean life-long change] the next day. I got myself to the gym [semi-regularly] and I was enjoying it. Each day I started feeling stronger and stronger. I evaluated my closet—I had clothes for the “dorm moving”, but what about site seeing, casual lunches and nice dinners? The only possible solution was that it was time to “reinvent” my look. This idea led to clearing my closet, organizing and donating clothes followed quickly by shopping to replace what I was now lacking and definitely needed.

Late night Skyping with my sister on where we would go, how much fun we would have and what boutiques we would visit was making me more and more excited and motivated.

I moved my cleaning to the garage, right on time for cleanup week. But I didn’t stop there. I looked ahead at school schedules to ensure my kid’s events were on calendars and carpools entered in my phone [with reminders]. I went grocery shopping with a purpose. You know the kind where you're actually thinking about the items you place in your cart. No one would starve while I was on this four-day adventure. I found time to browse Barnes & Noble for books and magazines that I would read on the plane and at the hotel. I was beyond efficient. Who is this crazy person I turned into? Which I love! Let’s call her “Vacation Sally”.

I developed a plan to get caught up on laundry. I held a family meeting on the importance of getting cloths to the laundry room in order to actually get them washed [crazy, how this detail has been escaping them for years]. I followed with a class on how to use the washing machine, just in case of emergency. This would ensure that no one would go to school naked when I was gone. Vacation Sally is brilliant! The house was clean. I was feeling great. I had a manicure and pedicure. I was at the top of my game. I love Vacation Sally!

It is funny how my whole life finds order every time I plan a vacation. In the last two months I have been getting things done and finding time for family, friends and myself. I feel energized and happy. Each morning I would start my day with coffee and an agenda. This organization usually continues during my trips. I feel rested, wear chic cloths and apply makeup EVERYDAY. I feel like I am at my best.

Looking back at previous trips and how the last two months of preparation has been makes me think, why doesn’t Vacation Sally come to visit more often. That is when it hit me-you have to live like you’re on vacation or at least on your way to vacation.

Trips or upcoming events give you something to look forward to and a place to put your focus. It is amazing what a positive item in the future will allow you to achieve. So, as your kids are finishing school and have that summer look in their eye, you know the one—join them. Each mom has a Vacation Sally in them. I know because no mom would vacation without her! Let her be your summer friend. Find your rock star, your bookworm, your Carrie Bradshaw or Charlotte York and live it. Go ahead and reinvent yourself or dust your shelf off. It is time to find your inspiration. Find time in your day for browsing bookstores, organizing your closet or enjoying the sunshine. Be the best person you can be. It will change your attitude and your family, friends and co-workers will love it.

The George Washington University adventure changed a week before my sister and I were to hit the capital city. We received the news that my nephew would be attending summer school and no move was needed [YES!]. What should we do with the extra time? Well, the tickets are bought and I know Vacation Sally loves a good DC spa! Enjoy your summer vacation.

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