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Heather Novak RPh, PharmD InHealth Specialty Pharmacy

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what inspired you to go into business for yourself?

North Dakota has a unique law stating that a pharmacist must own 51% of a pharmacy. As the owner and pharmacist-in-charge, I am able to make the decision to focus pharmacy operations on patient care first rather than operational decisions being dictated by headquarters out of state.

what separates InHealth Pharmacy from others and why should people [moms] consider InHealth?

InHealth Specialty Pharmacy is a compounding-only pharmacy. Compounding is preparing a medication or combination of medications into different dosage forms or strengths per the order of a physician. For example, if a child cannot swallow a pill, we could make it into a liquid. Or, if a smaller strength is not available and splitting a tablet into 5 pieces is not practical, we can make the proper strength right from the powdered form of the drug. Having the powdered form of the drug is also beneficial if patients have an allergy to the dyes or fillers used in tablets or capsules. All pharmacists are trained on compounding in school, but not all pharmacies have the specialized equipment necessary to compound much beyond mixing two ointments together. More technical compounds require time to research the chemistry of the drug and ingredients and equip - ment to ensure an even mixture and a pharmaceutically elegant product free of gritty particles. do you think you have had to make any professional sacrifices when you became a mom?

We pride ourselves on bringing back a personal experience to the field of pharmacy. We have created a warm atmosphere for our customers and have a separate room where we counsel every patient filling a new prescription. Then we call all patients within a week of receiving a new prescription to answer any questions they may have and to note how they are responding.

Seeing a need in our community for a location where pregnant women and new mothers can purchase breastpumps and lactation accessories in a welcoming environment from knowledgeable staff, we decided to carry a full line of Medela products and other lactation accessories. We have model pumps that women can look at to see their preference and we offer guaranteed lowest prices so women can keep their business local rather than internet shopping.

Sara [InHealth’s other pharmacist] and I have one-on-one meetings with women to discuss their peri-menopause/menopause symptoms and their hormone levels and consult with their physicians about treatment options, including bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. We are also very accessible to women to follow-up on their symptoms and dosage changes if necessary.

Pharmacy law states that a pharmacist must be present for the pharmacy to be open. That makes leaving work when daycare calls about a sick child difficult. My goal with ownership was to grow the pharmacy to where I can have additional staff present to allow me to have flexibility. By achieving that, I sacrifice being always present and in touch with our patients; fortunately, my incredible staff does a wonderful job of making follow-up phone calls and documenting the progress so that I can keep informed.

is there a local business [or owner] you admire for their service?

We work closely with and admire personally and professionally the lactation departments at Innovis and Meritcare. Breastfeeding can be very intimidating and stressful so having the support of the nurses and other breastfeeding moms at the Tender Transition groups can be the motivation to continue.

away from the daily grind of the business what might we find you doing?

Spending time with my daughter and husband and our two Bernese Mountain dogs. I also enjoy running, hitting the ski slopes and relaxing at the lake.

is there one thing you know now that you wish you had known when you first opened your business?

I was fresh out of pharmacy school [about 7 months] when we purchased the pharmacy. I had to learn the specialty of compounding while still perfecting the skills of being a pharmacist. We speak to the public about our pharmacy and we have close relationships and frequent conversations with the local doctors. So, I wish I had had the confidence then that I do now.

how do you know you were meant to be a business owner?

With my husband already owning a business the question of owning our own pharmacy came often. I always answered “No” without hesitation. But once out working in the field, I realized that I wanted to be able to focus on what I was trained to-do; to care for my patients to the best of my ability. This lead me to slow down and think whether I wanted to continue to work in a high pressure, high volume retail pharmacy or go into business for myself. So, when the opportunity came for us to purchase a specialty practice where I could also use more of my math and science background we went for it. As far as being meant to be a business owner, I am still trying to figure that out! For me, I feel like I am one member of a great staff! what is the one quality you have that makes you a great pharmacist? what is the best advice you have gotten as a mom? do you have any advice for budding mompreneurs? is there anything else we should know about you?

Math has always been a strong suit for me. As a compounding pharmacist I formulate preparations requiring complex calculations. Also, I have always been a talker! So, working where I am legally bound to talk with, “counsel,” each new patient about their condition and treatment is perfect!

Letting her fall asleep on her own [now that she is two and a half years old] even when she tries to guilt us by crying.

I think all working moms have a certain amount of guilt about missing their kids while at work and mompreneurs also feel torn to be at work when we are at home. I guess that isn’t advice just support that you are not alone.

I completed the 2009 Fargo Marathon!

Heather Novak RPh, PharmD

InHealth Specialty Pharmacy

2345 25th St. S., Fargo phone: 701.365.6050 email: heather@inhealthrx.net www.inhealthcompounding.com

1 cup of corn pops

15 carrot chips

1 cheese stick and 4 slices of shaved ham

½ cup of cheddar goldfish crackers

2/3 cups mini flavored marshmallows

3 oz. teriyaki jerky pieces

1 cup fruit loops

½ cup raisins

2 cups healthy choice popcorn

100–Calorie [or less] Smart Snack Packs for the kids who are on the go and the parents who need to know

7 flipside pretzel crackers

1 small orange

13 stauffers animal crackers

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