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mod mom

liz mathison age 41 fargo stay-at home-mom married mom of 2 year old son and 9 and 5 year old daughters my favorite “girls get-together” that keeps me sane… the biggest challenge of being a stay-at-home mom… time with my husband is usually spent… our favorite family activity… my biggest splurge or guilty pleasure… something that gets me through the day... i can’t live without my… one mom tip I would like to share with other moms… the movie I could watch over and over again… Is When Harry Met Sally. To this day, some of my family and friends will call me Sally when we’re at a restaurant because of the way I order my food (everything on the side). I love romantic comedies. one thing I long to do again someday…

A friend of mine hosted a girls weekend at her lake home a couple of summers ago to celebrate the birthdays of myself and another friend. We spent two fun days/nights together (about 15 girls). We talked, laughed, danced, went boating, and had a great time. We did it again this past summer. These times together just made us all closer and allowed everyone to get away from their everyday life and let loose.

I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my kids, but I feel I don’t have the patience I used to have when I was younger. When I was working I didn’t get as much time with my daughter so I had all kinds of patience, but now, being with them all day I find I lose my patience faster.

Together with the kids. It seems the weeks just flow from one to the next with the busyness of our lives and we neglect to spend time with just us. We try to have “date nights” and time out with friends and we usually go on one vacation together every year.

We love spending our weekends at the lake in the summer boating, swimming, fishing and being with our extended families. We also love playing Wii together.

The skin care products I use. With all of the sun damage and being over 40, the investment in good skin care is worth it to me.

I love getting up earlier than everyone else to have my coffee, read the paper and think about the day ahead. If there are hectic mornings when I am not able to do those things I feel a little less ready to face the day.

Family and friends. I am so blessed to have a great husband and three awesome kids and I am close to both my family and my husband’s family. They are a constant source of love and support for me. I am also very lucky to have really great friends. Some of whom I have been friends with since childhood and throughout school, and some I have met through other people. I believe that good friends are essential to a healthy life. They are a safe place to be yourself, to be accepted and loved and I know I could not live without them.

I am usually the one asking other moms for tips and advice! I have a stash of supplies in the middle console of my car that have come in really handy. I usually have a diaper, some wipes, a pair of children’s socks, crackers, gum, some suckers, a couple of crayons and some coins. No one can see my stash, but I know it’s there!

Is to travel to another country. In my late twenties I traveled to Thialand with my sister. The experience of going to a country so far away, learning about a different culture and meeting the people really opened up my mind and my heart. It made me want to travel a lot more…someday!

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