5 minute read
february events
Teen Open Studio
701-232-3821 www.plainsart.org
During the first Sundays of February, March and April kids ages 13 to 18 interested in the arts are encouraged to come hang out with provocative local artists from 2:00pm - 4:30pm and work on their creative skills while learning about everything from painting to tattoo art. Cost: $52 nonmembers / $47 members. Call or register online.
Park Christian School
Kindergarten Round-up
218-236-0500 www.parkchristianschool.org
It’s that time already. From 2:00pm - 3:00pm or 6:00pm - 7:00pm get your little one registered to start school. Call Teresa Nickel to reserve your spot.
Frosty Flicks
701-461-8902 www.marcustheatres.com
Family films at the West Acres 14 Theatre starting at 10:00am. Cost: $2.50 per seat and you get popcorn!
America the Beautiful Documentary
701-234-4111 www.fargotheatre.org
Does America have an unhealthy obsession with beauty? Journey into the psyche of celebrities, citizens, athletes and industry professionals to determine the roots of this superficial obsession. Don’t miss a viewing of the movie and a community Q&A forum at 6:00pm at the Fargo Theater. FREE!
8 Destination Anchor Island
701-241-8160 www.fargoparks.com
Enjoy a Saturday afternoon at the Caribbean with music, water games, treats and prizes. Fargo South indoor pool from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Cost: $2.00.
8 Family Winter-ific Day
701-241-1353 www.fargoparks.com
Events for the entire family including free Clydesdale sleigh rides, crosscountry ski rentals and downhill sledding from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at Edgewood Chalet.
9 Healthy Heart Events
701-281-0126 www.ymcacassclay.org
Stop in for an XerGame and learn about ways to keep your heart healthy during national heart month. Snack and activites for families to participate together. Schlossman Branch from 4:30pm - 7:00pm. FREE.
Fargo Swings
701-306-9681 www.fargoswings.com
Date Night? How about kicking up your heels with your honey? Every Tuesday night at the Avalon from 8:30pm - 9:30pm learn East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Shim Sham and from 9:30pm -10:30pm cut loose with free dance. Cost: Adults $7.00 Students $5.00.
One Hump or Two at the Red River Zoo
701-277-9240 www.redriverzoo.org
Did you know there are two types of camels? Come visit the camels at the Red River Zoo to find out more. Discover why they have humps and why they are so well adapted to North Dakota weather! Starts at 9:30am for kids ages 4-6 years. Cost: $10 for members or $15 for non-members.
Love & Logic Parenting Course
701-293-9622 www.ymcacassclay.org
A common sense approach to teaching parenting skills that cultivate confidence and good decision making in children. Learn more on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at the Downtown YMCA. Childcare available during class if pre-registered. Cost: $25 members $35 non-members.
Healthy Heart Events
701-293-9622 www.ymcacassclay.org
Stop in for an XerGame and learn about ways to keep your heart healthy during national heart month. Snack and activites for families to participate together. Downtown Branch from 4:30pm - 7:00pm. FREE.
Frosty Flicks
701-461-8902 www.marcustheatres.com
Family films at the West Acres 14 Theatre starting at 10:00am. Cost: $2.50 per seat and you get popcorn!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Chocolate, flowers & your sweetie. Good times!
Ronald McDonald Sweetheart Ball
701-232-3980 www.rmhcfargo.org
Annual event that raises funds for the benefit of the Ronald McDonald house and provides a fabulous evening of dinner, dancing, live & silent auctions and lots of fun! For event information call Joyce at RMD house.
16 President’s Day! NO SCHOOL!
Oak Grove Admissions Open House
701-373-7114 www.oakgrovelutheran.com
Oak Grove Lutheran School’s Open Houses are information sessions about Oak Grove. Families learn details about academics, campus ministry, unique programs, student life and extracurricular activities. Participants have an opportunity to meet administrators, teachers and staff, as well as hear current parents and students share their Oak Grove experience. Find out more about Pre-K through Grade 5 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm at 2720 32nd Avenue South in Fargo.
Car Seat Safety Check
701-234-5570 www.fmambulance.com
Are your car seats installed correctly?
Don’t take the chance! Make an appointment between 1:30pm - 5:30pm at FM Ambulance.
One Hump or Two at the Red River Zoo
701-277-9240 www.redriverzoo.org
Did you know there are two types of camels? Come visit the camels at the Red Rive Zoo to find out more. Discover why they have humps and why they are so well adapted to North Dakota weather! Starts at 2:00pm for kids ages 4-6 years. Cost: $10 for members or $15 for non-members.
Love & Logic Parenting Course
701-293-9622 www.ymcacassclay.org
A common sense approach to teach- ing parenting skills that cultivate confidence and good decision making in children. Learn more on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at the Downtown YMCA. Childcare available during class if pre-registered. Cost: $25 members $35 non-members.
Cares for Kids Radiothon
A three-day radiothon, sponsored by Radio Fargo-Moorhead, is broadcast live on FM radio stations Y94 (93.7 FM) and Bob 95 (95.1 FM), and Mojo (104.7 FM). Patients and families share their personal stories about how Children’s Hospital has made a difference in their lives. Saturday’s radiothon will be broadcast live from West Acres Shopping Center in Fargo. Stop by and make a donation.
Home School Open House
701-281-0126 www.ymcacassclay.org
Come participate in a wide variety of activites geared towards youth ages 6-18 years. Wear comfrotable clothes and tennis shoes to the Schlossman Branch from 1:30pm - 3:00pm. FREE.
Awesome Art Afternoon
701-241-8160 www.fargoparks.com
Children ages 4-8 will be able to create a variety of art projects to take home. From 1:00pm - 3:00pm at the Robert D. Johnson Rec Center.
Frosty Flicks
701-461-8902 www.marcustheatres.com
Family films at the West Acres 14 Theatre starting at 10:00am. Cost: $2.50 per seat and you get popcorn!
Teen Pool Party
701-241-8160 www.fargoparks.com
Don’t miss the biggest party of the year! With today’s hottest hits, cool games and free food how can you go wrong? From 6:30pm - 9:00pm at the Fargo South indoor pool.
Clay for Two
701-232-3821 www.plainsart.org
Make a mess with clay as you create art with a loved one or a child.Two adults or one adult plus one child ages 5 - 12 are welcome to explore their creativity from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at the Plains Art
Museum. Cost: $38 for members or $42 for nonmembers (plus $28 supply fee). Call or register online.
Eating Disorders Awareness
701-234-4111 www.meritcare.com
Each year millions of Americans develop serious eating disorders, and one in ten die from complications related to their condition. Contact Jeana at the Eating Disorders Institute to learn more about activities planned in the FM-area to raise awareness of this important issue.
Fargo Public Schools Kindergarden Registration

701-446-1043 www.fargo.k12.nd.us
From 7:30am - 4:00pm at the school you child is to attend, bring your child’s certified birth certifiate, current immunization record and to verify the correct neighborhood school, a current utility bill with your name and address on it. If you do not know which school your child will attend please call.
Car Seat Safety Check
Are your car seats installed correctly?
Don’t take the chance! Make an appointment between 1:30pm - 5:30pm at Luther Family Buick Pontiac GMC.
National Pancake Day at IHOP
701-282-6538 www.meritcare.com
International House of Pancakes across the country, will be offering free short stacks of pancakes in exchange for a donation to the Children’s Miracle Network. All money raised at our local IHOP will go to MeritCare Children’s Hospital.
Park Christian School New Student Visitation Day
218-236-0500 www.parkchristianschool.org
See what Park Christian School has to offer. Please call Teresa Nickel to reserve your spot.
Love & Logic Parenting Course
701-293-9622 www.ymcacassclay.org
A common sense approach to teaching parenting skills that cultivate confidence and good decision making in children. Learn more on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at the Downtown YMCA. Childcare available during class if pre-registered. Cost: $25 members $35 non-members.

Oak Grove Elementry School
Buddy Day
701-373-7114 www.oakgrovelutheran.com

Oak Grove Buddy Days are held during the school year and provide an excel- lent opportunity for students to learn more about Oak Grove. Seeing the campus for yourself – attending classes, experiencing chapel, meeting students and teachers will give you a good idea of what the school has to offer. Call in advance to register.
Youth Ice Fishing Derby
701-241-1353 www.fargoparks.com
Learn about ice fishing and compete in a derby to win prizes. From 12:00pm - 2:30pm at South Woodhaven Pond.
Frosty Flicks
701-461-8902 www.marcustheatres.com
Family films at the West Acres 14 Theatre starting at 10:00am. Cost: $2.50 per seat and you get popcorn!