3 minute read
Ruby Miller
6th Grade • National Teachers Academy
I want you to know that everybody including friends are always family. No matter what, through tough times support them as best you can. My family is my school and my team. I learn from them and they learn from me. They never hurt me and I won’t do it to them. I believe in them to help me through these tough times. Although it may seem like they are far away, I hold them in my heart so they won’t fade away. I love my friends but they aren’t friends, they are my family. We all go together no matter our differences. They are very supportive and love me. No matter where you come from, always trust your family. Objects are nothing compared to them. Objects emit no light nor give you that warm feeling that family does. Family is the one thing you hold in your heart not your hands.
Family is something to never let go Always hold it close to your heart Stand up for your family Visit them often to never get lonely Family will comfort you You will stay strong You will never give up As long as you never let them go
Write them letters to never forget They will help you get through tough times Love them dearly forever and ever Never leave them behind Warm feelings are what you need Family will fulfill those needs Whatever you desire Is nothing compared to family Don’t give them up For they may need you Family is not just blood But who you need They will love you with all their heart Don’t push them away You will love them with all your heart Family is something to never let go
“This is a stay at home order issued for all of Illinois.” Our government said on March 21, 2020. This was the beginning of a new reality. Now there were no more visits to extended family. No more soccer, no more trying new cuisine at restaurants with different backgrounds , and especially no more walks around the neighborhood. We now must communicate through technological methods. The only thing getting me through this is my friends and family. Everything we do has limits. No
contact, no hello’s, and no more school. I thought no school would be great until I couldn’t see my friends in person. The worst thing about this is that I could not go visit my family and give them hugs. My cousin and I have to video chat and then when we have to go we have to do an air hug. This can hurt your heart for you cannot explain how much you love them.
The warm feeling in your heart begins to crumble and you have to cling on to the hope that you will get through this and you must never forget that. Once again, family is there for you and you must remember that. It doesn’t matter what is going on as long as you have hope. Believe in your family, they love you dearly. This global event that is going on shows how it is so easy to become cut off to your family. You may take being with your family for granted but this shows that even something that, that seems like it never changes, can change. Always appreciate what you have and know that as long as that warm feeling lives within you, you will get through anything.
The main thing I choose to remember that I am not alone and no matter what happens I will always love my family. Zoom has been a key to family time with my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. “Hi, how have you been holding up?” One of my Aunts said. My dad and mom responded with “good how about you?” My cousins then joined. My youngest cousin filled my screen and made a funny face which I had not seen in a long time. I really missed my cousins so seeing them again helped me a lot seeing their faces.